How to choose the right bedding. Bed sizes. How to choose the right size for your lingerie? Why is it so important to choose quality bedding

For a good rest, a person during sleep needs not only a cozy bedroom and a comfortable bed, but also high-quality, pleasant to the touch bed linen. On the shelves of shops selling home textiles, you can find many sets that differ in color and density of fabric, size and brand of the manufacturer. It is difficult for an untrained buyer to understand such an abundance of products, especially since the price of a product does not always correspond to its quality. Therefore, before you go shopping, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters of the quality of bed linen, so as not to make a mistake and make the right choice.

What should be the bedding

Bed linen is the textile that comes into contact directly with human skin, therefore, the following requirements are reasonably imposed on it:

  • The fabric should be breathable and absorbent. Usually materials made from flax and bamboo have such properties.
  • High strength and durability of the product is very important. Laundry requires frequent washing, and delicate and loose fabrics will quickly deteriorate.
  • The dyes used in the manufacture of the kit must be resistant to hot water and not contain components that cause allergies.

Bed linen that meets the above requirements will last a long time and will delight its owner with the softness of the touch, the brightness of the pattern and the cleanliness.

The first thing that the buyer pays attention to when deciding to purchase a set of bedding is the color and, and only after that, determines the quality of the product. In order not to be mistaken with the choice and to purchase really high-quality textiles, many factors must be taken into account.


Quality packaging distinguishes quality linen

The packaging of any product speaks of the manufacturer's level. The bedding set is no exception. The more expensive and respectable the package looks, the higher the quality of its contents.

It is better to choose textiles in a dense cardboard box, which will withstand any transportation without damage, will not get wet or get dirty.


The package must have a well-adhered and clearly printed label. Manufacturers of textiles that do not meet the standard requirements often avoid disclosing the name of their company and contact information, which should certainly alert the buyer.

Typically, the following information can be found from the label:

  • manufacturer's name, address, contact phone numbers;
  • the composition of the material from which the textiles are made;
  • a list of products included in the set and their sizes;
  • care rules.

The manufacturer of quality bedding always values ​​its reputation and does not hide its "face".

Density of fabric

The main indicator of product quality is the density of the fabric - the number of fibers in 1 cm². The higher the density, the stronger and more durable the product. This value is usually indicated on the label only by a bona fide manufacturer and ranges from 20 to 280 threads per 1 cm².

Density parameters of popular fabrics:

  • - 30;
  • cotton - 60;
  • and - 90;
  • Japanese silk - 280.

Features of sewing

The pillowcases, sheet and duvet cover included in a premium bedding set should be sewn from a single piece of material, and not assembled from individual pieces. A seam in the middle of the product indicates that it does not meet standard requirements - such underwear is not reliable and ugly.

When choosing a kit, you need to carefully study the wrong side, joints and edge finishing. All work is carried out with a special linen seam, which tightly connects the parts and will not allow the product to break after the first wash. The threads used for sewing the bed must be strong and match the color of the general color, and their ends must be securely fastened.

Advice! It is better to choose a set that includes a sheet with an elastic band and a blank duvet cover. Such underwear is more practical, does not slip or wrinkle during sleep.

In addition, multiple buttons and locks should be avoided, as excess hardware makes it difficult to clean the product and can injure a sleeping person.


Quality linen has a pleasant smell of new textiles. Any other "aromas", for example, the smell of paint, chemistry or mold, indicate that the dyes contain too many harmful substances, the fabric was produced without observing the technology, or the goods were stored and transported incorrectly.


Bed linen in light colors does not shed when washed

Experienced housewives most often choose bed linen dyed in light colors, since there is less risk that the product will shed after the first wash. If you like a set with a bright pattern, you need to be extra vigilant. Resistant paint can withstand washing at temperatures exceeding + 60 ° C, which should be noted by the manufacturer on the label.

In addition, on some kits, you can see the dye strength mark, which must be at least 4. If no written evidence of dye strength is found, you can rub your palm hard on the face of the material with your palm and thus find out how strong the dye is. A stained palm will indicate poor color quality of the product.

The pattern on the front and back sides should be equally clear and bright. You should not choose a set in which the fabric is painted only on the front side, and the inside is white, with barely noticeable stains. Most likely, such underwear will quickly fade and lose its original appeal.

Dimensions (edit)

When buying a bedding set, it is very important that the product matches the required dimensions. You can choose underwear with an original design, made of fabric with a high density and dyed with a permanent dye, but if you do not fit into the size, then it will be very uncomfortable to sleep on it. Therefore, before going to the store, you must carefully measure the length, width and height of the mattress, determine and write down the parameters of the pillows and blankets.

Russian and imported kits differ in their sizes. In order not to get into a mess, it is better to consult with a sales assistant who will tell you everything about the selected product and help you not to make a mistake with the purchase.

What fabric is better to buy underwear

Basically, bed linen is made from cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic materials. Recently, there are sets of fashionable bamboo. Each fabric has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what material the bedding should be made of. Some love reliable cotton, others prefer iridescent silk, and still others love the touch of coarse linen.

The following materials are most often used to make bed linen.


The most common material for making bedding is cotton. The fabric has a natural composition, excellent air permeability and moisture absorption. It is not hot to sleep on such a bed in the summer heat, and in winter it gives comfort and warmth. Cotton fabric can be washed at a water temperature close to 100 ° C, it dries quickly and is easy to iron, which is important for bed linen.


The practicality and strength of this cotton fabric is ensured by a very dense cross-weaving of threads. Rough to the touch, with proper care, it will serve faithfully for several years. Coarse calico textiles are durable and low cost.


Thin flowing fabric is made from cotton fibers. The fabric, incredibly pleasant to the touch, gives a gentle coolness in contact with the body. However, despite the high cost, cambric bedding is impractical, wear out quickly and lose its original appearance. Such underwear can be bought as a gift or for meeting dear guests, but not for everyday use.


Lightweight and at the same time strong, smooth and shiny on the front side and matte on the inside, it is distinguished by a special weaving of threads, which ensures the wear resistance and durability of the fabric. Despite the rather high cost, this linen is considered economical, since, if the rules of care are followed, it can withstand more than 300 washes.

Terry cloth

Terry bedding is a good choice for winter

Warm terry linen is more suitable for use in the winter season. The material does not require special care, is easy to wash and hardly wrinkles. The terry sheet is firmly attached to the mattress, does not slip and does not gather like an accordion.

Comfortable and practical terry linen can be purchased for everyday use. When buying, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material. If it contains more than 5% synthetics, then after several washings the linen can become tough and uncomfortable, so it is better to choose textiles made from 100% cotton.


Another derivative from cotton is satin. The durable fabric has a noble matte sheen and is very silk-like in appearance. This effect is achieved due to the use of highly twisted cotton threads in the production of fabric, intertwined in a special way.

Does not require complex maintenance, dries quickly and is easy to iron. The cost of the kit is slightly higher than the price of similar products made from other materials, but it is quite consistent with the quality of the product.


Linen is a natural, environmentally friendly material that is often used for sewing bedding. A strong and rough canvas does not contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora and is a natural antiseptic. crumples quickly, to smooth out this only drawback, a little synthetic fibers are added to the fabric composition.


Silk bedding embodies luxury and romance. For a long time, natural Japanese silk has been especially highly valued. Of course, a set made of this material is quite expensive, but the pleasure obtained from sleeping on a silk bed justifies all the monetary costs. Smooth and shiny fabric:

  • slightly cool to the touch;
  • has good breathability and hygroscopicity;
  • not electrified;
  • It does not require special care.

Once you buy a set made of natural silk, you can enjoy the comfort presented by this noble fabric for several years.

Which bed linen to choose is everyone's personal business, the main thing is that it is comfortable and comfortable to sleep and that after the first wash you do not have to be upset by the sight of a blurry pattern.

The question of how to choose bed linen worries all housewives, because a person spends a significant part of his life in a dream. The comfort of rest largely depends on the fabric in contact with the body; its quality is determined by the durability of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers. To understand the abundance of sleepwear, you need to know the criteria for choosing it.

Bed linen fabric

The best fabric for bed linen is one that is pleasant to the touch, breathable and moisture-permeable, breathes, absorbs sweat and does not cause allergies. Sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers should be made of natural fabrics - cotton, silk, linen, satin. Before choosing bedding, it is important to consider some more factors:

  1. It needs to be washed frequently. The stronger the fabric, the longer it will last. After a series of washings, the soft and thin material will be covered with holes. Before buying, you need to visually inspect the fabric - a canvas with gaps and rare weaving of threads is not worth taking.
  2. An important factor is the quality of the dyes. Sheets that have faded after the initial wash will not please with their appearance. And low-quality chemicals can cause allergies. Therefore, material with an incomprehensible smell and with an indication of a low washing temperature should not be taken.

Bed linen - coarse calico

Ideal for those looking for a practical sleeping comfort kit. Such products are durable and unpretentious to maintain. The high degree of practicality of the coarse calico is ensured by the dense weaving of the threads, but it has here and there thickening of the fibers in the fabric. The material is durable, withstands a large number of washes even when soaked with bleach, does not shrink and does not fade. Calico warms in cold weather and absorbs moisture in hot weather. The set is inexpensive and does not need delicate care.

Natural silk bedding

Flowing is considered an invariable attribute of a romantic interior, but it is an expensive pleasure. It makes the bed look elegant and luxurious. The fabric is soft, shiny, perfectly "breathes", is able, depending on the weather, to keep the body warm or cool it, does not fade, does not lose its brightness for a long time, wrinkles a little.

But the material requires delicate care and respect - it can be washed by hand, protected from direct sunlight. It is best to use the services of dry cleaning - they will wash the kit and iron it on the skating rinks without damaging the delicate fabric. The highest quality silk underwear is Japanese, when buying it is better to avoid Chinese or Turkish counterfeits.

Terry bed linen

Among all types of bed linen, terry cotton jersey fabrics stand out thanks to the delicate tiny fibers. Such products do not require ironing, stretch well, warm well, wash easily, but dry for a long time. It is more convenient to dry them in the washing machine. Fleece sheets and duvet covers are ideal for the cold season. Before choosing such bed linen, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the terry cloth by running your hand over it. The villi should be pleasant to the touch, not harsh.

Cotton fabric for bedding

Cotton is the most common fabric for sewing bedding sets. This is due to the fact that the material is inexpensive, but durable, practical, and has hypoallergenic properties. It is comfortable with such sets - they do not electrify, do not slip, do not stick to the body. Due to its "breathable" properties, the fabric does not interfere with the natural circulation of air, in hot weather it gives you coolness. High hygroscopicity ensures a comfortable sleep, removing moisture residues.

Cotton is used alone or as a fiber in various blended fabrics. According to the method of weaving the threads and the method of dyeing, several materials based on it are distinguished. These include bed linen made of Egyptian cotton (satin), ordinary chintz, soft flannel with a delicate fluff, tougher and denser coarse calico, thin and durable percale, which retains heat well.

How to choose satin bedding?

When deciding which bedding is better to choose, you can stop at. The material is often called "cotton silk", it is very smooth (but not slippery), shiny, made by twisting a double weave thread. Satin is distinguished by its reliability and durability, is able to pass air, keeps warm, practically does not wrinkle, withstands many washes (up to 400) and does not lose its gloss after several years of operation. How to choose satin bedding:

  • familiarize yourself with the information on the package - 100% cotton should be indicated there;
  • satin density 110-180 threads per centimeter - the more, the better;
  • the density of the fabric should be 120 g / m 2;
  • the fabric can be checked for light - the weaving should be tight;
  • the surface should be smooth to the touch - then the product retains its shine for a long time.

How to choose the size of the bedding?

When choosing a bedding set, you need to decide on it. It is tied to the width of the blanket, the size of the bed and pillows. Before buying, you need to measure:

  1. Mattress - The sheet should be 80 cm wider than the mattress so that it can be easily tucked in.
  2. Pillow - the size of the pillowcase;
  3. Blanket - under the size of the duvet cover.

Then the standard sizes are compared with the measurements of the bedding, and the appropriate set is selected. Sizes accepted for our country:

  1. Half-bed set characterized by the following parameters: duvet cover (143x215 cm), sheet (150x214 cm), two pillowcases (50x70 cm or 70x70 cm), suitable for one person.
  2. Double set: duvet cover (175x215 cm), sheet (214x220 cm), two pillowcases (50x70 cm or 70x70 cm), designed for a wide bed for one blanket.
  3. Family bed linen has dimensions: two duvet covers (143x215 cm each), a sheet (220x240 cm), two pillowcases (50x70 cm or 70x70 cm), intended for a couple who prefers to hide in separate blankets.
  4. Gaining popularity and "Euro" standard: duvet cover (200x220 or 200x240 cm), sheet (220x240 cm), two pillowcases (50x70 cm or 70x70 cm).
  5. Baby kit consists of a one-and-a-half duvet cover, sheet and pillowcase. Babies under 3 years old get a nursery set - duvet cover 112x147 cm, pillowcase 40x60 cm, sheet 100x150 cm.

What color should I choose bedding?

Before choosing your bedding, it is important to decide on its color. It can both calm and excite. When deciding which color of linen is best for sleeping, if you need to have a good rest, it is better to stay on soothing colors. These include blue, light green, green, yellow, blue, white, cream. Strong colors will suit decisive people - burgundy, purple, black. Romantic natures will love lilac duvet covers, or colors with a scattering of flowers. Knowing the features, it is easy to create the desired atmosphere in the bedroom.

Black bedding

When deciding which color of bedding is suitable for sleeping, strong-willed people opt for black. Such a mystical shade is a color of luxury, it is bright, dark, gives an influx of energy, but is not suitable for everyone. Often, black sets are made of silk or satin, have an attractive sheen, and are decorated with light trim. Such a bedroom looks luxurious and sophisticated, and the richness of linen gives an unforgettable experience. In addition to extravagance, the kit is very practical - it gets less dirty and does not fade.

Bed linen red

Understanding what kind of bedding is, you can especially highlight the red color. From a health point of view, the scarlet color of the fabric helps to stabilize the heartbeat and lower blood pressure. The purple material is bright, charges a person with positive and energy, has an exciting and romantic effect. Such a bed is not for daily use, it is recommended for a special occasion. Shiny silk looks especially beautiful in red. But such a kit is not suitable for everyone, but for energetic and active people, because it has a strong emotional impact.

Bed linen with flowers

Various flowers (roses, lilies, chamomile, peonies, lilacs, orchids) are the most common theme of bedding, which helps a person get closer to nature and have a good rest. The perception of the pattern depends on the size of the image - a large pattern with leaves, curls gives vivid sensations, a small one calms. Before choosing the color of bed linen with flowers, it is better to know how the shade of the pattern affects the psyche:

  • pink flowers look delicate, have a relaxing effect;
  • blue flowers help to achieve harmony, help you fall asleep quickly;
  • an orange pattern will cheer you up, fill the room with warmth;
  • white flowers against a background of greenery will give a feeling of tenderness, freshness.

White bed linen

The classic white color represents peace and purity. It enhances energy, calms the nervous system and helps to cope with insomnia. White bedding made of cotton or satin looks neutral, is a basic element of good sleep, and is suitable for everyone. But a set of silk or satin in this color will look especially elegant and sparkling. If you give preference to linen material, then it will not turn yellow over time. White sets are versatile and never go out of fashion, visually they enlarge the room, fit any interior.

Chocolate bedding

When deciding which bedding is the best for a boy or a man, you can opt for a chocolate shade. Brown gives a sense of practicality and stability, it is the color of earth and fertility. Women in such a bed will lack cleanliness. When choosing a set, it is better to purchase a light chocolate-honey shade, the dark one looks more depressing. The coffee tone looks good in combination with gold, pink, white, beige.

How to choose baby bedding?

The healthy sleep of the baby largely depends on the deliberate purchase of a kit for a crib. How to choose bedding for a child:

  1. Pay attention to the quality of the matter - it must be natural. For older children, cotton, chintz or coarse calico are suitable, they are often produced with bright patterns. Before choosing, it is important to remember that it is often washed. Therefore, satin is the best option, it is durable and soft, which is important for the delicate skin of the baby.
  2. Choose a suitable color. The baby needs not acidic, but soothing tones: pale blue, pink, white, beige with unobtrusive images of bears and elephants. Cute drawings will attract the attention of the crumbs and help her in learning about the world. When choosing a bed for an older child, you can use the advice of psychologists:

10.12.2015 / 1550

The topic of bed linen as an integral element of home life and comfort is always relevant and in demand. Over the years, the fashion for style and colors has changed, new fabrics and color technologies appear, starched sheets and feather beds are forever a thing of the past. But no matter how the bedding looks, it should still provide comfort and restful relaxation, because the quality of a night's sleep directly affects a person's well-being.

How to choose bedding

When buying bed linen, consumers hope that their expectations will be met: the set will be worn for a long time, bright colors will not fade, the fabric will not shrink, the duvet cover will fit the size of the blanket, etc. Our helpful tips will help you buy quality bedding, and knowledge of a number of technological aspects will allow you to make a competent choice.

Any bed linen must necessarily satisfy two requirements: to be comfortable and of high quality. Comfort refers to the ability of a fabric to allow air to pass through and absorb moisture. Natural fibers have such properties: cotton, linen, silk. Products are considered to be of high quality if they are made of durable materials that can withstand numerous washes and are painted with persistent safe dyes. The stronger the fabric, the longer the bedding will last. A soft and thin linen can turn into a pile of torn rags after several washes. The quality of the dyes is no less important, because a set that has faded after the first wash is unlikely to please with its dull look. Interested in a wide range of quality bed linen that will last a long time? Go to the Sileid online store.

Bed linen selection options

Material. The ability of bed linen to allow air to pass through and absorb sweat is essential, therefore, natural fabrics with high hygroscopicity, such as cotton and linen, are most often used for sewing it. Linen made from natural silk is more of a luxury item than bedding. Cotton fabrics are presented in materials of various prices: from affordable chintz and calico to more expensive poplin and satin. The presence of synthetic fibers, which increase the wear resistance of the material, is allowed, but their amount should not exceed 30%.

The density of the fabric. The higher the density of the fabric, the more washes it can withstand and last longer. Good linens should be made from fabrics with a density of at least 40 threads per cm². Sets made of fabrics with soft threads and loose weaving are short-lived and subject to quick wear.

Color fastness. High-quality dyes will not only provide the laundry with a long-lasting color that remains after numerous washes, but also will not harm your health, since the components used in cheap dyes can cause allergies. If the pattern is equally clearly visible on both sides of the canvas, then the fabric is woven from dyed threads and will retain its color longer than one-sided prints on the finished material.

The quality of the seams. Bed linen is sewn with a special linen seam, which ensures the strength of the connection and excludes open cuts and protruding threads. Raw edges of the fabric indicate a low-quality product. Really good linen is made from a single piece of fabric and has no middle seams.

Design. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of bed linen options. The duvet cover can be with a front opening, a side slit, a wrap in the middle of the product, or it can be zipped. Pillowcases can be zipped, with buttons or wrap, and sheets with a fixing elastic band are very popular. Well, in terms of colors and patterns, the choice of bed linen is truly limitless.

Packaging and label. These parameters will make it possible to judge the conscientiousness of the manufacturer and the quality of the product. The label must provide comprehensive information about the product: fabric composition, size, manufacturer, advice on caring for the product. The appearance of packaging and labels, the quality of printing, fixation to the product speaks of the level of prestige of the company.

Types of fabric

Lingerie for everyday use is made from inexpensive, practical materials and is in the middle price range. For high-quality bed linen, materials are used that are durable, do not fade, do not fade or shrink after washing. At the same time, preference is given to natural fabrics based on cotton and linen, which perfectly absorb moisture and allow air to pass through. Some manufacturers offer bedding made from mixed fabrics in which synthetic threads are added to cotton. They are distinguished by their low cost, increased wear resistance, are easy to wash and dry very quickly. For elegant sets, expensive fabrics are used: natural silk, jacquard, percale.


The 100% cotton based fabric is made from twisted double-weave yarns and is characterized by high shine and high density. Satin is pleasant to the body, hygroscopic, breathable, practically does not wrinkle, pet hair does not stick to it. The front side of the material is shiny, smooth and silky to the touch, but the reverse side is slightly rough, so that the linen does not slip and does not get lost during sleep. Satin linen is very durable - only after 200 washes does it begin to lose its luster.


This widespread fabric for bedding is 100% cotton, washes well, while maintaining the brightness of the color, and is practically wrinkle-free. Calico is obtained as a result of dense weaving of thick threads, does not require special care, is hygienic, hygroscopic, environmental friendliness, strength and high wear resistance.

All-natural linen is very strong, durable and wearable, but wrinkles and hard to iron. Therefore, manufacturers prefer to add cotton threads to linen, resulting in soft, thin fabrics. Linen bedding is a little rough to the touch, with characteristic knots on the surface of the linen. Being a natural conditioner, flax cools in the heat and warms in the cold, exhibits hypoallergenic and antiseptic properties.


Natural silk fabric is made from threads obtained from the silkworm cocoon. Silk thread, which is the finest protein fiber, has high strength, softness, hygroscopicity, excellent gloss. Elite bedding is sewn from silk, which is distinguished by its luxurious appearance and high price. It is practically wrinkle-free, pleasant to the touch, durable, hypoallergenic, has a unique ability to adapt to the environment and regulate body temperature, is highly durable, beautiful in appearance and exquisite shine.


Most often, in the composition of bamboo bedding, bamboo fiber itself is about 60%, the remaining 40% is cotton fiber. The bamboo canvas is softer than cotton to the touch, silky, but not slippery. Bamboo fabric is highly durable, with a natural shine, absorbs moisture well, has hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties. This bed linen is ideal for people with sensitive, irritating skin, as it does not cause discomfort and has antimicrobial properties.


The term "jacquard" means a method of weaving threads and is a lint-free dense fabric of complex weaving with a relief pattern of synthetic, natural or mixed fibers. Most often, jacquard linen for bed linen is mixed, absorbs moisture well, is durable and durable, has thermoregulatory properties: it creates coolness in summer and will not freeze in winter.


Chintz is an inexpensive cotton fabric that is easy to maintain. Chintz is 100% thick cotton threads that form a very sparse weave. Although thin and airy chintz will last less coarse calico, it is softer and softer to the touch.


Poplin is a method of weaving fabric with a small transverse scar. Poplin bedding is most often 100% cotton fiber. It has strength and durability, almost does not wrinkle, breathes well, soft and pleasant to the touch.


In chilly autumn and cold winters, flannel bedding is best for warming. For quality material, 100% cotton fiber with a dense weave fleece is used. It is heat-saving, covered with a light down, soft, very comfortable and cozy material. Flannel is durable and easy to care for: with each wash, the fabric only becomes softer and more delicate.


Polycotton is a blended fabric woven from 5% -35% polyester synthetic yarns and cotton. Cotton gives polycotton linen breathability, and synthetic thread - strength and durability. Its presence also made it possible to achieve wash-resistant bright saturated colors, high wear resistance and good hygienic properties. Polycotton bedding is less dirty, easy to clean, dries quickly, does not shrink or deform after washing, practically does not wrinkle.

Microfiber (microfiber)

Microfiber - 100% synthetic polyester fabric, durable, soft and pleasant to the touch, does not tend to roll. Dries quickly, does not fade, does not fade, does not stretch, does not wrinkle, does not shrink, washes well, keeping bright saturated colors.

Review of bedding brands

In the Russian market, bed linen is represented mainly by products of domestic manufacturers, among which the leading positions are unconditionally held by goods from Ivanovo. Particularly popular are the trademarks Vasilisa and ArtPostel, which delight with high-quality and durable products from natural fabrics: coarse calico, flax, satin, poplin. In addition, the products of the ArtPostel brand are distinguished by their excellent author's design and offer children's knitwear sets.

Elite Cheboksary bed linen "Cotton Edge" is made of coarse calico, poplin or satin, complies with GOST, retains the brightness of colors after repeated washings. Domestic trade mark "Mona Lisa" produces products from silky satin, distinguished by comfort, original style and harmony of modern motives.

The Russian trade mark "Elf" has been known for over 20 years. Modern collections of bed linen are made of microsatine, poplin and terry cloth, are distinguished by a high degree of strength and durability, impress with modern design and a variety of colors.

Russian textile companies "Domilfo" and "Casanova" offer a wide range of bed linen from various fabrics of high quality, impeccable tailoring and modern design. Products of the Ukrainian trading house "Yaroslav" are made from environmentally friendly materials of different price segments.

The Turkish brand TAC produces full-size adult sets, made in bright or pastel colors with a rich variety of colors and patterns, and baby underwear with prints of your favorite cartoon characters. The First Choice brand is rightfully considered the best manufacturer of bamboo bedding, distinguished by high quality, beautiful design presentation and bright colors. Elite bed linen is presented by Gelin Home and Home Sweet Home brands. Made of smooth satin, satin with silk and the softest mako-satin, it has a stylish design, embellished with embroidery, lace, rhinestones, organza and ruffles, which give the sets a special luxury and elegance.

Density of fabric

This indicator depends on the method of weaving, and its numerical expression indicates the number of threads in 1 cm² of material. The durability and wear resistance of bed linen directly depends on the density of the fabric. Naturally, the higher the density, the more durable the fabric. For example, cambric has a low density, below average for cotton, medium for linen, and high for satin.

Classification of materials by density (number of threads in 1 cm²):

20-30 n. - low;
35-40 n. - below average;
50-65 n. - medium;
65-80 AD - above average;
85-120 N. - high;
130-280 n. - very high.

The size

When shopping for bedding, the starting point is the size of the bed, pillows, and duvets. You can buy bed linen in disagreement, but sets look much more beautiful, which are represented by objects of different sizes in different configurations. Each set includes a sheet, duvet cover and pillowcases. For example, a family set includes a wide sheet and two one-and-a-half duvet covers.

Standard underwear sets

A bed set is a set of linen made in the same color scheme, including a duvet cover, sheet and pillowcases, the size and quantity of which may vary.

One and a half bed: 1 duvet cover 215x145 cm, 1 sheet 215x145 cm, 2 pillowcases 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

Double: with a Euro standard sheet: 1 duvet cover 215x (175) 180 cm, 1 sheet 220x240 cm, 2 pillowcases 50x70 or 70x70 cm, with a small sheet: 1 duvet cover 215x180 cm, 1 sheet 195x220 cm, 2 pillowcases 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

Euro standard: 1 sheet 220x240 (240x280) cm, 1 duvet cover 200x220 cm, 2 pillowcases 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

Family (duet): 1 sheet 220x240 cm, 2 duvet covers 215x145 cm, 2 pillowcases 50x70 or 70x70 cm.

Children: 1 sheet 120 × 150 cm, 1 duvet cover 115 × 147 cm, 1 pillowcase 40 × 60 cm.


Many do not attach much importance to the color of bed linen, because, unlike, it is hidden from prying eyes, but its color performance has an important role in shaping the mood. The color scheme serves as one of the tools for creating an atmosphere in the bedroom, which can be presented in a wide range from expressive and flashy to peaceful and soothing. The color of the linen is chosen depending on personal preference, but in no case should it cause irritation. The color palette is designed to restore the strength and mental energy spent during the day.

It is rather doubtful that the color of bedding can have a significant impact on the quality of sleep, but if you adhere to this point of view, then when choosing a color, you should proceed from the meaning of each color.

All kinds of patterns and designs are presented no less richly. Bed linen can be decorated with floral prints in the form of delicate flowers, lush tropics, colorful palms and cherry blossoms, or representatives of the fauna: funny cubs, wild animals, colorful birds, proud dolphins, bright butterflies. Natural motives and landscapes are very popular: sea, mountains, sky with clouds, sunset, etc., there are ethnic patterns. Abstract geometric motifs are quite popular, represented by rhombuses, zigzags, circles, waves, spheres, etc. Fans of non-standard solutions will like original colors: starry sky, reproductions of paintings, gold coins, soap bubbles, the Eiffel Tower or the Egyptian pyramids.

How to care for bed linen

New bedding must be washed before use;
before washing, the laundry should be sorted by color;
the washing mode should be observed depending on the type of material - different modes are used for cotton and synthetics;
ironing bedding should be slightly underdried;
dark and colored items are ironed from the inside out.

Buying beautiful and high quality bedding over the Internet is not an easy task. Seeing a beautiful picture on the site and a couple of lines of description of the kit, I want the new purchase to please you not only with the inexpensive price of the online store, but also with its beauty and comfort for a long time. How to choose high-quality bedding that will not lose its appearance and other characteristics after several washes? All the subtleties of choice are here!

Bed linen characteristics

Let's first define a few key characteristics of the fabric of bedding sets, which affect not only its price, but also its durability. Basically, in the description of the kit, it is important to pay attention to:
  • composition of the material;
  • type of fabric (method of weaving threads);
  • linear and surface density;
  • methods of painting or drawing.

Bed linen material composition

By composition, fabrics are divided into three main groups:
  • natural fabrics made exclusively from natural fibers such as cotton, linen, silk (artificially obtained viscose fibers from natural non-fibrous materials (cellulose) - viscose, tencel, modal, bamboo are also classified as natural);
  • artificial fabrics, consisting of synthetic fibers obtained by chemical means (mainly polyester);
  • blended fabrics that combine several types of fibers (linen + cotton, silk + cotton, cotton + polyester).
Natural fabrics are pleasant in many ways. They absorb moisture well, attract us with their natural origin and allow the skin to "breathe" during sleep. But there are also disadvantages. Such fabrics wrinkle easily, shrink during washing and dry for a long time.

Artificial fabrics are much more durable than natural ones, but they are synthetic, that is, they do not “breathe” well and are less environmentally friendly, and therefore we will not talk about them for now.

Durability of bed linen

When choosing durable bedding, you should pay attention to the way of weaving the threads. The strength of the material largely depends on this.

The density of the fabric is characterized as linear and superficial. Linear density is the number of threads per centimeter squared, surface density is grams per square meter.

The density is influenced not only by the thickness of the threads, but also by the way they are woven. Bedding fabrics can have:

  • plain weave - the threads alternate through one (cambric, calico, poplin, ranfors, percale);
  • satin (satin) weave - the threads are intertwined through several and merge into oblique lines on the front side, creating a silky surface (satin);
  • jacquard - a complex twill or satin weave with different alternation of threads, which forms a beautiful pattern (jacquard).

Color fastness of bed linen

Many people believe that natural fabrics necessarily shed heavily when washed. It is not always so. It all depends on the dyeing method. In natural fabrics, either pigment dyeing or active (reactive) dyeing is used.

In pigment dyeing, a dye (pigment) is applied directly to the surface of the canvas and fixed at room temperature. The main advantage of this process is its relatively low cost. It is these fabrics dyed with pigment dyes that lose their original appearance faster than fabrics dyed with reactive dyes. At the same time, dark patterns applied by a pigment method are painted more strongly than light ones.

Reactive dyes form a chemical bond with the fiber and become part of it. Fabrics dyed in this way do not fade, do not dye and have rich deep colors. Of course, they are somewhat more expensive, but believe me, you will get bored with such a kit faster than at least fade a little.

And now let's touch on the most interesting side when choosing our future bed linen - drawing. Here our eyes just scatter! And flowers, and cubs, and cities, and also stripes, circles, plain and even with embroidery! Which of all this variety to get is a matter of taste. But it is worth considering the fact that the price of the kit may also depend on the picture. Well, and embroidery, accordingly, makes the kit even more expensive than everything else. The main thing here is that you like it yourself.

Take the front of a duvet cover, for example. Often there are colors where the same pattern is repeated several times on it. This design is considered to be rotary. Sets with a wide print, when the pattern occupies the entire width of the duvet cover, as one picture, and does not have these repetitions - this is a design panel (coupon design). The latter will cost a little more, but it also looks much more interesting.

Fashion trends in the world of bedding

An interesting trend in the world of bedding is scented sets.

Under this name, common kits are often produced with some kind of tabs like sachets or incense sticks, but there are also really scented fabrics. They are impregnated with aromas at the manufacturing stage. And here the advantage is on the side of cotton. Such bed linen can delight you with a pleasant aroma of citrus fruits, sea breezes or all kinds of flower arrangements.

Manufacturers guarantee the persistence of the aroma up to 10 washes with a gradual decrease in aroma intensity. If you become the owner of the Aroma kit, in no case wash it with conditioner, only with a neutral powder, otherwise the fabric will lose its effect or mix odors.

Kit packaging

We won't talk about packaging for a long time. And so it is clear that the better it is, the higher the price. For yourself, this is not so important, only if you take the kit as a gift. It is better, of course, to choose sets in tight boxes and especially resistant bags so that during transportation your bed linen does not deteriorate, does not get wet and does not get dirty. And everything else is at your discretion.

So, we have already gone through all the main points, and now you can more deliberately choose the bedding set that suits you, which will really meet your needs and delight you. The most important thing is that your purchases bring you pleasure and for as long as possible! Therefore, make a deliberate choice!

A person spends about a third of his life in a dream. It is no secret that sound healthy sleep is a guarantee of health, visual attractiveness, efficiency and good mood. That is why it is so important to properly organize your sleeping place, from choosing a bed to bedding.

How to choose the size of the bedding?

When buying lingerie, it is very important not to make a mistake in the size. And for this you need to select a sheet, duvet covers and pillowcases to match the size of the mattress, blankets and pillows. Therefore, pay attention to the dimensional characteristics of the bed linen indicated on the packaging.

Why is it so important to choose quality bedding?

Bed linen comes into contact with the body and face of a person for several hours a day. Therefore, low-quality dyes can lead to allergies and discomfort during sleep. Bed linen must "breathe" - let air pass through, that is, be made of natural fabrics (or have a minimum percentage of synthetics). Otherwise, sleeping on linen in winter will be cold, and hot in summer.

True, some modern "unusual" fabrics for linen combine the advantages of natural material and are devoid of its disadvantages.

Bed linen is washed frequently, so high-quality linen will serve you longer and will delight you with a consistently attractive look.

Types and features of fabrics for bedding

Gone are the days when the choice of fabrics was limited to cotton and satin. And they have undergone some changes as a result of the use of modern technologies.



Satin bedding lingerie fascinates with brilliance and beauty. What is this fabric? Despite the common name "atlas" is not the name of the fabric itself, but the type of weaving. That is, the satin can be silk, polyester, satin and other.

The main drawback of satin is considered, oddly enough, its dignity - shine, which not only gives the linen an elegant look, but also slipperiness. Some people love satin underwear for its coolness and smoothness. But someone, on the contrary, does not like it for the "run away" blanket and electrification.

When looking for satin bedding - keep in mind that the low price means that an outwardly attractive set can be made of polyester. This means that sleeping on it will be cold in winter and hot in summer (due to the fact that the fabric does not breathe).

And natural silk is expensive, difficult to care for and requires careful handling.


Silk is a very unusual fabric made from silkworm cocoon threads. The laborious silk production technology has not changed for four thousand years. The only difference in the modern production process is that silkworm caterpillars are artificially bred in special factories.

Silk is a natural fabric, therefore, in addition to aesthetics, silk material is comfortable for the body: it “breathes”, lightweight, delicate and durable. There is nothing more pleasant than sleeping on silk beds in the warm season - the fabric gives the body smoothness and coolness.

The main disadvantage of silk is its price (high-quality linen costs from 30,000 rubles) and delicate care (manufacturers recommend hand washing).

A good option for bedding is fabrics that combine silk and cotton threads. In this case, the linen can be washed as in a washing machine like cotton - at a temperature of 40 o C.


Incredibly, this plant produces strong fiber during production. With its qualities, bamboo fabric resembles a mix of cotton and silk, with a slight sheen and softness.

Bamboo bed linen immediately received consumer recognition due to its properties: environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity, softness, thermoregulation and durability.

Bamboo fabric is difficult to dye, therefore bedding sets made of this fabric are of natural shades: pale green, light, beige.

Bamboo linen is easy to clean: delicate machine wash separately from other types of linen and ironing at a low temperature.


Another tissue of plant origin. Tencel is a fiber made from eucalyptus wood. Due to its softness, shine, elasticity, non-slip and warmth, Tencel bedding is among the favorites of luxury linen, along with silk. True, due to the complex production of tencel, eucalyptus linen is not cheap (from 20,000 rubles and more).

Dust repellent and bactericidal properties can be added to the extraordinary abilities of Tencel. Eucalyptus fabric is remarkably dyed, therefore it is presented in a wide range of colors.

Care for linen from Tencel is delicate - washing temperature, spinning, ironing - everything is gentle.

Criteria for quality bedding

When purchasing bed linen, pay attention to its quality. For example, cheap silk will quickly deteriorate, and it will be a pity for the money spent, for which one could purchase the highest quality satin underwear.

Quality marks:

  • Density of fabric should be uniform. If the sparseness of the fibers is visible, then it is better to refrain from buying such underwear.
  • Seams should be complete and continuous, and the threads should be in the color of the fabric. The curvature of the seams and protruding threads cry out about a poor-quality product that will soon become unusable.
  • Smell. Sharp will tell you about the use of low-quality fabric dye. This type of laundry can discolor and cause allergies. Quality linen smells like textiles and new.

You can write endlessly about bedding - manufacturers do not stand still and every year new mixes of fabrics, colors and original designs appear. We hope that you have learned something new about the types of bedding and our article will help you choose a set that will become your favorite.

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Several different personalities coexist in it at the same time. She flutters in pink scarves and stockings, but loves black humor, rock music, arthouse and unusual people. Likes to quote the Cheshire Cat. In his free time, splashes in the pool, reads classics and science fiction. I recently discovered an interest in copywriting, and hopes that it is mutual. Considers that this is a real creative cuisine. And the favorite topics of the articles are clothes, various accessories, cosmetics and gift themes.