Breastfeeding newborn poses. cases in which breastfeeding is not possible. Common Mistakes in Breastfeeding Postures and Breastfeeding

Every nursing mother should properly establish breastfeeding, as this is the key to the full growth and development of the child. In addition, the process of breastfeeding directly affects the production of milk, the course of lactation and the well-being of the mother herself. Improper feeding brings discomfort and leads to breast problems, causing lactostasis or mastitis.

How to start breastfeeding

Establishing breastfeeding consists of several aspects, including:

  • Feeding a nursing mother. When breastfeeding, you do not need to follow a strict diet, you need to adhere to strict restrictions only in the first two to four weeks after childbirth. The menu for lactation should be varied and contain the necessary vitamins and elements. The main thing is not to abuse and not to overeat! Do not forget to observe the drinking regimen, as drinking plenty of water has a beneficial effect on lactation. How to eat right when breastfeeding, read more;
  • Attaching the baby to the breast is also of no small importance. The baby must properly grasp the nipple. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that the baby will not eat up, and cracks and abrasions will appear on the juices. Cracks often cause infections in a nursing mother and cause lactostasis and mastitis. How to teach a child to properly grab a nipple and suck milk, read the article “How to put a baby to the breast”;
  • Feed your baby on demand, not on schedule. You need to feed during the day at least once every two hours, at night - at least four times. Do not use pacifiers or pacifiers. If you are feeding a baby, take a teaspoon, with small amounts of food, you can use a syringe;
  • Don't introduce complementary foods too early. Feeding babies with adult food begins at six to eight months. When and how to introduce the first complementary foods, read the link /;
  • Comfortable breastfeeding positions are not just about comfort for mother and baby. Due to the incorrect position, the baby will not grab the nipple so well and will not receive the required amount of milk. And in the mother's breasts, milk clots may form, and cracks on the nipples.

When feeding, not only the posture is important, but also the conditions under which the woman feeds. Make sure that there is water or tea nearby and a book is lying. Arrange the feeding area with pillows so that it is soft to sit or lie down. The more successful and comfortable the mother is, the more fruitful the feeding will be. The baby will properly attach to the breast, the milk will be freely distributed and moved, and the mother will not get tired.

  • On the hand- this is also a position in which the mother feeds lying down. The woman also lies on her side, the baby lies on her arm opposite her face, while the lower arm hugs the child. This position is suitable for feeding at night.
  • Lying on a pillow- feeding lying down, in which the upper breast is used. The woman lies on her side with her hand under her head. The baby lies on a pillow opposite the nipple of the upper breast. Support the baby with the free hand.
  • - Mom is reclining, and the baby lies on top of his stomach to his stomach. The head is false to be slightly turned to the side. This position is best suited for strong streams of milk, which is often observed in the first months of lactation. When applied from above, the intensity of the milk flow will become weaker.

  • - mother hangs over the baby, and the child is on the table or bed. It is important that the child is slightly turned to the side, and not lying completely on his back! This position facilitates the descent of milk. Used to transition babies who are from bottle feeding to full breastfeeding. This position allows you to empty the central and lower lobes of the breasts.
  • Motion sickness while standing- the optimal position before bed for the baby. When feeding and rocking, the baby calms down and falls asleep faster. This posture combines both actions. The child is picked up, as in a regular or cross cradle.

What pose to choose

In the first time after the birth of the baby, it is enough to apply the basic postures, including the standard and cross cradle, the position from under the arm. At night, feeding on the arm will be the optimal position. At 4-6 months, introduce and apply new positions. A clever mother and a grown-up baby can try out non-standard types of feeding. For example, on the hip or when the baby is standing. Soon the woman gets used to feeding on the go.

Regardless of the choice of position, it is important to ensure that the nipple is properly grasped by the baby. Make sure the baby is grasping both the nipple and the areola. In this case, the nose and chin should rest, but not sink into the chest.

Breastfeeding is a very important process that affects the health of both newborn babies and their mothers. In the process of mastering the technique of feeding, mothers need to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast, being in various positions. Periodic change of position allows the baby to suck out milk from different lobes of the mammary gland, which is a kind of prevention of lactostasis. In addition, it allows mothers to be less tired, especially during the period when you have to hold the baby at the breast for a long time.

How to prepare for feeding

Before you apply a newborn to the breast, you should prepare a pillow or even a few, which can be placed under the lower back or arm during feeding. Also, it will be possible to put the baby on it, so that it is more convenient for him to suckle the breast.

In addition to the pillow, you need to put a glass of water or compote next to you, as a woman often feels thirsty during feeding. In addition, the intake of fluid in the body can cause a rush of milk.

If the newborn suckles often and for a long time, you can prepare a book or magazine in advance, for which the mother usually does not have enough time to read during this period.

At first, you should not choose difficult poses. While the child has not yet learned how to properly grasp the breast and suck milk, the mother must select positions in which it will be easiest for him to do this.

Most Popular Poses

Women choose the main positions intuitively or get acquainted with them in courses for expectant mothers. We will consider the most common postures and find out in which cases it is preferable to use one or another position.

Cradle. The sitting position for feeding is suitable for both newborn babies and one-year-old babies. The child is lying on his mother's arm, as if in a cradle. The head rests on the elbow bend of the mother's hand, the other mother's hand supports the back of the child or supports the ass. The baby's tummy is pressed against the mother's stomach, and the mouth is located near the breast nipple. In this position, the baby can be applied to both the right and left breasts, shifting from hand to hand. A variant of this position is feeding the baby while standing. The woman holds the child in the same way as described above, but stands still. This is a very relevant position for those women who are forbidden to sit down for some time after childbirth due to the presence of tears and stitches. If in the process of feeding slowly walk around the room and gently rock the baby, then in this way you can lull him to sleep. In this classic position, the child is fed from birth until the time when he becomes very large, then he does not lie on his mother's hand, but sits on his knee.

What determines the quality of breast milk and how to improve it

Reverse cradle (or cross). This is a somewhat modified position of the cradle. This position helps the mother teach the baby to properly latch onto the breast. With the hand opposite to the breast to which the newborn is applied, the mother supports his back and head. And he also lies on the elbow of the arm that is on the side of the "working" chest. With her free hand, she can help him hold his head correctly, moving it closer or further from the nipple if the baby lifts his chin too much. Thus, babies who are born prematurely or weakened for one reason or another are often fed. The disadvantage of this position is an excessive load on the mother's hand, because of which she quickly gets tired. In this case, you can put a pillow under your arm so that it supports the arm with the baby.

Lying under the arm. For those women who, after childbirth, cannot breastfeed while sitting, doctors recommend using this position for feeding. In this case, the mother feeds the newborn lying or reclining, leaning on her elbow. With this method of feeding, the baby lies at the mother’s arm, as if under the arm or perpendicular to the mother’s body, facing the chest. With the palm of the opposite hand, the mother can correct the chest or, if necessary, properly support the head of the crumbs. Since in this case the baby receives the breast from above, it sucks milk very well from the lower and lateral lobes of the mammary gland.

This protects the nursing woman from lactostasis, so breastfeeding experts advise feeding the baby in this position at least once a day.

For women after a caesarean section, this position is also good because the baby does not touch the mother's belly, which means that the postoperative suture is less injured. If you prepare several pillows and put some of them under the side and shoulder of the mother, and lay the baby on others, then you can feed the baby from under the arm while sitting, and not just lying down.

breastfeeding pads

Lying on my side. The mother is in the position lying on her side, and next to her along her body lies a newborn. His head rests on his mother's "lower" arm, bent at the elbow, like a pillow. Due to the fact that the baby's head is raised, it is easier for him to reach his mother's breast. The child is allowed to suck on the breast that is closest to him. If necessary, you can put an extra pillow on the baby. With her free hand, the mother can hold the breast so that the baby correctly grasps the nipple. In this position, you can feed the baby during night feedings or during the day, when mom wants to relax a little and even sleep a little. In the correct position, the baby should lie on its side and its head should not be thrown up, but turned to the side. Then the baby will not choke on milk and it will be easier for him to swallow. This position is comfortable for women after ruptures and caesarean. In addition, after feeding, the baby remains to fall asleep on the bed, it does not need to be transferred to the cradle, which saves the woman from unnecessary physical exertion.

A variant of the previous position is feeding the baby lying on its side, but with the “upper” breast, as if hanging over the baby a little. On the lower arm, bent at the elbow under the head, the mother leans, and the upper one presses the child to her. The baby can be put on a pillow so that it is easier for him to reach his chest. The position is not very correct and comfortable, since the woman’s supporting arm quickly gets tired, and with the other hand she cannot correct her chest if necessary. However, this position can be used in the case when, after the lower breast, the child needs to be given the upper one, but for some reason you don’t want to shift it and turn over yourself. The pose is more suitable for nurses with large breasts.

What to do if your chest hurts while breastfeeding

Riding mom. Recently, the posture in which a woman lies on her back or sits, leaning back strongly, has become increasingly common. And the baby lies on top of his stomach and looks for the nipple himself. In this position, the newborn correctly regulates the pressure of milk, he does not choke on it. Another advantage of this position is that lying on the tummy, the baby suffers less from intestinal colic and gas. This position is easy to take from the "cradle" position, simply leaning back slightly on the pillows and moving the baby onto you.

A screaming, restless, hyperactive baby is more likely to fall asleep if he is fed and rocked while standing. The standing pose saves in situations when you need to do something around the house, go to another room, meet dad who has come home from work.

motion sickness

Mom is standing, rocking the baby. His head rests on his elbow. The butt and shoulders are supported by a bent arm.

Feeding position - Motion sickness

On the thigh

Suitable for children prone to. Vertical feeding avoids excess air ingestion when swallowing. For women with increased lactation, it helps to restrain the flow of milk and solves the issue of choking the baby during feeding. They take the baby in their arms, supporting the ass. The head is fixed slightly below the chest, so that when sucking, he throws it back a little, providing himself with the correct grip. With an unoccupied hand, the nipple is inserted into the mouth. Grown up children themselves easily find it.

Feeding position - On the thigh

The child is standing

Children consider their mother's breast their property. While playing, they remember her and run to kiss for comfort and pleasure. Mommy is on her knees, hugging the baby, hugging her. The baby himself takes the breast and sucks as much as he wants.

in a sling

Ideal for a walk or when a woman is busy with household chores. Having mastered this technique, the mother will free her hands and will be able to feed the child without difficulty in any situation. Usually in a sling, the baby's head is higher than the chest. Here it is required to ensure the correct position by placing the newborn in a comfortable reclining position.

Feeding position - In a sling

Feeding postures in sitting position

Traditional sitting positions for natural feeding are used by all mothers when the baby needs to breastfeed in the park, hospital, or at a party. They are taken with motion sickness, so as not to burden the back when you need to feed and transfer a sleeping child to your crib. Best for seated feeding is a sofa with soft side parts or a rocking chair where you can relax and take a nap.

Classic universal cradle pose

The baby is comfortably placed in mother's arms. He feels close and warm, assuming the position he was in his mother's tummy. But prolonged feeding in this position is not very convenient for mom. Arms, back, lower back begin to hurt and numb, especially when she feeds, leaning slightly forward. You can alleviate the situation if you lean back in a chair, a cushion or a pillow.

Pose "Cradle"

Sitting on the couch, the child is placed on the crook of the elbow. They turn their stomachs towards themselves and press them to their chests. His head should be slightly tilted back. So he can easily grab the nipple and breathe normally. The second hand is supported under the shoulder blades or under the ass. The hand holding the baby's head can be placed on a cushion or armrest.

reverse cradle

Helps when the newborn is not yet able to properly latch onto the nipple. Practiced by mothers of weakened and premature babies. It will ensure the fixation of the head of the baby in such a way that the mouth is pressed against the chest as much as possible.

Sitting on the sofa, the pillow is laid on your knees. Take the child with one hand. Supporting the head with the palm, they hold it with their fingers, trying to secure the back and shoulders. The baby is moved to the nipple, controlling the correct grip with the lips. The hand on which he lies is propped up with a pillow. It can quickly leak from the load. While the baby sucks, you can carefully change it, and making sure that he sucks correctly, smoothly rebuild into the classic position of the cradle.

From under the arm

A rather rare pose, but in terms of convenience it is not inferior to the classic one. For mothers who are contraindicated in squeezing the abdomen (after a caesarean section), it will help to solve the problem with feeding while sitting. For those who have large breasts, an inverted and flat nipple that is difficult for a baby to grab, it will also come in handy.

A pillow is placed under the lower back, another one is placed where the baby will lie. His legs are brought behind his back and turned sideways towards him. The head with the neck is fixed with the palms, and the ass is held with the elbow. The hand is placed next to the child and the nipple is put into the mouth. In this position, only his head peeks out from under his mother's hand. Reliable tight support saves from fatigue and numbness of the lower back. Therefore, for this pose, they try to choose a strong, tightly stuffed pillow.

Feeding position - From under the arm

On the knees

Grown up babies easily master this pose, as they really like it. Use it, . Sitting on the couch, mom leans on the back. The child sits down to face her, and puts her legs behind her lower back. So he can be applied to any breast and change them. Often, this posture promotes eye contact and evokes an unforgettable happy smile on the baby.

It is convenient to use the vertical position and when. The nose will be less stuffy, it will become easier and easier to eat.

Crisscross for twins

Postures, lying and standing for the simultaneous feeding of twins, are not suitable. If mom urgently needs to feed both babies, she places them on her lap, laying them crosswise.

Feeding postures lying down

The most pleasant and comfortable poses, when at night and during the day, mommy can calmly relax next to the child. Having organized the space so that the baby does not roll off the edge (fence it off with a blanket, lay the baby against the wall), you can begin the process.

on the side

Popular among women after an episiotomy (suturing after a perineal incision during childbirth) or a caesarean section, when pressure on the stomach is not allowed. Suitable for night feedings if co-sleeping is practiced. Putting a small pillow under her head, mommy lies on her side, not leaning on her elbow. The newborn is placed at chest level so that his head is slightly thrown back. This will help your baby open his mouth better. When he begins to suck, he is held with a hand under the shoulder blades.

On the hand

If the baby is miniature, and the position on the side does not suit him, mommy puts his head on her forearm, holding her ass with her hand. To avoid neck pain, she arranges herself comfortably with a soft, small pillow, with her head resting on it and her shoulders touching the couch.

Breastfeeding on a pillow

You can replace the forearm with a pillow. So the hands will remain free, and the child will be able to reach the nipple. To do this, mom is located next to the pillow and sideways lays the child on it. Holding it by the shoulder blades, puts the nipple into the mouth. It is important here not to cling to the pillow with your stomach, but to feel the baby's body. The pillow should be chosen not voluminous, but soft and low.

Upper breastfeeding

In order not to fit face down, exposing the child to the upper breast, you can use a large pillow. It is placed under the breast, lowered on its side, leaning slightly forward. The child is laid out sideways on the pillow, holding the ass.


An extraordinary pose that helps solve the issue. The baby sucks milk well where his chin is facing. If pain occurs in lobes that are poorly emptied with normal feeding, this position can be applied.

Mommy lays down on the pillow, clasping it so that she finds herself in the armpit area. The baby is laid sideways so that its legs are placed on the opposite side from the mother.

Pose "Jack"

A position similar to feeding on the side. Here, the mother, standing on all fours, leans on her elbow, and the mammary gland hangs over the newborn baby. This position facilitates the process of feeding, helps with hypolactation and lactostasis, stimulating the inflow into both breasts under the force of gravity. Mommy, standing up on her elbow, puts the baby with her stomach to herself, inserting the nipple into his mouth. It is difficult to feed in a hanging position for a long time, the arm and neck become numb, the back quickly gets tired. It can be used in extreme cases.

Pose for breastfeeding "Hanging"

Features of feeding with small breasts

Small breasts are not a hindrance to natural feeding and their size does not affect the amount of milk. Breastfeeding with small breasts can be just as fruitful and long-lasting as breastfeeding with large breasts. The main thing is to choose a suitable pose and adapt to it. Any position can become comfortable and basic for a nursing owner of a small breast. The most suitable position is considered to be lying on a bent arm. You can put a roller under the lower back, and a pillow under the back of the baby, so it will rise a few centimeters.

Every mother should know the norms eaten by an infant and an artificial person per day -.

If breast milk suddenly disappeared and a lactation crisis began: how to overcome it for mommy -.

In the first few months after birth, the baby spends a lot of time at the mother's breast. A nursing mother needs to find a suitable position in which she will be comfortable during long feedings.

The correct position for feeding ensures a deep grip on the nipple, the baby empties the breast well. By changing the position of feeding, you can fight lactostasis and mastitis.

This article talks about feeding positions for newborns and older babies.

When choosing a suitable position for feeding, a mother should rely on the following principles:

  1. Arrange a place for feeding in advance. Mom should be comfortable during long feedings. Cover yourself with pillows, prepare a cozy blanket, a book. At arm's length, put a glass of water and a light snack.
  2. Vary your feeding positions. From different positions, the child sucks milk from different lobules of the mammary gland. Non-standard postures can be useful during lactostasis.
  3. While feeding the newborn, hold his head so that the back of the head remains free. Do not fix the baby's head.
  4. Applying the baby to the breast, the mother should pull him to her, stringing her head on the nipple. Don't reach out to your child.
  5. The part of the mammary gland towards which the child's chin is directed is best emptied. This knowledge can be used in case of breast engorgement with lactostasis.

In each position, it is important to correctly attach the baby to the breast so that it captures the nipple along with the areola. We wrote in detail about the correct attachment to the chest.

Sitting positions for feeding


This is one of the most popular nursing positions. Moms prefer to use it from the very first days of a child's birth.

  • Place the child in the crook of the elbow. Press the baby's belly against yours. The child's head is slightly thrown back, the back of the head is free, the base of the head is on the crook of the mother's elbow. The nose is at the level of the nipple.
  • In order to grab the nipple, the baby needs to tilt his head back a little. This ensures a deep nipple grip and proper attachment.
  • With the other hand, the mother grabs the ass and supports the back of the child.
  • Place a pillow under your elbow for comfort.
  • In this position, the inner lower part of the breast is most effectively emptied.

cross cradle

  • The body of the child lies on the mother's right hand. His head does not lie on the bend of the elbow, but adheres to the brush of his free hand.
  • Mom directs the baby's head towards the nipple. In this way, correct attachment to the breast is controlled.

From under the arm

  • Mom sits on the bed, the child lies on the pillows, as if looking out from under her arms. The baby's legs lie behind the mother's back.
  • The baby's mouth is at the level of the mother's nipple.
  • This position is suitable for breastfeeding after a caesarean section as there is no pressure on the incision.
  • The lateral lobes of the chest and in the armpit area are well emptied.

Lying down feeding

On mom's hand

  • Mother and child lie on their sides facing each other. The baby's belly is tightly pressed against the mother's belly.
  • Mom's head is on the pillow and her shoulders are on the bed.
  • The baby's head rests on the mother's hand.
  • Pillows can be placed under the back of the mother so that the back does not get tired.
  • In this position, the lower lobe of the mammary gland is effectively emptied.

Jack feeding

  • Mother and child lie on their sides, facing each other. But the baby's legs are directed towards the mother's head.
  • This position allows you to cope with the stagnation of milk in the upper lobes of the mammary gland.

Lying out of the upper chest

  • Mom and baby lie on their side.
  • The child lies on a pillow. Mom gives him the upper breast.
  • The lower part of the chest is emptied effectively.

Other positions for feeding

There are many different positions for feeding grown children. In fact, babies older than 6 months are applied to the breast on their own and from different positions. The poses described below are suitable for children who can sit.

On mama's lap

  • Mom is sitting. For convenience, you can put a pillow under your back.
  • The child sits on the mother's lap facing her.
  • This position is suitable for children who often spit up. The baby swallows less air, does not choke, since the outflow of milk is not strong.

Hanging over a child

This position is good because milk flows especially well from the breast in this position. It is used by mothers who do not produce enough milk or it flows weakly.

  • The child is laid on a bed or pillow. Mom leans over him and gives her breasts.
  • Turning around the baby, you can choose the direction in which the baby's chin will look. The lobe of the mammary gland towards which the chin is directed is best emptied.


This method of feeding is also called relaxed feeding. A newborn child has developed a search instinct from the first minutes of life. Thanks to this, he can find the breast himself and grab the nipple.

  • During relaxed feeding, the mother is in a semi-recumbent position. It is important to get comfortable and really relax.
  • The child is placed on the mother's stomach. Let the baby find the nipple and attach to the breast.
  • Mom holds the child with her hands.
  • In this position, the outflow of milk is weak. This is true if the baby chokes on a strong pressure of milk in the usual position.

Sling feeding

The sling helps the mother to be in close bodily contact with the baby even while walking and cleaning the house. Sometimes you need to feed your baby right in the sling. Here it is important to consider several points regarding the safety of the child.

  • First you need to release the head and neck of the child by lowering the side of the sling. The baby should tilt his head back to open his mouth wide and properly grasp the nipple.
  • We hold the child's head with our hand, but do not fix it.
  • If the mother feels pain during sucking, it means the baby has not attached well to the breast. Then you need to lower the child into a reclining position.

Video: Breastfeeding Consultant Tips and Feeding Position Description

Of all the proposed positions, a nursing mother can choose one or alternate several of them. The main criterion when choosing a position for feeding remains the convenience and comfort of the mother. Changing positions for feeding helps not only to diversify the time spent breastfeeding, but also to deal with possible problems: lactostasis, mastitis, cracked nipples.

After giving birth to their first child, many women face problems when breastfeeding their baby. Yes, and experienced mothers need to adapt. After all, every child is different. And what works great for one may not work for another. Mom needs to choose suitable positions for feeding a newborn: sitting, lying, standing - and teach the baby to take the breast correctly.

You can look at photos of breastfeeding mothers on the Internet and books, or find a suitable video.

Consider first some general rules for attaching a baby to the breast:

  • the body of the baby: ear, shoulder, legs and tummy - should be located in one straight line. A tilted head makes swallowing difficult. Muscle clamps may also occur;
  • newborns should be clasped completely from head to toe, gently fix the head of the crumbs, the back of the head should be free
  • the neck of the baby should be straightened, it is inconvenient to suck, lying with the head thrown back, bent forward or turned to the side;
  • mother should be in a comfortable position. The child is attracted to the mother, and not, on the contrary, the woman is drawn to the baby;
  • the nipple should be inserted deeply into the mouth: not only the nipple itself, but also the areola. The capture must be asymmetrical, i.e. more below than above. In the process of feeding, you need to constantly monitor so that the baby does not slip onto the nipple. This is especially important at the first stage, while the child has not yet learned to consistently suck properly, as well as for weak and premature babies;
  • The mouth of the baby should be wide open, the lips slightly turned outward. There should be no smacking or clicking when sucking. If you hear such sounds, then the child needs to check the bridle. She may be short. In this case, it will be cut and the baby will not have problems with sucking;
  • mother during feeding should not experience any pain.

Correct application is shown in the following video.

Correct feeding positions are the key to comfort for mom and baby. They allow you to ensure proper attachment, most completely empty the breast, avoid lactostasis and cracked nipples. And as a result, organize successful breastfeeding. It is so wonderful when mother and child enjoy their closeness, communication and feeding with milk.


The most famous, classic pose. If you ask any adult to draw a nursing woman, then the majority will depict mother and baby in this way. Despite its fame, feeding in the "cradle" has enough subtleties.

Mom should be in a comfortable position. You can put a pillow under your back, put a bench under your feet. In the first months, until the woman has adapted, it will be correct to put a pillow under the elbow. It’s not bad to sit comfortably in the pillows several times and ask your husband or grandmother to serve a newborn. It is convenient to feed in a rocking chair.

The tummy and legs of the baby should be pressed against the mother. The head is in the crook of the elbow. The newborn must be supported under the ass. Small children are worried if they do not feel reliable support. The mouth should be placed opposite the nipple. If the baby is low, then it is advisable to put a pillow under it. Otherwise, feeding will take place almost on weight, and the woman will quickly get tired.

cross cradle

The classic "cradle" has one significant drawback: it is very inconvenient to adjust the baby's chest grip with the elbow. At first, this is very important.

In the “cross cradle”, the mother holds the baby with the opposite hand of the breastfeeding breast. At the same time, the second hand is free, and it is convenient for her to gently give the breast to the child. When the baby correctly took the breast and began to suck, hands can be changed, since it is tiring to feed in the “cross cradle” for a long time.

Standing posture, motion sickness

We can say that this is a standing cradle. At the same time, the mother stands or slowly walks around the room with the child in her arms. It is convenient to feed this way when it is time for the baby to sleep, but he cannot calm down in any way. But it is better not to use this pose often. If a child gets used to constant motion sickness, then it will be very difficult to wean him.

From under the armpit

Not the most famous, but comfortable and very useful pose. The baby is lying on the pillow on the side of the mother. The baby's mouth should be opposite the nipple. Mom holds and guides the baby's head with one hand, and gives him the breast with the other. The pose is suitable for teaching sucking to weak newborns and premature babies. In addition, it allows you to free the lower and lateral lobes of the breast from milk, where stagnation most often occurs. If a woman feeds in this position at least once a day, then she will almost certainly not have lactostasis.

This posture is also useful in the following cases:

  • big chest;
  • after caesarean section;
  • when breastfeeding twins.

Lying on mother's arm

Very comfortable position for night feeding baby. A mother can give her baby a breast on the bed, almost without waking up. The woman lies on her side. Only the head should be on the pillow. The child also lies on its side, and the mother holds and guides him with her lower hand, on which the head of the child lies.

For comfort, a mother can put pillows under her back and her child. It is better to put the newborn on the pillow himself, so that it is more convenient for him to suck. The pose is often used after a caesarean section or an episiotomy. If the mother’s breasts are large and soft, then it is worth placing a swaddled diaper under it.

Upper breast feeding

If, for some reason, the mother does not want to roll over to the other side at night, then she can lay the baby on the pillow and feed him from the upper breast. The baby should be located precisely lying on its side. On his back with his head turned, sucking will be uncomfortable for him. This posture eliminates congestion in the middle of the chest.

lying jack

An unusual and rarely used pose. Meanwhile, it helps to eliminate lactostasis in the upper lobes of the breast. The kid in this position lies on his side, he needs to put a pillow under his back. The legs are located at the mother's head.

All recumbent breastfeeding positions are best practiced only after the baby has learned to suckle well. If the mother falls asleep, does not keep track of the child, and he slides off the areola, then the nipple may be injured by the baby's gums.


The mother stands over the child on all fours or hangs over the changing table. The baby should lie on the barrel, and not on the back. This position is useful for babies who are moving from the bottle to the breast, milk in it flows more easily from the breast. "Hanging" is a good prevention of lactostasis in any part of the chest. But for a long time in this position, of course, it is impossible to feed.

Lying down, baby on top