Effective suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most amazing period in the life of every woman, but unfortunately it is at this time that latent diseases that do not remind of themselves for a long time can become aggravated. One of these is hemorrhoids, which must be treated as safely as possible. The most common and safe form of treatment for inflammation in the rectum are suppositories, which have a local effect and can relieve inflammation, relieve pain and eliminate discomfort.

Types of suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many medications are excluded that can harm the baby inside the womb. However, there are exceptions among the many medicines - these are suppositories based on natural substances and vegetable oils. Properly selected treatment effectively copes with the disease, eliminates unpleasant symptoms and allows you to feel comfortable. Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids can have the following tactical purposes:

  • Pain relievers - contain anesthetic components that block pain in the acute phase. The active ingredients are quickly absorbed into the tissue, providing a healing and analgesic effect.
  • Hemostatic (hemostatic) have a vasoconstrictor effect, stimulate tissue regeneration, and eliminate pain. During pregnancy, it is worth choosing suppositories based on natural and astringent ingredients. Epinephrine medications should only be used with the permission of a physician.

The best suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Methods for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy are chosen only by the proctologist, who will take into account the degree of development of the disease, symptoms, individual characteristics, and of course, the position of the patient.

Candles with propolis

The drug helps to eliminate painful sensations, relieves inflammation and has antimicrobial, antiviral and antitoxic effects. The tool can be used at any stage of pregnancy as well. The active substance propolis promotes the healing of cracks, restores the intestinal microflora, prevents infection from spreading, and fights against pathogenic bacteria.

The advantage of the medication is that it quickly allows you to forget about the existing problem. The disadvantages include only the individual intolerance of the active component - propolis.

Methyluracil suppositories

An effective agent that has an analgesic effect, enhances tissue regeneration, protects against the development of infection, stops bleeding, and has excellent tolerance. Suppositories have a wide spectrum of action and are prescribed not only for hemorrhoids, but also for cracks in the anus, rectitis, as well as cervical erosion, etc.

The drug has a mild sedative effect, in rare cases, the side effect is manifested as a burning sensation after administration. Candles are prescribed for any period of pregnancy, and quickly cope with the task.

Candles with papaverine

An effective spasmodic that acts on hemorrhoids, relieves severe pain, burning and itching. It is prescribed to relieve vasospasm and normalize the stool. The drug has no contraindications for use during pregnancy, but should only be prescribed by the attending physician. acts quickly, destroys bacteria and relieves discomfort well. The medication is low-toxic, and before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the active ingredients.

Sea buckthorn candles

Which is a natural antibiotic, accelerates regenerative processes and shows stable efficiency. Suppositories can be used at any stage of pregnancy, since they do not have any harmful effect on the fetus.

Sea buckthorn candles are prescribed in the presence of cracks in the anus, unbearable pain, itching, burning and inflammation in the acute stage. Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance and allergy to the herbal component is noted.

Glycerin candles

Glycerin-based suppositories are prescribed at the initial stage of hemorrhoids, and help to effectively get rid of the disease and its unpleasant symptoms. The drug has a mild rectal laxative effect, facilitates the process of defecation and helps to heal small wounds in the rectum. Suppositories are prescribed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy when constipation problems arise. It is not recommended to use if, in the early stages and if you are allergic to glycerin.


Homeopathic medicine is based on brown algae, and can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy. Natalsid suppositories are completely safe, they help relieve the inflammatory process, have an antiseptic effect, heal wounds, eliminate pain and burning. Prescribed for anal fissures, colitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, dysentery, inflammatory processes of the rectum. There are no side effects when taken, with the exception of allergies to active ingredients in a certain percentage of women.

Ichthyol candles

Suppositories with Ichthyol are prescribed at the initial or second stage of hemorrhoids. The drug has a highly effective therapeutic effect and helps reduce edema, relieves inflammation, relieves pain, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stops bleeding, and disinfects affected tissues.

The tool can be used at any stage of pregnancy, as well as during lactation. Ichthyol suppositories are well tolerated, no side effects were observed, with the exception of a few cases of individual intolerance to the active component.


Suppositories have a natural composition, where the active substance is shark liver oil. Relief is prescribed for proctitis, painful sensations, internal and external hemorrhoids, itching, constipation, anal fissures, eczema.

The remedy is often prescribed to pregnant women, but only if there are no allergic reactions and individual contraindications. The advantage is the ability to increase immunity, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Suppositories are recommended to be taken only in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Summing up

Many pregnant women in the process of carrying a baby are faced with a problem such as hemorrhoids. And in this case, it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner, who will prescribe competent and effective treatment. At any stage of pregnancy, homeopathic medicines and suppositories are prescribed based on herbal ingredients: sea buckthorn, ichthyol, papaverine, propolis and others. Such suppositories relieve irritation, relieve constipation, relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

additionally You should be wary of such drugs as Relief Advance, Posterisan Forte, Anusol, Betiol and Olestezin. These funds contain active ingredients that can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Drugs can be prescribed, but only in severe cases, and only by the attending physician.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are one of the most common problems that pregnant women face. The situation is complicated by the fact that not all medications and methods are suitable for treating the disease during this period.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids are a conservative and safest method of treatment during the period of gestation. Rectal suppositories help prevent disease progression if used at stages 1 or 2. Therefore, it is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are recommended to be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician, even if the instructions for them do not indicate contraindications, complications and side effects. Only a specialist can take into account the possible consequences for the organism of the future mother and child and compare the justification for the use of one or another remedy.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories


Suppositories for local use, have an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerate metabolic processes in tissue cells, restore the elasticity of blood vessels and normal blood flow in them. Relieve discomfort with itching and burning during illness. In the chronic course of hemorrhoids, accompanied by a complication in the form of enlarged hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use Posterisan Forte rectal suppositories.


  • Itching, burning, foreign body sensation in the anal area.
  • Chronic hemorrhoids, ().


  • Fungal and bacterial infection of tissues in the area of ​​treatment (syphilis, gonorrhea).
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


Suppositories are injected into the lower rectum in the morning and in the evening, 1 pc., But no more than 4 suppositories per day.

Posterisan can be used at any stage of pregnancy, since the components of the drug are not able to penetrate into the body of the developing fetus and have any effect on it.

Hepatrombin G

Suppositories, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, have a good preventive effect, preventing blood from stagnating in the veins of the anus and thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. The constituent components of the drug restore the elasticity of the venous walls and the normal blood supply to tissues damaged by blood clots.


  • Enlargement of hemorrhoids (inside and outside).
  • Ulcers, fissures in the anal area.
  • Impaired blood circulation in the veins of the anus.


The use of suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy and in all other cases is prohibited if the tissues in the area of ​​treatment are affected by bacteria, fungi or other viruses. In this case, the sodium heparin contained in the preparation can provoke an increased growth of pathogenic microorganisms, which will greatly aggravate the situation as a whole. You can not use suppositories and in the presence of suspicious tumor formations and with a predisposition to bleeding.


Suppositories for hemorrhoids are injected into the rectum, 1 pc. no more than 2 times a day.

During pregnancy, the use of suppositories is allowed only after 12 weeks.


With a pronounced effect aimed at restoring normal blood circulation and stimulating metabolic processes in damaged tissues. Suppositories are made on the basis of a natural plant component obtained from brown seaweed, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and stops bleeding. This prevents irritation and the development of purulent processes in the tissues of the anal area.


  • in the healing phase to prevent scarring.
  • Light bleeding with external or internal hemorrhoids.
  • Postoperative inflammation of the epithelial tissue of the rectum, as well as complications in the form of inflammation after minimally invasive therapy.


It should be used with caution in case of individual intolerance to sodium alginate.


Suppositories are inserted into the anal canal after a bowel movement. It is recommended to use 1 pc. in the morning and in the evening. Candles are used in a course of one week. If tissue healing is slow, use of the drug is extended to 14 days.

Natalsid is the most effective and safe suppository for hemorrhoids for pregnant women, which can be used in any trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Alginatol (analogue of Natalsid)

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. quickly heals tissues, stops bleeding and promotes the restoration of damaged cells with insufficient blood supply to tissues. Prevents infection of damaged mucous membranes by fungi and bacteria with severe irritation in the area of ​​the posterior foramen.


  • Bleeding (including profuse) from inflamed hemorrhoids.
  • Anal fissures and rectal ulcers.
  • Bleeding after surgery.


The preparation contains sodium alginate, therefore, in the presence of allergic reactions to this chemical element, it is prohibited to use candles.


Suppositories are inserted into the anus one by one in the morning and in the evening. The duration of use of the drug depends on the stage of progression of the disease and ranges from 1 to 2 weeks. It is not recommended to use more than 2 suppositories per day.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women can be used at any time. The components that make up the suppository do not penetrate the placental barrier and do not have any effect on the condition of the fetus.

Candles with antibacterial effect

Rectal suppositories with an antibacterial effect are indicated for use with bleeding of varying degrees. Most often they have a combined effect: they stop bleeding and kill pathogenic microorganisms, prevent inflammation and the development of purulent processes.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil

It is the most natural and mildest remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Candles activate metabolic processes in mucous tissues: wounds heal faster, erosion and ulceration pass, damaged epithelium is restored. It also has a mild anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.


  • Anal fissures.
  • Ulceration in the rectum.
  • Erosion and ulceration of the sphincter.


Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil should not be used for diarrhea of ​​any type, as well as for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Rectal suppositories are injected into the lower rectum 1 at a time in the morning and evening. Duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days. In severe cases, after a two-week break and slow tissue repair or with relapses, exacerbations of hemorrhoids, the course of treatment is resumed.

Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be used without any time limits.


Suppositories for hemorrhoids with propolis also contain royal jelly, honey, bee bread and pollen. The drug improves the regeneration of damaged tissues, has an antibacterial effect, and suppresses inflammatory processes.


  • Cracks in the anal canal.
  • Inflammation of internal hemorrhoids.


Suppositories should not be used for any allergic reactions to their constituent components. Also, during the use of suppositories, in case of any discomfort (itching, burning), their use should be stopped immediately.


Use 1 pc. 1 time per day before bedtime.

The drug is allowed to be used in any trimester of pregnancy.


For the treatment of chronic or acute hemorrhoids. They have an antibacterial effect, prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi on the inflamed mucous tissue. The drug relieves inflammation, reduces pain, eliminates itching and burning.


  • External and internal hemorrhoids.
  • Anal fissures, ulcers on the mucous tissue of the rectum.


Intolerance to the components of the drug.


1 candle in the morning and evening.

During pregnancy, the use of the drug is allowed in any trimester, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Suppositories with anesthetic effect


Providing anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. The components included in the drug also constrict blood vessels and restore the elasticity of their walls, normalizing the blood supply to damaged tissues.


  • External and internal hemorrhoids.
  • Anal fissures.
  • Itching and burning in the anal region.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • High blood pressure.

The combined use of the drug with antidepressants and MAO inhibitors is not recommended - the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis is high (a serious condition of a person caused by a sharp and excessive increase in blood pressure requires emergency medical care).


The permissible dosage is no more than 4 suppositories per day for pain. In other cases, it is recommended to use 1 suppository in the morning and in the evening.

This medication should only be used during pregnancy if approved by a specialist. According to some reports, shark liver oil, which is part of the drug, increases the tone of the uterus, which can provoke a miscarriage in the first 12 weeks and premature birth in the last trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, only a doctor can recommend the use of this remedy when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk of possible complications for the developing fetus.

Relief Advance

Possessing anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic effects. Contains shark liver oil, benzocaine, cocoa butter.


  • External and internal hemorrhoids.
  • Ulcers, erosion, fissures in the anal area.
  • Itching, burning, discomfort.
  • Pain relief after invasive procedures and surgery.
  • Pain relief during diagnostics.


  • Thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels by blood clots).
  • High sensitivity to the components of the drug.


In case of acute pains that do not pass even after the act of defecation, 1 suppository is administered up to 4 times a day, then the dosage is reduced: 1 pc is injected. 2 times a day (morning and evening).

During pregnancy, it is used with caution and only after the recommendation of a doctor, since there is information that the components of the drug increase the tone of the uterus, which can provoke an abortion in the first trimester and premature birth in the last trimester of pregnancy.


Rectal suppositories are used for acute and chronic hemorrhoids, for inflammation of the external and internal nodes. along with anesthesia, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Restores normal blood flow in damaged vessels, reducing capillary fragility.


Hemorrhoids of any type at any stage (acute, chronic).


Liver failure.


Suppositories are injected into the rectum no deeper than 1.5 cm, 1 pc. in the morning and before bedtime in the acute stage of hemorrhoids. After improvement, only 1 suppository is used at night until the pronounced symptoms disappear, the progression of the disease.

During pregnancy, the drug is allowed to be used only after 12-13 weeks of pregnancy with the approval of a specialist.

Of the drugs, it is the suppositories that are considered the best choice for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It is preferable, of course, not to allow this disease at all, or to try to be cured by diet, exercise. But these measures can help only at an early stage of the disease, later you have to resort to drugs.

We choose hemorrhoids
problems with hemorrhoids Development
Difficult degree of Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Methods for treating the disease

The disease develops due to stagnation of blood in the cavernous bodies of the anus. These are the ligaments of veins located at the end of the rectum. As they expand, they form hemorrhoids.

At the initial stage - easy - the nodes are located inside. Symptoms are usually not observed, although itching, burning, painful sensations, and minor bleeding may bother you. With such hemorrhoids during pregnancy, they prefer to treat not with candles, but with proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of physical activity, rest according to the regimen, and physical therapy.

The second stage - middle - is characterized by the appearance of external nodes. These are bumps that fall out of the anus, but set when the posture changes. Symptoms are more pronounced. The third stage is determined by the inability to straighten the nodes inward.

Unpleasant pathology

Suppositories for hemorrhoids can be used at any stage; during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to contraindications. In general, all suppositories are divided into types of action, many of them give several effects at once.

  1. Pain relievers. Contains antispasmodics and analgesics.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Contains appropriate substances, may be hormonal.
  3. Hemostatic. Such suppositories for hemorrhoids will reduce blood loss, unwanted during pregnancy.
  4. Toning. They contain special substances that increase the tone of the veins.
  5. Reducing blood clots. Contains substances that thin the blood, helping to eliminate congestion.

In addition to specific components that exclude the possibility of use in pregnant women, allergies may be a contraindication. Carefully studying the composition, you need to pay attention to the presence of substances to which there is an increased sensitivity. Also read and see if it helps.

The choice of the most effective suppositories is determined by the stage of hemorrhoids, the peculiarities of its manifestation during pregnancy. It is best if they contain only plant extracts or natural substances.

  1. When it is possible to diagnose the disease at the very initial stage, ichthyol suppositories are used. Ichthyol is a good antiseptic, it prevents inflammation and relieves pain.
  2. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy with sea buckthorn candles is very common. The healing of cracks is accelerated, inflammation is reduced, and the passage of feces is facilitated.
  3. If the disease is closely associated with difficulty in defecation, use glycerin suppositories. They soften the bowel movements while simultaneously healing the wounds.
  4. If propolis is included, the drug will have a bactericidal and drying effect. Puffiness and pain decrease.
  5. Papaverine in the composition of suppositories for hemorrhoids is also not contraindicated during pregnancy. It relieves pain, relieves constipation, relieves spasm, disinfects, reduces inflammation.
  6. Particularly difficult stages can be relieved with the help of special absorbable suppositories. They contain many components - extracts of medicinal mud, oils, plant extracts.

What suppositories for hemorrhoids to use, the doctor will prescribe, but during pregnancy you can and should use several methods of treatment. The effect that only suppositories give is not enough.

Treatment with Neo-Anusol

Other methods of therapy and prevention

Prevention and treatment of this disease are closely related to its causes:

  • constipation;
  • hypodynamia;
  • circulatory disorders.

Hard stools, difficulty in bowel movements are caused by changes in the state of the body in pregnant women. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscles, making it easier for the embryo to implant and making it easier for the uterus to stretch later. But in the intestine there are the same muscles, therefore, its peristalsis decreases. Because of this, constipation occurs.

One of the methods of treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is to prevent constipation, which can also be facilitated by glycerin suppositories. For this, a special diet with a high fiber content is prescribed. Lactic acid products improve digestion. Protein proteins, on the contrary, contribute to constipation, so meat is consumed in limited quantities.

Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes causes blood flow, which can provoke illness. Therefore, good hygiene after each bowel movement is essential. Frequent walks, complexes of special exercises contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Severe cases may require surgical treatment. Nevertheless, since hemorrhoids often appear in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, doctors prefer to use the same suppositories, sometimes pills and ointments are prescribed. The operation is most often postponed to the postpartum period.

The most effective and safest drugs

The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the correct selection. With such a disease, some symptoms may be more pronounced, others weaker. Based on this, the composition of the candles is chosen. For example, if severe pain is troubling, preference is given to analgesic substances. With bleeding - hemostatic and so on.

There are certain rules for using suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, regardless of whether they are inexpensive or cost several hundred.

  1. It is better to keep the package in the refrigerator. The thawed ones are more difficult to introduce.
  2. It is better to put it at night, after bowel movement and hygiene.
  3. Medicines act locally, so you need to ensure that it is near the sore spot. If the candle goes too deep, it is best to hold it with your hand and a napkin until it dissolves.
  4. Some need to be put on two or three times a day. Then it is better to stay in a horizontal position for half an hour after injection.

According to doctors, reviews on the Internet, such suppositories for hemorrhoids work best during pregnancy.

These drugs, in addition to the last, have one contraindication - hypersensitivity. But they can only be used with the permission of a doctor!

Anti-inflammatory action

Very popular during pregnancy candles for hemorrhoids "Sea buckthorn oil", or just sea buckthorn. They are allowed to be used even when any other suppositories are contraindicated. The oil accelerates healing by stimulating epithelialization processes both on the mucous membranes and on the skin. By enveloping the intestines, it facilitates the passage of feces.

They are used twice a day for no longer than two weeks, you can repeat it in a month. Allergy sufferers may have a reaction to sea buckthorn oil, for example, a burning sensation. In addition, orange marks can appear on the laundry, so it is best to use a panty liner.

Glycerin is used for hemorrhoids complicated by constipation, it is allowed during pregnancy to use them in combination with suppositories with sea buckthorn. Glycerin irritates the intestines, increasing its tone, and softens the stool, which eliminates constipation. You can use it no longer than two to three days, in the morning, half an hour after a meal. They act in about thirty minutes, that is, after that, you will need to defecate.

Safe suppositories Natalsid give a good effect on hemorrhoids during pregnancy. They contain sodium alginate, obtained from brown algae. It reduces bleeding, reduces inflammation, and speeds up healing. Apply twice a day in a course of one to two weeks.

Neo-anuzole is a combined preparation. The set of substances in it is selected so that the effect is on all factors of the disease. Bismuth, iodine, zinc, resorcinol, tannin have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, astringent effects, reduce hemorrhoidal manifestations. Apply two to three times a day.

Hemorrhoids are a very delicate and at the same time very serious problem. Statistics say that most adults in civilized countries suffer from this disease. And, although they prefer to talk about hemorrhoids in a whisper or be silent at all, it is by far the most common disease. Moreover, middle-aged people are at risk. The problem of hemorrhoids is especially relevant for pregnant women. How to resist this disease if you are a future mother?

The degree of risk of developing hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman is influenced by the age and the number of births already transferred. So in twenty-year-olds expecting their first child, the disease occurs three times less often than in thirty-year-old women.

If you have never had bowel problems, but suddenly you begin to feel discomfort, do not panic, as this is not necessarily hemorrhoids. It is very important to define the disease correctly. Hemorrhoids are not always easy to feel, as they may not have external manifestations, but develop internally. At the same time, only a proctologist can diagnose it during a professional examination.

But if you notice bleeding from the rectum, immediately consult a doctor, because it may be something more serious than hemorrhoids.

The concept literally translated from Latin means bleeding. Doctors say that this disease occurs as a consequence of the overflow of blood in the plexus of the veins in the anus. Hemorrhoids are enlarged modified veins.

It is important to diagnose hemorrhoids at the initial stage, since bleeding and the appearance of a node are late signs of its long development. You should be attentive to the least discomfort in the rectal area. Itching and burning sensation in the anus, pain can become signals for examination for hemorrhoids. Do not postpone a visit to proctologists, especially pregnant women. During the carrying of a child, the load on the pelvic area becomes much greater. The enlarged uterus begins to press on the intestines, as a result, constipation occurs. Violation of venous outflow in the vessels of the pelvic region provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids.

To prevent the occurrence of constipation that provokes hemorrhoids, normalize your diet. Forget about smoked meats, spicy, fatty. Try to avoid sweets. Dried fruits will be a good substitute for it. Include in the diet containing plant fiber. For example, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. Replace butter with vegetable oil.

Don't forget to be active, don't give up exercise. In special courses for women who are expecting a baby, you will be taught how to make special ones. It is important to reduce tension and pressure on the veins that supply the lower body. To do this, lie on your left side for 20 minutes every 4-6 hours.

It is very important to avoid hypothermia (especially in the lower body), do not sit on a cold surface, give up long (more than an hour) walks and long-term work in a standing and sitting position.

As a preventive measure, wash yourself after each bowel movement.

How to act if you still have hemorrhoids, so as not to harm yourself and your baby? At the outset, it is important to understand that treatment is needed. Do not entertain idle hopes that the disease will go away on its own. By tightening hemorrhoids, you are incredibly harmful to yourself and your baby. So, as - an invariable attribute of hemorrhoids, leads to the accumulation of toxins in the blood.

Do not under any circumstances self-medicate. Check with your doctor. If necessary, he will recommend drugs that are safe for pregnant women.

Among the various remedies for hemorrhoids - mainly of the internal form - are special candles on a natural, plant basis. They have a calming effect, relieve pain. For example, candles containing alginate derived from seaweed. It relieves inflammation, has a beneficial effect on tissue healing. Also, swelling in the intestines, it softens feces and facilitates emptying.

Venotonic suppositories will help relieve puffiness and pain. There are also suppositories that have an anti-inflammatory effect or contain anesthetics. The latter relieve severe pain associated primarily with anal fissures. Suppositories based on sea buckthorn oils stop bleeding.

The positive result of the treatment of hemorrhoids with suppositories is ensured, first of all, due to the fact that suppositories not only have an anti-inflammatory effect, but also a bactericidal, analgesic, antispasmodic. Rectal suppositories also strengthen the intestinal walls, stop bleeding.

Whichever drug you use, remember that it is very important to take it only after consulting your doctor and very carefully! Also, read the instructions carefully before use. Pay attention to warnings and contraindications. It is generally recommended to use candles before bedtime so that they can easily come out with a chair in the morning.

Remember, timely prevention, diagnosis or treatment of hemorrhoids is a concern not only for yourself, but also for the health of your baby! Even if the disease did not create any special problems for you during pregnancy, it can remind of itself after childbirth. And most importantly - no self-medication!

Specially for- Maria Bilykovskaya