Individual lesson on the development of visual perception and orientation in space. A summary of the development of visual perception in a specialized medium group for children with violations of violations

Julia Aleinikova

Subject: "Magic envelopes".

Form of: subgroup.

purpose: Development of visual perception.


1. To form the ability to localize geometric shapes in a given sequence. Exercise spectatic memory.

2. To form the ability to see the location of the items on picture: Recognize, call and show, explain the spatial location on the sign of remoteness in space.

3. Fix the skill to move in space, focusing on the scheme, read the path schemes.

4. Fasten knowledge about the system and interconnection of the spectrum colors, ideas about warm and cold colors.

5. Develop visual differences, fixation in teaching the viewing of the picture, understanding the obstacle of one subject to the other.

Today we have a special occupationWe have guests present. I prepared you envelopes - surprises with tasks, but they are hidden in the group, they need to find them. To do this, I give you a group of group schemes. They will point you the way to the task. We will turn in one direction, take our schemes, on them the final way is marked, where envelopes are hidden. So, on the road.

Children holding a group of group schemes, looking for a task.

Come to me guys, show what you found. Well done, everyone coped with the task. Envelopes - unusual figures of a certain color. To open this envelope, we need to get this color from others. But you have to help me, I completely forgot what colors should be mixed to get orange, green, purple and brown colors.

Big Envelopes - Colors (orange, green, purple, brown). If you find it difficult, I will give you a hint read poem:

Green did not find anywhere?

It is not scary, do not be sad.

Take from the box blue and yellow

And quickly mix them.

How to get orange color?

There is no particular secret.

Method Beautiful and Clear -

Mix yellow and red.

How to get purple color?

We give you a simple and good council:

We get colors - check.

Well done, guys, we got all the colors and now our envelopes will open.

In each envelope, the task for all guys. Let's see what is cooked in the first. There are multicolored light filters and small envelopes. I will call you a color, you must get it yourself.

Praise children.

Now go to the second envelope. Open it, take our lining - strips and planar geometric shapes.

The first task is to lay out geometric shapes on the finished scheme. Children are offered a scheme consisting of seven figures (circle, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezium, oval, triangle, which are laid out in accordance with the scheme.

Second task - spectator dictation. Typhalplopedagog shows a number of geometric figures in which the figures that are not included in the sets for children(polygon, semicircle, triangle of another kind). Children should miss these figures, and a number of them from their geometric shapes.

The third task is tortured figures. If there is a scheme, Typhlopedagog asks to close the eyes and changes geometric shapes with places. Children need to find a discrepancy and return everything into place.

Fourth Task - Exercise on spectatic memory. A reduced scheme of five figures is given. After the time reserved to memorize, children are invited to lay out the memory figures.

Spectator gymnastics:

(Children perform movements in accordance with the words of the teacher).

In the hands of you take snowballs,

And you look at them.

And now raise them

Up, you look at them.

Down snowballs you lower,

And take a look at them again.

Snowball right,

Snowball left.

"Draw" Circle skillfully.

Snowball is close, here away,

Look carefully.

Here is such a snowball,

Smile to him, friend.

Quickly, quickly you blink,

And now in the game, join.

Now go to our third task.

What season? That's right. I prepared you a magical volumetric panel consisting of transparent pictures. Now we will consider it. Let's start with the back plan - this is the background of our panel. What colors it is made (white and blue). Against the background of many white snow, and on the horizon there is a blue sky, clouds float over it. In winter, cold tones are dominated. The next picture I will put on our background is a forest, it is also located in the distance. The one is that green is a coniferous forest, brown - deciduous forest. Why is it not green in winter? (Proper - the leaves in the winter had shielded from the trees, and the trunks of the trees are brown, and the coniferous forest is a forest from the Christmas tree and pines, they have green coniferous needles instead of leaves). It was the background, on it all the small size, if you approach this forest closer, it will become more, and if it is close, it will be higher than you, like a regular forest, where the trees are much higher than people. In the next picture, the average plan, on it is a green tree and a tree in the snow. These trees are not so big, as in fact, which indicates that they are removed and are at a certain distance. The further the subject is, the it seems to us less. The average plan we see much better, it is brighter and clearer than the objects in the background. The farther the subject, the it seems less colorful. And finally, the foreground. It has a snowman, it is big, located at the very bottom of the paintings and it means that it is close to us.

In the next envelope, unusual pictures are prepared. They are transparent, but on the ends of black marks - this is the boundary of the picture. This limiter will help you not be mistaken when collecting images. All parts, this small panel, are superimposed on each other before they get the images on them. The Christmas tree is divided into parts, you need to think and assemble it from 3 transparent pictures and backgrounds. The first bottom picture is a background. At the top on it the sun and cloud is a landmark. In the middle of the horizon line. Collect below: trunk, big and fluffy yolchka, middle part and tree top.

And finally, we reached 4 envelopes.

Each child gets the contour consisting of points.

Your task is to understand what is shown in the figure, take a marker, connect the points, create a contour. Then shadow the resulting figure in one direction. Next, from the proposed schemes, select the scheme - the corresponding one in the picture. Children are offered four images: Hedgehog, squirrel, hare, doggy.

Praise children For the right answers and good work.

Kirov Regional State Communication Budgetary Institution

"School for students with disabilities" Crystal "Kirov"

Correctional activity

On the development of visual perception in the second youngest group

Teacher-defectologist (Typhlopedagog)

higher qualifying category

L.V. Gorodinskaya

Topic: "Toys"

Software content.

Educational tasks:

Enrich children's knowledge on the topic "Toys."

Fasten the name of the basic colors of the spectrum: red, yellow, green, blue.


Develop the ability to correlate volumetric, color, silhouette, contour images of toys.

Develop visual and search activities with an orientation on color, sound.

Promote the development of auditory, visual perception.

Promote the activation, development of visual functions: color perception, localization, trace, visual acuity.

Educational challenges:

Educating the ability to interact with adults, peers. We instill a steady interest in performing game tasks. Brigade careful attitude to toys.

Integration of regions: Cognition, Communication

Equipment and materials:toys : pyramid, Yula, Bear, Nevashka; their colored, silhouette, contour images; Color images of traces on the floor; Colored caps covering toys; Perfoam images of shelves with toys (contour and plane color image), multimedia electronic gymnastics, easels, tables, chairs, stands

Form of: Subgroup

Travel course.

The teacher proposes to greet guests, get acquainted with them. Asks children, what toys they like to play.

Typhlopedagog - Children, today toys decided to play hide and see for you, and we will go to look for them in color tracks. What color is the screen you see? (red).

- By allols, we will go and we will find the toy.

Children go on red wakes, find a pyramid under the cap; Next, go on yellow tracks, find Yula; Go through green traces, find a nevalea. The teacher contributes to the emotional perception of toys. Children find blue traces with palms, moving "Bear". The "Bear Groom" is heard away. Children in sound find a toy bear, carry to toys.

Typhlopedagog - Children, let's "take a picture" our toys, and photos will give toys.

The teacher suggests to squeeze his hands in the cams, open the index fingers first, then large, "take a picture of toys." Then the children find on the easel pictures with the image of the toys and give them toys (put on a stand standing nearby). Pedagogue from the face of toys thanks children.

Typhlopedagog - The sunshine looked out, and the shadows fell from toys, let's find the shadow of each toy.

Children find "shadows", put them on the stand.

Typhlopedagog - Well done, children! Tell me, how do you need to handle the toys? (Bear, do not break, make). I suggest to put toys in places.

Children are sitting at the tables.

Before you shelves. Spend your finger along the upper shelf, and now - on the bottom. Arrange toys in places ("Shelves" cards, plane images of toys in children correspond to visual diagnoses).

What toys are on the upper shelf you, Maxim? Sonya, on which shelf is a matryoshka: on top or on the bottom? Well done, children, brought order on the shelves. And our eyes also want to play.

Electronic visual gymnastics on the topic.

Typhlopedagog - Children, Bear brought a bag, let's see what in it?

(Give Barney cookies. Thank Bear for treat. Continue games in a doll corner).

Organization: GDDOU LNR Yaskst №6 Golden Key

Locality: G. Stakhanov, Lugansk People's Republic

purpose : Expand the ideas of children about the world with the help of all sense organs. Learn to navigate in real validity using saved analyzers: rumor, touch, taste. Exercise in distinguishing and calling geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, trapezium) and geometric bodies (ball, cube, cylinder, prism). Exercise in the account within 10, fasten the main colors. Promote understanding the children of verbal instructions. Exercise in reading simple schemes, develop a traceful eye function. Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Material: TSO (records of bird singing, forest sounds, wood, hemp, 4-tanks with water, container with bulk material, sticks for lays down geometric shapes, circles of different colors, rope for beads, volumetric geometric shapes (cube, ball, cylinder, prism), Labyrinth.

Structure occupation

Guys, today we will visit you on a walk in the magic forest. In order to get there, you need to stroke the cheek of your neighbor with a warm gentle breeze. Inhale, fold the sponge "tube", smoothly exhale the air, smile. Healthy!

Writing with bird singing.

From your warm and gentle breeze looked out of the sun, the birds were singing and we found themselves in the forest. Do not get lost eyes, ears and hands will help us. Prepare handles. Now we have hands and fingers show what can meet in the forest.

Palching gymnastics "For a walk on mushrooms"

Text of Movement

"Christmas tree"

  • my children are all familiar. Palm install under

Who can be at home? an angle to each other

And for the new year in the needles fingers twist and

We will come to us, of course, straighten.


"Borovik" one hand compresses fingers in

The best mushroom will find the cam, put on the table

  • in Lukshka we will take. Vertically. Second hand

Although in Lukoshka is not used to a slightly bent palm

  • borovik. "Hat" covers

"The leg" from above.


If you need a raspberry, twist your fingers,

  • need another basket. Big fingers straighten

And mushrooms quickly up and connect like

  • next to her. "handle".

Pay attention - wood. Not simple, magical, because every leaflet is a mystery. You must put the guess with sticks on hemp.

The didactic game "Lay out a geometric shape."

The teacher parses the first sheet.

So, the first riddle! The geometric shape, has 4 angle, 4 sides and all sides are equal. Who guessed, lay out this figure. (Held individual work). What is the name of the figure? Correctly, square.

The teacher breaks 2 sheets with a mystery about a triangle, the third sheet with a mystery about a rectangle, 4 sheets with a mystery about rhombus.

Next leaf and new mystery: geometric shape, no corners, round, like a ball. What is it? Right, circle.

You have many circles in your baskets and they are all different colors. Let's make beautiful multicolored beads from them. They took a string, put on a peiled and ride on her a red circle, blue circle, green circle, yellow circle, white circle, black circle, purple circle.

Here it turned out beads. How many beads on them? (children's responses).

That's right, well done! Geometric shapes you know. But to go further, we have to relax. And here is the magic wand, with her help will be resting your eyes. ( the teacher removes a wand from the tree).

Spectative gymnastics are carried out: closed eyes, opened - 2 times, looked at the eyes up, down, right, left - children watch the stick. Pomorgali, good.

Guys, look (I draw the attention of children to the labyrinth).

Now we will pass through the magic paths and say, with which digit a geometric figure is friends. So, a triangle with which digit is friends? And oval, rectangle, circle, rhombus, trapezium?

(Children guess the labyrinth, watching the answers).

Well done, they coped with the task.

Guys, at the glade 4 Spring. Water in them is different taste. We need to determine what taste water in every spring. Try, think about what happens to such a taste and tell it the guys. And the guys themselves guess what taste in the spring water.

The didactic game "Determine the taste."

So, we begin to try water from the first spring.

1 Spring - Sweet Water

2 Spring - water sour

3 Spring - Water Salt

4 Spring - Bitter water (teacher tries).

Well done guys coped with the task!

Guys, look the feeder. In it, grain for birds that arrive to feed. (I lower the hand in the grain).

But here, in the grain, extraneous objects hid. They left their traces. Let's return them to their places.

Didactic game "Find track"

It is necessary to approach the trough, to find one geometric shape to find it, and put it on the trail that she left.

Children find geometric shapes: cube, ball, cylinder, prism.

How can you call these figures in one word? That's right, volume geometric shapes.

With this task you also coped. You took care of the birds, their feed is clean.

Let's go to that

So that we loved and beasts and birds,

And trusted us everywhere

As the most faithful to your friends.

Psychodstastics "Save the Chick"

Children, imagine that you have a small helpless chick in your hands. Pull hands forward, palms up. Now bend your hands in the elbows and bring closer to yourself. Slowly, one finger, fold the palms, hide the chick in them, raise it on it, warming it with your even, calm breathing. And now open your palm and you will see that your chick happily soared. Smile to him and do not be sad, he will still arrive at you.

Guys, here, our forest walk came up to the end. With the tasks you coped, were attentive, tried. Well done! Now the one who I will stand on my head will be in kindergarten.


1. Programs of special (correctional) educational institutionsIV species (for children with violation of vision). Kindergarten programs. Correctional work in kindergarten edited by L.I. Plaksina. M: Publishing House "Exam", 2003

2.Gimnastics for fingers. Elena Kosinova. Publishing house "Alma-Press" Moscow, 2002

3. Spectator gymnastics for children 2-7 years. Author-compiler E.A. Chevychelova Publisher "Teacher" Volgograd, 2013

4. Spatial orientation of preschoolers with visual impairment. E.N. Vodcolzina. Moscow. Link Press, 2009

5daydactic games and exercises in learning mentally retarded preschoolers. M. Enlightenment, 1990

6. Developing visual perception in the process of substantive drawing in children with violation of vision. L.I.Plaksina.Moscow "Vlados", 2008

7. Development of visual perception in children with violation of vision. L.I. PLAXINA, Moscow, 1985

8. Typical educational program of the Preschool Education LPR. Lugansk, 2017

"Journey to a fairy tale"

Abstract classes

on the development of visual perception

in a specialized medium group

for children with violations


MDOU kindergarten

combined View No. 88


Subject: "Journey to a fairy tale."

Purpose: Promote the development of visual perception.


1. Develop the ability of children to learn, to call an exact word brown color, localize it from a variety of red-orange-yellow, correlate brown with real objects and object images.

2. Continue to acquaint children with the silhouette and contour image of the cone, develop the ability to correlate the image of a cone and a triangle with images of real objects and substantive images, exercise in differentiation of substantive images in the form of a cone and triangle.

3. Fasten the skills to lay out a seriation series of five items in size using words-terms.

4. Brief friendly attitude towards fabulous heroes, the desire to help them in a difficult situation.

Material for classes:

· demonstration: Colored illustrations of a snowman and a prince, for flannelph - vase, "candy" of red, orange, yellow colors.

· dispensing: Sheets with tasks (from the working notebook for the development of visual perception), chrks in height (5 pcs. for each child), colored markers and pencils.

Travel course:

I.. Organizing time.

(Children enter the office and become in a circle)

Teacher-defectologist: - We take hands

And stand up everything in a circle,

To transfer your warmth to each other.

And let the particle of your heat

You warm up everywhere and always.

Guys, how many guests we have! Look at them, smile, give the part of your heat to our guests.

And now, here are such good, good and coming, I invite you to a fairy tale.

II.. Main part.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

And what are the heroes in fairy tales? (good, evil, brave).

Today, I want to tell you a new fairy tale.

... was spring. The sun every day began to warm stronger. Snow has long melted. Somehow began to break through the green grass. And once in one warm spring day, a peasant was driving on a horse, she sees a snowman in the forest. A peasant was surprised. Snow has long melted and a snowman should not be. Snowman's peasant asks: "Where did you come from and why not melted?". And the snowman says: "I'm not a snowman. I am a prince. I won the evil sorceress. She said, decorate if I fulfill all her tasks. And I can not, so I stand here and burn. "

Teacher-defectologist: - Guys, and what do you think, can we argue the Prince? (Yes)

What should I do for this? ( run the tasks of the sorcerer)

All are ready to help the prince? (Yes)

Listen carefully the first task:

Collect candy in a vase in a brown candy.

(on the table laid "candies" of brown, red, orange, yellow, children choose "candy" on the task and put in the "vase" on the flannelhemph)

What candy chose? (Chose "candy" brown color).

Why didn't they take candy in red candy?

Output:- In Vase, it was necessary to collect candies only in brown candy.

Well done! You coped with the first task.

(Children sit at the tables)

The next task of the sorceress is drawn on sheets. You will paint, carry out lines. And so that your fingers were skillful, let's carry out the gym for your fingers.

Fingering gymnastics "Fingers"

Fingers right (show)

Fingers left hands (show)

In the cam fist (squeeze in a fist)

And then let go.

And now we will connect your fingers.

One, two, three, four, five (connect your fingers starting with big)

We connected fingers

They were pressed, let go

One, two, three, four, five -

Fingers will meet again.

They met, and then they left again.

Look carefully on the pictures above the leaflet. Name them. We start in order from left to right.

(Children call paintings - Turtle, Candy, Zhöldy, Bear, Bryer, Monkey). "alt \u003d" 42 "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 127 height \u003d 111 "height \u003d" 111 "\u003e "alt \u003d" 43 "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 126 "height \u003d" 126 src \u003d "\u003e "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: Image 006" align="left" width="103" height="116 src=">!} .jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: Image 072" align="left" width="144" height="116 src=">!} "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: copy" align="left" width="48" height="65 src=">.jpg" alt="Picture" align="left" width="167" height="148">!}

Test Check:

What subjects put in a box with a cone, and what in a box with a triangle? (In the box with a cone put an umbrella, a cap, a pyramid, and a ruler and check box were put in the box with a triangle).

Well done! We coped with the task.

And the last task of the sorcerer, listen carefully:

In his garden, the sorcerer decided to plant Christmas trees from the highest to the lowest . (Children independently perform the task, laid out on the table Christmas tree from the highest to the lowest).

Check job.

Seryozha, how did you decompose the Christmas tree? (from the highest to the lowest).

Veronica, the first Christmas tree what is height? (the tallest).

Second? etc.

Output: - You correctly laid out the Christmas trees from the highest to the lowest.

III. Final part.

Guys, what do you think, did you help the prince to fulfill all the tasks of the sorcerer? (Yes).

Well done!

Look, you did not notice anything? (Snowman melted, the prince appeared).

Prince: "Thank you guys, you saved me, and then I would stay for a whole life with a snowman. You are kind guys, no wrecks were frightened. As a gift from me warm and affectionate sunshine. "

(Children get a picture with a sun) as a gift)

Guys, what good deed we did today with you? (helped the prince).

What helped the prince? (Completed the tasks of the sorcerer, arched the prince).

Children go to the group.

Used Books:

1., Andrievskaya hand of a child, prepare it for drawing and writing: abstracts of classes with games and exercises for the development of small motor skills and graphic skills in children 5-7 years. - M.: Publishing Gnome and D, 2004.

3. Program of special (correctional) educational institutions IV type ed. - Enlightenment, 1997.

4. The program "Development of visual perception and acquaintance with others."

5. Form, color, quantity - our faithful friends! Workbook number 2 for preschoolers 4-5 years. - Komsomolsk - on - Amur: MDOU Kindergarten Combined Type No. 88, 2011.

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Signatures for slides:

Presentation for the abstract of correctional classes under the section: "Development of visual perception" in the average group for children with violation of vision on the topic: "Vegetables" prepared: Protasova Anna Gennadevna, Teacher-Defectologist Svorov, 2014

Shape vegetable

Vegetable color

Vegetable value

In bed and in bed

Guess the scheme 1.

Guess the scheme 2.

Guess the scheme 3.


Correction Correction

by section: "Development of visual perception"

in the middle group for children in violation

Topic: "Vegetables"

Form of: subgroup (4 people)

Purpose: expand the ideas about vegetables; learn to distinguish them in appearance; Learning to establish causal relationships when reviewing plot pictures.


Correctional educational: consolidate ideas about the signs of vegetables (color, shape, the value where it grows);learn to understand and perceive plot images;teach techniques to work with schemes; Create and expand vocabulary on the topic.

Correctional-developing: develop visual perception when identifying and correlating a silfoo and substantive image; stimulate the development of visual and moving coordination; form the integrity of perception in compiling a whole of parts; develop visual attention, memory and thinking; Develop touch and fine motor skills.

Correctional educational:teach children carefully listen to the speech of the teacher and other children; educate the progressiveness and cognitive interest in the lesson; Develop the simplest self-control skills.

Equipment and materials: Masha doll, riddles about vegetables, cards with silhouette and objects of vegetables, poster with a picture of vegetables, plot pictures with a garden image (Slideshow Power Point) (planting vegetables, vegetables care, vegetable harvesting), schemes in presentation slides, basket (tray) with natural vegetables (cabbage, tomato, cucumber, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, pepper), a trunk box with vegetables,tasks for children "circle to points", cut pictures of vegetables (4-5 pieces of 4 sets), laptop, multimedia projector,

Preliminary work: Reading books about the vegetables "POH", "Rack", "Cuts and roots", viewing vegetables, didactic games: "Name a geometric shape," "Find out the contour, silhouette," folding split pictures.

Travel course:

Organizing time.

Typhalplopedagog: - Guys, a doll Masha came to visit us. Let's say hello to her. She brought for you riddles. Guess the riddles and find the answer in the picture. Find the shadow for each specified picture.


  • Rasting in the ground in the garden I, red, long, sweet. (Carrot)
  • As put on a hundred shoes, grunted on the teeth. (Cabbage)
  • On the garden is long and green, and in the pigeon yellow and salty. (Cucumber)
  • As on our garden, the riddles rose - juicy and large, these are such round. Summer is green. By autumn blusted. (Tomatoes)
  • Before we ate it, everyone would have time to do. (Onion)
  • And green and thick on the garden grew up a bush. Run a little, under the bush ... (potato)

Typhlopedagog: Well done guys! Guess the riddles, found a deposit, pleased the doll Masha. How, in one word, can all these items be called? That's right, vegetables. This means that we will talk about vegetables with you today.

Main part.

Consider plot paintings.

(Typhalplopedagogus draws the attention of children to the screen).

Children, vegetables ripen at the end of summer and autumn. Look carefully on this picture. This is a garden, here people make a bed (slide 2). Vegetables grow on the beds. Name them. People who plant vegetables are called vegetable breeding. Repeat: Vegetable - people who grow vegetables.

In the spring, when snow is at all, people plant vegetables (slide 3), for this you need seeds. See what they are? Round, oval, large and small. (Typhlopedagog shows seeds).

In summer, special care is required for vegetables. What do you think you need to do so that the vegetables rose? - Behind them need to be careporting: small sprouts of vegetables need to be watered, loosening the earth, remove weeds (slide 4), otherwise they will not grow.

In the fall, people collect harvest (slide 5). What kind of crop collects a boy in this picture? (Carrot, cabbage).

From vegetables, people are preparing salads, preserve them for the winter (slide 6).

Tell me, what are the people who grow vegetables? (Vegetable breeding)

Fingering gymnastics

We rubbed rubbish, ruby \u200b\u200b(the children knock on the edges of the palms on the table).

We are cabbage people, many people (we depict this action).

We cappist Solim, Solim (three fingers three of each other).

We are carrot to three, three (depict this action).

Now let's try. Pererapie? (Pictulate Family)

"Circle to Points"

Typhalplopedagog: Take a color pencil and circle the image on the points on the leaflet. Name what you have happened. (Cucumber and tomato)

Work with a scheme

Typhalplopedagog: - Children, look, some incomprehensible badges brought us a doll Masha. Guys, this is a scheme for which we will learn to talk about vegetables (slide 7). What kindgeometric figures Are you depicted here? (Circle, triangle, oval).

A circle means a round-shaped vegetable. What vegetables are round form, look carefully on the poster. (cabbage, pumpkin, tomato)

Triangle - means a triangular vegetable. (carrot)

Oval - vegetable oval form. (cucumber, zucchini, potatoes)

These icons showcolor which can be in vegetables (slide 8) (red, green, brown, yellow). What are the color of our vegetables? Potatoes - brown, cucumber - green, tomato - red, repka - yellow.

(Slide 9) Big or small Our vegetable.

(Slide 10) This icon shows where our vegetable is growing -from above on the garden or in the ground.Pay attention to where the arrows of these icons are directed if the vegetable grows on the garden, if the down is in the garden. What vegetables grow from above on the garden? - (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes).

And what vegetables grow in the ground? (carrots, potatoes, beets, turnips, radishes).

Let's try to play and guess the schemes that Masha's doll faded us.

(Slide 11 (round, red, small, grows on the bed - this is a tomato),

slide 12 (oval, green, small, grows on the garden - it's cucumber),

slide 13 (round, brown, large, grows in the ground - potatoes).

Well done! We coped with the task.

Spectator gymnastics

"Magic Chest"

Children, you are not a simple chest, but magic. Vegetables live in it. And what vegetables we now find out with the help of our handles. I will call you a vegetable, and you have to find it in a box to the touch, while not prying. (Typhalplopedagogue in turn is making children the name of the vegetable and asks how the child guessed that it was exactly the vegetable).


How do vegetables grow on a garden? - (hands up to raise, climb on socks) like this!

How do vegetables grow in bed? - (Hands down to lower, lean) like this!

What kind of harvest did we assemble? - (to spread their hands to the sides) so big!

Tear to rest .- (squatting)

"Cutting pictures"

Typhalplopedagog: - We collect pictures for our car doll. What happened?


It's time for us to say goodbye to our doll Masha. Tell me, what did we do today in the classroom? Did you like the lesson? All the well done, tried.

Teach children learn vegetables to taste and smell, play the "fourth extra" (on color, shape, magnitude of vegetables).