How to make a new crown. How to make a paper crown for a girl in a room? paper decoration

How to make a crown for a girl with your own hands for the New Year: step by step master class.

How to make a crown for a girl with your own hands for the New Year

We continue to publish the materials of the New Year's Masquerade contest and the Native Path website. And today we will make a charming and delicate crown for a girl. Simple, fast and beautiful! Svetlana Ponyaeva (Moscow) shared her master class. Svetlana made such a crown for her daughter, a preschooler.

I give the floor to Svetlana to conduct the master class. She writes:

“My daughter really wanted to be at the New Year's party in kindergarten without fail in a white dress and a crown. We agreed that it would be a snowflake costume. I don’t know how to sew a dress yet, and it was too late to buy a white dress, so I assembled and completed the costume from what was at home. But there was no crown. On the Internet, I immediately found great master classes on crowns. I chose from different ideas to make a lace crown - for the image of the Queen of Snowflakes.

I will describe here the details of making a lace crown for my daughter for the new year from my experience. And I will dwell on those nuances of its manufacture that were not indicated in the master classes available on the network. It turned out such a crown (see photo below).

My daughter wore it along with her costume to a play at the kids club. A two-year-old girl approached her and literally froze in place in genuine admiration, as if she had seen a real fairy-tale princess live! I wish you the same emotions when you get the result from this master class! :)".

Tools and materials for making a crown with your own hands

To make a magical crown for your daughter - a princess or a snowflake, you need to prepare:

  1. Crown-like lace, 42 cm. When buying, ask the seller to carefully cut the lace so that you can easily match the pattern later. I didn't, and as a result there were some difficulties.
  2. PVA glue (in my case, there was a thick construction glue to reduce the production time)
  3. Sponge, glue stick.
  4. A plastic substrate from under the products where it was necessary to pour the glue.
  5. Threads to match the lace
  6. Needle
  7. Scissors
  8. Newspaper to protect the floor or table from glue
  9. Baking paper (to put the lace treated with glue on it and it does not stick)
  10. Rhinestones (those that are the least left in photo 2)
  11. pearl color beads
  12. Clay Crystal Moment (transparent)
  13. Finished headband to which you need to attach the crown (so that it stays securely on your head)
  14. Ready-made knitted starched snowflake on a thin silver thread

Initially, the technology for making the crown was supposed to be treated with paint, but I decided to leave the original color of the lace.

How to make a crown with your own hands: a step by step description

Step 1. Prepare the workplace, taking into account the fact that the lace will dry on it for several hours.

So that my daughter does not accidentally fit with her fingers, I put a newspaper on the table, on top of it - baking paper along the length of the lace and then the lace itself is higher.

Step 2 Stir the PVA construction glue with a stick, pour it into the substrate (take a little glue, this is very important, it is better to add a little bit). Dip a clean, dry sponge into it and gently wet the lace on paper, first on one side, then on the other.

I tried to do it with a wide brush, but it turned out to be worse - the lace pattern shifts, it turns out to be crooked. Therefore, I recommend using a sponge.

Step 3 Leave the lace to dry overnight.

Step 4 In the morning the lace is completely dry. We need to repeat the glue treatment and again leave the lace to dry until the evening.

Step 5 In the evening, the lace was completely dry and already held its shape well when placed vertically (as a crown would stand on the head). You can proceed to the fifth step.

With threads that match the lace, carefully sew the two ends of the lace, trying to match the pattern. In the original master class, on the basis of which I made my crown, it is proposed to glue the Crystal Moment with glue, but I decided that, even if it is a few minutes longer, it will be more reliable to sew the two ends - so it definitely will not stick out at the most inappropriate moment and no need to wait 24 hours for the glue to dry to continue working.

Step 6 We decorate the crown with beads and rhinestones.

Sew imitation pearl beads onto the peaks of the crown. To be honest, this item is not at all mandatory, especially if you want to do everything quickly. It took me about two hours to sew on these beads. Therefore, to save time, you can simply get by with gluing rhinestones and other adhesive decorative elements.

Stick on suitable rhinestones. It is best to stick them on the transparent Moment Crystal glue. It is very important that the glue is transparent, because only the first two or three rhinestones were carefully glued, and then the glue got on my fingers and left spots on the lace, no matter how hard I tried. Since it was transparent, it turned out imperceptibly. Let the glue dry.

My editor's note: from my experience in making hairpins and headbands for girls using Moment-Crystal glue. To prevent this glue from smearing, it needs to be used differently than we use ordinary glue. We apply a thin layer of glue to the decor piece using a thin stick, toothpick, headless match. And we wait 5-7 minutes. When the glue begins to harden, become covered with the thinnest crust and stops spreading, we apply the part exactly in the right place. And we put pressure on her. There will be no spreading of glue. Remember that this glue can only be used in a well-ventilated area, when there are no children in it.

Step 7 We connect the bezel with the crown.

I put the finished headband on the child’s head, on top of the headband - the crown, outlined the places where the crown was attached to the headband, pinched one place with my fingers on one side, removed the headband with the crown and immediately fastened them with threads to match the crown - I simply threaded a double thread through the lace in the base of the crown and tied it to the rim.
Then she put the headband with the crown on the child's head again and did these actions on the other side of the headband and crown. Now it is fixed on the headband, and while he is on his head, the crown will remain there :).

Step 8
To decorate the headdress and complete the image, I took a ready-made white, knitted from cotton thread, starched snowflake on the finest silver thread. You can take a thread to match the color of your hair. And I just tied it to the crown at the back at some distance, as in the photo. The crown is ready.

The crown is an element of power in monarchical states. However, the kids do not care what sacramental ideas are hidden behind this symbol, because for them the crown is magic, a fairy tale, an opportunity to feel like someone special. We will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself cardboard crown to please your own child and his friends, who, having such props, can arrange a real kingdom in your living room.

Master class number 1

Let's try to make the simplest crown with their own hands from dense. In order not to suffer with drawing teeth, we have prepared a template.

Follow the instructions to make a hat for little princes and princesses:

  1. Print template on A4 sheet. Cut out.
  2. Prepare thick cardboard: give preference to sheets that, when bent, will not create kinks.
  3. Attach the template to the cardboard, circle. Cut out from cardboard blank crowns.
  4. Prepare beautiful paper for decorating the royal headdress: it can be sheets from a music book or one-color wrapping paper.
  5. Align sheets with a template, glue them. If there is not enough decorative paper for the entire length of the crown, glue the sheets with an overlap.
  6. trim excess paper so that the decorative paper and thick cardboard have the same shape. Repeat the same with the second template.
  7. Lubricate the crown with glue, sprinkle golden sequins. Leave to dry. Then brush off the remaining glitter with a dry sponge or brush.
  8. Decorate the bottom of the headdress with a ribbon or lace. Add rhinestones, beads or beads.

A chic cardboard crown is ready! A great option for a festive evening that will be attended by your child's guests. Make a crown for the hero of the occasion, give the rest of the children simpler crowns or other attributes that allow children to feel like they are in a fairy-tale kingdom.

Master class number 2

Making a neat little crown out of cardboard is easy. To do this, it is not necessary to cut templates: you can use toilet paper roll or roll a sheet of thick cardboard into a cylinder. The height of the crown depends on the cylinder.

Follow the easy instructions:

  1. Roll the cardboard into a cylinder or prepare a core.
  2. Cut out sharp teeth.
  3. Cover the crown with spray paint.

It will turn out amazing universal crown, which, when properly designed, will turn both a girl and a boy into a reigning person.

Master class number 3

Crown made of thin cardboard can be done in no time if you follow the photo instructions provided below. This type of crown should not be decorated with various shiny elements - its individuality is expressed in simplicity. The hat is suitable for babies 1-3 years old at home holiday e or birthday.

Master class number 4

For about spiky crown You need very thin cardboard. Watch the video carefully to repeat the manufacture of such a wonderful headdress. Use gold paint on top of cardboard to give the crown a festive look: it is perfect for a kindergarten matinee.

Master class number 5

The crown will require a lot of time: it is better if you take up the creation of crafts yourself. Below is a detailed photo instruction of what needs to be done.

Prepare thick cardboard. Cut out 2 * 2 cm squares from it. You can calculate how many squares you need by measuring the circumference of the child's head. Multiply this value by two and add 6 squares for a margin.

Bend the square in half, smooth along the side of the fold - you get a triangle. Make triangles from all squares.

Grease the edge of one triangle glue. Nest it in an adjacent shape, as shown in the picture. Repeat the manipulation until you reach the desired length.

Take the remaining triangle. Lubricate both ends with glue and place inside the chain. How exactly this should be done can be seen in the figure.

After the work with the glue is completed, carefully press on the fold line to fix the triangles in one position. Try on the crown for a child, then fix it with glue or a stapler in the right place.

Your child will become the best king or queen at the holiday party.

It is important to give the child a piece of fairy tale constantly. It will not be difficult for you to make a crown, and for the baby, the time spent in it will seem the most magical. Try to make crafts of this kind with your child: his participation may be minimal, but a small person will be grateful for the opportunity to participate in an unusual creative process for a long time to come.

    The easiest and most original way to make a crown with your own hands is as follows:

    You can make it not only from paper, but from thin cardboard, preferably multi-colored. We decorate our crown with multi-colored rhinestones of different sizes and the headdress for the New Year's carnival is ready.

    Here are some more crowns for inspiration:

    To make a crown out of cardboard, for this you can buy cardboard blanks for cutting out the crown and gluing, you can print it yourself. There are such blanks for the crown

    Or you can draw it yourself, for example, such a drawing of a crown

    cut and cardboard

    glue and decorate as you like

    you can use beautiful stones and rhinestones, as in the photo

    In this case, the cardboard will give the product good fixation and strength.

    I propose the following version of the crown.

    In order to get cardboard with a corrugated side, you must perform the following sequence of actions.

    You can also decorate the crown yourself and glue different beads and rhinestones.

    To make a beautiful crown with your own hands for the holiday, you can use the template, download it and stick it on a cardboard base. From jewelry, you can take sequins, beads, rhinestones, beads, artificial flowers, lace, so that the girl in the crown looks like a real princess.

    According to taste, the crown can cover the entire head or be narrow and will not have to be attached to the hair with hairpins and hairpins.

    A beautiful crown can be made not only from paper and cardboard, but also from lace, from foil, from a plastic bottle, tinsel, and ways can be found here.

    To make a crown, we prepare about 10 squares measuring 8-10 centimeters, after which we bend each square diagonally.

    Now you need to unfold one of the squares and put another one (folded) into it, then lubricate the workpiece with glue and bend it back.

    Now we apply glue to each subsequent square and insert it into the previous one, of course, alternating different colors.

    We continue the whole process until we find the desired size and volume, peck the end and the beginning of the crown - you're done. This crown is more suitable for boys, because they also want to feel like kings or princes).

    I propose to make a cardboard crown in the shape of a kokoshnik:

    To make a crown, you will need the following:

    1) Wide hairband;

    2) Double-sided tape;

    3) Colored cardboard;

    4) Foil;

    5) Satin ribbon (about 2 meters)

    6) Landscape sheet of paper;

    7) Thermal gun;

    8) Pencil;

    9) Various decorative elements.

    Manufacturing steps:

    I will offer another option for making a cardboard crown.

    First action. Cut out these squares from cardboard (the size of the squares is about five by five centimeters, the number of squares depends on the diameter of the head on which you plan to wear this crown):

    Second action. Bend these squares in half, you should get the following blanks:

    Third action. We begin to fasten these squares using glue, you should get blanks, which are shown below in the pictures:

    The result of such creative work should be a crown made of cardboard and having the appearance:

    To make a crown, I propose to enlarge this template or download it from the link

    We apply the template to the back of the cardboard and carefully cut it out. If you used thin cardboard, it is advisable to glue a rim of stiffer paper to the bottom of the crown.

    The crown can be painted silver or gold using spray or acrylic paints. Now inexpensive finger paints (for kids to paint with a finger) have appeared on sale, you can use them too.

    Let's move on to the most important procedure - decorating our crown. It can be painted with paints, felt-tip pens, various sparkles and even ... precious stones.

    Make a crown out of cardboard simple enough. Take cardboard (any box will do), draw a simple pattern on it and cut it out. Then connect the two ends with a stapler into a circle. A cardboard crown can be covered with glitter (even nail polish is fine if there is nothing else at hand), glue rhinestones, stars on PVA glue or superglue, at your discretion.

    phased Master Class:

    Also, the crown can be pasted over with a cloth and decorated with flowers:

    Cardboard crown template you can use this:

    I wish you success!

    If the crown is small, like a princess, then it can be pinned with invisible hairpins and hairpins. You can make a crown according to the circumference of the head, then we measure the head with a centimeter for dressmakers and cut out the template for the entire length, leaving room for gluing. When the template was cut out, foil was glued on top. You can cover with silver paint and glue beads.

Something has recently stretched into crowns ... Today we are making two more crowns, this time crowns for the king and queen.

If we made the crown of the Russian Empire from a plastic bottle and polyethylene foam, then we prepared thick cardboard 2-3 mm thick for the royal crown, which can be bent without leaving creases.

royal crown finished it looks like this:

Crown pattern, about 58 head size:

Of course, the teeth of the crown can be drawn in any shape you like.
We first cut out the crown from whatman paper, try it on, adjust the height of the crown.

Cut out a piece of cardboard crown. We glue it with an overlap (did you forget about the gluing allowance?).

We are preparing a glue gun with a large supply of rods, various ribbons, cords. The color of the braid does not matter - everything will be painted in gold. We glue the cords and braid on the crown with a glue gun (or universal glue "Moment-crystal") as your fantasy tells you

We paste all sorts of different beads, pendants, buttons, brooches - everything that is at hand. It is desirable that the beads were assembled on a thread, so it is more reliable than gluing them one at a time.

When the decorative fantasy runs out, you can paint the crown. Primer first, then paint with gold. I pre-painted with black spray paint, because. I wanted to give the crown some antiquity. You can prime with white paint - then the gold on the crown will appear especially brightly.

Do not be alarmed that this photo shows a different crown. This is the crown of the queen, which will be discussed later. The principle is the same.

Now paint with golden spray paint.

Without further ado, I decorated this crown with glue-based acrylic rhinestones.

The crown for the king is ready. Oops! I almost forgot to show the inside of the crown.

I really like this wrong side: the rivets are just like real ones. But they didn’t turn out from a good life: when I bent the cardboard blank of the crown into a ring, my cardboard gave a hall in one place. I strengthened this hall by gluing a piece of cardboard on the inside of the crown. At the same time, of course, I had to stick them evenly around the entire perimeter of the crown. Then, with a glue gun, you need to quickly and quickly set the dots on these inserts, and then even faster (until the glue has cooled down) with something sharp like a thin screwdriver or the tip of a knife, push the dots in the middle. This is how the forged rivets on the crown turned out.
Below, on the inside of the crown, I have a soft part of the Velcro tape glued - this is so that the crown does not crawl on the head.

Now about the crown for the queen.

The following crown shape was taken as a basis:

The process of making this crown is no different from making the royal crown. But in decorating the crown for the queen, more expensive rhinestones, pearls and glue semi-pearls, sequins were used. In total, there are 5 pentagons on the crown, highlighted with a glued cord. Between the pentagons, horizontal reliefs are "drawn" with a glue gun.

Finished crown for the queen:

Good luck to everyone in your work!

A crown made of cardboard, paper is the most popular craft for children, both for girls and boys. Consider how to make a crown with your own hands from paper, cardboard, wire or lace.

For a role in various performances, you may need a crown. So, let's look at several options for how you can complement the girl's festive outfit in the form of a crown.

How to make a do-it-yourself cardboard crown

To solve this problem, we need:

  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • foil;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Small cardboard crown

1. In order for the crown to sit well on the head, you need to measure the circumference of the baby's head. Keep in mind that the crown will need to be fixed - so measure a few centimeters more. Having chosen a certain length, cut out strips of cardboard.

2. The height of the crown depends on your preferences. On the top of the cardboard strip, it will be necessary to draw the “teeth” of our crown, and then cut off the excess parts strictly along the contour. Our next step is to unwind the foil roll to the length of our crown. Now you should smear one side of the cardboard with glue. It is necessary to attach this side to the foil with "teeth" to the edges. Next, step back a few centimeters from the crown, and cut off the foil.

Crown made of cardboard and beads

3. The part of the foil that remains - it should be tucked along the cardboard and glued to the other side. Give the crown time to dry. Then you should cut the foil between the teeth, and wrap the foil around each clove. At the end, you just need to connect our strip into a circle.

Another option is how to make a crown out of cardboard. Take cardboard, stapler, pencil and scissors. On cardboard, draw a crown with classic teeth. Cut out, connect in a circle. To make the crown more dense, you can connect several layers of cardboard with a stapler. The crown can be decorated with beads, sequins, rhinestones, pasted over with tinsel, wrapped in foil. You can glue colored rain along the contour of the crown.

paper crown

How to make a crown out of paper? First you need to draw a diagram of the crown on paper - this will be required in order to understand how many details we need.

We will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • white paper;
  • red and gold colors;
  • glue.

1. Now you should cut the sheets of paper into strips that will have a width equal to seven millimeters and a length equal to twenty-five centimeters.

2. To make the base of the crown, you need to make twenty rhombuses and twenty circles from strips of red and white flowers. How to make the first row of the crown? You just need to glue the resulting circles together. What will the second row look like? These will be rhombuses that should be glued between the circles. In all subsequent rows there is an alternation. Don't forget to alternate colors.

Now we will make a snowflake that will decorate our crown. We will need blanks made in the form of drops and in the form of rhombuses - eight white rhombuses, seven gold and seven red drops. Glue the snowflake well to the base of our crown. Be sure to complement the crown with droplets and rhombuses of white and red flowers.

4. To make the crown more magnificent - in the upper part of the crown you should add golden rhombuses - glue strips twenty-five centimeters long together. Be sure to leave it overnight to dry the crown.

How to make a wire crown

Asking the question: how to make a crown - you can use a variety of methods and materials for its manufacture. Consider the most popular of them.

wire crown

For example, you can create an exquisite crown from wire and beads.

You will need:

  • pliers;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • beads.

Using pliers, you need to bend the frame from a thick white wire, which should then be wrapped in a silver rain. You can choose any shape for the crown frame. But the dimensions of the frame must correspond to the size of the baby's head. It is worth saying that this is not an easy task and requires considerable time.

Crown for the Snow Queen

And how to make a crown for the snow queen?

You will need:

  • copper wire - it should be very thin and medium thickness;
  • pliers;
  • beads of various shades;
  • ruler.

Take a ruler and measure the size of the teeth on the crown. Cut the wire to a length of twenty-five centimeters. To make the crown frame strong, you need to make it from wire folded three times, and do not forget to scroll another layer of wire from above. We have a large wire ring. Divide the frame into eight equal parts. Choose places on the wire where you will attach the base of the teeth. On the peaks of the crown you need to fix the beads. For this task, large beads are suitable. They can also be fixed with a wire - the wire is threaded into the bead and fixed on the peak.

Lace crown

We will need:

  • lace ribbon with rounded curly or jagged edges. We select the length according to the size of the circumference of the head, plus a few centimeters in order to fasten it into a circle or for Velcro;
  • starch or a special spray to make the crown hard;
  • acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • glue "Moment";
  • brush;
  • glass jar (three-liter);
  • decor (beads, pebbles, beads).

1. Cut the lace to the desired length and then fold it into a circle. We sew very carefully so that the threads are not visible. After all our product is heavily starched. We straighten the resulting crown and put it on a glass jar. We let her dry.

2. After everything is dry, we begin to paint it with a brush. The paint can be applied only to the edges of the crown or to the entire surface.

3. When the paint dries, use glue to fix beads, pebbles or beads on the crown.


Paper and cardboard crown

wire crown

Lace crown