How to tighten the chest with ordinary tape. How to tighten and lift the chest with tape - a method from Kim Kardashian

Celebrities are known to resort to all sorts of tricks to look great on the red carpet. One of these tricks is invisible bras that stick to the body, all kinds of Velcro and even adhesive tape, with which celebrities fix deep cutouts and correct the shape of their breasts. In anticipation of the main red carpet of the year - the ceremony "Oscar-2016", we propose to figure out how the hell do they still wear these dresses? With what kind of underwear to wear revealing dresses with a neckline and cutouts on all sides?



With the help of such a miracle as double-sided tape for the body, you can stick a dress to the skin so that in a deep neckline or neckline you do not accidentally show more than planned. With the help of double-sided tape for the body, you can even glue and fit a dress a couple of sizes larger!


It was to this trick that Emma Watson resorted, and everything would have looked perfect if the paparazzi had not accidentally noticed a small additional detail of her outfit - tape stuck to Watson's back and dress. Some time after appearing on the red carpet, the actress had to glue the dress to her skin so that it would not fall off her.

Beyoncé and Cheryl Tweedy

And, of course, with the help of such an adhesive tape, you can tighten your chest without using a bra and special tabs. This trick is often used by Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez. Have you ever noticed that the fabric in the deep neckline of the stars is suspiciously tight to the body, repeating every curve? This is double-sided tape for the body in use.



An invisible silicone bra without straps and a corset part or silicone cups that simply stick to the chest are another trick of the stars. Silicone cups can visually increase the size of the breast due to the push-up effect, however, they are not suitable for a deep V-neck that reveals part of the torso and, moreover, they can be worn for no more than 6 hours in a row and only if it is not intended increased sweating - otherwise the chest will simply fall off in front of the astonished audience.


Therefore, there is another variation of this type of "invisible bra" - silicone stickers on the chest (they are more like good old adhesive tape), which at the same time support, tighten the chest and allow you not to worry about the nipples that have risen from the darkness of obscurity. If silicone cups are suitable for owners of small, neat breasts, then silicone stickers are often used by stars with large breasts - Salma Hayek (by the way, a scandal erupted a couple of months ago about Salma Hayek's impressive cleavage: fans saw stretch marks on the actress's chest, while others suggested that she had breast augmentation surgery.

0 March 13, 2017, 05:23 PM

Quite often, when looking at pictures of stars from the red carpet, the thought arises: “Well, how the hell does this dress hold on to them!”. However, it is far from news that celebrities resort to all sorts of tricks in order to look perfect at any event. In addition, stellar life hacks are adopted by everyone else, having adapted to use such items as double-sided tape, transparent overlays and other Velcro that fix the fabric on the body. The first mentioned, by the way, is a constant companion of many celebrities. In order for the chosen frank dress to fit perfectly, you have to sacrifice a little comfort and stick adhesive tape on the skin, which fixes the material of the product on the back side.

A lover of deep cuts and mini does not hide her attitude to a useful contraption. Last year, she posted a photo on her blog showing the "work" of scotch tape in action.

I definitely needed to share my secret with you guys! This is my secret to the perfect cleavage. You simply tape your breasts so that they remain elevated. You'll have to try, but believe me, it's worth it. I've tried everything from packing tape to masking tape, and then I realized that paper duct tape works best.

Kim signed the post.

Kim Kardashian

Her sister Chloe Kardashian, meanwhile, admitted in one of the American talk shows that she, of course, took note of her sister's advice, but she always had the feeling that her neckline was about to jump out.

Khloe Kardashian

With the help of double-sided tape for the body, you can glue and fit even a dress a couple of sizes larger. For example, a miniature woman often uses a life hack. True, not always successful - the paparazzi have repeatedly caught the actress with tape peeking out from under the dress. For example, at the premiere of the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows), Emma had to resort to the help of this item a couple of hours later, because the size of the outfit was a little off the proportions of the star.

Emma Watson

Another advantage of using a miracle tape is the ability to tighten the chest without using a bra and special tabs. This trick is used by and. The only thing, as the stars admit, is that safety still needs to be monitored, since the action lasts only an hour or two. However, enough for a leisurely posing in front of the cameras.

Jennifer Lopez

Among the fans of the miracle tape are also Rita Ora, and. Stars, as we know, often prefer a V-neck to go out. Thanks to such an "insurer" as double-sided tape for the body, you can not worry about the problem of unexpectedly showing something that was not planned.

Miranda Kerr

Salma Hayek
Rita Ora

Keith Hudson

Ashley Judd

Meanwhile, Donald Trump also found a use for scotch tape - the current president of America uses tape instead of ... a tie clip. The Fox television channel noted that Twitter users have been paying attention to Trump's habit in recent days. The channel's message emphasizes that even the President of the United States sometimes needs to quickly correct the situation.

Donald Trump

What life hacks do you know?


Unfortunately, nature has not given everyone beautiful and firm breasts. It can also lose its shape after breastfeeding or with age. To correct this deficiency, there are many special programs and tightening procedures. But it takes a long time to get results. You can draw attention to your neckline with the right underwear.

Bras and bust lift stickers

The small breasts of many women lead to despair. But to hide this shortcoming, it is enough just to choose the right packaging.

Most modern bras are not only beautiful, but also have the ability to lift and visually enlarge the mammary glands:

  • Bras with a low cut, wide-spaced straps and special side inserts lift the bust and increase the décolleté.
  • Women with curvaceous fit lingerie, the cups of which lift the bust outward. This bra is suitable for dresses with a deep neckline.
  • Cups with push up effect will help to lift the chest well and make it visually larger.
  • There are even cups completely filled with foam rubber. They will definitely make the chest larger by several sizes. But you should not be too zealous with this.

To emphasize the shape of the chest, some prefer to wear bras one size smaller. This is absolutely impossible to do. Tight underwear will only disrupt blood circulation and harm your health.

For sporting events, you must purchase a special bra. It will support the chest well and will not let the skin sag.

To visually change the shape of the mammary glands, you can use special stickers.

They perfectly tighten the bust and make it beautiful and seductive. This little trick will allow any woman to feel fit for at least a few hours.

These stickers are important if you need discreet underwear.

This device has many advantages:

  1. No need to wear a bra.
  2. Can be worn under a dress with an open back and shoulders, and at the same time they will be completely invisible.
  3. They are easy and convenient to use.
  4. Forms will look natural and appetizing.
  5. A woman with any breast size can find the right stickers. Sizes range from A to D.
  6. There are waterproof options. This allows you to wear stickers under your swimsuit to look irresistible on the beach.
  7. The chest skin breathes and does not sweat.

Stickers are made from medical grade latex. They can be used even by girls with sensitive skin, there will definitely be no allergies. They are put on like this: one half is attached to the lower part of the bust, the other is slightly higher, depending on how much you need to raise the chest. The stickers are reusable and will stick firmly to your chest. To be able to put them on again, they must be removed and attached to the original material.

A few secrets of visual breast enlargement

Not only special stickers and properly selected bra cups will help lift your chest.

To do this, you can use cosmetics:

  • Self-tanning. A tanned chest seems more voluminous and elastic. But, as you know, you can’t sunbathe topless. The sun's rays spoil the condition of delicate skin, make it flabby, accelerate the aging process. Therefore, in order for the decollete area to be swarthy, you can use self-tanning.
  • Creams, lotions, glitter powder. Shiny particles will reflect light, and distract attention from wrinkles and other imperfections. In the daytime, you do not need to apply a lot of such funds. The dose should be increased in the evening.
  • Bronze powder visually makes the chest bigger and more attractive. To do this, the product must be a tone darker than the skin. The powder is applied with a special brush.

Too zealous with such means is not worth it. A lot of makeup will look unnatural.

Both large and small mammary glands may well look seductive. It is enough to know how to choose the right clothes.

  1. A V-neck will only emphasize a small size, so only women with curvaceous forms can buy clothes with such a neckline. For owners of a small bust, a wide neckline is suitable.
  2. Ruffles, flounces, folds will add a few extra centimeters to the volume.
  3. Patch pockets, stripes, embroidery, appliqué and other prints on blouses will help enhance the look of your bust.

The most popular ways to raise the bust

You can hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the bust by observing some rules:

  • It is necessary to select only the correct bra size. In order not to be mistaken, you can contact a professional or independently, by measuring the girth and depth of the cup, calculate your size.
  • You don't need to hide your chest. In whatever condition the bust is, you should try to emphasize it. Clothing should fit snugly against the body under the bust. This will emphasize the figure and make the bust more voluminous.

  • For women whose breasts do not completely fill the bra cup, they came up with special gel tabs. They need to be put inside the bra and then the chest will seem larger, tighter and at the same time will look natural.
  • V-neck tops and bras are suitable for a large bust. This will help evenly distribute the volume and reduce the size.
  • You can not wear one bra for several years. It will stretch and wear out, and the chest will look flabby and saggy.
  • Bra straps should be carefully adjusted. So they will provide additional breast volume.
  • You can hide a large bust with straight jackets and cardigans. They will make the waist line indefinite.
  • The key to slimness and a taut bust is the correct posture. The shoulders should be straight and the back straight. Thus, the chest will be raised. A stoop will not help to hide even a large bust.

A few secrets for firmer breasts

In order not to resort to tricks to improve the appearance of the mammary glands, they must be properly looked after. The easiest and surest way to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin is a contrast shower. You need to perform the procedure every day. Alternating cold and hot water will quickly help to tidy up the décolleté area. You can also use ice cubes, rubbing them on the skin of the chest every morning.

The skin of the mammary glands is especially delicate and thin. Therefore, it needs to be looked after with the help of special creams. They need to be applied in the morning and evening. It will be useful to make a mask once a week to smooth wrinkles. These simple manipulations will help preserve the beauty and seductiveness of the bust.

For those who think that home care is not enough, there are professional procedures for tightening the skin of the mammary glands.

A girl with any shape and size can look attractive. You just need to know how to present yourself correctly.

Most girls are sure: guys love big breasts. And how then to successfully marry, if nature has endowed you with the first size? In the 20th century, inflatable bras were used to enlarge the breasts, cotton was added and frills were sewn to blouses. Now, at best, push-up underwear is used. At worst, they buy silicone breast pads. In general, this device gives a good visual effect. However, imagine the reaction of a guy when he met a buxom beauty, and during the first sex he found a girl with tiny breasts in his bed. Is it worth cheating for several meetings of an entire relationship?

Tape for chest

There are special patches for breast lift. However, not everyone is ready to spend money on them. Therefore, there is a popular and cheap remedy for the chest to protrude seductively forward, and not sluggishly hang down - scotch tape. Whoever came up with the idea of ​​​​lifting the chest by sticking it on adhesive tape remains a great secret, but many girls use this secret. The problem is that sometimes, at the most inopportune moment, one breast comes unstuck and an unpleasant embarrassment occurs that can bring a guy to a heart attack.


Make-up artists and make-up artists came up with another trick that helps to visually make the chest round and beautiful, and even draw the relief of the muscles in the abdominal area. The so-called contouring is drawing on the body, shading with the help of tonal creams, pencils and shadows. The effect is outwardly quite good. But there is a danger that you will get into a room that is too hot, where you will sweat, or in the rain, and your chest will literally be washed away. Or, even worse, a man in a fit of passion will gently run his hand over your chest and erase it.

false buttocks

Owners of flat pops suffer all their lives from the fact that they have nothing to fill the space in jeans. Therefore, they periodically use shorts with silicone inserts in the buttocks area. It's hard to believe, but even Hollywood stars use them. True, they take branded copies for fabulous money. But ordinary girls do not disdain false priests, which are sold in the bazaars. True, instead of silicone, foam rubber is sewn into them, but the buttocks still look two sizes larger.

Color contact lenses

Here nature rewarded you with brown eyes, and all your life you dream of being a green-eyed fatal beauty. Or a blue-eyed romantic special. And what to do? Contact lenses are the answer! Everything would be fine, only often colored lenses look a little unnatural, because they do not fit the girl’s color type or the shade of her hair and skin. But beauties stubbornly try on “other eyes”. And even if they suit them, then it will be a shock and not the most pleasant surprise for the guy that those eyes he fell in love with turned out to be just lenses.

"Fur" eyelashes

Another way to make the look sexy and expressive is to add eyelashes. Some go for expensive extensions or lamination procedures to slightly emphasize natural beauty. But there are those who believe that the thicker the eyelashes, the better. Therefore, they use invoices, often gluing them on glue of unknown origin. There are times when such experiments end in conjunctivitis or false eyelashes are removed along with their own. Or right during a date, one side of false eyelashes treacherously peels off. And then the hero of the film "The Diamond Arm" comes to mind with his phrase: "Your mustache has come unstuck." But the girl at this moment is not laughing, of course.

Chic hair

Not every girl is lucky with long thick hair. Plus, most of them torture their already liquid tail with coloring, curling irons, irons and hair dryers. And when you want to get chic curls, he resorts to tricks. At best, building up. At worst - to overhead strands. And now imagine the situation: the guy kisses you, runs his fingers through your long beautiful hair and ... they remain in his hand. Even the most persistent nerves will not survive. Well, at least hairpieces and wigs that do not match the color and structure of the hair are a thing of the past. Or not?


A thin waist is a dream. But in order to get it, you need to exercise and eat less. Although why, if there is such a solution as a corset? Put it on and you look tempting. Only now some girls do not know the measures and are dragged away the way they did in the 19th century - so that it is difficult to breathe. This is how the girl feels like a queen, but the whole date thinks only about how she will come home and remove this vise. There is also a category of beauties who believe that a corset is appropriate in any place and at any time. Therefore, he wears it to parties, work and even business meetings. And nothing that some models of corsets look like underwear. To them, they often attach an ultra-short skirt and fishnet stockings. Moulin Rouge is resting!

Slimming underwear

In the event that one corset is not enough, heavy artillery enters the fight - slimming underwear. These are bodysuits, tights, shorts, combinations and much more. Girls who have excess hanging from their sides know that this can be easily removed with braces, so there is no point in thinking about losing weight. And then a young man meets a girl with such a toned and elastic figure, and when they find themselves in the bedroom, all the splendor of her real body suddenly opens up to him ...

P.S. In general, girls, be natural. Love yourself, take care of yourself and do not abuse such lotions. After all, a man should like you, with all the advantages and disadvantages, and not a doll in which only internal organs are natural.

Summer time has come and fashionistas are in a hurry to get their most revealing outfits with deep cutouts from the far corners of the wardrobe. That's just wearing such outfits is not very comfortable without the appropriate underwear. No matter how transparent the linen straps are, they still fall out, slip and cross. How to hide them safely under a delicate and thin fabric?

Often on the red carpet you can see famous beauties with excellent figures and a magnificent bust. The question is how do they do it? The secret is that the stars increase their breasts with tape.

Such a simple, but at the same time intricate way came up with Kim Kardashian. Surprisingly, because her breasts really always look lush, raised and elastic. This result can be achieved at any moment, taking only adhesive tape and scissors.

As a result, the young lady will be able to put on any dress and not worry that her breasts will “jump” out.

Idea from Kim Kardashian

From the first time, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to raise their breasts in this way. So, breast augmentation with tape:

  1. Cut strips of tape to the desired length (this takes into account the physique, as well as the size of the chest).
  2. Start from the bottom. Glue the tape to the place below the chest and fix it well.
  3. Then gently stick on the entire chest, slightly lifting it. Thus, the effect of a bra is created. Fasten and cut off the excess.

You can seal the breasts separately or connect them with a piece of adhesive tape, winding up behind the neck. Double-sided tape will hold not only the breasts, but also the outfit itself, making the curves more seductive.

Advantages of the method:

  • economical;
  • conveniently;
  • takes the minimum amount of time.

Boosting breasts with duct tape is a great idea, but it can peel off over time. To delay this moment, you need to follow a couple of important rules:

  • Before gluing, in no case should oil or milk be applied to the body, as the adhesive tape does not tolerate this and will immediately fall off.
  • Use only proven tape.
  • Before an important exit, it is better to experiment in order to understand how best to do it.
  • It would be nice to make sure that the tape does not rustle while walking.

Here is such a tricky way to enlarge your breasts with scotch tape from famous stars. Suitable for girls and women of almost any age. And the main thing is that one roll of adhesive tape is enough for many evenings and going out.