Womens ankle tattoos. Beautiful ankle tattoos for girls (50 photos) - Ideas and meanings

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Celebrity Ankle Tattoos

Ankle tattoos are one of the most common leg tattoos. They are of great interest to both men and women, however, in recent years, girls and women have become the dominant carriers of these tattoos.

Leg tattoos can be found a little less today than other tattoos because legs, especially on males, were rarely exhibited to the general public. However, women have gotten tattoos on their legs an integral part of the great art of tattooing. Very often, a woman's legs were sported, so they managed to get these tattoos on their jewelry. Among other areas suitable for tattooing, it is necessary to highlight the ankle areas.

Benefits of ankle tattoos

This tattoo, in principle, is hardly noticeable. Thus, they are not attention-grabbing but practical.

This is a testament to good taste, even when it comes to tattooing. Ankle tattoos are a very beautiful outfit for attractive female legs.

A tattoo like this can highlight the strengths of your body, especially if you are not the proud owner of a sexy figure.

They are also comfortable in a way that you can hide them under your everyday clothes and present them only when you want.

Ankle tattoos do not undergo age-related changes, as well as changes in the weight of the wearer.

Ankle tattoo gives you the ability to design your own sketch, for example, ankle or foot.

Relatively low price. As ankle tattoos are small in size, they usually do not require significant investment.

How Painful Are Ankle Tattoos?

Tattoos on this part of the body are an example of averaging, but the pain sensation depends solely on the “patient's characteristics”. These are not the fleshy parts of the human body, so the tattooing process can cause some unpleasant feelings.

Given the fact that the wearers of tattoos are the primary ankles of girls and women, it is obvious that their skin is thinner and more susceptible to pain. Therefore, it may have a little blood on the tattoo. But since these tattoos are small, the process is not durable.

The meaning of ankle tattoos

Elegant ankle tattoos are very popular among girls due to their visual appeal and the ability to highlight one of the most attractive parts of the body.

Tattoos for men on the ankle are much less common. However, the old style of lovers is to popularize this place on the body for men.

If we are talking about male variants of ankle tattoos, we will see that their sketches mainly represent some letters or bracelets.

Women's ankle tattoos and their meaning

A list of photos that can be most commonly found on the ankle of modern girls are presented here:

wings - a symbol of Divine beauty, inviolability and purity of the female image;

the sun is a sign that is always positive; it means the bright soul of its owner, his energy and wisdom. It is believed that this tattoo brings good luck in all endeavors;

birds are mainly symbols of spiritual aspiration to higher realms and beautiful things;

fairytale fairies are a symbol of eternal youth, freedom and unearthly beauty; it is also the desire to preserve the perception of the world, imagination, awe and awe;

hearts of different types. The heart is a symbol of love and romance, it is the embodiment of all living power and vitality of a person. Courage, friendship, love, unity, sometimes pain and suffering - this is also embodied in this ancient and popular painting;

star or a scattering of stars. This painting carries the idea of ​​heaven, prosperity and good luck, it is believed that the stars give inspiration to its bearer;

Jenny (@ vercs83) Sep 6 2016 at 12:12 pm PT

dolphins in different variations. It is a talisman that brings good luck. It is also a symbol of striving for freedom, faith in goodness, unexpected joys and a desire to help others;

realistic or fantasy butterflies. Butterflies have become one of the most famous traditionally feminine symbols, embodying all the gentle and positive feminine qualities;

notes hints at the extraordinarily creative and unique nature of the carrier indicates great talent and originality.

Ankle tattoo is a good choice for those who want the pattern on their body to be quite noticeable, and also perform mainly an aesthetic function.

Ankle tattoos for girls are a common thing, they will not surprise anyone. But among men, such drawings are much less common. No wonder: ankle tattoos look very elegant and sophisticated. Most often, these are bracelets: thin patterns that wrap the leg in its lower part. On men, they would not look the best. However, representatives of the strong half of humanity sometimes make more massive bracelets, while choosing powerful patterns.

Often, ankle tattoos smoothly transition to the lower part of the leg, being only the beginning of the drawing. In this case, the tattoo looks more original, in addition, you have a wider field for imagination.

Sometimes Indian cucumbers are stuffed on the ankle, in which case, of course, the pattern occupies a large area. Sometimes they hit not a pattern, but an inscription - only on one side of the leg - the outside. Lately, wings on the ankle are fashionable, when you see them, the myth of Perseus, the owner of winged sandals, involuntarily comes to mind.

On the ankle, the skin is located just next to the bone. This can be the cause of pain: after all, hitting the bones is much more unpleasant. However, this does not compare with the drawings on the neck and wrist: soft skin tolerates tattooing worse. But the legs, forearm, back are less sensitive. Of course, the assessment of pain is purely individual, it depends on the personal pain threshold. Someone easily tolerates work on the wrist, and someone asks to anoint even a leg with anesthetic ointment.

Ankle tattoos are pretty practical. Such designs are not as hidden as, for example, a tattoo on the belly or on the side. But they are not as striking as the drawings on the forearm, neck, wrist, and upper back. That is, you can enjoy your tattoo yourself, in addition, you can easily brag about it even in front of not the closest people. In summer, the drawing will add zest to your image, and in winter it will wait for its finest hour, hidden under trousers and boots.

Below are photos of ankle tattoos from different tattoo artists.

The bottom of the leg is a very popular spot for drawing.

Popular and attractive ankle tattoos have not lost their relevance for a dozen years. The originality of the pattern in this part of the body fully realizes the aesthetic task - the owner is satisfied, the surrounding people are interested, and the female leg looks even more sophisticated and seductive.

Most often, it is the girls who turn to the master with a request to knock out the pattern. Indeed, in the warm season, the legs are always open and require not only care, but also stylish accessories. And art painting is not a decoration? Refined and original.

Weighted decision

The desire to get a tattoo should be deliberate and deliberate. Spontaneous expression of will in the future can bring many problems associated not only with health, but also with banal condemnation of oneself. If we are talking only about tattoos only for girls, then they write on the body both bizarre drawings and secret words.

Floral motives - very feminine

Advice!You should be more careful with the choice of abbreviations, so that inadvertently the former prisoners do not mistake them for "theirs." Identification by symbols is known to everyone who has been behind barbed wire, therefore, especially for girls planning to decorate themselves with ornate letters, be sure to study the Internet in search of the meaning of abbreviations. It is also not desirable to convey the name of your first love on the body - not the fact that the feeling is forever, but another will not come to the place of a unique man.

At the same time, you should not look for the hidden values ​​of the image. A chanterelle holding mushrooms in its paws is not necessarily full of sacred meaning, just like the outlines of a pearl bracelet wrapped around an ankle.

Aesthetic pleasure is the leitmotif of tattoo lettering. After all, ladies take such a step for the sake of beauty, which saves the planet and does not always mean something. Soft and delicate or bright and eccentric designs, usually small in size, are created to emphasize grace and grace.

When it is not possible to choose a theme, in the salons there is always the opportunity to consult with an artist who will give advice or come up with an original pattern.

Who is prohibited

So, the picture is selected. Financial issues have been resolved. Desire is in full swing. However, it is a good idea to visit the clinic for a consultation with a doctor. Someone himself knows that tattoos are prohibited for health reasons. But a person is not always aware of his latent diseases. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications that limit the application of illustrations to the skin.


  • cancer, even in remission;
  • hepatitis;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus (sometimes the endocrinologist can allow the patient to make the coveted tattoo - in the case of compensated diabetes. During the application, you need to eat sweets, do not hit the injection site and get ready that the picture will heal twice as long as usual);
  • allergies, skin tumors.


  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • colds and viral infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • poisoning;
  • the temperature is increased;
  • critical days.

If the trip to the salon is not overshadowed by any illness, then you should get a good sleep before the session and do not drink coffee or energy drinks in the morning. They increase the pressure, as a result of which the paint is pushed out of the skin, and the healing stage is increased. Do not forget to eat without alcohol. And try to forget about it altogether for a few days.

Flowers are always feminine

Advice! Alcohol is a capillary dilator. Therefore, if you want a quick recovery of the skin, avoid taking alcoholic beverages before and after the procedure. The finished work, when interacting with the drink, will begin to bleed and it will not be easy to stop the process.


As you know, beauty requires investment and sacrifice. Pain is indispensable here. Adipose tissue is poorly expressed. The area of ​​the body has moderate pain.

The area just above the ankle is softer and more elastic, it is easier to stuff there, and the client does not feel so painful. It is imperative to learn - hitting the "engraving" anywhere in the body is not the most pleasant pleasure. Therefore, fears remain outside the office or even sit at home with the owner.

Why legs?

The ankle is an intimate part of the body, which is quite permissible and even necessary to open. The location is a plus. The drawing is easy to hide if there is a strict dress code at work. Small images look perfect, and most importantly, the price tag for pleasure is affordable for many.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ankle tattoo has not only positive, but also negative aspects, in terms of place on the leg.


  • imperceptibly under trousers (there are few bosses who examine subordinates from head to toe in search of an error in the dress code. The drawing is hidden under a long sock before meeting with relatives who will begin to sigh in sorrow when looking at the tattoo.);
  • the girl who allowed her to decorate her leg with an applique is confident;
  • the picture expresses the inner "I";
  • interested views are provided from the side of the opposite sex;
  • this can be considered the first "sketch" before understanding - do you want to try again the process of creating a picture (small sizes look modest, care for them is minimal);
  • low price - bracelets are inexpensive, since they do not require efforts to create;
  • endure pain for less time than with a large pattern on the arm or forearm;
  • the skin in place of the hieroglyphs is aging more slowly.


  • we get only a small image - the lower part of the leg is not the right space for creating a huge reproduction;
  • problematic reduction of unsuccessful work;
  • application is possible only in summer (the picture should not come into contact with clothes, otherwise healing will be accompanied by discomfort, and rub the shoes).

A tribute to fashion, an ordinary "want" or a cherished dream? Before you stumble on the doorstep of a tattoo parlor, consider whether this is an accident or just uncomfortable shoes.

After all, most girls are in a hurry to fill the pattern not for the sake of desire, but only because it is at the top of trends. Once upon a time scarification was in the lead, and as the hobby faded away, the distraught guys were looking for any, even underground offices, where there was an opportunity to mix stupid fun.

Think about whether you would like to reduce the image in a few years. The service is not cheap and very painful.

And if you have already realized the importance of a tattoo for yourself, first of all, at the reception, do not rush the master - he does his job for you. The familiar proverb about people scoffing at haste in business is built on observations, which in this case is very instructive. Throwing the leg forward, as if it started to dance, is also not worth it. In both episodes, the client himself interferes with the tattoo artist, which can affect poor-quality work. Therefore, try to relax and heroically endure the test, especially since today in the arsenal of every salon there are drugs that relieve pain.

After application, choose open and soft shoes for the first weeks. And later, emphasizing the beautiful ankle, opt for classic pumps with high stylish heels. Sandals and open sandals will not ignore the miniature. Even sports shoes will accentuate grace.


On the miniature area of ​​the ankle and pictures, too, should not differ in large sizes. Discuss the desired print with the master, take into account every detail, so as not to be surprised and indignant later, looking at the consequence.

Advice! 3D drawing looks realistic. The tattoo is so natural that from a distance it is often mistaken for a real bracelet or a small bug frozen in thought.

A common tattoo is a bracelet. Thin, with a tiny accent in the form of a feather, key, cross, twigs. Sometimes it is made up of links or even letters. The last option looks very unusual. A quote from a favorite song, a line of a poem, statements of famous personalities, or maybe your own, which has long become winged in the circles of acquaintances.

Hieroglyphs, a rare or foreign language, have long been held in high esteem by lovers of wearable paintings. The meaning of a printed drawing in general can be understood only by its owner - let them guess. A bracelet can be a snake or a lizard wrapping around a leg - not always good-natured symbols, there are also characters with character.

Plant tattoos are popular and cute. A branch of a tree, leaves - cute and flirtatious, for gentle calm natures. Flowers are all girlish favorites. A blooming pink bud will accentuate femininity and add a bright touch to the image.

For paired prints, a sunflower is suitable, associated with happiness and the radiance of the rising sun. No wonder he is considered a symbol of sincere love with full dedication and self-sacrifice.

If you are not yet ready for such a bold act, then choose a lotus. Called in Buddhism to inspire, he will undoubtedly delight the creative person. We must not forget that its second side is immortality and resurrection. What if in a similar way you will be able to pave your way into the eternal?

Simple field daisies or cornflowers will emphasize the slenderness of the leg. And yellow buttercups will cheer you up even in a gray autumn with its torrential rains.
A whimsical feather is a symbolism of spiritual unity and family ties. In ancient times, it was believed that the gods of heaven send signs with the help of feathers to earthly inhabitants. Brave Indians adorned themselves with them, giving the enemy the understanding that they would not be lacking in courage, dignity and honor. And the fabulous feather of the Firebird will direct you to unraveling unknown secrets.

Aesthetics - this is what many young ladies are guided by when choosing the desired tattoo. Nice and cute are often the main criteria for body engraving.
Pictures that do not always carry meaning, but fit perfectly on the ankle:

  • fish;
  • star scattering;
  • hearts of all kinds of shapes;
  • butterflies with ornate wings;
  • lace stripes;
  • bows;
  • ornament or pattern;
  • palms;
  • wings;
  • solar system;
  • fairies;
  • berries;
  • geometric figures.

Often there are representatives of the animal world - those with whom tattoo carriers associate themselves. Redheads prefer gorgeous, cunning foxes. Take a closer look - a charming girl with a fluffy tail has recently become a leader and flaunts on the skin of many ladies.

The wise owl has been in demand since time immemorial. She is not just independent and curious. The ancestor cult revered the bird as a guide to the other world, someone even feared its appearance near their home. But in the body painting, the owl was present as a protector in another world.

A dolphin, along with seagulls or swallows, is a connoisseur of freedom, as are people wearing his portrait. The mammal is distinguished by a selfless kind character and quick-wittedness.

A clumsy elephant is a sign of peace, wisdom of persistent inner strength. The elephant tattoo is not a hit. However, a woman who decides to fill an animal will not regret it. This non-standard expresses a kind disposition and friendliness.

But we must not forget - the large-sized image on the ankle seems unnatural and rude, even if a big-eyed kitten is looking from it. It is better to reduce the animal to a few centimeters, this will not affect its cunning.

As you know, women were not allowed on the ship to avoid accidents. Years pass, but a strange omen is still alive on some ships. If it was not possible to connect fate with the sea, then nothing will prevent you from filling the anchor on the ankle. In addition to stability, lead endurance and strength of spirit, in different countries it expresses the fusion of two principles. Unshakable and devoted love - isn't this what thousands of women dream about?

Returning home…

"Freshly knocked out" tattoo needs processing and protection. Keep the image area clean. Avoid contact with clothing and shoes as much as possible. The specialist will tell you about strict care and timely skin disinfection.

Follow all the rules and enjoy the result!

The ankle in girls is considered one of the most attractive parts of the body. To attract attention, many people get ankle tattoos. The images that are applied to this part are actively discussed among young people, someone tries to be like celebrities in this matter, and some prefer to demonstrate their individuality.

If you decide to get a tattoo on your ankle, then it is important not only to choose a drawing, but also to take into account the peculiarities of your body and lifestyle.

The meaning of ankle tattoo

Images on the leg can carry their own specific meaning, depending on the nature of the picture.

For example, if you look at Charlize Theron's ankle, you can see a fish. One could assume that the drawing means belonging to the sign of the zodiac, but no, the artist according to the horoscope is Leo. Then you can put in another meaning - a symbol of fertility, sexuality, given that fish lay a large number of eggs.

It should be noted that the tattoo on the ankle does not always carry a hidden meaning, most often the drawing plays a decorative role, serves to decorate this graceful part of the female body. Inscriptions or drawings on the ankle emphasize the gracefulness of female legs, as well as the character of the lady.

Pros of a tattoo on the leg

Tattoos can be done on almost any part of the body. If an ankle is chosen for these purposes, then some positive points can be noted:

  1. If there is no desire to decorate your body with large drawings, but you really want to have a tattoo, then a small tattoo on the ankle is just what you need. A modest drawing does not look defiant, does not cause much discomfort when applied.
  2. If the owner of such a jewelry does not want to flaunt it, then there is always the opportunity to hide it under trousers or shoes.
  3. The cost of such jewelry is relatively low, since a small area of ​​the body is involved.
  4. Female legs with ankle tattoos look sexier and often attract male looks.

If you are the owner of slender legs, then it's time to attract the eyes of men by getting a tattoo on your ankle.

Cons of such drawings

Any idea can be viewed from two sides, in addition to advantages, you can also find disadvantages.

Several points can be noted that are highlighted by opponents of a tattoo on the leg:

  • If you are a fan of large images, then this area is not suitable for this, since the area is rather limited, so the choice of sketches is narrowed;
  • Those who have experienced the ankle tattooing process note that the procedure is quite painful. Feelings, of course, depend on the sensitivity of the skin in different places, the skill of the tattoo artist;
  • For those who wish to permanently display an image for public viewing, this area is not suitable. In winter, for example, this part of the leg is hidden by shoes or clothes;
  • After applying the tattoo, it bothers its owner for some time, as the healing process is delayed due to constant contact with clothing.

Having weighed all the pros and cons, everyone has the right to choose for himself whether to get a tattoo on the ankle or not.

Popular sketches for tattoos

Everyone decides which image to put on the ankle. But there are drawings that girls most often choose to apply on their legs:

  • The sun;
  • Flowers;
  • Hearts;
  • Asterisks;
  • Wings;
  • Butterflies;
  • Dolphins and other sea creatures;
  • Drawing in the form of a bracelet;
  • A hieroglyph or a group of them;
  • Inscriptions. They can go in the form of a bracelet and bend around the ankle, or the inscription is made vertically. By the way, if the inscription is located vertically along the shin, then it visually lengthens the legs;
  • The clover leaf is also chosen quite often, such a pattern is considered a symbol of good luck.

If we talk about male tattoos, then they are sharper, both in form and content. It should be noted that the choice of drawing depends purely on personal preferences. Some include all their imagination and come up with sketches on their own.

Henna tattoo on ankle

If you have a great desire to have an unusual decoration on your ankle, but you don't really want to get a tattoo, then a henna tattoo is an excellent choice. Henna has been used for drawing drawings since ancient times; this art has come to our time from India. As you know, women in this country painted their bodies almost from head to toe, using henna.

Our women, of course, most likely do not dare to do this, but it is quite possible to use henna for drawing small drawings.

This type of body art has its advantages:

  • The tattoo can be applied quickly and without pain;
  • The drawing does not last for a long time, but that is even better, after a couple of weeks you can change the decoration with a new image;
  • After the disappearance of such a tattoo, there are no traces, and, moreover, no scars;
  • Henna mixes well with various dyes, so you can get a rich color range;
  • Applying such a picture is a pleasure at all inexpensive;
  • To get jewelry, it is not at all necessary to visit a tattoo parlor, you can stock up on a stencil and start creating right at home;
  • Such a tattoo is absolutely safe for the body, and if we consider that henna belongs to natural antiseptics, then we can say that it is even useful.

Getting ready to apply a henna tattoo

It is even necessary to prepare for such a process, there are several recommendations in this regard:

  1. Carefully prepare the application site, wash with soap, rinse with running water and treat with an alcohol-containing liquid for degreasing.
  2. It is necessary to take into account that the smoother the structure of the skin, the clearer the pattern will be.
  3. Pre-remove leg hair.
  4. Draw the future drawing with a dotted line.
  5. You should not do the drawing in one place several times, there may be an allergic reaction.

Getting started drawing

The whole procedure for applying a tattoo on the ankle is reduced to the following stages:

  1. It is better to do the procedure in a warm room.
  2. Before the procedure, treat the skin with a small amount of eucalyptus oil to open the pores.
  3. Check for an allergy to henna, for this, apply a little of the composition in the area of ​​the elbow and wait a few hours. If there is no redness and irritation, then you can proceed.
  4. Apply a stencil to the leg, apply a tattoo with a dye paste.
  5. Wait until completely dry and remove the template.

Since ancient times, people have believed that tattoos are endowed with magical properties. And drawings on the body bring strength, courage and health to the owner. Tattoo artists note that not only men are interested in wearable designs. And for girls this art has become close. Ankle tattoos are popular among women.

The popularity of ankle tattoos

Tattoos in the ankle area are chosen by girls who want to attract attention to themselves and emphasize the beauty of their legs, and the drawing itself will reflect the brightness and color of nature.

Ankle tattoos are not popular among the stronger sex. The reason lies in the perception of pain. The male leg in this area is densely covered with hair. During the procedure, the hairs become entangled in the needle, causing discomfort.

Benefits of ankle tattoo for girls:

  • Sexuality and grace. Small tattoos on the leg in the ankle area look spectacular and attract attention, because they are performed in the sexiest part of the body;
  • Low price due to the small size and area of ​​tattooing;
  • Body-worn jewelry can be covered with a long skirt or pants;
  • Getting a tattoo on the ankle takes less time than on other parts of the body. This causes a minimum of pain and discomfort;
  • Doesn't look defiant. Ideal for girls who want a tattoo, but do not want to apply it to exposed parts of the body.

Application features

The human leg in the ankle area consists of the talus, tibia and fibula. Drawing on this area causes embolism and discomfort, unlike other, soft parts of the body. Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove hair and rub the skin at the site of the future tattoo with alcohol.

Soreness of stuffing on the ankle

The pain of getting a tattoo on the ankle depends on many factors:

How many stuff

The time it takes to get a tattoo on the ankle depends on the size and complexity of the sketch, the number of colors chosen by the customer and the small details of the design itself. If the tattoo is 15-20 cm in size with a simple pattern and monochromatic, the time for filling is 1.5-2 hours.

How to care for an ankle tattoo

Caring for an ankle tattoo is as important as choosing a tattoo and sketching artist, since this process involves the introduction of a foreign substance into the skin - paint. At the end of the process itself, the place with the tattoo is an open wound. To avoid complications, a rehabilitation period is required.

Also, proper tattoo care will keep it in perfect condition for many years.

Below is a list of recommendations for caring for an ankle tattoo:

  1. At the end of the tattooing process, the artist will bandage the ankle with a sterile bandage or gauze. After a few hours, it must be removed. If the tattoo artist used plastic wrap instead of gauze, it is removed after 20-30 minutes. Wash your hands well before removing the bandage or polyethylene;
  2. After the bandage is removed, the tattooed ankle is rinsed. To do this, use a bath of warm soapy water. Rinsing the tattoo under running water is strictly prohibited. After removing the blood, the tattoo is blotted with a paper towel;
  3. After washing, the area with the tattoo is treated with an antibacterial ointment, bepamnthen. This procedure promotes rapid wound healing, resists the growth of bacteria, moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, giving it elasticity;
  4. After 3-4 days, the use of the ointment is discontinued, and lotion is applied instead. It can help relieve itching associated with the wound healing process;
  5. During rehabilitation, it is not recommended to wear long clothes, socks and pants. The area with the tattoo should be open until complete healing;
  6. The shoes do not come into contact with the tattoo, so as not to irritate the skin and not interfere with the recovery process.

Selection of shoes

Women's shoes emphasize the beauty and elegance of not only the girl's legs, but also the tattoo.

It is selected depending on the nature of the wearable pattern:

Henna tattoo on ankle

For girls who want to get an unusual decoration on the ankle, but do not want to stuff a tattoo with a needle, there is a great alternative - applying a henna pattern.

This type of body art has a number of features:

  • The tattoo is not durable. Stays on the body for up to 2 weeks, so you can often change patterns;
  • The application process is painless and takes little time;
  • After such a tattoo, there are no scars;
  • An economical option in comparison with a pierced tattoo;
  • Henna is absolutely safe for the body and is suitable for repeated application. But girls with allergies are not recommended to use this product;
  • It does not require an obligatory visit to an expensive tattoo parlor. Creativity can be done at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase a stencil and henna.

The procedure for applying a temporary tattoo on the ankle is simple and is performed in the following steps:

  1. To open the pores, the skin is treated with eucalyptus oil;
  2. A small amount of henna is applied to the forearm to check for allergies;
  3. A stencil is applied to the selected place on the ankle and an image is applied using henna;
  4. In order for the tattoo to dry completely, it will take 1-1.5 hours of continuous stay in a warm room;
  5. To give the tattoo brightness, sesame oil is applied to it;
  6. Regular hairspray will help set the look.

Popular hieroglyphs and their meaning

Chinese characters have long won pride of place among the most popular ankle tattoos.

The most popular hieroglyphs are:

  • Translated from the Chinese language, such a hieroglyph means love.... Among tattooists, it is believed that such sketches are chosen by girls who want to find female happiness and meet the man of their dreams;
  • Hieroglyph meaning rose denotes passion, beauty and attraction;
  • Yin Yang- this is the general harmony and balance of natural forces;
  • Hieroglyph "Fu" denotes happiness, peace, prosperity and prosperity. It is believed that applying it to the body brings wealth and health to the owner, and happiness in his personal life. It also has the effect of an amulet and protects against evil spirits.

Sketches of inscriptions in Latin with translation

Latin inscriptions are no less popular:


Ankle bracelet tattoos are ideal for girls of all ages.

But before applying, you need to remember that this is not only a decoration, it has a rich history and carries a deep meaning:

  • An ancient language spell pierced around the ankle, which closes the clover leaf, attracts luck and wealth;
  • The round shape of the bracelet with a firebird feather embodies spirituality and the eternal pursuit of the unknown;
  • Celtic patterns and rose thorns denote a talisman against the human evil eye and damage;
  • A tattoo bracelet in the form of a chain with a key indicates that the owner's heart is closed to strangers.


Dolphins are kind and intelligent mammals, but in the world of tattoos, meanings depend on the style of the image:


Ankle tattoos for girls with the image of butterflies in Russia are liked by girls of easy virtue.

But the meaning of this image lies in a different meaning:

  • Butterflies on the vine represent harmony and family happiness;
  • A colored butterfly with wide-spread wings has the meaning of love;
  • The symbol of immortality bears images of butterflies fluttering over each other;
  • Butterflies flying among the stars are broadcasting about freedom.


The popularity of a tattoo depicting hearts has not lost its relevance since the last century:


Images on the ankle with stars primarily serve as a stylish attribute:


A fairy tattoo is not just a beautiful drawing, it has many interesting meanings:

Sun and moon

Romantic natures choose a tattoo depicting the sun and the moon.

But the meanings of such drawings are not always romantic:

  • The moon is maternal love and fertility;
  • The sun is the all-seeing eye;
  • The moon eclipsing the sun signifies the collision of several forces;
  • One luminary with two drawings: on the one hand - the sun, on the other - the moon denotes sadness and inner torment;
  • The sun in the moon is a sign of eternal wandering.


Flower tattoos carry a secret meaning and give the owner an additional charm:


Images with animals convey the mental and physical qualities of the impaled animal:


A tattoo depicting a plant gives a girl elegance and grace:

"Star" gallery

The fashion for tattoos in the ankle area did not pass by the star girls:

To emphasize their individuality, girls fill an ankle tattoo without thinking about the meaning of the picture. For many girls, the beauty of the sketch is above all. When choosing a drawing, it is important to consider that it will stay with a person forever. Before applying a tattoo, you need to think 1000 times and only then start.

Video: ankle tattoo for girls

Ankle tattoos for girls, video selection:

The meaning of ankle tattoo for girls: