Pregnancy in the new year. How a pregnant woman can better celebrate the new year

New Year's dresses for pregnant women can be just as beautiful and luxurious! And not only because at this time she herself is in anticipation of a small miracle, but also because New Year's Eve for each person turns into a fairy tale.

Moreover, the New Year 2016-2017 promises happiness to any girl in a beautiful dress, even if she is expecting the birth of a baby.

In this article, you will learn how to choose a beautiful New Year's dress for a pregnant woman to make her feel the most beautiful on the New Year's holiday. Moreover, fashion trends for them are very diverse and expressive.

Beautiful evening dresses for pregnant women for the New Year 2016-2017

These dresses can be purchased at a specialty store. They differ from the usual evening dress with a convex frequency in the abdominal area and a high empire waist.

These dresses can be worn at any stage of pregnancy as they have a free waist.

And if the gestation period is short, you can choose just a fluffy dress. about New Year's outfits with lush hems will help you with this.

Remember about accessories too:

Any pregnant woman can choose beautiful fashionable dresses for herself, depending on what colors and fabrics they like.

Sometimes they turn out to be so beautiful that a fashionable pregnancy is more beautiful than its absence. Here are the dresses you can choose for a pregnant fashionista, depending on her appearance.


For them, you can choose not only a bright dress, but also a delicate festive outfit. This season, any pregnant blonde will look very touching in a pale pink or crimson dress, which will beautifully emphasize the state of expectation and anticipation of the beauty of motherhood.

But if you want to choose a mysterious or mysterious image, stylists recommend you a silk or satin dress in dark blue, which can be emphasized with a silver belt above the waistline or thick braid with a bow, which can be decorated with beads, rhinestones and silver sequins.

Also, any blonde can try on long dress in blue color, which looks very beautiful on any blonde girl.

From footwear, doctors and specialists advise a woman who is in an interesting position to wear not pumps with heels, but fluffy slippers that you can take with you to a holiday if it takes place at home. You can wear white slippers with bunnies under a blue dress, and pink or cream under a pink one. But if the event is official, then you can limit yourself to black or silver ballet flats or pumps without heels. See what outfits a pregnant celebrity chooses - Miroslava Duma, will reveal to you the secrets of style.

Brown-haired and brunettes

Just like blondes, stylists advise pregnant brown-haired women pay attention to pink... But New Year's clothes for women with brown and black hair can be more than just pink, but also delicate lemon color or bright blue. Any shades of lilac or lilac, which are very good for brown-haired women.

Young pregnant girls will look interesting in the form of a bunny or a cat with pink ears and slippers, if the event is unofficial. But if you have an evening in a restaurant or a concert in a cultural center, then you can leave your boots on or wear purple or silver pumps.

Red-haired girls

As you can see, you can celebrate the New Year beautiful in any position. The main thing is to have a desire. And women always have it. And if, in addition to the dress, you have not yet chosen the method of spending the New Year's Eve, read it, she will help you.

Evening dresses for the New Year 2016-2017 for pregnant women in the photo:

How to prepare a table for a New Year's party

The first month of winter has come, and every day the beloved holiday of millions of people around the world is approaching. Why do we love the New Year? For the expectation of magic, wonderful gifts and warm meetings with friends and family. Probably, there are not many people who celebrate this holiday alone - after all, on New Year's Eve, you want to share a good mood with someone else.

As is commonly believed, New Year is a family holiday. Of course, cheerful young people, having not yet had time to start their own family, prefer to celebrate the New Year's coming with a friendly company at a table in some popular cafe or restaurant, noisily and cheerfully.

At home, it is also possible to organize a festive table, which is in no way inferior to the restaurant one. To do this, you need, first of all, to carefully think over many moments to the smallest detail - how to set the table, what dishes to cook, what decorations to use to organize a real holiday. First, you need to decide on the general concept - whether it will be a traditional feast over a snow-white starched tablecloth and exquisite dishes, or a noisy themed party with a buffet table and a bunch of fun contests.

As a treat, guests can be offered the traditional salads "Herring under a fur coat" and "Olivier" For a change, it is good to add the "Winter" salad with chicken, pickled cucumbers and mushrooms. It is believed that fish must be present on the New Year's table - as an option in the "Red Sea" or "Pearl" fish salad with seafood. For a hot dish, a rabbit baked in the oven or stewed with sour cream is ideal. As an appetizer, try salmon rolls, chicken aspic, profiteroles with trout and cream cheese, pike stuffed with mushrooms, fish in pita bread with garlic, cheese and herbs.

A fruit salad with ice cream or classic tiramisu will look beautiful and appetizing as a dessert. Also, for the New Year's table, you need to choose the right drinks - perhaps it will be traditional champagne or high-quality wine, it all depends on the dishes that will be present on your table.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the little pleasant things that create the New Year's mood - scented candles, elegant napkins, sparkling garlands and coniferous compositions on your table.

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According to the well-established tradition, for the most family holiday, we try to put all the most delicious on the table. Such gastronomic permissiveness can definitely lead to overeating and indigestion. So, let's consider the rules of the New Year's feast, taking into account the "position".

Rule # 1: Even when preparing for the New Year, do not take long breaks in food.

You should not limit yourself to food all day on December 31 (and this often happens when we are busy cooking) and wait for the chimes to strike to eat enough.

Low-energy nutrition of a pregnant woman and insufficient intake of nutrients cause a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes, which, after a plentiful holiday table, can lead to indigestion. In addition, sitting on an empty stomach at a plentiful table, not only you run the risk of overeating, but also your liver will experience increased stress.

During the day, you need to eat at least 3-4 times. It is better to have dairy dishes, cereals, vegetables and fruits. And in order not to lose your head from a large amount of delicious food on the festive table and not overeat, it is recommended that half an hour before you sit down at the table, eat 1-2 tablespoons of bran, washed down with 1 glass of water. It has been proven that this reduces the need for food by 20%.

Between changing meals, it is better for a pregnant woman to drink weak green tea, which activates the receptors of fat cells and promotes their breakdown (thanks to caffeine and catechins). You can also brew 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds, anise or caraway seeds with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and drink food in small sips. This will help prevent gas production and make food easier to digest.

Rule number 2: Even on New Year's Eve, food for a pregnant woman should be healthy

As in the daily diet of a pregnant woman, we exclude fatty, fried, smoked foods from our New Year's menu and prepare dishes in gentle ways (stewing, baking, steaming).

On the festive table, fried foods are often in abundance, and if the expectant mother tastes them even in small quantities, the liver and pancreas still begin to work in a more intense mode. When choosing dishes on the festive table, it is better to replace fatty meat with fish (it is useful due to omega-3 fatty acids) and give preference to dishes from lean meat (for example, beef, chicken, turkey). This is due to the fact that fatty meat food (goose, duck, lamb, fatty pork) increases the load on the liver of both the child and the mother.

Gentle cooking methods include steaming, boiling, stewing and baking. These methods will ensure the maximum safety of all nutrients found in products, and will not allow the formation of carcinogens.

If you like meat, try to give preference to dishes baked on a spit (this leaves excess fat), but without a dark crust. In addition, when preparing holiday dishes (as well as in everyday food), a pregnant woman should avoid overfried, smoked and fatty: salads with mayonnaise, dishes made from fatty meats and other traditional harmfulness of a festive feast, and when preparing New Year's dishes it is better not to marinate meat in mayonnaise, and in kefir, lemon juice or mustard.

Rule # 3: Give preference to vegetable dishes and fruit salads

Such food will not overload the gastrointestinal tract of the pregnant woman. In addition, fruits and vegetables with sourness (tomatoes, kiwi, lemons, apples, grapefruit, etc.) are rich in organic acids that increase metabolic processes in the body and improve the breakdown and absorption of meat and fish dishes consumed in conjunction with vegetables and fruits. Also vegetable and fruit salads are rich in dietary fiber and pectin. These substances accelerate the feeling of fullness and fullness in the stomach, promote intestinal peristalsis, increase fecal mass, which perfectly helps in the prevention of constipation and obesity. The richest in pectins are apples, beets, radishes, carrots, pumpkins, apricots, plums, cherries, pears, etc.

Be sure to prepare fresh cabbage salad for the festive table. It contains tartronic acid, which helps to mobilize fat from the fat depot, which will prevent you from actively gaining body weight after gastronomic excesses. Also, cabbage causes the secretion of gastric juice and has a choleretic effect, therefore, it will improve the digestion of festive food. However, with a tendency to increased gas production (flatulence), it is better to give preference to cauliflower, which is richer in proteins, vitamins and iron and is easier to digest than white cabbage. In addition, vegetable salads with cabbage reduce the urge to eat more because they are bulky foods with low energy value. During the day, 100 g of fish or meat should have at least 300-400 g of vegetables, then your digestion will successfully cope with the load.

Rule # 5: Dessert during pregnancy must be right

Choosing the right New Year's dessert: we refuse classic sweets - cakes, pastries, etc. In order not to gain excess weight, it is advisable not to combine simple carbohydrates (sugar) and fats in one dish. Cakes and cakes gain weight not because they contain sugar, but because sugar in them is combined with fats. This is explained by the fact that simple carbohydrates stimulate the production of insulin, which contributes to the accumulation of fats coming along with them. Therefore, as a dessert during pregnancy, it is better to choose low-fat sweets, for example, fruit jelly cake, berry mousse, marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, curd pudding, dark chocolate.

Rule # 6: Choose foods that normalize the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular systems and liver

It is these organs and systems that suffer the most after the holidays (a plentiful table, a sleepless night, New Year's bustle, etc.). Therefore, on the festive table, you need to increase the number of dishes containing food sources of zinc, magnesium, potassium, lecithin and amino acids - glycine and methionine, which will increase the endurance of the heart, nervous system and liver. So, zinc is a part of enzymes and complexes that provide the most important physiological functions of the body: metabolism and assimilation of carbohydrates and fats, activation of immune responses against bacteria, viruses, tumor cells, maintenance and improvement of the state of the nervous system. Zinc is rich in wheat germ and lentils (they are useful to add to holiday salads), beef, as well as tongue, eggs, cheese, legumes, bran and green tea.

Magnesium increases resistance to stress and helps in the fight against mood swings in expectant mothers, as it has the property of calming the nervous system. Therefore, the festive table must have its sources: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, hazelnuts (they can be added chopped to salads), squid, spinach, cheese, cod liver, dark chocolate.

Potassium-rich foods should also be on the table for pregnant women. It normalizes the heart rate, maintains the acid-base balance of the blood, helps fight edema, removing excess water from the body. It also contributes to the supply of oxygen to the brain and lowers blood pressure. The richest in potassium are squash, strawberries (you can use frozen berries for making desserts), baked potatoes in a peel, oranges, bananas, green tea, parsley, dill.

To improve liver function, you need to eat foods and dishes rich in lecithin, choline, glycine and methionine, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the gallbladder, the production of bile and the digestion of fatty foods. Jellies, jellies, jellies (just remember to remove the fat layer from the surface that forms after solidification), beef, milk, soybeans, lentils, oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, cod, peas are rich in these substances.

Caution, mushrooms!
not only heavy food (they contain a poorly digestible substance - chitin, which is not absorbed by the human body at all, which can cause increased gas production): they can be unsafe. The fact is that there are a number of conditionally edible mushrooms (lines, morels, pigs, some subspecies of russules), as well as old edible mushrooms that can release toxic substances that have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother, and in particular on the state of her liver ...

Rule # 7: New Year's drinks during pregnancy must undergo strict casting

Make sure you have enough non-alcoholic and healthy drinks on your table in advance during pregnancy. Alcohol, for obvious reasons, should not be consumed. Of course, you can pour a symbolic amount of champagne or dry wine into the glass, which you will clink glasses with, but it is still better to "wash down" New Year's toasts with soft drinks. Mineral water is suitable - carbonated or still, as well as fruit cocktails, juices and fruit drinks. In addition, after the festive bustle and plentiful meal, the need for liquid increases significantly, so the supply of these drinks should be sufficient (up to 1.5–2 liters of drink the next day after the New Year).

Rule number 8: After the holidays, we restore the regime and digestion

After a plentiful night festive table, digestion is often disturbed and sleep disorders occur. Therefore, the next day after the New Year, in order to facilitate digestion and improve well-being, prepare salad and cabbage soup (pre-rinse with water to remove excess salt), pickle, okroshka on bread kvass, tea with lemon and honey, or a glass of fruit juice. They are useful due to the high content of potassium salts and other trace elements, water-soluble vitamins, organic acids, which help to restore the electrolyte balance in the body. Soaked apples and lactic acid products (especially kefir, ayran, koumiss) are also useful.

If your head hurts the next day after a sleepless New Year's Eve, then dishes that are sources of salicylic acid (natural aspirin) are useful - tea with raspberry jam, a dessert of frozen raspberries with honey and herbal tea with dried leaves and fruits of raspberries and mint, as well as dishes from strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, cherries and black currants (which are also rich in natural salicylic acid).

After overusing holiday sweets, there is often a shortage. This is due to the fact that thiamine takes part in the metabolism of high-carbohydrate foods and is actively consumed in the absorption of sugars. A lack of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the nervous system, a deterioration in mood and the appearance of irritability, therefore, the diet the next day after the holiday should include oatmeal with bran (it is better not to cook, but pour hot milk over the flakes and let it brew), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds ( they can be added to the same oatmeal, but raw), stewed liver, black bread, buckwheat porridge.

During the day, it is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water without gas, eliminating acidosis (acid reaction of the environment), which develops after a plentiful festive feast, and also to drink drinks to facilitate liver function: herbal tea made from chamomile, lingonberry, honey water (dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water), warm natural grape and sweet apple juice.

As a rule, the atmosphere of the New Year begins to be felt long before December 31st. Shops, streets, public transport are full of people - everyone is looking for Christmas trees, garlands and Christmas tree decorations, choosing gifts for friends and family. Of course, pregnant women on New Year's Day do not want to stay away from the general atmosphere of the holiday. Decorating a house and buying gifts tend to bring joy to women, so the bustle of the New Year is a pleasant and integral part of the holiday for them.

New Year for pregnant women: shopping rules

Positive emotions received from successful purchases are certainly useful for the expectant mother, but a long stay "on her feet", heavy bags, the hustle and bustle of sales areas can do a disservice. And the risk of "catching" an infection in stores on the eve of the New Year is much greater: there are a lot of people! So that the pleasure of New Year's shopping is not overshadowed by a deterioration in well-being, the expectant mother needs to follow a few simple rules:

1. Make a shopping list in advance.

Don't put off shopping - remember what's going on in stores in the last days of December! Such a pandemonium will not only not bring pleasure, but also dangerous for a pregnant customer. Enlist the support of someone close to you (husband, girlfriend, mother or sister) - it's more fun together, and physical support will not hurt you!

Choose a large shopping center near your home for shopping - this will save you from having to go around several stores in a day or stretch out your shopping trips for several days.

2. Make sure you have comfortable clothes and shoes.

While shopping every half hour or hour, take a break to relax - for example, sit in a cafe. And of course, don't carry heavy shopping bags - there is a trolley and helpers for that!

A convenient and absolutely safe option for the expectant mother for New Year's shopping is ordering gifts, New Year's decorations and outfits on the Internet. Plus, virtual shopping is almost as enjoyable as a real shopping trip!

Where to celebrate the New Year during pregnancy?

New Year is considered a home holiday, but many people prefer to celebrate it in an unconventional setting - in a restaurant, a nightclub or even in an exotic resort. Such holiday scenarios are not very suitable for a woman in an "interesting position."

The restaurant on New Year's is likely to be very crowded; in a nightclub, very loud music will be added to this disadvantage, which is not only tiring, but also simply harmful for a pregnant woman. In addition, the need for rest for the expectant mother in the process of a night feast cannot be ruled out, and in a restaurant, as well as in a nightclub, it will not be possible to lie down.

A trip to a southern resort in the midst of winter is a very risky undertaking for the health of any person. For the expectant mother, whose immunity is already reduced, moving "from winter to summer" is contraindicated! Flight, acclimatization, temperature difference at home and at the resort up to 50 ° C, colossal drops in humidity and atmospheric pressure - too much stress on the immune and circulatory system of a pregnant woman.

If you really want to celebrate the New Year in a special, romantic setting, you can go to a winter resort or rent a house outside the city. However, even in this case, the trip should not be tiresome for the expectant mother. Spend a few days there before and a few days after the holiday.

However, the best place to celebrate the New Year during pregnancy remains home! Here, everything can be done according to your own taste: the decorations, the menu, the scenario of the holiday, and the rest. And most importantly, there will be family walls and loved ones nearby - it's not for nothing that New Year is considered the most family holiday!

New Year for pregnant women: pleasant chores

The next stage of preparation for the celebration is cleaning the house, decorating the Christmas tree and preparing dishes for the festive table. These are pleasant chores, which also allow you to feel the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. Therefore, if there is a desire and good health, the expectant mother can take part in the preparation of the house and the table - of course, taking into account her special position.

Spring-cleaning. The main stages of the traditional general cleaning of the apartment on the eve of the New Year - with the removal of dust and washing the floors in hard-to-reach places - are best left to the household, leaving yourself the pleasant role of the ideological leader. The same applies to removing Christmas tree decorations from the mezzanine, hoisting the spire and New Year's garlands using a stepladder. The expectant mother can take on the chores that are not so burdensome and more creative - for example, come up with a new design for decorating rooms, a table and a Christmas tree, make beautiful packaging for gifts, set a festive table and develop an original New Year's dinner menu.

Kitchen. The same applies to personal exploits in the field of culinary arts. On the one hand, changing tastes and creativity are conducive to culinary experimentation. On the other hand, spending a long time in the kitchen at high temperature and humidity is not at all useful for a hostess in an "interesting position." The traditional option of preparing the table in the form of a long-term marathon of cutting salads for a pregnant woman is simply unacceptable - this is tedious, monotonous physical work. Therefore, the best option would be to limit your stay in the kitchen to two to three hours evenly distributed throughout the day. It is more convenient to cook while sitting, from time to time to get up or change the position of the body. It is advisable to stay as little as possible near the working burners and oven.

New Year's table for pregnant women

Dishes of the New Year's table for a pregnant woman should be not only delicious in a festive way, but also healthy. The traditional food set “Olivier-tangerines-champagne”, which we inherited from the era of the Soviet deficit, is difficult to recognize as suitable for the diet of a pregnant woman. Olivier - a salad with boiled potatoes, sausage, meat or chicken, canned cucumbers and peas, and thickly seasoned with mayonnaise - is a very heavy and unhealthy food. Mandarins, like most citrus fruits, often cause allergies during pregnancy. And champagne is clearly not included in the list of drinks allowed for expectant mothers.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to abuse fatty, spicy, smoked and spicy foods: inaccuracies in the diet are harmful to the well-being of the mother and baby. You shouldn't take risks with exotic dishes that you haven't tried before: pregnancy is a bad time for such experiments!

For appetizers, salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat and fish salads, some pickles, olives, cheese and cold meat are suitable. Hot holiday dishes suitable for a pregnant housewife include white poultry, lean meats (veal, rabbit) and fish (tilapia, cod, pike perch). As a side dish, boiled potatoes with herbs or rice are best suited. For dessert, instead of cake and pastries, it is better to make fruit salad or berry mousse.

Make sure in advance that there are enough drinks on the New Year's table for a pregnant woman - after the festive bustle and a plentiful meal, the need for liquid increases significantly. Alcohol should not be consumed; you can pour a symbolic amount of champagne or dry wine into the glass, which you will clink glasses with, but it is still better to "wash down" New Year's toasts with soft drinks. Mineral water is suitable - carbonated or still, as well as fruit cocktails, juices and fruit drinks.

It is harmful for an expectant mother to overeat, but it is not recommended to take long breaks between meals. In order not to get hungry and overeat during the holiday, you need to put one dish you like on a plate. The New Year's feast takes place late in the evening, when overeating is especially hard on the digestive system. Therefore, during the holiday, it is better to eat often and little by little.

New Year's costume for a pregnant woman

New Year is a great excuse to dress up and feel like a queen. Many women, long before the holiday, begin to come up with options for outfits and hairstyles, and some even specially acquire a new dress for this occasion. Due to the inevitable changes in appearance, it is especially important for an expectant mother to feel attractive, so you should not deny yourself the pleasure associated with choosing a New Year's costume for a pregnant woman.

You can choose a dress or suit for this occasion in advance, but you need to buy it no earlier than a month before the New Year. Otherwise, you can not calculate the size - during pregnancy, not only the tummy increases, but also the chest, waist, hips. Remember that you cannot squeeze your stomach even with a very short pregnancy. This leads to a deterioration in blood flow in the placenta and the well-being of the fetus. In addition, prolonged pressure can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and premature outpouring of water. Therefore, evening dresses with corrective elements - a corset, bodice, rigid bodice bones - are not suitable for the expectant mother. The ideal option for a New Year's costume for a pregnant woman is a high-waisted dress or a loose cut.

Then for the holiday it is better to choose the usual, already worn and comfortable shoes. If, nevertheless, there is a need to buy new shoes, it is also not worth buying them long before the holiday - during pregnancy, slight swelling of the feet and legs may appear, so the size of the legs increases slightly. It is advisable to choose shoes with stable heels 3-4 cm high or without a heel at all, like ballet flats. Otherwise, during the holiday, you will only have to think about buzzing feet! If your shoes are new, wear them at home a few days before the holiday so that they spread and “sit” exactly on your foot.

With a long period (after the 20th week of pregnancy), it makes sense to choose a comfortable, neat bandage that will not be noticeable under a festive outfit.

Holiday script

Of course, when coming up with entertainment for New Year's Eve, you will need to take into account the peculiarities of the "interesting situation". For example, from the program of the holiday it will be necessary to exclude skiing from a hill, blowing up firecrackers, as well as walking until the morning - the expectant mother should not participate in such amusements. Sledding and ice sledding is associated with the risk of injury, the noise from exploding fireworks and firecrackers adversely affects the baby, and a sleepless night is too tiring for a pregnant woman.

A noisy home disco for the expectant mother is also not suitable - for the same reason as a real disco in a nightclub (too loud and stuffy). However, this is not a cause for disappointment - on the contrary, this is a great opportunity to spend a “pregnant” New Year in a special way, coming up with new, unusual entertainment that will be equally interesting to all family members.

Recently, various board and simply collective games based on the principle of loto or charades have become popular. These games are included in TV entertainment programs, played on the beach, in the office and at a party; even "gaming" cafes have appeared in large cities, where, along with the menu, visitors are offered a large selection of board games. Perhaps one or more of these games will make your New Year's feast this year unusual and memorable.

A walk in is the perfect end to a festive evening, quite acceptable for a lady in an "interesting position." It's just that this year it will be calmer, measured and short-lived. Perhaps it will be a quiet, romantic walk under the moon and falling snow for two lovers awaiting the birth of a miracle. Such a New Year will leave a feeling of magic and will be remembered for a lifetime!

With the onset of pregnancy, everything around you changes. A woman in an interesting position becomes more emotional and changeable. But there is a desire that remains - you always want to look beautiful! You want to dress as beautifully and stylishly as you did before your pregnancy.

But even the most style-savvy women are puzzled over how to do it. And pregnancy is just a special time when you can look and feel magical. Enjoy!

Pregnancy is a long process: you and your body change gradually. As there are no two identical women, there are no two identical courses of pregnancy. We are all different. However, each goes through certain stages. These stages are called trimesters and last for three months.

On the first

The first trimester is accompanied by minor changes in your body and significant psychological changes. Your taste for food, flowers, and, of course, for clothes may change. Yes, because you now have a new status! Don't be afraid to be new. Changes in clothes will echo your inner changes, and you will feel harmonious.

Somewhere towards the end of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester, you will already feel the physical need to update your wardrobe.

You will have a long search in virtual and real stores. I advise you to start with the latter, in this case you will be able to try on more unusual clothes and understand what is convenient and necessary for you. Finding the perfect outfit right away won't be easy.

I can offer a couple of tips that I, as a designer and mom, have experienced myself:

  • choose quality clothing. You will wear and wash your "pregnant" wardrobe more often than other clothes;
  • fabrics from which things are sewn must be natural. They will help to avoid allergies, overheating and sweating;
  • don't hide your bulging tummy. This is the most wonderful time of your life! Accept it and do not hide behind shapeless clothing;
  • reveal your merits. Choose models that accentuate your neckline and shoulders;
  • find a little thing for yourself, the so-called "investment". It will serve you for several seasons. For example, a self-sufficient autumn dress that can be worn with golf and leggings in winter;
  • get the most out of your pregnant wardrobe. Go for modern, loose silhouettes in neutral tones, then just play with your shoes and accessories.

For the second

You are now ready to be beautiful in the following months of your pregnancy. The next second trimester for many is on the rise of strength and energy. I want to be in time for everything, to move mountains. And you will succeed!

Go to theaters, listen to music, chat with friends. You may want to be the center of attention. Then choose beautiful bright clothes. Your skin and hair are glowing, you can highlight it with a new hairstyle or accessories.

You can be more visible with unusual details, interesting fabric patterns and bold colors. But everything must be in harmony. Saturated colors such as royal blue, emerald, bright pink will emphasize your joy.

The third

In the third trimester, women usually finish their personal affairs, take maternity leave and prepare directly for the appearance of the baby. During this period, the expectant mother wants to look and feel relaxed and stylish.

Then you can choose comfortable and fashionable clothes. Here, the minimalism style will come in handy more than ever: it is not striking, it protects you, the absence of controversial details will give confidence in your choice. For example, straight tunic dresses in dark soothing colors.

Cozy free-form clothing will help you gain a sense of security: bulky sweaters, fur vests, ponchos. It is important, especially in the cold season, to choose an outer wardrobe that will be light, comfortable, and can be useful even after the appearance of the baby. Choose fashionable things, the winter season allows it.

And for dessert

Each trimester is good in its own way. And if you feel good, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure of attending the holidays and parties. It is possible and even necessary to go out, arrange wonderful romantic dinners in evening dresses, the festive atmosphere will only benefit the future baby - after all, mother's emotional background is transmitted to him too!

At the same time, it is important to choose the right evening dress so that a woman feels like a king.

But no matter how you live your pregnancy, do not just try to wait it out. Seize every moment, give yourself joy from every little thing. Do not hide your bulge, dress beautifully and stylishly, this will add good mood and health! Chat and dress up! After all, you will remember this period all your life!

Have a nice mood!

Dear Readers! Do you agree with Tatiana's recommendations? Should a pregnant woman stay stylish and bright? Or should the tummy be hidden behind shapeless clothes from prying eyes? We are waiting for your answers in the comments! If you still have photographs of "magic time", we are waiting for them in the folk photographic fact

New Year is probably not only the most expensive holiday for any of us, but also the most magical one. We hope that as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it, therefore we painstakingly plan everything to the smallest detail: in what place and with whom we celebrate the holiday, what we eat, how we dress ... And if this New Year found you in an amusing position, it means is it that in this position you will hold him? Undoubtedly, you will spend ... some part of it, at least. Undoubtedly, you will spend it with a miracle in your belly, which one excellent day will materialize, announcing its own appearance with a cry. Undoubtedly, your entertaining position will correct the usual scale of the holiday, since you are celebrating this New Year with a miracle in your stomach, again!

Nice adjustments
The New Year with its cheerful anticipation, preparation, and globality (a holiday for everyone, and not for one particular group of the population, like the Day of the Soap Industry Worker, for example), has the opportunity to rightfully be considered a festive illumination for two (!) Months most positive in terms of feelings. But any emotion has its own hormonal carrier. Experiencing feelings of joy and happiness, our brain releases “hormones of happiness” - endorphins. Since hormones easily make their way through the placenta to the fetus, then, therefore, all the emotional experiences of the expectant mother reach the child in a matter of minutes. Experts have long established and recorded an amazing fact in the photo: the fetus smiles almost simultaneously with the mother, repeating her facial expressions. Thus, the baby, even before birth, experiencing feelings of happiness, joy, forms his attitude to the world in the future. Numerous polls of parents found that mothers who were expecting a child in joy, did not perceive him as a hindrance and love him even before birth, children are born stronger and mentally stable. Therefore, to paraphrase the classics, there are many holidays - good and different - a direct indication for pregnant women!

But keep in mind that babies in the womb are capable of making a “face of discontent” in response to their mother's negative excitement or inadequate overload due to noise, mother's fuss or overstrain, loud music, etc.
And therefore a pregnant mom:

The fatigue after preparing the menu for the Christmas table may put the expectant mother first on the bench in this holiday endurance competition. So that the holiday does not end for you, and does not begin, reduce one of two: either the list of dishes, or your participation!
In the tradition of New Year's pre-holiday household chores, general cleaning takes precedence. With special zeal, expectant mothers take on it, since there is a serious reason, finally, to remove everything that will not be possible to remove after the birth of the child, at least for a year. In addition, pregnant women are known for their "nesting syndrome", which is especially pronounced in the third trimester of pregnancy. Such a “tummy” with incredible energy will clean-scrub-tidy up your home, move furniture, put forward grandiose ideas for redevelopment, repair, etc. It is reasonable, given your interest and interesting position, to take the place of the project manager, and include the rest of the members in the project group families who not only implement their plans, but also control the level of beneficial stress of the expectant mother. But if the voice of reason is choked with a pre-holiday fever or a sense of duty / guilt complex / irresistible desire (emphasize the necessary) pushes you to feats, please consider the risks of contact with household chemicals.
Precautions for clean pregnant women
Avoid all aerosols, cooker cleaners and especially substances with strong odors such as ammonia or chlorine.
Do not mix bleach containing chlorine with other cleaning agents because of the danger of a chemical reaction producing toxic gases.
Avoid contact with old paints containing lead and mercury, solvents, adhesives.
Stay away from areas where vacuuming is in full swing.
Earplugs, of course, will not save the miracle in the tummy from the noise, but they will undoubtedly make it easier for mom to have a festive existence.
Hormonal changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman determine her behavior and give rise to paradoxical emotions and changes in the nature of preferences. Almost everyone knows cases that describe, “how one woman before pregnancy was so withdrawn / sociable, did not like noisy companies / solitude, pop music / rock music, did not know how to draw / knit / dance ... and then changed - you don’t know: what she loved, she fell out of love and vice versa. ” If everyone knows such cases, then there is every reason to believe that your condition, mood variability, paradoxical desires are the norm for a woman in an interesting position, and therefore an additional opportunity for others to take part in creating comfort, positive emotions for the expectant mother. Tell me, there is an opportunity, but you need to stimulate the desire! There is one secret that the babies of the animal world use to attract the attention of adults and provide themselves with protection and comfort. Nature has created babies specifically so cute to arouse affection in a parent and awaken in him the instinct of a protector of offspring. Agree, a beautiful pregnancy, not burdened with the personality cult of the expectant mother, causes no less affection and participation from others. I propose to adopt this mechanism. Give your loved ones the joy of observing your changes, which, in the first place, are not a burden for you. In response, you will immediately evoke a desire to touch the beauty: create a mood for a creature dear to the heart and eye.
And so she came to us dressed up for a holiday ...

Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in new clothes. A great reason to get pleasure from a festive dress for the tummy, which means to experience a lot of positive emotions with your baby. Do not give up choosing an extravagant or evening dress because you will wear it once in a lifetime. Our whole life consists of such unique moments, which we cherish in our memory because of their exclusivity.

Cut hair - do not cut, dye, curl? On the eve of the New Year, this is especially true. For the expectant mother, the question of a festive hairstyle depends on prejudices, the risks of exposure to toxic substances on the fetus, which are used when curling or dyeing hair, a guaranteed result ...

To decide to believe or not to believe in the omen: a pregnant woman cannot cut her hair - let's turn to her origins. It turns out that even in the days of the Slavs, all girls walked with long hair, short hair was considered a shame, since when a woman was caught for adultery, her braid was cut off. But if the woman was pregnant, the punishment was postponed until after childbirth, realizing that this was a great stress for the mother and the unborn child. Hence the feet of this prejudice grow. For a modern woman, there may be, perhaps, one (in my opinion, not very weighty) argument against haircuts: given the inherent changeability of moods in pregnant women, increased suggestibility, a huge need to accept their state by others, you should not radically change your hairstyle - suddenly you will not like it, you will then walk, suffer.
So, to get a haircut - they decided not to have a haircut. And can you curl - can you paint? Under normal circumstances, perm is one of the easiest ways to improve your hairstyle, but an experienced hairdresser will definitely warn you against this step during pregnancy. Firstly, under the influence of hormones, the hair begins to react in an unexpected way: the curling may not work at all, or instead of even waves, a shock, twisted like a wire, will appear. Secondly, the applied chemical solutions are absorbed by the scalp and through it are absorbed into the blood vessels, which can be dangerous for the development of the fetus. And while research into the safety of chemicals has not provided conclusive evidence of a link to pregnancy anomalies, most healthcare providers are unambiguous: it’s wiser not to put yourself at risk.

The same can be said for hair coloring. However, everything happens in life. If dyeing your hair during pregnancy is extremely necessary due to circumstances: for example, before the onset of pregnancy, an unsuspecting mother-to-be dyed her dark hair in one of the “blond” shades, that is, a very light tone. In a month or two, her black roots will begin to "gape", and looking good for a pregnant woman is not just necessary, but also extremely important. In this case, experts advise using paints without ammonia and peroxide, containing substances of plant origin. Such dyes are called "tint", they are of both imported and domestic production and are cheaper than permanent paints. And although such dyes are washed off rather quickly, a neat look at the right time with less risk to the fetus is guaranteed.

Precautions for pregnant women

Invite the master home, refuse to visit hairdressing salons, as fumes from hair styling products, as well as solvents and nail varnishes make the air unbreathable for a person (both the expectant mother and the baby).
Use styling products that come in spray bottles, not aerosols, hold your breath while applying the products so that toxic substances do not enter the lungs.
Ventilate the area where you clean yourself up, especially when using nail polish.
Give preference to the most gentle cosmetics, as during pregnancy, the skin's sensitivity to decorative products may increase.

What a disgusting jellied fish of yours!

There are a lot of jokes about, at times, perverted, from the point of view of a "normal person", and acute food desires of pregnant women. Mom-to-be is off the charts with a passion for salty / sweet / sour, etc. to a combination of seemingly incompatible tastes. I personally witnessed how one of my friends, being pregnant, with pleasure ate herring with ... halva! The perception of habitual tastes also changes in pregnant women:
favorite foods can cause negative emotions or leave you indifferent,
the intensity of taste perception can also change in the direction of strengthening or weakening - salty, it seems, for example, slightly salted,
a whimsical taste appears in the most common products ...

What are the reasons for these changes? It is banal - with a change in acidity in the stomach, nontrivial - with a lack of certain substances, which the body of the expectant mother “requires” for the normal development of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus.

It is clear that an interesting position obliges you to adhere to a certain diet. But on New Year's, you can afford gastronomic excesses? Decide, guided by the principle: if you really want to, then you can ... a little. Limit fatty and spicy foods, do not overuse salads based on mayonnaise sauces, give up synthetic carbonated drinks (cola, for example). And most importantly, DO NOT OVEAL. Firstly, if you eat more, you will be more likely to fall asleep, which means you will take a walk less. Secondly, eat more - you are guaranteed to take a place on the couch, picking up extra pounds. Thirdly, if the expectant mother deliberately eats for two, having received suggestion from older women, the possibility of various complications during childbirth increases, associated precisely with the excessive weight gain of the mother or the large size of the fetus itself.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question!

It doesn't really matter if you are smart about planning your pregnancy and following a healthy lifestyle throughout the waiting period. Definitely, pregnancy and alcohol are incompatible concepts. A pregnant woman, even with all her desire, cannot “drink alone” - the fetus will always keep her company. Alcohol easily passes through the placenta and enters its body, causing a spasm of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, mutations, and gross malformations of the organs and tissues of the fetus. However, this picture is not always observed, and mothers often ask reasonable questions: what does the risk depend on? From the dose? Regularity of alcohol consumption? Or from something else? In this context, we are interested in whether to fight or not to fight, if there is one, with the irresistible desire of the expectant mother to have a drink for the New Year.

The nature of the consequences of alcoholic exposure to the fetus depends on many reasons. Of course, the most important role is played by the amount of alcoholic beverages and the frequency of their use. Scientific research shows that the daily intake of a pregnant woman 30 grams of alcohol (or other alcoholic beverages in terms of alcohol) is accompanied by a high risk of alcohol syndrome in the unborn child. However, this syndrome often occurs in children whose mothers consumed 3-5 grams of alcohol daily! There is no single safe dose for all, because the harmfulness of alcohol to the fetus also depends on the characteristics of the female body for the processing of alcohol and the reaction to alcohol, the state of the organs and systems of the woman at the time of pregnancy, the nature of the diet, associated bad habits, the genotype of the fetus, the duration of pregnancy and many other points.

The obvious fact is that it is unwise to expose the fetus to even minimal risk. Of course, don't panic if you allow yourself a glass of sparkling wine on New Year's.
Here he is such a "pregnant" New Year, bringing us amazing transformations and guaranteed by our interesting position NEW HAPPINESS.