How to determine the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents, blood type, last menstruation, date of conception, blood renewal, heartbeat, according to the Chinese calendar. How, knowing the date of conception, calculate the sex of a child

Online calculator Japanese table of determining the sex of the child | Calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl

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Online calculator Chinese table of determining the sex of the child | Calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl

In China, all men use this conception calendar (table) to schedule gender of the child as the renowned Institute of Sciences of Beijing says that this simple calendar (conception table makes it possible to find out gender of the child with maximum precision. We recommend using Chinese calendar (table) for determining the sex of the child.
Comfortable calculator online Chinese table for determining the sex of the child... Here you can calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl.

Online calculator tables for determining the sex of the child by the date of blood renewal | Calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl

This is a completely new but very well proven method of calculation. gender of the child, the basis is the cyclicity in renewal of blood... For moms, this happens once every three years, for dads, once every four years. Also gender of the child depends on which parent's blood is younger, that is, if a woman's blood is fresh, then gender of the unborn child will be feminine, if for a man - then masculine.
Comfortable calculator online tables for determining the sex of the child by the date of blood renewal... Here you can calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl.

Online calculator tables for determining the sex of a child by blood group | Calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl

It is quite popular conception calendar (table) allowing determine gender embryo by combination blood groups both parents. By this the calendar (table) of conception used not only by those who are already waiting for the appearance child into the world, but also those who only plans the appearance of a new man in the family.
Comfortable online calculator tables for determining the sex of a child by blood group... Here you can calculate the calendar of the conception of a boy or girl.

Calculate ovulation calendar online

Average ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle), but deviation from the average is often observed and is to some extent the norm. The length of the menstrual cycle alone is not a reliable source of information about the day of onset. ovulation, although usually with a shorter cycle, ovulation occurs earlier, and with a longer cycle, later.
Comfortable ovulation calculator... Here you can calculate online ovulation calendar.

Calculate pregnancy calendar online

Knowing the "start date of the last menstrual period" and "cycle length" can quickly calculate pregnancy by week, namely: estimated date of conception, end of first trimester (12 weeks), end of second trimester (27 weeks), estimated date of birth (40 weeks), fetal age (by weeks) and gestational age.
Comfortable pregnancy calculator... Here you can calculate online pregnancy calendar.

In ancient times, ultrasound did not exist, and our ancestors could not calculate the sex of a child with an accuracy of one hundred percent. They conducted observations, recorded the results, passing on their own conclusions from generation to generation. Thus, there was a calendar for determining the sex of the child. Each nation has its own. The calendar does not guarantee the birth of a child of one gender or another. Most often, it is built on the principle of guessing based on long-term observations and the conditions of existence of this people. Nevertheless, according to the calendar, you can predict with a certain percentage of the birth of a girl or a boy.

Calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child

There are many ways to help you calculate your date of conception. One of them is an ovulation calculator. Such a calculator should only be used if the woman has a stable menstrual cycle and each month of the cycle lasts the same number of days. It is enough to enter in the lines of the calculator the month and year of the planned pregnancy, the date and number of days of the last menstruation, and it will give the result. With this calculation, there is an error, because the body of each expectant mother is individual, and the date of ovulation can occur between 8 and 16 days of the menstrual cycle, so it is difficult to accurately predict the birth of a boy or girl. The gynecological calendar for determining the sex of a child involves calculating the probability of conceiving a baby of one sex or another, based on the date of ovulation. The author of the technique is considered to be a Polish doctor, Frantisek Benedo. Sperm are responsible for the formation of the sex of the child: with the Y chromosome - for the boy, with the X chromosome - for the girl. Sperm with the Y-chromosome move faster and live less than the "female" counterparts. Vitality depends on the acidity of the environment of the female genital organs. Approximately two to three days before ovulation occurs, it changes from alkaline to acidic, which is beneficial for "female" sperm. These days, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is higher. In an earlier period, the likelihood of conceiving a boy is higher.

How to determine the date of ovulation?

To use the gynecological calendar, you need to determine the exact date of ovulation. The most accurate method is considered to calculate the date based on the results of measuring the basal temperature. It takes 3-5 months to measure it in order to accurately determine on which days the temperature jumps occur. Before ovulation, the body temperature rises to 37 ° C, and on the very day of ovulation it is as high as possible and sometimes can reach 37.4 - 37.6 ° C. The data is recorded in a special schedule by day, let's call it "Child sex determination calendar". If ovulation occurs after the same number of days from the start of the cycle, the sex of the baby can be planned. It all depends on which of the chromosomes, "female" or "male", gets to the egg first. Dr. Shettles published in the 60s. 20th century research in which he argued that the method of calculating sex by ovulation (gynecological method) works with an accuracy of 75-90%. The calendar for determining the sex of the child makes it possible to trace the pattern in the menstrual cycle and, on the basis of this, plan the sexual activity of a married couple. For the method to work effectively, it is necessary not only to observe the time interval relative to the date of ovulation during conception, but also the depth of penetration. In order for a girl to appear, he recommends having sex a certain number of days before the date of ovulation with shallow penetration and vice versa. In the first case, there is a high probability for the X chromosome to get to the egg cell first, in the second - on the Y chromosome.

Vanga calendar: determining the sex of the child

This table implies the dependence of the sex of the child on the month of conception and the age of the mother. Compiled by her student Vangi Lyudmila Kim. In order to calculate the sex of the future baby, you need to select a row with the mother's year of birth and a column with the month in which conception is planned. The cell at the intersection will indicate the gender of the baby. Let us denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:

How to determine the gender of a child according to the Chinese calendar?

The Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child has the same structure as the Wangi table. The age range of the mother is indicated here from 18 to 35 years. The cell at the intersection of the row and column will indicate the gender of the unborn child. Let us denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl. The table looks like this:

How to determine the gender of a child using the Japanese calendar?

The Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child allows you to find out who will be born by the date of conception. This calendar consists of two tables. The first table uses the months of birth of the mother and father of the unborn child. Calendar for determining the sex of the child: part 1 - obtaining a secret code number.

At the intersection of a column and a row, the number-code will be obtained, which is used in the second table. In the second table, the month of conception of the unborn child and the number-code are taken; in the cell at the intersection of the two values, the sex of the unborn child will be obtained. Calendar for determining the sex of the child: part 2 - determining the sex by the month of conception and the secret number-code. Let us denote ○ - this is a boy, ● - a girl.

What is the most accurate gender calendar?

An exact calendar for determining the sex of the child has not yet been created. Of the three calendars-tables above, none gives a 100% accurate answer. Rather, it’s just an accident. For the mother-to-be, the most important thing is that the baby is born absolutely healthy and that the birth takes place without negative consequences for the mother and baby. The most accurate is the pregnancy calendar - determining the sex of the child using the calculation of the date of ovulation. Based on the fact that the acidity of the vagina affects the viability of sperm carriers of a particular sex, you can try to influence the change in acidity by eating certain foods. Some health care providers claim that eating foods that contain potassium and sodium can increase the likelihood of having a boy. This effect is associated with the fact that minerals, penetrating into the woman's blood, affect the state of the acidity of the vagina, changing it to an alkaline environment. Thus, the viability of "male" sperm and the likelihood of conceiving a boy is increased. From a scientific point of view, no calendar for determining the sex of a child is considered reliable.

Folk omens that allow you to predict the gender of the child:

1. Fortune telling using the key. The key must be single without key fobs and rings. If the mother-to-be takes the key from the table for the longest part of it, a girl will be born. If she takes the key by the round part, it's a boy. If you take it in the middle, twins will appear.

2. An old folk belief. If the family already has children, you need to remember which of the parents the baby first named in infancy. When a child calls his mother, a girl will be born, when he first calls his father - a boy.

3. Sign on the nutrition of the expectant mother. If, before conception, the expectant mother consumes sour and salty foods, a boy will be born, if sweet - a girl.

4. You need to take a needle with a black thread and place it over your palm. Ask the question: "Who will be born to me now?" If the pendulum moves in a straight line, there will be a boy; if in a circle, there will be a girl. If a ring is used as a pendulum, the result is read in reverse.

5. Divination by the date of conception. If the month of conception and the year of birth of the mother are even, or both are odd, a girl will be born, if they do not coincide in parity, there will be a boy. Divination is true for the menstrual cycle from the beginning of the month. For cases where conception occurs in the month of birth of the mother, the result is not valid.

Folk omens that allow you to determine the gender of the baby by the state and behavior of a pregnant woman:

1. If during pregnancy "pulls" for sour and salty, there will be a boy. If you want to eat something sweet - a girl.

2. If a pregnant woman, when asked to show her hands, turns them with her palms up, a girl will be born, if down - a boy.

3. In a pregnant woman who is expecting the birth of a girl, toxicosis is stronger in the early stages.

4. A pregnant woman who is expecting the birth of a girl has a higher belly than that of a woman who is about to give birth to a boy.

5. Fortune telling by the belly. An engagement ring is taken and hung on a black thread. The resulting pendulum is placed over the belly of the pregnant woman and the question is asked: "Who will be: a boy or a girl?" If the pendulum spins in a circle, a girl will be born, if in a straight line, a boy.


Believing in folk omens or in the calendar for determining the sex of a child is everyone's choice. Neither the calendar, nor any signs of a 100% result will give. Before planning a child, it is recommended that the expectant mother visit a gynecologist, and a married couple pass all the necessary tests to exclude hidden infections. This will increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby. And in this case, gender is absolutely not important!

It is possible to find out the sex of the unborn child using an ultrasound scan no earlier than 20 weeks. But I can't wait to find out who will be born, early ...

There are a number of techniques, tables and folk signs for determining the future sex of the baby.

1. In this table, the sex of the unborn child can be determined by looking at the intersection of the month of conception and the age of the expectant mother.

Example: Pregnancy began in May. The woman is 25 years old. A girl is likely to be born.

2. It is possible to determine who will be born a boy or a girl using a technique that came to us from ancient China.

in Table No. 1 we find the figure located at the intersection of the month of birth of a man and a woman.

in Table No. 2 choose the row under the number obtained from table No. 1. In this row we find the month of the baby's conception. The “boy” “girl” scale indicates the probability of birth of one or the other sex. The more divisions, the more likely it is.

Example: The man was born in March, the woman in June. At the intersection in table number 1 -digit 6. Month of conception April. In table No. 2 in the 6th row opposite the month of April, we see that the probability of the birth of a girl and a boy is equal. That is 50% to 50%.

3. Tables for determining the sex of the child by the "age" of blood.

This technique is based on the assumption that the blood of women and men is regularly updated. In women, this happens 1 time in 4 years. In men, the blood is renewed once every 3 years. Having found out the "age of blood" of the parents, they compare it with each other. Add the number of months from the last birthday of the parent to the month of conception. The gender of the parent whose blood will be younger and passed on to the baby.

In the first table we find the coefficients of renewal of the blood of the father and mother, opposite to the age.

In the second table you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of the parent and the month of conception of the child.

Now for each parent we add the resulting 2 numbers (from tables 1 and 2). Whoever has a lower number ("blood is younger"), of that sex is more likely to have a child.

Example: mom is 29 years old, dad is 30 years old. Mom was born in June, dad in March. According to the results of the first table, mom = 1, dad = 0. According to the results of the second table, mom = 10, dad = 1. Based on the results of both tables, mom (1 + 10 = 11), dad (0 + 1 = 1). "Dad's blood is younger" - a boy will be born.

4. Folk omens for determining the sex of the unborn child.

You also can .

In most cases, expectant mothers do not care about the gender of the baby, but sometimes parents want just a boy or a girl. Is it possible to choose a gender in advance?

5. Ovulation. Calculate who will be born a boy or a girl.

If the family already has two sons, then a woman, having decided to give birth to another child, most often hopes for the birth of a baby daughter. And if young parents have a girl's first-born, then dads, of course, also dream of the birth of an heir. Is it possible to manage the process of conception in order to know in advance who will be born: a boy or a girl, and how to do it?

Boy or girl: can conception be controlled?

The process of conceiving a boy or girl is a great mystery, but scientists already know a lot about how a new life appears, and even know something about the possibilities of controlling the birth of a child.

For the birth of a new human life, it is necessary that the egg and sperm meet. The eggs mature in the ovaries, and every month one of the eggs leaves the ovary and goes on a journey to meet the sperm. The release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation.

After ovulation, the egg cell lives only a day, and if conception has not occurred, it dies after 24 hours. Sperm cells are more tenacious and can wait for an egg inside a woman's body for up to five days. Thus, conception can occur if a woman has had intimacy with her husband, either on the day of ovulation, or a few days before her.

And what determines who will be born: a boy or a girl? It depends on which sperm will fertilize the egg - if a sperm with a Y chromosome wins the race, a boy will be born, and if with an X chromosome, a girl will be born.

Sperm with a male chromosome move faster, but they are less tenacious. But sperm with a female X chromosome are able to live in the fallopian tube, waiting for the appearance of an egg for up to five days. What follows from this? Given the vitality of sperm with female chromosomes, the chances of conceiving a girl becomes much greater if intercourse took place 2-4 days before ovulation. But if the intimacy took place directly on the day of ovulation, then the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly increased, since there are more spermatozoa with the Y chromosome and they are faster. The only thing left is to calculate the day of ovulation.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the cycle, but, depending on a number of circumstances, this is not always the case. It is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation, as it is asymptomatic. And yet it is possible to calculate this moment quite accurately using three methods:

  • every day for 3-4 months and draw up a schedule;
  • use an ovulation test purchased at a pharmacy (the most accurate is the jet test);
  • do an ultrasound.

If you need to determine the moment of ovulation as accurately as possible, start drawing up a cycle schedule in a few months, and in the selected month, when the expected ovulation approaches, use the test as well, or go through an ultrasound scan.

Of course, even if you calculate the day of ovulation as accurately as possible, the desired result of conception is not guaranteed, too many additional factors can affect who will be conceived after all: a boy or a girl. But with this method, the chances of the desired result are significantly increased. Similarly, getting a child of the gender you want, a boy or a girl, is possible so far only if pregnancy occurs as a result of IVF.

6. Divination. A boy or girl will be born.

Ultrasound does not always show the sex of the child. It happens that a boy or a girl is born to her, the woman does not know practically until the very birth. If the baby does not allow the doctors to see her gender, and you really want to find out who is growing in the tummy, you can use folk signs and fortune-telling.

A boy or girl will be born: signs and fortune-telling

Not all fortune-telling that was popular with our ancestors is suitable for modern women, because not every expectant mother is ready to go to fortune-telling alone in the bathhouse or in the threshing floor. Here are the simplest folk ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby:

  • To find out whether a boy or a girl will be born, you need to ask the expectant mother to raise and stretch her arms forward. If she does this so that her palms are turned up, a daughter will be born, and if her palms are turned down, a son will be born.
  • For this fortune-telling you will need a large key with a long "beard". They put the key on the table and ask the expectant mother to take it and give it to someone present. If a pregnant woman takes the key by the top, then you should wait for the birth of a boy, and if by the beard, a daughter will be born.
  • You can find out whether a boy or a girl will be born using fortune telling with a ring. The expectant mother should be asked to take the "reclining" position and swing the ring hanging on a thick thread over her tummy. If the ring begins to swing like a pendulum, it is worth waiting for a son, and if it starts to describe circles over the stomach, there will be a daughter.
  • If a woman already has children, then you need to see how the baby's hair grows from a previous pregnancy: if the so-called "pigtail" grows not in the middle of the neck, but on the side, then a child of the opposite sex will be born next.

There are 5 ways to plan your baby's gender.

1 . Diet... This is the most common way. For the conception of a boy, it is recommended to eat foods rich in potassium and sodium, and for the appearance of a girl - calcium and magnesium. Therefore, in the first case, eat fish, meat, mushrooms and potatoes, legumes, chicken protein, apricots and peaches, prunes, rice and semolina porridge. In the second case, give preference to eggs, eggplant and beets, carrots and cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers, honey, peanuts and hazelnuts.

You need to follow a diet from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the moment of the intended conception. And both women and men. After conception, you can and need whatever you want. This method has not received a rigorous scientific justification, and the success of its use is about 30%.

2 . Calculation by the timing of ovulation... It is believed that if intercourse happened less than a day before ovulation (preferably 10 hours before it), then most likely a boy will be born. If intercourse happened much earlier or a few days after ovulation, then the girl is more likely. This is because the Y chromosomes can only reach the egg for a short period of time before ovulation. Otherwise, they die and only the X chromosome remains. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not always possible to calculate the exact timing of ovulation. The best way to find out when you are ovulating is by charting your basal temperature for several months or purchasing a special ovulation test from a pharmacy.

3. Frequency of intercourse... This method is based on the fact that X chromosomes are more mobile than Y, but the former have a shorter life span. It follows from this that with frequent sexual intercourse, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy, and with rare intercourse, a girl. The effectiveness of the method is 70-80%.

4 . Choosing a position during intercourse... There is an opinion that the pose "man behind" or "woman on top" is good for conceiving a boy, and "man on top" for the appearance of a girl. This method is based on giving more chances of Y or X to the sperm. As you know, for the conception of a boy, it is necessary that the Y-sperm combine with the egg, and for the conception of a girl, the X-sperm.

5 . Even - odd years of a woman... Unconventional doctor Elena Shavrina revealed the dependence of the sex of the child on the age of the expectant mother. In even years of a woman's life, the conception of a girl is more likely in February, April, June and August, October, December; in odd years, respectively, in January, March and May, July, September and November. The appearance of the boy is the opposite.

These are the main ways to plan the sex of your baby. After a good search, you can find others. But it's worth remembering only one way can ensure you have a guaranteed birth of a child of the correct gender- This is an artificial insemination procedure, when an embryo of the desired sex, boy or girl, is left in the uterus.

Boy or girl? Who will be born, who will delight their parents with their smile and ringing laughter? The answer to this question worries both expectant mothers and those who are just planning a pregnancy. Is it possible to calculate the sex of a child, knowing the date of conception and the woman's age?

Chinese table for determining the sex of the child

Modern medicine in matters of sex determination has not gone too far. All that an obstetrician-gynecologist can offer is to undergo an ultrasound scan for a period of 12-14 weeks. Good equipment already at the beginning of the second trimester makes it possible to find out the sex of the fetus and thereby satisfy the curiosity of future parents.

In recent years, a new method of calculating the sex of the fetus from the mother's blood has gained popularity. The technique is based on the detection of the SRY gene in the blood of a pregnant woman. This gene is found only in male fetuses, and therefore reliably indicates the birth of a boy. The absence of the SRY gene in the mother's blood is highly likely to indicate the female sex of the fetus. The test can be performed as early as the 9th week of pregnancy.

Traditional oriental medicine practices slightly different approaches to determining the sex of a child. From distant times, tables have come down to us, according to which experts many centuries ago tried to predict the probability of the birth of a boy or girl in a particular married couple. In traditional Chinese society, the gender of the expected child was of great importance. The family dreamed of an heir that would take over the common cause and provide assistance to elderly parents. That is why it was important for every married couple to know when the likelihood of conceiving a boy is high and when to expect a girl. What way of solving this problem did the Chinese sages suggest?

Eastern experts have developed a table that allows you to calculate the sex of the expected child. The table takes into account two important parameters:

  • Conception date;
  • mother's age.

The original table was discovered by archaeologists in one of the ancient temples. This document is kept in the National Museum of Beijing to this day. The table is about 1000 years old. It is not difficult to use this table, and any modern woman will be able to calculate the sex of the unborn child without any problems.

Vertically in the table are numbers from 18 to 45 - the age of the expectant mother. An adapted version of the ancient original table has probably come down to us. It is known that in traditional Chinese society, girls were married much earlier. By the age of 18, an ordinary Chinese woman could repeatedly become a mother and please her husband with a long-awaited heir.

Horizontally, the table shows the month of conception of the child. The first month (January) will be 1, and the last (December) will be 12. Knowing the date of conception and the age of the mother at the time of this event, one can predict the likelihood of a married couple having a boy or girl.

  1. The woman's age is 25 years.
  2. The month of conception of the child is March (month number 3).
  3. At the intersection of number 25 (vertical) and number 3 (horizontal) we see the letter "M". According to the table, this woman will have a boy.

How does a Chinese table work?

Modern scientists have not yet managed to comprehend the principle of the Chinese table. There is a version that the table was built taking into account the lunar calendar, according to which the inhabitants of Ancient China were guided. It is possible that in those distant times, special studies were carried out, on the basis of which this complex algorithm was developed. Someday scientists will be able to solve this riddle, but for now, future parents can only use the ready-made table and hope that the ancient Chinese method will not fail.

Classical medicine does not recognize the Chinese method of determining the sex of a child. Modern doctors say that the sex of the unborn baby depends solely on which sperm cell is the first to reach the egg. If a nimble sperm contains a Y chromosome, a boy will be born. The X chromosome will allow a girl to be born. This process can only be influenced in any way during IVF (in vitro fertilization). Under natural conditions, it is almost impossible to predict the sex of a child.

Chinese table floor calculator

Month in which the child is conceived: January February March April May June July August September October November December

Mother's age:

Sex of the unborn child: there is no data

How to find out the date of conception?

It will not be difficult for women who are just planning a pregnancy to use the ancient Chinese table. All you need is to find the optimal time for conceiving a boy or girl at the intersection of the lines and pay attention to your spouse at the specified time. According to the table, intimacy in the selected month will allow you to conceive a child of a certain gender.

Pregnant women also want to know the gender of the unborn child. Not all expectant mothers have the patience to wait for an ultrasound scan and find out who settled in the tummy. The Chinese table will also help to find out the gender of the baby in early pregnancy. But in order to use it, you need to know the exact time of conception of the child. How to calculate this date?

Calculating the date of conception with a regular cycle

A woman's menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. With a regular cycle, menstruation always comes at the same time (± 2 days). The second phase of the cycle always lasts 14 days (± 1 day), while the length of the first phase may vary.

Conception of a child always occurs at the time of ovulation or within 24 hours after its release from the ovary. In order to find out the date of ovulation, you need:

  • subtract 14 days from the total cycle time (in days);
  • add the resulting number to the date of the last menstruation (DPM) ;;
  • the final date will be the day of the expected ovulation and conception of the child.;
  1. DPM - 15.03
  2. The cycle lasts 27 days.
  3. Subtract 14 from the number 27 - we get 13.
  4. We add 13 days to the date 15.03 - we get the date 28.03.
  5. 28.03 is the day of ovulation.
  6. The conception of a child with a high degree of probability occurred on March 28 or March 29.

Calculating the date of conception with an irregular cycle

If a woman's periods come irregularly, it will be quite difficult to find out the date of conception. In this situation, it will no longer be possible to make simple calculations, because the total cycle length for such a woman is constantly changing. The expectant mother should, even at the planning stage of pregnancy, measure the basal temperature daily in order to catch the moment the egg is released. Post factum, with an irregular cycle, it is not possible to find out the date of the last ovulation and conception of the child.

Determining the sex of the unborn child worries many parents. The most effective way remains a medical examination, in particular an ultrasound scan.

But in the early stages, immediately after conception, it will not show a result, and even more so it is not effective for planning. The most curious parents will be helped by tables by which you can find out the gender of the child.

There is an opinion that the age of the parents influences the sex of the unborn baby. Focusing on him, you can predict who will be born - a beautiful daughter or a smart little boy. There are several options for age tables.

The most common ones are those in which only the mother's years are taken into account. But there are those who are guided by the age of both parents or only the father.

By mother's age:

How to find out the gender of a child using the age table? In fact, using any of them is quite simple, it is enough to have it in front of your eyes, to know the years of one or both parents, as well as the month of conception. Next, you need to find the desired age in one of the columns, and in the other month of conception and at the intersection of the columns, see the sex of the future baby.

Wanga table

One of the unscientific, but according to mothers, a fairly accurate method for determining the sex of a baby is the Vanga table. It was not composed by the fortuneteller herself, but by her student Lyudmila Kim. Based on the knowledge gained from Vanga, she observed a pattern between the age of the mother, the month of conception and the sex of the unborn baby.

How to use it:

  1. In the column "Mother's age" find the required number;
  2. Find the column with the month in which conception took place;
  3. At the intersection of the mother's age and the month of conception, you will find the gender of the baby.

This plate can also be used to plan conception, so that the child is born of the gender that you want. Without even delving into it, it is immediately clear that the probability of having a boy is higher in women from 22 to 30 years old. At a different age, there are more chances of conceiving a girl.

Japanese pregnancy chart - how to find out the gender of the baby?

This method offers to determine the sex of the future baby in two stages. In fact, not one Japanese table is used here, but two.

The first is based on the month of birth of both parents, and the second on the month of conception of the baby. They are used in combination. If you try to determine the gender only one at a time, alas, nothing will come of it.

How to determine the sex of a child using the Japanese method:

The Japanese table, like the one proposed by Lyudmila Kim, allows not only predicting the sex of the baby in the first weeks of pregnancy, but planning it. To do this, you need to calculate the coefficient of the parents' ages in the first plate. Then, having found the column with this code, look for which month the baby of the desired gender is more likely to be born.

It looks like the Vanga tablet described above. How can you find out the sex of the unborn child using the Chinese table? To determine the age of the child, you only need the date of conception and the age of the mother.

In the first column on the left, you need to select the number corresponding to the age of the mother. Further, in the top line, you must select the column with the month of conception. At the intersection of two columns, the gender of the child will be indicated in the box: D - girl; M is a boy.

An interesting feature is the discrepancy between the results of the Wanga table and the Chinese one. For example, Vanga at the age of 19 is more likely to conceive a girl.

At the same age, the Chinese promise a boy. Which of the techniques is more correct, no one knows. Perhaps the difference in the results does not indicate the inaccuracy of one of them, but simply takes into account the characteristics of people of different nationalities.

Find out who will be born by the date of conception

The date of conception is one of the most important elements for determining gender. It is present in each table described, and, in relation to the age of the parent, helps to determine who will be born: a boy or a girl. The exact date is not needed to determine, it is enough to know the month.

With the help of tables, you can also plan a good time to get pregnant. To do this, in the table you like, find the desired result and see when you need to conceive. Take a Chinese table as an example. Find your age and find the cages with the desired gender of the baby. Now look at which months will be favorable.

Blood renewal table - how to find out the gender of the child?

There is another method for determining the sex of the baby. This method, associated with the renewal of blood, it is believed that the newer it is, the more it affects the sex of the child.

What does this mean: if the blood of the future mother is "newer", then a girl will be born, if on the contrary, then a boy. And in order to determine the gender, you first need to find out the update index. To do this, look in the first table for the code opposite the age of each parent.

In the second table, you need to find the coefficient between the parent's age (looks separately for mom and separately for dad) and the month of conception. Now it's time to find out who will be born.

To do this, in turn, you need to add first two coefficients (from two tables) obtained for mom, and then for dad. The gender of the crumbs will determine the smallest number that a parent with younger blood will have. For example, if dad has a lower number, then there will be a boy.


To find out the sex of the child according to the table, for any of the options, you will definitely need the date of conception of the baby and the age of the mother, in some cases the father. By resorting to determining the sex of the child according to the table, you can get a fairly reliable result.

But do not rely on these data completely, they are just one of the additional tools. A more accurate result can be found on an ultrasound scan. The main thing is not to be upset prematurely, because even an examination does not give a 100% guarantee.

And a little more information on the topic of the article - in the next video.