Do 1 month. What procedures are required for the baby. month to baby - development

During the first month of life, the baby adapts to new conditions of existence outside the mother's womb. The child trains the muscular apparatus, twists with arms and legs, gradually stops taking the position of the embryo. The baby informs about his emotional state by crying or smiling. Today we will tell you what a 1-month-old baby should be able to do and what difficulties parents may face in the first weeks after the birth of a baby.

Growth and development of a baby 1 month old

In a month, the baby grows quickly, eats well and gains weight. Over the last week of his life, his body length increased by an average of 1.2 cm, and his body weight by 250-270 g (based on WHO data). The lower limit of weight for male babies at 1 month is 3.6 kg, the upper limit is 6 kg. For girls, the figures are slightly lower: they are 3.5 kg (lower limit) and 4.6 kg (upper limit). The head circumference increases by about 1.5 cm per month.

Table of indicators of child development at 1 month

If the weight or height of a month-old baby is significantly different from the norm, then the following factors may be the reasons:

  • the chosen feeding method (breast / artificial feeding);
  • the presence of problems when feeding the baby (child's refusal to breastfeed, allergies, insufficient milk lactation);
  • features of the course of pregnancy and the process of childbirth (for example, the child was born prematurely);
  • the child has a disease that affects height / weight parameters;
  • heredity;
  • ecology (the mother has bad habits, dangerous environmental factors).

Physical development of the child at 1 month

The first weeks of a child's life can be called a period of adaptation to independent life outside the mother's womb. Consider the most basic features of the physical development of a child that occur in the body of a baby at the age of one month.

  • After birth, the baby's circulatory system is rebuilt. There is an intensive blood supply to the liver and brain.
  • The immune system learns to make specific immunoglobulins to fight infections.
  • The kidneys adequately perform their first functions, but even up to six months they will be immature, and only after this time will they begin to fully function.
  • The respiratory system of the baby provides the tissues of the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.
  • The child's movements are becoming more and more confident: he can already smoothly bring the pen to his mouth or his face.
  • On the baby's nose, cheeks and forehead, white "grains of sand" - milia, which could be observed in the child after his birth, disappear.
  • Lying on his stomach, the baby turns his head and briefly tries to lift it from the surface, about 45 degrees. Some babies are able to hold their head at right angles and turn it slightly per month. The most active babies at this age make attempts to raise their head while lying on their back.
  • The wedge-shaped and posterior fontanelles on the baby's head begin to tighten. This is a very slow process and will take at least a few more weeks to close. The large fontanelle usually closes later; it takes about a year to ossify.
  • The skin of the crumbs in the first month continues to peel off a little, especially between the fingers. She is no longer as dry as she was after birth. If necessary, you can moisturize your baby's skin with a special hypoallergenic baby milk or cream marked 0+.
  • An important indicator of the health of a baby is a favorable healing of the umbilical wound. At the age of one month, it is covered with a crust and does not bleed. In the process of caring for the baby, the mother should monitor the condition of the navel, treat it with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green, and add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bathing water for disinfection.

Examination of the baby at 1 month

After discharge from the hospital, the child is visited by a local pediatrician or nurse. They provide care for newborns. In the first 4 weeks, the doctor will visit the baby at least 2 times, and the nurse 4 times.

From the moment the child turns one month old, the parents must come with him to the pediatrician's polyclinic every month for an examination. The doctor will assess the general condition of the baby, check for the presence of basic reflexes, feel the tummy, listen to the lungs and heart. In addition, the pediatrician weighs the baby, measures the length of his body, chest and head circumference.

Also, an infant at 1 month old should be examined:

  1. neurologist;
  2. ophthalmologist;
  3. orthopedist;
  4. surgeon.

If additional examinations were not carried out at the maternity hospital, then the child needs to undergo several more important studies - this is an ultrasound of the brain (helps to see the structure of the baby's brain), an ultrasound of the hip joints (necessary to exclude joint dysplasia), as well as an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys (for detecting / excluding the presence of violations in the structure of internal organs at an early stage).

As for vaccinations, the second vaccination against viral hepatitis B is given to the child in a month (the first vaccination is given to newborns in the first 24 hours after birth).

First achievements: what a month-old baby can do

SpeechExpresses discomfort by crying. Sometimes the baby makes arbitrary separate back-lingual sounds "k", "g".
HearingShudders at a sudden, harsh sound. Can focus briefly on adult voices and cradle sounds.
VisionFrom the bright light, squinting, while turning his eyes to its source. Fixes a gaze on a stationary object. He makes the first attempts to track objects moving within his line of sight.
EmotionsA baby at 1 month of age still sleeps a lot, waking up only to satisfy hunger or when he feels a wet diaper. during wakefulness, he opens his mouth when mom or dad gently address him.
Motor skillsThe movements of the arms and legs are slow and chaotic. Lying on its stomach, the baby raises its head for a few seconds and tries to hold it.

Physical activity and emotional development in 1 month

The development of the baby occurs every minute: both in the moments of wakefulness and sleep; when feeding, walking and bathing. But first of all, the child develops when communicating with his mother. The baby already knows how to recognize her, he hears her mother's voice, knows her intonation and reacts sensitively to all touches. If we trace the development of the child in the first month of life, then we can note the acquired reactions and skills:

  • hears and identifies the mother's voice among the other voices of adults;
  • can spend a short time lying on his stomach, while lifting his head and trying to keep it in this position;
  • begins to study the faces of relatives, tries to “keep up” with his mother or a moving rattle;
  • can determine the difference between light and twilight: from bright light, the baby squints his eyes and turns his eyes to its source;
  • listens to mom's voice or to the sounds of music, but not for long;
  • during wakefulness, the baby makes the first sounds, among them grunting, puffing;
  • at this age, the child prefers a sweetish taste, so he drinks breast milk with pleasure. But if mom ate something sour, bitter or salty, the taste of the milk will change and the baby may be dissatisfied with crying;
  • the baby's feelings during this period are contrasting - the child is either “very good”, and he spends this time in sleep and calmness, or he is emotionally “very bad”, and then he bursts into crying.

Development of a month-old baby - mom's experience (video):

Mental development of the baby in the first month

Psychomotor development in each child from the cradle takes place at its own pace. Here is a sample list of the achievements of a healthy baby in the first month of life:

  • lying on his back performs random isolated flexion and extension of the arms and legs;
  • looks at a light source;
  • fixes a glance on the face of an adult for a short time;
  • tries to follow a bright object (or face) slowly moving at a distance of 20-40 cm;
  • blinks and / or flinches when a sharp sound occurs;
  • listens to the ringing of the bell.

On a note! If your baby currently knows less than his peers, but at the same time his skills fit into the age norms, there should be no reason for mom to worry.

Reflexes of a healthy baby 1 month of life

Pediatricians call a reflex the body's response to a variety of stimuli. Parents can independently check how their child develops in the first month and compare the result with generally established norms. Physically strong and healthy newborn babies, as well as monthly babies, have the following reflexes:

  • grasping - the child tightly squeezes the fist when an adult touches his palm;
  • sucking - the baby is actively sucking on the breast, bottle or nipple;
  • protective - raises and turns the head to one side when laying on the tummy;
  • support reflex - if an adult supports the baby, he leans with his legs on the changing table;
  • crawling reflex - in the prone position makes attempts to crawl.

Important! If any reflex is completely or partially absent in the baby, the doctor can conclude that there are disorders in the functioning of the nervous system and the degree of their severity.

Neurological problems at 1 month - cause for concern?

It often happens that the alarming symptoms discovered by the doctor in the first weeks of a child's life disappear without a trace after a while. This is due to the fact that the child's nervous system has plasticity and the ability to heal itself. That is why the results of one inspection cannot be considered decisive. One can speak about a neurological diagnosis in the first month only after a series of visits to a specialist and conducted brain examinations, including:

  1. Ultrasound - for babies is done through the fontanelle and helps to assess the structure of the brain, as well as identify gross problems.
  2. EEG (electroencephalography) - in the process, the electrical activity of the brain is recorded. The method is mainly used to diagnose seizures / epilepsy in infants.
  3. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - according to the results of this examination, even small and "deeply hidden" defects can be detected;
  4. CT (computed tomography) - the method examines in detail the functions and structure of the baby's central nervous system.

Attention! If it seems to a mother that her child is really lagging behind in psychomotor development, it is worth immediately, without wasting time, to sign up for an unscheduled neurological appointment.

Caring for a monthly baby: daily regimen, gymnastics, massage

A mode with alternating sleep, wakefulness and feeding will be established in a healthy child independently in accordance with his physiology. Do not worry if the baby did not fall asleep on time, as it might seem. The biorhythms of newborns are well-adjusted, so the mother has to try to understand and maintain the rhythm of her child. By examining the child's behavior in a state of rest and anxiety, it becomes easy for parents to recognize the "demands" of their toddler.


A healthy child eats at least 8-9 times a day during the first month of life, drinking 60 ml of milk for each meal. Frequent latching to the breast is the main way to stimulate lactation. For mothers who practice breastfeeding, they receive 10-12 feedings per day. At the first sign of anxiety, the baby should be breastfed. This method is called demand feeding, or, in other words, "free feeding regime".

Important! Children should be fed only with breast milk per month, unless milk is objectively insufficient, or the pediatrician recommended feeding the baby with a formula. Also, the child should be offered warm boiled water with a temperature of up to 36 degrees, especially in the hot season.


The first month of life, the child spends most of the day in sleep - about 18-20 hours.

In infants during this period of life, five states are distinguished in which a baby can be:

  • deep sleep - the child is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing slowly and evenly;
  • shallow sleep - the child has uneven breathing, noticeably quickened, twitching of the arms and legs is observed, you can distinguish the movement of the eyeballs under the eyelids;
  • drowsy state - occurs most often while feeding a child or before falling asleep, characterized by half-closed eyelids;
  • wakefulness - makes movements with the whole body, is active, twists with arms and legs;
  • crying - denotes the discomfort that the baby feels. May be triggered by hunger, fear, or a wet diaper.

Bathing and hygiene procedures

Hygienic procedures for a child are carried out daily per month and include:

  • washing face, eyes, neck;
  • washing, changing the diaper;
  • care for eyes, nose, ears;
  • daily treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • combing and removing crusts on the head;
  • cutting nails.

The parents choose the mode of bathing the baby on their own, since the condition of the skin of the baby does not require a full daily bathing in the bath. It is imperative to carry out daily body wipes. Bathing in the full sense is enough only 2-3 times a week. To soften water, you can add herbal decoctions - chamomile and string. The use of solid / liquid soap is also determined individually, based on the sensitivity of the baby's skin.


Walking is essential for the health and proper growth of a baby's first month of life. The child takes the first breath of fresh air upon leaving the hospital. The duration and frequency of daily walks with parents in the first month depends entirely on the time of year and the temperature outside the window.

  • The first walks with the baby take only 10-15 minutes, the subsequent duration of being on the street gradually increases to half an hour.
  • In the warm season, the duration of the walk can be up to 1.5-2 hours.
  • In the cold season, when the air temperature is below 10 degrees, as well as in case of strong wind, rain, snowfall, it is not recommended to walk with your child for the first 2 months of life.

On a note! The system for regulating heat exchange in infants of this age is imperfect, therefore, the issue of walking in the cold season must be approached with all seriousness. When the weather is bad outside the window, it makes sense to take out the dressed baby for a few minutes to breathe fresh air on the balcony or arrange for him to sleep in a stroller with the window open.

Gymnastics and massage

From about the second or third week of a baby's life, it is worth starting to carry out air baths with him, as well as hardening and massage.

Gymnastics for a baby at 1 month of age (video instruction):

These procedures can be successfully combined in one procedure. To begin with, the child can be left for a couple of minutes in one light undershirt or undressed and covered with a diaper. At the same moment, begin to do light, barely perceptible stroking with your hands all over the child's body - arms, tummy, legs. Massage serves not only as a strengthening, but also as an affordable means for developing the muscles of a month-old baby. In subsequent times, it is necessary to massage a little longer in time - 5-7 minutes. If the baby calmly tolerates your touch and does not show dissatisfaction, you can include massage in your daily restorative procedure.

The little man has a whole life ahead of him, but this month - the first month of life - is the most important one. These four weeks are a time of special parenting responsibility. All of you, including the baby, get used to the idea that now his life is no longer in the womb, but in the real world.

Finally, what you have been waiting for and what you have been preparing for the last nine months has come true - you have become parents. A new life has entered your home - literally and figuratively. And from now on everything will not be the same as before. Now your personal universe revolves around a little man who has just been born and will proudly bear the title of a newborn for a whole month. The little man has a whole life ahead of him, but this month - the first month of life - is the most important one. These four weeks are a time of special parenting responsibility. All of you, including the baby, get used to the idea that now his life is no longer in the womb, but in the real world.

Physiology of a baby in the first month of life

At the moment when the baby is born, takes its first breath and makes the first cry (generic catharsis), his small body begins to actively rebuild, adapting to extrauterine life. The circulatory system changes, the more irrelevant red blood cells with the fruiting type of hemoglobin are destroyed, the digestive and endocrine systems begin to work differently, the skin, intestines and respiratory tract encounter bacteria previously unknown to them, and the immune system is activated to protect them. Your baby may lose about 10% of its weight in the first week of life. This is normal: for the first seven days, his body works with tremendous stress. The situation will stabilize approximately ten days after birth and the weight will begin to increase. Within 1 month, the child will add up to 600 grams.

Newborn sleep

The baby spends the first month of life almost entirely in a dream. He sleeps about 20 hours a day, and his fragile body, meanwhile, is doing a great job of adapting to extrauterine life. Newborns sleep, as a rule, on their backs, with arms bent at the elbows and legs bent at the knee joints. In newborns, there are three phases of sleep and two phases of wakefulness. Sleep can be deep (the child breathes evenly and calmly) and shallow (breathing can be confused, twitching of arms and legs is possible). Sometimes the baby does not sleep, but dozes (during feeding, for example). The time of wakefulness is characterized by active movements of the arms and legs. The child can lie still, which means that he is happy with everything. If he cries, then for some reason he is uncomfortable, which he is trying to tell you about.

Eating a baby's first month of life

Discomfort can be caused by intestinal spasms, bloating and colic - companions of almost all children in the first month of life. The digestive system adapts to new working conditions. Feeding is an extremely important issue in the life of a newborn (in fact, his whole life consists of eating and sleeping with short phases of activity). It is important to remember that there is no better food for a baby than breast milk and cannot be. Human milk is a storehouse of nutrients and microelements and the guarantor of the child's health. Up to six months, breast milk can be both food and drink for a baby, and there is no need for supplementary feeding with artificial feeding. Doctors recommend feeding the baby every 3-3.5 hours, that is, 6-7 times a day. It is better if you take a night break of 5-6 hours. Thus, from the first days of life, a regime will begin to form - an important condition for further correct physical and psychological development. Another option is also possible: to apply the baby to the breast when anxiety is manifested. In this case, you will get 10-12 feedings per day. As the baby grows, the interval between feeds will increase.

Do not forget that during feeding, along with milk, the baby also swallows air, therefore, before putting him back in the crib, you must give him the opportunity to regurgitate the air. To do this, you need to hold it with a column. If this is not done, the child may drown.

Psychology of a child of the first month of life

The psychological development of a person who has just been born is determined primarily by reflexes, which are called so - reflexes of a newborn. Some of them will disappear as they grow older, others will remain for life. These reflexes must be checked. Their presence is a sign of the psychological usefulness of the baby. In the first month of life, several basic reflexes are distinguished:

Sucking reflex. As soon as you give your baby a breast (or pacifier), he begins to make rhythmic sucking movements. This reflex is the most important for the life support of an infant in the first months of life. For premature babies, it is the occurrence of the sucking reflex that is considered an indicator of maturity.

The grasp reflex and the Robinson reflex. The child reflexively grasps everything that touches his palm, squeezing it. This reflex disappears at about the fifth month of life, and is replaced by a conscious grasping movement.

Reflex support and automatic walking. If you put the baby in an upright position so that the feet touch an even hard surface, he immediately straightens his legs and "stands" (with your help, of course, since he can stand on his own only at 8-12 months of life). If you tilt him much forward, shifting the center of gravity, he will begin to move with his legs, imitating walking.

Bauer's crawl reflex. If the child is put on his stomach and lightly pressed on his feet, he begins to make movements that imitate crawling.

Proboscis reflex. If you lightly and abruptly touch the baby's lips, he immediately sticks out them in the form of a kind of "proboscis". Just like the sucking reflex, the proboscis is associated with the most important process for full development - nutrition. Typically, the proboscis reflex fades away at 2–3 months of age.

Protective reflex of the newborn. If the child is put on his tummy, he will immediately turn his head to the side. Biologically, this reflex can be easily explained: turning the head allows you to breathe even in such an uncomfortable position for a newborn.

Babkin's palmar-oral reflex. If you lightly press the fingertips on the baby's palm, he opens his mouth and turns his head towards the stimulus.

There are other reflexes (Moro reflex, Perez reflex, Galant reflex), which are also checked without fail. Most of them fade away or transform by the end of the first year, when the baby's life becomes more conscious and reflexes are replaced by controlled movements.

And a little more about psychological development: by the end of the first month of life, the child begins to show positive emotional reactions. In the fourth week, he will already recognize you not only on an instinctive level, and, perhaps, will even smile at you - with his touching toothless smile! In general, the more and more often you smile at him, the sooner he will answer you in kind.

Raising a kid

The neonatal period is over, the period of infancy begins, which will last up to a year. At this time, the child is gaining weight, growing rapidly, and almost every day he has more and more new movements and skills. What you need to know about the developmental features of babies at this time and how can parents help them?

How to organize a baby's life at 1 month old

Now the child sleeps 17-19 hours a day, gradually getting used to his new life outside the mother's abdomen. During this period, some parents try to observe an approximate daily routine with their child: they start and end the walk at the same time, start swimming at the same hour, and so on.

Motor development of a child at 1 month

At this time, the child stops taking the posture with bent arms and legs, characteristic of the embryo, and begins to move with pleasure. In order to help the baby's muscles to develop, you can change his position when he is awake: put it on the side, then on the tummy.

Lying on their stomachs, monthly babies are already turning their heads, and some even manage to raise it and look around. Stroke your child more - he really needs tactile contact with his mother, including for feeling his own body. Remember that tight diapers interfere with your baby's development: babies who are tightly swaddled eat less well and begin to talk later.

How to play with a 1 month old baby

The kid at this time looks closely at the faces, gradually begins to distinguish the intonation of the voice and is interested in different sounds. Therefore, different rattles and bells will come in handy.

You can put jingling bracelets on your child's arms and legs, then he will begin to move more and pay attention to the fact that different things jingle differently. It is also good to briefly give him small toys in his pen so that the baby can feel their different shapes and textures.

Children in one month, by the way, can play on their own, listening carefully to the sounds around them, examining their hands (and sometimes being frightened by them), feeling new smells. Of course, mom should be nearby at this moment.

What can you teach a baby at 1 month

You need to work with a month-old baby no more than two minutes. In order for the baby to learn to follow objects and find them with his gaze, he can be shown a large toy, wait until he focuses his gaze on it, and then slowly take it aside so that the child’s gaze does not come off her. The same can be done with a rattle that makes a low sound.

What does a baby feel at 1 month old

A child can respond to your mood - if you smile at him, he will smile back, if he frowns, he may cry. The kid shows great interest in everything that happens around him - he already has a need for new experiences.

By the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of life, the child begins to form a complex of revitalization - a reaction to the approach of an adult. This is a smile, rapid breathing, babbling, bending and straightening arms and legs. In a month-old baby, you can notice some of the components of this complex.

What a baby at 1 month hears and understands

The kid listens with interest to the voices of adults, although he does not yet connect voices and faces with each other. By the age of 3 months, he will begin to distinguish between intonation and timbres, so it is important to talk to him, changing both: in response to a high voice, fast speech, the child can begin to move his arms and legs. And the gentle, gentle voice of the mother can calm him down.

Many experts advise children to turn on classical music for about 10 minutes a day, but not all kids like it, some get tired. You can turn on the child and the recordings of various musical instruments or play them yourself near his crib - also not for long. Constant conversations with a child lead to the fact that he actively enters into communication with an adult - snorts, squeaks, tries to babble.

Parents' task

At 1 month, the period of symbiosis between mother and child continues - the baby feels merged with the mother, the mother may complain that she is “stupid”: but this regression is necessary in order to better feel what the child needs now, what he wants. You need to know that the newborn crisis lasts about two months - the baby has already become accustomed to a new world for him, but has not yet fully got used to it, so he needs attention, communication and the mother's willingness to take him in her arms so that he feels safe.

The first month in a baby's life drags on for an incredibly long time! In any case, this is exactly how it seems to mothers who are next to the baby every minute, and often do not leave the house because of the cold or, conversely, the heat on the street. But this period is over and your baby has already changed. Have you noticed? What should be the correct development of a baby at 1 month old, and what useful skills should be developed today?

Every day your baby becomes more and more beautiful. The puffiness has already gone from the face, thanks to which its features became clearly visible. Now you can compare who the baby is more like, although this similarity may change several times.

Features of the physiology of the baby

A newborn baby 1 month no longer experiences the discomfort of muscle hypertonicity, which clenched the crumbs' fists and forced them to press the arms to the body. They move freely and unconsciously, since the baby has not yet learned to control them.

The umbilical wound has completely healed, turning into a real navel. And the baby's sleep at 1 month is so long that it allows the mother, finally, to feel a little more freedom in doing household chores. During the day, the baby will sleep at least 6 times, the total rest time will be 6-7 hours. For another 8-10 hours, the baby will sleep at night, perhaps without even disturbing you for night feeding. Even the most active crumbs of one month old are awake only 6 hours a day, and real sleepyheads rest all 20 hours.

Stool for a 1 month old baby is very individual. Some crumbs can please mom with a dirty diaper even after each feeding, up to 10 times a day. On average, the number of pooping is 4-6. There are also very restrained kids who empty their intestines every other day (this is especially true for artificial people). But if the baby is feeling well, he is not worried about the tummy, which is absolutely soft, then such rare bowel movements are normal for him.

The weight of a child at 1 month is also individual, as are the indicators of growth, head circumference.

The first weighing in the pediatrician's office at 1 month of the child's life will show the dynamics of weight gain and growth. Its indicators are growing, which means that the physical development of a child of 1 month of life is proceeding normally.

Basic skills

What should a baby be able to do at 1 month old? Eat and sleep? Not at all! The skills of a 1 month old baby are much more varied! The crumb is able to:

Features of care for proper development

Proper care of a 1 month old baby will ensure its correct development. What do you need to do? Just be there for all the time you can afford and respond to your baby's requests "at the first whistle." More often take him in your arms, talk, play. And do not pay attention to the advice of grandmothers and neighbors, who believe that such behavior will make the child an egoist. Just the opposite. Babies deprived of their mother's care are more likely to start screaming for no reason just to get her attention. The kid, who knows that mom will come at the first call, will not cry again.


To develop the child's attention and tactile skills will help:

  • large contrasting figures and bright toys of those colors that the baby can already distinguish;
  • black and white pictures with large spiral patterns or in the form of a checkerboard;
  • air balloons;
  • a mobile - or a children's carousel with large figures and music. Let the number of these figures be small, 3-4 pieces are enough;
  • developing mat or arch - you can play with the latter just in the crib.


For a 1 month old baby, development may well include baby swimming in a pool with mom and an instructor. You can also swim in your home bath. Buy an inflatable donut around your baby's neck and fill the bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Dip the baby into the water and help him get comfortable by holding it under the handles. For 3 times already, the child will gladly splash himself, moving in the water. And you can just be there.

Starting from 1 month of life, the development of the baby will be very active. Capture every moment armed with your camera. In a year you will be happy to look at the pictures, wondering how much your child could do!


The first month of a baby's life is magical and at the same time hectic. It is necessary in the first month of a newborn's life to learn how to feed, put to bed and understand his constant demands. And the beginning of a newborn's life is especially dense with them.

The first days of a newborn are pretty simple. All that really matters to him is to eat every few hours, sleep soundly and often, have a dry diaper and receive a lot of love. But for you as a new parent, caring for a newborn baby can seem a lot more difficult. Therefore, focus only on the main points and basic needs of the child.

Baby development 1 month of life

Your newborn is doing a little more than eating, sleeping, crying. You will find your child's reactions to things like light, noise, and touch. You will see that the senses are working hard.

Vision in the first month of a child's life

Your little one sees things best at a distance of 20 - 25 cm. This is the ideal distance for gazing into the eyes of mom or dad.

Their eyes are especially sensitive to bright light, so babies are more likely to open their eyes in low light.

Don't worry if your child sometimes squints or rolls their eyes. This is normal as long as your child's vision does not improve and the muscles in his eyes strengthen.

Let your child see many attractive things. Human faces, contrasting patterns, vibrant colors, movements - this is what newborns like the most. Your child will be interested in black and white photographs or toys longer than objects or paintings with many similar colors.

The child should be able to follow the slow movements of a face or object.

What can a baby hear up to 1 month old?

The child heard sounds while still in the womb. The mother's heartbeat, the murmur of her digestive system and even the sound of her voice are part of the baby's world before birth.

When a baby is born, the sounds of the surrounding world sound loud and clear. A child may be startled by the unexpected barking of a nearby dog, or calm down by the gentle hum of a hairdryer.

Notice how the newborn reacts to the voice. The voices of people, especially parents, are the favorite "music" for the child. If the baby is crying in the cradle, see how quickly your approaching voice soothes him.

Taste and olfactory sensations of the newborn in the first month

Babies taste and smell and will be attracted to sweet tastes rather than bitter ones. For example, a newborn will prefer to suck on a bottle of sweetened water, but will turn away or cry if given something bitter or sour to taste. Likewise, newborns will turn to the smells they prefer and turn away from the odors they don't like.

Research has shown that a mom's diet affects the taste of breast milk. These early flavors will help shape taste preferences later on. For example, a child whose mother ate spicy food while feeding is more likely to favor spicy foods.

Touch is important for a newborn. With every touch, the newborn learns life and its surroundings.

In the womb, babies are kept warm and protected, but after birth, for the first time, they feel cold, hot, and tight seams.

Make sure the newborn finds the outside world a calming place. Provide plenty of comfy clothes and soft blankets, gentle kisses, caresses, and comforting hugs.

From the moment babies are born, they begin to react to the world around them. Their reactions to a hug from their mother or a loud sound are examples of normal baby development.

Doctors use these factors to determine if development is progressing as expected. There is a wide range of what is considered normal, which is why some children acquire skills earlier or later than others.

What should a child be able to do at 1 month of life?

Newborn behavior

  1. Turns head towards parental voices or other sounds.
  2. Cries to inform him of the need to pick him up or feed him, change diapers or put him to bed.
  3. He stops crying when his desire is satisfied (the child was picked up, fed or put to bed).

Motor and physical development of the child in the first month

From the very beginning, the child has a set of reflexes designed to protect him and provide the necessary help, even if the parental instincts have not yet taken effect.

These early reflexes include the search reflex, which helps locate the breast or feeding bottle, the sucking reflex (helps to eat), the grasping reflex (the one that forces your finger to squeeze when it is placed in the baby's palm), and the Moro reflex (a nervous reaction that he experiences when he is afraid).

You can try a reflex test on your child, but remember that your results may differ and are likely to be less reliable than a doctor's test.

Emotional and social development of a child up to 1 month of life

  • calms down from the voice and touch of parents;
  • can concentrate for a short time.

Cognitive skills (thinking and learning)

  1. Looks at faces.
  2. Monitors the expression on the face of the parents.

Newborn care in the first month of life

If you haven't spent a lot of time around newborns, their fragility can be daunting.

Rules for caring for a child in the first month of life

  • be sure to wash your hands before handling the baby. Newborns do not yet have strong immunity, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure everyone who interacts with your child has clean hands;
  • be careful to support the baby's head and neck when carrying or placing in the crib;
  • do not shake the newborn, whether in play or in frustration. Violent shaking can cause intracranial bleeding and even death. If you need to wake up the baby, do not shake the baby. Instead, tickle your baby's feet or gently pat on the cheek;
  • make sure that the infant carrier, stroller or car seat is securely fastened. Limit any activity that might be too harsh or energetic for your little one.

Remember that a newborn at 1 month old is not prepared for rough play such as shaking or tossing.

How to care for a newborn in the first month?

Caring for a newborn at home includes feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, caring for the umbilical wound, trimming nails, bathing, and going to bed.

Feeding a newborn

How to feed her newborn in the first month, with a breast or a bottle, is up to the mother.

You may be confused as to how often to do this. It is generally advised to feed the babies on demand, that is, whenever he seems hungry. The baby may signal by crying, sucking on a fist, or smacking sounds.

A newborn baby should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If breastfeeding, allow your baby to breastfeed for about 10 to 15 minutes on each breast. If you are formula feeding, give about 60 to 90 milliliters for each feeding. For each individual baby, you can individually calculate the one-time volume of the mixture.

When feeding with formula, you can easily control the amount of food. But if you are breastfeeding a baby, it will be a little more difficult. If the baby seems satisfied, has about six wet diapers and stools several times a day, the baby sleeps well and gains weight well, then there is no shortage of food.

Before changing the diaper, make sure that all the accessories are within reach and you do not have to leave the baby alone on the changing table.

To change a diaper you need:

  • clean diaper;
  • diaper ointment if your baby has a rash;
  • a container filled with warm water;
  • a clean cloth, wet wipes, or cotton pads.

After each bowel movement, or if the diaper is wet, place your baby on the back and remove the dirty diaper. Using water, cotton pads and napkins, gently wipe the baby's genitals. When changing a boy's diaper, do it with caution, as exposure to the air can provoke urination.

When wiping the girl, wipe the perineum from the labia to the bottom to avoid a urinary tract infection. Apply an ointment to prevent and treat the rash.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing a diaper.

A rash in the diaper area is a common problem. As a rule, it is red and convex. After a few days, it will disappear when bathing in warm water, using a cream under a diaper and with a little time spent without it. Most rashes are caused by skin sensitivity, irritated by a wet diaper.

To prevent or treat a rash in the diaper area, try a number of ways:

  1. Change your baby's diaper often and as soon as possible after a bowel movement.
  2. After washing, apply the "barrier" cream. Zinc creams are preferred as they form a moisture barrier.
  3. Leave the baby without a diaper for a while. This allows the skin to take an air bath.

If the rash in the diaper area persists for more than 3 days or appears to get worse, see your doctor. The rash can be caused by a fungal infection that requires medication.


You will change your child's clothes many times a day.

Here Here are some tips to help make your job more enjoyable - for the baby and for you:

  • start with comfortable clothes. Look for stretch fabrics; wide necks; loose sleeves, cuffs and ankles; buttons, snaps, or zippers on the front of the garment, not the back. Lace may look adorable on your little girl, but it can be prickly or even confuse toddler's fingers, so save it for special occasions;
  • attach a bib if the baby spits up regularly. After all, it is much easier to replace it than clothes.

Umbilical wound and circumcision care

Taking care of your umbilical sore is very important. Experts suggest wiping the area with alcohol until the umbilical cord dries up and falls off.

The baby's navel area should not be immersed in water until the umbilical cord falls and the area heals.

Check with your doctor if your belly button area turns red, smells unpleasant, or if you have discharge.

If a boy is circumcised, immediately after the procedure, the head of the penis is covered with gauze smeared with petroleum jelly so that the wound does not stick to the diaper. After changing the diaper, gently wipe the head with clean warm water, then apply petroleum jelly. Redness or irritation of the penis should heal in a few days, but if redness, swelling, or pus-filled blisters develop, see your doctor right away.

Nails were growing even before the baby was born, so a manicure can be done in the first week of life. This procedure should be carried out every 2 to 3 days in the first month, until the nails harden and stop growing so quickly.

When trimming, hold your baby's toe by pushing the tip of the toe down and away from the nail. Cut the nails gently following the natural curve of the nail. Make sure that you do not cut too low and do not make sudden movements. Keeping tiny toes on your toes, trim your nails straight without rounding to the edges. Remember that nails grow more slowly on toenails and therefore require less maintenance.

Although you will not feel very well, try not to worry if you hurt your child. This happens to all well-meaning moms. Cover the wound with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth or gauze pad and the bleeding will stop soon.

Bathing basics

You should wipe the baby with a soft sponge before the umbilical cord falls off and the navel is completely healed (1 to 4 weeks).

Prepare the following items before bathing the child:

  • clean soft washcloth;
  • mild baby soap and odorless shampoo;
  • soft brush for scalp massage;
  • towel or blanket;
  • clean diaper;
  • fresh clothes.


To do this, select a flat, safe surface in a warm room. Fill the sink, if there is one, or the bowl with warm water. Undress your child and wrap a towel around him. Wipe your baby's eyes with clean cotton balls dipped in water. Movement should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.

Use a separate cotton ball for each eye. Wipe your baby's ears and nose with a damp cloth. Then blot the cloth again and, using a little bit of soap, gently wash your face and pat dry.

Then lather your baby shampoo and wash your baby's hair gently. Try to rinse off the foam as thoroughly as possible. Use a damp cloth to gently wipe your body, especially pay attention to the armpit folds, areas around the neck, behind the ears and in the genital area. Then you need to dry your skin, put on a diaper and clothes.

When your child is ready to take a bath, the first baths should be short-lived.

A baby bath will be added to the accessories listed above. A baby bath is a plastic tub that fits in a large tub. It is the best size for toddlers and makes bathing easier.

Make sure that the water in the bath is no more than 5 - 7 cm deep. Undress your baby in a warm room, then immediately place him in water to prevent chills. Slowly lower the baby up to the chest into the tub, holding his head with one hand.

Use a washcloth to wash your face and hair. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips or a soft baby brush.

When rinsing the shampoo or soap off your baby's head, place your hand on your forehead to keep the lather flowing to the sides so the soap does not get into your eyes.

Gently wash the rest of your child's body with water.

During the entire bathing, constantly pour water on the child so that he does not catch a cold. After bathing, immediately wrap the baby with a towel, make sure that it covers his head.

Hooded baby towels are great for keeping your freshly washed baby warm.

When bathing a child, never leave him alone. If you need to leave the bathroom, wrap your baby in a towel and take it with you.

Sleep basics

A newborn who seems to need you every minute of the day actually sleeps for about 16 hours or more. Newborns usually sleep for 2 to 4 hours. Don't expect him to sleep all night long. Babies' digestive systems are so small that they need food every few hours, and crumbs should wake up if they haven't been fed for 4 hours.

Put your baby to sleep on a back or on a side to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Also, remove all fluffy items, quilts, sheepskins, stuffed animals and pillows from bed to make sure your little one does not get tangled up in them or suffocate.

Also, in order to prevent one-sided flattening of the head, do not forget to alternate the position of the baby every night.

Many newborns have “confused” days and nights. They tend to stay awake at night and sleep more during the day. One way to help them is to keep nighttime excitement to a minimum. Keep the lights low using a night light. Talk and play with your baby throughout the day. When your baby wakes up during the day, try not to sleep a little more, talking and playing.

Encouraging the Newborn to Learn

As parents take care of their newborn, he learns to recognize touch, the sound of a voice, and the appearance of faces.

In the first weeks, you may have several simple, age-adapted toys that develop hearing, vision and tactile sensations.

  1. Rattles.
  2. Kids toys.
  3. Musical toys.
  4. Unbreakable bed mirrors.

Try toys and mobiles with contrasting colors and patterns. Strong contrasts (such as red, white and black), curves and symmetry stimulate the development of a child's vision. As their eyesight improves and children gain more control over their movements, they will interact more and more with their environment.

While the focus these days is naturally about keeping the baby healthy, it gets much more difficult if the mom doesn't stay healthy on her own. Therefore, make your health a priority in the first month after giving birth. A short fifteen-minute nap will allow you to refresh yourself a little.

Store stocks of readily available but nutritious foods such as cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits, and prepared vegetables so you can eat often. Know that your nutritional needs will be higher if you are breastfeeding your baby.


When your baby is 1 month old, he needs to be fed at least 6 times a day. Try not to be too strict about feeding time, let your baby determine how much and how often he wants to eat.

Let your baby sleep enough at 1 month, be sensitive to his signals.

Even at this early stage, try to put your baby in his crib when he is tired but still awake. Most young babies go to bed shortly after feeding and their sleep window can be very short.


Perhaps you will see early smiles when the newborn is one month old. But most likely this will be due to their reflexes, and not to the reaction. Closer to six weeks, the baby will give a true smile. Many babies develop colic at the age of 1 month.

Motor skills of a child at 1 month

A 1 month old baby will be stronger than a newborn. He may be able to raise his head for a short time when he is standing upright or lying on his stomach. Perhaps he can even turn her from side to side. But you still need to give him support.

Your child also becomes more expressive and may start gurgling when they see family members. Be sure to respond to his efforts to encourage these communication skills.

How to develop a baby at 1 month old?

  • provide the child with daily laying out on the tummy. This will help develop muscles in the neck and upper torso;
  • play music and try not to filter your child's world. While it may be tempting to tiptoe around the house while the baby is sleeping, it can lead to the baby becoming sensitive to environmental noise. Babies who come to families where there are already many small children do not react to the noise of the house and learn to adapt, because they have to.

All children are unique and develop at their own pace. Development recommendations simply show what the baby can do. And if not at the moment, then in the very near future.

If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor for suggestions about possible solutions that will help you and your baby grow together.

The development of a baby, especially in the first month of life, is very important. The intervals of wakefulness during this period are small, so it is important to build a baby's schedule so as to accommodate the necessary activities. It is important to correctly prioritize and choose activities that will focus on psychomotor development, physiological development, and the development of the sense organs.

What a 1 month baby can do

For a child at this age, first of all, the constant presence of the mother nearby and breastfeeding is important. However, we must not forget about other elements of development, including swimming, walking, and so on. Parents are interested in what a 1-month-old child should be able to do. A baby by one month old can:

  • Make micromotions, actively move your arms and legs;
  • Cry and smile;
  • Recognize the voice, smell and touch of mom;
  • Distinguish between bright colors, checkered and striped patterns;
  • Focus on the face of an adult or on a bright, stationary object;
  • Follow a moving object;
  • Pronounce sounds to the beat of the speaker's speech and distinguish the features of sounds;
  • Raise and hold the head for a few seconds while lying on your stomach.

It is important for parents to provide proper care for the baby, because this is the key to the successful development and good health of the child.

Proper baby care at 1 month

Feeding... In the first month, it is important to establish breastfeeding, because only breast milk satisfies 100% of the baby's food and drink needs. It contains the necessary vitamins and useful elements that ensure the full physical development of the baby. Latch your baby frequently and feed on demand.

In the first month, the number of feedings can reach up to 20 times a day, 3-4 of which occur at night. Do not limit the duration of feeding or weaning until the baby is full. To protect the child from health problems and maintain a good lactation level, a nursing mother needs to follow the rules of nutrition when breastfeeding.

Sleep and wakefulness. In the first month, the baby sleeps most of the day, sleep is 20 hours. In the moments of wakefulness, the child needs not only to be fed, but also developed. Play and walk with your baby, read books and tell stories. Spend this time next to the baby while he is awake. For a baby in the first month, bodily and emotional contact with the mother is very important, because it has a positive effect on the psychomotor development of the child.

Bathing has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the child, because it strengthens the immune system and muscles. Light exercise in the water will help develop a sense of balance and vestibular apparatus, straighten fingers, arms and legs. Regular bathing improves the functioning of internal organs, stimulates blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure. So that the baby is not afraid of the water, for the first time, start lowering him from his heels and do it carefully. Start bathing for 10-15 minutes and gradually work up to 40 minutes.

It is important to maintain a comfortable temperature in the water and bathroom so that the child does not overheat or overcool. You need to start bathing at 37 degrees above zero, then lower the water temperature by 1 degree every four days. Pediatricians recommend starting hardening not earlier than 3-4 months from the date of birth. You will find useful exercises for babies in the water at the link /.

Walking with a newborn, they begin within 7-10 days after birth, if the weather is warm outside. At temperatures below 10 degrees, it is better to postpone going outside. The first walks should be no more than 20-30 minutes. Gradually increase the time to 2-2.5 hours. This is a good time for walking in warm and calm weather. In frost and heat, the walking time is up to 40 minutes. In hot weather over 25 degrees Celsius, do not walk with your baby between 11 and 17 o'clock, as the sun is most active and dangerous at this time.

Walking in the fresh air stimulates blood circulation, improves sleep and increases appetite, and temperature changes contribute to hardening. The baby grows healthy and kind, the baby cries less, eats well and sleeps peacefully. However, it is important to choose the right clothes. Read what to take with you for a walk, and how to dress a newborn for the weather.

Hygiene- the most important element in baby care. Compliance with hygiene standards and cleanliness around will help to avoid health problems in the newborn. Bathe your baby every day and wash your face twice with water, wipe your eyes with damp cotton pads, trim your nails, and change diapers every two to three hours. It is important that your baby is clean and dry.

Use wet and dry wipes and air baths. Ventilate the room regularly in the absence of the baby and carry out wet cleaning. Don't forget about your hygiene too. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before each feed.

Massage favorably affects the mental and physical development of a small child, calms and relaxes, relieves stress and improves sleep. You can start massage as early as 4-5 days after the baby is born. However, keep in mind that tummy massage cannot be done until the umbilical wound has healed! This usually happens by two months.

Physical development

From the first minutes after birth, the body begins to gradually adapt to new environmental conditions. Today, doctors recommend immediately applying the baby to the breast, as this has a positive effect on the physical development of the baby and on the development of lactation in the mother. In the first 12 hours, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis B, and within a week - against tuberculosis. A month later, hepatitis is re-vaccinated.

Often, in the first week after birth, the baby loses about 10% of its body weight. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs due to the adaptation period and the restructuring of the internal organs of the baby. Only by the second week the baby's condition stabilizes, he becomes calmer and begins to gradually gain weight. Let's take a closer look at the indicators that a baby should have by one month.

Note that in the first month of life, the rate of weight gain is 90-150 grams per week. Thus, by the first month, the weight of the newborn increases by an average of 400-600 grams compared to the weight at birth. How to correctly calculate the rate of weight gain in children under one year old, read.

Psychomotor development

Children have several innate reflexes, including sucking, grasping and searching. So, when holding a finger or a nipple around the mouth, the baby makes sucking movements with her lips. In addition, the child grasps what touches the palm and turns his head when stroking any part of the body.

When a newborn hears a sudden or loud sound, he spreads his arms and legs to the sides and pulls them back. Lying on his tummy, he makes swimming movements. And if you take the baby in your arms so that the legs slightly touch the surface, he will begin to make movements that imitate walking.

By the third week, the baby begins to copy the active movements of the mother's facial expressions. Remember that the infant intuitively senses the emotions of adults. If mom or dad feels comfortable, then the child behaves calmly. If they are irritated or angry, the newborn becomes anxious, crying, and naughty. And by the fourth week, “speech” begins to develop, when the baby makes snorting and squeaking sounds.

To develop motor skills and speech, you need to regularly talk to the baby with a voice, facial expressions, and gestures. It is also important to support the development of the senses. You can develop eyesight with the help of bright and colored toys that are held out to the child, hung over the crib or in the stroller. For the development of the auditory organs, you can not only talk with the baby, but also let them listen to music. The more varied it is, the better.

Play with your child, tell stories and sing songs. It develops vision and hearing, motor skills and concentration while listening, has a beneficial effect on the mental state and well-being of the baby.

Development of a premature baby

A baby is considered premature if it was born before 260 days of pregnancy. There are many reasons for premature birth. These are the health problems of the mother, the wrong lifestyle, previous abortions, stress, etc.

In a premature baby, thin skin and reddish wrinkled skin can be observed. External differences from children who were born on time disappear by the year. The differences are not more noticeable in external signs. Early children learn skills and abilities a little later. So, in case of premature birth earlier than a week of pregnancy, the child may lag behind in development by 1.5-4 months.

In the first month, a premature baby has poorly developed congenital reflexes and lack of mobility, lethargy and decreased muscle tone. These children gain weight slowly. Until the baby learns to feed on its own, he receives food through a special tube.

To ensure the correct psychomotor and physical development of a premature baby, it is important to pay increased attention to it and carefully monitor the functioning of each organ. With proper care, the baby's condition is close to normal by 12 months after birth.

  • Try to establish breastfeeding, because mom's milk is the best way to increase immunity in a premature baby. Breast milk provides strength, weight gain and accelerates early infant development. No milk formula can replace milk! Therefore, if lactation has already begun, express milk and feed your baby through a bottle or tube. Offer the breast to the baby regularly to develop the sucking-swallowing reflex;
  • Pay attention to the room climate, keep an eye on the humidity, and avoid drafts. The temperature in the premature baby's room should be slightly higher. In ordinary babies, it is 18-24 degrees above zero, in premature babies, the indicators vary within 22-25 degrees;
  • Dress your baby warmer if he weighs less than 2 kg. Otherwise, the baby should be dressed in the same way as a normal newborn;
  • Bathing for children weighing less than 1.5 kg can be started after two to three weeks. In other cases, you can bathe your baby as early as 7-10 days. In this case, the water temperature should be 38 degrees, and in the bathroom - at least 25;
  • Walks begin only in warm weather 12-14 days after birth. The first walk should be short at 10 minutes, then increase the time to 1.5 hours. During cold weather or hot weather, it is better to postpone going outside;
  • The doctor should draw up an individual vaccination schedule, since in the first month of life, a premature baby seriously increases the risk of infectious diseases;
  • Massage will bring invaluable benefits to a premature baby, because almost 50% of these babies begin to gain weight faster. Light simple touching and stroking has a positive effect on the well-being and physical condition of the baby. The massage can be started as early as the second week of life. And after 1-1.5 months, they begin to do special gymnastics.