What is ounce. Measures and scales: what is ounce and what it is equal

Gold - precious metal, which has several units of measure depending on the territory. The beginners are hard to navigate the translations of one unit to another. Therefore, people have a question: how much will the oz of gold be weighing in grams? Units are needed to determine the exact weight of the precious metallol. The most popular among them:

  • Grams. This unit of measurement is international, but, unfortunately, did not take root in all countries.
  • Ounce. Despite the fact that the measurement system is quite old, it still exists, especially in relation to the weight of precious metals. And the question is still relevant.
  • Carat and sample is not a weight measurement unit. This is just an indicator of the amount of gold in the decoration, which is expressed in percent or carats. Knowing this value and how much decoration weighs, you can calculate the mass of pure gold located in it.

What is measured by the amount of gold depends on the tradition. In some countries more use by ounces when measuring any product, including gold.

Troyan oz

Origin of ounce

Troy ounce of gold in grams is equal to the value of 31,1035, which is often rounded up to 31 grams. It so happened that in jewelry, cosmetic and banking, until today in weight, is determined in ounces.

It all started from the XII century in the town of True on the shores of the Seine. It was there that the largest fairs of Europe were held, in which merchants and merchants from different countries participated. And therefore, in the money processes there was a confusion, since the exchange rates of currency simply did not exist at that time.

And all the coins, one way or another, were made of precious metals, so the basis of the calculations was taken by the weight of the French Live, which corresponded to one Troy pound of silver. Thus, it became popular and soon won the world of precious metals: now gold is measured most often with its help. Therefore, the origin of the name has nothing to do with Troy, and writing "Trinity Oz" is wrong.

Troyan oz by weight is commensurate with one twelfth part of the English golden pound. 1 ounce of gold weighs as much as some coins:

  • canadian golden maple leaf;
  • american golden eagle;
  • american gold buffalo;
  • australian (this is not an ordinary gold ingot).

In addition, we should not forget that, in addition to the Troyan Oz, there are several more species:

  • once of Avergupua, its weight is 28.34 grams;
  • pharmacy Once, which existed in Russia and equal to 26.89 grams;
  • ounce in grams Mary Teresa is 31.10.

Despite the fact that the numbers are close to each other, still Troyan Once - the main in the banking calculations of the purchase / sale of gold, it is in it that the precious metallol will be measured. Therefore, when buying, you need to clarify the measure of weight, since even the slightest differences in milligrams will affect the cost. The price for the ounce of the precious metallol is expressed in US dollars, since it is the dollar that is a world currency reserve.

Troyan oz

How is the cost of the ounce of gold?

The word oz from the Latin "UNCIA" has emerged even times of ancient Rome. Residents used as money huge coins from bronze, having previously craving them into parts. Thus, one twelfth part of this coin became known as ounce and had a weight of 27,288 grams.

Collectible coin in one oz

Naturally, it differs from the weight values \u200b\u200bof the modern ounce. After a short time, it became very common as a weight unit in all of Europe. Subsequently, many states of the world began to use the metric system in weight measurement. But Once - the oldest one is still in the go in jewelry and banking.

History of origin

From the 13th century 1 oz was equal to 1/16 pound. As a rule, if we are talking about the concept of the oz of gold, as a rule, mean Troyan. An interesting story of her origin. In the French city of True, who is located in the province of Champagne, in the 12th and 12th century, famous for the entire world of the fair were held, where because of the need for the exchange of money (whose species were very much, because merchants came out there from around the world), began to produce Unified standard of measurement system.

There was a French livre, which was the Troy pound of silver. When exchanging precious metals, gold was measured in Troy oz. Since then, it has become a measure determining the weight of precious metals in many modern states. The weight is equal to the twelfth share of the Troy pound, is the weight of oz. Troy's pound, or otherwise the golden pound existed as the main weight unit in England from 1824 to 1858 and was equal to 373,2417 grams. Thus, one troy ounce of gold in grams has a weight of 31.1035 grams.

The city of True in France.


Many are interested in a gold course, or?

Around the world, the yellow metal has a value expressed in the United States of America for one ounce. Despite the fact that in our time the metric system is more common, the oz of gold is a symbol of centuries, and its price is determined by the standard of quality and purity.

London Fixing, which is carried out by the main players of the dragomaltals market (they are representatives of the five largest banks of the world level) establishes how much 1 ounce of gold will cost.

Fixed price is set twice a day: 10:30 and at 15:00 in time of London or at 13:30 and 18:00 in Moscow. Thus, the cost of precious metal in Troy oz is constantly changing.

IN last years The price of yellow metal has grown from 520 to 1250 US dollars. According to many financial analysts, there should be a permanent, but smooth value growth. And it gives a good reason to invest in his purchase to protect them from inflation. Today for 1 ounce of precious metal, you can buy the same benefits as two centuries ago. For example, in the 18th century, one ounce of gold allowed to buy an excellent male suit and now its price at the same level.

London Fixing online mode

Units of measurement in different countries

Shekel. He has ancient European origin. It is used not often and equals 11.4 grams. The fourth part of Shekel is 2.85 grams.

Some countries use their units of measure.

For example, a unit of Tola, equal to 11.6638 grams, has a walk in Luxembourg. It is measured when buying or selling gold scrap and other types of it.

One bass in Taiwan will be 15,244 grams. In Thailand, in the course of the leader equal to 37.5 grams, and in China and Hong Kong, one Thael weighs a little less - 37,429 grams.


Usually, making a deal of purchase or sales of the product, a person wonders not only about what is the ounce of gold and what is the price in grams, but it is interested in breaking and weighing the product. It is also necessary to know that besides Troyskaya, has a clime a few more varieties:

  • Pharmacy, in which 1 oz is in grams of 29.860, was distributed in Russia until the end of 1930;
  • Mary Teresa, containing 31.1025 grams;
  • The ancient Roman, the most common in the history of the ancient world, and to the question of how much 1 ounce is grams, in those time they said that 27.3.

Historically, many coins weigh exactly one oz.

Thus, how much troy ounce of gold weighs, it is necessary to know before making buying or selling an ingot or coins, scrap.

Beginning investors are often encountered with confusion in weight, because they do not know how many grams in the oz of gold. Having bought a broken, a person suddenly gets more metal than he assumed to receive. But is it?

This is due to the fact that even in the modern world is used to determine the weight of gold such a system as Troyan oz. And often confuse this ounce with an ordinary ounce, since grams are used in Russia.

Therefore, buying in foreign markets, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Troyan oz weighs on nine integer seven tenths percent more than Avergupua.

Once Avergupua

OZ or OZ AT abbreviation - in the United States and a number of other countries, the main unit of weight is the pound of Avergupua (453,592 370 g). It consists of 16 oz. The weight of the ounce of Avergupua is 28.35 g (28,349,523,125 g).

What is the Troyan Oz

This is the name of the unit for determining the weight of precious metals, which is included in the Troy system of measures. Notes like TR.OZ, or Troy Ounce, or just OZT. This system was still the Romans in order to measure gold, silver and precious stones. This system includes including a pound and Grand Prix.

To understand the difference, you need to know what is ounce.

So: one Troy Oz will be equal to 31,1034768 grams. Pound is equal to 373,2417216g. Either twelve Troy oz. The Grand Prix is \u200b\u200b1 at 480 ounces or 64,79891 milligrams.

It is not necessary to confuse the pound in England and the Troy pound, since the second is rarely who currently enjoys. And quite accurately need to separate the ordinary and troy ounce.

In the modern world, sometimes they are still measured by Troy ounce, especially in the financial sphere, in jewelry stores, in the pharmacy and cosmetic sphere. In order to calculate the metal in the banks Troyan oz round, and it turns out 31.103 grammov.

In this case, it is not clear why use the outdated system. Why it is impossible to use more modern measures of measures. We will try to answer this question.

The most important feature of the Troyan oz consists in its convenience of calculating the weight of precious metals to determine their price in the banking and jewelry sphere.

How to convert ounce in grams

This can be done using the Calculator online. To find out how many grams in the oz of gold, it is necessary to make the amount of ounces and the calculator automatically converts it into grams. Troy oz is a kind of royal symbol of gold measurement.

Some coins are equal in weight of the Troyan Oz:

  • Golden Eagle USA
  • Golden Buffalo USA
  • Golden ingot of Australia
  • Panda China
  • Krugerland South Africa
  • Canada maple leaf
  • Philharmonic Australia

The ancient city of Troy was in no way influence the name of the Troyan Oz. Troyan oz was named after a small town in France - Tro. This city in the twelfth century has become popular because there were fairs with the participation of merchants from around the world.

Previously, for measuring the cost of gold, each country used its system, which constantly created difficulties. Initially, it was proposed to take for the universal Merylo Livr, the Troy pound was included in the same system. Soon Troika oz began the main way of determining precious metals.

When buying or selling precious metals, an unfamiliar unit is often found - oz. It is much easier and clearer, we used to use the metric system in everyday life, weight to measure in grams. However, in international practice is a standard for determining the cost of precious metals. The answer to the question: 1 oz, how many grams, not so simple, as it may seem at first glance.

Problems of translation

Problems of translation arise due to the presence of different names depending on the sphere of use and the country where it is used. Confusion adds that some states, for example, the United States, still do not use the metric system, preferring traditional.

  • Avergupua (OZ or OZ AT) - 28.35 g, USA is used as a measure of weight.
  • Liquid oz (FL OZ) - 29.573 531ml, used to determine the volume of the fluid.
  • TROY OUNCE (TOZ or OZT) - 31,1034768, all over the world with the help of this value, the weight of precious metals are measured.

Troyan oz

Troy oz is a generally accepted measure for noble metals.

Simplified value for translation: 1 OZT - 31.1035 grams.

It should be noted that in international trade, this unit is used only to determine the mass of pure metals of the highest sample.

In global foreign exchange markets, the XAU index is used to designate the gold rate of 999.9. Mint of different countries minted coins weighing 31.1 g. Many, both old and modern money from gold and silver, possess such a par.

origin of name

UNCIA - Latin term means 1/12 part. This concept came to us from ancient Rome, but Troyan oz appeared as a measure of weight much later. This name is not related to the ancient Troy and comes from the name of the French city. Troyes. (True), Champagne Province.

In the Middle Ages, famous champagne fairs were held here, on which merchants from different countries gathered. The presence of various measures led to the need to use some kind of unifying magnitude.

Such a unit was the Troy pound and its 1/12 part - Troyan oz. In the 19th century, the Great Britain became worth of world trade. Which inherited and finally secured the use of this measure as the main in international trade in precious metals.

Use of recalculation in practice

The need to translate ounce-grams arises, in most cases, when trying to calculate, or silver per gram in national currency, for example in rubles, today. The calculation algorithm is quite complicated and requires knowledge not only the cost of metal in dollars per ounce, but also foreign exchange quotes RUB / DOL. It looks like this:

the cost of gold (dol / ozt) is divided into 31,1035 and multiply by the course of dol / rub, get the price of gold in rubles / g.

There is a calculator calculator for the cost of gold, which produces calculations according to the central bank, which makes it much easier and speeds up obtaining the desired result.

On the Internet, you can find a large number of measurement units converters, when using such programs for translating the weight of precious metals, it is important to remember that you need a triple oz, and not any other value.

When it comes to the weight of precious stones and metals, an unusual hearing of the ordinary is the term "ounce" appears. This measure is known since the time of the Ancient Roman Empire, and it was the main unit of weight in Europe in the Middle Ages. Now she does not have such widespread as it was before. Most often it meets in transactions for the sale of precious metals. Let's figure out how to find out how much the ounce of gold in grams weighs and what it is needed for.

Measure weight with rich past

When you hear the word "oz", we should know that the ancestor of this unit was Troyan oz. In international practice, this magnitude has a fixed abbreviation, consisting of three letters of Latin. This may be option T OZ or OZT.

This magnitude of the mass received its name from the French city of Tru. In the Middle Ages, he was a major shopping center, where representatives of different nations brought out all sorts of demand weselves. In order not to be confused, all goods were sold and bought for pure gold. And the main measure of gold became the Troy magnitude. One troy ounce of gold 31.103 grams weighs.

Moreover, in the period from 1824 to 1858, the Troy pound (it consisted of twelve ounces in it) was the main unit of weight in the UK. Then generally accepted was the metric system of measures that most modern people enjoys. But the Troy magnitude of the Master of Golden Affairs continues to apply during the calculations. This is a peculiar gesture of the continuity of the generations of jewelers and the tribute to this value with its rich past. In addition, it is used in cosmetology when weighing especially expensive and unique ingredients.

It was in the Troy unit that the mass of precious bank investment coins is measured.

Purpose calculations

In order to correctly and quickly translate the ounce of gold in grams, you can use one of the online converters, which are in sufficient number on the Internet. If you do not have the opportunity to take advantage of the worldwide network or you are just a supporter of traditional calculation methods, you can do it yourself. To calculate the weight of the precious measure, a special formula will be needed:

(? OZ) x (1 LB / 16 OZ) x (1 kg / 2,2046 lb) x (1000 g / 1 kg) \u003d

Explanation of used abbreviation

Using this formula, you can find out how many grams of gold, for example, in five or nine ounces:

5 OZ X (1 LB / 16 OZ) X (1 KG / 2,2046 LB) X (1000G / 1 KG) \u003d 141,749 g

9 OZ X (1 LB / 16 OZ) X (1 KG / 2,2046 LB) X (1000G / 1 KG) \u003d 255,148 g

Thus, to calculate the exact number of grams in this unit, you need to know the values \u200b\u200bof one ounce of Avergupua, kilogram and pound Avergupua in grams.

How much is the ounce of gold

If we speak specifically about the "yellow devil", the value of the Troy unit for this precious metal is difficult to overestimate. The fact is that the cost of gold is calculated in US dollars for one troy ounce, and not for grams. Daily in the UK, in London, the question is solved as one of the gold fee will cost in dollars. Moreover, prices every day are installed twice. Moscow time this occurs in a half-evening day and at six o'clock in the evening (10:30 and 15:00 - in London).

Interestingly, the question is how much one Troy magnitude of gold in dollars will cost, do not decide the government or presidents, but several large banks with the greatest power in the market. And the process of their contract about the installation of a single price of gold is called "Fixing". Thus, it is difficult to talk about the solid cost of the ounce of gold, since these quotes are changing not just daily, but even twice a day.

Even more difficult is the cost of the value of gold of various samples. The fact is that the price of 999 samples is indicated in bank quotations. And many gold products are pure gold alloys with silver, copper, platinum, and so on. Therefore, the cost in any case will be lower, unless we are talking about metal in banking ingots.

If you are planning to sell gold jewelry, still track quotes of pure gold to try to sell your little things when the price for this precagmalt will be at the peak.