Perming hair for a long time. Long-term hair styling: features, cost. How to make your hair curly

Strands slightly curled in waves are one of the most romantic styling, which is popular not only among owners of straight hair, but also among owners of curls. In this way, you can curl not only long braids, waves of medium length look no less impressive, and even on very short ones.

Wavy hair is very beautiful, find out how to achieve this result

If you want to make waves in your hair, it couldn't be easier. From the article you can glean information about what tools and tools are used to create the effect of slightly curly strands, the features of their use, types of hairstyles based on waves.

The procedure for creating a wavy effect on hair of different lengths is simple and consists of the following steps:

  • applying a styling product;
  • the formation of curls;
  • fixation.

The process, which is simple at first glance, has a lot of subtleties and tricks, so let's take a closer look at each of the stages.

How to stack?

To make retro waves on your hair, you need clips and curlers. Apply the gel to the washed hair and separate it with a side parting. We lay the strands that are on the sides of the parting, fixing the bends with clamps; curls at the back are wound on curlers. After the gel has dried, remove the clamps and curlers, straighten the curls with your fingers (the back strands can be slightly combed). The hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Wavy hair looks very attractive, so choose a curling method as soon as possible and have a beautiful hairstyle.

The cold wave hairstyle is popular and easy to do. With a few strands and dried with a hair dryer. Thus, spectacular vertical careless curls are formed.

It's no secret that, perhaps, every woman dreams of having wavy hair. Owners of lush curly curls are always in the center of male attention, because they look incredibly sexy.

But, every woman can become the owner of wavy curls, regardless of whether nature has endowed her with wavy hair or not. Making lush curls at home has long been no problem. There are many simple ways to do this.

To begin with, it's worth understanding why hair becomes wavy. The point is to change the structure of the hair by exposing them to either temperature or chemicals. Perhaps, in every hairdressing salon, an experienced master will make you a long-term perm. But, if for some reason you cannot visit a beauty salon, then you can achieve the effect of wavy hair at home.

How to curl your hair yourself

There are several proven and simple ways to achieve the effect of lush curls at home.

This method has been known since the time of our great-grandmothers. Its essence is as follows: we take small fabric strips and wind a paper ring in the middle. It is on this ring that the hair will be wrapped.

Important! Hair should be damp.

We begin to wind up from the lower strands, pre-pinning the hair up. Separate the strand from the bottom and wrap it on a paper ring. After that, we take the ends of the rag and, tying it into a knot, we fasten the curled hair on the sides. We do this procedure with all the strands.

In order to get voluminous curls, you need to wind up larger strands of hair. And vice versa, to make the curls small, the strands are taken thinner, and you can curl them directly on rags. With this method of curling, the hair must be kept curled for 5 hours. The best solution is to curl your hair overnight.

Although this method of curling takes a long time and requires patience, the resulting wavy hair retains its shape for quite a long time, even in windy and damp weather.

Hairpins are also the method of our great-grandmothers. Before curling, wash your hair and dry your hair slightly. Then we separate the strand and fold it into a ring. Next, we take the previously prepared crab hairpins and fix each strand.

This method allows air to penetrate inside the curl and dry the hair faster. After the hair is dry, it must be freed from the hairpins and combed. Then you can fix your hair with varnish.

Curly hair with mousse

Hair mousse + towel is the fastest way to wavy hair. All you need to do is wash your hair, dry it with a towel, and apply styling mousse. After that, we lower our head down and crush each strand from the bottom up, achieving waviness of the hair.

A low-pressure hairdryer can be used as an assistant. Hair must be crumpled until completely dry. To create curls, of course, this method will not work, but it will help to achieve a lush wavy styling.

Curler for wavy hair

Curlers are the most common way to curl your hair. A variety of types of curlers and their shapes allows you to achieve hair curling with varying degrees of waviness. Depending on the diameter of the curlers, you can style with both small and large curls.

Wet hair can be rolled with cold curlers and then allowed to dry completely. For styling dry hair, hot curlers are more suitable - paraffin or electric. Such curlers should be removed only after they have cooled down.

Curly hair with a curling iron

The success of the entire styling depends on the correct choice of curling iron to create wavy hair. For long hair, a curling iron with a long barrel is more suitable. For short hair, regular tongs are sufficient.


  • Wash and dry your hair. To protect hair from heat exposure, apply a protective spray to the hair
  • We divide the strands into 3-4 parts, fasten with clamps.
  • We take a strand and wrap it around the barrel of the curling iron. We fix the strand in this position for 15 seconds.
  • So that each curled curl does not hang, we pin it with a hairpin. This will fix the shape.
  • We repeat the sequence of actions until we have curled all the curls.
  • After the hair has cooled down, remove the hairpins and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Styling with a sock. Did you know this way? ..

Perhaps the most original way to create wavy hair when there are no curlers or curling irons at hand. But, there is a beloved man, in whose wardrobe there is always a couple of socks. How to use them?

  • Let's start by borrowing one sock from my husband. It is better if it is long and thin. Cut off the tip of the sock and roll it towards the elastic. It turns out a kind of donut.
  • Moving on to the hair. We collect them in a tail as close to the crown of the head as possible and secure with an elastic band.
  • Next, you need to wet the hair tail with water. The degree of humidity can be selected empirically by performing the procedure several times. The main thing is that the hair should not be very wet.
  • Now we take the bagel that we got from the sock and start threading the tail of our hair through it. Move the donut below and distribute the hair evenly over it. Thus, we wrap the hair on a donut, passing to the base of the tail.
  • At the end of the manipulations, you should get a donut from your hair, which will not even need to be fixed at night.
  • In this form, you can safely go to bed.
  • All you need to do in the morning for a wavy hairstyle is unwrap the bagel.

Of all the methods of curling hair presented here, every woman will choose something useful for herself. By the way, if you have your own way of making your hair wavy, we will be glad if you share in the comments.

Owners of straight hair do their best to get a wavy, lush mane, while curly ones try to straighten their stunning curls. How to make your hair wavy with your own hands? There are many ways, we will consider the simplest and fastest of them.

Curls with a styler

The easiest way to make wavy curls is to resort to the help of thermal devices (curling irons, styler or curlers). This method is highly effective, besides, with the help of modern devices, it is possible to create a hairstyle in a short time, however, it is often undesirable to use this technique, since high temperatures lead to hair damage, even when using protective sprays and serums.

Modern styling devices are equipped with a variety of additional attachments in the form of curls, corrugation plates, etc., which allows you to create the most unusual curls:

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • to make a spiral curl, you can use a regular curling iron or take a special spiral nozzle. Difficulties with a special device will not arise - the strand is wound along embossed turns, and after 5-10 seconds (depending on the degree of heating of the curling iron) it unwinds. As for a regular curling iron, the curl is twisted around the curling iron with your fingers. Fix the base of the curling iron at the roots of the head, stepping back about 1 cm, then gradually wrap a thin strand around the heated curling iron, after ¼ - ½ minutes you can unfold;
  • Corrugated nozzle for ironing designed for making zigzag strands. It is very simple to use it - you need to separate the thin hair and fix it between the two plates of the curling iron, press it firmly, after 5 seconds release it a little and move the iron below, thus gradually processing the strand along the entire length;
  • A standard iron can also be used to create wavy curls.... There are two options for using it: 1) Grasping the strand as close to the roots, turn the device 180 degrees and slowly stretch it in the direction of hair growth. 2) Starting from the roots of the strand, squeeze part of the curl with an iron, release a little and grab the same strand a little lower, now turning the device in the other direction. Continue along the entire length of the curl.
  • Hot rollers are now considered an outdated styling option, since the process is quite laborious and inconvenient. But at the same time, the use of boiled devices does less harm to hair than an electric styler. It is necessary to put the base of the curlers in boiling water and hold them for several minutes, after which you can start winding. Choosing strand by strand, each of them should be fixed on a hot base with a special clamp and left to dry for 15-20 minutes. Then we remove the curlers and style the hair with our hands; uneven areas can be corrected with a gel or foam.

Regardless of which method you use to create wavy curls, do not forget to protect your hair from overheating.

As a thermal protective agent, you can use:

  • special sprays (applied to both wet and dry strands);
  • serums (mainly designed to restore damaged ends);
  • Regular regenerating and nourishing masks (store-bought formulas and homemade recipes are suitable).

How to make wavy curls without harming your hair?

For those who don’t appreciate the use of heating devices to create styling, there are many ways to make your hair wavy without harm. Most of the proposed methods involve winding up at night, so it is unlikely that you will be able to get an instant result.

  • Velcro soft curlers Is the easiest and fastest way to make beautiful curls. Depending on what size and type you want to get curls, and you should choose a curler. Round products of a cylindrical shape will help to make a Hollywood styling, i.e. large curls. Soft flexible stripes twist the strands as finely as possible - this is an option for thin and lacking hair. The good thing about soft curlers is that they can be used together with a hairdryer, which greatly speeds up the styling process.
  • You can make your hairstyle wavy with an elastic band.... To do this, you need to slightly moisturize your hair with a styling liquid or plain water and put a bandage on your head, securing it to the crown of your head. When choosing small strands, roll them around the ribbon from top to bottom. Gradually work your way towards the back of your head, completing work on one side, and start similar movements on the other. Do not twist the strands too much, they should be free and not cause pain, the knocked out parts can be pinned up with invisible ones. As a result, you should have a Greek hairstyle, when the curls are matched into a uniform plait, and the ribbon under them is not visible. This method has a double advantage - in the evening you can walk like this, you will have a spectacular stylish styling, and in the morning you can dissolve the strands and get wavy curls.
  • Probably the oldest and most elementary method to wind your hair without ironing Is to braid wet strands into pigtails. The more braids you do, the more voluminous the hairstyle will turn out, and vice versa. Different types of weaving will allow you to get unusual types of curls, for example, a strict spikelet in the morning turn into uniform curls, and braids twisted at night with a tourniquet, after blooming, will become chaotically located curls.

As you can see, you can make spectacular curls without the help of modern technological tools. Perhaps the first time you will not get the perfect result, but, as you know, experience comes with time, but using such harmless methods, you will keep your hair healthy and strong.

With beautiful wavy strands that give any hairstyle a dynamic lightness and charm, every girl will delight and become one of the central figures of any event - a corporate party, a contemporary art exhibition and, of course, a date in a romantic style. Wavy hair most often conveys the true mood of its owner - the desire to demonstrate their femininity, tenderness, dreamy attitude and weakness.

The best styling products

Modern showcases of cosmetic stores are simply full of a variety of home and salon styling products. The depth of their assortment range makes it possible to individually select any product group with a focus on the type of hair, their length, health status and the final effect of the styling itself. To create waves in your hair at the initial stage, you need to determine which styling products are suitable for individual hair types - straight and curly.

A range of styling products to create wavy hair from straight

Mousses are special modeling products for straight hair, the primary advantage of any mousse is the effect of creating volume on the hair from the very roots. The mousse base can be used to create great styling with textured and bouncy waves. The abundance of modeling mousses allows you to achieve several effects at the same time - ideal styling, healthy shine and elasticity of curls, as well as the absence of stuck together areas and weighting the hair;

Mousses can also be recommended for fine, straight hair, but their hold should be medium to minimal. The products of this line are applied to slightly dried curls by hand, and the direction of distribution of the mousse should be from roots to tips

Foams - with this cosmetics, wavy hair is styled directly under the influence of warm air flowing from the hair dryer. The texture of the foam is lighter than that of the mousse, which indicates that these funds are somewhat different.

By using the right amount of foam, you can perfectly set the waveform on the hair and eliminate the effect of pollution and heaviness that can result from applying excessive volume of this product to the strands. Manufacturers of foams for fixing and styling also orient their customers to different intensities of styling fixation - strong fixation, weak and normal;

Gels are a kind of hair cosmetics characterized by complete disobedience. If your hair is difficult to style and belongs to the category of very thick and thick, then perhaps it is the gel that can become a panacea for such troubles. Fixation with gels is characterized by increased strength and duration of the effect, and you can stop being afraid of sudden gusts of wind outside;

Styling fluids are versatile and easy to use, suitable for both styling with a hairdryer and for modeling a wave on hair using your hands. Certain categories of such fluids produce a volumizing effect on the hair, but all have a caring effect that guarantees smoothness and a healthy shine to the hair.

A line of styling products to create waves on curly hair

Wax is ideal for controlling frizzy dry hair, which is not the case for oily hair. On strands with a greasy structure, wax is completely useless, the only effect of its application will be the impression of an unwashed head. All waxes are distributed on dry and clean hair. Before touching the hair with your hands, a small amount of this cosmetics is evenly distributed on the palms;

Modeling styling cream - has a lighter consistency compared to wax. Such cosmetics are based on lanolin, which has a positive effect on hair health - the effect of nourishing and maintaining an optimal moisture balance inside each hair, as well as strengthening curls. Styling cream with lanolin is also not suitable for oily hair;

Serum - has a slight smoothing effect, which can be very useful when modeling large waves on naturally overly curled hair. The base of the main number of serums is made up of healthy oils that do not contain silicone. Using such a cosmetic product during styling, you can provide your hair with additional care and beautiful shiny strands in the sun;

Spray is a cosmetics that can keep the wave effect on curly hair for a long time. Any hairstyle after styling will look very stylish with beautiful and obedient "streams" of flowing waves. All sprays are very simple to use - before using the hair dryer, each future wavy strand is treated with this tool.

Any category of styling styling products is used only on clean hair, and the amount of each product must strictly correspond to the total mass of the hair and not exceed the optimal rate. Applying two or more types of hair cosmetics at the same time can make the curls too heavy and visually dirty.

Catch your wave! Or what are the waves on your hair?

Today, wavy hair has become a fairly steady trend of the season. Moreover, the most fashionable divas never cease to amaze with the splendor and variety of “wave-like” styling, actively shown from TV screens or popular magazines.

Beach waves

Perfect and effective styling for a summer theme with nautical associations. In the world of hairdressing, this type of styling is called Beach Waves. It is a quest to recreate the perfect Californian surfer look, whose hair is the epitome of lightness, femininity and modern beach style. In order to make Beach Waves on your hair, you can use the following techniques:

Laying in waves with the help of electric sealers (tongs, iron or curling iron) - carried out on already washed, dry curls. Before modeling, the hair is treated with a special thermal protective and fixing agent, and then braided into braids, the number of which depends on the thickness of the hair. The thickness of each pigtail should be optimal for further heating with tongs.

Instead of braids, you can also twist your hair into bundles and similarly walk over them with an electric styler, holding back the movement of your hand for a few seconds. You can also start a beach wave through your hair with an ordinary curling iron - curl your hair into careless curls as close as possible to the bottom of the hairstyle, lightly shake the hair with your hands and fix the result for hair with hairspray. This way you can easily make waves on short hair, hair of medium and long length;

Curly hair using braids or flagella is a suitable method for those who do not accept the thermal effects of the hair during styling. The hair is divided into separate strands, which are then formed into pigtails or plaits. You can just wait for the hair to dry on its own or blow your hair lightly with a hairdryer;

Using a structuring spray, wax or gel - sculpting cosmetics tailored to your curl type are applied to the strands. The entire mass of hair in the direction from bottom to top is compressed in the hands until it is completely dry. The movements are completely chaotic and careless, as is the end result of such styling;

As an excellent fixer for the beach wave effect on the hair, a homemade spray can become, which includes: 1 tsp. sea ​​salt, diluted in a glass of warm water, coconut oil ½ tsp, gel 1/3 tsp. - all ingredients are mixed and poured into any spray bottle. Shake the spray thoroughly before spraying on the hair.

Hollywood waves

The diametrical opposite of the beach option, styling should be neat, performed with smooth lines of transition from one wave to another. The Hollywood industry of beauty and fashion trends is constantly creating a lot of new images and styles that millions of women are becoming obsessed with, as the Hollywood waves have become clear evidence of this.

The sophistication of this vintage style in hairstyles is loved by many modern women, even though this type of hair styling is already quite old in its age. After all, the first trendy surge in hair styling by the Hollywood wave occurred in the 40s of the last century and was associated with the charming companions of Chicago gangsters. Today, the hallmark of the Hollywood wave is solemnity and complete inappropriateness in everyday and office looks.

On long and medium hair, styling will look as attractive as possible, but with short haircuts, you can also transform into a classic retro look. When performing waves on your hair in the Hollywood style, you should know that the waves should be large, ideal in shape and the same thickness.

4 ways to make wavy hair at home

1. Hollywood wave using a curling iron or ironing - styling on completely dried, clean and heat-treated hair. At the stage of drying the hair, the selected styling agent is applied along its entire length and a root volume is created under the warm stream of the hair dryer.

The next step is to comb your hair and part it. When working with a curling iron, the strands should be separated to form waves starting from the roots - the selected part of the hair is wound on the working surface of the tool and fixed in this form before the curl is straightened.

If you have an iron in your arsenal, then the modeled strands should be about 2 cm wide.Each of them is also grasped as close as possible to the base of the hair so that the iron is directed downward and the future wave wrapping around it is stretched along the entire length of the hair. After all the strands have passed the modeling stage, they are combed with a wide comb and the effect is fixed with varnish;

Hollywood waves - a hairstyle exclusively for haircuts with hair of the same length, torn and cascading silhouettes will not be able to embody all the features of this classic retro look

2. the creation of Hollywood waves on large diameter curlers (from 4 cm) - an extremely simple and versatile way. It is necessary to wind the curls on the curlers after they dry and remove them as carefully as possible so as not to violate the ideal symmetry of the future hairstyle. You need to place the curlers from the forehead in the direction of the back of the head;

3. triple curling iron for the Hollywood wave - this option is very popular among modern hairdressers-stylists. The special design of the thermal device allows the formation of waves with an ideal relief. In this method of styling, waves on the hair begin to create on the lower part of the head of hair, evenly moving to the top;

4. Hollywood waves with tourniquets - the most extreme option, when there is nothing at hand except styling hair cosmetics. The result will be somewhat distant from the reference ideal, but quite attractive and effective. A fixing agent is applied to undried curls.

The entire head is divided into strands, which should be twisted into bundles and blown with a hairdryer until dry. Having unrolled each tourniquet, the hair is combed with a comb with rare teeth and covered with a light stream of varnish.

Retro wave

In the most elegant and stylish looks, it is known as the cold wave, as this type of styling was created during the period that fell on the Cold War. For a classic retro-wave style, here's the following guide to action:

  1. Wet hair is parted on the side;
  2. A wide strand is taken from the outer part of the hair, processed with a styling agent and combed in the shape of the letter "C" (movement goes from the forehead line to the side and back), the resulting figure is fixed with clamps;
  3. The location of the wide clamps should be parallel to each other;
  4. In this way, hair is modeled along the entire length, gradually decreasing to the ends of the curls;
  5. It is necessary to wait until the future retro waves are completely dry, the use of a hair dryer is not recommended, since a directed air flow can ruffle wavy curls;
  6. Hairpins-clips are removed very carefully, after which you can give your hairstyle a perfect silhouette, which is fixed with varnish.

Shaping each retro wave, it is better to remove the comb by slightly moving the hair upwards - this will provide each wave with a more regular and expressive shape.

For many girls, perm for a long time is no longer a dream, but a reality. There are many ways to do it True, everyone has a different idea of ​​what a long-term hair perm is. For someone, the whole day is long, but for someone a month is not enough.

Hot Tools

Of course, with the help of curls, electric curlers, tongs, you can create beautiful curls or curls. However, they rarely last long. A maximum of a day or two, provided that some special hair curling product was used (mousse, foam, wax, varnish), and then you have to repeat the procedure.

Curling iron

It is possible to extend the life of the curls that were wound with the above tools. First of all, it is worth remembering that only dry hair is always curled, otherwise there is a risk of simply burning it out. And, of course, you need to wind your hair in extremely small and thin strands, so that the curls turn out to be tougher and longer lasting. The use of various styling mousses also plays an important role; without them, the hair quickly takes on its previous shape.


There are a lot of them. But it is worth mentioning separately such a thing as the Babyliss hair curling iron. It is an innovative homemade tool for creating beautiful curls. Its most important advantage is that the forceps work automatically. You don't need to wind up anything yourself, as is the case with a curling iron. It is enough just to place a small strand between the two parts of the tongs, pinch. When the indicator blinks and is distributed, they are unclenched, pull out the finished strand. Time and temperature can be adjusted independently, based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Thus, Babyliss automatic curling iron is a fairly simple and quick way to create beautiful and neat, tight and dense curls for a long time. According to the reviews of those who used the tool, styling is enough for two to three days.

Hair curlers and papillotes

They can also make quite elastic curls, if you get used to it. However, they will hold out, despite all possible tricks, for only a few hours. Usually, curlers and papillotes are rolled over slightly damp hair overnight so that the curls turn out to be tough. Unfortunately, this is not a guarantee that they will last longer than one day. Some people braid small braids for the night, which, after untwisting, give a "curly" effect that lasts up to 48 hours.

Biowave - an innovative procedure

Perming your hair for a long time doesn't have to be harmful to your hair. Many are familiar with what a hairstyle looks like after the usual "chemistry", when the curls are already beginning to "fall off". After such a procedure, the hair is often compared to a washcloth. Biowave has several obvious advantages that make it so popular. And despite the fact that this service appeared in salons relatively recently (5-6 years ago), every third girl who wanted to find flawless long-lasting curls and curls took advantage of it.


This hair curling is safe for the hair for a long time. Firstly, there are no harmful chemical ingredients in the composition of the products used in the procedure. They are replaced by fruit acids, herbal extracts and other natural substances. Therefore, such about which is very positive, safe, popular, effective. It is also useful. Due to the special composition in the products, the hair becomes stronger, all their microtrauma and cracks are healed, the structure becomes denser. Another advantage is that the procedure is suitable for absolutely every girl, regardless of the type, length, hair color, even if it has recently been dyed or melted. There are no contraindications.


Unfortunately, such a hair perm costs a lot for a long time. First of all, this is due to the fact that the means for the procedure themselves are expensive because of their natural and unusual composition. In addition, not every master knows exactly how to do such a perm. This needs to be learned in courses, so it is recommended to ask the hairdresser how the procedure is carried out to make sure of his competence.

Three basic steps

There are not so many stages of biowaving. First, the master washes the client's head with a special one (step 1). It is more gentle in composition, so it does not weigh down the hair. After that, the hairdresser offers a choice of different sizes of curlers. The larger the size, the larger the curls will be. The smallest curlers produce the smallest and tightest curls. The hair is treated with the composition when curling (step 2).

After the expiration of time (the exact time depends on the selected tool), the wizard repeats the processing. Only this time, a different, fixing composition is used (step 3). It contains proteins and beta-carotene, which not only give the hair the necessary stiffness to keep it in shape, but also strengthen it. After removing the curlers, the strands are dried with warm air without a comb.