"Crystal Boy" Sasha Pushkarev: biography. Adoption history. A huge soul in a fragile body

The growth of Sasha Pushkarev stopped in childhood at 53 centimeters. Therefore, it is hard to believe that he is already 19 years old.

Sasha was born with an incurable disease, doctors call it "osteogenesis imperfecta". People with osteogenesis are called "crystal" people because of the extraordinary fragility of bones.

"I broke down many times in my childhood"

Sasha was born in the small town of Kamenka, Penza region, as they say, in a dysfunctional family. His parents drank, then converged, then diverged, and, in the end, divorced.

Little Sasha had little entertainment, often he just looked out the window all day and waited for his mother.

“I was waiting, she came with some drunk people, once they almost killed her,” recalls Sasha. “One guy swung a lamp at her, then I was very scared and really regretted that I was so weak.”

Sasha says he realized in childhood that he was different from other children in the yard.

© Photo: from the personal archive of the Dvoinishnikov family

© Photo: from the personal archive of the Dvoinishnikov family

When they carried him out to the sandbox, the children quickly scattered. They were afraid of a child who did not look like them: small, does not walk, but crawls, with such a child to play hide and seek, or to leave the ball.

“As a child, I mostly lived in a hospital, because many times I“ broke. ”My bones are weak and my joints are the same, even if you don’t neatly put on your shirt, you can break your arm,” says Sasha.

One day the boy was sitting on the windowsill and watched as the children in the yard make a snowman.

“Mom came drunk and pushed me hard, she wanted to pull me away from the window, but she did it rudely, and I fell on the bed. And then jumped on it like a ball and crashed to the floor,” says Sasha.

At the same time, he even smiles, however, he immediately adds: his childhood story was still sad.

Alms for the "crystal" boy

Sometimes sober parents went with Sasha to the local church. Its parishioners, without saying a word, gave alms to the sick boy in a wheelchair.

"I, of course, try not to think that my parents, using me, were so busy collecting money for themselves. But they never refused this little thing, and sometimes I even got ice cream," Sasha Pushkarev recalls.

When the boy was 10 years old, his mother and father were still deprived of parental rights, and he himself was transported to Nizhny Lomov - to the nearest boarding school for disabled children.

© RIA Novosti / Aurora. Artem Markin

© RIA Novosti / Aurora. Artem Markin

A child who has ended up in this boarding house, educators first of all teach to remember the rule by which he will now have to live. It is simple: the strong always help the weak.

Very soon the cheerful, intelligent and kind Pushkarev acquired many friends.

New family

When Sasha was 14 years old, Channel One shot a documentary about Nizhnelomovsky boarding school. Pushkarev became the protagonist of the film, which the authors called "The Crystal Boy". It aired in 2006.

It was in this very film that a resident of Polazna, a village located not far from Perm, Valentina Dvoinishnikova, saw her future adopted son for the first time.

“Then I immediately realized that Sasha would be mine. He is so cheerful, good, and has already experienced so much. And I also thought that if we don’t adopt him now, in four years the boy will have a nursing home. It is known that such sick children are when they grow up, they are simply transferred from one orphanage to another, for adults, "says Valentina.

Valentina's own son Oleg was then 24 years old, daughter Vika - 18 years old. Taking a terminally ill child into a family with a modest income is a serious step. At first, neither the children nor Valentina's husband Anatoly wanted to even hear about it.

© RIA Novosti / Aurora. Igor Belogurov

© RIA Novosti / Aurora. Igor Belogurov

But the woman was sure: all this is only until they see Sasha themselves. And Valentina began to look for the phones of the Nizhnelomovsky boarding house.

“I found it, talked to the director, she explained to me that the child had a very serious illness, and offered to think carefully. Well, I thought for a minute and asked Sasha to invite him to the phone,” recalls Valentina.

When they talked on the phone for the second time, Sasha called Valentina "mom".

She, of course, was able to convince her husband to go to Nizhny Lomov. As soon as Anatoly saw Sasha, all doubts immediately disappeared. But it was here that the real agony began, i.e. by bureaucratic offices.

“There was swearing and hassle for each certificate. I explained that I could not take time off specially for the execution of these endless papers. I’m not lying - I literally gnawed out every piece of paper,” says Valentina.

If it were not for the strong-willed and even stubborn, in a good sense of the word, character of this woman, then the certificates required by the guardianship and social protection authorities could be collected to this day.

This is probably the reason why Russian families do not line up for sick children. But here's what's interesting: in the six years that Sasha has been living in the Dvoinishnikov family, none of the social workers has ever come to check.

"Well, at least once someone came and asked if we are mocking the child, is he full, is he well-groomed? Do they wash him, sleep in a clean bed, study, not study? That is why it happens in our foster families. that they beat children to death, and starve them, and return them back to the orphanage like a toy, "Valentina complains.

As for her own history of adoption, over the six years of marriage between the Dvoinishnikovs and Sasha's family, neither he nor they regretted their decision.

Although, of course, they learned to give in to each other, and showed character. But these are ordinary family matters.

You can love life, despite the fact that you were born with a disability and are not needed by your parents.

The town of Nizhniy Lomov in the Penza region. In a boarding school for children with physical disabilities, there are little disabled children abandoned by their parents. Sasha Pushkarev is 14 (in 2006) years old, his height is a little more than 50 cm.

The boy has crystal disease - brittle bones. Sasha's father and mother were deprived of parental rights for drunkenness. Several years ago, a person appeared in the life of a child who was not indifferent to what would become of him. Father Mikhail, the priest of the village church, took the boy from the porch, taught him to read and write in prayer books and invited him to sing in the church choir.

In the orphanage, where the local authorities assigned Sasha, the boy continued his Orthodox activity. In a small prayer room, a former utility room, disabled children learn prayers together, talk about God and the meaning of life.

Crystal boy from Kamenka was adopted by Perm people

It seems that all the central newspapers wrote about Sasha Pushkarev, a pupil of the Nizhnelomovsky orphanage. NTV and Kultura dedicated stories to him, and Channel One shot a documentary called Crystal Boy.

Crystal - because Sasha's soul is pure and light. And also because of the Ellis-van Creveld syndrome. This rare disease caused a half-meter growth, an irregular structure of the boy's skeleton and fragility of bones: they break from the slightest stress, like glass.

There are 80 children in the Nizhnelomovsky orphanage. They were brought here from different parts of our great homeland. But Sasha is local, originally from Kamenka. Because of alcoholism, his parents were deprived of the right to raise their own child.

When Sasha was still living in Kamenka, his communication with Father Michael from the Trinity Church became a light in the window. Batiushka taught the child church rituals, made the choir singers, and many parishioners specially came to the Trinity Church to listen to the boy and look at him.

Once in the orphanage, Sasha asked to open a prayer room here, in which he became, so to speak, an amateur priest. I read the Gospel to children, sang prayers.

He also showed his talent at all kinds of amateur art competitions. Last year he received a diploma of a laureate of the All-Russian festival "World of Childhood", having performed a song to the verses of his bosom friend, the orphanage poet Alexander Shulchev.

The film "Crystal Boy" was shown on December 12 last year. Pushkarev's joy was overshadowed by the fact that at that time Sanya Shulchev was leaving for America: there, across the ocean, a woman was found who dreamed of giving him her maternal love.
Sashka did not yet know that the soul of a woman had already rushed to him.

The film, which shook the whole country, did not leave indifferent Valentina Dvoinishnikova, a resident of the village of Polazna, which is 45 kilometers from the city of Perm. Seeing the first footage, she already knew that the Crystal Boy would become her son.

Valentina, her husband Anatoly and their eleventh-grader daughter first crossed the threshold of the Nizhny Lomovsk orphanage on International Women's Day, when Sasha turned 15 years old. To say that they were worried is to say nothing ...
The Dvoinishnikovs took Sasha to their place in Polazna - to take a closer look at each other, and in June they came to Nizhny Lomov again - now to draw up the documents.

The director of the orphanage, Tatyana Peremyshlina, says that the recent court, which officially recognized Anatoly and Valentina as Sasha's parents, in places resembled a show of Indian cinema. The women never parted with their handkerchiefs.
Pushkarev, and he always knew how to beautifully and emotionally formulate his experiences, to the question: "Did you like the Dvoinishnikov family?" - solemnly replied: “Your Honor! Look at my face and you don't have to ask any questions. You see in front of you the happiest person on earth! "

Having learned about this event, Channel One journalists went to Polazna to shoot a sequel to the film about Sasha. The television authorities presented the family with vouchers to the Black Sea coast. In September, the Dvoinishnikovs will go to the sea, the last footage will be filmed there, and the documentary will be aired.

And what about Sasha's friend and namesake Sanya Shulchev? He is still in the United States now. And in Penza, from day to day, a court should begin to recognize him, a Russian child born in the Tambov region, adopted by an American family.
In September, he will briefly return to his native orphanage, so that later he will go to a foreign country forever. A short visit will be, so to speak, his finest hour.

The fact is that Sanya could not walk. With an illness that he suffers, like many children in the orphanage, his body grows, but his legs do not. They atrophy, become thin and, since the child is constantly sitting, fold into a pretzel.
Shulchev had just such legs. As far as educators remember, he rode in a low stroller.

In September, Sanya will appear for the first time in front of educators and nannies on his feet. Not on my own, of course - on prostheses. In the USA, the boy underwent a complex operation. The expectant mother was on duty near his bed for seven days. The miracle was not easy for Sanya, but now he sees the world not from below, but from a height of normal growth.

The Crystal Boy Sasha Pushkarev

A child's heart can forgive everything. Deception, cruelty, indifference. The crystal boy Sasha Pushkarev has a big heart. The boy was born disabled. And it's a miracle that he was born. When his mother was pregnant, an ultrasound scan indicated that a disabled child would be born. The woman wanted to have an abortion, but her mother dissuaded her. This is how the crystal boy Sasha Pushkarev was born. Why is Sasha called the crystal boy? The fact is that he has very fragile bones, and even a light blow can break them.

Sasha Pushkarev, a crystal boy, went through a very difficult childhood. Mother worked at a factory, father too. Everything would be fine. But the father contacted the bad company and started drinking regularly. Mother, instead of bringing his father to reason and giving all her free time from work to her sick son, went on a spree and also began to drink heavily. The boy was alone until late in the evening. He starved regularly. He had no toys. Mother raised her hand to him, beat him. The father did not allow himself this, but he did not stop the mother either.

Sasha Pushkarev Crystal Boy

Very often, according to the recollections of the crystal boy Sasha Pushkarev, the family lived only on his pension. Sasha was served at church, although he did not ask. And then, in gratitude to the kind people, he began to sing the songs of Nadezhda Kadysheva.

Then something terrible happened. The father of the crystal boy Sasha Pushkarev died. The mother continued to drink and beat Sasha. Sasha often broke down. This went on for 10 years. After the mother of Sasha Pushkarev was deprived of parental rights, and he was sent to a boarding school.

Sasha Pushkarev was adopted by a family from Polozna. He now has not only parents, but also a brother and sister. But Sasha, even in a prosperous family, did not stop loving his own mother Svetlana Kupranova, who was deprived of parental rights 10 years ago.

Let the crystal boy talk

To see and hug his own mother, the crystal boy Sasha Pushkarev came to Moscow in the program of Andrey Malakhov Let them talk on 12/18/2012. He turned to his own mother. It was very touching. Sasha, you are great. Sasha asked his mother to stop drinking and find a job, he sincerely believes that his mother can become a full-fledged person useful to society. Note that while Sasha was in the orphanage, his own mother never visited him. But this does not upset Sasha, he does not hold resentment.

And the adoptive mother of Sasha Pushkarev, Valentina, tried to organize a meeting between Sasha and Svetlana, but it did not work out.

crystal boy Sasha Pushkarev watch online

So, the mother of Sasha Pushkarev, a crystal boy, came to the studio Let them talk. How the meeting went - it's silly to retell, you need to look at Sasha's face, hear his intonations.

Sasha Pushkarev has already been written about in the Russian media more than once, and, in addition, he became the hero of several shows and programs on Russian television. So, many people know him - a fragile young man who is known by the nickname Crystal Boy.

Sasha Pushkarev was born in Kamenka, Penza region. The boy was born with a rare and very unpleasant disease - osteogenesis imperfecta, which actually means fragility of bones. It is people with osteogenesis imperfecta that are popularly called "crystal". So, even the most insignificant injury brings such people numerous fractures.

Sasha's family was, as they say, dysfunctional - his parents drank a lot, fought a lot and eventually parted. Sasha grew up in anguish - he was very different from other children, he realized this in early childhood, and his whole difficult childhood life was spent waiting for his mother, who often came home not alone, and often such visits ended in terrible scandals.

Sasha did not begin to walk, his bones were constantly breaking, so even a slight careless movement caused a fracture. He spent a lot of time in hospitals, and when he was 10 years old, his parents were deprived of parental rights.

Sasha Pushkarev ended up in a boarding school for disabled children. Frightened at first, Sasha soon managed to find his place in the society of children, and later he recalled the boarding school, where he spent 5 years, with warmth and love. By the way, it was the Nizhnelomovsky boarding house that became the subject for the program shown on Channel One in 2006, and the Crystal Boy named Sasha became the main character of the program.

In this program, Sasha was first seen by Valentina Dvoinishnikova, a resident of the village of Polazny in the Perm region, who decided to give the unfortunate child what his parents could not give him - a family. "... I immediately realized that Sasha would be mine. He is so cheerful, good, and has already experienced so much," she said later in an interview.

Valentina also has adult children of her own, and their family is not well-off, and it was not easy to convince her husband and the rest of the family of the need to adopt a disabled child. However, Valentina knew - as soon as they saw Sasha, they would immediately change their minds. And so it happened - all doubts disappeared when Valentina's husband met Sasha.

The real torment began when the Dvoinishnikov family began to knock on the doorsteps of bureaucratic offices - in order to adopt Sasha, they had to go through truly gigantic bureaucratic barriers. So, Valentina said that for adoption they needed more than 40 different certificates and papers.

However, the desire to adopt a boy turned out to be stronger than any obstacles, and as a result, Sasha Pushkarev ended up in his new home.

Today Sasha is already 21 years old, and, despite the fact that he has not been a child for a long time, he looks like a perfect boy. So, his growth at one time stopped at around 53 cm, and in general he gives the impression of a good little boy.

By the way, Sasha's favorite pastime is singing, he sings a lot of karaoke and believes that one day he will become a real great artist.

After the program "Let them talk", Sasha's fate once again made a rather sharp turn - many wanted to help him fulfill his dream, and as a result, Sasha and his family visited the island of Corfu and saw with their own eyes where Saint Spyridon lived.

By the way, despite the fact that Sasha's new family turned out to be loving and accepted him as her own, he never forgot his mother, Svetlana Kupranova. So, from the broadcast of the studio of the first channel, he even turned to her with a request to try to change himself and his life. "Although we are not together, but I still worry about you, you are my own mother," - said Sasha to the camera, and the audience in the studio could not hold back tears.

By the way, since Svetlana was deprived of her parental rights, she never came to his boarding house and made no attempts to find out about the fate of her son. Despite this, seeing his mother was Sasha's dream. As a result, this meeting also took place on the air of the program "Let Them Talk", and the audience in the hall sincerely thanked Sasha for the charge of optimism and vitality that this small but very strong man carries in himself.

Today, Sasha Pushkarev continues to live in the Dvoinishnikov family, which he sincerely considers his family. He continues to be an optimist - despite the fact that there is still no cure for his disease, he believes in God, in himself, in the strength of spirit, in the kindness of the world and people.

And a sensible young man. His growth stopped in childhood and is still about 55 centimeters, so he looks completely. He believes in God and constantly attends church and divine services, he himself read long prayers more than once.

Despite his difficult fate and illness, Sasha is full of optimism, he is happy every day, he loves his adoptive parents very much, who support him in everything.

Past family

His main pain was his own mother, who could not cope with stress and began to abuse alcohol, she abandoned her own son, who so needed the support of a loved one. Even before birth, Sasha's mother knew that the child would be born with a congenital defect, but she refused to have an abortion.

As Sasha himself says, the first years of his life were good enough, they did not live richly, but his mother took care of him. How long it lasted, he does not remember. But then the woman could not cope with emotions.

Now Sasha confesses that he has long forgiven his own mother for the cruel treatment of him and does not hold any grudge against her.

His mother was deprived of parental rights due to constant assault and, the woman says that she regrets all her actions. The only memories from Sasha's childhood were the days when he sat by the window and waited for his mother to return.

His own father never raised a hand on him, but, just like his mother, he loved to drink, so everyone left to buy strong drinks, and Sasha was constantly in a half-starved state. When Sasha's father was also deprived of parental rights, the boy ended up in a boarding school for the disabled, where he lived for five long years.

Sasha quickly got it, as he was very kind and smart. When he was 14 years old, reporters came to the boarding house, they wanted to shoot a story about the life of a "crystal boy".

New family

This is how the whole country learned the sincere story of the "crystal boy" who just wanted to be loved for who he is. Having seen Sasha for the first time, Valentina's adoptive mother recalls that she immediately thought that he would be her child. By that time, Valentina had an adult son and daughter. She found the Internet at home and asked to call Sasha, already in the second conversation he called her mother. After this decision was made instantly.

The adoptive mother Valentina was very worried about the boy and more than once tried to arrange a meeting with his mother Svetlana. She did not want to interfere with the relationship of two relatives, but, unfortunately, the boy's own mother did not want to communicate with him, it is known that she never got rid of her addictions.