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What functions perform saliva?

Salus is very important for our body, because thanks to its antibacterial properties, it destroys infectious bacteria in the oral cavity, and also helps chewing and swallowing food. However, it often happens that salivation exceeds the permissible norms, and the person begins to experience discomfort. The scientific language is called hypersion, i.e., increased saliva selection. Especially this annoying nuance causes irritation at night - you see that there is nothing pleasant in waking up on a wet pillow. There is no serious problem in involuntary salivation, but, nevertheless, a person feels uncomfortable, waking up on a wet pillowcase. And such an inconvenience makes looking for an answer to the question why in a dream the saliva flows from the mouth. What is it connected and how to deal with it? First of all, you should not panic - no danger to health does not carry such a feature. This is more an aesthetic problem, and first need to reveal the reason for the increased salivation in a dream to understand how you can fight.

What are the reasons can the saliva flow?

The reasons for the selection of saliva during sleep may be somewhat, and often they depend on the age of a person. In some cases, to get rid of this trouble will help the change of position, and in some without treatment it is not necessary. But first things first.

Physiological features. Sometimes the cause of hypersion lies in the structure of the mouth, when during sleep the jaw relaxes and abundant salivation occurs. Especially if a person sleeps on his side. You can fight this by having to sleep in another position, for example, on the back. And necessarily breathe only through the nose.

Rubble. This is one of the most common causes of saliva selection in a dream. And it does not matter what kind of character is a runny nose, a cold illness or allergic. The result is one: due to the location of the nose mouth during sleep, it opens spontaneously and from it begins to flow the saliva abundantly. Here is only one way out: treat a runny nose.

Problems with teeth. When a person has problem teeth, an infection appears in the mouth, as a result of which abundant salivation occurs during sleep. In this case, you need to visit the dentist. A similar problem is observed in infants, but it is connected with the teething of the teeth and is solved with the help of drugs for the gums.

Chronic diseases. There are often cases when saliva is distinguished in a dream due to the fact that the inflammatory process occurs in the body. For example, if there is a problem with the gastrointestinal tract and an increased selection of acid is observed. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

The curvature of the nasal partition. Another reason for hypersion, when due to this pathology, the nose is often laid out, which provokes saliva selection. In this case, the change of position in a dream does not help, the mouth will still automatically be opened due to the lack of oxygen. Exit from this situation will help to find an otorhinolaryngologist.

Nervous system. Increased salivation in a dream can occur in the event that a person has a violation of the nervous system due to a long-term intake of antibiotics. In this case, it is recommended to consult with a neuropathologist, which will replace drugs on less aggressive analogs, or will help to find another treatment.

Bad habits. When smoking, oral receptors and salivary glands are annoyed, and nicotine provokes additional saliva selection. Because of this, smokers are very often encountered with the problem of abundant salivation in a dream. If it is not possible to get rid of the bad habit, then you need to at least smoke before bedtime.

An extraneous object in the mouth. It happens that the cause of hypersion is the foreign body in the oral cavity, such as dentures or braces. They often annoy the nerve endings of the gums, as a result of which the saliva begins to stand out on the reflex level. In such cases, you can try to change the pose and breathe your nose.

Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a hormonal restructuring of the body occurs, and there are cases of cases where future mothers suffer from abundant salivation during sleep, especially at the stage of toxicosis. If a similar problem begins to annoy, it is necessary to report this to a doctor who will control this situation.

How to deal with saliva selection during sleep?

If the cause of hypersion was in any disease, then it is not necessary to engage in self-medication, and you need to follow the instructions of the doctor. If no specialist detected any pathologies, it means that the problem of heavy salivation during sleep lies in physiology. That is, in particular the structure of the jaw. There are a number of recommendations that may not solve the problem completely, but will help significantly when combating this trouble and reduce saliva selection at night.

Try to deal with bad habits, such as smoking.

Do not use excessively sharp dishes, as well as limit the use of salt.

A wonderful astringent has a quince, so drink more iswa juice.

If you take any drugs, do not exceed the dose assigned to you.

Wechit the mouth of herbal influences from the bark of oak, chamomile, sage, chaybird and wormwood.

Do not drink any fluid before bedtime - it will help to reduce salivation.

Contact your specialist who will assign a course of respiratory gymnastics.

It is important not to forget that the salivary glands are constantly produced, since their main function is to protect the oral cavity from drying out, moisturizing the nasopharynk, throat and language. And if there is any problem, saliva begins to be produced automatically, protecting the body from dehydration. There is no serious problems with the overabundance of salivation, but, nevertheless, makes a person who experience discomfort. Therefore, the operation of the salivary glands must be adjusted.

The other day I came to me a letter in which a woman of 46 years old asks the question: "What should I do in a dream from your mouth?" Reply, I decided in the form of a new record, as such a question has not yet been raised. So, it will be useful to everyone.

The problem of abundant salivation in a dream, her doctors call hypersivia, inherent in many. Probably each of us, waking up at night to roll over on the other side, or for some reason, discovered that near the mouth literally lake saliva. And the hostess, when the pillowcases erase, can see the divorces on the fabric from the former night salisants.

What is the reason

In the first place, doctors put problems with a curved nasal partition. In men, the noses are often swollen, especially in bulky. So, the saliva they flow from the mouth in the dream when they sleep on the side that is better breathing. In general, we all have one nostril breathing better than the second. You can check yourself. So, and the saliva we let us go exactly when we are lying better breathing nostrils to the pillow. Check out!

There may still be a problem due to lymphoid formations - granules that significantly increase the amount of mucus. These granules are also called almondliki tissue.

How to treat salivation of oak bark

This is the easiest and most effective means, friends! Just buy in a pharmacy Coru Oak, in the package. Read recommendations for brewing and cozy mouth and throat. Procedure do as follows. Keep the first sip in the mouth and how would chase infusion between the teeth, as if after cleaning the teeth.

Then spice and the second sip, we have a throat, like with an angina. Then sleep. The last sip is like the first. Sometimes this procedure is enough so that the saliva cease to flow.

Smaller water before bed

What else can you rinse your mouth

You can also try rinse your mouth before bedtime, vanity, and cloves, cloves.

That's all the information. I hope that this problem is permitted by everyone. Try, wechit the mouth and sleep in dryness, not shining in the next puddle on the pillow!

Almost each of us had to be encountered with saliva during sleep. This phenomenon today is not uncommon. It can occur both with children and with adults. But if for kids salivation during sleep is only a funny episode, then for an formed organism, this is an explicit alarm. Wet sheets and pillows are just a small part of the unpleasant moments. The main danger is considered the high risk of choke.

Why, when you sleep, teach saliva from my mouth? We will try to figure it out.

Each person has salivary glands. They produce the formation of saliva necessary to split food. In the afternoon, it is produced reflexively as a response to pleasant flavors, if desired, dine or dinner. At night, the secret also continues to be made, but in much smaller volumes. In the event that a saliva flows during sleep, and it happens intensively and regularly, you can talk about hypersalization.

The main causes of this disease are:

  • bulbarium and pseudo-burglar syndrome with a lesion of the cerebral cortex (the worse the stage of the disease, the more salivation in the dream);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis, gastritis, erosion, ulcers, hollystitis (in this case, saliva provides protection for mucous membranes, diluting an increased concentration of gastric acid acid);
  • the diseases of the gums and the oral cavity, including stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis (saliva flips an infection of the mouth);
  • diseases of the central nervous system, in particular, stroke, Parkinson's disease, trigeminal neuralgia (as a result of such ailments, there are violations of the center of salivation);
  • oncology, poliomyelitis, vascular pathology (especially actively salivary channels begin to work after the effects of radiation therapy);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, malfunction in the work of the endocrine system.

Why in a dream flow saliva from mouth?

Also, this can occur as a response to the reception of some pharmaceutical preparations, for example, on ascorbic, nitrazepam, drugs with lithium content. In this case, the problem is solved by a decrease in dosage of tablets or their complete cancellation.

Why the problem arises exactly in a dream

If you find that you have saliva while sleeping, then the reason for this may well be:

  • sleep disorders;
  • curvature of the nasal partition;
  • asthma or allergy;
  • nasal congestion.

In such cases, abundant release of overly liquid saliva occurs exclusively at night. At the same time, a person does not suffer from a similar illness. It is customary to talk about night hypersiviation.

It happens so that a completely healthy person at night also flows a lot of fluid from the mouth. Disposable salivation during sleep can happen if a person is very tired over the past day, quickly disconnected and completely relaxed. The jaws were opened, and saliva began to flow out. In such situations, there is absolutely nothing to fear. This is a completely understandable and extremely rare phenomenon that does not bear any threat.

If the night go to smoke or just eat, and then quickly fall asleep, then at night you can also see wet sheets. But this is not connected with pathologies, serious diseases or consequences for the body.

Possible complications

Why do you flow saliva while sleeping in adults? How many of you asked such a question? We have already talked about the likely causes of this phenomenon. It's time to discuss the effects of abundant salivation and probable complications.

One of the most common among them is a damage impairment. While a person sleeps, his saliva is actively standing out and flows out. The pillow and postwall quickly wet, and continue to contact with the face and body of sleeping. Since bacteria contains in saliva, they quickly begin their reproduction. Violation of the epidermis and the formation of purulent infection can occur. For teens it is dangerous with the appearance of rash.

The dehydration of the body can be a dangerous side effect of excessive night selection of saliva. Under normal conditions and without pathologies, about 1.5-2 liters of saliva is distinguished during the day. In case of violations per day, up to 10 liters of fluid can be isolated. It can lead to dehydration, which adversely affects the state of the whole organism and can even cause his death.

In addition, hypersivation brings tangible discomfort and psychological irritation leads to sleep disorders. In the case of abundant salivation, a specialist counseling is required (a doctor-dynologist) and immediate treatment.

Treatment of hypersion

Pain the correct treatment will help the therapist. It is necessary to contact him first. It will give directions to narrow specialists, including a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a dentist, and will also write directions to the diagnostic study and the delivery of laboratory tests (verification of worms).

In some identified diseases, special drugs are prescribed that help reduce saliva production. These include:

  • Skopolamine;
  • Riabal;
  • Platifille and others.

To begin receiving such drugs on their own without prior consultation, the doctor and the diagnosis of the body cannot be. Otherwise, you can get a number of consequences or side effects. In addition, the data of the tablets help to get rid of the abundant production of saliva only for a while. To completely get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to identify the reason for its formation and eliminate it. It should be started with the treatment of the oral cavity. Cryotherapy and homeopathy has proven well. They are practically harmless to health and effective in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment of abundant salivation surgical operations

In particularly severe cases, a surgical operation may be appointed. In this case, particularly large variety of salivary glands can be removed. The operation is quite complicated and able to lead to certain consequences. In case of damage to the facial nerve, it is possible to seriously disrupt the symmetry. The decision to intervene the surgeon and the feasibility of such actions is taken only by an experienced and highly qualified specialist.

The operation helps stop abundant salivation for a period of up to 8 months. This is not a radical measure. It is impossible to completely get rid of this way from the illness. Therefore, in any case, you need to start with the body examination and its traditional treatment.

Remember that saliva not only prevents comfortable sleep and rest, but also threatens human life. It can easily choose a sleepy person. To prevent the consequences of hypersion, we recommend not to tighten and make an appointment with a professional therapist who can find the cause of the malfunction in the body.

Excessive selection of saliva can be caused by the infections of the oral cavity, neuromuscular diseases, using some drugs, or poorly fitted dentures. The saliva is a watery secret, which is produced in salivary glands, including the parole gland, submandibular gland, sublingual glands and small salivary glands in the cavity and mucous membrane of the mouth. Salus consists of water, electrolytes, mucin, glycoproteins, salts, poultry, etc. It lubricates the oral cavity, and also helps to moisturize food in the process of chewing.

Abundant salivation is considered the norm only for young children,
This is due to teething ...

The digestion process begins in the mouth - with the help of enzymes contained in saliva, the dyeing starch is cleavage and fat in food. Antimicrobials that are present in saliva reduce the risk of dental infections. Saliva also provides calcium and phosphate ions, the surface of the teeth, thereby preventing dental enamel erosion.

Since saliva performs many vital functions, insufficient or excessive separation of saliva can lead to problems. For example, elevated salivation can lead to a vague speech and even to the leakage of saliva. This condition is denoted by a medical term childrenism (or saliva), abundant salivament can be the result or excessive production of saliva, or inability to swallow.

Favorable factors

Teething teething is a common cause of excessive salivation among babies or small children. However, if the excessive selection of saliva is observed in children over 4 years and adults, this is not considered a normal phenomenon. Although the excessive selection of saliva in itself is not a disease, it can be a sign of the disease underlying. Here are some of the factors of the occurrence of hypersion.

The use of some drugs

The separation of saliva is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. While the parasympathetic nerves produce a watery saliva, the sympathetic nerves are involved in the production of thick saliva. The salivary glands produce more saliva when the parasympathetic nervous system produces a neurochemical substance called acetylcholine. It is for this reason that the use of cholinergic preparations (drugs that amplify or imitate the action of acetylcholine) can lead to excessive saliva generation. Here are some drugs that can cause pillanism as a side effect:

Abundant salivation in an adult man can talk about the presence of illness,
Therefore, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible ...

In addition to these drugs, some toxins contribute to the development of hypersion. These include mercury, copper, arsenic and phosphates.


Some diseases may also be accompanied by excess salivation. Among them can be allocated:


Sometimes pregnant women can complain about excessive saliva selection in the mouth. It is believed that this is basically due to changes in the hormonal level. The birdism, as a rule, happens in women suffering from toxicosis of pregnant women, which is a severe form of morning malaise.


Most people who wear dentures are faced with increasing saliva stream when new prostheses are inserted. Increased salivation occurs because the salivary glands perceive prostheses as a foreign body. However, salivation will come to normal in a few days. Wearing dentures that are poorly adjusted can also cause excessive salivation.

In addition to the aforementioned factors, the excessive intake of starch can also cause excessive selection of saliva.

Inability to swallow saliva

Palmism can develop if the sweat rate of saliva is below the norm. Under normal conditions, saliva is regularly produced and swallowed. However, some diseases negatively affect the ability of people to swallow saliva. These diseases include:

Some diseases can have a negative impact on the functioning of muscles responsible for swallowing. The inability to swallow saliva may be related to the following neuromuscular diseases:


Sometimes this problem may disappear by itself. For example, in the case of women who suffered from the birdism during pregnancy, the question with excessive salivation can decide after the first trimester.

Excessive salivation is often observed in babies and children of nursery. It is important to note that babies tend to excessive salivation, which is natural, especially when they cut teeth. Nevertheless, you should seek medical care if the salivation is preserved in children aged 4 years and older. Treatment will vary depending on the main cause of the birdism. If the excessive selection of saliva is caused by the reception of drugs, then this should be informed about this. Perhaps to stop taking or cut down the dosage of any drug.

Increases the production of saliva and smoking, so it is better to refuse it.

In severe cases, the reception of anticholinergic agents can be recommended. Glycopyrrolate (robin) is an anticholinergic drug, the effectiveness of which has already been proven. However, its dosage should be monitored, since its reception can be accompanied by adverse side effects. If the excessive selection of saliva is caused by the state of health, the treatment of the main disease can help solve this problem. The introduction of the preparation of botulinum toxin into the parole and submandibular glands is also considered to some extent effective method of treating salivation and increased salivation. In some cases, to reduce the risk of chunk, it is proposed to use portable absorption rechargeable devices.

Medical therapy in combination with personal hygiene events can help in the treatment of poultry. Nevertheless, it is necessary to make sure that the production of saliva will not fall below the normal level. Saliva performs several vital functions, and insufficient saliva selection can expose a person to the risk of developing various health problems.

Warning: The information provided in this article is intended only for informational purposes and does not replace the consultation of a medical specialist.
