What can you answer the question what kind of people. How to answer tactless questions

In the conduct of secular conversation has its own characteristics. Boring questions about leisure time, the weather, and “how are you” can be turned into a good joke.

It is important for a girl to find the line between a cool answer with humor, but not to go beyond the bounds of decency. Read how to come up with an original answer to the question how are you.

You can use standard forms such as "good", "excellent" or "not very good", which convey the essence of the emotional state.

A neutral response is given in response to an unimportant person. If you want to intrigue the guy and captivate him with the subsequent conversation, cheer him up with a good joke.

Important! Some men consider the sense of humor to be the most important and attractive feature in a girl.

You can use the proposed prepared template or come up with an option to rhyme.

Consider the factors of relationships between people: you should not answer your boss with sarcasm and irony, you can remain unemployed.

Read the important tips for answering a simple question in the table:

Advice Description
Consider the current status of the relationship You can pat an old friend on the shoulder, use comic and even stupid options. A newly minted colleague may not appreciate a witty remark.

A cute guy with whom a romantic relationship is tied up can be answered flirtatiously and with humor. It is better for an adult man, the age of a grandfather, to answer sincerely and honestly

Capture intonation interest A person may be interested in your mood out of politeness and wants to listen to a long tirade and a hard life.

Listen to the intonation of the pronunciation, in which case you can not reveal all the cards

Appropriateness of humor Under favorable circumstances, at a corporate party, a party or after a vacation, you can answer with laughter and pleasure.

But after an unsuccessful general meeting at work, at a funeral, or in other sad circumstances, it is better not to show humorous abilities.

The status and character of the girl You shouldn't contradict yourself. A true lady can respond coquettishly, but not make vulgar jokes about a handsome man.

Such answers can become a mistake in a relationship with a guy, spoil the opinion of a girl

Advice! When meeting a guy who is attractive to a woman, the girl begins to get lost and shy.

To avoid unpleasant embarrassment, pick up several versions in advance, think over the small details of the meeting in order to please a man.

With a familiar relationship with a friend, you can afford to step out of the role of a noble princess, show your humorous abilities.

You can choose one of your favorite blanks:

  1. There are two ways to confuse a person: ask him "How are you" and ask him to tell you something.
  2. Don't know.
  3. Just like five minutes ago...
  4. Do you want all at once or in parts?
  5. I'm a natural slacker.
  6. And what?
  7. Good! And you have?
  8. Regularly!
  9. Tolerable.
  10. Undoubtedly.
  11. I find it difficult to answer.
  12. Ambivalent.
  13. A day on a carriage, two on foot!
  14. Like a parrot being dragged across the floor by a cat's paw and yelling "Let's go!"
  15. Like a zebra.
  16. Like in a taxi. The further, the more expensive.
  17. Like a kolobok - left and right are the same.
  18. Things are going, the office writes.
  19. Are you in a hurry?
  20. Do you want to talk about it?
  21. Like sausage in dough, fun and angry.
  22. Life is hard without Novo-Passit...
  23. I don’t care how you are doing either, but since we haven’t seen each other for a long time, out of decency, I need to ask something.
  24. Your prayers.
  25. Ask another question, please.
  26. Envy silently.
  27. So far, no one has been bitten.
  28. Average for the region.
  29. Relatively. If you compare with Lenin, then it’s good, if you compare it with a millionaire, then not very much.
  30. Not bad compared to the Bublik ones.
  31. Just like Michael Jackson 15 years ago.
  32. Better than yesterday, but worse than tomorrow...
  33. What business with such cases!
  34. Affairs? There are none, I'm not a businessman ...
  35. So much has not been done, so much has not been done! And there is so much more to be done!
  36. There is a lot to do.
  37. In Angola, children are starving, otherwise everything is in order.
  38. Everything is in chocolate, even the keyboard!
  39. I grow, blossom, grow old… Everything is as usual.
  40. Yes, you bring me straight to ecstasy with your questions ... Ask me what else I do, and I'm yours forever.

Advice! You can discard the cliches and come up with your own answer.

English answers

A foreign language can also be used. Answer in German or English, translate your favorite phrase or confuse your opponent in Klingon.

There are two optimal standard versions:

  • When everything in life is good - Fine, thanks.
  • When life failed - Could be bette.

    Important! For those who do not know English: the first option is translated as “okay, thanks”, the second one is “call back later”.

    The best interesting options

    You can come up with creative options for the question. Some interlocutors, in response to a stupid question, may assume the subsequent course of the conversation and voice it.

    Among the best interesting options are the following versions:

    • The salary is good. Small but good.
    • Because.
    • Why?
    • Just.
    • What is so simple?
    • Good - you won't believe it, bad - you won't help.
    • It's like a fairytale.
    • As always, that is good.
    • As always, that is bad.
    • Fine.
    • The pension is good. Raised.
    • All in a bunch.
    • Excellent! What do you want.
    • And you?
    • Everything is good, and it will be even better!
    • The best!
    • In quiet sadness.
    • All OK!
    • The best. It's good that no one is jealous.
    • Great, don't wait.
    • Thanks, good. And you? Very nice, goodbye.
    • Nothing.
    • Whatever…
    • Eh, what are we doing? We have business, and the prosecutor has CASES.
    • Yes, while I live, and it seems I am not going to die.

    Creative responses in verse

    If I'm friends with the rhyme, then I'll go and buzz. To the question "how are you" you can easily come up with a poetic version. Pregnant women can successfully joke “until they give birth” until the very birth.

    Read short funny poems:

    • Like in "Brother 2".
    • As black is white.
    • Broke two ribs yesterday...
    • Kiss me first!
    • We dance until morning.

    Be original, surprising a man with your sense of humor!

    Useful video

  • Friendship is one of the types of relationships between people. By definition in the philosophical encyclopedia, these are such relationships and interactions of two or more people in which each is personally interested, and "mutual recognition, trust, goodwill, care" also dominate in them.

    What is friendship?

    Regardless of status, age, interests, lifestyle, a person has always felt the need for a true friend who will respect, appreciate, understand. We are looking for a person whom we would like to approach and just take an interest in the mood, events in life, and who would gladly share it himself. And for him, in turn, it would be of great importance how to answer the question: “How are you, my friend?”

    Friendships begin with special sympathy, deep affection, which are reinforced by the years spent together. Friendship inherently includes love in its broadest sense, that is, the complete acceptance and desire for the good of another person. Pythagoras spoke of universal unity and believed that it was possible thanks to friendship: "Friendship is equality."

    How are you? How are you doing?

    How can you answer a friend's question? Yes, it's easy, no matter what he says or asks, in response - absolute reciprocity and openness. There can be no misunderstanding between friends, they usually communicate with the help of half-words, even create their own language to emphasize the significance of their relationship and distinguish themselves as a micro-community. Therefore, the answer to the question "How are you?", "What's new" or the banal "What do you do?" It may well be with elements of fantasy.

    It will be useful to think about how funny to answer the question. In a circle of people related to each other, like-minded people, this will be correctly perceived and provide positive emotions. Unusual answers to simple questions can pleasantly surprise and dilute everyday communication. Have you already found your own version of how to answer the question "How are you?"

    Creativity in answering questions

    Sometimes standard questions about the life or affairs of another person are asked to him not in order to clarify some events or his attitude towards them, but simply to start a conversation or out of politeness, to demonstrate tact when communicating. Therefore, in order to diversify everyday life, especially when meeting good friends, you can invent or use certain literature yourself, perhaps ask for advice from knowledgeable people on how to conduct such conversations with a twist.

    For example:

    Hello. How do you?

    No way, no business at all - I'm not a business person!

    How is it going? How are you?

    And everything is fine. And what has happened to me lately! Well, nothing happened...

    More curious and effective option:

    Salute. How are you?

    Oh, recently the truth has been revealed to me, and I have received a great insight. I gave up evaluative thinking and now I am calm, like a lotus flower at the foot of the temple of truth. So I have no business.

    funny answers

    How to answer the question: "How are you?" to make it funny? It's time to stock up on a pen and a notebook and write down some answers for a long memory, because you never know when and what might come in handy. With them you will please yourself and form the opinion of others about yourself as an interesting interlocutor.

    So, if you are asked, you can answer like this:

    All bundle, all seized!

    Swiftly, I keep my finger on the pulse!

    Hmm, unexpected question. He's too provocative, call my lawyer!

    My business is so secret that if I tell, I'll have to kill you! So let's do without victims. How are you yourself?

    What questions! One more word and I'm practically ready to marry you!

    They look like a zebra - black, white stripes, black and white again, and at the end ...

    On my street, after all, the gingerbread truck broke down. Now let's live!

    Sorry to upset you. Try to come to terms with what you heard, but ... I'm doing just fine!

    The list is endless. Of these, you can choose the expressions you like the most, but also replenish the list with your own ideas.

    Sexual relations

    The friendship of a man and a woman is more complex, since not only friendly feelings are involved in it. If you think abstractly, it has a place to be, because for friendship there is no discrimination on any basis. It is generally accepted that one in this union will always dream of closer communication. One is in love, the other is not, therefore, if there is still a desire to maintain communication, someone makes concessions, suppressing the ardor of emotions. But not all stereotypes need to be followed, sometimes they are too limited. It would be advisable to have your own opinion in this case regarding the friendship of the sexes.

    Here you can also return to how to answer the relationship question in an original way. In order to delicately get out of the situation when someone obsessively wants to ask about friendship with a young man, a girl may well ironically comment on it in this way: it is believed that female friendship is not strong, it essentially does not exist, a woman and a man cannot be friends either, then Tell me, with whom to be friends with a woman?

    Question answer

    Is it worth spending time thinking about how to answer the question "How are you"? Everyone can decide for himself how relevant such trifles are for him, however, we will summarize and highlight some obvious advantages of appropriate preparedness:

    1. Development of imagination and creativity in any task.

    2. Stimulation of the process of learning something new within the framework of this topic.

    3. Self-expression: you can show off your erudition and show the richness of the Russian language.

    4. Attracting attention to your person.

    5. Opportunity to support and continue the conversation.

    6. Always an interesting answer can cheer up both yourself and your interlocutor.

    7. Funny and original lines can defuse even the most tense situation.

    Surprise yourself and loved ones.

    "How are you?" is the most frequently asked question on the web. Several times a day, we definitely hear someone wondering how we are doing. Everyone is already bored with answers like “normal” and “good”.

    That's why "So simple!" offers you 50 of the most original answers to this common question. Surprise your friends and acquaintances!

    Original responses to "How are you?"

    1. Eh, what are we doing? We have business, and the prosecutor has CASES.
    2. Yes, as long as I live and I don’t seem to be going to die.
    3. The pension is good, they raised it.
    4. The salary is good. Small but good.
    5. Everything is a bundle.
    6. Like in the movie "Brother 2".
    7. Excellent! What do you want.
    8. And you?
    9. Everything is good, and it will be even better!
    10. The best. It's good that no one is jealous.
    11. Great, don't wait.
    12. Good - you won't believe it, bad - you won't help.
    13. Kiss me first!
    14. Broke two ribs yesterday...
    15. It's like a fairytale.
    16. As always, that is good.
    17. From the point of view of banal erudition, I ignore the criteria of utopian subjectivism, conceptually interpreting the generally accepted defanizing polarizers, therefore, the consensus reached by the dialectical material classification of universal motivations in the paradigmatic connections of predicates solves the problem of improving the forming geotransplantation quasi-puzzlists of all kinetically correlated aspects, and this is normal.
    18. Horovo.
    19. Regularly!
    20. What are the things, exactly?
    21. As you can see, he's still alive.
    22. Didn't die and didn't marry.
    23. How are things, really?
    24. And is it business?
    25. There are no cases.
    26. What's the deal? I'm out of business today!
    27. Oh, poor, unfortunate me, so tired, every day I have to come up with an answer to the question “How are you?”.
    28. Old Agatha Christie once said a wonderful phrase: "You don't have to say something if you have nothing to say."
    29. There are two ways to confuse a person: ask him "How are you?" and ask them to tell you something.
    30. I find it difficult to answer.
    31. Ambivalent.
    32. Sluggishly.
    33. Things are going, the office writes.
    34. Are you in a hurry?
    35. Do you want to talk about it?
    36. Like a parrot, which the cat pulls by the paw on the floor, and he joyfully shouts "Let's go!".
    37. Like a zebra.
    38. Like in a taxi. The further, the more expensive.
    39. Like a kolobok - left and right are the same.
    40. Like sausage in dough, fun and angry.
    41. Better than yesterday, but worse than tomorrow...
    42. What business with such cases!
    43. Affairs??? There are none, I'm not a businessman ...
    44. Do you want all at once or in parts?
    45. So much has not been done, so much has not been done! And there is so much more to be done!
    46. In Angola, the children are starving, otherwise everything is in order.
    47. Everything is in chocolate, even the keyboard!
    48. You are incomparably original in your questions
    49. Yes, good. Yesterday he received the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the development of eco-structural units in the field of cetacean ciliates of shoes and slippers, and for the discovery of nano-technologies that will help penguins overcome the ice age in the African forests and Hawaiian deserts in Massachusetts Washington DC.
    50. Relatively. Compared to Lenin, it's good.

    Now you can be sure that the next question about the state of your affairs will not take you by surprise. You can funny and unexpected answer to an ordinary question and make your interlocutor laugh.

    What are you doing now? No more popular question! This is asked at home, by phone and by correspondence on a social network. It is with this phrase that you can easily start communicating with a person. In order not to look trite, you need to come up with in advance: what to answer the question what are you doing? You can throw a few standard phrases: “nothing”, “I’m sitting”, “playing”, but there is an opportunity to impress your interlocutor!

    How to answer the question “what are you doing” in an original way?

    Here is an example for you 15 original phrases which can answer the question "What are you doing?":

    1. Right now? I am answering your question!
    2. What can I do? Of course, I mow hay in the room and lay it out in front of the monitor;
    3. I help the president to regulate the situation in our country;
    4. I shoot from the most powerful machine gun in the world, rather bend down so that you are not hooked;
    5. Celebrating City Day in Cape Town;
    6. I think about where they usually hide the corpse of a plumber;
    7. At the moment I am in Nice and am having fun with all my heart;
    8. And you guess three times! Guess the prize from me;
    9. Why do you ask this every day? Are you from the FBS service?
    10. Is this a reason to write or is it really interesting?
    11. I sit in the toilet and think about the future of society;
    12. I dry crackers;
    13. I'm flying, I just jumped from a parachute. And what? Not noticeable?
    14. I dance jazz
    15. I have sex, something has become boring, let me think, I’ll go to the network - I’ll have fun.

    How to answer the question "what are you doing" funny?

    Also, when answering the question: “What to do?”, You can unobtrusively laugh it off:

    1. Yes, I decided to strike a figure - I indulge in buns;
    2. I wipe the dust from the dishes standing on my table;
    3. Engaged in throwing saliva at the ceiling;
    4. I dream of a happy future;
    5. I suffer from unidentified and incomprehensible to anyone - nonsense;
    6. I torture hamsters at the zoo;
    7. Trying to teach a cat to say "hello";
    8. my soap;
    9. I go scuba diving and study myself in the bathroom;
    10. I examine chocolate for the amount of cocoa beans it contains;
    11. I think what number you asked what I do. Congratulations, you are an anniversary!;
    12. Decided to arrange a tea tasting;
    13. Rewatching Santa Barbara, final season;
    14. I set a record for eating marmalade;
    15. I sleep and see a terrible dream in which you ask me what I'm doing.

    Not every person can answer a question in an original and comic way, for example, if a beloved girl or an interesting young man asked such a question, then such a phrase can offend him. In this case, you need to answer something gentle and romantic.

    How to answer a question to a loved one?

    If a Girlfriend asked this question, the answer is:

    • I remember our last meeting and scroll through my head every phrase you said;
    • I try to remember the look of your beautiful eyes on me;
    • I dream about how you and I will soon relax on a beautiful island, and no one will interfere with us;
    • I think how original to invite you on a date tonight;
    • I review your photos "in contact" and enjoy your beauty;
    • I download photos to my phone;
    • Trying to take my mind off of you and study;
    • I think what wonderful children we could have;
    • It can be simple.

    If the question was asked favorite guy, then you can answer:

    • Now I am proud that I have such a courageous and strong man like you;
    • I go in for sports, because I have to match my ideal boyfriend;
    • Thinking about what dress to wear on the date you want to take me on tonight;
    • The faucet is leaking, I'm fixing it. Can you come and help me do it?
    • I am discussing with my girlfriend how well we spent the evening together yesterday;
    • Thinking about what a good father you would be.

    How to answer a question if you don't want to answer?

    There are situations when a person asked: what are you doing?”, but there is neither desire nor mood to answer this question. To remain silent in such a situation is incorrect. There are several phrases that do not oblige you to anything:

    • Absolutely nothing;
    • I'm sorry, but I'm busy;
    • Working;
    • Watching a movie;
    • I do my homework, I can't be distracted
    • And you?
    • Why do you want it?;
    • Is it really important for you to know?
    • I think how to get rid of an annoying interlocutor.

    After such phrases, a person must himself understand that the interlocutor has no desire to communicate with him.

    How to answer a friend's question?

    Often, beloved friends ask this question. There are several unusual phrases for such a case:

    • Oh, otherwise you don't know what I can do;
    • I threw a noisy party, but I forgot to call you;
    • Decided to take a walk with your boyfriend;
    • I'm waiting for you where we agreed, but you, as always, forgot;
    • I think where to go in the evening with my beloved girlfriend.

    Thus, you can see that you can answer the question “what are you doing” not only with the same type of phrases. There is a large list of answers that can be used every day. It is important to know well the person to whom this phrase will be written. Does he have a sense of humor and would your answer offend him?

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    Unfortunately, not all people around us are well-educated. There's nothing you can do about it. But on the other hand, you can and should learn to communicate with such tactless people. In this article, I will teach you some ways and techniques of communication with which you can easily deal with these ignoramuses.

    How did it all start?

    Before answering such questions, you need to try to understand for what purpose the person asked them. Basically, of course, not to offend you or "hurt a nerve." Although such people also exist. Usually, answers to questions like: when you get married or give birth to a child, buy an apartment or get a good job, a person is of little interest. He is just trying to impose intimacy in this way and expresses his opinion (which, of course, you did not ask about). Or for another purpose: to make you embarrassed. Or for the purpose of self-affirmation. But whatever the purpose of your interlocutor, you have the right not to answer such questions, and are not obliged to do so!

    But if you do decide to answer such a tactless question, it is important that your answer be witty and original. Just do not forget that wit must be proportionate: sobering up the opponent, but not hurting more than the opponent deserves.

    I will give an example of wit from Churchill . Once a lady told him: “If you were my husband, I would pour poison into your glass!”. To which the witty Churchill retorted: "If I were your husband, I would immediately drink it!".

    Another example of a witty response to a tactless question . Anna German, who was tall and did not like it very much when they pointed this out to her, one entertainer once asked: “Tell me, how many meters are you?” She proudly replied: “It doesn’t matter how many metros, it’s important that I am definitely taller than you…”.

    You can answer tactless questions in a different way. Of course, the form and level of harshness of the answer always depend on the degree of impudence of the question itself and on your relationship with your opponent. . In addition to the witty answer, there are several more ways.


    • counter question (“And for what purpose are you interested?”, “Why do you need such information?”).
    • Changing the direction of a conversation (the simplest and most effective) - "Oh, what do I have, you'd better tell about yourself."
    • Ignore "What did you say? Oh, today they promised rain in the afternoon.
    • Attitude towards the interlocutor “Well, you asked!”, “You are not in a good mood today, right?”
    • Assessments “Great question!”, “You still ask how to save the world!”
    • Emotional reaction : imitation of shock or hysteria, you can remain silent or just smile.

    List of the most tactless questions

    Especially for you, I have compiled a list of the most tactless questions.

    With answers to them:

    1. "How old are you?". By the way, I was never embarrassed by my age and always answered the truth without being embarrassed about it.

    But if this is a tactless and very personal question for you, then answer this way:

    • "Whatever I have they are all mine"
    • A counter question: “How much will you give?”
    • In the words of Carlson: "I am a woman in the prime of life ...".

    2. “Are you getting better?”


    • "It's just that you lost weight"
    • "I'm already at the age when they bloom, not dry"
    • A counter question: "What don't you like?"

    3. "Are you married?"


    • “I am not “for” my husband, I am “with” my husband.”
    • “Of course, I have three of them to choose from.”
    • Counter: "Are you in doubt?", "Do you want to make me an offer?".

    4. A tactless question that baffles both men and women: “Did you have someone before me?” The question, in my opinion, is not only tactless, but also stupid. It was always interesting for me to look at the reaction of a person if he was given the following answer to this question: “Yes, 20 people, probably. Does that bother you?"

    Denying the obvious in this case is stupid, so it’s better to answer in an original and romantic way:

    • "If there was someone, then it cannot be compared with you."
    • “Does it matter? I only love you."
    • “Yes, before you were, of course…. Dreams of you."

    5. I don’t know about you, but I am baffled by a question asked by a stranger on the street or on the phone: “Do you have a minute?”

    Sometimes I want to respond with rudeness, but my upbringing does not allow me to do so, so I answer like this:

    • "Depends on what you need."
    • "Sorry, I'm not wasting time."
    • "Yes, but it costs too much."

    6. "Why don't you have children?" (wives, cars, apartments, high positions, etc.).

    Decent response options:

    • "Not deserved yet."
    • Karma doesn't allow.
    • "It will interfere with my genius."
    • Counter question: “Why are you?”, “Why are you interested in this?”, “Can you offer it to me?”

    7. Some try to joke, without realizing it, look stupid. One of these questions: “Where do you get so many little things? What were you standing on the porch?

    Answer like this:

    • "Yes, just left the church."
    • “I just collect scrap metal.”
    • "Do you want to go together tomorrow?"
    • "Are you afraid of competition?"

    The main thing to remember : When answering such questions, be creative and creative. Develop speed of thinking, learn to control yourself and do not be embarrassed when meeting with such people.

    Psychologists recommend that people who are embarrassed by certain questions solve those problems that they are often asked about. But we are well aware that it is impossible to solve all issues. And most importantly, even if they are all solved, there will definitely be new ones, and so on ad infinitum. Unfortunately, it is also impossible to teach tact to all people. Therefore, try to be patient and calm with people climbing into your soul and into your personal life. (although it's difficult). Perhaps they do this because they do not have their own at all.