Green curd discharge during pregnancy. Causes of odorless green discharge during pregnancy

The presence of a large amount of discharge during the period of bearing a child is a normal hormone-conditioned phenomenon that should not bother the expectant mother too much. But it is important to know what to do if yellow-pink blotches appear in the mucus, and the discharge itself during pregnancy is greenish.

Expectation of a child is a special and wonderful period in her life for almost every woman. However, with all its advantages and charms, pregnancy is a difficult and physically dangerous process... During the carrying of a child, a woman's body is hormonally rearranged, which may cause various vaginal discharge. The expectant mother needs to pay close attention to discharge that is not characteristic of a normal pregnancy, but serves as a signal of the disease.

It's no secret that light brown and light green discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is not the norm, but directly indicates the presence of purulent inflammation of the walls of the cervix or vagina. However, already in its final stage, such features are likely to indicate an impending birth. Be that as it may, you should understand in more detail what such greenish or green-yellow discharge can mean during pregnancy, what is the nature of their occurrence and how to consider their presence at different periods.

Greenish discharge in the first trimester

The first trimester is a crucial period in the life of a developing embryo. At this time, the main laying of most of the internal organs and systems occurs, and any, even the smallest negative impact on the fetus can cause irreparable damage to its further health.

Pregnancy is a huge stress for the female body. At the very beginning, a number of qualitative and quantitative changes take place, aimed at preserving the life of the fetus and its successful birth. For this purpose, a whole arsenal of hormones is activated, the task of which is to activate or create means aimed at protecting the life of the fetus inside its mother. One of these means is the abundant formation of moisture during the entire period of bearing the baby.

In the first trimester, the amniotic bladder is still small, and the placenta is finally formed closer to 14 - 15 weeks, so it's too early to talk about cracks in the amniotic bladder. In addition, the weight of the fetus itself does not yet create significant pressure on the lower segments, which could provoke cracks and leakage of amniotic fluid. At this stage, we can only talk about leucorrhoea - secretions abundantly produced by the uterus and cervix in order to constantly cleanse the woman's birth canal from penetrating pathogens and old epithelial cells.

A number of practicing gynecologists compare this mechanism to the current cleaning of the room in which children are staying. With constant cleaning, water rarely changes its usual color and smell. In the case of leucorrhoea, and this is how the discharge of the first trimester should be called, a transparent or milky-transparent color without a significant odor will be habitual.

In cases where the mucous secretions of this period acquire a yellowish or herbal hue, we should talk about the presence of pathological processes in the body:

As a rule, at the beginning of the inflammatory process, leucorrhoea acquires a yellowish color and a slight fishy odor. In addition to the nature of the discharge, it is important to take into account the well-being of the pregnant woman, since in some cases yellowness can also be a physiological feature of the vagina of a particular woman.

If, along with abundant discharge, a woman feels tingling or, even worse, aching persistent pain in the lower abdomen - it is important to seek medical advice as soon as possible... The onset of the inflammatory process is characterized by similar symptoms. If the proper treatment of such conditions is not carried out in time, then the internal inflammation will take on a more serious turn. Other pathogenic cultures can connect to the onset of inflammation.

The middle of pregnancy and the dangers at this time

The equator or the second semester of pregnancy is marked by the intensive growth of the fetus, the final formation of its internal organs, the acquisition and consolidation of the skills of physical activity. This is the calmest period of pregnancy, in which gynecologists try to carry out the possible and necessary treatment of all hidden inflammatory foci.

During this period, it is possible to prescribe some strong medications, if necessary. Most often, such means are antibiotics, since infectious diseases are what a woman is most susceptible to during pregnancy.

It should not be forgotten that this is a period of intensive fetal growth, which means that the pressure on the lower parts of the amniotic fluid increases day by day.

At this time, a dangerous disease of pregnant women most often manifests itself - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This disease is characterized by the inability of the cervix to hold the growing fertilized egg, as a result of which some part of it may "fall" into the neck, the bent amniotic walls can crack and amniotic fluid will seep through them. Subsequently, under pressure, placental abruption occurs, and premature birth begins with the deceased baby.

To prevent such phenomena from happening, at 20 - 21 weeks, the cervix is ​​temporarily sutured or a cervical ring is installed. These devices are removed before childbirth. Nevertheless, green-yellow discharge during pregnancy is not the norm and should alert a woman., because they can testify:

Characteristic features on the eve of childbirth

Pregnancy is coming to a close, and the account goes on for weeks. Why are yellow-green discharge dangerous during this period? The woman's body, despite the serious upcoming test, is already severely depleted, the immunity is weaker than at the beginning, copes with infections, besides, the birth canal, preparing for the birth of the baby, expanded well, thereby creating an excellent passage for pathogenic bacteria. Penetrating into the bosom of a woman, the latter, despite their activity, late declare themselves, since the resistance to them is weakened, which means that the first symptoms may indicate an already slightly neglected state.

In turn, any inflammation causes a significant blood flow and, as a result, the formation of purulent segments, which destroy the amniotic membrane, causing fluid to leak. This phenomenon in the third semester is dangerous for the baby by a violation of the pressure of the amniotic fluid, creating in turn:

  • Respiratory dysfunction in the fetus:
  • Risk of infection: as a rule, amniotic fluid has an intense green color, with cloudy yellow blotches, there may be discharge of the same nature;
  • The risk of injury to the fetus when the mother's abdomen touches hard surfaces.

A yellow-green discharge may also indicate an impending birth. In later stages, the cervix holds the grown egg worse, and with a large fetus relative to the external parameters of the mother, cracks in the lower segment of the bladder are possible, through which amniotic fluid gradually flows. By the nature and color of the water, one can safely judge:

So, the presence of green-yellow discharge in the III trimester indicates:

  • The presence of an infectious process in the genitals of a woman;
  • Coming birth;
  • The presence of severe intrauterine pathologies in a child (with mutations, Down's disease and a number of trisomies), as well as as a result of infection of the fetus (with pneumonia of newborns);
  • Intrauterine death of the baby.

In any case, you should be especially careful about light green discharge during pregnancy. Do not take them as the absolute norm. If you miss any minor deviation, you can give a chance to develop much more serious pathologies that aggravate both your own health and the health and the future baby.

Attention, only TODAY!

Oftentimes, pregnancy brings not only joy, but also a lot of anxiety. One of them is changes in the nature of vaginal discharge. What do you need to know in order not to be afraid?

Discharge during pregnancy: norm and pathology

After the onset of pregnancy, there is a sharp change in the level of estrogen and progesterone.

This affects the quality and quantity of vaginal discharge.

In order not to panic ahead of time, you need to understand which secretions should be feared, and which may be normal.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy: norms and causes

Normally, the amount, color and consistency of the discharge change depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the ovulatory period, they look like abundant transparent mucus, then they become homogeneous white.

During the period of gestation, the amount of discharge increases, reaching its maximum by the time of childbirth. This is due to the increased production of progesterone, a hormone aimed at maintaining gestation.

Changes in the secretion of the genital tract: manifestations of pathology

But there are situations when you should immediately contact a gynecologist:

  • the appearance of itching, burning, redness in the labia;
  • changes in the color of the discharge (green, yellow);
  • the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • change in consistency (frothy, cheesy).

Thick greenish odorless discharge in women during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman complains of thick, greenish odorless discharge, then an inflammatory process in the vagina should be excluded. Additional complaints may be itching or burning, discomfort when urinating.

Such symptoms are usually a manifestation of acute or exacerbated chronic vaginitis. This disease is dangerous in that there is a risk of an ascending infection with subsequent infection of the membranes and the fetus. And this already carries a risk for the normal development of the child. Possible consequences:

  • placental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • intrauterine infection, the consequence of which may be pneumonia, damage to the organs of vision, hearing.

Possible reasons for this kind of discharge may be:

  • bacterial vaginosis - a violation of the ratio between normal, opportunistic and pathogenic microflora (in addition, there may be a "fishy" smell);
  • sexually transmitted infections (caused by pathogens such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, Trichomonas, gonococcus);
  • vaginitis caused by opportunistic bacteria, for example, E. coli, enterococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, clostridia, etc.;
  • vaginitis of viral etiology (herpetic or cytomegalovirus infection, human papillomavirus);
  • exacerbation of diseases of the pelvic organs (a rather rare situation during pregnancy);
  • neglected, untreated candidiasis;
  • after a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • trauma to the vaginal mucosa (for example, after rough intercourse, inaccurate dosing);
  • an allergic reaction to panty liners, underwear;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.

In any case, one cannot do without consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist. To identify the cause and correctly diagnose, it is necessary to pass a number of tests: smear for microbiocenosis, bacterial culture of vaginal discharge, PCR study for STIs and major viruses.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment. It can be local or with antibiotics (if it is a sexually transmitted infection). Be sure to abstain from sexual activity until complete recovery. Do not neglect the restoration of microflora after a treatment course. If necessary, send to the urologist for examination of the sexual partner.

Odorless yellow-green in the early stages

In the first trimester, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge occurs, it can acquire a yellowish-green color. This is due to the increased production of progesterone. If at the same time there are no additional complaints (itching, unpleasant odor, discomfort during intercourse), then do not worry, this is a variant of the norm.

Also, the color of mucus can be affected by taking certain medications, for example, vaginal suppositories with progesterone (morning, prajisan), suppositories for normalizing microflora (vaginorm-C, vagilak, bifidumbacterin).

The reason may be intercourse without using a barrier contraception (condom). Some time after coitus, the sperm begins to liquefy and flow out, while the color of the discharge becomes yellow-green.

If we talk about pathology, then the reason may be a non-developing pregnancy. In this case, the diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound report and the absence of an increase in the level of hCG. After confirming the diagnosis, urgent hospitalization is indicated.

Greenish yellow in the third trimester with a rotten odor

The addition of a rotten smell to the greenish-yellow color of the discharge indicates an infection with a bacterium such as gardnerella. In the third trimester, dysbiotic disorders are aggravated, which leads to the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.

The disease itself is not dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus, but only with timely correction of the vaginal microflora. If this does not happen, then the dysbiosis turns into an inflammatory process.

And this is already dangerous for the mother, because the inflamed mucous membrane can be easily injured during childbirth, which is fraught with infectious complications in the postpartum period, up to the development of metroendometritis - inflammation of the uterus. As for the fetus, it is fraught with pneumonia in the early neonatal period, infectious damage to the eyes, the organ of hearing.

Another pathology is accompanied by similar symptoms - chorionamnionitis. This is an inflammation of the membranes. An additional distinguishing feature will be the presence of fever. If a diagnosis is suspected, urgent hospitalization is required, because this pathology has a risk of death for the child.

Also, such complaints may accompany the leakage of amniotic fluid. If the waters are green, then the cause may be acute or chronic fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or post-term pregnancy. Again, you can only figure it out in a maternity hospital.

In the second trimester, greenish odorless

The reasons for these manifestations do not differ from those in the first trimester. Accordingly, examination and treatment are carried out according to the same principles.

Abundant curdled with a greenish tint

A curdled discharge with a greenish tinge indicates candidal vaginitis.

Candida is a yeast fungus and is a member of the normal microflora of the vagina, i.e. it is normally present in all women. But not everyone suffers from the manifestations of colpitis.

There are a number of reasons contributing to the development of the infectious process:

  • decreased immunity;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • violation of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • abuse of sweets, flour products, or, conversely, spicy food;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • using panty liners;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus (including gestational);
  • nicotine intoxication;
  • stress, psycho-emotional overload, lack of sleep.

If we talk about additional symptoms, then these can be:

  • intolerable itching;
  • the appearance of an impurity of blood in the vaginal discharge due to constant scratching;
  • cramps when urinating due to inflammation of the urethra.

Collecting anamnesis and examining in mirrors is often sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. The decision on additional examination and the appointment of treatment is made by the doctor.

Odorless light green mucous membranes in the early stages

This kind of discharge is often found in the norm when hormonal changes in the body occur. Infectious or allergic causes are also possible (described above).

How is it treated

After collecting the history, a number of examinations are prescribed:

  • smear for microbiocenosis:
  • bacterial culture;
  • Femoflor.

Treatment includes topical and systemic medications. From the local ones, these are suppositories, vaginal tablets, cream. For example:

  • terzhinan;
  • neopenotran, neopenotran-forte;
  • clotrimazole;
  • pimafucin.

From systemic drugs, antibiotics (penicillin group, cephalosporins) or systemic antimycotics (nystatin, pimafucin) can be prescribed.

Pregnancy predictions

With timely prescribed therapy, there will be no negative consequences for the woman or the fetus.

Taking antibiotics is warranted to prevent ascending infection.

The inflammatory process in the vagina is not uncommon during pregnancy. The main task of a woman is to consult a specialist in a timely manner to prescribe an adequate examination and treatment. Then nothing threatens the normal course of pregnancy.

Useful video

Discharge can appear in a pregnant woman from the first days of conception. In this regard, the increased secretion of vaginal mucus is even considered one of the earliest. So, by itself, discharge during the period of bearing a child is a physiological norm: their appearance is associated with a change in hormonal levels. And the longer the period, the more their number can increase.

But we are talking only about translucent discharge, which does not bring any discomfort to the expectant mother. However, doctors say that discharge during pregnancy can normally be of a wide variety of colors and shades, so long as you do not experience itching, burning, excessive moisture, or other unpleasant and suspicious sensations.

However, we all know that bloody and frankly bloody discharge is not a good sign. And in this case, you urgently need to see a doctor. Green discharge during pregnancy is also referred to as "bad". But we hasten to reassure you: even such do not always pose a threat to you and the baby.

However, if you notice green or any other color (gray, yellow) with a greenish tinge of discharge, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that this is one of the signs of inflammation or infection of the genital tract. Especially if green discharge is accompanied by other symptoms:

The reason can be very different: vaginal dysbiosis (if the greenish discharge smelling of fish flakes off as films), a sexually transmitted disease (if the discharge is bubbling, yellow or green). With an acute infection, copious greenish mucus may also be secreted in the vagina. If the discharge is scarce, then there is a suspicion of a bacterial infection. Inflammation in the ovaries or fallopian tubes can also be accompanied by green discharge.

It even happens that a sick thrush is accompanied by a discharge of a greenish tint. If you have green mucus from the vagina after taking antibiotics, this indicates a violation of the vaginal microflora. It's okay, it's easily corrected and restored.

In any case, do not panic if you see something like this in yourself. First, not all infections pose a threat to the fetus and pregnancy. Secondly, any of them can be cured: now many drugs have been developed for. Thirdly, it is not at all a fact that you have an infection. Don't jump to conclusions.

In general, the guide to action is as follows: if you find suspicious discharge - run to the doctor. He will examine you, examine you, take smears and, after the diagnosis is made, he will cure you, if necessary. This is far from the worst thing that can happen during the period of bearing a baby. But such manifestations cannot be ignored either. Be healthy and happy!

Specially for- Elena Kichak

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many different metamorphoses.

Some of them are not very pleasant, moreover, they can even become a reason for fear or concern. For example, increased vaginal discharge.

When the ovum attaches to the wall of the uterus, your organs immediately begin to actively produce secretions, which will then form a mucous plug. Its formation leads to the appearance of or.

Since expectant mothers are especially sensitive to their health, of course, such manifestations can seriously scare them. However, do not rush to diagnose yourself on your own - it is better to consult a doctor in order to carry out a thorough diagnosis in time and exclude any negative consequences.

The discharge itself is natural, in addition, the body of each woman is individual, therefore, many of their characteristics may differ. But still it is worth paying attention to the change in the consistency of the discharge, their color, the appearance of odor, itching, pain when urinating, burning or other unpleasant sensations.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you have yellow-green, cheesy or light green discharge from the genital tract.

As a rule, the unstable hormonal background of a pregnant woman has a strong effect on the discharge. For this reason, the inconstancy of their character is also possible. However, do not neglect the visits to the doctor and be sure to notify him even if there is the slightest suspicion.

Diagnostic methods

You should be aware that neither the consistency of the discharge, nor its color or other characteristics
are not any specific diagnosis. To put it, you will need to go through a series of studies and pass tests.

Only this will help doctors establish possible causes or pathogens, as well as choose the right treatment tactics.

During the examination, the doctor will first take a swab from the vagina to analyze the flora. But only its results may be few.

An analysis will be required to identify infections that can be sexually transmitted (or STDs).

Many women face this problem during pregnancy, since the immune system sharply loses its position, and the number of lactobacilli (beneficial microorganisms in the vagina) is significantly reduced. As a result, pathogenic bacteria appear in large numbers - gardnerella, which give the name to the disease.

Very often the situation is aggravated by stress or prolonged use of antibiotics, which kill the normal microflora of the vagina.

In addition to frothy greenish or gray-white discharge, which has an unpleasant smell of "rotten fish", gardnerellosis manifests itself in other symptoms:

  • the smell of discharge becomes especially strong and characteristic after unprotected intercourse;
  • periodically;
  • intercourse and urination make you sore.

Sometimes the disease can be almost asymptomatic. However, it can lead to a number of negative consequences, for example, intrauterine infection of the child, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and even termination of pregnancy.

  • candles and gel "Metronidazole" (locally), "Klion-D", "Terzhinan";
  • you will definitely need to take medications to normalize the vaginal microflora - Linex, Bifidumbacterin.

Nonspecific colpitis

Depending on what type of pathogen caused a particular inflammatory disease, they are divided into a specific or nonspecific group.

A specific group will include inflammations that were caused by various pathogenic organisms: gonococci, Trichomonas, ureaplasma, candida or viruses.

Vaginal dysbiosis

A common cause of green discharge in early or late pregnancy is vaginal dysbiosis. Vaginal dysbiosis or dysbiosis is essentially the same as bacterial vaginosis.

All the causes and factors of its occurrence and progression are exactly the same. Only in addition to gardnerella, the declining lactoflora of the vagina is replaced by polymicrobial associations of anaerobes.

Even previous inflammatory diseases can become risk factors. The partner also often becomes a carrier of the disease.

If the dysbiosis progresses, then the discharge becomes thick, sticky and stringy, acquiring a green or green-yellow tint.

The rest of the accompanying symptoms and treatment tactics are the same as in the case of gardnerellosis.

Chlamydia and ureaplasma

These bacteria provoke one of the most common sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia. The disease is very similar to.

Quite often, they may not manifest themselves at all, so that a woman, being infected, does not even know about the problems until a certain point.

Pregnancy, being stressful for the body, becomes a trigger for such infections.

Along with unpleasant manifestations, infectious diseases can lead to a number of complications:

  • to premature termination of pregnancy;
  • to (fetal death);
  • to intrauterine infection of a child or infection during childbirth;
  • cause, which will entail intrauterine growth retardation and other negative consequences;
  • become one of the reasons for polyhydramnios.

The symptoms of chlamydia and ureaplasmosis are almost no different from the manifestations of colpitis. However, for their treatment, antibiotic therapy will definitely be needed. Based on your specific case, the doctor will weigh the pros and cons before prescribing.

Usually antibiotics are used after the twentieth week, while more gentle drugs are used ("Erythromycin", "Josamycin", "Rovamycin").

To support the liver, Hofitol may be prescribed, and local treatment and vitamin therapy will also be required.


This is an infectious dangerous disease that is transmitted sexually (during normal and anal sex), as well as through oral contact with a carrier of the infection.

With gonorrhea, as a rule, pain and other discomfort when urinating first appear, then a woman may complain of increased urge, after which the disease manifests itself in secretions, which may be greenish or white-yellow.

Over time, the discharge becomes stronger and entails swelling of the genitals, itching, pain and other symptoms.

For pregnancy, gonorrhea is a big threat.

The disease can provoke premature rupture of amniotic fluid, disrupt the function of the placenta, lead to infection of the amniotic fluid, intrauterine infection of the child and even death.

As a rule, a pregnant woman who has been diagnosed with gonorrhea is admitted to a hospital. She will definitely be given antibacterial therapy, of course, taking into account the safety of the baby at the same time.


Another dangerous infectious disease that causes inflammation of the urinary and reproductive systems. Trichomoniasis, like gonorrhea, is also sexually transmitted (rarely by household).

Although this infection cannot cross the placenta and infect the baby in utero, it is still dangerous, as it leads to other complications.

For example, a child can be infected at birth, and the danger is that in the uterus itself and its cervix, under the negative influence of the disease, inflammatory processes develop, which can lead to various negative consequences. As with other illnesses, there is even an unauthorized termination of pregnancy.

Discharge with trichomoniasis will be abundant, yellow-green, sticky. They are often accompanied by a very unpleasant odor. Other symptoms are similar to those of other inflammatory diseases.

Sometimes the disease can be completely asymptomatic.

A pregnant woman with trichomoniasis will be monitored and treated in a hospital. If the period is already long, then Metronidazole suppositories will be prescribed, in the early stages, as a rule, local treatment is prescribed (the vagina and urethra will need to be treated with brilliant green or potassium permanganate). Vitamins and fortifying drugs will be prescribed separately.

Cervicitis and other inflammations

Sometimes green discharge can be symptoms of some kind of inflammatory processes in the cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Concomitant pain, fever, weakness, lethargy are also possible.

Cervicitis, adnexitis, salpingitis are the most common forms of inflammation. Illnesses can be acute or chronic, but they still require treatment. The doctor will refer you to a colposcopy, and after receiving the results of all the necessary tests, he will be able to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

In the early stages, drug therapy is undesirable, but sometimes a woman may even be hospitalized.

It all depends on the situation, and the decision will be made by the doctors.

Frozen fruit

Pregnancy does not always pass and ends happily: the small organism inside you is very vulnerable and fragile, so it can die due to the negative effects of some kind of infection.

Green discharge sometimes indicates that the infection has overcome the protective barrier of the placenta and infect the fetus. Seeking medical attention early can help you save your pregnancy.

However, it may also happen that the fetal development of the child has already stopped, and the pregnancy will be considered.

Look for additional signs besides discharge:

  • severe pulling pains in the lower abdomen, cramps;
  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

If you have the slightest suspicion, call your doctor right away. You will be hospitalized and will try their best.


If all of the above reasons for green discharge could occur in the first and second trimesters, then others are added to them in the third. For example, chorioamnionitis.

This pathology occurs during inflammatory processes affecting the membranes. The threat is that with untimely intervention, the disease is transferred to the amniotic fluid, and even to the baby.

You need to see a doctor immediately if you have:

  • the temperature has increased greatly;
  • you feel a general malaise;
  • a complete blood count shows inflammatory changes.

Discharge or leakage of green amniotic fluid

Premature rupture or even slight leakage of amniotic fluid can also cause green discharge.

If this is really amniotic fluid, then their color indicates a danger or threat to the child, because such signs are possible with.

Confirmation of this diagnosis will be the reason for additional monitoring of the condition and well-being of the baby if childbirth begins.

Do not hesitate and be sure to go to the doctor.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, green highlighting is not safe anyway. If you find them in yourself, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for an early diagnosis and treatment.

Be sure to monitor your health: strengthen the immune system, eat properly and fully, observe personal and sexual hygiene, regularly undergo examinations for infections or other diseases, and take timely measures to eliminate them.

This way you can avoid risks or possible complications during pregnancy and protect your baby.


Normal discharge during pregnancy

After the embryo is fixed in the wall of the uterus, the body of a pregnant woman begins to adjust to her new position. Due to the increased content of progesterone in the first weeks of pregnancy, the production of mucus by the endometrial glands increases, due to which it softens and swells. This protects the ovum from damage. A whole network of new blood vessels grows, feeding the fetus through the placenta. The amount of mucus produced by the glands of the cervical canal of the cervix increases. This creates a barrier to infection. The discharge becomes more intense.

At first, they look the same as in the second phase of the cycle: the mucus is thick, has a beige tint. By 7-8 weeks, the leucorrhoea becomes more liquid, due to the fact that the content of estrogen sharply increases in the woman's body. The placenta begins to produce them. Estrogens are involved in the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation, and also ensure the development and growth of the fetus. The liquefaction of mucus facilitates the subsequent passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

Abundant liquid discharge is considered the norm during pregnancy if it does not have a bright color, an unpleasant odor, and does not cause discomfort in a woman's genitals. The appearance of a faint yellowish or greenish tint is not necessarily a sign of illness.

A tint can appear if mucus mixes with urine. It turns greenish when a pregnant woman takes any medications (such as vitamins). Green dye is found in some foods (confectionery, food additives).

Discharge of this color also appears when using cosmetic products for the care of the genitals (allergy or inflammation of the mucous membrane). The cause of the abnormality may be the use of synthetic underwear.

During pregnancy, the discharge is colored green after sexual intercourse.

If the greenish color does not disappear, they acquire an unusual smell, cause discomfort, then a pregnant woman must be sure to inform the doctor about this and undergo an examination.

What pathologies do green discharge indicate?

The reason for the appearance of green discharge during this period can be:

  • diseases of the genital organs (inflammatory and infectious);
  • violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora (dysbiosis);
  • trauma to the external genital organs;
  • pathology of pregnancy.

Inflammatory diseases

Impurities of pus give the leucorrhoea a greenish color. Chronic diseases may have existed before pregnancy. After its onset, immunity weakens sharply. This is a natural process that prevents the rejection of the fetus as a foreign organism. Weakening of the immune defense contributes to the development of pathogens and is often the cause of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina (colpitis) or the cervix (cervicitis).

A warning: During pregnancy, you cannot self-medicate such and any other diseases. This leads to the spread of the inflammatory process into the uterine cavity, infection of the fetus and its death. Mechanical impact on the cervix during douching or other manipulations in the vagina cause miscarriage.

With colpitis and cervicitis, the discharge during pregnancy is green or yellowish, and has an unpleasant odor. Diseases spread to the urinary system. Urination becomes frequent and painful, possibly with a rise in temperature.

Infectious diseases

The cause of the disease can be an exacerbation of a chronic infection, the causative agents of which were in the body in a dormant state. Their development is triggered by a weakening of the immune defense.

Some types of infectious diseases can be contracted both sexually and through everyday life. Such diseases include thrush. A decrease in immunity can provoke the multiplication of the Candida fungus, especially when a woman is taking antibiotics. Discharge with thrush is usually white, cheesy. Their irritating effect on the mucous membranes leads to an inflammatory process and the appearance of a green tint.

Especially characteristic is the appearance of a bright greenish-yellow color in the discharge in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). These include, for example:

  • Trichomoniasis (a frothy green or yellow discharge)
  • gonorrhea (purulent, layered green-gray discharge);
  • chlamydia (mucous purulent discharge, yellow with a green tinge);
  • ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis (cause inflammation in the vagina and cervix).

During pregnancy, it is important to carry out timely diagnosis and treatment, since such diseases cause infection of the fetus through the amniotic fluid or during passage through the birth canal. Childbirth can happen prematurely. In addition, the likelihood of acute inflammation of the endometrium (endometritis) and further spread of the process to the tubes and ovaries after childbirth increases. Leucorrhoea with these diseases, as a rule, has an unpleasant odor, causes itching and burning in the external genitals, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Video: Why is thrush dangerous during pregnancy? Do I need to be treated during this period

Dysbacteriosis of the vagina

This is not a disease, but a condition that contributes to the occurrence of infectious diseases (thrush, gardnerellosis). It is associated with the death of beneficial microflora as a result of weakened immunity, improper care of the genitals, taking antibiotics and some other drugs. For bacterial vaginosis, as this condition is also called, the appearance of liquid, frothy, dark yellowish-green discharge with a fishy smell is characteristic.

Complications of pregnancy

Green discharge during pregnancy can be a symptom of dangerous complications, such as inflammation of the membranes, leakage of amniotic fluid. Such processes often cause fetal hypoxia, infection with it. A woman has a miscarriage or premature birth, possibly endometritis. At the end of pregnancy, if a greenish liquid discharge appears, a woman needs to urgently consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of diseases during pregnancy

Observing the nature of the discharge, one can make an assumption about the reason for their appearance:

  1. Light green discharge can occur with thrush. They resemble cottage cheese in consistency.
  2. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, liquid light green discharge occurs when the fetal membrane is damaged and water leaks. There is no smell.
  3. Dark green discharge is a symptom of vaginal dysbiosis. Blood impurities that enter the mucus from damaged vessels of the mucous membranes (with cervicitis, erosion of the cervix) also give a dark color.
  4. Yellow-green, brightly colored discharge always appears as a result of inflammation or infection of the genital organs.
  5. Discharge with an unpleasant odor is also a sign of pathology. If they have a fishy smell, it is bacterial vaginosis. A sour smell indicates thrush. Discharge containing pus or blood impurities has an unpleasant odor.

For an accurate diagnosis of diseases during pregnancy, a routine examination of the vagina is performed, as well as colposcopy, during which a device is additionally used to illuminate the surface and magnify the image.

A smear is taken from the vagina for examination under a microscope, a bacteriological analysis (culture) is carried out to determine the type of bacteria. A general analysis of blood and urine for leukocytes is done (to detect inflammatory processes). Blood tests are carried out for antibodies to various types of pathogens. To detect hidden infections, the blood is examined by PCR.

If necessary, an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs is performed.

Video: Sexual infections during pregnancy, complications, doctor's recommendations


When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the danger of pathologies that caused the appearance of green discharge during pregnancy, as well as the possibility of using various drugs.

In the 1st trimester, the use of antibacterial and antifungal drugs inside is extremely undesirable, as it can affect the formation of organs and systems of the fetus. During this period, inflammatory and infectious diseases are treated with topical preparations (they are used in the form of suppositories, creams, ointments).

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, for internal use, the least toxic drugs allowed for the treatment of pregnant women are used, and the minimum doses are prescribed. When prescribing antibiotics, antifungal agents (nystatin) are used simultaneously, as well as drugs with lactobacilli (linex).

Funds are used to strengthen the placenta, in which substances are produced that protect the fetus from infection. As such drugs, drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism, and vitamins are used.

Doctors warn about the danger of self-medication during pregnancy (with folk remedies or, even more so, with medications not prescribed by a specialist). If, in the presence of green discharge, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear, cramps in the vagina, the temperature rises, then you should visit a doctor immediately.