Do you know what a nail bonder is? Duo for long-lasting coverage. Bonder and base for gel polish from In'Garden

The art of nail art is constantly evolving and some new items regularly appear in it, and with the ubiquitous distribution of gel and acrylic coatings, auxiliary aids have also become popular. They help to carry out all the steps in the technology correctly so that the manicure remains beautiful and neat for a long time. One of these tools can be called a nail bonder, and what it is and how exactly it should be used, we will talk today in our article.

Elementary: what is a nail bonder

Professional manicurists know perfectly well what a bonder is and how to use it in order to get high-quality build-up and long-lasting coverage on long time... Craftsmen are not so knowledgeable, and self-taught ones do not even have a vague idea of ​​why this or that substance is needed, which is sold in the branded nail service accessories departments.

Need to know

Bonder is a fairly thick substance that resembles glue in consistency. It is he who provides reliable and strong adhesion (adhesion) of the extended gel and the surface of the natural marigold. Translated from English, the word Bonder means bonding or binding, which accurately reflects the essence of its main function.

Useful qualities

If a person is engaged in building up and claims to be at a sufficiently high level, it is worth figuring out what it is, and what is the use of using it in practice. The gel-like structure of the sticky and viscous bonder promotes even distribution (spreading) of the product over the entire nail plate.

  • The substance provides a snug fit and reliable adhesion of a variety of surfaces (natural nail and gel for building).
  • Bonder creates a layer between natural marigold and gel.
  • The product has the qualities of double-sided tape, as it has a high level of stickiness to any surfaces.

The composition determines the quality and properties, it reliably adheres to almost any surface. Therefore, it reliably holds gel, acrylic, plastic and liquid tips, as well as other options for decorating nail plates.

Types and types

Before you figure out how the bonder differs from the primer, you should pay attention that the first, just like the second, can have different types.

  • Acidic is more suitable for oily, not entirely healthy or damaged nails. Most often it is used when working with acrylic. However, it must be remembered that if a transparent coating with non-pigmented varnishes is supposed, it is better to refuse such a substance, since it leaves some yellowness.
  • Acid-free is used for healthy nail platinum. It does not leave any yellow or grayish tint and is suitable for all types of coatings and build-ups.

The second option is perfect for working with transparent varnishes, since its composition will not be visible. Professional craftsmen use this material to create an incredible aquarium design that has become extremely popular in recent years due to its revolutionary appearance. Many people also consider a dehydrator to be a bonder, but it cannot be considered a full-fledged member of this list, since it is a slightly different substance that affects the state of the nail plate.

However, the action of these substances is similar, the dehydrator not only cleans the marigold from excess fat, dust or dirt, but also creates a reliable barrier between it and shellac. It guarantees a nutritious and healthy layer without disturbing the microflora, as well as protecting against the penetration of fungal spores and the development of similar diseases. That is why, first, the nails must be treated with a special compound, an antiseptic agent, a dehydrator, and only then the selected composition must be applied. Thus, it becomes completely clear what is the difference between a bonder and a primer.

Differences between bonder and primer

A beginner master may not understand at all what to choose, a bonder or a primer, because he does not know what is the difference between them and what functions are inherent in these substances when they are created. It would seem that both of these means provide high-quality adhesion of the applied surface to the natural one, but completely different mechanisms operate here.

  • An acid or acid-free primer is applied to the nails in order to form a protective film that does not allow substances that are contained in the upper layers of the manicure and may be toxic to penetrate the nail into the body. Bonder simply creates a sticky or hard layer.
  • The sticky composition does not affect the marigold in any way, unlike the primer, which cleans from dirt, grease, dust and even regulates the acid-base balance.
  • The primer must dry in the open air, it takes a few minutes, but the bond will already require drying under the rays of an LED or UV lamp.

When figuring out what to apply first, a primer or a bonder, you should think about the functions of the formulations. So, the first is something like a primer that protects and protects the surface, and the second is a fastening, adhesive agent, providing maximum adhesion, eliminates peeling and cracking of the surface due to its elasticity.

Thus, the question of which is better, a primer or a bonder, is not worth it at all, since these are completely different substances. Of course, they can be completely abandoned, but they cannot be called interchangeable. In fact, both formulations are necessary to create a strong, reliable, as well as long-lasting and beautiful manicure.

Popular brands

The cosmetic market today is literally flooded with a wide variety of tools and materials, and nail art is not an exception to the rule. Therefore, on the shelves of modern stores there are dozens of names of bonders, as well as other means for creating newfangled designs. Each master is free to independently choose which adhesive material suits him best, but the following products are considered the most in demand.

  • Bonder In'Garden is an acid-free substance that gently cares for the nail plate, without damaging it either immediately or in the long term, with regular use.
  • IBD Bonder Gel is a sticky base that significantly strengthens the bond between the nail and tips, gel or acrylic for building.
  • The composition of Orly Nail Bonder Treatment creates a sticky and elastic rubberized layer between the own and the extended marigold, preventing the appearance of cracks and chips, even with moderate mechanical damage.
  • Nubar's Infinity Bonder is a completely innovative formula that is gentle on nails and is highly regarded by nail artists and their clients. It has a rather high cost, which "scares away" folk craftsmen.
  • EzFlow is another professional formulation sourced straight from the United States with a very high price tag and enviable quality. In the overwhelming majority of cases, real professionals acquire such a remedy.
  • Japanese-made CBF Bonder Gel has the ability to create a hard coating after curing in a lamp. Often used when building with gel or acrylic as a base.

The price of the composition can start from hundreds of rubles and end in several thousand for a small bottle, but it is not a definitive indicator of quality. If you do not want to get into a mess and get useless liquid, you should shop exclusively at official retail outlets, which can provide certification for the products they distribute. Choose products with a denser texture and a thick glue consistency, so the final manicure will be much more reliable.

How to use correctly

We have already figured out what a nail bonder is for, so it remains to find out only the last question, how to use this composition correctly so that it performs its function to the maximum. After all, every beauty wants the manicure to look perfect and serve for a long time, until the next trip to the master. Initially, you should treat your hands with an antiseptic, as well as make a hygienic manicure according to all the rules, and only then start work.

Trying to find out whether a bonder is needed for gel polish, it should be understood that it does not contain substances that could affect the vital activity of pathogenic flora or fungi. He will not be able to save you from infection, if you do not first carry out all the necessary manipulations, starting with the correct one and applying an antiseptic to the pens, and ending with a primer.

  • Gently grind the nail plates with a buff, laser or glass nail file, removing the minimum thin layer. Be careful not to make cuts in the nail, this leads to discomfort and increases the risk of infection in the nail bed.
  • The nail rolls and the cuticle area should be treated with a greasy cream.
  • Apply a thin layer of primer to the surface of the plate and wait until it is completely dry in the open air. Be careful not to get it on your skin, as you can get an unpleasant burning sensation and even a slight burn. You need to dry the product for at least one minute.
  • Using a brush, apply the bonder, too, in a fairly thin layer, avoiding wicking around the edges.
  • Send the marigolds, the coating with the product, under the rays of the lamp and wait one minute until the composition is completely polymerized.

This completes the application process and all that remains is to build acrylic or gel nails on the surface, or you can simply cover with shellac according to the instructions. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process.

Video tip: primer and bonder, what are the similarities and differences

We have already found out what both substances are, and what is applied first is a primer or a bonder too. It remains to figure out what features they have. To do this, you need to watch the video lesson presented below, where everything is clearly and clearly explained with examples. Both of these compositions can be completely excluded from the process of building up or coating with gel polishes, but the quality of the manicure will then leave much to be desired, and detachments, chips and cracks cannot be avoided.

Extension of nails is a very difficult and time-consuming job. It requires not only creativity and certain professional skills, but also knowledge of various things. Many concepts are difficult for novice builders to understand, so they often have a hard time.

It is worth noting that many drugs and tools that are used for such a procedure are very similar and their distinctive features are small, and it is quite difficult to understand them. Particular attention should be paid to drugs such as bonder and primer. Initially, it is worth understanding what each tool is.

Basic concepts

Bonder is special tool for nail extension with which the nail plate is processed. It is entrusted with the function of a high-quality connection of the nail plate and artificial material. We can say that this is a special glue that is designed to create a special base so that the master gets a high-quality and strong manicure. Every master knows that the better the adhesion is carried out with the help of the bonder, the stronger the extended nails will be. Thanks to the nail bonder, the artificial surface is prevented from flaking and also a protective layer is created for the natural nail plate.

You can check the professionalism of any manicurist by asking what a bonder is for. Not everyone can answer this question as correctly as possible, having only a general idea. Such unprofessionalism and a desire to save on materials leads to the fact that craftsmen tend to use cheaper analogs, for example, a primer. In this case, clients remain disappointed and strive to find a more professional master who does not save on materials and makes a high-quality and competent extended manicure.

This remedy, in fact, acts in a similar way and its purpose is improve the adhesion of the nail plate... But do not confuse them, since the chemical elements that are part of these two drugs have different effects and purposes. Therefore, they cannot be replaced with each other. Consistent use of both drugs is necessary.

The primer is responsible for providing the preparation soil, while the bonder is responsible for the adhesion quality.


  • Bonder is a preparation that ensures high-quality adhesion of the nail plate with an artificial base.
  • A primer is a composition with which the nail is processed in order to prepare it for the further distribution of an artificial decorative surface.

Comparative characteristics

Now it is worthwhile to understand more clearly what are the main differences between these two drugs.

Bonder translates as gluing, bonding... When building nails, such a drug is used to provide better adhesion. The bonder has the function of preventing peeling of nails based on the gel after the extension has been completed.

Bonder is characterized by sticky structure, therefore, after applying it, the surface should be dried under a lamp for about three minutes, and only then apply the main artificial coating. Because of its structure and purpose, the bonder is often called double-sided tape.

The primer, in fact, is a kind nail primer, which serves to clean and level the surface. Also, the primer is used to degrease the nail plate and equalize the pH balance. Thanks to this preparation, excess moisture is removed from the surface. Due to the peculiarities of the composition and properties, the primer helps to improve the adhesion of the nail surface with the artificial layer. It is very easy to distinguish the primer. Unlike a bonder, after application, it does not require additional drying and dries up instantly.

A professional nail extension technician uses both products in sequence when performing a manicure. First, a primer is applied, which prepares the nail plate for the application of an artificial decorative coating. After that, a bonder is already applied, which guarantees a strong and high-quality adhesion.

The main differences between bonder and primer

  1. Bonder is used as a bonding layer, while the main task of the primer is to cleanse and prepare the nail surface for the extension.
  2. The primer is able to normalize the pH balance, while the Bonder has a completely different purpose.
  3. By its structure, Bonder is a gel-like, sticky product that requires drying under a UV lamp. The primer is a light preparation that dries up after application in a matter of seconds.
  4. The primer is a preparatory layer before the bonder is dispensed.

As it became clear that confusing two concepts such as a bonder and a primer is unprofessionalism for the master... And the use of one instead of the other, even more so. Therefore, if one of the means is not used when building up, then it is better to look for another master. After all, there is no guarantee that the nails will delight for a long time. Most likely, they will begin to flake and break very soon, and correction will be required much earlier than planned.

Today, the extension procedure costs a lot of money, therefore, when carrying out it, it is important to evaluate the skill and professionalism of the master and not throw away your own funds is not a wind. Very often, inexpensive novice masters save on many materials necessary for the process, while the quality of the result is lost and correction is required very early.

However, there is still a difference between these two acid-free adhesive degreasers, so nail design professionals strongly recommend using both primer and bonder, but only in a strictly defined order, described in more detail below.

Before proceeding with the description of

what to apply first primer or bonder, you should consider what exactly these two means. Knowledge of this simple theory is really necessary, because then the master will not get confused when thinking about how to apply the primer and bonder, remembering their properties and the order of application. So, a primer is understood as a special preparation, the main purpose of which is to prepare the nail plate for extension. That is, we are talking about a kind of degreasing primer that evens out the acid balance and draws out all excess moisture and fat from the surface of the nail plate, which provokes the rejection of the polymer layer. That is why the primer should be applied as the first layer in front of the bonder, because its other use loses all meaning, since there is no need to degrease polymers, unless we are talking about removing the dispersion formed from drying in a UV lamp, for which completely different means have been developed cleaning.

The primer should be applied with quick confident movements, in no case going beyond the nail plate and without affecting the cuticle and periungual ridges, because it dries almost instantly even without using a UV lamp. As for the bonder, its main purpose is to qualitatively improve the adhesion of the surface of the natural nail plate with the polymer used, and in fact it is a kind of cement used in nail design. However, its useful properties do not end there, because in the future it is the bonder that prevents the peeling of the artificial material from the nails, representing a kind of double-sided adhesive tape on a sticky gel base. That is why the bonder is applied in a second layer immediately after the primer, with the help of which the surface of the nails is prepared for extension.

However, unlike a primer, a bonder, due to its sticky texture, needs additional drying in a UV lamp, which on average lasts from two to three minutes. Immediately after drying, the surface of the nail is treated with a cotton pad abundantly moistened with an alcohol-based degreaser (cleanser). Alternatively, you can use a nail polish remover, but without acetone, which tends to have a negative effect on the polymers used in nail design. If you wish, you can prepare the cleanser yourself using plain water and alcohol in a ratio of 70 to 30. Some masters use cosmetic oil or liquid tape to protect the cuticles and delicate skin of the periungual rollers, which are applied to the areas in need of protection. After the primer is applied to the surface of the nail, you can remove the oil or remove the frozen liquid tape, since it is by no means safe to send fingers with such protective equipment under ultraviolet rays. In principle, one of the above means can be used, replacing the primer with a cleanser, and a bonder with a primer, but then there is a risk that the extended nails will wear worse.

Primer and bonder are preparatory for nail extension and gel coating, before applying gel polish and creating a design. Thanks to them, the coating stays on the nails for a long time, is protected from delamination and peeling. They have both similar functions in manicure and distinctive features. To create a high-quality manicure, they should be used in combination.

Comparison of preparations for artificial turf

These products are applied with a brush. They are odorless and colorless, protect the nail from coloring pigments, yellowing and destruction, provide a smooth coating.

Also, the similarity of the presented tools lies in the fact that they all contribute to a better connection of the artificial covering and the nail plate, to improve the quality of manicure. Thanks to them, the coating adheres well to the surface to be treated and is securely fixed, retains its impeccable appearance for several weeks. However, they cannot be used as interchangeable means.

A primer is a liquid used to clean and degrease the surface to be treated. It is used immediately after a caring "dry" manicure to remove excess moisture and shine from nails. It helps to restore and equalize their pH balance and dry and decontaminate. Apply this product gently, avoiding contact with the skin.

It is imperative to use it, since without it, gel polish is very quickly chipped off. The primer contributes to a better connection of the artificial covering and the nail plate, improving the quality of manicure, it dries quickly in air and does not need to use a special lamp.

In its composition, unlike the other two products, acid may be present, aimed at enhanced cleansing of the upper layers of the nails from excess moisture. However, it is better to use a special dehydrate for this purpose.

After the initial treatment, a bonder is applied. Bonder is thicker, has a dispersion layer and dries in air for 10-15 seconds or in a UV lamp, depending on the brand (read the instructions carefully before use). It can be used only after the primer has completely dried. It lays down easily, does not spread and serves as the basis for the next stages of coating. If you do not apply one of these products under the coating, it will start to flake off and very quickly lose its appearance.

Perfect adhesion of artificial materials to the nail plate can only be achieved using an integrated approach. First, you need to do well the initial treatment of the nail plate and cleaning the nail (using a primer), then apply a bonder, then the coating. When these funds are interchanged or replaced with other materials, the quality of the finished manicure can significantly deteriorate.

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