The big difference is the changes in the life of a pregnant woman

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are subordinated to a single important goal - the full provision of conditions for the proper development and growth of the embryo (fetus).

  • Physiological changes
  • Heart and blood vessels
    • Phlebeurysm
    • Haemorrhoids
  • Digestive organs
    • Heartburn
    • Nausea, vomiting, constipation
  • Hormonal changes
  • Breast changes during pregnancy
  • The immune system
  • Muscles and back pain
  • Respiratory system
  • Genitourinary system
  • Uterus and cervix

From the moment of implantation to the onset of labor, the requirements of the fetus will steadily increase, which will entail changes in all systems of the female body and tissues:

  • endocrine system;
  • central and peripheral nervous system;
  • cardiovascular;
  • digestive;
  • excretory;
  • in the musculoskeletal system;
  • immune;
  • skin and its appendages (hair, nails).

The main exchange is changing. The developing fetus will force the body of a pregnant woman to constantly adapt to the increasing load, in this regard, physiological changes will be observed.

All important microelements, proteins, carbohydrates, fats will be obtained from the mother's blood, through which metabolites of metabolism and decay will be excreted. This is one of the reasons for the change in taste, appearance, changes in the color of the stool and urine.

In 85% of cases, pregnant women do not need medical intervention. All that is required is observation and psycho-emotional support. 15% - fall into a certain risk group due to the presence of chronic diseases. These women require close medical supervision.

Changes in the cardiovascular system during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the changes in the cardiovascular system are most significant. Because the volume of circulating blood increases. Normally, a person's blood volume is on average 5 liters. The amount of blood begins to increase from the first weeks of pregnancy and peaks at 32 weeks, which is 35-45% more than outside of pregnancy. As a result, the number of blood cells changes.

As a result of a sharp increase in plasma volume, physiological hemodelution is observed - the increase in blood cells (erythrocytes) "lags behind" and begins.

Physiologically, there is a change in the composition of the blood. Decreases slightly:

  • the number of red blood cells;
  • hemoglobin concentration ();
  • hematocrit value;
  • plasma folic acid levels.

This increases:

  • the number of leukocytes;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • fibrinogen concentration.

An increase in blood volume meets the increased requirements of the uterus and fetus, protects against hypotension syndrome in the supine position, and prevents critical fluid loss during childbirth.

During pregnancy, functional early (sometimes medium) systolic murmurs, extrasystoles (premature myocardial contractions) may appear.

From the third month by 10-15 mm. rt. Sat decreases blood pressure. Starting from the third trimester, on the contrary, an increase in blood pressure is characteristic. due to peripheral dilatation - a decrease in the resistance of the vessels of the hands, feet, increased metabolism and the formed arteriovenous placental shunt.

Peripheral vasodilation leads to increased secretion of nasal mucus, which leads to discomfort. This condition is called pregnant rhinitis, which disappears with the outcome of pregnancy. Complaints appear:

  • nasal congestion;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • nosebleeds.

An increase in venous pressure in the lower extremities and compression of the central venous lines by an enlarged uterus contributes to hemorrhoids.

Edema is common during pregnancy. noted by 50-80% of pregnant women. They are localized on the lower extremities, but may have a different localization - on the face, fingers. Because of this, there is a change in the appearance of the pregnant woman. Such edema is characterized by a gradual development, smoothly combined with an increase in body weight. Even external changes on the face appear due to the action of the hormone growth hormone. This substance awakens the remaining areas of bone growth. There may be a slight increase in the brow ridges, the tip of the nose grows, and the joints of the fingers thicken.

  1. Avoid standing and sitting for a long time. Move more and encourage vigorous exercise.
  2. Do not wear tight clothing.
  3. During sleep, the legs should be in an elevated position.
  4. Sleep on your side.
  5. You can not cross your legs while sitting.
  6. Wear elastic stockings or tights.

Discomfort from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid complaints often occur during pregnancy for the first time. To avoid its development, it is necessary to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, it is enough to slightly change the diet due to fiber. In severe cases, they resort to medicines in the form of suppositories and anti-hemorrhoidal creams.

Gastrointestinal (GI) changes and discomfort during pregnancy

Frequent complaints during pregnancy are presented by women from the digestive system. It is also caused by physiological changes:

  • a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, enzymes;
  • decrease in intestinal motility and the digestive system as a whole under the influence;
  • an increase in the reabsorption of water from the large intestine under the action of the hormone aldosterone.

The change in taste during pregnancy is the result of a decrease in the sensitivity of the receptors of the taste buds on the tongue.

Discomfort during pregnancy from the gastrointestinal tract is manifested in the following:

  • There are complaints of nausea, increased salivation, vomiting as a result of a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid and a decrease in the level of the enzyme pepsin.
  • Preferences in smells change, habitual ones start to irritate, unusual ones start to like.
  • Constipation occurs (due to intestinal hypotension caused by progesterone).

Breast changes during pregnancy begin to appear early:

  • the volume of the breast changes (by 2-3 sizes) under the influence of estrogen and progesterone - the volume of connective tissue grows and the milk ducts develop;
  • metabolic processes, blood circulation increase, which makes the breast more sensitive and painful when touched, a vascular network may appear on the skin;
  • nipples grow, the areola circumference increases (from 3 cm to 5 cm), they take on a more saturated color due to increased melatonin synthesis (from dark red to brown).

In the later stages, there is a high probability of the appearance of cicatricial changes - stretch marks (this is a consequence of the rupture of collagen fibers of the breast skin) and colostrum secretion.

By the end of pregnancy, the synthesis of oxytocin increases, which takes part in the very birth act.

Changes in the immune system during pregnancy

Consultation with an orthopedist is indicated for severe pain, if it spreads to the legs, or if neurological symptoms are present.

Changes in the body during pregnancy. Respiratory system

The respiratory system is undergoing minimal changes. The growing uterus shifts the diaphragm upward, but the volume of expiration and inspiration remains unchanged. The respiratory rate remains within the physiological range - 14-15 per minute.

Physiological changes during pregnancy. Genitourinary system

During pregnancy, changes in a woman's body are pronounced precisely in the genitourinary system. Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration increase by 50% (a larger volume of blood passes through the vessels of the kidneys at an increased rate), which leads to an increase in urine volume. Therefore, pregnant women begin to complain of frequent urination. There is a urge to urinate at night. 1-2 trips to the toilet per night for a pregnant woman is the norm.

Under the influence of progesterone and the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the upper edge of the pelvis.

Changes in the uterus during pregnancy

It is obvious that changes in the uterus occur during pregnancy. It grows in size. Its volume by the end of pregnancy grows 1000 times, its weight is 1000 g (for comparison - in a non-pregnant state, the weight is within 70 grams).

From the first trimester, the uterus begins to contract irregularly and painlessly - In the later stages, they can cause significant and tangible discomfort.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the cervix retains its density. The isthmus softens, the cervix becomes more mobile.

Changes in the cervix in early pregnancy include:

  • discoloration (due to an increase in the number of vessels and blood flow, the cervix becomes bluish in color);
  • provisions;
  • consistency (loosens);
  • shape and size.

In the lumen of the cervix, a mucous plug is formed - a mechanical and immune barrier for the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity.

Normally, there is a change in the volume of vaginal discharge (under the influence of estrogen). Pathological discharge should be excluded, for example, with candidal infection, which often bothers women in an interesting position. The appearance of bloody discharge after intercourse allows one to suspect erosion of the cervix, which is already becoming very vulnerable.

The walls of the vagina become loose and elastic, the labia enlarge, change color to a more intense one.

Changes in the central nervous system

The first 3-4 months of pregnancy are accompanied by inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS). Excitability increases after 4 months. A decrease in reflex excitability helps to relax the uterus, which ensures the normal development of pregnancy in a woman's body.

In connection with changes in the nervous system, complaints appear about:

  • drowsiness;
  • mood swings;
  • imbalance;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • salivation;
  • vomiting;
  • a tendency to dizziness;
  • general fatigue.

The increase in the excitability of the peripheral nerves makes you feel pain in response to irritation, which was simply unpleasant before pregnancy. There are neurological pains in the lower back, sacrum, cramps of the calf muscles.

Changes in a woman's body during pregnancy are physiological and are not symptoms of the disease. They can manifest themselves as discomfort and discomfort, but they do not require treatment, with the exception of pathological conditions.

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During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant physiological changes that ensure the correct development of the fetus, prepare the body for the upcoming childbirth and feeding. During this difficult period, the load on all organs and systems of the woman's body increases significantly, which can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of complications. That is why you should register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible, go through all the necessary specialists and get tested. This will allow you to take adequate preventive measures and prepare for childbirth.


During pregnancy, the cardiovascular system performs more strenuous work, since an additional placental circulation appears in the body. Here, the blood flow is so great that 500 ml of blood passes through the placenta every minute. The heart of a healthy woman during pregnancy easily adapts to additional loads: the mass of the heart muscle and cardiac output of blood increase. To meet the increasing needs of the fetus for nutrients, oxygen and building materials, the blood volume in the mother's body begins to increase, reaching a maximum by the 7th month of pregnancy. Instead of 4000 ml of blood, 5300-5500 ml are now circulating in the body. In pregnant women with heart disease, this load can cause complications; that is why hospitalization in hospitalized maternity hospitals is recommended for a period of 27-28 weeks.

Blood pressure

Blood pressure practically does not change during a normal pregnancy. On the contrary, in women who have an increase in it before or in the early stages of pregnancy, it usually stabilizes in the middle of pregnancy and is in the range of 100 / 60-130 / 85 mm Hg. This is due to a decrease in the tone of peripheral blood vessels under the action of the hormone progesterone.

However, in the last trimester of pregnancy, blood pressure can rise, reaching very high values. High blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg and above) is one of the signs of late toxicosis in pregnant women. This condition is very dangerous and may require urgent delivery.


Due to the increase in the woman's body oxygen demand during pregnancy, the activity of the lungs increases. Despite the fact that as pregnancy progresses, the diaphragm rises upward and restricts the respiratory movement of the lungs, their capacity increases. This is due to the expansion of the chest, as well as due to the expansion of the bronchi. The increased volume of inhaled air during pregnancy facilitates the removal of used oxygen by the fetus through the placenta. The respiratory rate does not change, it remains 16-18 times per minute, slightly increasing towards the end of pregnancy. Therefore, if shortness of breath or other breathing disorders occurs, the pregnant woman must consult a doctor.


During pregnancy, the kidneys function with great stress, since they remove from the body the metabolic products of the pregnant woman herself and her growing fetus. The amount of urine excreted varies depending on the volume of fluid you drink. A healthy pregnant woman excretes an average of 1200-1600 ml of urine per day, while 950-1200 ml of urine is released during the daytime, the rest of the portion - at night.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the tone of the bladder decreases, which can lead to stagnation of urine. Under these conditions, the introduction of infection into the urinary tract is facilitated, therefore, in pregnant women, an exacerbation of pyelonephritis often occurs. An infection of the urinary tract is indicated by the appearance of leukocytes in urine tests - more than 10-12 in the field of view.

In addition, the pregnant uterus, turning slightly to the right, can make it difficult for urine to drain from the right kidney. In this case, the risk of hydronephrosis increases, that is, the expansion of the pelvis and calyces due to excessive accumulation of urine in them.

Digestive organs

In many women, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, changes in the digestive organs are observed: nausea and often vomiting appear in the morning (signs of early toxicosis), taste sensations change, and there is a gravitation for unusual substances (clay, chalk). As a rule, these phenomena disappear by 3-4 months of pregnancy, sometimes at a later date. Under the influence of placental hormones, intestinal tone decreases, which often leads to constipation. The intestine is pushed up by the pregnant uterus, the stomach is also displaced upward and compressed, while part of its contents can be thrown into the esophagus and cause heartburn (especially in the second half of pregnancy). In such cases, it is recommended to take antacids (for example, Maalox, Rennie), eat 2 hours before bedtime, and sit in bed with the head end raised.

The liver during pregnancy works with greater stress, as it neutralizes the metabolic products of the woman herself and the fetus.


During pregnancy, women experience some laxity in their joints. The joints of the pelvis become especially mobile, which facilitates the passage of the fetus through it during childbirth. Sometimes the softening of the pelvic joints is so pronounced that there is a slight divergence of the pubic bones. Then the pregnant woman has pain in the bosom, "duck" gait. It is necessary to inform the doctor about this and receive appropriate recommendations.

Mammary gland

During pregnancy, the mammary glands are prepared for the upcoming feeding. In them, the number of lobules, adipose tissue increases, blood supply improves. The mammary glands increase in size, the nipples become rough.


The greatest changes during pregnancy occur in the genitals and relate mainly to the uterus. The pregnant uterus is constantly increasing in size, by the end of pregnancy its height reaches 35 cm instead of 7-8 cm outside of pregnancy, the weight increases to 1000-1200 g (without fetus) instead of 50-100 g. The volume of the uterine cavity by the end of pregnancy increases by about 500 once. The change in the size of the uterus occurs due to an increase in the size of muscle fibers under the influence of placental hormones. The blood vessels expand, their number increases, they seem to entwine the uterus. Irregular contractions of the uterus are observed, which towards the end of pregnancy become more active and are felt as "constriction". These so-called Braxton Hicks contractions, which are normal from the 30th week of pregnancy, are considered training before actual labor contractions.

The position of the uterus changes according to its size. By the end of 3 months of pregnancy, it goes beyond the pelvis, and closer to childbirth reaches the hypochondrium. The uterus is held in the correct position by ligaments that thicken and stretch during pregnancy. The pain that occurs on the sides of the abdomen, especially during changes in body position, is often caused by the tension of the ligaments. The blood supply to the external genital organs increases, varicose veins may appear in the vagina and on the labia (the same varicose veins may also appear on the lower extremities and in the rectum).

Weight gain

Fetal growth and physiological changes in a pregnant woman's body affect her body weight. In a healthy woman, by the end of pregnancy, body weight increases by an average of 12 kg with fluctuations from 8 to 18 kg. Usually, in the first half of pregnancy, it increases by 4 kg, in the second half - 2 times more. Weekly weight gain up to 20 weeks is approximately 300 + 30 g, from 21 to 30 weeks - 330 + 40 g and after 30 weeks before childbirth - 340 + 30 g. In women with underweight before pregnancy, weekly weight gain may be more more.

Psychology of a woman

In addition to physiological changes in the body, the mental state of a pregnant woman changes.

A woman's attitude to pregnancy and childbirth is influenced by various factors, including social, moral and ethical, economic, etc., as well as the personality traits of the pregnant woman herself.

In the first half of pregnancy, most women are more concerned about their own health, and in the second half, especially after the appearance of fetal movements, all the thoughts and concerns of the expectant mother are directed to the well-being of the fetus. A woman can address a child with affectionate words, she fantasizes, endowing him with individual characteristics. Along with this, many women deliberately give up some attachments and habits for the sake of the upcoming motherhood.

Also, pregnant women may have various concerns and fears. During this period, a woman may be worried about changes in appearance, loss of attractiveness, relationship with her husband. Close relatives (especially the husband) should become a reliable support for the pregnant woman and try to provide the woman with psychological comfort. In case of severe anxiety, a depressed state of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist.

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, during which constant changes occur. These changes are both external and internal.

As for external changes, their appearance, as a rule, does not raise any special questions. These are, first of all, such obvious signs as the rounding of the forms of the expectant mother, pigmentation on the skin, and the discharge of colostrum from the breast at a later date.

But internal processes are hidden from our eyes. Therefore, noticing any physiological or mental changes in herself, the expectant mother is worried whether everything is going well with her and the baby.

Indeed, a lot of questions arise. Why does mood change quickly? Why did you start going to the toilet more often? Why did such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn, shortness of breath, swelling appear? Etc…

To begin with, emotional instability is a normal condition during pregnancy. Future mothers - they are, they will always find a reason to worry. Even if it is difficult to find such a reason. And we will talk about this today too.

In this article, you will learn that the special emotional state of pregnant women, accompanied by anxiety and fear, is the result of hormonal changes.

You will also find here information on how an already realized pregnancy affects the female body.

Changes in the female body during pregnancy:

On the part of the cardiovascular system

The volume of circulating blood increases to provide blood flow for two organisms. This increased volume is much more difficult for the heart to pump. For this reason, the heart muscle thickens slightly. The heart rate also increases slightly.

Due to an increase in blood volume and special hormonal changes, venous outflow from the lower extremities is difficult. In this regard, varicose veins so often develop in pregnant women.

Blood pressure in the early stages, as a rule, decreases moderately. In later stages, many women have a tendency to high blood pressure. This is due to the physiological thickening of the blood and the action of hormones that prepare the female body for childbirth.

Thickening of blood and an increase in vascular tone is a protective reaction of the female body, prevention of massive bleeding during childbirth. Thanks to such processes, in the female body with blood loss during childbirth, the vessels react sharply with spasm.

The blood in the damaged vessel quickly coagulates, forming a blood clot. The blood clot clogs the site of damage to the blood vessel. Thus, blood loss will be minimal.

The blood supply not only to the uterus is enhanced, but also to all organs of the small pelvis. Therefore, so often in pregnant women, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are exacerbated even in the early stages.

From the respiratory system

In order to provide oxygen to mother and child, the woman's respiratory system also undergoes changes during pregnancy. The diaphragm rises due to the enlarged uterus. Due to this, the volume of the chest decreases.

The lungs become cramped in the chest, they cannot fully straighten with a deep breath. To solve these problems, the respiratory center in the brain instructs to breathe more often. As a result, breathing becomes more frequent.

The woman becomes more sensitive to the lack of oxygen. Therefore, many pregnant women cannot stay in stuffy, hot rooms, public transport.

In the later stages, shortness of breath is often worried. It appears by increasing the load on the heart and lungs. By increasing the frequency and depth of breathing, the mother's body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Everything is done so that your baby does not need anything.

From the digestive system

In the first trimester, as a rule, women are worried about toxicosis. The severity of its manifestations is individual. Someone notes nausea only in the morning. Someone suffers from nausea around the clock. Someone is worried about both nausea and vomiting. And many do not experience such symptoms at all.

Toxicosis occurs due to the temporary poisoning of the mother's body with the baby's metabolic products. Most often, the symptoms of toxicosis end after the first three months of pregnancy, when the placenta begins to fully function. In the future, it will be she who will be responsible for the metabolism between mother and child.

Sometimes expectant mothers develop a perversion of taste. For example, you want to eat something inedible (chalk, clay, soap). This condition most often indicates an acute shortage of some substances in the maternal body. Therefore, it is imperative to tell the attending physician about such a situation.

Heartburn is another common symptom that accompanies pregnancy. Due to the change in the position of the stomach in the abdominal cavity due to the enlarged uterus, the acidic contents of the stomach are often thrown into the esophagus. The acid irritates the walls of the esophagus, and this causes soreness in the sternum.

Alkaline drinks, such as milk, will help to cope with this problem. Why will it partly help? Because the main reason - a change in the position of the stomach of a pregnant woman - cannot be corrected.

In order to suffer less from heartburn, it is important for the expectant mother not to take a horizontal position immediately after eating and take food at least two hours before bedtime.

On the part of the skeletal system

The child is growing rapidly, he needs more and more resources for growth and development. And nature is so laid down that the baby will take everything he needs from the mother's body.

Moreover, if nutrients, vitamins and microelements are supplied in insufficient quantities, then the resources of the mother's body will be used for the development of the crumbs.

For example, with a lack of calcium, bone density (initial osteoporotic changes) in a woman's body decreases. Therefore, so often, future and successful mothers have problems with their teeth.

Due to the increase in the mass and size of the uterus, the center of gravity in expectant mothers is shifting. This straightens the spinal column and deepens the lumbar lordosis (the curve of the spine facing the abdomen). Many people notice that the gait of pregnant women changes, becomes more important. It is also called "proud gait".

The connective tissue of the ligaments, cartilage, and pelvic bones is loosened. This effect is exerted by hormones secreted by the placenta (relaxin, progesterone). Thanks to their action, the mobility of the sacral joints and symphysis increases. The pelvic bones are slightly parted.

This is how the body of the future mother prepares for childbirth. Thanks to such changes, the baby's head passes through the birth canal more easily during childbirth.

From the endocrine system

Pregnancy is rightfully considered a serious hormonal surge in a woman's life. You will be surprised how many processes in a woman's body are regulated by hormones.

Without the proper hormonal background, pregnancy itself cannot occur. And preparation for childbirth is carried out thanks to the action of hormones. Subsequent breastfeeding after childbirth is also impossible without a certain hormonal background.

So, first things first.

During pregnancy, the pituitary gland increases its activity. This is the part of the brain responsible for the activity of all endocrine glands. He begins to work more actively.

In the pituitary gland, the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which regulate the hormonal work of the gonads, is significantly reduced. In this regard, the process of maturation of new follicles in the ovary stops and ovulation does not occur.

During pregnancy, the hormone prolactin is actively produced in the pituitary gland in the same place. It is he who prepares the mammary gland for further breastfeeding.

The result of its action can be seen already in the early stages of pregnancy. The breast actively increases in size, becomes sensitive, especially in the nipple area.

With the onset of pregnancy, a new endocrine organ begins to function - the corpus luteum of the ovary. He is responsible for the production of progesterone. It is the main hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for the implantation of the embryo, for its retention and preservation.

Closer to 14-16 weeks, the placenta takes over the function of producing progesterone.

Thyroid hormones are actively produced, which actively affect all metabolic processes of both the mother and the fetus. The thyroid gland itself increases in size during pregnancy.

The lack of her hormones can lead to a violation of the formation of the baby's brain. And their excess can provoke early termination of pregnancy.

The parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, and pancreas are also actively involved in the work.

A very important hormone, oxytocin, is produced in the hypothalamus (the subtropical region of the diencephalon). From the hypothalamus, it enters the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and from there begins its work.

The peak concentration of oxytocin reaches at a later date. It is he who is responsible for the onset of labor, contraction of the uterus during labor and stimulation of the release of milk from the mammary glands.

From the urinary system

With the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother's load on the kidneys increases. Since the kidneys are a filtering organ, they are responsible for purifying the blood from metabolic products from both the mother and the fetus.

Due to the increasing size of the uterus and under the influence of a certain hormonal background, the walls of the ureters and bladder relax and experience constant pressure. All this leads to greater urinary retention in the urinary organs.

In turn, this is a significant risk of urinary tract infections. This is why pregnant women so often have to monitor their urine tests.

In women expecting a baby, the urge to urinate is noticeably more frequent. All for the same reason, due to the compression of the bladder by the pregnant uterus. But the relaxed walls of the bladder can no longer fully contract, as before pregnancy. Therefore, the residual volume of urine in it after urination is greater than that of a non-pregnant woman.

Due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, fluid retention and an increase in the concentration of sodium ions in the body under the influence of hormonal levels, physiological edema appears.

Additionally, the following factors can provoke the appearance of edema: an excess of table salt in the food of the expectant mother (table salt is NaCl, that is, Na + ions), physical activity, heat.

Edema can be physiological (a manifestation of the norm) or pathological. The difference between physiological edema and pathological edema is that with the exclusion of provoking factors, physiological edema disappears.

For better kidney function, doctors advise women to rest on their left side. This facilitates the flow of urine through the ureters into the bladder, thereby making it easier for the kidneys to function.

From the immune system

With the onset of pregnancy, women undergo a restructuring of the immune system. Such a restructuring is necessary to ensure the preservation of pregnancy and the normal development of the baby.

The fetus has the genetic material of the child's father, which is initially recognized by the mother's immune system as foreign and potentially harmful. Temporary changes immediately after the onset of pregnancy allow the mother's body not to trigger the immune processes of embryo rejection.

The restructuring of the immune system in the direction of "dulling vigilance" does not act selectively. Immunity is declining across the board. This can provoke an exacerbation of any chronic diseases of the expectant mother.

Against the background of a decrease in the body's immune defense, pathogens “crawl out of hiding” and activate, which previously “sat quietly in ambush” in the form of a chronic infection or carriage.

During pregnancy, diseases of the urinary system and respiratory tract can worsen. Allergic reactions are often observed, even to previously consumed foods.

The skin changes that occur during pregnancy are noticed by almost all expectant mothers. The severity of these changes varies significantly from woman to woman. Throughout pregnancy, the skin condition of even the same woman can change.

The general patterns are as follows. In the first trimester, the skin can be dry and sensitive due to the predominance of progesterone in the blood. In the second trimester, due to improved blood flow, complexion may improve and a healthy glow may appear. Naturally, if the expectant mother does not suffer from anemia.

The sebaceous and sweat glands in pregnant women also work differently. As a rule, their work is intensified. A woman may notice increased sweating and the appearance of an oily sheen on the skin.

The darker representatives of the fair half of humanity may have age spots on the skin. Freckles also become more pronounced or more.

Normally, areas of hyperpigmentation appear on the body of a pregnant woman. This is a kind of dark strip along the midline of the abdomen and darkening in the areola. The skin around the woman's genitals also darkens.

Stretch marks often appear on the body. This process is associated with overstretching of the skin and a rupture in a thin layer of the skin - the dermis. Stretch marks are brown at first. But gradually they turn white and resemble scars. The appearance of stretch marks directly depends on the elasticity of the woman's skin, which is genetically determined.

Hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy. At this time, the growth period (life span) of the hair is lengthened. This is due to the action of estrogens, the concentration of which increases. Therefore, women can often notice an increase in hair density during pregnancy.

After giving birth, women often complain of profuse hair loss. This is due to the normalization of estrogen levels after childbirth. Accordingly, hair growth and hair longevity return to their original levels.

If your hair and nails become dull, brittle, then most likely you are deficient in any trace elements and vitamins. Do not forget to inform your doctor about such changes. These may be the first manifestations of deficiency conditions during pregnancy (eg anemia).

Changes in the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman

With the onset of pregnancy, both the woman herself and her loved ones may notice changes in the emotional sphere. The psycho-emotional system becomes more labile.

Hormonal changes, and a sense of double responsibility, and anxiety for the well-being of the ongoing pregnancy, and a restructuring of habitual lifestyles, and a reassessment of priorities lead to this state.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, powerful hormonal changes occur. In the beginning, female hormones - estrogens - predominate. Then estrogens give up their dominant role to the hormone that preserves pregnancy - progesterone.

By the second trimester, a relatively even hormonal background is established. By the end of pregnancy, the usual anxiety about the upcoming birth joins the changes in hormonal levels.

I can say that myths are too widespread among the people that all pregnant women are very capricious. This often pushes expectant mothers to artificially come up with special desires and puzzle their close relatives.

In fact, pregnant women want care and attention, a sense of security. During this crucial period, there should be such a person with the expectant mother who can support, calm down, dispel anxiety and doubts. After all, she needs positive emotions so much.

In the joyful moments of our lives, special hormones are produced - endorphins. They have a positive effect on the metabolism and development of the baby. Therefore, the more the mother is happy, the better the baby develops in her womb.

How does a postponed pregnancy affect a woman's health?

Many studies by scientists have shown that a history of pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. According to current evidence, breastfeeding provides additional protection not only against ovarian cancer, but also against breast cancer.

One of the hypothetical explanations for this phenomenon is a change in the hormonal background in a pregnant woman, a temporary rest of the ovaries and the absence of ovulation.

It is known that at the site of the release of the egg from the mature follicle in the ovary, a microtrauma is formed. After each tear heals, a small, whitish scar forms.

According to some researchers, disturbances in the healing processes of these microtraumas can lead to malignant degeneration of ovarian cells. Therefore, ovarian cancer is much less likely to affect women who have had fewer ovulations.

Changes in the body due to pregnancy should not be feared. After all, after childbirth, all processes are quickly normalized. And let the figure, shape, sleep and wakefulness regime change. If desired, you can cope with a change in figure.

Motherhood is the main mission of a woman. A woman, having realized herself as a mother, acquires a new meaning of life. Trust me, it's worth it. Health to you and your children!

From the first days of pregnancy, an intensive restructuring of the body of the expectant mother takes place in accordance with the needs of the baby. Changes manifest themselves not only outwardly. The functioning of the internal organs also undergoes significant changes.

The new state manifests itself in the characteristics of well-being, changes in taste preferences and emotional and psychological background. In order to understand what new awaits a woman "in position", we will consider what is the effect of pregnancy on the body.

External changes

Many women are convinced that pregnancy does not affect their appearance in the best way already in the early stages. Normally, if the expectant mother monitors her diet, gets enough sleep and follows the daily regimen, she remains just as attractive. However, it should be noted what external changes are characteristic both for the gestation period itself and in the following months after childbirth:

  1. Increase in body weight. Normally, for 40 weeks of gestation, the body gains 9-12 kg. Indicators that significantly exceed these figures indicate errors in nutrition, late toxicosis, the presence of kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus. Gaining a lot of weight can lead to fetal hypoxia and difficulties during childbirth. Read more about the norms and deviations.
  2. Breast enlargement. Throughout pregnancy, the breast is “preparing” for future feeding, and shortly before birth, colostrum may be secreted from the mammary glands. After childbirth, the shape of the mammary glands usually changes, especially in those mothers who have practiced breastfeeding for a long time.
  3. The appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the chest, abdomen, thighs. They can be triggered by a hereditary factor, the rapid growth of the abdomen, changes in the hormonal background, a sedentary lifestyle, weak muscles.
  4. The appearance of age spots. Usually spots are localized on the face, chest, abdomen and indicate malfunctioning of the ovaries, liver, hormonal shifts, folic acid deficiency. Pigmented spots are not dangerous to health, but they can cause moral discomfort.
  5. The appearance of edema. This symptom is characteristic of the second half of pregnancy and is the first symptom.
  6. Increased hair loss. This deficiency can occur due to the lack of certain vitamins and minerals, since the body has to work "for two."

While external changes are quite obvious, then less is known about internal changes.

Internal changes in the female body provoked by pregnancy

Significant changes are observed on the part of the cardiovascular, bone, digestive, immune and urinary systems, as well as the respiratory system. The most typical are:

  1. Increase in circulating blood volume and heart rate.
  2. Increased vascular tone.
  3. Strengthening the blood supply to the pelvic organs.
  4. Raising of the diaphragm due to enlargement of the uterus, causing rapid breathing.
  5. Change in taste preferences and the appearance of toxicosis.
  6. A shift in the center of gravity caused by weight gain and an increase in the size of the uterus.
  7. Divergence of the pelvic bones as a stage of preparation for childbirth.
  8. An increase in the activity of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the work of the endocrine system.
  9. Stimulates the production of the hormone prolactin, which prepares the mammary glands for further feeding the baby.
  10. The beginning of the functioning of the corpus luteum, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy (after 4 months, these functions are taken over by the placenta).
  11. Activation of the adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas.
  12. Intensive work of the kidneys and bladder.
  13. Reconstruction of the immune system, ensuring the preservation of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus.

The uterus undergoes significant changes. If at the beginning of gestation its dimensions are 7-8 cm, and the weight does not exceed 50-100 g, then before childbirth the height of the organ increases to 35 cm, and the weight up to 1 kg. There is also an expansion of blood vessels and an increase in the size of muscle fibers. After the baby is born, the uterus gradually returns to its normal size.

These and other changes can cause certain disturbances in the functioning of the body and, as a result, the appearance of problems with well-being.

Many women experience breathing problems, lack of fresh air and shortness of breath early on. Intensive blood supply to the pelvic organs can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids, which are especially "activated" after childbirth (how to treat and methods of preventing pathology). In the early stages, a decrease in blood pressure is usually noted, and in the second half of pregnancy, some pregnant women retain the risk of an increase in pressure as one of the first signs of preeclampsia.

Intense kidney function manifests itself as frequent urination, as well as the risk of protein in the urine or exacerbation of pyelonephritis and other inflammatory processes caused by infection in the urinary tract.

Decreased muscle tone and increased venous pressure are often the cause. In some cases, the disease can progress, causing damage to the external genital organs and pelvic organs.

For the formation of all systems of the child's body, the fetus requires a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals. The female body does not always cope with increased requirements. Deficiency of calcium and other essential substances negatively affects the condition of teeth and nails.

Too frequent childbirth, early pregnancy (up to 16 years), and the interval between births with the help of a cesarean less than two years can negatively affect health.

Early changes

The first signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves as early as 2-3 weeks after conception. Most expectant mothers experience certain inconveniences or health problems.

  • Lack of menstruation

This is the main change that leads to suspicion of pregnancy. But even with a regular cycle, not every delay indicates a conception that has occurred. The reason for the absence of menstruation can be various diseases, severe physical or mental stress, drastic weight loss, surgical intervention (for more details, see the article ""). Also, some pregnant women may have scanty discharge, reminiscent of menstruation.

  • Swelling of the breast

The preparation of the mammary glands for future feeding begins already in the first weeks of gestation. A woman may experience a tingling sensation in the nipple area, a roughness in her breasts, as well as a feeling of discomfort and mild abdominal pain. Severe cramping pains may indicate an incipient miscarriage.

  • General weakness

Hormonal changes, which the entire body undergoes, provoke constant weakness, drowsiness, and increased fatigue. The expectant mother's working capacity is sharply reduced, pain and heaviness in the legs, back and lower back may occur.

  • Emotional instability

Changes in hormonal levels lead to an imbalance. The expectant mother is experiencing increased anxiety about her health and the condition of the baby. Often she becomes overly capricious, whiny, suspicious, overly susceptible to various troubles. Sharp changes in the emotional state are also characteristic, when an elevated cheerful mood can instantly be replaced by apathy and anxiety and vice versa.

  • Nausea and vomiting

These signs are considered to be the main symptoms of early toxicosis. Most often, nausea is not associated with food intake and is worse in the morning. Intolerance of some odors appears. A pregnant woman may have a dislike for certain foods or a strong desire to eat foods that she was previously indifferent to.

They usually pass by the fourth month. Rarely, they can persist throughout the gestation period.

There may be an unhealthy interest in inedible food (chalk, earth, clay). Such changes signal that the body lacks certain nutrients. So, the desire to eat chalk indicates a low hemoglobin.

  • Increased vaginal discharge

Discharge of a transparent color and mucous structure is the norm. Their task is to protect the fetus from possible infections that can penetrate from the mother's body through the uterine cavity.

Features of changes in different periods of pregnancy

In different trimesters of pregnancy, a woman's health status can change significantly. Consider what changes occur week by week.

  • 1 – 4

The laying of the main systems and organs of the fetus occurs, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to form. The expectant mother may have the first early signs, including increased drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The structure of the cervix is ​​changing.

  • 5 – 8

During this period, the future baby's heart is formed, the first heartbeat can be recorded. Arms and legs begin to develop, on ultrasound they already distinguish between the abdomen and the back. The size of the fruit is 6-10 mm. The cerebral hemispheres grow, the intestines and pancreas develop. The pregnant woman may experience further signs of toxicosis, and an increase in body weight also occurs.

  • 9 – 10

In the fetus, the arms and legs are lengthened, an active change in body position is noted. The end of the 10th week marks the end of the embryonic period. The length of the fetus is about 3-4 cm.During this period, it is already possible to talk about the weight of the child, which is approximately equal to 5 g.

  • 11 – 12

Most women notice a gradual decrease in signs of early toxicosis. The enlarged uterus occupies the entire pelvic region and is easily palpated over the joint of the pubic bone.

  • 13 – 15

At this stage, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn baby. It becomes necessary to switch to loose-fitting clothing that does not squeeze the stomach. The fruit is about 10 cm long and weighs about 50 g.

  • 16 – 18

Multiparous women are already beginning to feel the first movements of the fetus. The enlarged uterus rises to the abdomen, reaching the liver. At this time, minor pains in the side may be felt. Pain in the back also occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity and increased stress on the muscles of the sacrum.

At 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, you can already hear the first movements of the fetus.

  • 19 – 20

The primiparous also begin to feel the movements of the fetus. Starting from the 20th week of pregnancy, the body gains weight more intensively.

  • 21 – 23

The belly is already noticeable enough, but it is not yet large enough to constrain movement and cause inconvenience. Sometimes the middle of pregnancy is called the most comfortable period as the general condition improves. However, in some pregnant women, the appearance of the first edema and changes in blood pressure is noted, which in the future can develop into late toxicosis.

  • 24 – 26

The distance from the uterus to the pubis is about 25 cm. The length of the fetus is 20-22 cm, and the weight is about 700 g. The increased pressure of the uterus on the internal organs can provoke constipation. Prevents the development of constipation by strict adherence to the diet.

  • 27 – 30

The weight gain at this stage should be about 8 kg. The weight of the fetus is usually about 1 kg, a child born at this time, despite deep prematurity, can survive. A pregnant woman often has a problem with iron deficiency and. In this case, iron-containing drugs are prescribed and nutritional adjustments are made.

  • 31 – 33

The abdomen is significantly increased in size. Some movements (bends, abrupt or rapid changes in body position) and physical activity are difficult. The baby moves vigorously, taking the necessary position before childbirth.

  • 34 – 36

The closer to the day of the expected birth, the more the woman's anxiety about their outcome increases. This emotional instability is most common during the first pregnancy. The baby's movements become less active, since there is no longer enough space for him in the uterus. His height at this stage is about 45 cm, and his weight is about 2 kg.

  • 36 – 40

By the end of gestation, abdominal prolapse occurs, it becomes easier to breathe. A few days before the expected date, the body is actively preparing for childbirth. Mild cramping pains appear, which are called harbingers. The baby's organs and systems are fully formed and ready for life outside the womb.

Age after 35 years

The best age to become a mother is between 20 and 35 years old. The success rate of conception is 86%, and the risk of interruption is only 10%. After 35 years of age, fertility begins to deteriorate. This is due to a decrease in the viability of the oocytes. However, modern women are increasingly postponing the birth of children at a later date, striving to take place in a career plan.

Despite the fact that pregnancy after 35 years is considered late, provided that all the recommendations of the doctors are followed, the chances of giving birth to a healthy child are very high. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there are increased risks to maternal health and fetal development, which must be taken into account in the management of pregnancy:

  1. Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. Women in adulthood have a significantly higher risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities, in particular with Down's syndrome.
  2. ... Its causes are usually associated with genetic abnormalities and disruptions in the chromosome set of the fetus, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the mother. Usually, a miscarriage occurs before 13 weeks, but later periods are also possible (20-22 weeks). The risk of termination of pregnancy is increased if there is a history of miscarriages or multiple abortions. It should also be noted that there is a higher risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. ... Its risk increases if the age exceeds 40 years. This creates an additional burden on the mother's body.
  4. Pathological childbirth. Women over 35-40 years of age are more likely to have premature birth or the birth of a child with a lack of body weight or other signs of immaturity. The risk of premature placental abruption, hypoxia or asphyxia of the fetus, and weakness of labor increases. Children born as a result of pathological childbirth have a high risk of developing neurological and psychological problems, delayed speech development.
  5. Late toxicosis of pregnant women. It is characterized by such symptoms of gestosis as the appearance of edema and protein in the urine, surges in blood pressure, excess weight gain. At the same time, there is a high risk of premature birth, stillbirth, and intrauterine fetal hypoxia.

Women over 35 who have decided to have a baby should take into account the listed risks and be careful about their health. A prerequisite is early registration (up to 12 weeks) and all tests prescribed by a doctor.

For early diagnosis of possible fetal pathologies, it is indicated. It allows you to identify genetic mutations no later than 11-13 weeks of gestation.

The positive effects of pregnancy

Doctors say that bearing a child and subsequent childbirth can have a therapeutic effect for some diseases, namely:

  • mastopathy (benign changes in the mammary gland) - increased production of progesterone prevents further tumor growth;
  • endometriosis - changes in the hormonal balance can lead to the complete elimination of this pathology;
  • migraine attacks - a decrease in estrogen leads to the elimination of headaches;
  • ovarian dysfunctions - pregnancy has a positive effect on the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the functioning of these organs;

Pregnancy and breastfeeding serve as an excellent prevention of the development of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system and mammary glands.

Having a child in adulthood has a positive effect on the psychological state.

How to avoid negative phenomena

The idea of ​​the period of bearing a child even in the 21st century is associated with many myths and prejudices. Still very tenacious is the belief that all women should be tormented by toxicosis or that all of them must certainly experience problems with tooth loss.

In fact, pregnancy can proceed without problems and feeling unwell if parents-to-be take the planning process responsibly. For this it is recommended:

  1. To undergo examination by all doctors, to treat chronic diseases.
  2. Visit genetics.
  3. Revise the diet, regularly introduce dairy and seafood, vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts into the menu, exclude fast food, fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Quit smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  5. Lead an active lifestyle, practice moderate physical activity and regular exercise, visit the gym.
  6. Ensure adequate sleep for at least 8 hours a day, eliminate emotional distress and minimize stressful situations.
  7. Take vitamins and folic acid (read about the need to take it when planning a pregnancy).

Almost anecdote: “After my first pregnancy, my brains have not recovered, and now, when the new belly is growing, my stupidity has reached apofigue. Yesterday, going to the pharmacy, she demanded two kilograms of cucumbers. In response to the confused young saleswoman: "We have no cucumbers ..." she grumpily and loudly asked: "Well, at least give tomatoes?" The people in line behind me were convulsing with laughter. " Taken from a women's forum on the Internet.

Indeed, during pregnancy, the psyche changes so much that a woman can ask for cucumbers at the pharmacy?

Can a man understand a pregnant woman?

For a consultation, I went to the head physician of the city maternity hospital. The general medical experience is 22 years. During this time, I observed various pregnant women. And balanced, and not very.
- The psychological state of a woman is changing, this is unconditional, - says Vasily. - During pregnancy, a woman is easily offended. And on the little things. On what in a normal state would not pay attention. Reacts painfully to insult. It seems that he can cry for no reason. Moments of elation and joy often alternate with depression.
Emotional imbalance is caused by a change in the hormonal state. And pregnancy is not a disease, it is a physiological condition.

How to calm the nerves of a pregnant woman?

You can drink valerian or Fitosed (collection of herbs, has a calming effect). But first of all, the mind must be turned on. A woman should know that during pregnancy one cannot react strongly: neither upset nor rejoice. Under stressful conditions, adrenaline (a hormone of the adrenal medulla) is released. It causes the uterus to contract. And this is the threat of a pregnancy failure. Having an unpleasant situation? Better to turn around and leave. And do not let it pass through you.
Men should be aware of changes in the psyche of pregnant women. And treat them condescendingly. Explain, talk. If he loves to wear it during pregnancy.

- Pregnancy for a woman is like an army for a man.
Time drags on endlessly, you get dull, get fat, all the time you want to sleep and eat. (Not always! Not all, - Ed.). I want something salty, then sweet, then herring, then sour cream. Why not a deviation in the psyche?
- During pregnancy, you can only citrus and chocolate, they cause allergies. By thirty weeks we do not limit our patients on the amount of food. But after 30 weeks you have to restrain yourself. Include all willpower. The maximum you can gain is 12 kilograms. Let's count: a child - even three and a half kilograms, blood (additional, which circulates in a pregnant woman's body) - three and a half, placenta - from about 900 grams to 1200 grams, amniotic fluid. It happens that a woman is gaining 15 and 20 kilograms. It too. Losing weight is difficult then. Better not to get better. If a woman eats a little, the child will still take everything that she needs for the body. It will get through the blood. In hungry besieged Leningrad, thin, emaciated women gave birth to healthy children weighing three to three and a half kilograms.

- What else are the features of the change in the psyche of women on demolition?
- Pregnant women have an exacerbated instinct for self-preservation, they want to protect themselves, their child, which they experience in the bosom. Their compassion, love for other children intensifies.
The woman begins to think mainly about pregnancy. He pays less attention to the man. A woman has a maternal instinct, a man does not have such an instinct.
A man sees his wife's indifference. And even begins to be jealous of children. This can provoke family conflicts. How can you avoid them? Trying to understand a woman!

To feel the condition of a pregnant woman, men are jokingly advised to tie bags of sand to their feet. First a kilogram, and then two!
- Pregnant women, indeed, have very heavy legs, - explains Vasily. - Especially in the evening. After all, the volume of blood circulating in the body of a pregnant woman doubles or even two and a half times. Can you imagine what the load on the body? The legs are swollen. A man will not feel it (without bags. - Author).
How can a pregnant woman avoid edema? Wear comfortable shoes. Do not stand in one place for a long time. Do not overwork, rest with raised legs. Eat less salty.

Another of the humorous advice for a man is to tie a mattress with water in front of his stomach. When putting on and putting on shoes, do not untie the mattress. Sleep, too, with a mattress on the side.
“In the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), you can even sleep on your stomach,” the specialist says. - In the second or third trimesters - on the side. Hands and feet can be put as you like. Sleeping on your back is undesirable. Because it is possible to transfer large cavitary vessels. They are located behind the uterus. Compression of blood vessels can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy.
To better understand a pregnant woman, the chief doctor of the maternity hospital advises men: participate in a partner birth. With women, they gave birth, there were mothers, older sisters, and most of all - beloved men.
“They supported me during the fights,” says Vasily. - Some remained in the delivery room at birth. Some went out during childbirth. There is a sofa in the delivery room. You can rest, drink tea.

When will our men be given scissors during a partner birth? When will the father himself be able to cut the umbilical cord?
- So far, none of the parents have shown such a desire. And we didn't offer it ourselves. Childbirth is stressful. One will behave adequately, the other, we admit, will not.