How the guy likes it more. How to dress to please a guy. How to communicate to make the right impression

In this article, you will learn:

Every girl one day has to decide a question so that he would pay attention to her. So I want to stand out for him from the whole crowd, so that his awesome smile is addressed only to you. Not always everything goes smoothly: sometimes you need to overcome serious difficulties - a boy may like another girl, he may not notice you point-blank, or you are completely unfamiliar. What to do? How to achieve what you want? If you take note of a few helpful tips, you might be able to do it.

Which boy should you like?

Which boy should you like?

If you want to please a boy, everything will depend on who he is. It's one thing if you study with him in the same class and are constantly in front of each other. And it's completely different when you barely know each other. So, who do you want to like:

  • at school: a classmate, a boy from another class;
  • beloved;
  • former;
  • to a stranger;
  • if he loves another;
  • by correspondence.

If you need to please a boy who is not on this list, act according to the circumstances. In addition, there are some universal tips that you can use in any situation. Even if your boy is the most extraordinary in school.

Do you want to please a tough boy and therefore try to match him - impudent, vulgar and overly self-confident? Be careful: psychologists say that these guys are notorious for their insecurities and vulnerability. So with your behavior you can inadvertently offend him and alienate him forever.

Tips on how to please a boy

Small universal instructions on how to please a boy, will help you strike up a relationship with anyone. Just do not break the rules outlined here, otherwise you will not be able to achieve any results.

  1. Find out his interests and see information that might captivate him. This will help start a conversation, you will have something to talk about.
  2. Start looking after yourself... To please a boy, you need to be beautiful. Do your hair, make-up should be unobtrusive, clothes - not defiant, emphasizing the dignity of your figure. And don't forget your well-groomed nails.
  3. Behave naturally... Do not start grimacing, laughing loudly and stupidly joking when he appears.
  4. At the same time, sometimes throw ambiguous glances at him, highlight him from the crowd, turn to him more often than others - let me know that you like the boy.
  5. With closer communication, do not reveal 100%. Let you have a secret that the boy will definitely want to unravel.
  6. Do not boast. Don't just talk about yourself. Know how to listen to him and empathize with his problems.
  7. Smile at him... We have already spoken about the magical effect of a smile on a person.
  8. Show that you have many images. If you are an obedient student at school, and he is used to seeing you like that, do not be afraid to play a little hooligan on a date outside the school walls.
  9. Praise him.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't be intrusive - and you can to please any boy whoever he is. As for common interests, there is a risk of completely dissolving in his world and completely forgetting about yours. Do not do this. He should know that you are a full-fledged person who has your own hobbies. That way he will respect you. Well, if you add to these universal advice a few specific ones that relate specifically to your situation, success is guaranteed.

How to please a boy at school?

How to please a boy at school?

Situation number 1: how to please a boy at school who is so close - here he is, walking past you along the corridor, sitting next to you in the dining room ... Much will depend on whether he is your classmate or not.


So how to please a boy in class:

  1. If you are a better student than him, try offering him homework help.
  2. If he is a better student than you, ask him for help in this.
  3. Try to get close to his friends, who are probably in your class. You can learn more about him from them and easily join his company.
  4. Take part in extracurricular activities with him. Make a wall newspaper together, put on a scene, dance or sing a song - rehearsals and success after the concert will bring you closer together.
  5. You have the same number of lessons at school - so what's stopping you from going home together?

If you need to please a classmate boy, follow this scheme - and there will be no disappointment.

From another class

You will have to behave a little differently if you do not study together. How can you to please a boy from another class especially if he's older than you?

  1. Try to catch his eye more often during changes, but do not be intrusive. Simulate the situation so that you find yourself next to him by accident.
  2. Making friends who hang out with him will help you to intersect more often.
  3. If he's older, you have to match his level. Develop, read books, watch news. If in a conversation with him you tell him your own judgment about something, he will surely be amazed and stop seeing you as a little girl.
  4. Ask him for help in something: in your studies, in sports, in staging a school scene.

To please a boy at school, find any intersection points with him - this will allow you to get closer, get to know each other better. So it will be easier for him to become necessary and attract his desired attention.

Did you know that ...

Do most boys really enjoy the process of subduing a girl in order to enjoy the next victory? So do not surrender to him at once: play and become for him that very impregnable fortress, for the sake of which he will move mountains.

How to please your beloved boy?

How to please your beloved boy?

Very often girls want to like their beloved boy, with whom they seem to have developed a good relationship, but I want him not to be disappointed in you and love more every day. Well, this is no big deal.

  1. Do not strive for him to run after you in front of everyone. You must be equal in a relationship.
  2. Respect his opinion. Listen to what he says.
  3. Never make fun of him in front of others.
  4. Try do not sort things out in a raised voice... Whims and hysteria are what boys don't like.
  5. Don't ask too much of him: don't make him give you expensive gifts, leave his friends for you, run away from home, etc.
  6. Take care of him.
  7. Show him your love, and preferably - not in public, but when you are alone.
  8. Always look good.

These useful tips on how to please a boy, with whom you have already established a relationship, will help to continue and strengthen them. Do not allow yourself to relax and think that he is attached to you forever. Love in adolescence is a very fragile flower that needs to be cared for and cherished.


It turns out that boys really like it when they are paid compliments.

How to please an ex-boyfriend?

How to please an ex-boyfriend?

Everything is much more complicated, if you want, with whom for some reason the relationship was severed. First, decide for yourself exactly: do you really want to renew them or is this desire just fun for wounded pride? If the latter, then it's not worth starting. Well, if this desire is the only thing you need, proceed as follows.

  1. Don't run after him. Show that you are fine without him. Communicate with everyone, smile more often, have fun and enjoy life.
  2. Communicate with him in a relaxed way: say hello, smile.
  3. Now you need to look much better than before. Get a new hairstyle, a manicure, add fashion items to your wardrobe, and generally change your image.
  4. Cross with him more often so that he sees your cheerfulness and ease. This will make him look at you in a new way.
  5. Don't tease him about relationships with other boys. He may think that you are serious with someone, and will abandon you.

Now you know how to make yourself like a boy with whom, it would seem, you already have nothing in common. Get him interested again, as before, and the relationship will be renewed. Perhaps both of you will take into account your old mistakes and never make them again.

Keep in mind that the boy should be the winner in any situation. So, if you want him to really like him, he will have to lose in something. Are you ready for this?

How to please an unfamiliar boy?

How to please an unfamiliar boy?

It will not be very easy, with whom nothing connects you at all: neither a common company, nor a school, nor interests. But even here the situation is not hopeless. You can always try to do something. What if he is your destiny?

  1. If there are no mutual acquaintances, it is necessary to establish visual contact. When you meet, cross your eyes with him and hold your gaze on him for a few seconds.
  2. This will make him pay attention to you. After 2-3 days of this eye contact, you can smile at him.
  3. In a couple of days, be the first to say hello to him.
  4. After 2-3 days after that, you can unobtrusively talk about anything.

Here's what to do to please a boy you don't even know. And do not be afraid to take the first steps: drop all prejudices. If it is unobtrusive and modest, he will later only be grateful to you for your acquaintance.

How to please a boy who loves another?

An extremely difficult situation arises when it is not clear how to please a boy if he loves another... Intriguing, intriguing and trying to separate a couple - there is nothing worse. Throw away such a scheme of actions at once. It will not lead to anything good, it will only wear down everyone's nerves. The only thing that can be advised:

  1. Become his friend.
  2. Do not interfere with his personal relationship with the other girl. Never. You can give advice, but only if he asks you about it.
  3. Wait patiently for this relationship to end. Perhaps you will be the only one from whom he will seek consolation.
  4. There is one big risk in all this: if the boy is used to seeing you as a friend, it will be difficult for him to see in you the girl with whom he wants to date.

Here how to please a boy if he likes another... This is the only way out of this situation. In general, it is better to immediately understand from an early age that you cannot be forcibly sweet and that you cannot interfere in the relationship of a couple. There is no need to be a third superfluous.

How to please a pen boy?

Today, social media has become an integral part of adolescents. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more often the question arises, how to please a pen boy... There are several unshakable rules and tips that you should follow if a similar situation arises.

  1. Don't overwhelm him with messages.
  2. You can start the day with an unobtrusive “Hello!” And end it with a non-binding “Bye-bye”.
  3. Once every few days, when he is online, you can ask how he is doing.
  4. Upload photos, but not 10 at a time.
  5. You can ask his opinion on one of them.
  6. Ask for his advice often.
  7. Offer him help in solving some problems yourself. Become him useful.

Now you know, what to do to please a boy- so you can act according to helpful advice from psychologists, and not at random. If you do not cut from the shoulder, be able to control your emotions and find a middle ground in everything - the boy you like will definitely pay attention to you.

Most modern women are often interested in the question of the effectiveness of certain techniques that can attract the attention of the opposite sex. At first glance, it may seem that a short skirt and beautiful makeup will be enough, but not everything is so simple.

Where to begin?

And it is necessary to start with the question of whether the chosen one is "thus". And if the answer is yes, then it's time to think about the strategy for seduction. So how to please a guy and make him fall in love with you?


Whoever says anything, but representatives of the strong half of humanity, first of all, pay attention to external attractiveness. Not a single guy has to deal with an unkempt and unkempt girl. But beautiful clothes, neat manicure, a friendly, sweet smile will help to interest him.


It is necessary to conduct your own little investigation as to where the object of your liking likes to spend time, what hobbies and activities he is interested in, and compare the obtained data with information about himself. This will help to identify the existence of common interests. If there are any, you can try to "accidentally" meet with him in one of those places where he likes to spend time, and strike up a conversation.

Sense of humor

Humor is an important part of any person's life. A woman with a good sense of humor, as a rule, has a light character and is able to cheer up even on the most unhappy day, and most importantly, that men feel such ladies.


How to please a guy without appearing too intrusive? It is possible to show initiative and activity, but it is not necessary, figuratively speaking, to fill the whole space around with oneself.


You should not strive to be an "open book" in front of your chosen one. It is necessary to reveal your strengths and weaknesses slowly and carefully, not forgetting that every girl should have a zest.


Showing interest in everything around her will make the girl versatile, educated and interesting for the opposite sex. Start following the news, politics, learn a foreign language, find a suitable hobby for yourself.



Not only girls are crazy about pleasant words addressed to them. Guys also love it when their dignity does not go unnoticed. You can note the excellent erudition and resourcefulness of the young man or ask if the owner of such broad shoulders goes to the rocking room. It is very difficult to overestimate the representatives of the strong half of humanity. And if one of the guys stole the heart of a lady, then she is even happy to shower him with compliments. But do not forget that too frank flattery can be easily calculated, so do not overdo it.

Always be yourself

In any situation, you should not try to appear as someone who you are not. A guy should be interested in a real girl. For example, if she is shy, then let her use this quality to create the image of a calm and reasonable person. This type of woman will look advantageous against the background of overly emotional girls.

Comparison with other guys

How to please a guy who doesn't like you

Love is a wonderful light feeling, but if your chosen one does not pay attention to you, it can hurt. The main thing is not to despair, because there are no desperate situations. If the beloved has not yet seen the girl of his dreams in you, then you need to try to correct the current state of affairs. The issue should be approached with intelligence and perseverance, even if the situation seems hopeless.

First you need to find a reason to get to know each other better. For example, you know that a guy likes to dance, then you should also become a lover of discos. First you need to learn how to move beautifully, and then you can go into battle.

Try to look in places where he often rests, but do not overdo it so that it does not look like a pursuit.


Almost all modern people have pages on social networks. And, most likely, every girl at least once in her life fell in love with an unknown, but very nice young man, and she had a question of how to please the penpal boy.

Object of sympathy account

The first thing to do is examine the young person's account. According to psychologists, more than 80% of information about a person is located on his page in the social network. To get a basic idea of ​​a person, it is enough to flip through his feed, read posts and statuses, see his photographs. Ready? This means that certain conclusions about the guy's personality have been formed.

Information in your account

Next, you need to analyze your page, namely, remove unnecessary information from there. Information about unbearable mental anguish, as well as dreams of a husband with ten children and a country house, are not interesting for guys, even more so, they can scare away. Also, do not "load" them with your past failed relationships.

Photos in your account

After cleaning up your information, it's time to review your photo folders. It is better to destroy all the failed pictures. The advice is simple and trivial, but effective. If a girl panics, worries and cannot normally identify the pictures in which she came out badly, you can invite her friends to "clean up".


It's time to print your first message. Don't start the dialogue with the typical "Hello, how are you?" or even more so with "Hello, you're cool!". With such careless and banal phrases, you can completely miss the chance to please a guy. How to build communication? It will be better if the girl tries to interest the object of her sympathy, to involve him in an interesting conversation. At the same time, the dialogue should be a little restrained, showing good manners.


Illiteracy annoys almost all people who are at least a little familiar with the rules of their native language. Therefore, if you have doubts about the spelling of a word, it is best to spy on the Internet or check it in the Word editor. It may also happen that the girl turns out to be much more educated than her interlocutor, and he will make mistakes at the first grade level. In this case, interest in such a young person can dissolve on its own.


If the first communication went smoothly, but suddenly the guy disappeared for unknown reasons and does not write anything else, there is no need to jump to conclusions and get upset. At such a moment, nothing should be done at all. Maybe he has things to do. A tactful young man will most likely even apologize for his sudden disappearance at the next correspondence. But you don't need to hint at it or ask questions like "Why did you disappear?" or "What have you been doing?"

How to please a guy at school

School years are considered the easiest, carefree and, of course, not without falling in love. There is nothing wrong with striking up a conversation with a boy, but many girls are embarrassed to take the initiative. This fear must be overcome.

For acquaintance, you can use female tricks, for example, ask a guy you really like about a small service (stick a wall newspaper, help bring books). If he agrees, chances are that the sympathy is already mutual. It is better to approach this kind of requests in private, so that both feel freer when communicating, and the conversation has developed by itself. You can also get acquainted with the object of your sympathy at school events or through mutual acquaintances, if any.

Second attempt

It happens that a girl some time ago already had close communication with a young man, but for some reason she stopped it or he did it. And then the feelings returned, and she wanted to like her ex-boyfriend again. How to do it?

When meeting with the object of your sympathy, you must always be confident, with dignity. You should not openly demonstrate your desire to be together again and try in all possible ways to rivet his attention to your person. Moreover, there is no need to dwell on past relationships. It is better if the girl makes new acquaintances with the opposite sex, and the ex sees that the world has not collapsed without him and that guys can like her, as he once did.

Most of the representatives of the strong half of humanity are owners, and the very thought that the ladies, who once belonged to them, can be courted by someone else, causes burning jealousy. The question arises in their heads: was it necessary to part? In order for the answer to this question in the guy's head to be negative, during your rare meetings, you need to show him extremely positive character traits. The main thing is not to rush and give your chosen one time.

If you follow all these little tips, even the question of how to please a guy in 1 day will not arise in front of a girl. The main thing is to act slowly, confidently and attentively. After all, it is not so difficult to understand which girl the object of your sympathies wants to see in front of him. One by one, after a while, your steps towards your beloved will lead to the goal, that is, to him. It is important not to forget that you should not change yourself for the sake of another person. There are tons of guys out there who would dream of being around you simply because you are who you are. You can't cheat on yourself. Any girl who behaves naturally and at ease in communication with the opposite sex will arouse him much more interest than the one who constantly wears masks that are comfortable for her partner. That's all the information you need to know about how to please a guy. If the advice worked, try to make yourself and your boyfriend even happier than you were before.

Probably every girl at least once in her life wondered: how to please a guy? When we really like a guy who, for some reason we don't understand, pays absolutely no attention to us, we get very upset, grieve, try to please him, and when it doesn't work out, we just give up, remaining in splendid isolation. Of course, you have to fight for happiness. But are we doing everything right in striving to please our chosen one? Is this how we present ourselves in the company of men? Read the answers to these questions in the article below.

How to please a guy - rate him

First of all, you need to evaluate the guy objectively. It is very important.

Your demeanor will depend on how well you understand it. For example, if he is an active, modern simple guy, then there is no point in playing a pretentious lady in front of him. Conversely, an inveterate fan of bars and nightclubs is unlikely to be liked by a calm guy, a stay-at-home. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand the guy very well and try to understand which girls may interest him, and based on this, choose the appropriate manner of communication and behavior with him.

Watch yourself

It is known that men love with their eyes, which is why one of the important stages in the desire to conquer a man should be. No man will look at an unkempt girl, no matter how attractive her natural appearance is. So, watch your appearance, do it, do not hesitate to wear short skirts correctly, complement them with a stiletto heel. Men like revealing outfits, however, revealing outfits doesn't mean exposing all of their sexy body parts. Not at all. Men like it when a girl is dressed in flattering clothes, but not when she looks like a girl of easy virtue. Therefore, when dressing up, be extremely careful in combining clothes - if you have chosen a short skirt, then give up a deep neckline, and vice versa, showing your lush breasts, close your legs with a longer or.

Learn to communicate with him

One appearance to to please a guy not enough, it is very important to be able to communicate with the man you like. Men will not be interested in talking to a girl who is not able to connect two words. Try to communicate with your chosen one on various topics, learn more about his life, take an interest in his hobbies, ask more questions ... Just don't turn the conversation into insane interrogation - he is unlikely to like it. Communicate so that he understands what is interesting to you.

Try to find common ground

Try to find what unites you both. Find out what he loves and what he enjoys. Perhaps you are doing this or have long wanted to do it, but it did not work out - now you have a great opportunity to do this and at the same time be closer to your chosen one. Guys really like it when a girl shares their hobby.

Become a self-sufficient and successful lady. Guys appreciate it, treat such girls with respect and, accordingly, can pay attention to them much faster. Show him that you are not just a stupid girl, not striving for anything and not knowing anything, but a real woman who knows her worth and knows how to stand up for herself. Noticing this and realizing that you really are a person, the guy will begin to notice you and it is quite possible that he will soon fall in love!

Be different to please a guy.

To attract the attention of a guy, try to be always different - this misleads men, intrigues and makes them look closely at a girl whom they may not have noticed at all recently. Therefore, even if you are madly in love with a guy, you do not need to constantly look at him with a devoted gaze. At first it will flatter him, and then it will start to annoy, and, accordingly, you will not achieve any sympathy on his part. To prevent this from happening, constantly change in his presence, for example, today have a nice chat with him, and tomorrow just say hello, passing by him ... You will definitely not remain unnoticed.

To to please a guy, be always cheerful, kind and sociable. Well, at least in his presence. Men do not like girls who are constantly not happy with everything, who are always not happy with everything, etc. Any man will be pleased to communicate with a cheerful, positive girl who is always doing well. So smile more often and forget about your bad mood.

Do not disappear for a long time

You should not disappear for a long time from the field of view of your chosen one, so as not to give him the opportunity to forget about you. Thanks to frequent meetings, a man will be able to quickly get used to you and, quite possibly, will not want to part with you. However, you don't need to constantly loom in front of him - so you can only get bored with him. Just try, as if inadvertently, to come across him sometimes, thereby reminding you of yourself.

Men don't like hysterical and scandalous women. Therefore, you should not arrange scandals and other scenes of your dissatisfaction in the presence of your chosen one. This will negatively affect his opinion of you, and it is quite possible that he simply does not want to deal with you anymore, and certainly not fall in love with you.

Make friends with his friends

Try to make friends with the guy you like. For men, the opinion of his acquaintances and friends is of great importance. Try to please his friends. And if you succeed, then they will speak well of you, and your chosen one, realizing this, will look at you from the other side.

Flirt with a guy to please him.

One of the best ways to show a guy that you like him is to start flirting with him. However, this must be done carefully and beautifully, so as not to look like a vulgar person, flirting right and left. If you do everything right, then the guy will be yours.

Meet him in an informal setting

If you work with your chosen one together, then try to meet him somewhere else. At work, it is not always convenient to hint about your feelings - affairs, employees can distract you. But on a business trip or at a corporate party, this is quite real. Take your chance!

Now you know how to please a guy, and having done everything right, you will certainly succeed. Indeed, if you wish, you can conquer and conquer absolutely any man!

What if the guy you like doesn't even look at you? You don't know how to please a guy, but what could be more offensive than a man who seems indifferent to our beauty and ignores our seduction techniques? Women need to feel irresistible and like men, but sometimes such situations make us doubt our own merits, psychologists of the women's magazine website believe.

How to please a guy? How to get his attention? These questions worry many girls. What should happen in order for a guy you like, who does not show interest and is in no hurry to fall at your feet, like a ripe pear, draws his attention to you? Here is a short list of tips from Signorina magazine to seduce even the most indifferent man.

First, figure it out: is he not looking at you because he doesn't like you, or are there more serious motives? Perhaps it's just Mission Impossible: does he have a different sexual orientation, is he married, or do you look too much like his ex-girlfriend, who turned out to be an excellent bitch?

If the preliminary information that you have managed to collect about the man you are interested in is encouraging, then it is time to move on to the next part of our plan.

So, how to please a guy and succeed:

1) Identify the places where he regularly visits, and try to already be in place at the time when he enters there. Try to be in the company of a cute companion or even several. You can ask your relative or the boyfriend of your girlfriend about this, who should be aware of your agreement. Have casual conversation and have fun. It's best to pretend at first that you don't notice the guy you like showing up.

2) Collect information and observe! How does he talk to girls? What friends does he have fun with? All this information is a real treasure that can be used in the future.

3) Don't dress too provocatively. Better to let his imagination complete the rest.

4) Make sure that the guy you like does not get the impression that you are tied up in another relationship. He can step aside, but this is not at all included in our plans ...

5) Make yourself visible. Laugh from time to time, but without pretense, or walk past him into the toilet room. At the same time, continue to pretend that you do not notice him.

6) Try to talk about him with those who know him well. Ask what they like about him and what attracts him to women? Get to know as much as possible about this guy.

7) After several evenings of "object exploration" proceed to decisive action. He has probably already noticed you and, of course, he is interested in why you still do not notice him.

8) "Accidentally" drop the handkerchief while it passes you. Let's see how he reacts. If he stops and picks up a handkerchief, don't miss the opportunity to thank him and introduce yourself. If he did not notice your provocation, try again, for example, "stumbling" when you pass by.

9) At this moment, he will notice you in any case. Try to make eye contact, smile, let him know that you are well aware of his presence. Do it carefully and do not let go of your escort.

10) Use the information you collected earlier. Talk about topics that interest him when he is around. Dress according to what you have learned about his preferences in women.

11) If you have already laid out all your cards, then with the right approach, the goal will inevitably be achieved. Now you just have to wait for the guy you want to like tries to talk to you.

12) As soon as he does this (and he will certainly do it) and you achieve the desired result, you can strike up a light, casual conversation with him, and then leave the room.

What shouldn't you do? Make jokes about him, talk about his problems and be interested in his financial situation.

Ask him about his hobbies, hobbies, and interests. Behave in a friendly and natural way. And, of course, he himself is an excellent topic for conversation, because any person is pleasantly interested in his person.

You can be completely calm that his thoughts are completely and completely occupied only by you. Mission accomplished, as they say.

Absolutely any man, regardless of his preferences, can be liked in just the first 5 minutes of a conversation - thanks to psychological tricks

They say that one glance at a man is enough for a woman to already know everything about him: his social status, marital status, wealth, age and whether a man is worth her attention or not. And it is not surprising: men always view a woman as a potential mistress, but a woman evaluate all representatives of the stylish sex as candidates for the role of the father of her future children. And this data can really be obtained in a few seconds thanks to a quick assessment of a man's appearance: what is he wearing (talking about his wealth), whether he is shaved or not, whether it smells like male perfume (talking about social status), is the shirt collar clean and ironed whether (speaks of marital status), and, finally, whether a confident gait (speaks volumes). And that's all. But a man, in order to "weigh" a woman at the expense of her sexuality, attractiveness and charm, needs a little more - just 5 minutes of conversation. Yes, that's why women love to evaluate men visually, and men themselves try to "figure out" the girls they like in the course of a conversation - that's why they always try to get to know each other, to speak. As Socrates said: "Speak and I will tell you who you are" - this principle is very close to men.

So, any girl always has 5 minutes to please a man - what to do if there are only competitors around. But these 5 minutes should be used as efficiently as possible, using the most proven psychological tricks for influencing men. Although these methods can hardly be called tricks, everything will be quite simple, and they are based on simple truths that women have completely forgotten today.

How to please any man in 5 minutes

So, a handsome imposing man drew attention to you, and you would not mind getting to know him? Then go for it!

1 minute: Positive

Men have always been attracted and will be attracted by positive girls. These are the ones who, like the sun, charge others with their energy and radiate heat. After all, it is precisely the positive that we lack so much in everyday life, and when a man meets such a girl, if he does not start a relationship with her, then he will definitely want to communicate at least as with a friend. And, most likely, he will do it for sure.

But the positive is not loud laughter or clown dancing. Therefore, you should not make fun of others and joyfully jump like after a drug - these are men, when they fall in love, behave foolishly. This is not for women.

Therefore, in order to attract the stronger sex with a positive, you just need to be in a good mood. Even if it is raining, slush outside, and in the morning someone has already pretty ruffled their nerves, imagine that today is the best day in your life. For example, imagine that in a minute you will win the Jackpot (and you will still win, because you will soon sink into the heart of a wealthy and handsome man).

2 minutes: Glance

So, the man he liked paid attention and decided to get to know each other (or just speak up, if this is an employee). Now you need to use the second, most powerful psychological weapon - the look. You need to look at the desired object carefully, with downright admiration and always from the bottom up (if you are tall, sit down). A delighted look, as if at a star, simply conquers men. After all, they all in their hearts want to be something like a god for women. But neither family members nor friends consider them as such. Therefore, this view almost always works flawlessly.

Only you need to look not predatory, tenaciously assessing how much a man's suit costs and how good he will be in bed - namely, with the look that a happy bride looks at her groom - tenderly, deeply, with trepidation. “To be beautiful means to always look at the one you love,” heartbreaker Julia Roberts once confidently stated.

But there is an exception - an enviable groom, who is simply spoiled by the attention of mistresses, girlfriends and employees. You only need to cast one glance at such a man (and always so that he noticed him) - arrogant, cold, condescending (but not mocking - men do not like this). Such a man will certainly intrigue and even take away his peace of mind for a long time.

3 minutes: Attention

So, the "shooting with eyes" is over, and the conversation has begun. At this moment, you need to listen very carefully to everything that the man has to say, and - this is important - not to rush to answer him. While a man speaks (even one phrase), it is necessary to carefully look into his eyes (all with the same admiration), keep your mouth closed (in the literal sense - without parted lips, this can be perceived subconsciously as a sign of aggression) and - be silent!

So, many girls, when meeting, make one stupid and common mistake - they start talking a lot, just chatting incessantly. It is clear that this is the fault of an overabundance of emotions and excitement, but such incessant chirping can simply "kill" a man. In this case, if he was looking for a girl for the night, the conversation will continue. But if he planned to have a stronger relationship, then such behavior of the girl will not please him, and at best he will promise to call and retire.

The fair sex is even more stupid when they begin to giggle stupidly. Honestly, men do not always guess what exactly made a girl laugh, and often take it as a mockery of themselves. The more experienced stronger sex already knows well why and why his interlocutor behaves so stupidly, but she does not want to appear with her somewhere in public or in a circle of friends. Because that kind of giggle is just annoying.

Therefore, the best and most reliable way to please a man is to be silent while he speaks, not to end sentences after him and not to interrupt. Note that even in professional circles, respected speakers will never be interrupted. And respect for a man is above all.

Therefore, while competitors giggle and rain down on the man an endless stream of meaningless words - keep quiet. And while you are silent, your eyes will be much more expressive, and your face will be more beautiful. But the desired object should be given time and admired.

Minute 4: Mysterious

Silence has other valuable advantages - the number of words spoken in a conversation is inversely proportional to the man's opinion of the mind of his interlocutor. The less a girl says, the more she will make an impression of herself as smart, pleasant - and even interesting. Yes, this is the psychology of the stronger sex - even if the whole conversation with him does not open your mouth, but only nod your head and look with adoring eyes, you can even get a sincere admiring compliment: "You are a wonderful companion."

Minute 5: Charisma

So, three or four minutes of conversation have passed, your intelligence and beauty have been appreciated, which means it's time to show off your charisma and charm. And for this, say something unexpected, intrigue. But do not be an open book - become a real mystery for a man.

Be sure to smile. Do everything so that the man is confused, terribly interested and really wants to continue the conversation. And - go away. If you start communicating further, then you will no longer be able to guarantee 100% success. But if you retreat just when a man's eyes light up - this is what you need. Confused, charmed, he will think about you all day - and he will definitely look for the next conversation and even propose a relationship on the fly so that his Cinderella does not run away again in the midst of the ball.

Do you only have 5 minutes to impress? That's enough - the effect will be just amazing!