38 weeks pregnant greenish discharge. The nature of the discharge and what to look for. Why can the stomach hurt

The 38th week of pregnancy has its surprises: at this time, girls are more often born, while boys like to stay longer in their mother's tummy.

Fetal development

Now your baby is a real beauty. The features of his little face became clear, the skin smoothed out and acquired a pinkish tint, there are hairs on the head.

As for the activity of your baby, now it has decreased somewhat, because he does not have as much space as before, and every day he becomes less and less, because he is growing and gaining weight. But the number of movements must still be recorded, because they indicate how he feels.

In the last days of pregnancy, your baby may kick with legs and arms very rarely, but, as they say, aptly. He is already strong enough, and mom's organs are located very close to him, so one movement can be enough to hurt. And throughout the day there will be several such movements.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus reaches 3000-3100 grams with a height of 50 centimeters.

Feeling and symptoms

The real joy for you will be the lowering of the abdomen (if you're lucky), because thanks to this you will be able to breathe freely again. Unfortunately, for many pregnant women, lack of oxygen can be a major concern. After all, if the mother cannot breathe in the air with full breasts, then how will the baby get the required amount of it ?! That is why the drooping of the abdomen is a joy.

For the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, pain in the lower back, abdomen, pubis, pelvis and chest is quite natural. By and large, there will be no significant changes in well-being compared to 37 weeks.

The exception is increased swelling and headaches. If they are so strong that it comes to nausea and even vomiting, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

The nature of the discharge

Allocations at the 38th week of pregnancy can be of a different nature and differ significantly from each other. A woman needs to have enough necessary information in order to know how to act in a particular case. In some cases, it can even save your baby's life.

So, normal vaginal discharge, which is present throughout pregnancy, is considered normal. They should have a light color, a uniform texture and a subtle smell with sourness. Such discharge indicates that the woman is healthy.

But what can be said about the discharge, which are pathological? These, first of all, include cheesy or foamy discharge with a disgusting odor and an unusual color: green, gray, purulent. Such discharge is a sign that a sexual infection is present in the female body. Its presence is not desirable for herself and is very detrimental to the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an examination and the necessary course of treatment. Otherwise, due to a serious infection, a woman may even be given a caesarean section to prevent the baby from passing through the birth canal, because because of this, he can become infected.

Bleeding at 38 weeks of gestation should be absent.

If you notice even a slight presence of brown or bloody discharge, then you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The presence of blood is associated with abruption or placenta previa, so any delay can cost the life of your unborn baby.

Thick mucous discharge with streaks of blood should not be confused with bleeding - this is a cork that closes the entrance to the uterus and protects the fetus from infections. This phenomenon refers to the heralds of childbirth, but they can happen a day after this, or maybe after a week or two. In this case, there is no need to go to the hospital, but it is worth strengthening the preparation for this event.

As early as 38 weeks pregnant, a woman may notice watery discharge. Its further actions depend on the amount of these secretions. If there are few of them, then amniotic fluid is probably leaking due to the fact that the fetal membrane is not dense enough. In this situation, the expectant mother should go to the doctor in the next two days and report what is happening. This is necessary due to the fact that literally in 24 hours the fetus can become infected and seriously injured, and this cannot be allowed.

An abundant amount of watery discharge indicates that the amniotic fluid has departed and labor has begun - in this situation, you should immediately go to the hospital.


Now the expectant mother has a lot of worries. First of all, she must make sure that she is fully prepared for the trip and stay in the hospital. A woman should prepare the necessary things and items, have an exchange card at hand and discuss with relatives all the details regarding childbirth. It is better to do this in advance so that you do not have to solve important issues later on the go.

Try not to think once again about the upcoming birth and whether everything will go smoothly. There is no point now in listening to scary stories about what other women allegedly experienced during their stay in the maternity hospital. Many of these stories are overly embellished, and some have nothing to do with reality at all.

All you need now is peace, positive emotions, good nutrition, outdoor walks and psychological preparation for the upcoming motherhood. Do your best to have it all, because in fact there is nothing complicated. Remember that your baby hears and feels everything, so he urgently needs everything to be fine with you, because it reflects on him. Unfortunately, many women lose sight of the fact that the formation of personality begins with the intrauterine life of the baby.

If you are bothered by pain of a different nature, then try to alleviate your condition as much as possible. This will help daily foot massage, wearing a prenatal bandage, a comfortable bed, a pillow for pregnant women, regular rest, comfortable shoes and much more. It seems that all these are trifles, but they are invaluable helpers in carrying a baby. Now we are not talking about short training contractions that appear from time to time and do not cause pain. This refers directly to labor pains. They are painful and at first quite rare, but gradually become more frequent and appear at ever shorter intervals. In the presence of contractions, you need to immediately go to the hospital - labor activity is in full swing.

  • Drainage of amniotic fluid

It happens suddenly and quickly, as if the woman had urinated. Amniotic fluid (even in the absence of contractions) indicates the onset of labor. It is clear that it is necessary to call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your own car.

  • prolapse of the abdomen

It is worth noting that this does not happen in all women, but as a rule, if the stomach has dropped, then in a week or two childbirth will definitely begin. In the meantime, a lowered belly will alleviate the problem of lack of oxygen.

  • Lack of appetite

Yes, it happens. Instead of eating for two, as before, a pregnant woman may generally refuse to eat or her appetite will decrease significantly. Some moms even lose weight because of it! With this symptom, childbirth should be expected in 3-5 days.

Remember that everything is individual: for some, all the signs of the upcoming birth are “obvious”, and the baby is still not born, while someone has only one or two signs and active labor activity begins. In any case, the baby will be born soon!

Brown discharge during pregnancy is a rather dangerous phenomenon. They talk about the development of complications requiring emergency care. In the last trimester, such discharges can appear quite often, and are caused, in most cases, by physiological causes.

Main reasons

Brown discharge before childbirth can occur for the following reasons:

  • Gynecological examination on the chair;
  • having sex;
  • Removal of the mucous plug.

Gynecological examination

Throughout pregnancy, the cervix should normally be dense, long and closed (maximum can pass the tip of the finger). Closer to childbirth, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming event, and the neck is no exception: it shortens, softens, and begins to open.

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist must examine a woman on a chair to determine her readiness for childbirth. A softened and ajar neck can be easily injured, as a result of which small amounts of bloody discharge of various colors (red, brown) may appear during the examination. It is also possible the appearance of smearing and within 2-3 hours after the examination. Such secretions do not pose any danger to the further course of pregnancy, on the contrary, they can be considered a favorable sign indicating the readiness of the body for childbirth.

having sex

information During pregnancy, subject to its normal physiological course, you can have sex, but you should be careful about choosing positions, especially in the later stages.

Careless sex can also cause brown discharge before childbirth, which can appear within 2 days after intercourse.

Removal of the mucous plug

Before childbirth, brown discharge can also appear as a result of the discharge of a mucous plug, which closes the lumen of the cervix throughout the pregnancy, thereby protecting the child from exposure to various microorganisms.

It can depart at different times before the onset of labor: in some cases, contractions begin in just a couple of hours, and sometimes childbirth begins only after 2 weeks.

additionally It should be noted that when the cork is rejected, the discharge may have a different color: light, pinkish, mucous with thin streaks of blood, but it is the brown discharge that indicates that childbirth will begin in the near future.

When to see a doctor

If brown discharge appeared as a result of the situations described above, then they do not require an emergency referral to an obstetrician-gynecologist, however, it should be understood that a “daub” can also appear in a number of other cases that are dangerous for the child and the woman herself. For this reason, in any case, you should play it safe and consult a doctor, or at least contact him by phone and explain the situation.

In some cases, you should contact your doctor immediately:

  • The appearance of discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. This may indicate an infection, which is extremely dangerous for the child, especially at the end of pregnancy: the cervix is ​​ajar and microorganisms can easily enter the uterine cavity;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge is not brown or brown, but has a bright red color. Such a “daub” may indicate serious complications of pregnancy: premature detachment of a normally located or placenta previa;
  • Profuse bleeding. This situation also occurs as a result of pathology of the placenta and requires emergency care, because. threatens the life of the child and mother. When such secretions appear, a woman should immediately call an ambulance (in no case should she get to the maternity hospital on her own);
  • Discharge from the genital tract of any color and in any quantity, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being or the occurrence of cramping and aching pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region. These symptoms, first of all, can talk about the development of labor activity.

Hygiene before childbirth

Of course, any woman should carefully observe personal and sexual hygiene, but in particular, this should be taken seriously before the upcoming birth.

By the end of pregnancy, the cervix opens slightly, the mucous plug leaves, and therefore the risk of penetration of infectious agents into the uterine cavity, and, accordingly, to the child, increases significantly.

Hygiene rules before childbirth:

  • Shaving the pubis and perineum;
  • Sexual hygiene at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation;
  • Refusal of sexual life;
  • Refusal to take a lying bath and visit the pool, sauna.

Shaving the pubis and perineum

In many maternity hospitals, doctors and midwives insist on this procedure and do it for good reason. Shaving should be done for a number of reasons:

  • Hygiene. After childbirth, a woman begins to profuse spotting, and therefore hygiene should be monitored very strictly to prevent infectious complications;
  • Perineal control during childbirth. During the eruption of the baby's head, the midwife carefully monitors the condition of the perineum to prevent its rupture. Hairline will greatly hinder this;
  • Closure of tears. In childbirth, perineal incisions are often made to release the exit to the child. During suturing of the perineum, hair can get into the wound, which interferes with the doctor and subsequently leads to infection of the wound.

Sexual hygiene

important Intimate hygiene before childbirth should be carried out especially carefully. The genitals should be washed with warm boiled water at least 2 times a day and after each act of defecation.

You can also use decoctions of medicinal disinfectant herbs (, oak bark, calendula).

Sanitation of the vagina

Sanitation of the vagina should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. During pregnancy, in no case should you take medications on your own, even local ones (suppositories, ointments, creams).

Closer to the 38th week, the doctor must necessarily take a smear on the flora from the vagina and, based on the results, prescribe a local treatment. Quite often, even with a good smear, experts prescribe the prophylactic administration of suppositories to prepare for childbirth.

Refusal of sexual activity

Many women believe that having sex is favorable before childbirth, because. accelerate the preparation of the body for the birth of a child. Of course, this is true, because due to the prostaglandins contained in the semen, the cervix begins to soften and open faster, but still it should be remembered that the risk of infection at the moment is very high. You should not risk your health and the health of your child.

Refusal to take a lying bath and visit the pool, sauna,

Taking a lying bath, in general, is undesirable for any period of pregnancy, and even more so before childbirth after the discharge of the mucous plug. The reason for this ban is the same high risk of infectious complications.

The 38th week of pregnancy has its surprises: at this time, girls are more often born, while boys like to stay longer in their mother's tummy.

Fetal development

Now your baby is a real beauty. The features of his little face became clear, the skin smoothed out and acquired a pinkish tint, there are hairs on the head.

As for the activity of your baby, now it has decreased somewhat, because he does not have as much space as before, and every day he becomes less and less, because he is growing and gaining weight. But the number of movements must still be recorded, because they indicate how he feels.

In the last days of pregnancy, your baby may kick with legs and arms very rarely, but, as they say, aptly. He is already strong enough, and mom's organs are located very close to him, so one movement can be enough to hurt. And throughout the day there will be several such movements.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus reaches 3000-3100 grams with a height of 50 centimeters.

Feeling and symptoms

The real joy for you will be the lowering of the abdomen (if you're lucky), because thanks to this you will be able to breathe freely again. Unfortunately, for many pregnant women, lack of oxygen can be a major concern. After all, if the mother cannot breathe in the air with full breasts, then how will the baby get the required amount of it ?! That is why the drooping of the abdomen is a joy.

For the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, pain in the lower back, abdomen, pubis, pelvis and chest is quite natural. By and large, there will be no significant changes in well-being compared to 37 weeks.

The exception is increased swelling and headaches. If they are so strong that it comes to nausea and even vomiting, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

The nature of the discharge

Allocations at the 38th week of pregnancy can be of a different nature and differ significantly from each other. A woman needs to have enough necessary information in order to know how to act in a particular case. In some cases, it can even save your baby's life.

So, normal vaginal discharge, which is present throughout pregnancy, is considered normal. They should have a light color, a uniform texture and a subtle smell with sourness. Such discharge indicates that the woman is healthy.

But what can be said about the discharge, which are pathological? These, first of all, include cheesy or foamy discharge with a disgusting odor and an unusual color: green, gray, purulent. Such discharge is a sign that a sexual infection is present in the female body. Its presence is not desirable for herself and is very detrimental to the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an examination and the necessary course of treatment. Otherwise, due to a serious infection, a woman may even be given a caesarean section to prevent the baby from passing through the birth canal, because because of this, he can become infected.

Bleeding at 38 weeks of gestation should be absent.

If you notice even a slight presence of brown or bloody discharge, then you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The presence of blood is associated with abruption or placenta previa, so any delay can cost the life of your unborn baby.

Thick mucous discharge with streaks of blood should not be confused with bleeding - this is a cork that closes the entrance to the uterus and protects the fetus from infections. This phenomenon refers to the heralds of childbirth, but they can happen a day after this, or maybe after a week or two. In this case, there is no need to go to the hospital, but it is worth strengthening the preparation for this event.

As early as 38 weeks pregnant, a woman may notice watery discharge. Its further actions depend on the amount of these secretions. If there are few of them, then amniotic fluid is probably leaking due to the fact that the fetal membrane is not dense enough. In this situation, the expectant mother should go to the doctor in the next two days and report what is happening. This is necessary due to the fact that literally in 24 hours the fetus can become infected and seriously injured, and this cannot be allowed.

An abundant amount of watery discharge indicates that the amniotic fluid has departed and labor has begun - in this situation, you should immediately go to the hospital.


Now the expectant mother has a lot of worries. First of all, she must make sure that she is fully prepared for the trip and stay in the hospital. A woman should prepare the necessary things and items, have an exchange card at hand and discuss with relatives all the details regarding childbirth. It is better to do this in advance so that you do not have to solve important issues later on the go.

Try not to think once again about the upcoming birth and whether everything will go smoothly. There is no point now in listening to scary stories about what other women allegedly experienced during their stay in the maternity hospital. Many of these stories are overly embellished, and some have nothing to do with reality at all.

All you need now is peace, positive emotions, good nutrition, outdoor walks and psychological preparation for the upcoming motherhood. Do your best to have it all, because in fact there is nothing complicated. Remember that your baby hears and feels everything, so he urgently needs everything to be fine with you, because it reflects on him. Unfortunately, many women lose sight of the fact that the formation of personality begins with the intrauterine life of the baby.

If you are bothered by pain of a different nature, then try to alleviate your condition as much as possible. This will help daily foot massage, wearing a prenatal bandage, a comfortable bed, a pillow for pregnant women, regular rest, comfortable shoes and much more. It seems that all these are trifles, but they are invaluable helpers in carrying a baby. Now we are not talking about short training contractions that appear from time to time and do not cause pain. This refers directly to labor pains. They are painful and at first quite rare, but gradually become more frequent and appear at ever shorter intervals. In the presence of contractions, you need to immediately go to the hospital - labor activity is in full swing.

  • Drainage of amniotic fluid

It happens suddenly and quickly, as if the woman had urinated. Amniotic fluid (even in the absence of contractions) indicates the onset of labor. It is clear that it is necessary to call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your own car.

  • prolapse of the abdomen

It is worth noting that this does not happen in all women, but as a rule, if the stomach has dropped, then in a week or two childbirth will definitely begin. In the meantime, a lowered belly will alleviate the problem of lack of oxygen.

  • Lack of appetite

Yes, it happens. Instead of eating for two, as before, a pregnant woman may generally refuse to eat or her appetite will decrease significantly. Some moms even lose weight because of it! With this symptom, childbirth should be expected in 3-5 days.

Remember that everything is individual: for some, all the signs of the upcoming birth are “obvious”, and the baby is still not born, while someone has only one or two signs and active labor activity begins. In any case, the baby will be born soon!

38 weeks of pregnancy is the ninth obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 260-266 days have passed since conception. The period when childbirth is no longer considered premature. They can happen at any moment, since the baby is already completely ready for life outside the womb, all its internal organs and systems are formed and function to the full extent.

38 weeks pregnant. Norms of the size of the fetus and its development

What happens to the baby at 38 weeks pregnant. What is the size and weight of the fetus? At 38 weeks, the baby already looks just like an adult, only with smaller proportions:

  1. The growth of the baby is 48-51 cm, weight - 2.7-3.7 kg. Head circumference - 309-357 mm, abdomen - 304-368 mm, chest volume - 99 mm. The frequency of heart beats per minute is not less than 120 and not more than 160.
  2. There was practically no original lubricant left on the skin, and the hair fluff (lanugo), which previously covered the entire body, remained in a small amount only on the back and ears.
  3. The lungs of the fetus are in a sleeping mode, but are already fully formed and ready for the first breath.
  4. The intestines are filled with the original feces - meconium, which will be released immediately upon birth.
  5. The reproductive system is also formed. The testicles of the boys took their proper place in the scrotum, and in the girl the outer labia closed the inner ones, the genital slit was closed.
  6. The liver and pancreas are not yet fully developed, their final formation will occur during the first year of a newborn's life.

The 38th week of pregnancy is different in that the baby's weight gain slows down, amounting to no more than 200 grams per week. This is due to the fact that the placenta loses its former plethora, its thickness decreases, as a result of which the baby receives less nutrients and oxygen. The same nutrients that manage to get to the fetus are only enough to maintain its life support.

The 38th week of pregnancy is a period when many expectant mothers notice that the baby “calms down”, his movements become less active and are felt less and less. Do not worry about this in vain: the baby simply becomes cramped in the uterus, there is not enough space for active movements of the arms and legs, so he prefers to sleep most of the time.

Nevertheless, movements at the 38th week of pregnancy are the main indicator of the normal course of intrauterine development of the fetus, and if they are felt less often than 10-12 times a day, this is a significant reason for contacting a doctor as soon as possible: a decrease in their number may be due to lack of oxygen in the fetus.

Photo of the tummy at 38 weeks pregnant

38th week of pregnancy: harbingers of childbirth

At week 38, a prolapse of the abdomen may occur, which reduces pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, and heartburn, which has not given rest until this time, finally lets go, it becomes easier to breathe. But, at the same time, the lowered tummy begins to press down on the pelvic bones, which makes it very difficult for the expectant mother not only to walk, but also to lie down, and in general to move.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, outwardly, the abdomen reaches a considerable size and is strongly stretched, which is why the future woman in labor becomes clumsy and clumsy. The navel is stretched, and even everted, a thick brown strip is observed from the pubis to the chest itself, the skin of the abdomen begins to dry more and more. There is no reason to worry: after childbirth, everything will definitely return to its previous form. And in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is recommended to lubricate the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs twice a day with a thick layer of a special cream or oil.

The 38th week of pregnancy, according to experts, is a period when most mothers experience an unprecedented surge of strength, energy and a great desire to bring perfect cleanliness to their home before the baby arrives. The main thing here is not to overdo it, since active movements can provoke childbirth at 38 weeks of gestation.

In addition, at 38 weeks pregnant, many mothers also notice an increase in training contractions, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, and in the common people as false contractions. They differ from real ones in short duration and different intervals between contractions.

Possible pains and their causes at 38 weeks of gestation. Feel

  • Pain in the back at 38 weeks of gestation, in particular in the lumbar region. The belly of a pregnant woman is already very large and bulges forward strongly, so mommy has to bend her back a lot to maintain balance. Gained extra pounds also make themselves felt, in connection with which back pain may appear, in particular in the lumbar region. To alleviate them, doctors recommend wearing a bandage, preferably universal, which is also very useful after childbirth. In addition, you should rest more, lie down and load your back less.
  • Stomach ache. In addition to short false contractions, pain in the navel and unpleasant painful sensations in the stomach or intestines can disturb. Such pain, as a rule, indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract and stool retention. That is why at week 38 it is recommended to eat food in small fractional portions with a predominance of foods containing fiber and pectin. These include: baked apples, zucchini, pumpkin, beans, various cereals. Fresh dairy products, prunes and plums have a strong laxative effect. If the normalization of the diet did not help, you can resort to laxatives allowed during pregnancy: dufalac, fitomucil, senade, glycerin suppositories. It is important to remember that problems with the stool can provoke not only childbirth, but also the appearance of hemorrhoids or anal fissures.
  • Pain in the pelvis, cramps in the legs. The 38th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby's head is already tightly attached to the bottom of the uterus, against which pain in the pelvis, pubis, and groin can develop. In this case, to relieve pain, it is recommended to use the knee-elbow position. If pain, including cramps, is felt in the calf muscles, then you should visit a doctor: this may indicate a lack of calcium in the body and you may need to prescribe additional calcium-containing drugs.

38 weeks pregnant: discharge

Normally, during pregnancy, the discharge should be clear or whitish in color and have a slightly sour smell. At 38 weeks, a significant increase can be observed: the cervix begins to intensively prepare for childbirth, opening slightly and secreting mucus.

It is at the 38th week of pregnancy that it is very important to closely monitor the vaginal secretion: childbirth can occur at any time, and if the discharge suddenly takes on a cottony appearance, yellow or greenish color, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will take a swab and prescribe the appropriate treatment, since such discharge indicates the appearance of a sexual infection. It is desirable to cure this infection before the onset of labor: when moving through the birth canal, the baby may become infected, which will adversely affect the further development of the newborn.

If you notice streaks of blood in the discharge, or their color has acquired a pinkish tint, this indicates a cork discharge. You should be prepared for the fact that labor can begin at any time.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, you should be very careful about abundant watery discharge, which can directly indicate water leakage. Normally, this should not be, this leakage indicates the opening of the cervix and an increased risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In addition to discharge from the genital tract, at 38 weeks of gestation, thick yellowish discharge from the chest can be noticed. This is the so-called colostrum, which the baby will eat before milk arrives. It is considered very nutritious and beneficial for the newborn. It is not recommended to squeeze it out, it is advisable to simply wipe the nipples with a damp towel.

Ultrasound at 38 weeks pregnant

By this time, all mandatory ultrasounds must be completed. If the doctor leading the pregnancy, for some reason, decided to prescribe an additional one precisely at the 38th week of pregnancy, then there is a suspicion of deviations in the correct course of pregnancy.

But don't worry. Ultrasound is an absolutely safe procedure for both mother and baby. In addition, this is an occasion to once again make sure that the child is not in danger, or vice versa, to prevent terrible consequences if it is confirmed that the child is in serious condition, for example, he is experiencing an acute lack of oxygen or the amount of amniotic fluid has reached a critical level.

It is important to remember that the 38th week of pregnancy is a rather alarming period: the onset of labor can catch a pregnant woman at any moment in any place. Therefore, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • It is advisable not to go outside without being accompanied by a loved one. If for some reason you had to do this, you should try not to go far from home for a long period of time. The phone should always be at hand and in a charged state;
  • you should always carry with you SNILS, passport, birth certificate, medical policy;
  • only positive emotions and no stress;
  • If you didn’t have time to attend courses for pregnant women, then it’s time to do it. During them, you will not only learn the correct behavior in childbirth, but also care for the baby in the first days of his extrauterine life;
  • decide on the choice of the maternity hospital, as well as clarify there the list of things necessary for the mother and child during their stay in the maternity hospital;
  • walks at a slow pace in the fresh air are very useful, as they are favorable not only for the general well-being of the mother and fetus, but also contribute to a restful sleep.

The 38th week of pregnancy is a period when women in labor are increasingly complaining of insomnia or a very short sleep. It is normal to sleep at least 8 hours a day: sleep plays a fundamental role in the proper functioning of the nervous system, not only of the mother, but also of the fetus. In addition, in a dream, all the internal systems of the body are relaxed, which contributes to the rapid restoration of strength before the most significant and important event in the life of every woman - the birth of a baby!