Conspiracies from fear, anxiety and fatigue. Wean yourself from laziness. Prayer from constant fatigue

If you are experiencing unless chronic fatigue, you can try to make this conspiracy. With it, you will clean up from all the dark induced on you and you will feel easily and completely stop tired.

However, remember that unfortunate fatigue in some cases may be a symptom of any disease, so I recommend first to take advice from a medical specialist.

If the doctor does not reveal any disease, then you can safely make a plot. Well, if you find out that you are sick, then you need to be treated, well, and in parallel to pass this plot - it will only speed up your recovery.

Conspiracy can be carried out only in summer while mint has green leaves. To hold a conspiracy, you will need seven just torn mint leaves. You can conspire a plot on any day of the week at any phase of the moon.

Conspiracy from strong fatigue

As soon as the sun goes, take the glass, put in it the leaves of mint and pour mint with steep boiling water. After that, seven times say the following words over the glass:

"Charged the mint by the power of heaven, but get rid of me from the Chernihi induced, and from the nominations of human unkinds."

Let the influence stand in six hours and spend three times the following above it:

"As Izus Christ, the light of the light, so I lit with his light, but I was withdrawn from me. I cleaned my soul with mint water, and I will feel brighter again. Amen".

After that, drink the resulting infusion and read the prayer "ours" prayer three times. The next day you will feel differently - no fatigue and fatigue you will remain.

Such conspiracies act literally for several hours. And do not be afraid to make this conspiracy, he is white and roll back after it. ()

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. My soul in the despondency wounds, and faith irrevocably disappears. In sinful bustle, I strive to have time, everyone immediately and forever master. Fatigue and drowsiness overtakes, anxiety evil thoughts generates. I ask you in impotence and crying, get rid of me from the fuss of hot. An alleged prayer, heart calm down, from my misfortunes and sorrows. Yes, there will be the will of yours, and now, and dreaming, and forever. Amen.

I wish good and good luck to everyone!

Sonyashnitsa, Sonyashnitsa, you wander around the white light, drive dance, come to the slave of God (name) to stay. He will treat you a key water to you, and he is on sweetness. Amen.

If you have insomnia, you need to pour in a single cup of warm boiled water before bedtime, crightened three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip. Do so until the dream is normalized.

Ban Conspiracy with insomnia

Insomnia is superbly treated in the bath, just to steam it is necessary in the afternoon closer to bed.

Slip the birch broom, before saying water:

On the sea ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a black banoque. In that bay, the broom is sealed, and the broom is from sleep-grass. Who is the broom of the broom, so sweetly falls asleep. Amen.

When stealing, say:

Birch pairs of muscles - on relaxation, body - on health, and head - on vacation. Amen.

Pouring cold water, say:

Water flushes all the dirt, lightness and peace gives the slave of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from depression

Black black, go beyond the gate, from the gate of the road, the slave of God (name) do not touch. You will wash with water, the servant of God's soul. Yes, there will be his thoughts and wildlife, the words and half-sleep are clear and clear. Amen.

If you have depression, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, crightened three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip. Do as long as the mood is normalized.

With nervous tremors.

They walked three girls, the shaking-shaking, to the slave of God (name) came, began to shake him, buoyed his head to torment. Go, the girls, shaking-shaking, for dark forests, for the blue of the sea, the mountains are tall, behind the river deep. Fall on yellow sands, they are shaking. Amen.

If you are shaking, you need to pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, turn three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip.

Conspiracy from Nervous Tick

Ilya, the prophet rides in the sky on the Golden Chariot, throws thunder-lightning, the Dergovita kills. Dergovitsa-Maya, go beyond the gate with the slave of God (name). Amen.

If you have a nervous tick, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, crightened three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip. Do as every day until the tick goes.


On the sea-ocean, there is a break on the island until, he chops so far, she does not know, the work does not know. The force from that ax was walking, went to the slave of God (name) came to the slave of God did not know, every day I flew. Amen.

If you are quickly tired, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled oxa, crossed three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip.

Conspiration from chronic fatigue

Mother of the Mother of the Mother of God came, the fatigue of God's slave disperse with her handles, put his strength in him, covered with his cover. Fatigue, erase, the strength to the slave of God (name), come back. Amen.

If you constantly feel tired, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled wheels, crighted three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Saint Spirit," talk and drink with little sip.

Conspiracy from fears, fright, anxiety

Fright, fright, go beyond the circle, wash off the water, go under the Black Earth, get covered with yellow sands, but to the slave of God (name) do not feed. Amen.

If you are tormented by the feeling of an unmotivable fear, you need in the morning, as I woke up, and in the evening before bedtime, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, to cross the words three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip .


How do all people remember the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, so let the Slave of God remember everything that he is important and necessary. Amen.

If you have forgotten something important or lost memory at all, you need to pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water before bedtime in the morning, crighted with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit," talk and drink Little sip. Do so until the memory returns.

Conspiracy with stress

With the slave of God (name) grief and fear, we shoot the water, the water of the ground is krophl, rain satisfy, I clean the fears. So that the servant of God (name) was not afraid, did not pose, did not be sad, did not sigh, did not cry, did not sink, did not grieve, Hvelnaga did not drink. Amen.

In stress, pour into a simple cup of water from under the tap, crossed three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," to talk half a drink, to pour out the other half to the top of the opposing.

In this article we will talk about conspiracies from anxiety and fear, fatigue and aggression. Each person sometimes had depressed, mood swings, breakdowns, mental pain. At such moments it seems that everything is in vain, the future expects gray and gloomy. Conspiracies can be returned to a man calm, faith in a bright future, happiness and good mood.

Conspiracy from fatigue

In modern world chronic fatigue suffer Very many people. The pace of life, lack of sleep, workload at work make themselves to know: Even the accompaniment put 8-10 hours, man still constantly wants to sleep. Can only cope with such a state high-quality reston which there is no time again. If it is still very far from vacation, then try to spend the next conspiracy to get rid of fatigue.

On the day of the rite, it is advisable not to work And protect yourself from any home trouble. If it is impossible, then after all the work and before carrying out the rite, it is necessary to take a relaxing bath on natural herbs.

For ritual soon clean home clotheswhich you really like and pleasant for the body. Hair should not be collected in a tight bundle or tail, perfectly loose. Such an image symbolizes peace and relaxation, which is very important for this rite.

Take church candles, from 2 to 10 at your discretion. Arrange them in an arbitrary order on the floor and burn. Take a photo from childhood, It is desirable the one where you are alone and in a good spirit of the Spirit, with a smile on your face. Conspiracy Pronounce 3 times, a quiet, calm voice, closing your eyes.

"How was good and calm in childhood. How much joy, happiness, energy and freedom. So let me come back the state now, that joy, happiness, energy and freedom. Neither care, or hassle, only a holiday. Let me live well, no fatigue knows. "

Conspiracy from fear

Each fear has its reason, but still existing fears are always based only on one - fear of death. He is the strongest and chaining. This conspiracy believes this fear with a person., And with it, others, it allows you to perceive everything that happens with gratitude and love, because everything is temporary and person in any case will have to soon or later go to another form of existence.

Conspiracy reads at night in an empty room (Room) with church candles. It is necessary to pre-take a handful of land, at home pour it on paper on the floor. Put the candles around the paper, and sit on the floor yourself, crossed legs. Calm down and read the next slow conspiracy from fear and anxiety.

"Fear, go from the head (person's name) to the ground and deeper, under the stones under large, under the grass is green, under the roots of trees are high. There you are sitting there, you live there, there is a place for you, and not in my head (person's name). Give (the name of the person) to live calmly, people are not afraid, rejoice, smile and laugh. God to love and happy to be. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, put the paper in the package and take back to the street. There dig a small holes and put a package there, sprinkled on top of the earth.

Conspiracy against aggression

The aggressiveness of a person leads to the fact that living with him in the same house is to communicate, spending time becomes impossible. The aggressive person himself suffers from this, and his close. To help cope with this soul disease, you need to read conspiracy against aggression. During it be sure to eat onions (It is not prohibited with salt, bread, etc.). It reads on the water, part of which then you need to give to the aggressive person, and some of the sprinkle on the apartment where he lives.

"I eat this bow, and with him a disease (human name). I stopped the bow to burn my throat, myself fell away from the shoulders. At the same time, anger (human name) passed, and he himself became normal, as it was before. Anger has passed, the door has found the door to his heart. Eyes opened, and skies opened. Now, as it became, it will be. Amen".


Help yourself or your near person Conduct with soulful pain, fear, fatigue and then life will again gain meaning and will play with bright colors.

Almost every person is familiar to the condition when the well-being deteriorates, everything is just falling out of the hands, I don't want to do anything, the reserves of life energy dried up. In this case, it is necessary to restore vitality as soon as possible. Conspiracy from fatigue will help to quickly recover and enter the usual rhythm of life.

Effective rituals will help to quickly recover

Choose the right rite just needed

Rituals from high fatigue, weakness, decline will help to quickly recover, return an active lifestyle. Such rites are simple, but very effective. Conduct them can be easily independently at home.

Three powerful components in combination give amazing results. This is the magic of the word, the forces of nature and the inner power of a person conducting a ritual. With the help of magic, you can overcome your problems, believe in your capabilities.

Effective rites

For power of will

Will-feed ritual is very effective

If you strive to speed up self-development, you can use this rite. Before reading the test of prayers, you need to concentrate on your inner world, throw away all the disturbing thoughts from the head. It is also necessary to clean the room in which you will read prayer. Next, light the candle, sit down at the table and read these words:

"Lord is merciful, give me strength to be able to oppose my desire and reluctance. May I have forces to stop and resist. Yes, the clarity of the mind will come to me, the infinite power of the will. Let it be endless and awkward. May it be so".

For the strength of thought

This rite will help protect against any encroachment on your mind, it will help strengthen the thoughts and make them stronger. After the ritual, you can not respond to the provocations of various kinds, you will follow only your heart, you will not pay attention to the peres and gossip of envious.

Waking up in the morning, washed with cold water and read such words in front of the mirror, without confusing and without changing intonation:

"The Human Father, the name of Chaos and the law. The name of Adam and Eve. The name of the two celestial shining - the sun and the moon. The name of the water and land. My Lord, close my thoughts and my mind from all encroachments, visible and invisible. From those who know the secrets who do not know secret knowledge. Let the strength of the earth, water, the sun and the sky will help my confrontation. Yes, it will not be necessary for me of earthly and unearthly influences. Yes, I can firmly confront all attacks. Let it always be so. "

On stone

Amulet can be made of any stone

Each person has a favorite decoration. From it you can make a personal protective amulet. It does not have to be silver or gold jewelry, but it is very important that at least one small pebble in them. For a conspiracy to restore forces and for protection, it is necessary to pour in any capacity to spring water. In it, omit the decoration or the stone itself. After that, say:

"The power of the earth, the power of water, the strength of the stone, connect together. Fire, wind and water, enter this charm, charge it on your own. And he gives me all these strength, it protects me from everything bad, helps to restore its strength and strengthen the energy. "

After reading words, it is necessary to put the decoration or pebbles in the pocket of the clothes. Wear it with yourself constantly. Water needs to drink during the day in small sips.

On female power

Women's Power - Ability to Love

Women's strength is the ability to love, the ability to completely give out to children and family, keep home comfort. Also for each woman it is important to be able to preserve their beauty and attractiveness. What way to a woman to return former youth and female beauty, restore their strength? There are special types of conspiracies for the return of these qualities, which were still used by our ancestors in order to remain sexual and attractive for the opposite sex for a long time. These rituals are also called upon to awaken the women's start, their effect is visible almost immediately.

In the morning, after waking up, pour spring, well or key water into a glass, to speak text:

"White swan was sick of water, but I left a little. Yes, the water is not easy, but a key, molding. I will be beautiful and for all people cute. "

Wash the conspiracy with water without wiping. Let the skin dry naturally.

On male strength

There are also certain conspiracies with which you can return lost male strength. Their effect experienced more than one generation of strong sex representatives. Such rites do not have age limitations. Words to return the power should read a wife or a girl, waiting until the beloved will fall asleep. It is necessary to light the candle on the table, put a photo of her husband near her, read this text 12 times in a row:

"The candle burns hot, its flame is goldo. Where it became dark, lit by the fire with its sacred, where it became weak, strengthened the power of his fiery. Amen".

After the ritual, silently go to bed next to her beloved.

On salt, from decline

Wet salt crystals need to rub between palms

From the decline of vital energy and strength you can spend the next rite. Scroll to the tablespoon of salt strictly from the new pack. Lightly moisten it with water and pour out on your hand. Gently rubbing salt crystals between the palms, read the words of the conspiracy from the decline of forces:

"Natural salt and white salt. She was so and always. So let me leave the birth and the disease forever. Read the conspiracy, I'll have time to do everything, the conspiracy will help me help me in my affairs, life will fill me. My word is strong and effective, the salt will respond to it and the ailments round. Amen".

After the words are pronounced, wash your hands under the crane. Such actions are held within nine days in a row.

If there is a strong decline of strength, you can also hold the following manipulations. Quickly remove the clothes, put it with the ass in advance. Shoes, too, remove the wrong leg. After that, bypass the room in a circle 12 times, reading the words:

"Let my pigeon do not come to the house and does not find me. You, hated, confuse, with circles to bring. To bring you your feet. May it be so".

On water

In the reservoir it is necessary to go to the ankle

If you feel a strong decline of strength, you can contact the four elements. It is necessary to go to any natural water. On the shore, remove the shoes, enter the ankle into the water. If the water is too cold, you can cry out some of the water in the palm of your hand. After that, say such words:

"Water-Mother, my assistant. You give life to everything alive on earth. Let me recharge your healing power. I need your help and strength, just that I can do everything that intended. Water is born, the water is reborn, it fills me by force. As Jesus Christ rose to the day, so let my strength be resurrected. What is said in this moment, which is contrived, everything is only good for me. May it be so".

After that, it is necessary to wash the water, let it dries on their own.

On wind

The stronger the wind is the stronger the rite

You can also spend a ritual into windy weather. The stronger the wind, the more effective there will be magical actions. You need to turn face to the wind, say loud words:

"Wind, wind, you are my assistant. Take my hands, take the lands for the thirtieth kingdom. Send my ailment for high mountains, let him hang out through the valleys wide. Porious the Mother of God, all saints, I will ask the highest forces on help. Take my disease, let it never return to me. "

Easter ritual

With the appearance of severe weakness, with frequent disadvantages and diseases, it is possible to hold a ritual on the prepachement week, on Wednesday. It is necessary to dial water into a new big mug:

  • spring;
  • well;
  • key;
  • or river.

It must be brought home carefully, not the shed either a drop. The circle must be covered with a new towel, to stand up with a cross three times. After that, go to do your affairs. Waiting at night, climb into the bathroom. Call yourself with a cross three times. Loss of a mug, let a little water remain at the bottom of the tank.

For this conspiracy, it is necessary early in the morning, at the dawn turn to the Sun, and then read the conspiracy itself.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. The Batyushka-Sunshine in the East rises, to the West leaves, along with him and my fatigue goes. In their Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy from scabies (option 1)

192. This conspiracy must be repeated three times.

"I'm standing, the slave of God. In a clean field, there is a bath, a clean woman sits in this bath, "she grabbing, it rinsing lessons with clear eyes, with a riveted head and with black eyebrows of the servant of God (name). Do not be neither lessons never winners, do not be enviable. Do not be negotiating. Amen".

Conspiracy from scabies (option 2)

193. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a red maiden with a dry broom, snapshot, quenching the bath evil, the wet corros. Like this broom, the leaves are dry, so there would be dry corners; Like this broom, the sheets fall, so would be the scabies slept. "

Conspiracy from "Spur" (option 1)

194. When the moon will decrease, exactly at midnight pour into the pelvis a little water from the well or spring, and then lower fresh chicken leg in it. Then you will need to get up in the pelvis and read the conspiracy three times:

"As a rooster at the zara wings clap, spurs his spurs, in front of the glow, it flashes, so it would face the wings, I fool my spurs, before the gourded, I didn't part with my spurs. Get down on the rooster with the slaves of God (name). Amen".

Conspiracy from "Spur" (option 2)

195. For this conspiracy, you will need to break the branch with a blooming fruit tree, while reading the conspiracy with a whisper or to himself:

"I break you, dry branch, in the infusion bones. Like me, the branch, break, and the growths on the bones are instructed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy from eczema (option 1)

196. "Lord, my God! I, the slave of God (name), in front of you! Save my body from this infection, from eczema, from leprosy! Save the servant of God (name) from all sorts of infant bodily and from all diseases. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy from eczema (option 2)

197. "As a bitch is not green, like the leaves on it do not ring, but to dry up and you, my sore, wash!"

Conspiracy from eczema (option 3)

198. "For the sea, behind the ocean there are three dresseki in the sky. One Sgorody is clear, the other is red, the third is the sea. How they shine over the sea and by the eye, so the water is rinsed with yes sheep off the servant of God (name) all the applied daft from his skin! May it be so!

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy from eczema (option 4)

199. "Save, Lord, the servant of God (name) from deprived, eczema, doggy, hanging, wolf, hare, horsepower, cow, pork, human, barbed, joining, bile, loose. I do not hesitate myself, God's mother and the Savior dissuade. Save the servant of God (name) from deprived, eczema and from all diseases. "

Conspiracy from epilepsy (option 1)

200. For this conspiracy, it is necessary to collect snow in the pelvis in the evening, and put this pelvis with snow into the room in which there is no mirror. When the snow melts, you will need to read the conspiracy on the water. And in the morning you will need to tilt the patient over the melt water and read the plot below.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water from the sky comes, water in the ground leaves. From the Earth, the water will come, the water will go to the sky. Go and you, the disease, water, then, water, go to the mother-land. And how from the earth the dead does not get up, so the birth in the ground will be back to the slave of God (name) will not come. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Conspiracy from epilepsy (option 2)

201. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. The new man was born, the cross the life-giving watered, the demon contacted, the Lord God god became famous. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from now on and confessed and forever, Amen, Amen, Amen. Holy Father Heavenly Beefi and Holy Father Heavenly Naughty, put it, the servant of God (name), to think about the holy place about the Lord, think about the Lord, think about the Lord, to do attendance. The Holy Spirit will fall on him, the slave of God (name), all heavenly ruin will reach, will rejoice, the whole His will pass by him, Spassive, the Virgin Cross, Christ is a seal, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. As the Lord, our God created and installed the sources, the sea, rivers, lakes, swamps, so install you, Lord, fuck, Umyrey Hvor and the disease sitting in the servant of God (name), the prayers of the Major Virgin Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mary, all saints, fathers Heavenly. From now on, forever, Amen, Amen, Amen. "

Conspiracy from epilepsy and fever (option 1)

202. For this conspiracy, it will be necessary to bind the belt to the dresses from the dress or the tank strap, after which, stand next to the tree and the whisper to read a plot.

"Aspen tree, Osin Tree, take away my ovin-tree-tree aspen, the Wood aspen, let me relieve"!

Conspiracy from epilepsy and fever (option 2)

203. This conspiracy is read in the evening three times.

"Mother you are mine, Star Evening! I complain to you, my mother, on the goats of the twelve daughters of Herod. "

After that, it will be necessary to spit through the left shoulder and say the following words: "Where I spit, there b and him, the servant of God (name), to sneak."

Plot from barley (option 1)

204. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen Amen. Lord God God, save, save and bless! Sun-Batyushko west, day-day to the outcome, chips on the eye on the facilities, to the loss, will leave the oven itself. The word is my hard. To my way there is a key yes the castle is reliable. "

Plot from barley (option 2)

205. "Barley, barley, here you are Cukish, what you want, you can buy. Buy yourself an ax, rubbish yourself across. "

Conspiracy before surgery

206. For this conspiracy, you will need a troll, read his words with a whisper:

"First - cut. Second - stitch. The third is not to give. "

Then read ours "Father".