How to squeeze out a cat's bladder. Atony of the bladder in a cat: symptoms and treatment

In cats, as in humans, atony is understood as dysfunction of the striated or smooth muscles of organs, including the bladder. Simply put, the animal is unable to control urination, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the owner and painful sensations to the pet itself. Fortunately, cat bladder atony can be successfully treated without relapse with proper care and prevention. Below we will tell you how to recognize signs of atony in a cat, what factors cause this ailment, as well as treatment and preventive measures.

Atony of the bladder in a cat: symptoms and treatment

There are many factors that are a consequence of dysfunction of the muscles of the bladder, and many of them are associated with improper maintenance of cats. First of all, excessive or poor-quality feeding provokes atony. If the animal regularly receives food poor in nutrients, fiber and coarse carbohydrates are not included in the diet, intestinal motility weakens and is impaired, and then it "pulls" a decrease in the muscular motility of the adjacent bladder.

Although some cat owners disdain commercial dry food, pets receiving these particular holistic or super premium foods almost never suffer from nutrition-related bladder atony.

Also, atony can occur due to the old age of the cat, when the muscles begin to work worse, worn out. This factor is directly related to how the animal ate throughout its life and how attentive the owner was to his mustachioed friend. The best prevention of age-related bladder atony in a cat is good care from an early age.

The physiological reasons that cause bladder atony are highlighted. It can be stones and sand in the bladder cavity, in cats - inflammation of the prostate gland, untreated cystitis and urethritis. Inflammation of the bladder due to hypothermia or infectious diseases is also a direct path to atony if the owner did not notice the problem in time and did not take measures for treatment.

Also, atony can be caused by injuries to the spine or groin area, as a result of which the innervation of the nerve endings in the walls of the bladder is interrupted. If an animal falls out of a window, becomes a victim of an aggressive dog, or falls under a car, the consequences may not only be external damage.

Atony of the bladder in cats: symptoms

The weakening of the functions of the musculature of the bladder in cats is manifested clearly, and develops rapidly. First of all, the owner may notice that the cat's appetite has decreased, the animal has become lethargic, and it has become less likely to go to the toilet. The cat can go to the litter box many times a day, but at the same time urinate every other time, sometimes there is no urination at all.

Urine accumulates in the organ, due to which a sharp intoxication begins, and ultimately the animal may die due to a ruptured bladder. In acute cases, it can take only 20-25 hours from the exacerbation of the disease to the death of the cat. But, as a rule, such a rapid development of the disease is unusual for domestic cats, and the owner has enough time to help the pet.

Finding that something is wrong with a cat is quite simple. At the onset of atony, the animal will appear restless, often going to the litter box, trying to go to the toilet. It can be seen that the pet is pushing, looking for a comfortable position, but urination does not occur. As a rule, with atony, a few drops are poured out, while urine often has an admixture of blood or acquires a pink tint.

After several attempts to visit the toilet, the cat is likely to lie down next to her, as the constant movement makes her uncomfortable. At this moment, the pet will not be delighted with the caress from the owner, the cat may scream if a person tries to pick her up, when trying to disturb the cat, the owner must understand: at this moment urination can occur involuntarily.

Diagnosis and therapy of bladder atony

At the first symptoms indicating bladder problems, the animal should be taken to a veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will examine the cat, palpate the bladder, prescribe urine, blood, and ultrasound of the abdominal organs. These studies are often sufficient to make a diagnosis.

The main danger of bladder atony is the possibility of rupture of the organ, followed by the inevitable death of the animal. Therefore, if there are signs of an overflowing bladder (easily determined by manual examination of the animal), the veterinarian will place a catheter through which the accumulated urine will come out. This procedure can be painful for the animal, so it is often done under sedation or general anesthesia.

The catheter can be left on for a while while the disease is being treated, as the bladder will overflow and constantly threaten the pet's life. Usually, owners are advised to wear a special diaper on the cat for the duration of the catheter. This is because the catheter does not allow the animal to regulate urination - it simply drains urine as soon as it accumulates.

Cats quickly get used to wearing a diaper, and this measure allows not only to maintain hygiene in the apartment or other room where the animal lives, but also helps the pet to not get dirty. After all, you only need to wear a diaper for a few days.

The treatment will be individual in each case, but there are effective and proven drugs that are usually included in the therapeutic method for the treatment of bladder atony. Note that in no case should one engage in self-medication, since not only the choice of the drug is important, but also its dosage, regimen and duration of administration.

Table. Medications for treating bladder atony in cats

A drugIndications

Herbal medicinal product in the form of a drinking solution. Indicated for the prevention and treatment of urological diseases in cats, removes salts, dissolves stone formations, has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects

A medicinal product produced in the form of a solution for injection. Stimulates and improves the tone and motility of the bladder walls, relieves the effects of intoxication

Tablet preparation with a good antimicrobial effect. Relieves pain symptoms, relieves inflammatory processes in organs

An important point! Atony of the bladder in cats is a serious disease, delaying the treatment of which is dangerous for the pet's life. At the same time, only a veterinarian in a clinic has the right to make all decisions regarding therapy and other medical manipulations.

Video - Manual emptying of the bladder in a cat

Prevention of bladder atony in cats

Every domestic cat owner can make his or her contribution to the prevention of such an unpleasant disease as bladder atony. You don't need to do anything special to prevent illness. It is enough to provide the animal with the correct diet, excluding cheap factory feed, "naked" meat and fish (it is necessary to add fiber, carbohydrates), to treat the cat in a timely manner if it becomes ill with something (especially an inflammatory or infectious disease).

The cat needs to ensure constant access to clean water (in regions where water containing many salts or metals flows from the tap, you need to use filtered or bottled water). It is important to protect your pet from possible injuries: do not let out into the street unattended, do not leave windows open.


As soon as the owner realizes that the cat is not able to go to the toilet on its own, he should immediately make an appointment with the doctor. Recall that bladder atony is capable of progressing to the most severe form in a day and causing the death of an animal. To prevent this from happening, you need to show the pet to a specialist who will establish the cause of the pathological process, provide the cat with first aid and prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

A bladder massage is a procedure necessary to help a cat who cannot empty itself without assistance. It is also called bladder compression. The need and expediency of its implementation should be determined by the doctor, since any initiative of the owner of the animal in this matter can lead to sad consequences, up to a lethal outcome.

Indications for

Massage in can be prescribed in case of problems with urination due to the following reasons:

  • lesions of the nerves of the hind limbs (paralysis, paresis, etc.), often resulting from trauma;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases of the urinary system (urolithiasis, cystitis);
  • congenital abnormalities in the development of the urinary tract;
  • overexcitation in non-castrated cats, when significantly enlarged sex glands block the urethra.

In case of neurological damage to the limbs, the veterinarian usually prescribes constant manual emptying of the bladder, for other cases when the pet is not able to urinate on its own (for example, in the case of urolithiasis), first of all, the cause of this phenomenon should be identified and eliminated.

Urinary problems are immediately apparent. They manifest as the following symptoms:

  • the animal spends a lot of time in the tray, but at the same time urine is not released at all, or only a small amount is released, and the cat behaves restlessly at this time, sometimes meows;
  • the cat may try to urinate in different parts of the house;
  • appetite is markedly reduced or disappears;
  • the pet becomes lethargic or, conversely, restless, and seeks to restrict any movement.

To determine the degree of bladder filling you need to:

  1. Place the cat on a hard surface on four paws, gently holding it under the belly so that the hind limbs are closer to the owner.
  2. Place your hands on your back so that your thumbs are on the pet's rump, and the rest are probing the stomach in the area of ​​the urinary tract.
  3. If during the procedure the pet tries to escape and becomes nervous, this indicates that he has unpleasant sensations.
  4. The detection of a soft seal the size of a walnut on palpation, in which fluid rolls freely under the fingers, indicates a 24-hour urinary retention, while a more elastic seal the size of a tennis ball indicates a lack of urination for more than two days. If the seal is larger and firm to the touch, this is a signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian, because in this case, a catheter will most likely be used to empty.

Procedure for massage

Before starting the procedure, you need to calm the pet down with gentle words or stroking on the head. At the same time, you need to gently feel the abdomen to assess the degree of tightness of the bladder.

  • Lay the cat on its back or side, but the procedure can be carried out in a standing position.
  • Check that there are no tiny stones on the penis that could interfere with the flow of urine. If the latter are found, they must be removed: run your fingers, smeared with a special gel or soap, from the edge to the base of the penis, gently squeezing it.
  • Close your palm with a boat and gently massage the bladder, making circular movements in a clockwise direction to direct the movement of urine towards the external genitals. You can also try light pressure on both sides of the bladder with two palms.

Important! In no case should you make strong pressing movements, since any negligence can lead to rupture of the bladder. The main thing in the massage process is not strength, but the correctness of the movements.

  • After a while, a small amount of urine will begin to be released, while a small amount of blood in it is permissible. With urolithiasis, accumulations of sand and salts in the form of a white paste will leave the body.

  • If the pet breaks loose and scratches, you can ask the assistant to hold the cat by the paws and calm it down by stroking the neck.
  • If all the manipulations are done correctly, then the animal will be able to urinate in the tray. It is important that the bladder empties at least 50%. If the cat does not resist too much during the massage, you can bring the procedure to complete emptying.

For the first time, the pet will probably disapprove of the massage procedure and pressure on the abdomen. But it is important to understand that the health and life expectancy of the cat depends on how fully and correctly the procedure is performed, since prolonged urinary retention in the body causes poisoning of the animal.

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As noted above, in this article we will not consider the behavioral "bad manners" of dogs, as well as the methods of "toilet" training, in order to prevent the appearance of fragrant puddles in the apartment. Let us dwell in detail only on the diseases and disorders that can occur in a domestic dog and lead to urinary incontinence.

The list of causes that can cause involuntary urination in dogs is quite extensive. It can be a physical or structural disorder of the urinary tract, its blockage, or the development of an infection. Such pathological conditions can occur alone or in combination with others, for example, a condition is often encountered when an active bacterial infection develops with a blockage of the ureters.

  • Ectopia of the ureters.
  • Weakness of the urethral sphincter.
  • Thickening of the bladder wall - fibrosis.
  • Neoplasia is a cancerous growth of cells in the mucous membrane of the bladder.
  • Bladder paralysis.
  • Uroliths are urinary stones.
  • Infections are bacterial or fungal.

Ectopic ureters in dogs

Pathology is exclusively congenital, therefore it begins to manifest itself from the first days of life. However, in puppies up to 2-3 weeks of age, the owners rarely notice the problem, writing off small puddles around the apartment for a dog's too young age and consider this to be the norm.

The disease is based on the incorrect anatomical location of the ureters - they do not enter the bladder, but pass by it and end in the area of ​​the urethral sphincter, which also does not fulfill its physiological task. As a result, constantly flowing urine drains directly into the urethra, causing urinary incontinence in the dog.

Weakness of the urethral sphincter

This disorder is the most common cause of urinary incontinence in female dogs. At the heart of the disease is the incomplete closure of the edges of the urethral sphincter, as a result of which urine from the bladder, especially when it is full, constantly flows through the urethra and vagina of the animal into the external environment.

Weakness of the urethral sphincter is an acquired disease and is often observed in bitches after the first estrus, or after sterilization. The first variant is most common among the Newfoundland and Golden Retriever breeds, the second - among Schnauzers, Bobtails, Boxers and Dobermans. In modern veterinary medicine, there are many discussions about what exactly is the cause of this disorder, but all opinions agree on one thing - the change in the status of sex hormones is to blame.

Treatment of this type of pathology of urinary incontinence in dogs is reduced to two types:

  • Conservative - with the use of hormonal agents or drugs that increase the tone of the sphincter. The disadvantage of this approach is not always the full-scale expected effect, as well as the constant intake of medications, which in itself is fraught with all sorts of complications.
  • Surgical is the most effective approach that radically changes the situation for the better. For all other things, the cost of such an operation is low and equates to the cost of classical sterilization in female dogs.

Anatomical changes in the bladder

An organ that has a connection with the external environment through the urethra and is constantly under the influence of an aggressive urine environment often becomes a participant in rather complex pathological processes that are difficult not only in treatment, but also in diagnosis. These in dogs of different ages may be:

  • Fibrosis of the bladder wall. A condition in which prolonged exposure to any pathological agents leads to a significant thickening of the walls of the organ. Fibrosis is a dystrophic process, which means it is characterized by a long development period and the replacement of some tissues with others. In this case, the normal mucous membrane is slowly replaced by inactive fibrous tissue. As a result, the wall becomes thicker, the organ loses its elasticity, shrinks, and the urethral sphincter loses its ability to completely close. Treatment is conservative and very long-term.
  • Bladder neoplasia. Oncological growth of a tumor from the cells of the mucous membrane of the organ. It is not so common in dogs, but clinical cases within the same veterinary clinic are known. Treatment is extremely quick.
  • Urethral neoplasia. A condition in the urethra, similar to the previous pathology and often developing in combination with it.
  • Urolithiasis disease. As you know, urine contains a large amount of inorganic substances and their compounds, which in certain circumstances causes their fusion and the formation of monolithic stones of different sizes, disrupting the physiology of the bladder, urethral sphincter and urethra. More information about urolithiasis in dogs can be found in this article.
  • Bladder paralysis. A disorder based on a violation of the local or, more often, of the central innervation, which regulates the filling of the bladder, the urethral valve and, directly, the act of urination. This cause of urinary incontinence in a dog, the treatment of which is very expensive and often ineffective, develops, as a rule, as a result of an injury to the spinal column in the lumbar region and below.

Infectious diseases

Most often, infectious urocystitis develops in dogs due to bacteria entering the body from the external environment through the urethra. In addition, it is possible for bacteria to spread to the underlying urinary tract from the kidneys.

Urine, in its normal state, has an active bactericidal property due to its highly alkaline reaction. As a result of a shift in the pH of the environment to the acidic side, especially against the background of a lack of water in the body, when little urine is formed, bacteria from the external environment rise up the urethra into the bladder and an infectious process develops.

Launched urocystitis significantly narrows the lumen of the urethra, making it difficult for the normal flow of urine, stimulating the formation of large crystals, which are then converted into stones. This is how a vicious circle develops when urolithiasis further contributes to the development of infection.

In addition to bacteria, pathogenic fungi can cause urocystitis. These representatives of microflora are less resistant than bacteria, therefore, their appearance, as a rule, indicates a strongly underestimated immune status of the animal and a neutral pH of the urine environment. This, in turn, is often a consequence of too long taking hormonal drugs or some other drugs. Often, the presence of fungi in a smear in a dog with incontinence indicates the first stages of the development of diabetes mellitus.

Treatment of infectious urocystitis necessarily includes the administration of antibiotics. In addition, such therapy is often used in other cases, as a prevention of infection. Read more on cystitis in dogs.

Causes of occurrence

The main causes of paralysis and paresis of the bladder in cats include:

  • spinal or brain lesions;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • prolonged urinary retention;
  • overflow of the bladder.

The disease develops due to reasons such as:

  • hypothermia;
  • the presence of an infection in the bladder;
  • chronic diseases (pathogenic bacteria have the property of moving with the blood flow from one organ to another, spreading inflammatory processes);
  • metabolic disorders in the cat's body (this is caused by overfeeding the animal or insufficient food, the use of low-quality mixtures);
  • stress;
  • injuries to the back or abdomen;
  • damage to the inner walls of the urinary canal (as a result of improperly performed veterinary procedures);
  • using a non-sterile catheter;
  • the presence of diabetes in a cat (a high content of protein and glucose in the blood provokes the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria);
  • not drinking enough water. In this case, the urine of the animal becomes too concentrated, which is a favorable environment for the development of infections.

Disease types

There are several forms of cystitis, only a doctor can determine the causes of the disease

There are several forms of the disease:

  • chronic cystitis;
  • idiopathic;
  • hemorrhagic.

Chronic cystitis is accompanied by a thickening of the bladder wall. The muscles of the organ are hypertrophied. When the cat visits the litter box, the bladder is not completely emptied. In the remaining urine, an infection occurs, which provokes an exacerbation of the disease. This process can be complicated by suppuration. In some cases, inflammation spreads to the kidneys, as a result of which salt stones form, paresis develops, then complete paralysis of the bladder.

If after examination it is not possible to find the cause of the disease, the doctor diagnoses idiopathic cystitis. Experts believe that the predisposition to this form is congenital. The disease can be associated with defective changes in the mucous membrane of the bladder, as well as with the excessive production of cortisol and catecholamine by the body of the animal - stress hormones.

If there is blood in the urine of a cat, hemorrhagic cystitis is diagnosed. The danger of this form is the likelihood of developing anemia (anemia).

Symptoms of paralysis and paresis of the bladder in cats

The disease proceeds with pronounced symptoms:

  • the animal often takes a urination position;
  • behaves restlessly;
  • moan when urinating;
  • there is a fetid odor of urine;
  • on palpation, excessive filling of the bladder is noted.

If your pet has one or more of the symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Remember - it is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences.

The main symptom of cystitis is difficulty urinating.

Unfortunately, the cat is not able to tell what is bothering her. Therefore, the owner must regularly observe the animal in order to respond in a timely manner when a problem occurs. The symptoms of the disease are the same, regardless of the form of the disease. The only exception is hemorrhagic cystitis, when blood can be seen in the urine.

The disease can be determined by the following signs:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • painful sensations when visiting the tray, which can be recognized by the characteristic sounds. The cat begins to meow plaintively, especially at the end of urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen. When stroking this area, the animal becomes uneasy and turns inside out;
  • the presence of pus and blood in the urine (hemorrhagic form);
  • unpleasant odor coming from urine;
  • a decrease in the animal's appetite or a complete refusal to feed;
  • temperature increase. For a cat, the norm is a level of 38 ° C .. 39 ° C;
  • demonstrative urination in the wrong places. Thus, the animal tries to draw attention to itself and report the problem.


A number of examinations are prescribed by a veterinarian to make a diagnosis:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • inspection of the animal;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • exclusion of spasm of the sphincter of the bladder and urolithiasis.

The diagnosis can only be made in a veterinary clinic.

  1. The veterinarian makes a preliminary diagnosis based on the initial examination and clinical signs.
  2. By palpation through the abdominal cavity, the doctor assesses the filling of the bladder.
  3. Next, ultrasound diagnostics is carried out, which allows you to determine the size of the organ and the thickness of the wall. Also, ultrasound helps to identify sand or stones in the bladder.
  4. To assess the work of internal organs, in particular the kidneys, a biochemical and general clinical study of blood is carried out.
  5. An obligatory step in the diagnosis is urine analysis. This procedure will show the degree of urine concentration, the presence of red blood cells, mineral deposits, bacteria, leukocytes, protein. And also a change in smell, color, density, acidity, the presence of mucus. The most sterile way of collecting urine is to puncture the bladder (cystocenosis).

Cystitis treatment

With paralysis and paresis of the bladder, the animal requires correct and timely treatment, prescribed by a veterinarian. In this case, the owner is instructed to perform the following actions:

  • regularly massage the bladder through the abdominal wall;
  • stick to a diet;
  • make a heat compress on the back of the body;
  • to carry out visceral, perirenal or epipleural novocaine blockade;
  • put antibiotics, sulfonamides and disinfectant solutions to reduce the inflammatory process;
  • use securinine nitrate, strychnine nitrate, magnesium sulfate, echinopsin nitrate to tone the body;
  • use B vitamins: riboflavin, thiamine bromide, calcium pangamate, cocarboxylase, cyanocobalamin, campolon.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy is reduced to the use of antibiotics, probiotics, antispasmodics. In many cases, the disease is triggered by bacteria. But even if cystitis has arisen for another reason, pathogenic microorganisms will appear on the inflamed area. To cope with them will help:

  1. Sinulox. It is a very safe remedy, it can even treat old animals.
  2. Ceftriaxone is available as an injection. Before administration, the drug is diluted.
  3. Papaverine is injected subcutaneously. The drug has many side effects and contraindications, so a specialist should prescribe.
  4. Furazolidone. Possesses an extensive antimicrobial effect.

Photo gallery of drugs for cystitis




Probiotics help restore the intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbiosis. For cats, the preparation OLIN is suitable. It is produced in a powdery state, before use, you must first prepare a solution.

OLIN probiotic prevents the development of dysbiosis in a sick animal

Antispasmodics will relieve pain, which will allow the cat to increase the amount of urine during urination. Among them are:

  1. Traumatin. Complex homeopathic preparation, which contains natural substances.
  2. Cantaren is administered intramuscularly. The drug has a broad spectrum of action: it eliminates spasms, relieves pain, relieves inflammation in the kidneys and bladder, facilitates the passage of urine, restores the body's defenses.

For a diuretic effect, the cat can be given the drug Cat Erwin. In the manufacture of this product, only natural ingredients are used: steel root, knotweed, horsetail, bird knotweed and distilled water. The drug ensures the excretion of salts and dissolution of stones, does not cause allergic reactions.

Cat Erwin is a safe diuretic

If the cat has severe cystitis, an urgent bladder catheterization is needed. This procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is performed when the animal cannot empty itself. The catheter is inserted into the urinary tract and fixed to the cat's skin. In addition to removing urine through a catheter, the bladder is washed with an antiseptic to eliminate the existing sediments.

If it is not possible to carry out the procedure, a urethrotomy is performed. This occurs when large crystals are present in the urinary tract. The veterinarian surgically removes the narrowest part of the urethra where salt crystals have accumulated.

Folk remedies

Along with drug methods, folk methods are also used:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dill 1.5 cups hot water. Insist 30 minutes. Give to the animal 3 times a day.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. Hypericum perforatum and pour 20 ml of boiling water over it. Put on low heat and cook for 15 minutes. Then leave for an hour and drain. Give to the cat three times a day.
  3. Pour 2 tbsp. l. chopped horsetail with a glass of hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Apply three times a day.
  4. Pour 200 ml of hot water with 20 g of Knotweed, leave for 2 hours. Give the cat three times a day.

Features of caring for sick animals and the nuances of the diet

Caring for a cat means proper nutrition, providing peace of mind and warmth.

The first step is to adjust the animal's diet. Food should help reduce urine concentration.

The following foods should be given to the cat:

  • boiled poultry, rabbit, beef;
  • wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge;
  • kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt with a low percentage of fat (1–2.5%).

If your pet consumes dry food, switch it to mixtures that promote the rapid dissolution of struvite (stones): Royal Canin Urinary S / O Feline, Eukanuba Urinary Struvite Feline, Purina Veterinary Diets UR St / Ox - URinary Felin. The diet must be adhered to for a month. If your cat refuses a new feeding system, move on to it gradually.

The cat must have access to water at all times. Fluid intake decreases urine concentration. You can use tuna or chicken flavored water. Maintain a warm temperature in the room where the animal lives. Do not try to warm your cat with heating pads. This will lead to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms. Eliminate drafts in the room. In places where the cat likes to rest, put bedding. The animal should not come into contact with a cold surface.

Since stress is one of the causes of cystitis, the cat needs to be provided with a calm environment. She will eat and visit the litter box regularly if she feels safe. If there are several cats in the house, the sick animal must be provided with an individual toilet. Do not place the tray in a noisy or crowded place. Cats do not like them very much and try to avoid them. Failure to visit the litter box can lead to urinary retention.

If the apartment contains several animals, exclude the possibility of a conflict between a sick cat and them. Spending most of the time indoors can be a source of stress. It is advisable to play with a cat living in an apartment every day.

The consequences of improper care of a paralyzed cat

Often the manual squeezing procedure raises concerns - the effort required to do this is great enough, and the owners may feel that they are injuring the cat's bladder. In fact, with the right start of the squeeze and proper grooming, the cat will be much better than trying to leave it "as it is."

If for some time the cat empties the urinary only on overflow, the atony of the walls of the bladder begins. Imagine the same balloon - if you inflate it lightly, before the walls begin to thin, and then deflate, it will look the same as new. But if you inflate it to the end, and then deflate it, you get a rag with an uneven wall thickness.

An atonic bladder will look approximately the same. When it overflows, only part of the urine flows out, the rest remains inside and stagnates, turning into an excellent medium for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The concentration of salts in the solution increases, which can lead to the development of urolithiasis.

Video with instructions on how to press the bladder in a cat.

Preventive measures

To prevent disease in dogs, the veterinarian recommends:

  • balanced feeding of the pet;
  • correct maintenance of the animal;
  • protection from poisoning and injury,
  • timely treatment of infectious and other diseases.

Attention: the above is for educational purposes only, does not constitute professional medical advice and scientific material.

The following prevention rules will help to avoid the disease:

  1. Avoid hypothermia of your pets.
  2. Eliminate all factors that lead to stress.
  3. Monitor your cat's diet closely. Do not use cheap, low quality formula for feeding. Do not feed your pet fried, salty, smoked, or sugary foods.
  4. Make sure that there is always fresh water in the pet's bowl, do not restrict access to it.
  5. Treat the animal for infectious diseases in a timely manner.

Cystitis is difficult to treat. At the first sign of illness, immediately contact your veterinary clinic. Do not self-medicate, in the absence of qualified knowledge, you can cause significant harm to the health of the animal. Responsibly follow all the recommendations of your veterinarian. Provide peace and quality food for your cat. To protect your pet from cystitis, take preventive measures.

Manual emptying of the bladder (push-up, massage, squeezing - colloquial) is a procedure for emptying the pet's bladder by hand, using squeezing.

Bladder compression is primarily necessary for cats and dogs with severe paralysis, most often as a result of trauma (spinal fracture) or disc disease. Such animals are usually called "spinal", "spinal".

Neurological deficit (grades 4-5-6) is the main reason why continuous lifelong mechanical emptying of the bladder can be recommended.
In other cases, when the pet cannot go to the toilet on its own, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause by contacting a veterinary clinic.

The need for this procedure is determined by the doctor, pressing the bladder, not knowing the diagnosis of the animal, can be extremely dangerous, even fatal.

It is equally dangerous and harmful to leave "everything as it is" when the animal needs manual emptying of the bladder.
If the animal cannot go to the toilet at will and relax the bladder sphincter in a controlled manner, the bladder will overflow and expand (containing both today's urine, yesterday's urine, and the day before yesterday's urine).
In stagnant urine, the concentration of salts increases, which can lead to urolithiasis.
Stagnant urine turns into an excellent medium for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which, in turn, along the ureters, due to overflow of the bladder, along with urine can enter the kidneys, causing inflammation of the kidneys, which, if not treated promptly, can be fatal ...

Often, the procedure for manual emptying of the bladder raises concerns of the owners, because the efforts that need to be applied are quite large, it may seem that they injure the pet's bladder.
There is some truth in this, mechanical impact on the bladder from the outside can be the cause of microtraumas of the bladder wall. In animals that are pressed for life with their hands, sometimes there is a slight thickening of the bladder wall (cystitis).
However, this is incomparable with how the bladder of a paralyzed animal is injured and "spoiled" from overflow, if it is not squeezed out at all (it stretches and becomes atonic),
with the fact that stagnant urine is a favorable environment for the development of KSD and the life of pathogenic bacteria (due to which the kidneys may suffer),
and with urinary dermatitis of animals flowing during the day from overflow (from constant contact of the skin with stagnant urine appears what the owners mistakenly call "bedsores" and perceive as the norm for paralyzed animals, in fact, the vast majority of such "bedsores" are urinary dermatitis ).

Many, believing that the ability to go to the toilet on their own, will return, they are afraid that if they press the bladder, they will deprive the animal of the chances of restoring the independent ability to do it, and will not press it.
In fact, everything happens exactly the opposite - as a result, after 2 weeks, in the absence of care, serious inflammation can develop, blood, mucus, and clots appear in the urine.
Imagine the same balloon - if you do not inflate it too much, before the walls begin to thin and then deflate, it will look the same as new. But if you inflate it to the end, and then deflate it, you get a rag with an uneven wall thickness.
If an animal has a chance to restore independent urination, then it is all the more important to keep its bladder healthy, not overstretched, not atonic.

Manual emptying of the bladder is not indicated for all spinal spines.
There is a dependence on the level of damage (the nervous system of animals is represented not only by the spinal cord, this article does not provide for the study of anatomy and pathophysiology, so just remember that the levels of damage are divided according to the type of the upper motor neuron and the lower motor neuron, a picture for understanding).

In case of damage of the type of the upper motor neuron (the pathway from the cerebral cortex to the synapse with the lower motor neuron in the ventral horn of the spinal cord), hypertonicity of the bladder and sphincter is observed, urination is either absent altogether, or is often carried out in small portions. The cat cannot go to the toilet at will and relax the sphincter in a controlled manner. It is with this type of injury that manual pressure of the bladder is necessary. In this case, urine can flow out when the bladder is overflowing - up to a certain limit, its walls are stretched, after which the urine begins to flow out.
With injuries of the spinal cord at the level of the lower motor neurons (ventral horns of the spinal cord, ventral roots and motor fibers of the spinal nerves), the picture is the opposite - there is a lack of tone, outwardly this is expressed in constant urine leakage. Unfortunately, the only way out for such animals is to constantly wear a diaper; manual emptying of the urinary tract can stop urine leakage for a while, but not for long.
The type of damage and the prognosis for restoring the ability to urinate independently is determined by the doctor after a neurological examination.

Often, pet owners who are shown manual emptying of the bladder perceive leakage from overflow as spontaneous urination.
When, during active movements, a cat or dog leaves behind drops of urine, the owners may think that since something flows out of the animal by itself, it means that it has no problems with urination and it is not necessary to manually empty the bladder.
This is quite easy to check - it is enough that immediately after the animal has defecated (or allegedly defecated) an experienced doctor checks by touch how much urine is left in the bladder, and if after leaking the bladder is full or even more overflowing, then the animal needs to manually squeeze out the urine.
An even more reliable way of checking will be an ultrasound scan immediately after the animal has left behind drops or puddles of urine.
Even if you drive to the clinic for several hours to the other end of the city, when you empty your bladder for ultrasound on your own, you should see a small, almost round ball in which there can be no more than 1-2 ml of urine.
If there is more urine, then the animal needs to manually press the urine.
In addition, if we are talking about normal urination even in an animal with paresis, then it may look one only way - the pet maintains its usual habitual intervals between urination, tries to take a pose, to do it in its usual place.
That is, if the dog went to the toilet 3 times a day, then it will go to the toilet 3 times a day, if the cat was accustomed to the litter box, he will at least try to crawl to the litter box, and even with a paralyzed pelvis, animals that have retained the ability to voluntary urination, they try to take a physiological posture (they most likely will not succeed in this, but nevertheless).

How to pressurize the bladder.

The procedure can be carried out both with a lying animal, and put it on its paws and support. Run your hands over your pet's belly from where the ribs end to the tail. The bladder feels like an inflated balloon sliding between your fingers. Press gently on either side of your abdomen using your entire palm to maintain equal pressure. You can try to squeeze on both sides with two palms, find the most convenient way for yourself. The flow of urine must be steady.
This procedure is sometimes referred to as massage of the bladder. However, the word massage is not entirely correct here - for competent emptying of the bladder, it is precisely squeezing, and not stimulation of the walls, is required, independent urination will still not occur.
You can ask the specialist at the veterinary clinic to show you how to properly carry out this procedure.
To better imagine the sensation, fill the balloon with water - a little, and place it under the blanket, and then try to feel and squeeze it from the outside.
It is necessary to squeeze out urine 2-4 times a day, according to the doctor's recommendations. At first, cats may be very disapproving of pressure on the abdomen, but remember that the health, quality and life expectancy of a cat with paralysis depends on how well the procedure is carried out.
Manual squeezing of the bladder is a fairly simple procedure, and if the animal has not a neglected case, caring for it will be only slightly more difficult than for a healthy animal, and life with such a pet can be absolutely comfortable for the owner.

I have a cat - "Persian", age 6.5 years (not neutered). He developed urolithiasis. It all started two months ago. From time to time, my pet often started to run to the toilet, stay there for a long time and sulk. The amount of urine was very small and mixed with blood. I did not betray this value and thought that he was just "asking for a cat." This state lasted no more than a day and passed. He also continued to play and enjoy life. For a couple of months, this happened ~ 3 times. But on January 9, 2001, suddenly his condition became very bad. He literally constantly urinated, everywhere and in any position, and within a day he stopped urinating at all. I stopped eating and drinking. Realizing that he simply could not go to the toilet, I called the veterinarian. (11.01.2001). The doctor tried to release urine from the bladder using a catheter. This could not be done without anesthesia. But somehow, after 2 hours of work, I still succeeded. The kidneys are greatly enlarged. Stones and sand in the bladder. He also gave intramuscular injections of ascorbic acid and some kind of antibiotic. He left the catheter to the next. day. But at night my pet caught a catheter on something, and he jumped out. The doctor made an appointment: Cat Erwin in the morning and in the evening, 4 ml each. orally. Cyston in the morning in the evening, 1/4 t. Orally. 5-6 drops of lemon in a teaspoon of water 2 times a day. Drink water 3 times a day, 20 ml. On the following days, you can feed a little. On 12.01 I already gave all this. The doctor also prescribed injections. I gave them ready-made ones. Said it was antibiotic, relaxing. 01:13 PM took me to the hospital. They did a catheterization there. Pressed on the stomach, and all the urine poured out. Poured in 2 ml. Erwin the cat. We did a relaxing antibiotic. We did magnetotherapy with MAG-30-3. After that, the cat was born again. But then the condition worsened. The bladder filled up again. But my cat was already recovering himself, at least a little and with blood. Today, 01/14/2001, the condition is better, the cat goes to the toilet by itself, without blood, but in the morning with an admixture of sand, as I understand it. But his bladder (maybe kidneys) also continues to hurt. He fusses at times, and at times he is cheerful. Please advise what and how to give him. This treatment may not be sufficient. What treatment will you recommend? I do not trust doctors, because now everything is done for the sake of money. What is the best way to break up rocks and remove sand? Can I press on my stomach to squeeze out urine? How can you help your kidneys? What will YOU, as a doctor, advise in this situation. Maybe you should buy him a MAG magnet? How to restore the functioning of the bladder and kidneys?


1. What you need to know about your cat's illness. Urolithiasis (Urolithiasis) is a metabolic disease. The ratio of salts in the body is disturbed, the acid-base balance of urine and salts of a substance begin to precipitate in the kidneys or bladder.
In order to treat this disease, it is necessary, in my opinion: to pass a urine test for salt, since the treatment varies depending on the composition of the precipitated salt; do an ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys - to assess the condition and the presence of stones / sand.
To date, no quality treatment for KSD has been found. Very often, even when one seizure is stopped after an indefinite period of time, another may occur, with more severe or lethal consequences.
2. The treatment that was prescribed for you is quite universal, but in light of what I wrote to you above, it is necessary to select a more specific treatment for your animal on the basis of additional research.
3. The stones are crushed either with the help of medicines (the same cyston contributes to this) or with the help of a special ultrasonic device (I have not heard that at least someone in Moscow did this).
4. You can press on the bladder to drain urine, but it must be done very gently and carefully, otherwise - bladder rupture. To carry out this procedure, you put the animal on its side, bring one hand under the belly from below, and put the other on top of the belly. Use your fingers to find the bladder.
When filled, it is felt like a ball in the abdominal cavity. Grasp it gently and push from the sides and from head to tail. The pressure should be soft and rhythmic. If, after four or five clicks, urine does not start to come out, then this method is not suitable and a catheter must be inserted.
5. The work of the kidneys is assisted by medications prescribed by your veterinarian plus a special diet. In general, diet plays a significant role in treating your cat from ICD, since the animal's diet plays a major role in the treatment of metabolic diseases. The diet is selected by a veterinarian based on the condition of your cat and the results of additional studies. Hill "s and Wiskas produce special medicated foods for treating KSD in cats. These foods are canned foods. Please note that the abundant dry foods with similar markings are only PREVENTIVE. They are not suitable for the treatment of an already developed disease.
6. You can buy and use MAG magnet according to the instructions, having previously consulted with your attending physician.
It is better to find a good veterinarian whom you will trust, and he sees in you and your animal first of all not only a means of enrichment. I wish you success.