What you need to do on New Year's Eve. Signs for the New Year for the fulfillment of desires. New Year's signs for the birth of a child

There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year, which must be observed. Do not lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday, because it is for this event that we begin to prepare in a few weeks. ToNew year's nighthas become unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember the recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because for many years this has become a real tradition.

Do not forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents can warn us of important events that will soon happen in life. The dailyhoro.ru site team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that everyone should know.

New Year traditions

The New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially postponed to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in the modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday with family. Under the chiming clock, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be a wide variety of dishes on the table. Guests must definitely leave you full, otherwise poverty will not be avoided next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat" and jellied fish must be present on your table.

Stillmain drink on the New Year's table is champagne. Even Peter I introduced the tradition of drinking alcohol on New Year's Eve. At the time of the holiday, many guests came to the king, but not everyone could withstand such a feast with a lot of alcohol.

It is on December 31 that we begin to actively prepare for the New Year. On this day, you need to get rid of old things, prepare the New Year's table and, of course, congratulate all your loved ones and give them gifts.

Now we can no longer imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree. The tree must be purchased in advance anddecorate itvarious toys, tinsel or rain. To give your Christmas tree a more natural look, use cones or berries as decorations.

The chiming clock is a truly magical moment. It is in these seconds that you must have time to make a wish and be sure to believe that it will come true.

Since ancient times, it was believed that if under the chiming clockwrite your wish on a piece of paper, burn it and mix it in a glass of champagne, and then drink everything, then it will definitely come true.

In Rus', at the end of a festive feast, unmarried girls collected the remnants of dinner, wrapped them in white cloth, put them under the pillow and invited the betrothed. After that, the future groom was supposed to dream of them in a dream.

After a fun New Year's Eve, waking up early is very difficult. However, it is believed that the earlier you wake up on January 1, the happier you will be in the new year.

If you had a good dream on New Year's Eve, then after waking up say "it will come true", and then next year it will definitely come true.

New Year's signs

Very often people do not pay attention to what is happening around them. You may not believe the signs, but many of them are indeed true signs of fate.

On New Year's Eve, there should not be a single thing in your house with which you have bad memories, otherwise you will have a lot of trouble next year.

Having a baby on January 1 is a good sign. In order for his fate to be happy, on the same day, one of the close relatives of the baby needs to go to the temple and pray for the newborn, and then feed the poor.

If on New Year's Eve you will be wearing an outfit with pockets, then they should not be empty, otherwise next year you will face financial difficulties.

Toavoid lack of money , try to distribute debts before the New Year. And ask debtors to do the same.

If on New Year's Eve you found a toy on the street, then next year, expect replenishment in the family.

Even if at the time of the holiday unexpected guests came to you, welcome them cordially. Thus, you will attract prosperity to your home, and the next year will be comfortable for you.

If next year you do not want to face financial problems, then at the holiday your appearance should be neat. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, choose the best outfit from your wardrobe and celebrate the New Year in it.

It is believed that if you accidentally tear your holiday attire at the very moment of the holiday, this promises a passionate, but fleeting romance.

If you have scheduled a haircut for December 31, it is better to cancel it. It is believed that otherwise the hair will be sparse, and the new hairstyle will not please.

During the holiday, you can not swear with your loved ones, otherwise in the future there will be a strong discord in the family.

A few minutes before the chiming clock, pour water into a mug and wash yourself, and then leave it in the yard or on the balcony. If the mug is smooth on the morning of January 1st, good luck. If there is a crack on it, difficulties are possible.

On New Year's Eve, tap the table with a spoon and say: "As there is a lot of food on the table, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet." Then all year longlive well .

If before the New Year you saw your enemy, then next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so passionate about New Year's chores that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happened to you, a traitor will appear in your circle of friends. To avoid this problem, call loved ones and congratulate them.

If on December 31 you met a blind man on the street, expect global changes. Perhaps you look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, small troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will haveconflicts with a loved one .

Many people prefer to celebrate the New Year with friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chiming clock should be of the opposite sex.

A candle must burn on the New Year's table, and then harmony will always reign in your house in the future.

So that in the New Year you have a stable financial situation, hang a few bills on the Christmas tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual, a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

Couples in love must kiss under the chiming clock, and then in the future the love union will become even stronger.

Before the holiday, congratulate all the neighbors so that you never quarrel with them.

Every person dreams of finding wealth and finding love. You can do this in the near future if you put the Christmas tree inspecific area of ​​your home .

We wish you good luck and happiness in your personal life!

No one will dispute the fact that the New Year is a holiday of magic, and it is on January 1 that many signs and superstitions are more relevant than ever. After all, it is no coincidence that even serious and adult people, on the eve of the holiday, allow themselves to relax and turn into children a little, especially those who believe in signs on New Year's Eve. Everyone wants to find in the flashing of events that sign that would promise him good luck in the coming year in any area - family, money, love. Therefore, some people strive to thoroughly follow all the traditions in order to attract good luck as much as possible.

  • Signs on what to do before the New Year
  • Tips for celebrating the New Year
  • Signs of what not to do on New Year's Eve
  • Notes about the New Year's table
  • Wishes about making wishes
  • Signs on New Year's Eve for wealth
  • New Year's signs to attract love
  • Signs for the New Year to get married
  • Signs for January 1 New Year
  • Interpretation of signs and superstitions

Signs on what to do before the New Year

For most peoples, with the onset of the calendar year, a period of renewal and purification is associated. But before celebrating the New Year, according to signs, it is required to get rid of the obsolete, old and no longer needed, which is associated with the outgoing year. The totem approaching the threshold of the New Year needs to be shown with what impatience it is expected here, and that the hospitable hosts will not regret anything for the sake of the dear guest.

On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable to make peace with those with whom you had to quarrel and ask for forgiveness from those who were offended, because it is harmful to enter the New Year with negative energy behind you. It is much more pleasant to sit at the festive table with a pure heart.

But general cleaning is needed not only mentally, but also in everyday life. That's why:

  • It is necessary to put things in order in the desk, throwing away a pile of checks, notes and bills without regret, and the remaining things must be carefully laid out.
  • Be sure to clean all the mirrors in the house to enter the new year with clean energy at home.
  • Broken items must either be thrown away or repaired.
  • When we are preparing to celebrate the New Year, signs and customs hint that this is the best time to part with old rubbish and make necessary and useful purchases. It is especially meticulous to check the dishes, because chips and cracks on cups and plates, according to signs, are responsible for conflicts and quarrels in the family.
  • Perhaps you should not copy the expressive Italians at all and follow their funny New Year's sign, throwing old furniture out of the window - so you can add a considerable fine for hooliganism to the celebration of the New Year. It is better to act more modestly - to take out the rubbish in the trash, and also distribute good things or leave them in a place where they could be taken by needy people, who are now much more than successful.

Tips for celebrating the New Year

  • The New Year's celebration has always been a family holiday, so residents of various countries strive to be with their families this evening. Therefore, even young people who are always striving for their company should definitely find a couple of hours to drop by their parents and congratulate them on the holiday. This will help all relatives to remain close-knit and strong family.

  • distribute shortly before the holiday debts and rented things so you don't get bogged down in new loans next year.
  • dreams on New Year's Eve, rumor refers to the prophetic, the ancestors believed that they can guess the events of the coming year.
  • The signs of how to celebrate the New Year directly relate to the symbol of the coming year, namely its color characteristics. To appease him, one should put on clothes of the same color, for example, if the year is an "earth", "yellow", "red" animal, then choose something yellow, olive, ocher, brown or orange to please the totem. If the coming year is a “blue”, “white”, “water” animal, then clothes of cold shades should be worn - blue, green, blue, silver.
  • To strengthen family relationships, the legs of the festive table can be tied with ribbons or a strong rope, only so that they do not interfere with those sitting at the table.
  • You can tie a small stone or wooden souvenir to each New Year's gift, since there is a sign that such gifts scare away mercantile and envious people.
  • Women who seek to throw off any burden from their shoulders or get rid of failures need to throw a shawl over their shoulders before the chiming clock, and at the very last second, abruptly throw it off so that all last year's problems are gone with it.

Signs of what not to do on New Year's Eve

Even if you are not very superstitious, you are not afraid of black cats on the road, it is still worth knowing the signs about what not to do on New Year's Eve and sticking to them, because these superstitions hide years of observation of destinies.

  • It is forbidden on the eve of the holiday lend things and money, so as not to distribute luck with them.
  • Interesting signs for the New Year require that the owners complete all the cleaning around the house before sunset. And with the last ray, the garbage can no longer be taken out, so as not to accidentally throw away family happiness with it.
  • On New Year's Eve, any entertainment is good, other than gambling. In the old days, people believed that after spending New Year's Eve playing cards, a person became a slave to this addiction for the whole year, especially since it would not always lead him to win.

Notes about the New Year's table

Of course, good signs on New Year's Eve also apply to the festive table, which also needs to be able to be properly organized.

  • On the table you need to lay the most elegant tablecloth, and from natural materials (cotton, linen).
  • To improve the financial condition of the family in the new year, you need to find a place on the table for a plate of wheat grains and a couple of coins. And New Year's signs regarding the symbol of the year according to the eastern calendar suggest what should be in abundance on the table. For example, in the year of the Rabbit, Goat or Rooster, put on the table as much plant food as possible, and in the year of the Dog and Tiger, do not skimp on meat dishes.
  • Be careful not to cook the symbol of the year on New Year's Eve, that is, in the year of the Rabbit, in no case do not stew the rabbit carcass, and in the year of the Rooster, refuse the bird on the table. If this is neglected, then you will greatly offend the totem patron of the next year, and he will refuse to bring you good luck.

  • To attract prosperity to the house, you need to organize a generous and varied table. Let there be more dishes (albeit small ones): appetizers, salads, hot meat, poultry and fish dishes, delicacies, sweets and fruits. Even if the owners observe the Christmas fast, this should not have a strong effect, just mushrooms, pickles, lean dumplings, vegetables, nuts and baked potatoes may be on the table.

You should not, licking your lips, walk around the refrigerator with all kinds of dishes the last days before the New Year - you can start eating delicious food three days before the celebration - supposedly this will attract prosperity and abundance to the house next year. And if you try to eat all the delicacies in one New Year's Eve, then the signs of the New Year's Eve promise that this meal will be the only full-fledged one in the coming year, and if you ignore the signs, you can add that you can earn indigestion this way.

Wishes about making wishes

The most favorite signs associated with the New Year are making wishes under the chimes, and there can be a whole dozen of them. But, dispersing in fantasies, you should not forget about the wish of good health for all loved ones.

  • Try to visualize your desire, presenting it in all its details, so that you get a clear and bright picture. You can also write down a wish on a napkin to guarantee it, burn it in a candle flame, dropping the ashes into champagne, which you must then drink.
  • Whisper into one glass of water thoughts about what the old year should take with you, and into another glass tell about your innermost desire in the New Year. The water dedicated to the outgoing year should be poured out a few minutes before the New Year, and the water from the second glass should be drunk along with the chime of the clock. Remember that water can store information!

But it makes sense to make only that desire, in the fulfillment of which the person himself unconditionally believes. If you just think of something, with the goal of “what if it comes true?”, then you should not count on its execution, and even, moreover, you can get the exact opposite result - but do you need it? During these 24 hours, a huge number of people around the world make their wishes, their energy is combined into a single powerful stream, which becomes the key to the fulfillment of a wide variety of “wishlists”.

Signs on New Year's Eve for wealth

There are also such monetary signs and rituals for the New Year that always work and under any circumstances. Using them, you can significantly improve your financial condition in the first half of it.

  • On the festive table you need to lay white tablecloth, and put gold on each corner of the table under it (well, at least just yellow) coins. All New Year's Eve the table should be illuminated 7 green candles, while they must be allowed to burn out completely. A white tablecloth on the table means cleanliness and openness to the new. It is known that white color attracts good luck and positive energy to the house. The coins laid out on the corners of the table are a kind of beacons, inviting material wealth to the house, which, in turn, is symbolized by 7 green candles. Again, the color of candles indicates material wealth, and their flame is a source of energy.
  • Anyone who thinks about what signs for the New Year will bring him financial success, in the last seconds of the old year, you need to hold a coin in your hand or throw it into a glass of champagne. It is better to stock up on a brand new shiny coin for this ritual in advance, so that you can keep it as an amulet in your wallet all year later.
  • If you put a large bill in a handbag or pocket of festive clothes, then the whole year a person will not lack funds.

New Year's signs to attract love

Lonely hearts, especially girls, hope that signs on New Year's Eve for love will definitely help them
find a soul mate. There are few such "secrets", but it's worth a try:

  • In order for love to overtake you in the new year, you need to meet him in red underwear (of course, under the bottom of beautiful clothes). Perhaps this sign reflects the fact that such underwear will contribute to greater self-confidence and emancipation, which will lead to new acquaintances.
  • Put a fragrant cinnamon stick in your pocket on New Year's Eve, and then always carry it in your bag - it will lure new relationships to itself.

Signs for the New Year to get married

For unmarried girls, there are special signs for the New Year to get married:

  • In the old days, after the New Year's holiday, the girls first went for milk and then watched it for a week - if it did not turn sour, then this year you can count on a wedding.
  • You need to carefully look at the first man who met in the New Year - the groom will come from the same place where he came from, and even the outward resemblance between them is quite possible.

Signs for January 1 New Year

The first day of the New Year will surely show how the next year will turn out:

  • A married couple needs to kiss hard early in the morning so that there will be harmony and love in the family all year long.
  • You should not burden yourself with hard work and cleaning on the very first day, so that you do not bend over from worries and labors all year.
  • Entrepreneurs engaged in the field of trade will go uphill if the first purchase from them is made by a man. Be sure to give him a discount so that the profit in the coming year is maximum.
  • You need to affectionately meet the first animal that comes across the path. A dog will mean making a new friend or meeting an old one, a cat promises a romantic meeting, a bird will hint at a long journey.

Interpretation of signs and superstitions

Many people think that before celebrating the New Year, you need to study the signs and rituals associated with it, and then there will be happiness. But it is not enough just to memorize these signs, it is important to understand how they are interpreted, because all this is the many years of experience of our parents.

  • money to money

The first sign recommends celebrate the new year with money in your pocket. In the pocket (of course the right one) of the clothes you need to put a bill of the highest denomination possible ( better than 5000 rubles). Here, everything is according to the saying “money sticks to money” - smaller money will begin to be attracted to a large bill.

There is another win-win explanation - this stash can be used to build a table for Orthodox Christmas or stretch it to the next salary, which is very good for post-New Year's wasted days.

And yet, as you know, the materialistic approach does not work in signs, so you should not look at a banknote put into your pocket as a banknote with pictures and protective elements, but perceive it as a kind of source of energy. Then it is already possible to draw to it a certain law of attraction of kindred energies. Moreover, the more money in your pocket, the stronger their inflow can be expected in the coming year.

  • New Year's Eve in a new dress

On New Year's Eve, people not only make wishes, but also sum up the results of the past year. At the same time, the results are being summed up in space, preparing the distribution of earned bonuses for everyone. The spirit of romanticism and miracles inherent in New Year's Eve will be better felt if you put on a new thing. Buying a new outfit can be equated with a reward for your work throughout the whole year, and it also doesn’t interfere with demonstrating your material capabilities once again. So you can show that the outgoing year was significant and successful for you personally. Therefore, you should not be modest when buying an evening dress or other outfit for the New Year's party. New clothes will give their owner a positive mood, which should increase in the coming year.

  • Pay off your debts - meet the New Year calmly!

There is an old sign how to celebrate the New Year: until the sun has set for the last time in the outgoing year, you need to get rid of all debts so as not to drown in them throughout the next year. Do not take this omen too literally.

In fact, you need to think about the state of your finances throughout the year, and not just on the eve of the New Year holiday. After all, if you always remember this sign, then it will be easier to keep your own budget afloat, so that expenses know their place, which should be after income. It is necessary first of all to take care of overdue debts that are not returned on time, they must be paid off first.

Of course, this sign does not apply to bank loans, for which a clear payment of regular contributions follows - they do not have to be closed by all means on December 31.

What New Year's signs do you know? Do you follow them or consider them complete nonsense? Share your opinion and a couple of signs in the comments.

The correct signs for the New Year 2018 suggest what needs to be done to attract good luck and success into your life. You will find a list of the most accurate signs for money, wealth, good luck in business, marriage, conception and the birth of a child, relevant for the meeting of the Year of the Dog, right here. They are very simple and do not require much effort to perform, so why not take advantage of the experience of ancestors for the well-being of your family, gaining material stability, health and longevity.

Will take on health and longevity in the New Year 2018

Ancient signs for the New Year on health and longevity will help to avoid minor ailments and serious illnesses in the future.

  • Before the New Year, wash your face with water at room temperature, pour it into a cup and put it in the cold. If during the night the water freezes and becomes covered with a smooth crust of ice, a long life lies ahead. A hole formed in the ice surface indicates that the earth's path is nearing its end.
  • On the first day of the coming year, bring a bowl of pure snow into the house, melt it to a liquid state and wash your face with this water for a week, saying: “Water from the sky will fix everything. And to me, the servant of God (name), Beauty will add to the white face. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Ancient legends say that after this procedure, the aging process slows down, and the skin on the face becomes smooth, soft and elastic, like a baby's.
  • If you pray to God on the first New Year's day and wish your family good health and longevity, the Savior will hear and protect the whole family from illnesses and other dangers for the next 12 months.
  • On January 1, from morning to afternoon, he is in no hurry to go anywhere, to exercise special care and increased caution, since there is a high risk of falls, fractures and injuries of varying severity. “Who is in a hurry today breaks bones and sheds blood,” the old people said that day.
  • To get rid of foot disease, leave the house on January 3, go to the market and buy white woolen socks. Make sure that the seller is younger than the patient in age. Do not take change from the purchase. Then wear your acquisition and soon the pain will dull, and then recede completely.
  • On January 5, take special care when dealing with sharp piercing/cutting objects. Cuts or other wounds received on this day will be long and difficult to heal.

Do not ignore the signs for the New Year for health and longevity. Despite their simplicity and ingenuity, they still work and enable everyone to cope with their problems without much effort.

What signs for the New Year 2018 must be observed so that there is money in the house

How to attract wealth and what signs to observe for the New Year 2018 so that money flows, not only superstitious people who unquestioningly believe in miracles, sorcerers and leprechauns are interested, but also tough pragmatists who value only a rational approach to financial matters.

Famous signs for the New Year 2018, so that money is always carried

  • It is better to complete all material issues before the 31st and then not lend for another week, not borrow a penny and not pay the bills. Otherwise, serious problems will arise with money in the next 12 months.
  • On the morning of December 31, write yourself a small money letter personally, put it in an envelope along with a thematic postcard and a paper bill of an average denomination. Send a message by mail to your own address. When it arrives, open the envelope, read it, and put the money note in your wallet for good luck and attracting large sums.
  • Before the New Year's meal, put 4 yellow coins under the tablecloth covering the festive table (1 for each corner). Bread must be cut before it gets dark outside, otherwise next year you will have to know poverty.
  • In the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, put a red fabric bag with three coins, tails up. In order to always have money in the house, do not take out the bag all year.
  • In order not to take prosperity out of the house, on January 1 it is better not to go anywhere and receive guests only on your territory. For the same reason, do not throw away garbage and do not get rid of old, unnecessary things.
  • Receiving an unexpected gift on the first of January promises that there will be no problems with money in the coming months.
  • On the morning of January 1, wash yourself not with soap or foam, but with a handful of coins, so that in 2018 the money will stick to your hands.
  • Do not leave the New Year's holiday table empty after cleaning. Do not throw away the leftovers of dishes, so as not to lose your financial well-being along with them.
  • Celebrate the New Year in everything new and beautiful, especially for items of clothing that are as close as possible to the body (underwear, tights, stockings, etc.). Then material wealth will not leave, and the money will begin to stay as if by magic.
  • Put at least 7 dishes on the festive table, and put 7 small coins under the seat of your chair. This will help to solve problems with money and will provide an opportunity to improve the financial situation. To enhance the action, put one coin under your plate.
  • Before New Year's Eve, sew a bill or a coin into your clothes. Such an action will attract the strongest money magic and financial well-being will not leave the family throughout the year.
  • When the chimes start to beat, hold a small coin in your left hand. On the twelfth beat, throw it into a glass of champagne and quickly drink to the bottom. Put the coin in your wallet and don't spend it. This small money talisman, infected with the energy of New Year's Eve, will attract tremendous financial success and ensure good luck in business.

Signs for the New Year 2018 for wealth, money and luck

Knowing the old signs for the New Year for wealth, money and luck, you can easily attract prosperity, happiness and prosperity into your life.

  • Put 7 green candles on the festive table and let them burn down quietly to the end. Their light will attract prosperity and monetary luck to the owner's house.
  • Prepare 12 different dishes and put them on the table. Then abundance in the family will be the whole next year. On New Year's Eve, every dish is a must to try, so that for the next 12 months you will not feel the need for anything.
  • So that wealth, luck and success accompany in all endeavors, it is recommended to celebrate the New Year in new beautiful clothes, with banknotes in your pocket and good thoughts in your head.

Signs for the New Year 2018 for love, fidelity and family happiness

In order not to lose well-being in the house and maintain excellent relations and complete mutual understanding with your soulmate, you need to know what signs for the New Year 2018 for love, fidelity and family happiness will need to be observed. They are very simple, accessible in execution and, indeed, help more than one generation of lovers.

A list of New Year's signs for love, fidelity and family happiness

  • On January 1, carefully monitor that strangers do not enter the matrimonial bedroom, and most importantly, do not sit on the bed. If this happens, then this year the husband or wife will have an affair on the side.
  • Before the New Year's banquet, confuse the legs of the festive table with a rope. Then, in the coming year, nothing will break the family circle, and misfortunes and long separations will bypass the married couple.
  • At the time of the chiming clock, exchange with your favorite glass of champagne and drink the contents to the bottom. Then the couple will be happy all next year and the relationship will not be disturbed by quarrels, betrayals and quarrels.

Signs for the upcoming New Year to marry a young girl

A young girl needs to follow special signs for the New Year in order to get married quickly and without delay. The list is presented below and does not require significant effort, but it significantly increases the chances of creating a strong family with a loved one.

List of New Year's marriage signs for young girls

  • If on the eve of the New Year, hair begins to fall heavily, it means that in the near future the girl will get married.
  • In order for a new gentleman with serious intentions to appear as quickly as possible, before the holiday it is advisable to buy yourself a dress or suit in the favorite colors of the patron of the coming year.
  • To get rid of failures in love, you need to burn the last year's calendar, and scatter the ashes in the wind and say out loud: "As the ashes fly away, so all my misfortunes fly away."
  • Guests who come to the celebration must immediately be seated at the table. The sooner this is done, the sooner the mistress of the house will meet her soul mate and get married.
  • Before the New Year, you can not do your hair in the presence of strangers. Otherwise, the opportunity to get married will be postponed for an indefinite time.
  • A girl who wants to get married quickly should sit down at the table between her brothers on New Year's Eve. Then her dream will come true.
  • It is impossible for an unmarried young lady to sit on the corner of the table, otherwise no one will woo her for the next 7 years.
  • You can eat on New Year's Eve only while sitting. Those who eat standing up will not get married next year.

Exact signs for the New Year holiday for the conception and birth of a child

All signs for the New Year for the conception and birth of a child have very ancient roots. Ancestors passed them down from generation to generation through the female line and insisted on mandatory implementation.

  • In the pocket of the New Year's outfit, the husband and wife, who want to have a baby, put one new small baby thing each. At the time of the New Year, they turn to the Universe with a request to give an heir. These words are repeated to yourself 6-10 times, clearly concentrating on the topic. Conception after this ritual usually occurs within the next month.
  • In order to conceive a boy on New Year's Eve, a woman puts men's trousers under her during intercourse or puts her husband's hat on her head. If a couple wants a girl, the husband ties a woman's scarf around his head before conception.
  • A pregnant woman who comes to the New Year's banquet should have time to start eating first. Then the birth will be easy and successful, and the baby will be strong and healthy.
  • If the breastfeeding mother of a newborn invites guests to the party herself, the baby will worry and sleep badly all year long.
  • A woman who says on New Year's Eve that she does not need a child or is in the way, runs the risk of losing him. God will take away the unwanted child so that in the future it will not suffer from the lack of love from the parents.

Well-known signs of a wish for the New Year

Many signs for the New Year 2018 are associated with weather, money, wealth, love, marriage, conception and the birth of a child. But there are those that clearly show whether a wish will come true or not. They can be used on the eve of the most important night of the year or directly at the time of the change of the year of the Rooster to the year of the Dog.

The most accurate and correct signs for the New Year on desire

Before you look closely at New Year's signs, you need to correctly make a wish. Do not focus on the little things at this moment. It is better to think of something that is most important for your life, and then ask the Universe if there is a chance to turn your dream into reality.

  • On New Year's Eve, immediately before the chiming clock, make any wish and clearly concentrate your thoughts on it. When the main clock of the country begins to strike, take 12 medium-sized grapes and eat them. If you have time to do this procedure before the last blow, the wish will certainly come true.
  • Write your most cherished dream by hand on a small piece of paper. 1-2 minutes before the New Year, burn a piece of paper with the text, collect the ashes and pour into a glass of champagne. During the chiming clock, have time to drink the "magic" liquid. If there is nothing left in the glass by the last blow, the wish will come true, moreover, within 1.5-2 months.
  • To the beat of the clock, jump high and make a cherished wish. If you manage to get back to the floor and not fall, keeping your balance, the dream will definitely become a reality. A not too successful landing will show that some difficulties will arise on the way to the cherished goal.
  • If on New Year's Eve you quickly lean out the window and see the starry sky, there will be a fun, carefree life ahead. Light cirrus clouds will hint at minor problems, and heavy snow clouds will tell you that you will have to fight for success.

The most accurate, correctly interpreted signs for the New Year 2018 for weather, money, wealth, marriage, love, conception and the birth of a child will allow you to know in advance what surprises the magical patroness of the coming period, the Earth Dog, is preparing. This information will not be superfluous for anyone and will help you plan your life more intelligently.

It is not for nothing that they say about the New Year: how you meet, so you will live. It should be celebrated cheerfully, on a grand scale, in the circle of relatives and friends. The more beautiful the outfit, the richer the table, the better. It is impossible to be sad, to grieve, to remain alone, so as not to spoil your life in the coming year.

The coming year 2018 will be marked by the Yellow Earth Dog. This benevolent symbol is quite fastidious, it requires obligatory observance of all the rules for meeting and celebrating the New Year's celebration. Therefore, it is necessary not only to carefully select recipes, gifts, outfits for yourself and home decorations, but also to observe ancient traditions, take into account signs and superstitions.

Traditions of decorating the house and the Christmas tree

There are many signs associated with the decoration of the New Year tree and the decor of the rooms. Superstitions also apply to the choice of outfits for the celebration, cleaning tips. All traditions are associated with the expectation of the upcoming magic, protection from harmful negative energy. Here are the most famous New Year's customs that are recommended to be considered when preparing for the celebration of the New Year 2018:

  • It is forbidden to celebrate the holiday in a room with cracked windows, broken furniture and toys, torn wallpaper in the corner.
  • It is impossible to take out the garbage from the house on New Year's Eve, so as not to lose happiness.
  • It is necessary to pre-wash the services, cutlery sets and crockery in all sideboards, throw away cracked plates, cups with broken edges, so as not to attract poverty and lack of money into the house.
  • On January 1, you need to sweep all the floors with a new broom bought in advance, saying the phrase: "Broom, broom, bring a lot of money." The old one should be thrown away or burned after the ceremony.
  • To attract wealth to the house, you need to roll up several large banknotes with a tube, tie them with a red thread, hang them on a Christmas tree in hard-to-see places.
  • If the Christmas tree has taken root in a bucket during the holidays, this means the appearance of a new family member in the coming year.

Customs for preparing a festive table

The Yellow Dog loves to eat tasty and satisfying food, so the New Year's table should be bursting with treats. However, you will have to make sure that none of those present on the plates have food left - the totem animal has a negative attitude towards such waste. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare salads and snacks in portions, serving guests in tartlets, bowls. Here are some more traditions related to drinks and food:

  • Do not cook dishes with crayfish, shrimp, lobsters on New Year's Eve. Crustaceans love to move backwards, which can reduce your income in the future.
  • Bread must be cut before dusk outside the window - this rite will increase wealth in the New Year.
  • To attract money and good luck, lay a rich seven-course table. In the year of the Yellow Dog, it is imperative to treat guests with meat, chicken, appeasing the totem animal. Meat frying is best done with ribs.

New Year's signs related to health

Everyone wants to be healthy, strong, hardy, have strong immunity and "steel" nerves. That is why most people wish and wish good health for themselves and their families. And in order to appease the Earthen Dog, they also observe ancient customs. Here are a few signs promising the absence of diseases in the new year:

  • Before the chiming clock, put a scarf, blanket or scarf on your shoulders, and with the last blow, throw it off your shoulders. This rite will help to "reset" all diseases and misfortunes.
  • Before the celebration, go to the bathhouse or take a shower. This procedure will wash away all the negative that has accumulated over the year, help restore a healthy energy field.
  • Returning lost health or maintaining it will help return all debts before the new year. You also need to ask for back all the borrowed money.
  • If during the holidays a street dog has nailed to you, try, if not to shelter, then at least feed it. So you will attract good luck and health.

Signs for luring good luck for the whole year

Who does not dream that the upcoming 2018 will be successful for all family members? But you won't deserve happiness and love so easily, you need to help "Lady Luck" a little. In order for mutual understanding to reign in the family, success in business, and peace in the soul, the following New Year traditions should be observed:

  • After the end of the New Year holidays, collect all the needles that have fallen from the living Christmas tree from the floor, burn them in the oven or in the yard. So you will destroy all misfortunes, sorrows and problems in the coming year.
  • At the last minute of the old year, peel the tangerine, put it under the tree. This ritual will help attract not only good luck, but also financial stability.
  • To meet a new love, the celebration must be met in a red dress or suit.
  • Another sign of love is to put a fragrant cinnamon stick in your pocket on New Year's Eve, and then carry it all the time in your bag.
  • To get pregnant and give birth in the new year, you need to invite a couple expecting a baby to the celebration, and during the chiming clock, hold the woman in a position by the hand.
  • An ordinary ficus will help to lure good luck in the New Year of the Dog. You just need to buy a flower in a pot, put it in a prominent place.
  • To lure good luck to visit, you must definitely buy a new outfit for the holiday. This will help not only to restore well-being and peace of mind, but also to get rich, become happier.

Signs to attract money and wealth in the New Year

There are many traditions associated with coins, paper notes and ways to attract money to a wallet. Everyone believes that on New Year's Eve you can make a wish, ask Santa Claus for wealth, improved well-being. However, money will not fly into your pocket so easily, you need to perform several rituals to attract them in the New 2018. Here are some ways:

  • 4 yellow coins should be placed at the corners of the table under the tablecloth so that the coming year will be rich.
  • You can’t wash dirty dishes before lunch on January 1 - you can “dump” wealth and wealth into the sink.
  • Under the plates on the table you need to put a coin, and if possible, you can put them under the upholstery of the seats.
  • A cleanly washed coin must be thrown into the bottom of a glass of champagne before the chiming clock. After the champagne is drunk, the coin is taken out, wiped with a napkin, worn all year in the closed compartment of the wallet, so that it attracts money to itself.
  • Never give a loan on the eve of the New Year holidays - this will "carry out" all the money and good luck.
  • Before meeting the new year, several coins are placed under the threshold so that the owners always have money.
  • In order to get rich for sure, to the sound of chimes, you need to “wash yourself” with large bills, best of all in ruble and dollar terms.

The main thing in observing traditions and customs is faith in the fulfillment of desires. Only sincerely made requests come true on the night of miracles. And in order for the dream to become a reality as quickly as possible in 2018, you need to buy a New Year's toy in the form of a dog, hang it on a Christmas tree closer to the center.

There is no holiday more beloved by everyone than the New Year. The expectation of a new life, more successful and prosperous, for many is associated with the advent of the new year. And not by chance. At this magical time, the Heavens open, the Universe hears our desires. And give out bonus gifts. Knowing the signs, beliefs, rituals and traditions of the New Year, people try to meet it in such a way as to attract good luck and prosperity into their lives.

Signs, beliefs, rituals and traditions of the New Year

How to spend the old year

In order for troubles and problems to go away with the departure of the old year, it is worth doing the following:

The house must be cleaned and clean on the eve of the New Year. 10 days before the New Year, start cleaning. Clean all the corners, throw away old and unnecessary things, broken dishes, repair faulty appliances or get rid of them. Wash, adding a little salt, floors, wash windows, chandeliers and mirrors. New energies come to where the space is cleared from the old and unnecessary.
Forgive all your offenders, make peace with those who are in a quarrel. Folk wisdom says: "Whoever remembers the old - that eye is out." Forgiving and asking for forgiveness does not mean humiliating yourself or acknowledging someone else's victory. This is evidence of the wisdom and nobility of the soul. Remembering that all life situations are given to us for the training and development of the soul, we must learn to understand them, why we were given this. If you quarreled with someone not even through your fault, it means that you thought badly about him, condemned him or gossiped. No matter what happens in life, you need to accept it and then relief will come to your soul.
Pay off all debts before the New Year, otherwise the whole year will be in debt. Do not lend or lend money on December 31st, January 1st, 6th, 7th.
The old year must be done. It is customary to do this from the 29th to the 31st. During the feast, remember all the good things, thank the outgoing year.

Preparing for the New Year

  • Decorating the house for the New Year, it is customary to put up a Christmas tree. Of course, it is nice to smell the needles in the house, it creates a special mysterious aroma. For those who put up an artificial Christmas tree, there is a way out: sprinkle the branches with aromatic pine oil.
  • Hang a wreath of pine needles decorated with New Year's toys on the front door.
  • Fill the refrigerator with a variety of products - as a confirmation of material wealth and for an application for abundance next year.
  • After finishing all the preparations for the New Year's Eve, before receiving guests or before leaving for guests, take a shower to wash away negative energy and be healthy in the new year.

  1. Buy a new broom, tie it with a red ribbon and put it in the corner with the handle down in the kitchen.
  2. An hour before the start of the New Year, light the candles bought in the church in each room and let them burn out.
  3. Wrap the legs of the table with a ribbon so that the family is preserved in full force.
  4. Cover the table with a new white tablecloth. White is a symbol of purity and renewal.
  5. Put yellow coins under the tablecloth in the corners - to attract money to the house.
  6. Put 7 green candles on the table and let them burn out to the end - to attract monetary luck.
  7. Put twelve dishes on the table so that there is abundance all year round. Each dish must be tried on New Year's Eve, so as not to feel the need for anything.
  8. To celebrate the New Year in new clothes and with money in your pocket is a demonstration of your success in the outgoing year.
  9. Make three wishes to the chiming clock while eating grapes. Desires must be real.

New Year's signs for happiness, health, success

  1. If a man enters the house first on the first day of the new year, it will be a good year.
  2. If someone sneezes - fortunately, prosperity and prosperity.
  3. If you find something on New Year's Eve, there will be unexpected gifts all year long.
  4. The last drops of champagne - for good luck.
  5. Kiss with your loved one during the chiming clock - all day there will be a good and warm relationship.
  6. To meet the New Year in new clothes - you will walk in new clothes all year long.
  7. A girl who wants to get married, celebrate the New Year with her beloved. Give gifts to 7 children.
  8. On the first day of the new year, meeting a man on the street is good luck.

People say “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will live it” - what happens on New Year's Eve will be the whole year. Therefore, it is necessary to meet him joyfully, noisily, cheerfully. There should be a lot of light in the house, doors should be open to attract and let in the New Year. This holiday is best spent at home, in the family to strengthen the family, prosperity and well-being.
But there are other options for celebrating the New Year. You can spend it with friends, in a restaurant, in nature outside the city, in warm countries. Each case has its own belief. You can read about this in another article.

Cautionary Beliefs of the New Year

  1. Remove dishes from the table on New Year's Eve and leave it empty - to hunger and poverty.
  2. You can not take out the garbage on the 31st in the evening and on January 1st all day - in quarrels and contentions.
  3. You should not work on January 1 - you will spend the whole year in labor and worries.
  4. To break dishes on New Year's Eve - you will spend the whole year in a quarrel.
  5. If you quarrel on New Year's Eve - invite trouble.
  6. Do not throw away leftover food on New Year's Eve.
  7. Crying on New Year's Eve - you will spend the whole year in sorrow.
  8. Do not accept an uninvited guest - lose material wealth.

Observing the events taking place in life, the surrounding nature, our ancestors passed on to us their observations, life experience and wisdom in traditions, rituals and signs. Our contemporaries are divided into those who know and use the heritage of their ancestors, and those who consider it a relic of the past, are skeptical or indifferent. This is especially true for signs. People are divided into those who believe in signs and those who do not believe in them.
Faith is a very powerful personality trait. A person with unshakable faith goes through life easier and achieves his goals faster. “I don’t believe in omens” - this statement in such a person has power when omens really do not work.
The roots of faith in omens are in childhood. The program "There are such signs", embedded in the subconscious with a complete list of them, lives in a person all his life with the conviction "It works." Such a belief attracts life situations that confirm it.