Yellow urine: causes of discoloration in men. The main causes of urine staining bright yellow

With urine, metabolic products are excreted from the body, including pigments that give it color. The higher the content of metabolic products in the liquid, the richer its smell and more intense shade. The volume of the secreted biomaterial also affects the color of urine, if there is a lot of it, the concentration decreases, and the liquid brightens.

Normal color concept

When laboratory diagnostics were not yet available, healers and healers paid attention to the peculiarities of urination or abnormalities in the properties of urine, even tasted it. An experienced doctor is able to determine the pathology by the color of the secreted fluid, but he will receive more accurate information after appropriate tests.

Normally, a healthy person should have yellow urine with a variety of shades, from light, straw to rich yellow. It depends on the content of the pigment in it - urochrome. The color scheme of the secreted fluid can change throughout the day and an atypical color does not always mean pathology. The normal daily urine output for an adult is approximately 1.5 liters with natural fluctuations. If there is more urine, it becomes lighter, if less, it becomes darker.

Why did the urine turn yellow more?

The reasons for the change in shade can be:

  • features of the diet;
  • too active or, conversely, passive lifestyle;
  • taking medications;
  • manifestation of the disease.

A rich color appears with urinary retention, if tolerated for too long. Darker urine is observed in the morning, so the morning analysis is considered the most informative. The reasons for a brighter color are very different, and you should not start to panic at the slightest deviation, but you should also not ignore these manifestations if they are constant.

Simple physiological factors

Food plays an important role in changing the organoleptic properties of urine. Bright yellow urine can be caused by eating foods that contain natural dyes. For example, carrots provoke the appearance of orange, beets - red, rhubarb and sorrel - green. Alcohol, especially beer and red wines, also does its part.

Fasting leads to an increase in the concentration of dry matter. Excessive physical activity and dehydration lead to the same effect - urine becomes saturated, the amount of salts and other substances excreted from the body increases. High ambient temperatures contribute to dehydration.

In order to prevent the development of renal pathologies, athletes are advised to periodically take an express analysis. It can be carried out independently using diagnostic test systems with a special scale, which determines the level of hydration. The normal level is defined as “it yellow”.

Diseases affecting urine

There are a lot of diseases that change the color of urine, and even a simple ARVI can become the cause. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • any inflammation of the organs of the urinary system affects primarily the quality of excreted urine;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis and other diseases of the bladder;
  • acute (chronic) glomerulonephritis - the color of "meat slops" is characteristic here;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus and diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis or cancer) - the reason for the increase in the specific gravity of urine, i.e. it becomes thicker and this gives an answer to the question of why the urine in these cases is yellow;
  • gastritis - changes the acidic state of not only the gastrointestinal tract.

Along with the kidneys, the liver plays an important role in urination:

  • hepatitis is one of the reasons for the increased excretion of bile pigments;
  • obstructive jaundice - causes darkening of urine, but the feces at the same time become pale, acholic. The same thing happens with cirrhosis.

Hepatitis-like symptoms with diarrhea and change in urine are caused by a highly contagious rotavirus infection known as intestinal flu.

Analysis of urine for "disease of aristocrats" - gout is of great diagnostic value, because systemic damage to internal organs, affects primarily the kidneys, and according to the analyzes we can talk about the development of chronic renal failure (CRF).

Because of prostatitis in men, the "mode of urination" changes - at night they become frequent, but urine output, nevertheless, may be reduced.

In women, and especially in young girls and girls, the rich yellow color of urinary fluid with the presence of turbidity or white flakes may indicate the development of thrush, especially if the burning sensation in the genitals is concerned. During menstruation, urine is also colored more intensely. In addition to thrush, similar symptoms can occur with other urogenital infections.

Of the acute conditions affecting the color of urine, it should be noted appendicitis, because it is according to the results of the analyzes that the surgeon determines do i need an urgent operation.

Conditions characterized by critically low levels of immunity, such as HIV, require regular testing and close attention to them.

Maybe the medication is to blame?

One of the reasons for the discharge of bright yellow urine is the intake of B vitamins and vitamin C, especially complex preparations such as Berocca, Kvadevit affect. Affect the properties of urine and other pharmaceuticals, for example, nitrofuran derivatives: furacillin, furazolidone, faramag, furadonin and furagin. Oddly enough, fish oil rich in Omega-3 can also be attributed to this.

Unnaturally bright yellow, unusual toxic color urine is formed when taking hepatoprotector Essliver-forte.

Iron preparations are capable of coloring the secreted liquid. The same phenomenon is observed when taking antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

Not knowing about the possibility of such effects from the use of drugs, many parents begin to panic at the sight of a child taking Faringosept from a sore throat, orange urine. If the sore throat is caused by hemolytic streptococcus, you should carefully monitor the changes in the tests, it is even worth giving the child bicillin prophylaxis for rheumatism.

Choleretic drugs prescribed for cholecystitis, such as Allochol, give urine samples a yellow, unnatural color.

Remember, any tablet colored orange or red can change the color of your urine!

Changes in pregnant women

Certain physiological conditions at different periods of life, for example: puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, affect the analyzes.

During pregnancy, a woman's body is rebuilt quite quickly, and internal organs react to such stress in different ways. In the early stages, when a woman is severely tormented by toxicosis and constant vomiting, dehydration should be feared. In this case, urine may contain a cloudy sediment. Taking prenatal vitamins provokes the release of lemon-colored urine.

Late gestosis is characterized by the appearance of edema, high blood pressure and proteinuria, which together threaten the development of eclampsia. Due to the fact that the intracellular fluid is not excreted, but accumulates in the tissues, despite the edema and visible filling with water, the body suffers from dehydration, and the urine becomes dark yellow.

A pregnant woman should carefully monitor such changes all the time, because the slightest deviation can indicate a developing threat to the child's health, and the result depends entirely on the timeliness of the response.

Features of children's urine

It should be noted that the color index changes with age. In infants, urine is almost colorless, in bottle-fed babies it becomes yellowish, in adults it is golden. Shades of yellow in the urine of a one-year-old child depend on the characteristics of the complementary foods. The analysis of a 2-3-year-old baby does not visually differ from an adult's fluid samples.

Sometimes in a perfectly healthy newborn baby, darkening of urine is noted, which is due to an increased level of uric acid. This indicator will normalize over time.

Diagnostic principles in urology

The most common and basic type of research is a general urinalysis. It is he who gives the initial data on the state of the urinary tract. Even with a common cold, he is informative.

In case of kidney disease or suspicion of them, accompanied by back pain, urine tests are prescribed according to Nechiporenko or Zimnitsky. Any changes in daily urine output must be recorded.

In case of liver pathologies, cholangitis and cholecystitis, it is imperative to determine the content of bile pigments in the urine.

Urogenital and other infections will be confirmed by highly sensitive PCR - polymerase chain reaction, which determines the DNA of the pathogen.

From instrumental and additional research methods for the diagnosis of pathologies of the urinary system, contrast cystoscopy, ultrasound and, if necessary, biopsy are used.

Noticing visible deviations from the norm, in case of incomprehensible discharge and discomfort during urination, back pain, changes in appetite, vomiting, you should contact your family doctor, local therapist or urologist, who will provide qualified assistance. Based on complaints and clinical symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the necessary list of tests, make the correct diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribe a medicine.

At the first "alarm bells", Canephron or Cyston is prescribed to sanitize the urinary tract and prevent stone formation. When an infection is diagnosed, Ceftriaxone is most commonly prescribed.

Bringing analysis back to normal

To normalize urine color, first of all, review your diet and the amount of fluid you consume. The correct regimen, in which you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, will restore kidney function and help remove toxins. Still water, weak green tea, diluted fruit juices and fruit drinks are well suited for this purpose.

Corrections will also require a load. Distribute them according to your capabilities, do not overdo it. It is useful to alternate intense workouts with walks in the fresh air. Avoid sun exposure on hot days and avoid overheating and dehydration.

The shade of urine depends on the presence of urochrome in it - a pigment formed during the degradation of hemoglobin. Its concentration in urine is 70-75 mg of the daily volume. The pigment level increases several times in the presence of diseases. The urine turns light yellow, then gradually darkens. The amount of urochrome can increase with dehydration. This situation is especially typical in the summer, after hard work or when drinking an insufficient amount of drinking water.

What is the reason for the urine to turn yellow?

Normal human urine is slightly golden in color. Urine in newborns has a transparent color in the first few weeks of life, and then turns slightly yellow. Urine can change its color for physiological and pathological reasons. The color and texture are influenced by lifestyle, water balance, and the consumption of foods rich in natural or artificial dyes.

Products that color urine yellow:

  1. 1. Citrus fruits. Not only fruits should be considered, but also drinks containing their juice. They often contain a yellow pigment that is filtered by the body and excreted in the urine.
  2. 2. Sweets, confectionery, yellow grapes.
  3. 3. Carrots, yellow tomatoes, pumpkin.

Quite often, the appearance of yellow urine is due to the intake of medications. In this case, two staining mechanisms are possible:

  • tinting urine with pigments contained in preparations;
  • the appearance of inflammatory processes due to excessive intake of drugs.

Especially the color of urine is influenced by vitamins of groups A, C, B. Antibiotics have a similar effect - nitrofurans furazidin, Furacilin, nifuroxazide.

When yellow urine appears in men, attention should be paid to the lifestyle. Lemon-colored urine without symptoms may indicate mild dehydration, such as after drinking alcoholic beverages. The more you are dehydrated, the darker your urine will be.

Urine color and dehydration

Diseases of the urinary system

A change in the color of urine is considered the first sign of the development of pathologies of the urinary system. They develop in the kidneys, urethra, urethra, or bladder. The most common cause of the development of diseases of the organs of the urinary system are harmful microorganisms.

Diseases leading to discoloration of urine:

  • amyloidosis of the kidneys;
  • acidosis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • dysmetabolic nephropathy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cyst;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

The efficiency of organs deteriorates with the development of pathologies, which leads to a decrease in urine output. The body develops processes similar to dehydration. As a result, the urine becomes saturated, there is a smell, sediment, and the consistency changes.

Urine color

Diseases of the urinary system lead to the development of a persistent inflammatory process. At the same time, urine is colored in brown and dark tones. The presence of yellow shades of urine is characteristic for the onset of the development of pathology.

In any form of diabetes, the patient has more frequent urination, and the daily urine output increases several times. As a result, urine acquires a pale yellow tint, becomes cloudy and has a sweetish odor.

It is impossible to identify the pathology that provoked the yellowing of urine, relying solely on its external characteristics. One can only assume which process caused this phenomenon.

Yellow urine in men has several gradations of shades:

  1. 1. Light yellow. Clarification of urine indicates a decrease in its density. But, unlike physiological discoloration, with the development of pathologies, the icteric tint will not disappear even with copious drinking. If light yellow urine is present, kidney disease should be suspected.
  2. 2. Bright yellow. This color of urine indicates the presence of a large amount of dyes in it.
  3. 3. Acidic with white inclusions. Often this shade indicates inadequate personal hygiene. If flake-like sediment appears, bladder and kidney disease should be suspected.
  4. 4. Dark yellow. Urine of this color appears during stagnant processes. It is observed in patients with kidney, liver, prostate or bladder pathologies. A sharp change from yellow to brown urine can occur with hemorrhage in the cavity of the urinary system. This clinical picture is especially characteristic of urolithiasis, in which calculi squeeze the walls of organs, leading to their injury.

It is possible to establish the exact cause of the appearance of yellow urine only with the help of laboratory diagnostics. Fresh morning urine is submitted for analysis. An average portion of urine is taken, which is drawn into the vessel in the middle of the urination process. The initial and the last are not suitable due to the large number of third-party inclusions.

When should you see a doctor?

For diagnosis and treatment, you must contact a therapist. Do not hesitate in those cases when the urine has sharply changed its color, began to stink, and the state of health has deteriorated.

Symptoms indicating the development of pathologies of the urinary system:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • rise in body temperature in the late afternoon to 38-39 degrees;
  • pain and heaviness in the lumbar spine;
  • a constant change in the shade of urine, regardless of the amount of fluid you drink;
  • the presence of stones, sand and sediment in urine;
  • unpleasant smell.

When poisoning with medications, a person feels heaviness in the lumbar region. The blow falls primarily on the kidneys, stomach and intestines. A feeling of heaviness in the lower back indicates the development of inflammation. Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract may not exist, but such a clinical picture requires the refusal of medications to stabilize the state of health.

In the absence of symptoms, urine color returns to normal after 1-7 days. If the deviation is observed for a long time, then you should seek medical help, even if there are no other manifestations of the disease.


If the urine has acquired a yellow tint, but the state of health does not deteriorate, then you can try to change your lifestyle. First you need to analyze your condition. We must remember the food, drinks and drugs consumed.

It is necessary to restore the water-salt balance in the body. Mineral water is suitable for this. It contains trace elements that a person actively loses during dehydration.

It is recommended to include watermelons in the diet. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. These include carotene, salts, iron, magnesium, vitamins C, E, PP, molybdenum, nickel and manganese. It is recommended to eat this berry when dehydrated; it quickly restores the water-salt balance. Watermelons should be purchased from local farmers who grow them without adding pesticides.

There is no need to give up a drug that stains urine with pigments. This does not harm the body, and urine returns to normal at the end of the course. Another situation occurs when medications that do not have a dye in their composition cause yellowing of the urine. Such a remedy should be canceled if possible, since the inflammatory process of the organs of the urinary system develops.

With the pathological nature of the symptom in question, a person is prescribed a course of therapy. Depending on the presence of a specific disease leading to yellowing of urine, the following treatment is prescribed:

  • antibacterial or antifungal therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention in the presence of certain types of calculi;
  • vitamin therapy.

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies are used as adjuncts to the main therapy. Alternative medicine is aimed at restoring water-salt balance, improving overall health, and includes vitamin therapy. When treating, it is necessary to choose agents that have a beneficial effect on the liver and genitourinary system. They should be made from ingredients that are rich in natural trace minerals, but contain a minimum of dyes.

In the therapy of the genitourinary system, corn silk has proven itself well. Decoctions are made from them, which have a weak anti-inflammatory effect. TOcorn silk able to accelerate the process of crushing stones. But it is forbidden to use this remedy if the calculi are large. Otherwise, the stone will start moving and get stuck in the channel.

Method of preparation and application of corn silk decoction:

  1. 1. For one liter of boiling water, take 3 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. 2. Boil over low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. 3. Cool and drain.
  4. 4. Take 1/4 cup with meals.

The product is prepared daily. It is necessary to drink fresh decoctions, otherwise they quickly oxidize and dyes appear in them.

Bearberry has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction of this herb has a mild antibacterial effect. .

Method of preparation and use of bearberry preparation:

  1. 1. In 1 glass of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l of raw materials.
  2. 2. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  3. 3. Cool the broth and strain.
  4. 4. Add water to make 250 ml.
  5. 5. Divide the product into 4 servings, take during the day.

Normal urine should only be clear, pale yellow in color. Its structure cannot be cloudy, contain some impurity particles in a healthy state of the body.

Influence of hydration level

Urine usually ranges from pale yellow to deep amber. Some of its changes are harmless, while others are symptoms of a particular disease.

This shade in normal urine is due to a substance known as urochrome. It is also called urobilin. It is the result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells. Urochrome is a by-product of red blood cell renewal.

When a person drinks a lot of water, this fluid excreted from the body can become lighter than the usual version. When diluted with water (if consumed abundantly), it will be significantly paler than bright yellow urine in its more concentrated form.

Urine is yellow, saturated, and becomes when a person loses a lot of fluid (for example, it comes out due to the more active work of the sweat glands). This criterion demonstrates whether sufficient water is consumed or not. Dark shades of yellow suggest that the person is dehydrated and in need of hydration. Therefore, monitoring the shade of the fluid removed from the body is advised to be used as a reliable way to control hydration during exercise.

It is necessary to seek urgent medical attention when dehydration is caused by an illness or a person is unable to take water. Dehydration can be dangerous for anyone, but young children and the elderly are especially vulnerable. The less water people use, the more bright yellow urine they can have.

The effect of medications

Pigments and chemicals found in food and drugs can also change the tone of urine. Among the latter, there are:

  • antibiotics;
  • laxatives;
  • some medicines used for chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer;
  • drugs that are prescribed to fight urinary tract infections.

These changes are fairly standard, and usually they are not observed over a long period of time. Rifampicin is used to treat tuberculosis. It results in a red or orange tone in the urine.

Diprivan is a drug that turns urine green or blue. Chronic exposure to lead or mercury poisoning makes this excreted fluid red.

Dietary and vitamin components

Diet can also be a factor influencing this issue. Rhubarb gives urine a dark brown color. All natural fruits, vegetables (especially beets), berries, and highly processed foods can contain high levels of food coloring. The latter are able to interact with the pigments of the digestive system and lead to a change in the tone of the fluid removed from the body.

This shade also varies depending on whether the food and water intake is separate or not. Asparagus imparts, for example, a green hue and an unpleasant odor.

There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Very yellow urine is mostly indicative of excess B vitamins, although this is harmless. It dissolves in water, and is rapidly absorbed in large quantities before reaching the intestines. Then this trace element quickly passes into the bloodstream, where it is filtered out by the kidneys within half an hour. The body then eliminates excess B2 through urine.

That being said, you can try to stop taking the vitamin for a few days and drink a few glasses of water throughout the day. This will allow you to see if the urine will subsequently become lighter in color. Other vitamins such as A, D and E, which are insoluble in water, are absorbed more slowly as they travel through the intestines.

Features of the period of pregnancy

Since the normal tone of urine fluctuates among shades of yellow, there should be no cause for concern if it looks lighter, brighter, darker, even during pregnancy. During this period, the urine may be bright yellow in many cases, and this should not be considered unusual. During pregnancy, color changes can result from:

  • the influence of normal transformations as the kidneys filter water;
  • how many drinks are drunk per day;
  • selection of certain foods;
  • taking vitamins and other medications.

The risk of dehydration increases while waiting for a baby to be born because there is a greater than usual demand for water in the body. It is necessary to maintain the volume of circulating fluid required by the development of the fetus and normal metabolism.

Doctors recommend vitamins and iron to all pregnant women. An excess of water-soluble vitamin C and B-group trace elements will cause the urine to change to a brighter yellow tone. This will be noticeable within a few hours after taking the vitamins.

A urinary tract infection can lead to worse pregnancy outcomes. Problems will be expressed in premature birth, rupture of membranes. If the urine darkens, becomes cloudy, has a smell, there is a burning sensation or pain, you should consult your doctor. Urinary tract infections caused by bacteria can cause the urine to appear green. This is a serious reason to see a doctor. Blood in the urine is called hematuria.

Carrots and their juice can provoke the appearance of an orange tone due to the carotene substance contained in this vegetable. Sweet potatoes will do the same. Such transformations are within the normal range. This is not a reason to give up fruits and vegetables, which are important foods in a mother-to-be's diet.

Problems with different organs

Liver problems can cause darkening of the urine. This condition is often accompanied by bowel movements with light colored feces and yellow (with jaundice) eyes.

Urine can also be a sign that your blood sugar is high. If you have other symptoms (dehydration, frequent urination, lethargy), it is worth talking to your doctor about checking if diabetes treatment is necessary.

Changes in the tone of this excreted fluid may be a sign of kidney or bladder problems. If the urine becomes cloudy or has a strong odor, it can be a sign of a bladder or kidney infection. This assumption is mainly confirmed by the occurrence of symptoms such as pain during urination, fever, and vomiting.

Infections can be accompanied by bleeding in the urinary tract, which can change the tone of the urine. Blood in the urine is one of the reasons why the urine turns red. Harmless causes of redness in urine indicate the presence of beets or blackberries in the diet.

Bleeding caused by kidney failure is much less common in children than in adults. Although some rare disorders can lead to it, some of them are:

  • Schönlein-Henoch disease;
  • hemolytic uremic syndrome;
  • Wilms tumor.

Any urinary tract bleeding in children is considered abnormal. In this case, you must urgently seek immediate medical attention.

In this case, the fluid removed from the body must be checked for the presence of bacteria that cause infection. Before you go to a consultation with a doctor, you should prepare a list of answers to the basic questions that he will ask, such as:

  • when the patient first noticed the changes;
  • what his diet consisted of lately;
  • what medications or supplements he is taking;
  • whether there is any increased physical activity in his daily schedule;
  • have there been any recent sleep disturbances;
  • whether the bowel movement is normal and regular;
  • whether there is a rash on the body;
  • whether the patient has had headaches recently;
  • whether he had vision problems.

Old age increases the risk of changes in urine tone. For example, kidney or bladder cancers are common in older people. Men over the age of 50 will find blood when urinating if they have an enlarged prostate gland.

Other urine colors

If the color of urine is outside the yellow spectrum, you need to see a doctor. This is especially true in cases with a brown tone. You should also seek medical attention in the case of red, blue or green colors. Medications that change the color of urine to brown are:

  • antipsychotic drugs such as Chlorpromazine and Thioridazine;
  • antibiotics such as Metronidazole and Nitrofurantoin;
  • medicines, the action of which is directed against epileptic seizures (Phenytoin).

A condition called porphyria causes a dark purple-colored discharge. Porphyria is a rare metabolic disorder. The urine can turn green from:

  • drugs containing phenol, such as Promethazine, used for allergies and nausea, and Propofol, a drug used in anesthesiology;
  • antidepressants (amitriptyline, cimetidine);
  • medicines that reduce the amount of gastric acid secreted;
  • pain relievers (Indomethacin).

Green discharge can be caused by a bowel disorder called ulcerative colitis. The disease leads to the formation of the fluid removed from the body of a color corresponding to the tone of the food, which is usually not able to be normally digested by the organs of the digestive system or which has been absorbed through the affected intestinal lining of the patient.

Cloudy discharge often indicates a range of potential problems. In women, it can be caused by vaginal discharge. Another reason for this is too much mineral content in the body, such as calcium. An excess of protein in urine can also lead to this.

A change in the color of urine is one of the clearest signs of a pathological process in the body, which a woman can easily identify herself. In a healthy person, urine has a light yellow, straw color. This color is due to the presence of pigments in it - urochromes, it also depends on the intensity of metabolism and drinking regime. Among women, a change in the color of urine, as a rule, is noticed by those who already have chronic diseases of the urinary system, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. Urine can acquire various shades of yellow - light yellow, bright yellow, dark yellow, lemon, the reasons for this are both physiological and pathological factors.

Why does urine turn yellow?

The normal color of urine is straw yellow, light, but if it becomes saturated, then this is a sign of disorders. Pathological impurities in the form of blood, mucus and pus are of clinical importance; a bright yellow tint is a borderline state between physiological and pathological. Often the human body itself copes with minor violations, but the pathology may worsen.

Yellow urine in women has many causes. They can be due to external and internal factors. Urine is a natural way of excreting filtered blood, so all harmful substances, nutrients and other substances are released into the environment with urine. It turns out that the color of urine directly depends on the composition of blood and other physiological fluids. With an increase in its density, due to low fluid intake or excessive moisture retention in tissues (edema), it also acquires a more saturated color.

Urine color with dehydration

Physiological causes

The fundamental difference between physiological causes is that they usually do not pose a significant threat to the body and are easily corrected by the person himself or go away on their own when the action of the provoking factor ends. Among the main ones are:

  • insufficient water intake- due to the low amount of fluid consumed, the volume of urine decreases, and the concentration of urochromes in it increases;
  • intense physical activity- the amount of sweat secreted increases, the amount of urine decreases, it becomes more concentrated;
  • eating foods that stain urine,- carrots, rhubarb, pumpkin, beets, colored soda ("Fanta", etc.);
  • taking certain medications, including those in a yellow or orange shell,- this is ascorbic acid, Revit, riboflavin, furacilin, nitrofurans, multivitamins for pregnant women, laxatives, nitroxoline;
  • pregnancy- taking multivitamins for pregnant women; displacement and compression of the internal organs of the expectant mother (including the kidneys) cause congestion in the kidneys, which changes their filtration capacity;
  • lactation- during lactation, a woman should consume about twice as much water, since most of the liquid goes to the formation of milk, if the recommendations are not followed, the body becomes dehydrated, urine becomes more concentrated.

Most of the physiological reasons are due to a decrease in water, resulting in an increase in its concentration. It is possible to change the condition by increasing the fluid intake, but this is unacceptable with an increase in edema, when all excess water accumulates in the soft tissues of the internal organs and lower extremities. It is not recommended to increase the daily volume of fluid intake during pregnancy, as the threat of complications increases, especially in the later stages.

  • acute intestinal infections- these diseases are characterized by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, they dehydrate the body, increasing the concentration of salts and urochromes;
  • diabetes- this disease is characterized by strong thirst, the patient consumes a lot of water, urine is "diluted" and becomes light;
  • urolithiasis disease- a high level of salts in urine makes its color more intense;
  • pyelonephritis / glomerulonephritis- increased protein content, the color is bright yellow, with glomerulonephritis it has a reddish or orange tint;
  • toxicosis- kidney damage with an increase in blood pressure in pregnant women in the early stages, causing a violation of their filtration capacity;
  • liver disease, obstructive jaundice- the level of bilirubin (a breakdown product of hemoglobin) rises, urine turns dark yellow, foams.

Urine color can indicate the following problems:

Colour Image Characteristic pathology
Light yellowDiabetes
Bright yellow
  • Taking medications / products that stain the urine.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Not drinking enough water
Dark yellow
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Glomerulonephritis - Urine often has a reddish tint due to red blood cells.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Acute intestinal infections - due to increased intoxication, the urine smells strongly
  • Obstructive jaundice.
  • Physiological jaundice of newborns

The shade of urine in pathological conditions can vary depending on the severity of the disease, the duration of its course and many other aspects.


If the change in urine color is caused by dehydration or kidney problems, and there is no way to see a doctor yet, folk remedies will help. In such cases, you can use agents that have a diuretic effect, many of them also have an antiseptic effect. But it is worth remembering that during pregnancy, many herbs are contraindicated, so girls in position should immediately consult a specialist.

The most effective herbal recipes:

Ingredients Cooking method Conditions of admission
chamomile2 tbsp. l. dry chamomile extract pour 400 ml of boiling water. After cooling, strain through a sieveDrink half a glass in the morning and in the evening until the symptoms disappear
MintPour 20 g of mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutesDrink like tea before bed
Linden flowers2 tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of boiling water over linden inflorescences, leave for 20 minutesStrain, drink the broth hot, like tea, morning and evening
Calendula2 tbsp. l. dry calendula flowers pour 2 cups of boiled water, let it brew for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil, cool, strain through a sieveTake 2 tablespoons 3 times a day
CinnamonTake one glass of low-fat kefir, add 1/2 tsp. cinnamonDrink before bed or after dinner. Contraindicated in hypertension

For a more complex action and enhancing the therapeutic effect, renal preparations are used. For each kidney disease, a specific set of herbs is used, this is decided by the doctor after the diagnosis. In the treatment of urolithiasis, the collection includes field horsetail and juniper. If the disease has an inflammatory genesis, it includes shepherd's purse and parsley, string, sage, plantain.

Woman's tactics

When changing the color of urine, you must:

  1. 1. Recall if you have recently consumed foods that stain urine yellow.
  2. 2. Analyze the drugs used - are there any among them that can affect the color of urine.
  3. 3. Listen to your body - are there any other symptoms besides urine staining - any pains, increased blood pressure, increased body temperature, frequent urge to urinate, cramps when urinating, a strong smell of urine.
  4. 4. Stop taking medications and coloring products for a day, if the urine has not acquired a normal color, contact a urologist.

Drug treatment depends entirely on the cause of the disorder, therefore the list of necessary drugs is determined only after the final diagnosis. You can correct the physiological state at home by increasing the volume of fluid consumed and using vitamins - they increase immunity and normalize metabolic processes.

It so happens that certain processes occur in the human body that cause characteristic symptoms. These symptoms usually include skin rashes, changes in hair structure, brittle nails, plaque on the tongue. The same symptoms, saying that something is wrong in the body, is a change in the color, structure, and smell of urine.

The urine suddenly turns reddish, brown, completely colorless or cloudy, and has an unpleasant odor. And then suddenly bright yellow urine appears, the reasons why this is happening are not clear? Let's find the answer to this question together:

Why is this happening?

Most often, worrying about changing the color of urine is unnecessary, as this can happen for quite simple reasons. For example, the color may change, turn pink or orange after eating certain foods, such as beets and carrots, respectively. Well, after eating asparagus, the shade becomes greenish, and the smell is sharp and unpleasant.

Sometimes, after a diagnosis, in which certain medications are taken, the urine may turn blue or even purple. This changes its density and transparency. But after a short time, everything returns to normal.

Why is the urine bright yellow?

Vitamins can make the urine bright yellow. Some antibiotics can also discolor it. And if at the same time a person does not experience general malaise or painful sensations, for example, in the lumbar region, there is no need to worry. Experts generally consider yellow, light yellow, possibly a deep yellow color to be within the normal range. The saturation of the shade depends on the concentration of urine. The higher it is, the more intense the color.

But in some cases, the urine may turn bright yellow for other reasons. For example, this often happens due to dehydration when the body is suffering from insufficient fluid intake. With chronic dehydration, the urine becomes very bright. This is an alarming signal and if you do not take action, the process of formation of kidney stones can begin. Therefore, be sure to drink regular, clean, non-carbonated water as much as you want, and stay hydrated.

Also, why is the urine bright yellow? This color of urine can appear during active sports, intensive training, physical exertion with increased sweat separation. In such cases, usually after exercise, there may be a change in the color of the urine. It also speaks of dehydration. Here it will be sufficient to replenish the lost amount of fluid in the body.

A bright yellow color can also indicate a change in the amount of urobilin (a product of hemoglobin degradation). Therefore, sometimes this may indicate the presence of impaired renal or liver function. It can also mean that the body is trying to get rid of a large amount of metabolic products.

In this case, drink more juices, add mineral water to the diet. It will not be superfluous to undergo an examination at a medical institution. However, when, in what cases you need to see a doctor, I will tell you a little later. For now, let's talk a little about the drinking regimen:

What is the normal drinking regime?

It is recommended to follow the drinking regimen so that the urine has a normal color, normal smell, and a healthy consistency. Experts recommend drinking at least 9 glasses of water per day, including any other liquid (soup, tea, coffee, milk, etc.). But you need to understand that all people are different and their fluid needs are different. Therefore, it is necessary, of course, to take into account also the age, state of health, body weight, lifestyle, the intensity of metabolic processes and even the sex of a person.

Therefore, if a person has already drunk the recommended daily amount of liquid, but still wants to drink, this does not mean at all that you need to forbid yourself to drink a glass of pure water. When you feel thirsty, you need to drink. Then, provided that the body is healthy, the urine will be transparent, of the usual yellow color, without an unpleasant odor.

When should you see a doctor?

Immediately contact a specialist in such cases:

If the urine has acquired a reddish tint due to the presence of blood inclusions, it has become cloudy and unpleasant, it smells sharply. These may be signs of bleeding that has begun in any part of the genitourinary system.
Clouding may indicate the development of an infection in the kidneys or the presence of urolithiasis.

If the urine has acquired a faint fruity odor, diabetes may be suspected.

If the urine turns dark brown, liver health problems can be suspected. For example, with cirrhosis, hepatitis, urine takes on the color of dark beer. If the container is shaken with it, a yellow foam will appear.

A change in the color of urine in a pregnant woman should be alarming. Even if she herself does not have any complaints about her well-being, it is imperative to conduct an examination, take an analysis. Since such changes may indicate the development of inflammatory processes. They can have a negative impact on the health of not only the expectant mother, but also her unborn baby.

If the change in color, density, odor of urine is accompanied by a feverish state, pain, fever, frequent urge to urinate, if nausea, vomiting appears, also immediately contact a medical institution in order to prevent the development of a possible disease. Be healthy!