How the voice breaks in boys at 12. Why does the voice break. Hygiene of the singing voice during the period of mutation in boys

A lot of scientific works have been written about mutational changes in the voice of boys, although this phenomenon is quite common. A change in the timbre of the voice occurs in the process of growth of the vocal apparatus. The larynx initially increases significantly in size, while the thyroid cartilage leans forward. The vocal folds lengthen and the larynx descends. In this regard, there is an anatomical change in the organs of voice formation. If we talk about the mutation of the voice in boys, then unlike girls, everything is more pronounced in them.

The mechanism of breaking the voice in boys

As mentioned earlier, voice change occurs through the expansion of the larynx in the process of growth. However, during puberty, in boys, the larynx increases by 70%, unlike girls, the voice tube, which only doubles.

  1. pre-mutation period.

This stage manifests itself as the preparation of the body for the restructuring of the vocal apparatus. If we talk about a conversational voice, then there may be voice breakdowns, hoarseness, coughing, and an unpleasant "tickle". The singing voice is more informative in this case: voice breakdowns when taking the extreme notes of the young man's range, unpleasant sensations in the larynx during vocal lessons, "dirty" intonation, and sometimes loss of voice. At the first bells, it is worth stopping classes, since this period requires rest of the vocal apparatus.

  1. Mutation.

This stage is characterized by swelling of the larynx, as well as excessive or insufficient secretion of mucus. These factors cause inflammation, thereby the surface of the ligaments acquires a characteristic color. Overexertion can lead to wheezing, and as a result, to "non-closure of the vocal folds." Therefore, during this period, you should carefully consider, including the prevention of colds and viral diseases. There is instability of the voice, sound distortion, as well as a characteristic hoarseness. When singing, tension of the vocal apparatus is observed, especially when jumping at wide intervals. Therefore, in the classroom it is worth leaning towards singing exercises, chants, and not works.

  1. post-mutation period.

Like any other process, voice mutation in boys does not have a clear end limit. Despite the final formation, overwork and tension of the ligaments can be observed. During this period, the changes that have taken place are consolidated. The voice acquires a fixed timbre and strength. However, the stage is dangerous due to its instability.

Features of the mutation in boys

The signs of voice breaking in young men are more noticeable and this is due, first of all, to the fact that the male voice, in fact, is much lower than the female one. The mutation period is short. There are cases when it happens almost instantly. However, in most cases, the restructuring of the body is delayed for several months. Just yesterday, a boyish treble can turn into a tenor, baritone or powerful bass. It all depends on genetic factors. Some young men undergo significant changes, while others - the transition to an adult voice is not expressed by a bright contrast.

Voice mutation in boys most often occurs at 12-14 years of age. However, it is not worth focusing on this age as the norm. There are many factors that can affect both the start time and the duration of the process.

First, undoubtedly, the natural climate influences. The ongoing studies have shown that in different climatic conditions the process of “growing up” of the voice occurs in different ways, and the age of restructuring ranges from 11 to 20 years.
Secondly, the genetic factor. Initially incorporated in the body of the installation can not be changed.
Thirdly, the mechanical factor. That is, the restructuring can be violated for any reason. They can be, for example, violations of the vocal apparatus, somatic diseases.

Hygiene of the singing voice during the period of mutation in boys

Singing voice mutation is a complex process that requires great attention from vocal teachers or phoniatrists who accompany the educational process. Measures for the protection and hygiene of the voice should be carried out in a complex manner, and their beginning should fall on the pre-mutation period. This will avoid disruption of voice development, both at the physical and mechanical levels.

Vocal lessons should be carried out in a gentle mode. However, during this period it is better to abandon individual lessons, since such classes are designed for the comprehensive development of voice data. And during the period of breaking the voice in boys, any overstrain of the ligaments is prohibited. However, there is an alternative - these are choral classes and ensembles. As a rule, young men are given an easy part, the range of which does not exceed fifths, more often in a small octave. All these conditions are not valid if the process is accompanied by periodic breakdowns of the voice, wheezing or instability of unison pronunciations.

Mutation in young men is undoubtedly a complex process, but with the right approach and observance of the postulates of the protection and hygiene of the voice, one can “survive” it without consequences and with benefit.

Puberty is one of the hardest times in life. There are so many changes happening at this time that it is difficult for the psyche to cope with them. During this period, children become teenagers. One of the main sexual changes in boys is the breaking of the voice. Many do not like to remember this period, because then they were often shy of their voice.

The breaking of the voice is caused by the growth of the larynx. In this case, the vocal cords lengthen and thicken, due to which the voice becomes lower. The vocal cords grow under the influence of hormones. In fact, the voice does not break, but simply changes. The tone of the voice is reduced by 5-6 tones. The so-called Adam's apple develops - the male Adam's apple.

When voice breakage occurs

The growth of the vocal cords in boys begins around the age of 13-14. But this is middle age, like puberty, it is individual. The difficulty is that the child is used to his old voice and the new one scares him. The ligaments have grown and now require a different speech mechanism. The voice becomes lower and rougher. But while the boy gets used to the new way of making sounds, the low voice will alternate with the high one.

This time is necessary to stabilize the voice. A teenager is very vulnerable, as he worries about his voice. The boy needs to be explained that this is a normal process, and everything that he experiences is the path to becoming a man. Screeching notes may appear in the voice, the tonality is constantly changing. During the breaking of the voice, the boys cannot sing at all. They can try, but they won't succeed. You need to be prepared for the fact that breaking your voice can take up to six months.

During the breaking of the voice, you need to protect the ligaments

If the boy screams loudly, tries to forcibly rebuild his voice, then he will injure the ligaments. Most boys are noisy by nature, it is impossible for them not to scream during games and communication. A loud cry often turns into a squeal, the vocal cords are overstressed. Nodules appear on damaged ligaments, due to which the voice becomes hoarse, hoarse. Fortunately, they resolve and the vocal cords return to normal. Strong nervous shocks can provoke a loss of voice. If such a nuisance suddenly occurred, take the boy to a speech therapist or phoniatrist.

Throat red during voice change

Growing ligaments require a lot of blood, so the larynx becomes red. If there are no other signs of a cold, then you do not even need to start treating it. After all, medications can slow down the process of breaking the voice.

It is impossible to predict what the voice will become after breaking.

Therefore, you should not plan a career as a singer for your child. After all, very often after breaking, the musical voice disappears. Be prepared for the fact that the voice of a teenager will be completely normal. Have a conversation with your child so that he is ready for change.

Since ancient times, nature has laid it so that a person must communicate. Almost all children are born with thin voices, and by adolescence, voice breaking begins to occur. In fact, this process affects both male and female ligaments, although this is not so noticeable in girls.

What does the process itself look like?

The beginning of the air wave comes from the lungs, reaches the ligaments and causes them to oscillate. As for the chest and nasopharynx, they act as resonators. The pitch of the sound depends on the thickness of the vocal cords - the thinner they are, like in girls, the higher the voice, and vice versa - the thicker the cords, like in boys, the lower.

Nature made sure that parents always heard their child. Therefore, from birth, each person has small and thin ligaments.

As they grow, they increase in size and thicken, respectively, the sound changes its tone.

But during puberty, the speed and degree of growth has gender differences. The female larynx changes twice, while the male larynx changes by 70%.

That is why adolescents have such significant differences in timbre, both by gender and between each other. But it’s worth saying right away that such a process is absolutely individual, therefore some boys have had a bass for 12 years, while others still communicate in a tenor at 15.

There are three main stages of mutation.

  1. pre-mutation period. At this time, the body is preparing for future restructuring, and all systems are involved in this stage.
  • the sound becomes more hoarse;
  • hoarseness, perspiration are noted, which are accompanied by a slight cough.

But it is worth noting that if a boy or girl is engaged in singing, then such symptoms may manifest themselves somewhat differently, because singers have more trained ligaments. Firstly, high notes will not come on as easily as before. Secondly, the child may begin to complain of pain in the larynx while singing.

The vocal teachers themselves will begin to make comments about the "dirt" in the sound. Although in a "calm" state, such signs may not be observed. The vocal cords need rest at this time, since the process of restructuring and the simultaneous load on them can lead to the fact that a person simply loses “his sound”.

  1. Crack of voice. At this time, the larynx begins to flow, and mucus may be observed. Such moments provoke the onset of the development of inflammatory processes.

Therefore, if you look into the mouth of a teenager, you can see that the surface of the vocal cords has become red. It is this condition that requires rest, since an increased load can lead to underdevelopment of the organ.

During such a period, it is worth taking special care to protect yourself from colds and viral diseases, otherwise, after the teenage period passes, there is a risk that the boys will still have the sound of a tenor.

  1. post-mutation period. This is an individual process. Many factors play a role here, ranging from nationality, and ending with personal physiological, and sometimes genetic characteristics. In boys and girls, it can occur in different ways, and take a different amount of time. Usually, by the end of the formation of "own sound", the child begins to complain about the rapid fatigue of the vocal cords. But now it will become more noticeable that the voice does not have drops anymore, it becomes more stable.

Adolescence is characterized by rapid activation of hormonal processes. It is these substances that are responsible for external and internal changes in the human body - in boys, hair begins to actively grow throughout the body, puberty develops, wet dreams, a sharp increase in the skeleton and muscle mass are observed. As for girls, their breasts begin to grow, their body shape changes, menstruation begins.

The vocal cords are also very dependent on hormones. If during adolescence they receive less of their components, they will not be able to acquire "adult" sizes - to become more elongated and dense. Accordingly, the voice will not break, which means that the young man will remain high enough.

By the way, in girls it is always higher, since their sex hormones are not produced in the same quantity as in boys, and besides, they are completely different. It is interesting to note that in old age the male voice becomes higher and the female voice lower. And all these moments are due to the fact that the hormonal background receives less of its components.

Breaking the voice is associated not only with physiological, but also with psychological discomfort. And for both boys and girls. But women's ligaments grow a little slower, so when the moment of puberty comes, they are still short compared to men's. Therefore, the mutation is not so obvious.

And a sharp change in the timbre of a girl can be associated with a malfunction of hormones. But in this case, parents are required to show their daughter to an endocrinologist, because this may indicate serious endocrine diseases. If the girl does not have obvious symptoms of breaking her voice, then the mutation process is going on naturally and there is nothing to worry about.

Most teenagers do not even notice how their voice breaks. This is due to the fact that such a process simply does not cause them any discomfort.

Different children of the same age may have a different tone of voice, as their larynxes will be at different stages of development. But no matter what state the child is in, parents should know what actions are permissible during this period, and why it is worth abstaining.

  1. moderate load. This is more advice for parents of boys than girls. Excessive stress on the vocal cords provokes the formation of nodules, which further lead to hoarseness. Such a defect can go away on its own, but in some cases surgery is indispensable;
  2. during the mutation period, it is worth protecting the child from colds. This can tighten the breaking of the voice. If a young man continues to have high tones for a long time, then parents are advised to show him to such a specialist as a phoniatrist;
  3. parents should explain to the child that "own sound" is unique, and it will be the same as nature intended. Very often, little boys try to imitate this or that hero. Such fanaticism can lead to the fact that the young man overloads his ligaments and they simply "break".

Nature itself lays this or that tone of voice, and no one can change it. Therefore, your timbre should be taken as a given and does not oppose it. And there is no way to speed up the breaking of the voice, because this process is natural and it is impossible to influence it.

It remains only to be patient, follow the recommendations so that this process goes faster and, if possible, without complications.

How boys' voices break

How voice breaking occurs

The breaking of the voice is caused by the growth of the larynx. In this case, the vocal cords lengthen and thicken, due to which the voice becomes lower. The vocal cords grow under the influence of hormones. In fact, the voice does not break, but simply changes. The tone of the voice is reduced by 5-6 tones. The so-called Adam's apple develops - the male Adam's apple.

When voice breakage occurs

The growth of the vocal cords in boys begins around the age of 13-14. But this is middle age, like puberty, it is individual. The difficulty is that the child is used to his old voice and the new one scares him. The ligaments have grown and now require a different speech mechanism. The voice becomes lower and rougher. But while the boy gets used to the new way of making sounds, the low voice will alternate with the high one.

Breaking voice lasts for several months

This time is necessary to stabilize the voice. A teenager is very vulnerable, as he worries about his voice. The boy needs to be explained that this is a normal process, and everything that he experiences is the path to becoming a man. Screeching notes may appear in the voice, the tonality is constantly changing. During the breaking of the voice, the boys cannot sing at all. They can try, but they won't succeed. You need to be prepared for the fact that breaking your voice can take up to six months.

During the breaking of the voice, you need to protect the ligaments

If the boy screams loudly, tries to forcibly rebuild his voice, then he will injure the ligaments. Most boys are noisy by nature, it is impossible for them not to scream during games and communication. A loud cry often turns into a squeal, the vocal cords are overstressed. Nodules appear on damaged ligaments, due to which the voice becomes hoarse, hoarse. Fortunately, they resolve and the vocal cords return to normal. Strong nervous shocks can provoke a loss of voice. If such a nuisance suddenly occurred, take the boy to a speech therapist or phoniatrist.

Throat red during voice change

Growing ligaments require a lot of blood, so the larynx becomes red. If there are no other signs of a cold, then you do not even need to start treating it. After all, medications can slow down the process of breaking the voice.

It is impossible to predict what the voice will become after breaking.

Therefore, you should not plan a career as a singer for your child. After all, very often after breaking, the musical voice disappears. Be prepared for the fact that the voice of a teenager will be completely normal. Have a conversation with your child so that he is ready for change.

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Hello Sasha.

Voice formation in both men and women is a rather complex and multi-stage process. It involves at least 5 body systems: lungs, chest, nasopharynx, vocal folds (they are also called "ligaments", but this is incorrect), articulatory apparatus and larynx. The voice is formed precisely at the moment when the air inhaled by a person passes through the vocal folds, which begin to oscillate and vibrate, and sound, as you know, is born during vibration.

Since the vocal folds tend to grow, the voice of children, when they are completely undeveloped, is high, squeaky. Nature cannot be deceived, because she has provided for everything: children need such voices so that their parents can hear them even at long distances.

When do boys change their voice?

It cannot be said for sure that at the age of 12 a boy's voice will definitely change and "break". Not! Firstly, in boys, the process of changing the voice proceeds faster, because. the vocal folds grow and thicken at a faster rate. For girls, this process is somewhat delayed in time, so by about 10-12 years the difference in voices becomes obvious. After a couple of years (approximately by the age of 13 - 14), sex hormones intervene in the process of voice mutation, tk. boys begin puberty. It is at this moment that the voice changes a lot, because hormones now influence the growth and thickening of the vocal folds.

As for the duration of the voice mutation process, it is also impossible to say for sure, because withdrawal can last from one month to several years. On average, the process takes a couple of months, during which time the growing men already have time to get used to their new "sound".

I draw your attention to the fact that boys during the period of voice change experience serious psychological problems, so parents need to treat the child during this period of his development more carefully and condescendingly. Adults should avoid shouting and loud tones that turn into bass. In no case should the situation be brought to the point where the child himself screams, because. a loud cry can cause damage to his vocal folds, which is fraught with the development of problems with his voice. The strong tension of warehouses at the stage of their active growth can lead to the formation of "knots" that greatly change the voice. Among other things, screaming can provoke hemorrhage in the tissues of the folds.

What is early puberty?

I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that the age of 13-14 years is very conditional for breaking the voice. The average limit of voice breaking (puberty) is defined in this range, but, as in any other rule, there may be exceptions to this. In medical practice, there are indeed cases when boys experience puberty earlier (for example, at 8–10 years old), as well as situations when it occurs at a late age (for example, at 18 years old).

In this situation, we are interested in earlier puberty in boys, although it is called "early" only if it begins before 10 years of age. 11 years of age in boys is considered absolutely normal for certain changes in his body - puberty.

At about 11 - 13 years old (in this case, you have exactly 11 years old) in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe child's brain (the hypothalamus gland), the production of the hormone gonadoliberin begins. It is this hormone that is involved in the formation of spermatozoa and other sex hormones. As mentioned earlier, it is these sex hormones, androgens, that affect the vocal folds, which begin to actively increase in size and thicken. Accordingly, there is also a change in the voice, its mutation, which is called "breaking".

Sincerely, Natalia.

Voice is a natural ability of a person to make a variety of sounds, which is extremely important for the implementation of full-fledged communication in society. All babies are born with thin voices, but over time, the features of their sound change. And this is especially noticeable in boys, since there is a significant difference between the male and female voices. And today we are talking about how voice breaking occurs in boys, we will consider its symptoms, and also answer the question: how to speed up this process, and how long it normally lasts.

Human anatomy experts claim that the height of our voice is determined by the thickness of the vocal cords. In girls, they are thinner, so their voice sounds higher, and in boys they are thicker, respectively, and their voice is lower. Ligaments increase in size and also become thicker in both sexes. But in girls they change only twice, and in boys by almost seventy percent. And this process of change is precisely what is called breaking the voice.

It is worth noting that the processes of voice breaking in boys proceed according to approximately the same scenario. But the age of onset of such changes may vary. Sometimes the voice breaks as early as the age of twelve, and sometimes fifteen-year-olds do not yet see such changes. Symptoms depend on the period of the mutation.

So, in the pre-mutation period, the body of a teenager is only preparing for the upcoming restructuring, involving all organs and systems. At the same time, the boy's voice acquires a more hoarse sound. Readers of "Popular about Health" may pay attention to the occurrence of hoarseness, itching and a slight cough.

However, it is worth noting that when practicing vocals, such changes may manifest themselves somewhat differently, due to the training of the ligaments. So, the child in this case may have difficulty in trying to hit high notes. In addition, he may be disturbed by pain in the larynx that occurs when practicing vocals. In this case, the teacher may notice "dirt" in the sound.

Then comes the period of direct breaking of the voice. At the same time, the larynx naturally swells, and active synthesis of mucus is possible. Such changes contribute to the attachment of all kinds of inflammatory processes. If parents look into a teenager's mouth, they can see the reddened vocal cords with their own eyes. In this state, the child's voice needs rest, increased stress can cause underdevelopment of the vocal cords. It is extremely important to protect yourself from all kinds of colds, acute respiratory infections and SARS. After all, their accession is fraught with violations of voice breaking and even inhibition of this process. In such a situation, the boy may have the sound of a tenor for all the years of his life.

After the breakage of the voice itself, the so-called post-mutation period begins. And its course depends on many factors, ranging from nationality and ending with genetic or physiological characteristics. This stage can last a different amount of time. As practice shows, towards the end of the formation of already completely “his” voice, the child begins to periodically complain that his vocal cords quickly get tired. However, parents may notice that voice differences no longer occur, the sound becomes stable.

The duration of this period is quite individual. It can take from two to four months to complete all the stages described above. But quite often this period can increase up to six months.

Doctors strongly do not recommend interfering with the natural processes of changing the vocal cords. Parents should have information on how to help the formation of the voice and how to prevent the occurrence of various problems.

So, first of all, load limiting plays an extremely important role. Excessive loads on the changing vocal cords are fraught with the formation of nodules, and this in turn leads to the development of hoarseness. It is possible that such a defect will pass by itself, but in some cases even surgical assistance is necessary to correct it.

During the period of breaking the voice, it is worth remembering the increased likelihood of the child developing various acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Diseases can disrupt or delay the process of changing the vocal cords. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, strengthen immunity and activate the body's defenses. In the event that the child’s voice does not break for a long time, you need to consult with a phoniatrist.

Parents must necessarily explain to the teenager that the sound resulting from the breaking of the voice will be unique, and its sound features are predetermined by nature. Quite often, children try to copy some heroes, and such attempts during the period of vocal cord change can lead to the fact that the changing areas are overloaded, and the breaking process is disrupted.

Therefore, both parents and teenagers should be patient and let nature take its toll. The period of breaking the voice does not last so long.