Staging of buttermilk for the new year. New Year in buttermilk. Children's game program. The game "the main thing is that the suit is sitting." winter fashion show

New Year in Prostokvashino.

Pechkin. Knock Knock! Knock Knock! (To the audience.) Don't you recognize me?
Spectators. Learned! Pechkin!
Pechkin. And once you found out what to answer?
Spectators. Who's there?
Pechkin. Right! Let's try again?
Spectators. Yes!
Pechkin. Knock Knock!
Spectators. Who's there?
Pechkin. It was me, the postman Pechkin, who brought New Year's greetings to the boys and girls. Only I won't give them to you, because “Nashenskaya Butter-milk” is supposed to dance for them, and you don't know how! Teach?
Spectators. Yes!
Pechkin. Then get up. With the toe of our left foot we dig the earth - one, two, three, now with the right - one, two, three. We squat on bent ones and make a jump with a turn, another jump. We shake our head three times to the left, as if we are butting someone, and again, only in the other direction, and finally twist our tail ... (Shows hand movement.) Have you learned?
Spectators. Yes!
Pechkin. Well done! And now we dance to my Panasonic system. They gave it to me for Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Music sounds. Pechkin and the audience are dancing. Pechkin descends into the hall and approaches one of the spectators.

What is your name? (After answering.) I’ll come home, I’ll write a note about you in the magazine "Art of Ballet". (To another child.) And I'll write about you. You danced the best. (Takes out a letter.) Read what is written here ...
Spectator 1. The most playful one.
Pechkin. Can you get louder?
Spectators (together)... The most playful!
Pechkin. Here, again twenty-five! There are two of you, but one letter, so I won't give it to you again! Until you play and compete! Do you agree? (After the children's answers.) You have to write “I am a bull” on this tape and indicate your name. And this must be done with horns. (Puts headbands for participants with felt-tip pens attached like horns.) With the left we write "I am a bull", with the right - our name. But there is one trick: in order for viewers to read what you wrote, you need to write not from left to right, but vice versa, that is, from right to left!

The assistants carry out the frames on which the film is stretched. Music sounds, children write phrases. When one of them finishes, the music dies down.

Well done! Here is the letter! "The most playful" means you! (To the loser.) Lagged a little bit behind, but it doesn't matter! Here, take buttermilk kefir, you will refresh yourself! Sit down! (To the winner.) You will be a bull - you wrote it yourself! Sit down to read the letter! (To the audience.) I'll tell you a New Year's rhyme now. I learned it for Santa Claus so that I could tell it on a stool.
On New Years under the tree
We were looking for Temka.
We did not find Temka,
Let's cancel the tree.
And who else prepared a rhyme for Santa Claus? (To one of the spectators.) Go get on a stool and read! (After reading.) Ok, but I read better! (To the audience.) Maybe someone else wants to try?

Someone from the audience recites a poem.

Nothing too ... And one more! As they say, for completeness of the landscape!

Someone third reads a poem.

Well done! I ate a pickled cucumber! (To the audience.) Who has read the best?

The audience screams the name of the participant they liked.

That's it, and I think so too, a boy named ... (To the winner.) You… (name), with us you will be a dag. Here is your correspondence! Go sit next to the bull and read. (To the audience.) Do I know which one?
Someone from the audience. Handsome, smart, good.
Pechkin. No! I am the most decent, because I love to walk through the rows and get to know each other!

Pechkin descends into the hall, begins to greet the audience and brings to the stage two who have the letter "M" in their first or last name.

So those whom I am looking for have been found. Memeshniks. Those who have the letter "M"! Where? In the name, of course, that's where! And this letter is the most home-m-machine. For example, milk. Butter. Moonshine. Oh, I was wrong! Samovar, meat grinder, slotted spoon, computer! And who knows what they call a computer in the village? .. No! The stove! Because both there and there teapots whistle! So my surname is also a computer one! (To the players.) So do your best for me! You will be stove-makers! You are here, and you are here! Now I will show you a picture from the magazine "Garden and Vegetable Garden", and you remember, but be careful! I count to three! And three!

Screens open on the stage, behind which 5 people represent a stove.

Do you remember? (Screens are closed.) Now do it yourself. And we will help you.

To the music, the players recruit assistants from the audience and try to "build a stove."

Finish! Let's check who did the best! Personally, I like both works! But here… (Player name) built before! And you… (second player name), keep a DIY magazine - study it. (To the winner.) This is who we have the most economic. You will be Matroskin! Hold the letter, go to the others! (He discreetly puts on a bear mask.) Ooh! Scared? In vain! It's me, postman Pechkin! Would you like to growl, hum and croak? .. We are now going to stage the program "In the world of animals." Here you go. I have these things specially for the masquerade!

He approaches one of the spectators, holds out a bag with masks.

Who got caught? .. The first row we will have bears, and Toptygin by name ... will be the main one. (To another viewer.) Make your choice now, just say your name first! (After answering.) The second row we will have frogs, and the main frog will be ... (Player name). (To a third viewer.) What is your name? (After answering.) Choose a mask ... And we will have holes in this row, and the mouse will be responsible for this row ... (name of third viewer).(To the fourth viewer.) What's your name? (After answering.) (Name), and you know how to crow? .. And let's check it out?
Viewer. Ku-ka-re-ku!
Pechkin. Well done! Only I don't have a cock mask with me! Are you going to be a wolf?
Viewer. Will.
Pechkin. This row will be gray, and the main one will be ... (name)! (To the fifth player.) What is your name? .. U ... (name) there will be a number of pigs, and the most important will be sow ... (name)! (To the next.) Who are you with us? .. (Name), here is the answer to this question. I ask this for myself, in order to improve education. Who is considered a friend of a person?
Viewer. Dog!
Pechkin. Yes, you can see right away - educated! This means that your entire row will be the most friendly, and you are responsible for it! And now let's imagine that we are in a studio on Shabolovka, and now we will sing a song, without which not a single New Year can do. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree". But everyone will sing it in their own way: frogs - croak, pigs - grunt, wolves - howl ... Got it? (After answering.) Then let's get started!

The melody of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" sounds. The audience sing it in their own way.

And here we have a boy who did not bark, did not grunt, did not croak. Because I sat, listened and enjoyed. Please stand up, let everyone see you. I have a letter for you - "To the most loving of nature." You will be like a ball with us! Here you go, go to the stage. Everyone is here. (Children who won competitions.) I wish you a Happy New Year! And this is for a long memory from me! (Gives Christmas decorations.) A whole box of them was sent to me by mistake! Only I must confess to you! I wrote the letters. And then there is no work at the post office at all! The boredom is terrible! The people stopped writing altogether. Yes, and all of mine, butterscotch, left. But, you know, I am very glad that I am here today! Thank you for coming, I am very glad to meet you ...
Father Frost (appearing). Hello! Guess who I am?
Pechkin. This is where technology has come! I didn't write a letter to Uncle Fyodor's dad! Honest postman!
Father Frost. And I'm not Uncle Fyodor's dad! I am a real Santa Claus! Happy New Year to you guys! Do you want to get presents? .. Then join the Nashenskie buttermilkers in a round dance!
Pechkin. And I will be like chimes: as I strike for the twelfth time, we begin to sing a New Year's song.

The song is being performed.

Happy New Year guys! Until next time!

Santa Claus continues the program.

New Year's Eve script

"New Year in Prostokvashino"

Sounds "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in a modern version.

Jackdaw: Attention! Attention!

I ask everyone to hold their breath.

To everyone's delight and surprise

We're starting the show!

This saying is not a fairy tale

The tale will be ahead.

A fairy tale knocks on the door -

Let's say to a fairy tale: "Come in!"

The music "Prostokvashino" is played.

Step 1

Enter Mom, Dad, Uncle Fyodor.

Dad is carrying a suitcase, wearing a cap, suit, coat. Mom in a concert dress. Fedor in sneakers, jeans, jacket.

Dad: Everyone - gathered! (wipes off sweat)

Mom: Sonny, can you come with us to the concert?

Fedor: No, I don’t want to. I'll go to Prostokvashino.

Mom: In Prostokvashino - again! How long can you go there! I have a concert! The stage is waiting for me

a flurry of applause and a lot of compliments! And in general, I have three concert dresses ...

Fedor: And I have friends in Prostokvashino, you can't be late for them.

Dad: It's time we went.

Mom (to Fedor): Son, drink milk, don't forget, and here's a handkerchief for you. Good luck. (hugs and leaves)

Fedor: Hurray, hurray, New Year in Prostokvashino.

Fresh air, pine trees, ate,

We will sing and dance

Celebrate the New Year together.

I invite all friends to celebrate the New Year with us in Prostokvashino.

(He puts on his backpack, takes out his phone and leaves).

The music "Winter in Prostokvashino" is played.

Step 2

A curtain. The daw's head sticks out, comes out and opens the curtain.

Decoration: Christmas tree, stove, bench, TV, Prostokvashino products.

Matroskin picks up the strings of the guitar, sings a song.

The song "And I increasingly notice ..."

Matroskin: Galchonok, do you know what date is today?

Galchonok: I don't know. I know it's winter.

Matroskin: Today is December 31st. On this day, people celebrate the New Year! And here - nothing is ready.

Sharik ran off somewhere, and Uncle Fyodor is gone.

Galchonok: Will he come?

Matroskin: This is another question! There is a blizzard in the yard!

Song + Dance "Snowflakes are falling".

Step 3

There is a knock on the door.

Jackdaw: Who is there?

Pechkin enters, shakes off the snow.

Pechkin: This is me - Postman Pechkin. This is frost today. I brought you New Year's mail. Receive

telegram from your boy and sign.

Galchonok: Hurray, hurray, Uncle Fyodor will come!

Matroskin: (opens and reads the telegram). Dear friends! I'll come in the evening. Don't be bored. Your uncle

Fedor ". So that's great.

Uncle Pechkin, have you ever seen our Sharik?

Pechkin: Yes, it runs ... Your ball is a humorist! I read on the Internet that the year of the dog is coming, I became proud!

You, he says, must take care of me and feed me deliciously, then this year I will bring you happiness and good luck!

And why do I, one wonders, a dog's happiness? I need my own happiness.

Matroskin: And which one?

Pechkin: Postman. I have a house, I have a bicycle now. Find a good friend, it's boring

alone in the village ...

The song "I met a girl" is played. Isp. Pechkin.

Step 4.

A knock on the door.

Jackdaw: Who is there?

Sharik enters in sneakers. (Hesitates, all cold).

Matroskin: A-ah-ah-a hunter came! Where is the loot, Sharik?

Sharik: What a catch, a blizzard howls for two days! The whole hunt was covered with snow! All my paws are numb.

Matroskin: Sharik, you are a dunce. I told you, buy boots, but what are you? - bought sneakers.

Pechkin: Why did it happen? Don't you have enough funds?

Matroskin: We have enough funds ... we do not have enough intelligence. (Taps his finger on the head)

Jackdaw: Who is there?

Matroskin: Nobody !!! "They" - says - "More beautiful."

Pechkin: Enough for you, quarreling like a cat and a dog. After all, the New Year is coming soon! And what a New Year without

round dance?

(Pechkin leaves)

The dance-song "Round dance" sounds

Pechkin: Oh, I completely forgot, I still have to deliver mail!

Sharik: Uncle Pechkin, come to us in the evening, we will celebrate the New Year!

Pechkin: I will definitely come! (Leaves)

Step 5.

A knock on the door is heard.

Jackdaw: Who's there? (Leaves)

Enter Fyodor wearing a mask.

Fedor: Guess who I am?

All: Yes, this is our beloved uncle Fedor arrived! We recognized you by your voice.

Fedor: How bored I am! We will celebrate the New Year together. Are you ready for it?

Matroskin: We wanted to set the table.

Sharik: I bought myself dog food. And Uncle Fyodor will treat you to.

Fedor: No. I'd rather run to the grocery store.

Sharik: Uncle Fyodor, which store? Matroskin started such a household for himself. In the year of the Ox - bought the calf, in the year

Rooster - turkeys, chickens.

Matroskin: (proudly) Here, look.

Scene "Dream".

Matroskin: Hold them! Hold on! (Runs away)

Step 6.

Galchonok: New Year is coming soon.

Fedor: In the New Year, miracles happen, magic….

Sharik: And you are Uncle Fyodor so big, and you believe in miracles and fairy tales!

Fedor: I believe! And suddenly now a miracle will happen and Santa Claus will come to us with gifts.

The music sounds "Santa Claus walked through the forest". Santa Claus enters with hares.

Step 7.

Santa Claus: Hello, here I am.

Happy holiday, my friends!

I congratulate all people!

I wish you happiness, joy!

So that your laughter always rings!

Happy New Year! Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

You bunnies, dance!

Show us your dance!

Dance "But we don't care ..."

(Santa Claus shakes his finger at hares)

Dance "Chocolate Bunny"

Sharik: Well, hares! Good!

Laughed heartily!

Fedor: I said that he would come. Aren't you tired from the road? Sit down, rest, and drink our milk.

Santa Claus: Yes, I have no time to rest.

We must look for the Snow Maiden.

We parted with her on the way!

I can't find her!

Sharik: Maybe I can help you,

And will I find the Snow Maiden?

Santa Claus: Ball, do not waste time,

And help me soon!

The ball runs away.

Fedor: Maybe we’ll stop being bored!

We'd better dance! (Calling girls from the hall)

Get up with us

And look, don't yawn!

Dance "Chika - Rika"

Step 8.

Knock on the door

Jackdaw: Who is there?
Enter Madame Broshkina and Sharik.

Matroskin: Snow Maiden! And who is this?

Broshkina: And I'm not an ordinary lady,

So popular

I am not sitting still,

I go to competitions.

I am very beautiful

But a little chatty.

And I must confess to you -

I love to hang out.

Matroskin: Can you sing?

Broshkina: Of course. (He casually takes off his fur coat and begins to sing).

Song: "What lady is missing."

Santa Claus: He sings well, but this is not my granddaughter.

Matroskin: Maybe you will stay with us, we will celebrate the New Year together.

Broshkina: I have to go. Happy New Year to you!

Sharik: And I'll give it to you

And I'll find the Snow Maiden.

Sharik and Broshkina come out.

Step 9.

Fedor: I completely forgot, today my mom and dad are performing at the Blue Light.

Jackdaw: Time to turn on the TV.

Matroskin: And the TV does not work for us!

Fedor: It's a pity!

Pechkin enters.

Pechkin: Why are you sad?

Fedor: The TV doesn't work ...

Pechkin: Don't worry, I will repair it. Do you have any tools?

Matroskin: We have everything. (Pulls out a screwdriver, a wrench)

Pechkin: Oh, I didn't think that cats are so smart!

Matroskin: I can also write on a typewriter ...

Galchonok: We have guests!

Song "Happy New Year!"

Matroskin: We have guests again!

Hey guys come in

Show us your dance!

Modern dance.

Step 10.

Sharik, Snegurochka and two enter.

Sharik: Look who I brought.

Snow Maiden: Hello, my friends,

I was in a hurry to visit you.

The best grandfather ever

He promised to meet me here.

I got lost in the woods….

Santa Claus: I thought I won’t find it, beauty ...

Snow Maiden: My new friends

Showed the way here.

Two: Happy New Year! Happy new meeting!

It's a beautiful evening again.

He brought us songs, dances,

The miracle of the New Year's fairy tale.

We are giving you a New Year's song.

Song: "Snow is Falling."

Step 11.

Snow Maiden: They say on New Year's Eve

What you don't want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true!

Santa Claus: I will give you gifts -

From bright desires - bright!

Only wish good.

Don't be shy and don't yawn!

Performed by Santa Claus

Only good dreams!

Do not wish for evil or tears,

And you will receive joy!

Pechkin: Beautiful dance.

D.M. knocks with a staff - "Jimmy - Jimmy" dance

Santa Claus: What do you want?

Galchonok: Happy song!

D.M. knocks with a staff - Song "Coco - Jamba"

Santa Claus: Matroskin, what do you want?

Matroskin: And I will save!

D.M. knocks with a staff - Song "New Year"

Santa Claus: Sharik, what are you dreaming about?

Sharik: I would have a sugar bone!

D.M. knocks with a staff - the Snow Maiden gives a bone.

Sharik: Is there a song about me?

D.M. knocks with a staff - Song "There is no more faithful dog"

Step 12.

Ball: Look! And here mom and dad are performing!

Fedor: Hurray! Let's see.

Pechkin: Only your TV has no sound.

The beginning of the song "If there was no winter"

Pechkin: What technology has reached! Your mom and dad are being handed over here and there!

Mom and Dad: This was not the technique, it was we who arrived on the train ourselves, and the concert was recorded on tape!

All: Hurray! Our parents have arrived!

Song "If there was no winter"

COMMON VERSE: Friends! Our tree is sparkling with lights.

May everything come true - what we have planned!

Each house will have a full cup

And all our loved ones will be healthy!

Let's all make a wish!

Fate will not leave him without attention.

Will give love, and return hope,

And the coming year will bring happiness!

Santa Claus: Let time move forward

And may the New Year come!

Final song "New Year"

Scenario for New Year's party in 1st grade

"New Year in Prostokvashino"

The scene represents a village courtyard: a house, a fence, a gate, several trees behind the fence, one tree is in the yard, decorated with toys. In the side there is a sign - "Prostokvashino". There are chairs for spectators around the perimeter.

The introduction of the song "If there was no winter" sounds. Children sit on high chairs.

Presenter: Children, we have news,

I'll tell you about it now.

The cat Matroskin is calling us

To celebrate the New Year in the village.

Let's go to Prostokvashino:

Fresh air, pine trees, ate,

Let's sing and dance

Celebrate the New Year together!

Let's sit in the sleigh

And we will have fun, together we will ride!

(Children unite (10 people each, in a column of two) with a colored decorated elastic band, holding on to it with their hands, and move in a circle while the music is playing.)

Snowman (interrupts the song):

Wait! I also want to visit!

I guys are a Snowman.

I'm used to the snow, the cold.

You blinded me cleverly:

Instead of a nose - here is a carrot ...

I confess I'm tired of

One is idle.

I'm not an ordinary snowman

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what guys

Are engaged in winter

(The presenter offers to take a snowman with him and "puts him in someone's sleigh. The song continues. As soon as the song is interrupted, the presenter draws the children’s attention to the sign and announces that everyone has arrived safely in Prostokvashino. The children free the sleigh and sit on the chairs. )

(Cat Matroskin and Sharik run out onto the stage, run up to the tree and continue to decorate it.)

Matroskin: It's good that Uncle Fyodor sent us toys from the city! There is a tree, what

smart turned out!

Sharik: Very good, only I would have hung bones and sausages, so that it was not only

kr-nice, but also delicious!

(A Snowman approaches the heroes and holds out a candy.)

Snowman: Here, take it, it's delicious!

Matroskin: Who is this?

Snowman: I'm a snowman! I arrived in Prostokvashino with the guys, they are first graders, they already know how to do a lot, and I learn from them.

Sharik: Wow, you! We worked so hard that we didn't notice the guests. Look-r-ri, Matr-roskin, r-guys came to us from the mountains-kind.

Matroskin: Great! Yes, how smart! Hello guys! (children greet Matroskin and Sharik)

Matroskin: But Snowman says that you know and can do a lot, but I want to check. Can you count to three? (Children in chorus: we can)

Matroskin: Then come to me 10 guys! Come on, snowman your candy. (The cat takes the candy, puts it on the chair, and puts the children with their backs around the chair.):

I have invented a task for you,

Well, something like a competition,

As soon as I tell you "three!"

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike,

Gutted, but inside,

We saw small fish,

yes not one, but as many as ... six!

Dreams of a hardened boy

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don't sleep at the start

And wait for the command: one, two, ... seven!

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them for yourself

Once, twice,

Or maybe ... five!

One day train at the station

I had to wait three hours

Well, well friends,

You didn't take the prize,

When there was an opportunity to take!

(if there is a winner in the game, then he gets the candy as a prize)

Snowman: Yes, now I understand how important it is to be attentive. Can I check the guys for attention?

Presenter: How?

Snowman :: I'll tell you a story, guys, and you should stomp your feet and clap your hands as soon as you notice any inconsistency.

“How long have we been waiting for this holiday! Prepared, prepared. And they prepared well: they hung beautiful sausages under the ceiling, put a birch tree in the corner and soiled it thoroughly. And so all the sad and sad guys gathered, all in carnival costumes. Alina put on a green hat, with a suitcase in her hands, where her mother put food for the wolf. Rose dressed herself with a snowflake - a pillow on her head, pedals on her feet. Alena dressed up in a fairy costume: put on a jumpsuit, took a broom in her hands. The children sang songs, danced and cried. But the guys were most happy when Barmalei came to visit them and presented everyone with packages of pepper and mustard. "

Presenter: Well, you made us laugh Snowman! You can see many more words you need to learn and be able to use them, but for now, sit down, visit the real New Year's holiday.

Sharik: And I want to check how the guys can count!

(A song sounds, the Ball invites the children to dance in pairs, then gives the command to break in three, then four, five and finally form one big circle during the dance.)

(At this time, to the music from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino", the postman Pechkin comes in and knocks loudly on the gate)

Matroskin: Who is there?

Pechkin: It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought a telegram from Santa Claus, but I will not give it to you.

Sharik: Why is that?

Pechkin: So you do not have a document and you cannot put your signature!

Matroskin: How is it, there are no documents? We will now put such a signature for you ... (the cat starts throwing snowballs at Pechkin, Sharik joins him, pours snowballs on the floor and asks the guys to help throw Pechkin.

(The song "If there was no winter" sounds, the children play snowballs. The music stops.)

Presenter: Friends, and after all a telegram from Santa Claus, what if he is in a hurry to tell us something important, and we have arranged games here.

Pechkin: That's right, brawlers, robbers! You will not see a telegram!

Presenter: Well, what are you, Pechkin, our guys are very kind and friendly.

Pechkin: Of course: all for one ... you can't imagine a friendlier one!

Presenter: Don't be angry, dear Pechkin, we didn't want to offend you, it's just that snowballs are a favorite children's game in winter!

Sharik: And they also mold snow women in winter!

Matroskin: Show?

Pechkin: Well, if it doesn't hurt ...

Sharik: No, it doesn't hurt a bit!

(Three sets of circles are taken out: large, medium, small, two very small ;, carrots, buckets. Two teams of 6 people are called. To the cheerful music, children alternately run to the designated place with one piece of a snowman. The team that first folded the snowman wins )

Presenter: You see, Pechkin, how clever our children are. They not only know how to count, but also sculpt!

Pechkin: For example, they know how to sculpt, but they will not receive a telegram anyway! Sculpting is not a signature!

Presenter: What's the signature, our children can even draw a portrait!

Pechkin: I don't need any portrait! I don't go out in the photo very well ...

Presenter: If you don't want your portrait, we can draw anyone, even Santa Claus himself! (Children are divided into two teams of 8 people, 2 sheets of paper, each of which has a face oval drawn. Children are built in columns, are given the task to draw one of the parts of the face - nose, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, cheeks, hair, beard, hat. ) on the third sheet Pechkin draws, his Santa Claus looks like Barmaley. As soon as the drawings are ready, magic music sounds and the Snow Maiden appears in the hall. She is tired and greets the guys in a sad voice.

Snow Maiden: You know, my friends,

I was in a hurry to visit you.

Best Grandpa ever

He promised to meet me here ...

Cat, doggie, postman,

In the portraits - it's him!

But where, where is he?

I was going to go to you ...

Sharik: Snegurochka, we ourselves are very much looking forward to Grandfather Mor-Rose, here Pechkin brought some telegram-frame from him, but he does not give it to us.

Pechkin: And I won’t give it up, because it’s not supposed to give telegrams to those who cannot sign.

Snow Maiden: I can sign, show me where?

Pechkin: Well, I don't even know, it says here that the telegram is addressed to the guys celebrating the new year ...

Snegurochka: So here are these guys: boys and girls.

Pechkin: Something I don't understand, where are the boys, where are the girls?

Snegurochka: Of course, the children came to celebrate the New Year in carnival costumes, so you can't tell where who is. But this is easily fixable. Listen carefully!

The Snow Maiden raises the children and offers a chant:

Two claps, (children clap their hands)

Two tributaries (children stamp their feet)

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (rotational movements of the hand with fingers apart)

Anvil, anvil (knocking fists against each other from top to bottom)

Scissors, scissors (transverse arm movements, imitating scissors)

Running in place, running in place (imitation running)

Bunnies, bunnies (I put my hands on my head, imitate the ears of hares)

Come on together, come on together

GIRLS! (girls shout)

BOYS! (boys shout)

Pechkin: Oh, they completely stunned the postal worker! Take your telegram!

Snow Maiden (takes a telegram and reads):

Dear kids!

I've been driving since the morning

To bring joy -

Bring you sweets.

I swear to come to you,

But it looks like I'll be late

I'll deliver toys

I am to forest animals.

I beg you very, very much

Meet my granddaughter

So that you don't get lost

And I have not lost my way!

Matroskin: You see Pechkin how late you were with the telegram. The guys did not have time to meet the Snow Maiden, she had to make her way herself, look for a way ...

(From behind the curtain comes uh-gay-gay!)

Snegurochka: Oh, guys, my grandfather is somewhere nearby!

The presenter of the holiday offers to call Santa Claus, to sing a song. Children perform the song "Russian Santa Claus". Santa Claus enters to the music.

Santa Claus: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Children: Hello Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, children

The bright life of a hundred years

And health - a hundred pounds!

New Year's at the gate

Let's join in a friendly round dance!

(Children join hands and lead a round dance to the Christmas tree-tree song, together with Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Matroskin, Sharik and Snowman).

Santa Claus: I trampled my heels!

Well, I'll sit down and sit.

I ask you riddles:

Who's smart I'll see. (makes riddles)

Near the Christmas tree in every home

Children lead a round dance.

What is the name of this holiday-


Children: (New Year!)

Clumsy clubfoot,

Loves honey, does not like cold weather.

I used to snore until spring.

What kind of beast is this?

Children: (Bear!)

Wiggles her ears

Rides under the bushes

Gray little coward,

Call him….

Children: (Bunny!)

Walks in a golden fur coat,

The gossamer's tail is fluffy

Very cunning eyes.

What is her name?

Children: (Fox!)

Here are quick-witted people

Granddaughter, it's your turn now.

Snow Maiden: Who are the guys for the New Year

Doesn't get tired of being amused?

Who gives gifts to children?

Who to the guys for everyone in the world

Have you brought a Christmas tree for the holiday?


Children: (Santa Claus!)

Snegurochka: Grandpa, and the guys have prepared poems, songs, dances for you. (Children recite poetry, perform dances, songs. Santa Claus gives them souvenirs)

Santa Claus: Well done, they coped with all the tasks: they guessed the riddles, had fun, danced.

Snegurochka: Grandfather Frost, will there be gifts?

Santa Claus: Before you say goodbye,

I must, children, I confess:

I have a surprise for you!

Where - you will find out now.

Turn around: one, two, three! -

(at this time, a box with gifts is brought out)

Take every surprise!

(children turn and find gifts.)

Santa Claus: We are friends, we must say goodbye!

We were glad to see you

Happy new year kids!

Music from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" sounds, the characters say goodbye to the guys.

Tatiana Gerasimova

Christmas tree off

The presenter stands by the tree, congratulates all those present with New Year(poem)... Then the presenter is talking:

LEADING: And now we meet our children!

To the hall to the song of D. Bilan "New Year" children enter, sit on high chairs. Then the splash screen sounds (balalaika) from "Winter in Prostokvashino» ... Against her background, the leading is talking:

LEADING: Oh guys, quieter, quieter!

I hear something strange!

Someone is conducting a conversation ...

What will happen now!

The presenter and the teacher open the curtains. The cat Matroskin is sitting on the stove (in felt boots).

MATROSKIN: And where has this Sharik gone!

Sharik enters with a gun and sneakers.

MATROSKIN: Ahh, the hunter has come! Where is the loot, Sharik!

BALL: A blizzard howls for two days! The whole hunt was covered with snow, animals from

the cold hid! The paws are numb!

MATROSKIN: Ball, you dunce: I told you "Buy boots!", and you

I bought sneakers!

BALL: They're prettier!

MATROSKIN: Who is in the winter Buttermilk sneakers wears!

Leith motive "Winter in Prostokvashino» ... A knock is heard at the door. Matroskin and Sharik ask who is there. Pechkin's voice for by the door:

PECHKIN: It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought a letter from your


BALL: Come in, come in, dear Comrade Pechkin!

The postman Pechkin enters the hall.

PECHKIN: Here (shows letter) what yours writes boy:

“Hello, my dear Matroskin and Sharik! Writes to you

your uncle Fedor. Coming Soon New Year and me and dad and

mom wanted to come to Buttermilk ...»

MATROSKIN: Hurray, our uncle Fedor will come!

that I got sick and am lying at home. And so that you are not bored

meet New Year, call the kids from kindergarten. They

funny and kind. Goodbye. Your uncle Fyodor. " Ate

snow your uncle Fyodor and now lies at home!

BALL: And we'll call the guys! Matroskin, write!

MATROSKIN: I feel good here too! Write yourself!

Ball "Writes" letter, gives to Pechkin. Under the leit motive "Winter in Prostokvashino» Pechkin walks around the tree, approaches the presenter.

PECHKIN: Kindergarten?. A letter from the village for you Prostokvashino.

LEADING: Thanks! (opens envelope, reads)"Hello,

dear children - preschool children! Come visit us at

Buttermilk to celebrate the New Year... Matroskin the cat and the dog

Ball." Dear comrade Pechkin, how can we get there

before Prostokvashino?

PECHKIN: Yes, it's not far, you can ski! It's time for me to write and

deliver parcels! (leaves the hall)

LEADING: Guys, we must hurry, Matroskin and Sharik already

waiting for us! Go!

DANCE OF SKIERS Gr. "Stagecoach" - "Snow and Christmas trees"

Matroskin and Sharik come out to the tree.

TOGETHER: Hooray! The guys came to us! We will Celebrate the new year! A

here is our beauty - a tree!

LEADING: Yes, your tree is beautiful, tried - dressed up! Just how

as if something is missing ... What is missing on the Christmas tree,

CHILDREN: Lights don't burn!

LEADING: We need to light the tree,

Magic words to say!

Come on, children, one - two - three ...

CHILDREN: Our Christmas tree, burn!

Ringing. Christmas tree incl. Applause.

CHILD 1: That's a Christmas tree! Good!

And smart and slender!

Thousands of lights at once

Flashed on it!

CHILD 2: A round dance under the tree

And dances and sings!

Matroskin the cat, Sharik is a friend

They invite you to the circle!

"NEW YEAR CHEROVER" Khizhinskaya

After the round dance, the children sit down.

LEADING: Matroskin, Sharik, did you like our song ?. It's time and

Call Santa Claus. Come on guys, all together together

let's call grandfather!

CHILDREN: Father Frost!

Under the leit motive "Winter in Prostokvashino» instead of Santa Claus, Pechkin enters the hall with a parcel in his hands (it says "From Santa Claus").

LEADING: It's you again, Comrade Pechkin! And we called Santa Claus!

PECHKIN: I came to you on business.

LEADING: And on what business?

PECHKIN: I've brought you a parcel from Santa Claus, but I don't

I will give it because you have no documents.

MATROSKIN: Give us our package now!

PECHKIN: What documents do you have?

MATROSKIN: Mustache, paws and tail - these are my documents!

PECHKIN: There is always a stamp on documents! Do you have a stamp on

tail? - no! And you can fake a mustache!

LEADING: Come on, get angry, you better go have tea. Ball,

Matroskin, pour some hot tea - it's winter outside,

cold! Please sit down, Comrade Pechkin! Already everything

on the table and even have a lot of delicious chocolates! Come on,

sweets, show yourself!

DANCE OF SWEETS Gr. "Samantha" - "We are sweets"

During the dance Pechkin "drinking tea", then is talking:

PECHKIN: What beautiful and delicious sweets you have! Give me that one

candy, they are very wonderful! (showing to the girl)

The girls run to the chairs, Pechkin follows them (runs out of the hall).

BALL: Now we will see what the postman Pechkin brought.

The ball opens the box, but does not have time to look - Baba Yaga appears in the hall.

BABA YAGA: Everyone on the holiday was invited,

Everyone has forgotten about me!

Have fun here celebrating ... oooh(notices the package, even

the parcels are being received ... Well, go away! (To ball; reads

inscription) "From Santa Claus" (opens) yes here

a bag ... probably with sweets ... then I'll open it - I'll take a look!

(pulls the bag out of the package).

Well, as I say goodbye to you I will have my revenge:

I will extinguish the lights on the tree in no time!

Fly, toad, nonsense - go out, tree, forever!

Christmas tree off Baba Yaga, with a gloating laugh, with a sack in her hands, runs out of the hall.

LEADING: Matroskin, Sharik, look, Baba Yaga extinguished our tree!

MATROSKIN: Let's go let's say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

BALL: That's right, Matroskin!

LEADING: Guys, let's all together let's say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

Children talk, but the tree is not incl.

LEADING: Baba Yaga so bewitched our Christmas tree that we cannot

light the lights on it! What to do? Who will help us out!

2 gnomes run out with flashlights.

GNOM 1: We are fabulous gnomes,

Let's light up the lanterns

Frost with the Snow Maiden

On let's call a holiday!

GNOME 2: Let it be joyful and fun

The lights will light up!

Magic lanterns -

Magic lights!


During the dance, the Christmas tree incl. The song sounds right away "Hello Dedushka Moroz" in isp. Lizaveta. The voice of Santa Claus is heard from the corridor.

LEADING: Hear! This is Santa Claus with his granddaughter rushing to

light of lights! Dwarfs, go meet Santa Claus!

The gnomes go out and then come back with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Everyone stands at the tree.

FATHER FROST: Hello, kids are cute girls and


SNOWROOM: Hello, dear guests.

Santa Claus congratulates everyone on New Year, then turns to Matroskin and Ball:

FATHER FROST: Matroskin, Sharik, as in your Buttermilk in winter

OK! How beautifully you have dressed up the tree! In many places I

I've been, I've never seen such a tree! And how many lights are on it!

(admires) We went to their light with the Snow Maiden, very much

they burn brightly!

LEADING: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, if not for the gnome wizards

with your flashlights, would you find your way to

Prostokvashino! They lit the lights on the tree and

lit your way - the way!

FATHER FROST: Thank you, lovely gnomes!

LEADING: Sit down, rest!

The dwarfs sit down, put away the lanterns.

LEADING: Can continue the holiday,

Let's sing and dance

Let's be together with Santa Claus

To see off the past year!

SNOWROOM: Spread the circle wider,

All get up in a round dance!

V Buttermilk we are together

We will meet you New Year!


After the round dance, the children stay in the circle.

FATHER FROST: And I, guys, are not only gifts handing out: I have a cold

There is a lot of frost, I hid it in my magic mittens!

Beware, I'll freeze you now!

LEADING: Try it! You won't succeed, grandfather!

FATHER FROST: How can this not work!


LEADING: You didn't freeze anyone, Santa Claus. Go guys on yours

places ... And you, Santa Claus, sit down. Snow Maiden, help

The children sit down. A sad Pechkin enters the hall.

LEADING: Comrade Pechkin! Why are you so sad?

PECHKIN: Why, why! It's frosty outside! And then I have a bird

I stole the candy! It must be taken to the clinic for experiments!

FATHER FROST: Well, you, postman Pechkin, are so worried!

Matroskin, Sharik, did you receive a package from me? There after all

a lot of candies!

LEADING: Grandfather Frost, they are no longer there!

FATHER FROST: And where did they go?

LEADING: Guys, tell us who comes to us, stole sweets and

extinguished the tree!

Children talk about Babu Yaga.

FATHER FROST: And where is she, this Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga enters the hall.

BABA YAGA: And here I am!

FATHER FROST: Answer, Yaga, why did you put out the tree? stole children?

PECHKIN: The package was not addressed to you! And you willfully her

They opened, the contents were taken away!

BABA YAGA: They also ask ... outraged! On holidays

you never call me, you don't play with me, you don't

treating! So I stole your candy! Maybe me too

I wanted sweet!

I'm tired of flying in my old mortar,

Tired of doing bad deeds!

I'm going to the tree for you,

Curled up, dressed up!

I'm still young, I'm only 200 years old,

And what a merry - there is no dancer equal to me!

LEADING: Baba Yaga, you dance and teach the children!

BABA YAGA: Come out to the tree, people, we'll start a round dance!


BABA YAGA: Phew, I'm tired! I haven't danced for so many years!

Now it's your turn, Santa Claus, to amuse the people!

FATHER FROST: And I would like to listen to the Snegurochka kids,

really, granddaughter ?. We haven't seen each other for a whole year, very much

I want to hear your poems! I know, they prepared, taught!

LEADING: Of course, Grandpa, we got ready! Have learned many verses for

FATHER FROST: Something got hot for me,

I'm not used to living in warmth!

Granddaughter, I'm getting sick ... melting ... melting ... melting ...

SNOWROOM: I'm making a snowball for you -

Cold little white lump!

Get up with us in a circle

Play with a snowball!

LEADING: Guys, get up in the circle as soon as possible,

Give the snow to your friends!

THE GAME "SNOW" (music.) "Who has a snowball in his hands"

PECHK., B. Ya.: And we will play with you,

We'll throw snowballs at you!

THE GAME OF SNOWFLAKES W. Karakoz - "Winter-winter"

FATHER FROST: Well, it's enough for you, kids, to indulge - throw snowballs!

Let's collect snowballs - we'll put things in order near the Christmas tree!

Children collect snowballs in the basket. Baba Yaga puts them under the tree. Children are standing by the tree.

LEADING: Grandfather Frost, did you feel well?

FATHER FROST: Oh, nice to play snowballs!

BABA YAGA: Eh, and how good it is in your Prostokvashino!

PECHKIN: Let's sing our beloved! Come on, guys, sing along!


Children stand freely in front of the tree. After the song, they sit on chairs.

LEADING: All this, of course, is good! But what to do with gifts

Santa Claus - Baba Yaga took away all the candies in the bag

to your hut!

BABA YAGA: Oh, kids, it's nice how you are! And I'm ready right now

fly for the sack!

PECHKIN: You leave - and then look for you and our sweets!

FATHER FROST: No need to go and fly anywhere, Yagusya! Have you forgotten

that I am a magician! Now I’ll say magic words, and a bag

will come by himself!

I’ll call him quickly - he’s probably at the door!

Hey, bag, come here and bring us gifts!


Into the hall to the music "Comes in" Bag.

FATHER FROST: You, my bag, turn around,

Dance and bow!

And then don't yawn -

Give gifts to everyone!

The sack dances and spins.

BABA YAGA: What is there in the bag?

LEADING: Oh, don't touch - he will run away!

BABA YAGA: I'll take a look with one eye!

BAG: You can't handle the bag!

Santa Claus conjured

So that no one opens!

BABA YAGA: Oh, curious, I can't!

BAG: Well, then I'll run away!

The bag escapes from the hall. Santa Claus for him: "Stop, bag, but what about gifts!" Then Santa Claus enters the hall, carries exactly the same bag (with gifts) and is talking:

FATHER FROST: Here ... I caught it by force! Oh, and I have him smart! Came

it's time to distribute gifts, Snegurochka, let's go - help


19.10.2014 5222 721

Year of the Snake (scenario of a children's holiday)

Characters - Matroskin, Sharik, Postman Pechkin, Boa constrictor, Viper, Shapoklyak, Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Puss in boots, Serpent Gorynych (dress three boys in one suit to get one body and three heads. The words of Serpent Gorynych are spoken by all three heads in turn), Baba Yaga, Leshy.

Ved. - We are glad to welcome you to this festive hall.

It is decorated again for the joy of all the kids.

All year we dreamed of a festive meeting with friends,

And now the long-awaited and joyful moment has come.

Toys, balls and garlands sparkle

Snowflakes flutter, descending from heaven,

As if in a fairy tale, the chimes struck,

And the heart is so waiting for magic and miracles ...

We will now tell you a fairy tale!

All of you listen, friends!

We are without a New Year's fairy tale

In the New Year it is impossible!

Scene 1

House in Prostokvashino, Sharik decorates the tree with old things found in the attic. Matroskin sits on a chair, sprawled, cross-legged, looking thoughtfully at Sharik.

Sharik: Look, Matroskin, what a beautiful tree we have!

(they sing the song "How beautiful is our tree")

Sharik: You just need to hang more bones on it.

Matroskin: Well, of course, pour sour cream too. You stupid, Sharik! This is not a dining table, but a tree! And in general, no New Year will work for you and me.

Sharik: Why is that?

Matroskin: That's why! When is New Year? When Santa Claus is there and the Snow Maiden. Where do we get them?

Sharik: Come on, you will be Santa Claus! You already have a mustache, we will glue you a beard.

Matroskin (indignantly): I don’t need to glue anything! Look what you've come up with, unfortunate spaniel!

Sharik: Okay, okay. Then let's make Pechkin Santa Claus.

Matroskin: Yeah, and my cow Murka is the Snow Maiden. No, Sharik, you will have to live without Santa Claus, and without the Snow Maiden, and without the New Year.

Pechkin enters.

Pechkin: Sorry, citizens, you have a telegram, but I won't give it to you ...

Matroskin and Sharik (in unison): We know, we know, because we have no documents! Okay, read it yourself.

Pechkin: "Uncle Fyodor invited us to Prostokvashino for the New Year. Wait for a visit, we will be soon. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden."

Matroskin and Sharik (in unison): Hurray!

Sharik: So we will have a real New Year! That's great! I'll run to look for my camera gun. I will make you, Matroskin, a portrait with Santa Claus.

Matroskin: A good hunter, there is nothing to say - he is looking for a gun. Let's go and show you where it is.

Go away

Ved. : Our heroes are gone. Wait, they are coming ...

Scene 2

Viper enters, she sobs, covering her face with her hands. Sits down.

Viper (sobbing): What kind of life is this? Why am I so unhappy? Why wasn't I born a butterfly? Everyone would love me, everyone would admire me ... And so you just hear: "Here is a viper!" Or even worse: "The snake is subcold!" And I, by the way, am not the Viper at all, but the Viper! I am sweet, kind, white and ... (looks around himself) h-yes, perhaps you can't call me fluffy. Well, all the same - I am very good, field-ee-knowing, and I sing no worse than Kristina Orbakaite (sings a song).

The song "Soon New Year."

Viper: Why is no one loo-oo-oo-bit me? (Crying out loud).

Boa enters, he is in a great mood, he has a wreath of daisies on his head.

Boa constrictor: My friend, why are you crying so much? You have a bad mood? Do you want me to give you my greetings? I still have a couple, those that Monkey and Elephant have not lost. Maybe hello will help you?

Viper (bitterly): No one will help me. Nobody loves us snakes. Everyone is afraid of us. And I so want to have friends! I so want to do something good! (Hopefully) Boa constrictor, do you know what you need to do to make people like you?

Suddenly the three-headed Serpent Gorynych and Shapoklyak appear. Shapoklyak takes aim at everyone with a slingshot. Baba Yaga creeps behind them and the Leshy is examining everything.

Serpent Gorynych (indignantly): What-oh-oh-oh- ?? What do I hear? Like these lousy people? Do something good? Dry my heads! (The second and the third heads: Dry off yourself! ") Don't you know that we, Snakes, must bite people, choke them, and dirty them in every way! , so I’ll take my darling away! I’ll burn everyone, burn everyone, devour everyone! (All three heads lick dreamily.

Viper (with horror): No, no, wait, how can I "eat it?" Who will let you?

Serpent Gorynych: And I won't ask anyone. What is the next year? - the year of the Snake. So it’s mine. So what I want is what I do! Tremble, you pathetic little people!

Shapoklyak: Exactly! Let's grind everyone to powder! Let's go for terrorists! I love doing dirty tricks!

Serpent Gorynych (sarcastically): Well, yes, you drop bricks on your head, you set your Lariska on everyone in a row ... You swim fine old woman! We will go on a big business - we will capture Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

The boa constrictor with the Viper, in horror and confusion, exclaims: "What? How?"

Shapoklyak (squeals with delight): Oh, Snake, how smart you are! No wonder you have three heads. We will catch the old man and the girl, we will take away all the presents! And we'll cut off the Sneguroka's braid, I'll make a wig out of it. All my life I dreamed of becoming a blonde!

Serpent Gorynych: Lord, with whom you have to work! (Barks at Shapoklyak) We don't need presents! We will force them to make the New Year come as soon as possible. But then we will turn around - we will devour everyone, we will burn everyone ... or not - we will burn ... no ... we will burn! Forward, Shapoklyak, to Santa Claus! (Run away). Baba Yaga and Leshim remain.

Viper: Who is this?

Baba Yaga.

I am a forest granny

The old woman is fighting.

To you for a holiday here

Friends brought me!

I sewed a bright sundress,

Curls fashionably laid,

Powdered nose slightly

Pretty Yaga!

Goblin: I am Goblin! Old man - wherever I go! Do you want us to dance for you?

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