Hosiery knitting. Knitting in circular rows on stocking needles. How to knit front and back stitch

Hello dear readers and visitors of my blog!

Many people ask questions: “How to knit a garter stitch with knitting needles? How to knit hosiery with knitting needles? " In today's article, the answers to these questions will be considered in great detail.

First of all, you need to learn how to knit front and back loops - ordinary and "grandmother's". Having mastered knitting only these loops and having properly filled your hand, you can become an ace of knitting, because there are many patterns consisting of only one front and back loops!

So, if you still do not know how to perform garter and hosiery knitting, feel free (if you don’t know how, follow the link highlighted in blue) and start learning!

Before starting knitting of each row, do not forget to reshoot the first loop (hem) from the left knitting needle to the right knitting needle, without knitting (as in the picture below).

And we will talk in more detail about the ohms in the next knitting lesson.

How to knit knit stitches

Depending on how to knit the front loops, they are called classic (1st method) and "GRANDMY" (2nd method).

The classic knit stitch (fig. 1) always fits behind the front wall ,

"Grandmother's" facial (Fig. 2) - behind the back wall .

That's the whole difference! Knitting only front loops in all rows (or classic, or "grandmothers", but in no case mixing them) , we'll get CHARCOAL KNITTING.

Garter knitting, or garter knitting, in the old days was called "reps", "hazel", "string", "beds". In Russia, they were knitted with scarves, hence the name - "garter knitting".

Nowadays, garter knitting is used not only for making scarves, but also for knitting almost all products, both as a whole and in combination with other patterns.

Garter knitting is a double-sided knitting (it looks the same both from the front and from the seamy side), therefore it is often used when knitting scarves, hats, belts, straps, collars, where the seamy side is in plain sight.

If garter stitching is done with thin threads on thick knitting needles, we get a loose, almost openwork fabric. This technique can be used when knitting summer clothes, shawls.

Garter knit from colored stripes looks very nice (photo below). It turns out by knitting two rows of yarn with each color - front and back with front loops. True, the pattern is one-sided.

The first photo shows the front side of such a pattern, and the second shows the wrong side.

Garter knitting, made with classic front loops behind the FRONT wall, is most often used in knitting.

But if you need to get a denser knitting, knit "grandmother's" front loops behind the BACK wall. Although in this case it is not very convenient to knit them, and I never use this method.

And garter knitting can be done with only purl loops, only the structure of the fabric with this knitting method becomes looser and wider, no matter how tight we knit it. And knitting garter stitches with knit stitches is much more convenient.

How to knit purl loops

How to knit purl loops? Same as facial:


and "grandmother's" loops.

Only at the same time it is IMPORTANT to remember:

  • purl loop, made in a classic way, corresponds to a classic front loop;
  • to the purl loop, made in the "grandmother's" way, there corresponds the "grandmother's" front loop.

Otherwise, we run the risk of getting, which are also used in knitting, but not so often.

The video that I have selected to consolidate the lesson will help you better understand how to knit front and back stitches in the classic and "grandmother's" way.


How to knit front and back stitch

We will get hosiery (hosiery) if we knit one side of the product with front loops, and the other with purl. This is a one-sided knitting, which has both the front and back sides.

The front side of hosiery knitting is called FACE IRON.

Seamy side - PURPOSE STITCH, which resembles a garter stitch, but looks smoother and smaller than it.

Although hosiery has come to us from ancient times, it never goes out of fashion. Knitting is universal, as it is suitable for almost all products: men, women and children.

The smooth surface of the hosiery allows you to use it as a background for openwork and convex patterns, for ornaments and embroidery.

V hosiery a fairly simple technique is used. You just need to be able to dial loops and make facial and purl loops out of them.
The name of this type of knitting comes from the fact that it was used when knitting stockings in a circle using 4 knitting needles.

How to cast on loops:

To cast on loops, you need to rewind a certain amount of thread (from a thread equal to a knitting needle, you can cast about 15 loops). We put the thread on the index finger (one end of the thread should be to the left of the finger, and the second to the right), then we take the end closest to the thumb. We wrap it from the bottom of the finger clockwise, forming a loop. We tighten both the remaining ends of the thread (from the thumb and index fingers) and pinch the remaining ones: with the middle, ring and little fingers. With the other hand, the working one, we take the knitting needles and put them together. We pry them on the thread that goes from the bottom of the thumb. Next, we pick up the thread located on top of the index finger with knitting needles (it is located obliquely from the first thread). And we thread the knitting needles into the loop obtained next to the thumb. We are tightening. This is the first loop. The rest are recruited in the same way: we take a thread passing from the bottom of the thumb. Next, we pick up the thread that goes from above along the index finger. And we dive into the loop that formed at the thumb. We continue until the required number of loops is typed.
Then you need to pull out one knitting needle (we will knit it), on the second all the previously dialed loops will remain.

We introduce definitions and rules:

Let's agree that the first knitting needle is the one on which the dialed loops lie. The second knitting needle is the one with which we will knit the loops and dial the next rows.

  • We hold the first knitting needle in our left hand, the thread with which we will tie the loops, we place it behind the knitting needles and pull it over the index finger. We take the second knitting needle in the other hand.
  • You always need to move the first loop to the second knitting needle without knitting.
  • We always make the last loop with a purl.
  • Front loop - with the second knitting needle we pick up the loop from the side closest to us from below. Next, we grab the thread from the index finger, draw it into our loop, remove it. On the second spoke, a front loop is obtained.

  • Purl loop - place the thread on the index finger in front of the first knitting needle. We put the second knitting needle into the loop from above from the side closest to us. Next, we grasp the thread with a knitting needle and pull it out through the loop, remove it. It turned out to be a purl loop.

Hosiery technique:

1 row: knit loops; 2nd row: purl loops; 3rd row: repeat 1; 4th row: repeat 2.

Socks, blouses, stockings are usually knitted with hosiery. It is quite simple if you remember an important rule: even rows always run from the thread, and odd ones, on the contrary, tend to the thread.

We hope you succeed.

Smooth loops for you.

Share your result with us and leave comments.

If you want to learn how to make comfortable, comfortable and beautiful clothes with your own hands, then you should definitely master the art of hosiery. Its role among various types of knitting cannot be underestimated. A huge number of jumpers, sweaters, stockings, socks, hats, coats, napkins, other clothes, household items and interiors can be easily made by yourself using this method.

What is hosiery

What is the essence of this method? At the heart of any knitting is the alternation of front and back loops. What are they and how to do them?

It is very important to do the turns correctly, following the instructions, otherwise your product will differ from what you intended or from the original product in a magazine or in a picture.

So, a handicraft product made by the method we are considering has two rows: front and back. The first row contains the front bends, and the back row contains the purl. Hosiery also has synonyms - front and jersey.

How to make front loops

There are 2 ways. The first one is classic. In various sources, you can also find such analogs: "the first method", "bend for the front lobe", "knit the front, picking up the front." Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the curl is knitted behind the front wall.

The second way is non-classical... It is also called "grandmother's". You can find the names "second method", "crossed" and "knit the front, picking up with the needles from the back." As you may have guessed, in this method we pick up a loop on the back wall.

Usually in the manuals they mean knitting in the classical way. But you can knit using the "grandmother's" method, if it is more familiar to you. Scheme attached

How to make reverse (back) loops

Just as for the frontal, knitting the purl provides 2 tactics. The first is classic. The second is an alternative, "grandmother's". By analogy with the facial, you pick up the bend to the front wall in the first method and to the back wall in the second.

Important! If you have chosen one of the methods, then they need to do both frontal and reverse formation. When you knit the front line in the first way, and the purl - in the second, you will get a bunch with crossed loops - a "pockmarked" bunch. Your product will not match the original one. A diagram is also attached.

Knitting technique

Now that we have learned how to make loops, we can safely start the process. The pattern in the hosiery is quite simple. It contains 2 rows. The first one is all external bends, the second one is reverse. Then we repeat. In other words, all odd lines contain frontal loops, and all even ones contain purl. Again, remember how important it is to stick to one of your chosen knitting method.

We knit rows

First row: first we make an edge loop, which we then remove with a knitting needle, then we make the front one in one of the selected ways. Apply the last bend using the purl method.

Second: the first loop is edging. All the rest are shadow.

In this way, we make the number of stripes we need.

Description of the legend for understanding the circuit.

The last row must be closed:

  1. We cut off the resulting thread and fix its end in the edge pigtails with knitting needles.
  2. The resulting canvas must be twisted around the edges. To do this, the upper and lower edges are knitted with a pattern to shape it.
  3. The sides are sewn into the seams.

The side of the fabric facing the knitter with frontal loops is called the front stitch. The reverse side is called the purl stitch. It is darker than the front.

We have successfully mastered such a method as hosiery. Now you can please your loved ones with a beautiful and cozy thing, saturated with warmth and love. Good luck to you!

Cloth with front satin stitch, it is necessary to learn the skills of knitting front and back loops. Moreover, they can be knitted on any knitting needles - on two, five or circular. The front surface is an alternation of rows with purl and front loops. From the side of the latter, a smooth canvas will emerge.

Front loop. Cast on 20 stitches for the sample. Remove the first (hem) stitch on the knitting needle in your right hand. Then insert a knitting needle into the middle of the buttonhole, grab the thread behind the work and pull it out. At the same time, carefully remove the "old" loop with the index finger of your left hand. Repeat the same steps with subsequent loops.

Purl loop. Continue to work with the same pattern, especially since the next row will make it possible to knit purl loops. Remove the first buttonhole, which is the hem. Now translate the thread so that it is located in front of work. Insert a knitting needle into the middle of the loop, grab the working thread "away from you" and pull it through the same loop. After that, with the index finger of your left hand, gently discard the "old" used loop. Do the same for the rest of the loops.

Continue working through the pattern, alternating between the front (odd) and purl (even) rows. Work at least 20 rows for a smooth knit. To make the knit look perfect, you can process the pattern. To do this, wash it with a detergent suitable for the selected yarn. You can also make the sample smooth and even by holding it over the steam. After that, gently spread the piece (or product) on a flat surface and leave to dry completely.

Knitting the front surface in circular or slightly different. Cast on the needles the required number of loops. Begin knitting the first and each subsequent row with only knit stitches (no purl stitches). Please note that in this case there is no edge loop. Knitted, row by row, loops will give a canvas in the form of a front surface.

Helpful advice

To obtain the ideal smoothness of the fabric, it is advisable to use yarn with an even structure.


  • front surface

Facial loops are much more common. As a rule, the product looks smooth on one side and embossed on the other. In order to knit the front stitch correctly, it is necessary that the working thread is constantly behind knitting.

  1. The knitting needle and working thread should be in the left hand, and the empty knitting needle should be in the right. The tip of the right knitting needle is threaded into the first loop on the knitting needle in the left hand, from the front. The tip of the knitting needle in your right hand should be under the left knitting needle.

  2. The working thread of the left hand is thrown over the index finger. Then the working thread is hooked with the right needle in the direction to the right.

  3. The left hand constantly maintains the tension of the working thread, and with the right knitting needle the working thread is pulled through the loop on the needle in the left hand.

  4. Now there is a new one on the right spoke. The loop of the last row is dropped from the tip of the left spoke. It is worth noting that the knitted ones should remain on the right knitting needle, in contrast to the typesetting row.

All subsequent rows, starting from the second, when knitting, the front one follows in the same way as the first row.

  1. After you have knitted the entire row, you need to turn it over. The knitting needle is passed to the left hand.

  2. The working thread should come out of the extreme loop. To do this, follow the right knitting needle in the first loop and knit a row with front loops.

Having learned how to knit the front surface, you can easily knit in a strip.

  1. Knitting of the fabric is performed with front loops behind the front wall, while the shade of the thread should be changed every 2 rows, the thread in this case does not need to be cut off.

    There is also a second way of knitting the front surface - behind the back wall. In this case, the position of the fingers during knitting of the front surface behind the back wall, exactly the same knitting for the front: the edge thread is removed, a knitting needle is inserted into the next loop from right to left and, taking the thread from the index finger, is pulled into the loop, then a new loop is transferred from the left on the right needle.

  2. Taking a thread of a shade, it is necessary to knit with it an edge front loop. It is worth noting that this option refers to that rare case when the edge loop is not removed, but knitted.

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Any novice needlewoman should learn how to knit with hosiery. This pattern of knitted fabric will become the basis for many designs - from socks and mittens to pullovers and blankets. One side of this knitting is called the front, and the other is called the purl. You need to practice properly so that you get exactly the "smooth surface": even, one-to-one, stitches of hosiery on the canvas - this is an indicator of the art of any craftswoman.

You will need

  • - yarn;
  • - two straight knitting needles;
  • - circular knitting needles;
  • - a set of five stocking needles.


To begin with, master the front and back loops - it is their alternation that is the basis for performing hosiery. For a sample cast on 25-30 stitches on straight knitting needles. To make your knitting more visual, it is best to take large-diameter knitting needles (from No. 3.5) and thick white threads. So it will be easier for you to control the work process and make sure that all the loops are smooth and neat.

Remove the first loop untied - this will be the edge of your work. To get the next, front, loop, enter the working knitting needle from left to right into the loop on the left knitting needle; hook the thread on top and pull it through the loop.

You can make the front loop in another way: the right working needle enters the bottom of the loop (located on the left needle), then the thread is grabbed and pulled - a neat loop of the front row is obtained.

In one way or another, knit the front loops to the end of the row. Try to keep them the same size. When all the stitches on the right working needle have been knitted, turn the knitting over and start the purl row.

Place the thread over your index finger; make a movement with the working knitting needle to the left (the thread is between the left and right). Hook the thread from above and pull it through the loop. You can make a purl loop and in this way: the thread lies on the working needle and your index finger; the right knitting needle enters the loop on the left side of the work under the thread; the thread lies under the right knitting needle and stretches in the form of a loop. Tie the purl row in this way to the end.

So, you do only the front loops from the “face” (this is in stocking or front stitch), and from the wrong side - only purl loops (this type of knitting is usually called reverse stocking or purl stitch). Keep in mind that if you are working with five stockings (circular rows), then only knit stitches will be sewn in all rows to complete the hosiery.

Helpful advice

Usually purl loops are weaker than knit loops. To get an even, smooth knit, make the purl stitches slightly tighter than the face stitches. Please note that the knitted front and back stitch fabric is twisted around the edges. To make the bottom of the work even, it is usually done not with stocking stitching, but with a more fixed pattern (elastic band, garter stitch, "cat's teeth", etc.). If you need to measure the density of knitting, gently flatten the front stitch pattern on a flat surface and pin the corners with pins.

Knit stitch is the most popular knitting technique. Odd rows are knit, and even rows are purl. The result is a smooth, uniform surface.
The process of forming a cloth occurs by knitting loops from yarn using two knitting needles.

You will need

  • - yarn;
  • - knitting needles.


Knitting of any product or pattern always begins with a set of loops of the initial row. Cast on two knitting needles folded together. This is done so that the yarns stretch easily and fit well in the next row. When knitting sweaters, jumpers, shawls, scarves and other things, knit the first row from right to left. This will be the front side of the product, and pass the other row back. Get the wrong side. To create the front surface, knit odd rows with front loops, and even rows with purl.

Knit loops can be knitted in two ways:

Classic front hinge

Take the cast-on knitting needle in your left hand. Put the working thread over your index finger and start to work. Insert the right knitting needle into the first loop from left to right. Gently grab the tip of the warp thread and pull it forward.

English or grandma's loop

With this method, take a knitting needle with loops to be knitted in your left hand. Hold the working thread on your index finger behind the work. Insert the right knitting needle into the first stitch from right to left. Gently grasp the yarn and pull out the loop. Knit the front row to the end. Then turn the work and go through the next even strip with purl loops.

To do this, hold the knitting needle with the dialed loops in your left hand. The working thread must pass in front of the thing. Slide the right knitting needle underneath it and insert the tip into the loop from right to left. Grab the warp in front of the knitting needle and pull the yarn out from you. In this way, a purl loop is knitted behind the front wall.

If you are knitting a crossed purl loop, then leave the working thread in front of the product. Insert the right knitting needle from left to right towards you. Wrap the base yarn from bottom to top on the right knitting needle and pull the yarn over. In this way, a purl loop is knitted behind the back wall.
Continue working further, alternately knitting the front and back rows.

Knitting is the process of creating a fabric from yarn using two working needles. The action consists in pulling the working thread with the right knitting needle through each loop on the left knitting needle. As a result, a set of new loops is formed on the right knitting needle, giving an increase in the finished jersey.

If you have only recently learned to dial loops, then you should not tackle complex patterns right away, practice making neat front and back rows. For this, hosiery is best suited. With the help of it, you can hone the skill of a set of basic (facial and In addition, you will get a hand and will soon be able to knit so that they are all even. You do not need to think that this skill will not be useful to you. Beautiful and neat products you will have can only be obtained if you learn to knit the same loops.In addition, it is hosiery that will help you learn how to quickly work with knitting needles.

For those who are taking their first steps in mastering the technique of creating interesting things from ordinary threads, detailed instructions will come in handy. So, if you are interested in the technique of hosiery, then most likely you have already learned how to dial loops. Now is the time to find out what needs to be done next. So, cast on 2 knitting needles at least 20 or 30 loops. A smaller amount, although it will help to save a little time and labor, will not make it possible to create knitting patterns of suitable size on knitting needles, adequately assess the result obtained and work out the skills qualitatively.

With the required number of loops in, pull out one knitting needle and look at what you get. On the one hand (front), the work should be smooth, and on the other, a number of nodules have formed. Taking into account that knitting after a set of loops must be turned over, it is better to start the first row from the wrong side. Remove the first loop, in the next loop, insert the right knitting needle towards you, grab the thread that should go before work, and pull it into the loop. Do not forget to remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle. But this is not hosiery yet, this is just the first row.

Having turned the future canvas over, start working on the front side. Remember to remove the first loop, place the thread on the back of the garment. Now you need to figure it out, facial. Insert the right knitting needle into the second eyelet in front of its front wall, grab the thread and pull it through. As on the seamy side, do not forget to remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle after that. In this way, it is necessary to complete the entire row.

Having mastered the set of front and back loops, you will understand that knitting with knitting needles is quite simple. You just need to alternate the rows so that only front loops go on one side, and purl loops on the other. As a result, the drawing of the finished canvas looks like check marks on one side and like dashes-knots on the other. Starting with the purl loops, remember that you will have to knit all the odd rows this way, while the even ones will need to be knitted with the front ones. By the way, be prepared that the bottom of such a canvas will curl. That is why, when creating products, it is recommended to start with an elastic band or make a hard edge.

Hosiery helps to reveal all the mistakes of beginners. Too tight or, conversely, loose loops, their curvature and unevenness are striking from the front of the product. It turns out to get rid of them only over time, when you start knitting, without thinking about how, where and when you need to insert the knitting needle, grab and pull the thread. Then the process will go much faster, and the loops will only become neater.