January 14, what a holiday. Church Orthodox Day of January. Day of the pipeline troops of Russia

January 14, 2018 Circumcision of the Lord: What is this holiday, how it is celebrated, traditions, signs, history. Every year on January 14, an Orthodox holiday is celebrated Circumcision of the Lord. This day is dedicated to an event associated with the circumcision of the baby Jesus. For Christians, he is a symbol of the fact that Jesus was a man of flesh and blood, and not a disembodied spirit. According to history, the Holiday Circumcision of the Lord was established by the Orthodox Church in the IV century.

According to the Old Testament law, the Son of God on the eighth day after his birth took circumcision. In the Jewish people, this rite was a symbol that a person agrees to obey the laws and the teachings of God. When circumcised baby gave a name Jesus. It translates from Jewish as "God will save."

Holiday Circumcision of the Lord January 14, 2018 coincides with another Orthodox holiday - a day of honor of the memory of the saint Vasily the Great. By tradition in this holiday in many temples, worship is held: the all-night vigil and the solemn part of the uterine (ramps). In churches, Jesus Prayer is read and the Liturgy of Vasily Great is performed.

Holiday Circumcision of the Lord January 14, 2018, in addition to church traditions, people also have folk signs and beliefs.
The people say that the bright sun in this holiday is a symbol of a rich harvest of berries and fruits.

If on this day, the frost covered trees, then there will be a good crop of grain crops.

It is believed that a man born on January 14 for circumcision of the Lord will live in prosperity.

To wear a new thing on January 14, 2018 is considered a good admission. This means that the whole year will be successful.

Also to bad signs there is a decision on this day financial problems. Also, it is not worth 14 January to give money to debt and recalculate small money.

Many sincerely believe that, mandated on the night of January 13-14, will definitely embody into reality.

Published on 01/14/18 12:06.

Today, January 14, 2018, also celebrate the old new year, the day of the pipeline troops of Russia and other events.

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On January 14, 2018, the Great Non-West Orthodox Holiday is celebrated - circumcision of the Lord. The holiday is devoted to the event cutting the baby Jesus. He symbolizes for Christians that Jesus was a man, not a disembodied spirit.

The Orthodox Church has established a holiday circumcision of the Lord in the IV century.

According to the Old Testament law, on the eighth day after birth, the Savior accepted circumcision. In the Jewish people, this rite symbolized the human agreement to obey the laws and teachings of God. For intkbbch Cutting the baby received the name Jesus that in translation from Jewish means "God saves".

The people on this day marks the old new year. On the night of January 14, girls are guessing. In the morning, the guys sow grain home and sing ritual songs.

In circumcision, the Lord can not be denied a person in forgiveness and help - it can attract failure. It is forbidden to swear, use obscene vocabulary, insult loved ones, think about the bad. It is impossible to give money in debt, otherwise the whole year will be held in debt. Do not make trash. Bad sign - to solve financial issues and consider small money.

According to the signs, the bright sun today foreshadows a rich harvest of fruits and berries.

If the trees were covered with anneam - to wait for a good crop crop.

Made on the night of January 13-14, the desire will surely come true, but to wear a new book on this day - to the successful year.

On the night of January 13-14, the old new year comes. This holiday is distributed in the CIS countries, and he arose due to the change of summer in our country in 1918, when it was decided to transition from Julian to the Gregorian calendar. The discrepancy between calendars was 13 days. The new year on the old style began to arrive at night from January 13-14, which was the reason for the emergence of a new holiday.

Day of the pipeline troops of Russia

On January 14, the Day of the Pipeline Troops of Russia 2018 is celebrated. The holiday appeared on this day in 1952, when Marshal of the Soviet Union A. Vasilevsky signed a decree "On the creation of a specialized pipeline battalion". This date has become the birthday of pipeline troops.

Alexander, Bogdan, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Plato, Trofim, Fedot.

  • 1506 - In Rome, a marble sculptural group "Laocoon and his sons" was found.
  • 1700 - Peter I commanded the nobles wearing European costumes.
  • 1814 - In St. Petersburg, opened for a general visit to the Imperial Public Library.
  • 1929 - Birthday of the Moscow Region.
  • 1980 - The Emergency Session of the UN General Assembly condemned the commission of Soviet troops to Afghanistan.
  • 1992 - Masonic Lodge of Harmony was founded in Moscow.
  • Adam Charterian 1770 - Polish and Russian State Affairs.
  • Peter Semenov-Tien-Shan 1827 - Russian geographer, statistics.
  • Bert Morizo \u200b\u200b1841 - French artist.
  • Albert Schweitzer 1875 - German Theologian, musician and doctor.
  • Anatoly Rybakov 1911 - Soviet writer-novelist.
  • Yukio Misima 1925 - Japanese writer and playwright.
  • Lyudmila Pinayeva 1936 - Soviet athlete - rowing on kayaks.
  • Valery Kharlamov 1948 - Soviet hockey player and striker.
  • Anna Samokhin 1963 - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema.

old New Year

This popular tradition, New Year's holiday in the old style is due to the discrepancy, Julian and Gregorian calendar. Almost all global countries live in the Gregorian calendar. These discrepancies are thirteen days. This holiday is a rare historical phenomenon, it has emerged thanks to the change of summer. This is the reason that people began to celebrate the new year twice, the first time the new year is celebrated in a new calendar, and the second one. Therefore, everyone can extend the celebration of New Year holidays before January 14. Holidays Old New Year Many believers pay special attention, because it is then that the end of the Christmas post comes to an end, and people can "recoup" at the festive table. It should be noted that the gap increases between these two calendars in those years when the number of hundreds of years a year is incredible four. Accordingly, 1 day accumulates, which means that from March of the month of 2100, the difference is fourteen days. And after twelve months, the date of the Christmas festival and the old New Year shifts on 1 day ahead.

Birthday of the pipeline troops of Russia

The chairman of the Sovmin Stalin in 1951 signed a decree on the manufacture of a pipeline, which represented a completely new generation. Conduct joint testing of the pipeline entrusted the military ministry and Minnefteprom. In January 1952, Marshal Vasilevsky signed a directive that prescribes the formation of the first battalion, which produced the milk material pumping. This date was chosen by the festive day of the appearance of pipeline troops. After some time, the division of pipeline troops is included in the regular troops, and in the late 80s, the wiring of the world's best field-collapsible main pipeline was carried out. Currently, these troops are included in the central fuel management. In a few decades, designers and workers were developed and created various field trunk pipelines, they did not have analogues around the world. Machines were developed that were engaged in mounting and pumping. Pipe troops actively worked during serious accidents, for example, Chernobyl nuclear power plant, there they provided the flow of a huge amount of water from the reservoirs that were nearby. Due to this, the work of the concrete plant was supported, and many other objects that were located on the territory of the nuclear power plant. Pipe troops have made a very significant contribution to the process of eliminating the consequences and in organizing additional enterprises.

Day of Defenders of Motherland in Uzbekistan

In 1992, on this day, the Parliament of Uzbekistan decided to which all parts and compounds of military educational institutions and other military formations that were located on the territory of the country are transferred under the authority of Uzbekistan. Due to this, the creation of the country's armed forces began. It is in honor of this event in Uzbekistan, the Day of Defenders of the Motherland is celebrated. This holiday is dated January 14, according to the decision of the Supreme Council, which was accepted at the end of December in 1993. In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated grand and solemnly. The anthem of the country always plays in Independence Square, the military orchestra is playing, solemnly marching, military units go on the square. On this day, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces proclaims well-deserved congratulations, which are addressed to the defenders of the Motherland.

International Paper Snake Festival in India

In paper snakes combine a variety of dreams of people who are associated with flight in the endless sky. Technologies for creating paper snakes produce admiring impressions. There are many varieties of volatile snakes, they all look amazing and fascinate with their beauty. Festivals are held in many countries, they come to them from all countries of the world, newcomers and professionals take part in festivals. The festival of paper snakes is carried out in India, in the city of Ahmedabad, because it is he who is the largest state of Gujarat. The day of this colorful festival coincides with Uttarayan, the solar movement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe northern hemisphere is mounted on this day. This festival is carried out at the end of the winter season. It is on this day that the many snakes launch into the endless cloudless sky, the air is filled with natural smells of spring, they are spread by the wind far, who observing this spectacle people get an unforgettable impressions that remain in memory until the next holiday.

At this holiday, you can meet real worldwide professionals manufacturers of paper snakes. With its design, coloring and sizes, these products from paper are simply affected by human imagination. Along with young people, the elderly participate in the festival. For this holiday, people go to whole families, or friendly companies. The number of visitors and locals is huge, and on the venues, which are allocated for the festival, not all are placed, so people have to be placed on the ground, on the roof of houses and other nearby territories. When air snakes are soaring in the air, they look like very beautiful birds that are furiously in the sky. On this day, snakes are launched not only during the day, but also at night. This is a truly magnificent spectacle. Paper structures are highlighted from the inside, and bind to one common thread, this thread builds them into one line. Seeing all this unearthly beauty, people return to this city from year to year, and charge the positive insistence that helps them look at the world with other eyes.

Circumcision of the Lord

This event is customary to do after Christmas for the ninth day. Christians celebrate this day from the fourth century. In the modern world, this holiday is celebrated, as in antiquity. This event is considered an orthodox church an important event. In antiquity of the Jews, they thought to make circumcision, then the man becomes a bogist. The uncircumcised people did not have connections with God. These people were considered an innumerable, and they did not have the right to contact God. Circumcision served as a prototype for Christian baptism. This rite was committed immediately after birth, when Maria brought Jesus to the temple. For Christians, this holiday is of particular importance. On this day, it is customary to remember that the parents of Jesus were Jews who revered Torah. The circumcision rite is prescribed by the Neighing Torah. Circumcision is a sign designated by him people have belonging to the devout people. The circumcision rite held themselves the first apostles and Christians who originated from Jews. For Christians, this holiday is also very important, without paying any attention to various heretic judgments that distort the earthly appearance of God, this day is a direct confirmation that Jesus belonged to the male sex, and the Jewish rites, which were Jewish, were held with Jesus. That is why the feast of circumcision is the greatest Orthodox event, which carries a lot of significant historical event.

January 14 in the folk calendar

Vasiliev Day

This day is celebrated in honor of Vasily the Great. He in the fourth century was the Archbishop of Caesarea Cappadocyas, it was praised as the theologian, Vasily wrote a lot of sermons and created ideas of iconostasis. Vasily the Great in the people considered the patron saint of pigs. All the shepherds are very respecting this saint and are terribly afraid of how to nourish it. There is a tradition for the New Year to prepare a piglet and call him Kesiercian, this is due to the fact that Vasily called Caesarerse.
This evening, by tradition, people boil pork legs. The peasants walk this evening along the neighbors collect pork legs and pies, saying the appropriate spells.

In Vasiliev, a day is customary to cook porridge. By tradition, the most eldest woman in the house, at two in the morning she had to go down to the barn, and bring a camp, and the oldest man in the house had to bring water from the river or well. At this time, the stove melt the stove, water and the croup put on the table, while the oven is token, and no one touches them with their hands, because it is considered a bad sign. When the time comes to rub the porridge, the whole family sits down at the table, and the eldest out of women interferes with porridge, says ritual words. After that, all those present get up from the table, and the woman who preserved porridge sends it to the stove. The whole family sits down at the table and waits when the porridge comes.

On this day, another belief existed, made grains. For this, the children scattered the grains of spring bread and pronounced ritual speeches. Again, the older woman in the house, it was supposed to collect all the scattered grains and keep them before sowing. It was believed that in the evening of Vasily, the day on the chicken step increases. On this day, people paid attention to the weather: if the wind blew, there will be a rich harvest of nuts; Strong frost is a rich harvest.

Historical events January 14

In 1814, the first social library under the patronage of the Russian Imperial Court opened in St. Petersburg. In the solemn opening of the library, hundreds of people took part, among them well-known literary criticism and public figures. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a nationwide library has long been discussed in Russian society, but at all sorts of reasons could not be realized. The first monarch, who really conceived over the creation of the Public Library, was the Russian Empress Catherine Great. It was she who first expressed an opinion that Russia needs a grand state library that all the terrible knowledge of citizens could attend. In his dreams, the Great Empress wanted that the National Library would become the Temple of Russian Knowledge. The idea of \u200b\u200bGreat Catherine was carried out on January 14, 1814. With the opening of the library in the history of Russia, a new chapter has opened in the development of national science. In the first years, the library attended a thousand people annually. And restrictions on the estate origin when visiting the library did not exist. The library could also meet an official, and merchant, and military and many others. Also visited the first reading the famous poets and writers. Nowadays, the library is very revered by all layers of Russian society. Now it is called the Russian National Library, and its fund is considered the largest in the world.

The predecessor of the Moscow region is considered to be created in 1708 by the Moscow province. In 1917, a Bolshevik coup occurred, and the so-called Soviet government was established in the province. In the late 1930s, the Soviet leadership decided to the administrative ordering of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region territories. So on January 14, the Moscow region was formed. Initially, this formation was called the central industrial area. Initially, the area was divided into ten districts, which were divided into industrial and agricultural areas. Six months later, the Central industrial region was renamed Moscow. Despite the fact that the city of Moscow, the administratively does not apply to the Moscow region, yet the territory of the territory of the territory was called by the country's capital. Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Moscow region is defined as a subject of the Russian Federation. The Moscow Region authorities are traditionally located in Moscow. In 2006, eighty cities officially exist in the Moscow region. The population of the region reaches 7 million people. The largest cities of the region are Khimki, Podolsk and Balashikha. The ecology of the Moscow region over the past decades has deteriorated significantly. On the one hand, this is due to the processes of high urbanization of the city of Moscow and the territories adjacent to it, on the other, with an industrial-building boom, engaged both the capital itself and the Moscow region. On the territory of the region are important strategic airports and military airfields. In transport traffic, the Moscow region is the most advanced in the country.

Pseudo religious organization shrouded in a smoke of mysticism. It is the largest sectarian organization in the world. However, learning and understand the purpose of this community is not so simple, because the Masonic organization leads a recovery lifestyle. Based on the historical data, the Masonic movement emerged at the beginning of the 18th century in London. The basic principles of their activities of the Masons declared the creation of fraternal love between nations in the world, equality of races and interstate mutual assistance. Organizational Dennica Movement is the so-called "lodge" or workshop. The combination of "Lies" is called "Great Lays". At the head of such a "Great Lodge" there is a great master or master, but in the medium of Masons it is called Grossmaster. In Russia, Masonry first came at the beginning of the 18th century. In the Masonic sect consisted of prominent state and cultural figures: the emperors Pavel I and Alexander I, military leaders. A. Suvorov and M. Kutuzov, writers and poets A. Pushkin and A. Griboyedov, as well as many other well-known people. In Russia, Freemasonry was prohibited by Emperor Alexander I, held in the Masonic bed, but later decided that the Freemasonry was harmful to the state. In Soviet times, the Masonic movement was under a categorical ban. After the collapse of the USSR, Masonry in Russia, again, began to revive, and on January 14, 1992, the Lodge "Harmony" was created in Moscow. The new democratic authorities of the Russian Federation did not prevent the development of various spiritual and religious flows and societies. In 1995, a permanent "Great Lodge" was founded in Russia, as well as the Supreme Council of Masonov Russia. Currently there are more than 30 million masons in the world.

Margret, the first monaster of the Prestoliy, who violated the Danish law of the Prestiplock, which suggested the transfer of the royal power only by the male line. However, the father of Margret, the King Frederick IX, was born only daughters, so the question of the throne was particularly acute when it became clear that the elderly King could no longer be children. In March 1953, the special rescript of the Denmark Parliament was allowed to transfer royal power to the women's line. As a result, the princess margine became the hereditary royal special and later climbed into the Danish throne. In 1967, Princess Margrete married the French nobleman, Count Henri Monpeza, who, on the occasion of a marriage with the Crown Princess, received the title of Prince Danish. The spouses were born two sons. On January 14, 1972, King Frederick died, on the same day the Crown Princess Margrete was declared Queen Denmark. Queen Margrenet II perfectly educated woman, she graduated from several universities, professionally understands art, poetry and literary creativity. In addition, the Queen freely owns a number of European languages. Queen's state duties include the appointment of the Prime Minister Denmark, on the submission of the Parliamentary Coalition, as well as the approval of the ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers on the provision of the Prime Minister. Also Queen of Denmark is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Danish Army.

January 14 were born

Anna Samokhina (1963-2010), outstanding Soviet and Russian actress

Anna Vlaslenovna was born in January 1963 in the Kemerovo region. Soon the family left the mining edge and moved to live in Cherepovets. Since childhood, the girl was accustomed to music, at 7 years old she could have played on the piano. Seeing the talent of Ani to music art, the parents gave the girl to the music school. After graduating from school, Anya enters the Yaroslavl Teatral School, after the end, which was distributed to Rostov Tyuz, Anna worked as an actress for six years. However, nationwide fame and love brought actress is not the theater, but a movie. In 1987, Anna Samokhin was first filmed in the cinema. She receives a major role in the film "Prisoner of the IF Castle" film, the role in the film was opened by actress's path to the big cinema. Soon she is invited to the painting "Thieves in the law", where she plays one of the main roles. The film is literally shocked by the Soviet audience, after him, the shootings fell on the actress. The further work of the actress ascended her to Olympus Glory, from which she did not reach the end of his life. Anna Vlaslenovna starred in the outstanding paintings "Don César de Bazan" and "Tsarskaya Hunt" (1990). The rapid movie Career allowed self-geofers to move live and work in Leningrad. The peak of her actor glory fell at the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Samochean also brilliantly played in films - "Gangsters in the ocean", "Tartuf", "Make me hurt", "Russian transit", "train to Brooklyn". In the historical context of the actress, a little spent on the screen, literally shone into the movies, but this brilliance will be remembered by the audience forever, because the talent of this outstanding actress cannot be measured by time.

Adam Chartorian (1770-1861), Polish and Russian State Affairs

Born in Warsaw on January 14th. He received an excellent education and in 1795, along with his brother left for St. Petersburg. In Russia, Adam gets closer to Prince Alexander Pavlovich, the future Russian emperor. At the glance of Alexander on the throne, Adam enters the so-called Middle Circle of the Emperor, where he is as an adviser to the emperor for reform affairs. In 1803, Chartersky is appointed by the mentor of the Vilensky Curriculum. With its activities, Adam Chartorian, leads the university in the era of his dawn. From 1804 to 1806, Charterian headed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In the period of the Polish uprising, in 1830, Charterian heads the administrative council and soon becomes the leader of the Provisional Polish government. After the failure of the Polish rebellion, Charterian emigrates to Paris, where he will live until the end of life. In France, Charterian was elected president of literary and historical society. The emigration was supported by the Polish resistance and the desire of Polish patriots to independence from Imperial Russia. As in Russia and in Poland, attitudes towards the charters are very controversial, for some hero he is, for other traitor and apostate.

Albert Schweizer (1875-1965), German doctor, philosopher, gummanist and musician

Albert Schweser was born in 1875 in Germany. Primary education The boy received in Münster and Mülhausen. Since 1893, Albert has been studying at Strasbourg University at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, in parallel studies music aquality. From 1898 to 1899, Albert dwells in Paris, where he studies at the University of Sorbon and is preserved the thesis about Kant. In his free time, learns to play on the organ and piano. In 1899, Schweitzer successfully defends the dissertation and he is assigned the title of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, and a little later, and the title of Doctor of Theology. In 1905, Schweitzer decides to devote the rest of the life of medical science and comes to study at the Medical Faculty of Strasbourg University. In 1913, Schweizer, together with his wife, heads to Africa. There in a small village of Lambaren, Albert Schweitzer, based on his own hospital. In the first world war of Swituer and his wife captured the French, but in a year they liberate. In 1924, he returns to Africa and begins to restore the destroyed hospital. After three years, the new hospital opened for all those who suffer. Until the last days of his life, Albert Schweitzer continued to take and treat patients.

Yukio Misima (1925-1970) Outstanding Japanese Writer

The famous Japanese playwright in January 1925 was born in Tokyo, in the family of officials. The boy's upbringing was engaged in a strict aristocratically tuned grandmother. Misima grew by a weak and painful child, did not like to communicate with peers, but he adored alone reading books. In 1941, Misima wrote the first story that the "blooming forest" called. The story was permeated with mystical premonitions about the upcoming war. At this time, he comes up with a pseudonym - Yukio Misima. In 1947, Misima successfully ends the University of Tokyo and acquires the profession of a lawyer. After graduating from the university, Misima enters service to the Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries. In 1949, Yukio publishes his first outstanding novel "Confession masks." After the release of the novel, the name of Misima becomes famous far beyond Japan. The novel describes the life of a simple teenager, however, not quite prosperous. The novel is filled with shocking facts from the life of teenagers of that time. The publication of this novel brought Misima into a number of the most sought-after and favorite writers of Japan. In 1954, Misima visits Greece and being impressed by this country he writes the novel "Sea's noise". In 1956, the most outstanding novel Misima "Golden Temple", which became the classics of Japanese literature. Misima wrote a lot for theaters and kinocartin.

Name Day January 14.

Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Trofim, Bogdan, Fedot

The article discusses both the famous Orthodox Church Holiday, and all that is on this day.

What a holiday on July 14 in Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Tuscany, Paris, in France, USA, in the world

In India in the city of Ahmedabad, the International Festival of Paper Snakes is held, which is considered the most colorful worldwide and coincides with the Makarmanti festival (Uttarayan) during which it is accepted by the Sun and notify the change of seasons.

The day of the creation of the pipeline troops of Russia is celebrated since 1951, when the appropriate ruling was published and signed by Stalin at the proposal of Marshal Vasilevsky.

The Day of Defenders of Motherland in Uzbekistan is held as a tribute to the date of the date, in which their own armed forces of the republic were created, which happened in 1993. It is customary to remember the outstanding commander Timur Tamerlane.

What is the holiday on January 14 for the church calendar, which prayers need to read, which can not be done, traditions, signs, rites

The circumcision of the Lord as a memory of the procedure that took place on the 8th day of Christ was noted. They also celebrate the shinties today, and there is a solid sadmac, which precedes baptism.

This is the old New Year (Vasilyev day) in which the new calendar year begins. By tradition, the whole family is going to have a festive table, exchanged gifts, and also have folk festivities and start-up fireworks. The important events of the outgoing year are discussed and it is customary to prepare only the best of the dishes that have been in the family this year.

For folk signs, the one who is the first in the morning picks up water from the well or river gets health for the whole year.

January 14th day or not, is it possible to knit and work

Alas, but today the usual working day, which no one forbids knit.

January 14 Holiday St. Vasily

The day of St. Vasily of the Great Born in Caesarea Cappadocyan is celebrated. His father was a lawyer and was engaged in rhetoric, so the son he was able to give good knowledge and taught him a diploma, which helped create a lot of theological works and write books about baptism and the Holy Spirit, as well as numerous sermons. Like Nikolai Wonderworker, this holy in honor of Russian believers, and part of his relevance was preserved in the Pochaevsky Lavra.

It is in this number of January all over the world celebrate the old new year. He has already managed to love all the people and every year it is increasingly popular.

What people celebrate in Russia on January 14

Day of Creation of Pipeline Troops of Russia

This professional holiday is celebrated every year on January 14th. In 1951, on November 22, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Stalin created a decree on the manufacture of a prototype of the new generation pipeline.

The birthday of the pipeline troops was the date of signing directive in 1952 on January 14. In the directive, it was said to form the first separate battle battalion fuel. Over time, the first divisions of the pipeline troops turned into regular troops. And in the late 1980s, the world's best field premise-collapsible main pipelines were held.

To date, the main weapons of troops make up the pipe compartment, pipelines and other means. The biggest check of such troops was work during the war in Afghanistan. Field trunk pipelines were deployed in the state. Their total length was equal to 1200 km and more.

What other holidays are arranged in the world on January 14

old New Year

The tradition itself to celebrate this triumph itself comes from the Julian calendar and his discrepancies with the Gregorian calendar. According to his style, almost the whole world lives. The discrepancy in calendars is 13 days.

The old new year can be called a rare historical phenomenon or an additional holiday. It turned out because of it, that was a change of summer. So we celebrate two new years because of this discrepancy. On the night of January 13-14, everyone can celebrate his favorite holiday. The old new year has no special meaning.

He is just celebrating those who want. It is worth noting that the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars increases every century. So with 1 Art of 2100, the difference will be equal to 14 days. The popularity of the old new year is growing with each of it. Our country is no exception.

Circumcision of the Lord

Christians from the 4th century began to celebrate a special event. You can read about it in the Gospel of Luke - circumcision of the Lord. It happened on the eighth day after Jesus Christ was born.

Today such a celebration is celebrated on 8 day after the Nativity of Christ. According to a new style, this is happening on January 14th. For the ancient Jews, circumcision determined belonging to the German people. If a person is not cut, he was not dedicated to one God. So such a person was unworthy of bringing to God to the victim and could not even contact God.

Virgin Mary and Wrap Joseph brought Jesus to the temple in order to circumcise. In such a celebration, for Orthodox Christians, it is very important to remember that the Virgin and Joseph were true Jews who revered Torah. And the Torah itself says to the Jews to do circumcision as a sign of the signation of themselves as a person from the God-traded people.

Day of Defenders of Motherland in Uzbekistan

This day is celebrated in the country in honor of creating your own armed forces. The date was established by decision of the Supreme Council of the country in 1993 on December 29th. Parliament of Uzbekistan In 1992, on January 14, he decided to transition all parts and units, military educational institutions and other military formations. On the same day, the beginning of the creation of their own armed forces of the country was laid.

On this day, it is customary to give congratulations to all men of the country. After all, each of them, above all, is a defender of the Motherland. But, the warmest words sound in honor of the servicemen, because this celebration is professional for them. The day of the defender is a big public holiday. In the metropolitan area, the tradition of the independence of the republic sounds the anthem. There are also military parades, marches and a variety of entertainment programs.

Holidays of India January 14

Pigun - Harvest Holiday in India

The harvest festival in the country is celebrated every year in winter, after the day of the winter solstice. This date was determined on the basis of a sun calendar. Therefore, it never changes. For the Hindu, the days dangle very favorable. They are also important astronomically. The festival occurs in the days of flowering fields. Therefore, the celebration is considered to celebrate prosperity, especially in the peasant communities.

On this day, people prepare the first harvest rice after a long and harsh winter. The word poured can be translated as a sweet rice dish. The peasants during the celebration express their gratitude to the God of the Sun and the Cow for giving a good harvest. For Hindus poured is a very important event. If you believe mythology, the gods come to the ground on this day. The holiday lasts 4 days.

In the People's Calendar January 14

Vasiliev Day

Vasiliev Day is celebrated in honor of Vasily the Great. Others know him as Quea Vasily. He was a saint in the 4th century and people glorified him as the theologian. In Russia, such a holy was not very harmonious nickname - Vasily Pignyatnik. But with this name, people did not mean anything wrong. The fact is that Vasily was considered a patron of pigs.

And when a new year came, a lot of pork dishes were preparing. If you believe the signs, then on such a day it was necessary to have a cash supply. It was impossible to be given a debt, because then you could give my wealth. According to the signs tried on the crop. For example, if there was a strong frost or snow, then the year should be fertile. A clear starry sky spoke about the crop of pea, and blizzard - about the good collection of nuts.

Name Day celebrate

Alexander, Bogdan, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Plato, Trofim, Fedot.

January 14 in history

  • 1506 - In Rome, a marble sculptural group "Laocoon and his sons" was found.
  • 1700 - Peter I commanded the nobles wearing European costumes.
  • 1814 - In St. Petersburg, opened for a general visit to the Imperial Public Library.
  • 1929 - Birthday of the Moscow Region.
  • 1980 - The Emergency Session of the UN General Assembly condemned the commission of Soviet troops to Afghanistan.
  • 1992 - Masonic Lodge of Harmony was founded in Moscow.

Famous people who were born on such a day

  1. Adam Charterian 1770 - Polish and Russian State Affairs.
  2. Peter Semenov-Tien-Shan 1827 - Russian geographer, statistics.
  3. Bert Morizo \u200b\u200b1841 - French artist.
  4. Albert Schweitzer 1875 - German Theologian, musician and doctor.
  5. Anatoly Rybakov 1911 - Soviet writer-novelist.
  6. Yukio Misima 1925 - Japanese writer and playwright.
  7. Lyudmila Pinayeva 1936 - Soviet athlete - rowing on kayaks.
  8. Valery Kharlamov 1948 - Soviet hockey player and striker.
  9. Anna Samokhin 1963 - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema.