How to seduce a colleague. Hunting rules. To be or not to be in a relationship at work: how to seduce a male colleague I am seduced by a colleague

The workplace can be safely called a minefield in which sexual tension literally reigns. Agree that nowhere else you will not be forcibly locked with the stronger sex for 8-9 hours in a row? Moreover, during this period, you can safely communicate with each other, but not flirt in any way, that is, the unpleasant rule operates: "Look with your eyes, but do not touch with your hands."

And this despite the fact that falling in love in the office is very simple and even logical. Numerous colleagues and "well-wishers" will unequivocally call the office romance a taboo and will criticize it in every possible way.

But it is difficult to hinder a brave, confident and independent woman, because lust and passion are the strongest sides of the human character, which are difficult to fight with, and I don’t want to, frankly speaking.

Imagine a situation: the object of your intimate fantasies has become a new employee, who recently appeared in the department, but has already earned everyone's attention. Moreover, the idea to seduce a man came precisely to your bright mind, in which thoughts swarm about a possible first date, spontaneous sex or a passionate kiss in the office smoking room.

Fresh information from the personnel department, which confirms the opponent's complete freedom from marital duties, adds special poignancy. The situation is complicated by the fact that the young man sees in you only a colleague, but not a woman who is inclined to a more serious relationship.

No need to despair, just skillfully implement the following rules for how to seduce a colleague:

  • Rule # 1: Feel free to flirt with words. Remember that men are very poor at understanding non-verbal messages, especially if they are at work and not at a party or in a cafe. A friendly version of a smile may well be mistaken for a call for sex, and vice versa;
  • Rule # 2: At the slightest sign of interest, take action. If the object of your dreams is interested in your person, start more actively seducing the employee, and do it in such a way that they will win you.

After all, it is inherent in a man to associate himself with a hunter, therefore, to deprive him of the pleasure of getting "prey" by his own labor is a real crime. The whole advanced part of humanity is aware of the fact that a relationship is not considered serious if it did not start with a kind of "hunting season". According to unforgiving statistics, only 3% of couples who make love on their first date later marry and successfully live together;

  • Rule # 3: No first steps unless you're one year old. Scientists at the University of California conducted a study according to which a man is the first to seduce a female colleague if she is slightly younger than him. In fact, he becomes her mentor, gradually establishing not only partnerships, but also more romantic relationships. If the woman and the object of her lust are people of the same age, both of them can take the first steps towards rapprochement.

So, if you are faced with the problem of how to seduce your colleague on a difficult project, and nature has managed to reward you with dedication and the ability to resist public opinion, then everything is much easier and faster.

So, for example, you need to find in yourself a mysterious "zest", a riddle or secret that will attract the opponent's hunting instinct. Let him be tormented by thoughts about what attracted a girl like you, and want to explore all the ways for himself how to seduce a determined and courageous female colleague.

By all means, get rid of the temptation to confidentiality with your employee, and part-time girlfriend. It is likely that she is in love with the man of your dreams, or is a freelance word-of-mouth correspondent. Without good reason, such a PR move will not bring the expected benefit, but, on the contrary, will complicate the situation and even make it irreparable.

Seduction of an employee - a colleague necessarily involves the study of his tastes and preferences, hobbies and interests. To kickstart a relationship, try inviting your man to an event that both of you enjoy. In this case, you should not organize a trip to a restaurant, cinema or theater, as your hint will be very "thick" and unambiguous.

Surprisingly, almost all men are wary of an open initiative coming from a woman. But if, after an evening spent together, there is a relaxed opportunity to invite a colleague home for a cup of tea, use it, and then be guided by the circumstances and mood.

In this case, the rules of how to seduce a male colleague you like are full of caution and delicacy. Try to as discreetly as possible find out about his hobbies outside of work, and, for example, start attending the same fitness club. Even if nothing "works out", then an excellent figure and acquaintance with new candidates are guaranteed.

Make active use of all the possibilities of social networks. Add the man to your VK or Odnoklassniki friends, feel free to like the photos and comment them wittily. Along the way, you can try to find out what exactly attracts him to women, what style of clothing should be preferred, and what he means by the concepts of "well-groomed" and "pretty". It is likely that it is enough to go to the hairdresser and change the length of the skirt.

Few men are not puzzled by how to quickly seduce a female colleague who is building a successful career. Take note of this and become more successful in terms of work and self-development. Sign up for a foreign language course, get a second degree and show interest in modern trends in business, art, social life, and so on.

If after this the style of communication between you has not changed in any way, and your close communication is reduced only to dancing at a corporate party, you should think about whether you need this man, and whether he is "that one." No one argues that it makes sense to try all the ways to gain attention, but sometimes you just don't need to spend a lot of precious time for the sake of a "dummy".

Do not overdo it with seduction methods, because this can negatively affect your career and the atmosphere within the team. If after, for example, a three-month period of effort, you see no positive shifts, take a deep breath and look at a more interesting candidate.

According to statistics, it is inherent in a person to change the field of work activity every 18 months, so if you have not found your soul mate at one job, feel free to move to the next level. Successful and safe novels for you!

How not to expose yourself in pursuit of a colleague with whom you are in love

  • 1 First, weigh everything
  • 2 Gathering information
  • 3 Actions

Hello dear readers! It turns out that the times are not over when it was necessary to be ashamed of the fact that a woman likes a young man. It seems that there should be no danger in sitting with a man in the company on the same sofa and chatting the whole evening or giving him more than one dance. And yet flirting can be punishable even in the 21st century.

Gossip, intrigue, condemnation of elderly ladies and even expulsion for inappropriate behavior - all this is real even now, when it comes to office romances. In offices, they often live like in villages and try to adhere to the secular rules of the 1912 model.

But if you fell in love with a work colleague, what to do? Surely you have heard about cases when such a relationship ended in success, and you absolutely do not want to sacrifice your own happiness in order to avoid gossip of aunts from the accounting department.

Today I will tell you how to behave if you find yourself in this situation. It can be aggravated by the fact that you love a married man. In this case, first of all, I would advise you to read my article about love for a married woman, the situations are somewhat similar, and first of all it is necessary to think about the moment with the wife of the man you like, and only after that he is working with you.

Weigh everything first

Many girls, between feelings and a career, do not hesitate to choose the first. That's the way women are. If we really want something, then we achieve it at any cost, and only then we rake the consequences. Men in this case, as a rule, are more thoughtful, but they have often put everything on the line for the sake of love. I can offer you the book by Henry Haggart "Cleopatra" if you doubt this judgment.

One of my acquaintances started an affair with her boss; in addition to love, she was also guided by the desire to climb the career ladder. A little later, she liked the younger employee and went to him. The results turned out to be very deplorable, since the leader turned out to be a rather low person by nature and now this couple cannot find work in their city. An offended man always puts obstacles in this young family.

It's not a fact that your case will have such an epic ending, but the gossip of colleagues, their condemnation can easily make you leave a good and profitable place later. Are you really ready to sacrifice your career for the sake of family happiness?

If love turns out to be unrequited, you will also have a difficult period until this story is forgotten. Well, you shouldn't forget about situations if you work with your husband. He may not forgive such a betrayal if he incriminates you. Even if he himself does not mind doing this, then the condemnation of colleagues will definitely frighten and pride will not allow him to act according to the will of his heart.

Fear is not always a bad quality. Sometimes he forces us to give up reckless actions.

If everything that I described above is not about you or your feelings are so strong that you are ready to try and take risks, then let's move on to the main part, which will tell you how to do it all the same if you like a colleague.

Collection of information

Before getting into action, try to find out as much as possible about the man you like. It is not necessary to look for allies among colleagues and open the truth to them. Just observe the behavior of the young man you like. Perhaps he often talks about his love for a married woman. Is it worth it, in this case, to get involved in this story at all?

On the other hand, you can find a ton of useful information that will allow you to manipulate a young person's feelings. Remember the heroine of the movie "The Most Charming and Attractive", who periodically brought pies for her lover, gave him working tools and tried to go on a joint business trip.

The girl's problem wasn't that the methods didn't work. If the character of Alexander Abdulov was in any way inclined towards her, the ending would have been completely different.

We must not forget that flirting, we push the guy to action, pay attention to his modest person, but if he does not initially sympathize with the woman, then no attempts will help love to be born from scratch, no matter how hard you try.

Many women often confuse these concepts and try to perform actions that are unusual for a woman's nature, and then they themselves suffer. A man conquers, a girl tries to please at a distance, gives signs, draws attention to herself.

You can find a lot of tips and ways to please a colleague in the book by Stephanie Lousy "How to Fall in Love with Anyone at Work."


Perhaps you have already understood what I will advise you for conquering a man. Your actions must be very careful and orderly. A man should still show an open interest, especially if events unfold at work. Flirt and constantly monitor the young man's reaction.

Shoot with your eyes, try to talk to him on abstract topics, laugh more often in his presence, or at least smile, help, if you can, show various signs of attention.

A lot about the careful methods of flirting, understandable only to the one with whom you "work", is written in the book by Max Liss "Flirting. Secrets of easy victories ”. She will tell you how to interest a man, but not tarnish your reputation. It is very important.

I must say that if you do not see any signs of sympathy on the part of a man, then you should not start a frank conversation head-on in order to open the eyes of a slow-witted guy.

Women tend to believe in their divine attractiveness. 8 girls out of 10 think that they are able to please everyone. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Do not think that I am trying to convince you that you are not attractive.

It is likely that the man you have chosen has his own principles, for example, not to start a relationship at work, and only because of this he does not want to give you hope and respond to sympathy. You will not be able to overcome and rebuild his worldview no matter how hard you try. This will only worsen the situation and will definitely affect the working atmosphere.

All you need is to signal to the young man that you like him. He will do the rest himself. You just have to respond to his actions. And do not believe those who say that men are not capable of anything, do not understand anything and will not do anything. They are not active only if the woman does not evoke emotions in them. I am sure that this will not happen to you.

That's all for me, until we meet again and do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

How to seduce a man at work

The life of a modern, active girl, woman is arranged in such a way that a third part is spent on sleep, and the remaining time for work and sometimes rest. In the daily hustle and bustle, it's hard to find time for new acquaintances and finding a soul mate. This becomes a problem, since everyone in the immediate environment is married, friends of acquaintances are not interesting, and dating via the Internet is simply unsafe. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many women turn their attention to male colleagues and ask the question "How to seduce a man at work?"

In a situation where a colleague sympathizes with you at least once, but every girl has encountered. Sometimes sympathy develops into a relationship, and sometimes it all ends before it starts. The thing is that not everyone knows the little tricks and does not have the skills of a female pickup truck.

Start with yourself

Any man likes well-groomed, stylish women who smell good. Therefore, firstly, never show yourself without makeup in an unpresentable form. You should always be on alert. Secondly, watch the condition of your nails and hands. Many men, when meeting ladies, always pay attention to their hands. Delicate velvety fingers with neat manicure will tell about your femininity. Third, pay attention to your perfumes. Choose light, unobtrusive scents that will appeal not only to you, but also to those around you.

"Racking your head" over the problem of how you can seduce a man at work, special attention should be paid to your clothes and appearance. A very short skirt and a jacket with a deep neckline may not play in your favor and scare a colleague away. Most men claim that the open display of their bodies does not look sexy, but vulgar and vulgar. Therefore, when choosing clothes, give your preference to light trousers, or a strict skirt with a transparent, weightless blouse. Skillfully selected clothes will inflame interest in your person and envelop the body with a secret that the chosen one wants to reveal.

Act and Win

Before you start seducing a man with a colleague, you should adequately assess your relationship. If the chosen one in every possible way demonstrates his interest in your person, flirts, then getting him will not be difficult. Perhaps a coworker is not sure if you like him, or is simply afraid to frighten off with his persistence. In such a situation, a woman must show that she reciprocates his feelings and take the initiative. Support flirting, seek help, advice. You want your communication to go beyond cute conversations and a cup of coffee in the workplace. Invite a colleague to the cinema or ask them to teach roller skating or ice skating (for this, find out in advance about his hobbies, hobbies).

But if the man is unaware of your sympathy, then the seduction process will take a little longer. First, a colleague must understand what you like. Start playing a game called Flirt. Accidental touches, ambiguous eyes and a smile can melt everyone's heart. In order for the signs of attention to look natural, follow the rules:

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  • Learn to listen to a man;
  • You do not need to prove your case;
  • Only say what the person wants to hear;
  • Use body language and body language when communicating.

Every woman should know her body language and sign language. Thanks to simple movements, manipulations, you can not only draw attention to yourself, but also make any man fall in love, and then the problem of how to seduce a man's colleague will be solved by itself. So:

1. Watch your posture. Few people pay attention to stooped girls. Keeping your back straight, you demonstrate all the charms of the figure and allow the man to see you from the best side.

2. Periodically, sexually and smoothly cross your legs. This gesture turns men on not only in films, but also in real life.

3. "Build your eyes." A trouble-free method that, once mastered, any man will be at your feet. Look at the chosen one for a long time, then avert your eyes for a few seconds and again turn an intriguing look at the man with an alluring smile. Try this method at home in front of a mirror or video camera.

4. Touch your hair and wrists more often. Scientists agree that males are aroused when girls perform simple manipulations with their hair and wrist (wind a lock of hair on their finger or stroke their wrist).

After a colleague understands that he is interesting to you and reciprocates, you can move on to more active actions (invite for coffee, go to a movie or a museum together).

You’ve almost gotten used to the fact that the office is the place where you spend your weekdays from nine to six, dodging boss orders or talking about bonuses with subordinates. But then She appears, and now you spend your workdays not only on updating your friend feed and reading spam, but also admiring her girlish back of the head.

The Bro's Code does not recommend "throwing romantic tinsel with a work colleague." The exceptions are cases when a colleague dresses provocatively, she or you will soon be fired, a colleague herself has a crush on you and you are higher in position. This is important because we are not going to clean up the mess that you make by starting an affair with your boss. And if all other exceptions coincide, we are ready to develop with you a strategy for an ideal office romance.

Not that
Should I confess to her?
NO! Are you almost ready to reveal your tender feelings? Exhale and read this very carefully: don't. Nod if you get it. And remember forever: never make confessions to a girl you are not officially dating. Especially if further communication between you is inevitable. You can boldly open up if tomorrow you are sent to Australia for life or if she leaves for seven years on a humanitarian mission in the Congo. If both of you still have to collaborate within the walls of the office, shut up. “Maybe it sounds strange, but I wanted to say ...” - but it really sounds strange. Especially if you have been working together not so long ago and the girl did not even know about your sympathy. Worst of all, she thinks you've decided to go straight to stage two and save money on the first three dates. Sorry, but it looks like this.

Should you ask her out on a date?
Do not even think! This is the same confession, only without words. When a girl refuses you in a bar or on the street, you just move on. When a colleague refuses you, the situation is awkward. You have so many ways to subtly show your sympathy and help the poor girl get used to the idea that you have a crush on her. And you make her blush and ruin her short lunch break with your indistinct "maybe, let's go somewhere."

Save the invitations until the moment when at least joint trips to lunch will become a pleasant tradition for both of you. Of course, there is a chance that the girl will agree to a meeting, and even with joy. But it's not for us to tell you that dates don't always go according to plan, and people outside their workplace can look and behave in completely unexpected ways (you yourself are). If so, returning to work will be stressful for both of you. Why not
Should I give her a valentine?
YES! But only without passionate confessions and provocative selfie-photos inside. If you own Photoshop, design some funny postcards for several employees you are friends with. So you will delight the girls and not provoke gossip if you give a "valentine" to only one colleague. Giving a candid but anonymous postcard is not a good idea. The young lady may not suspect you at all and start falling in love not according to your plan.

In places
Top 5 places to flirt in the office

1. Kitchen.
A joint lunch with a colleague you like is the best thing that can happen to you in the office. At lunchtime, employees forget about conflicts between departments, unsubmitted reports and paper chewed in the printer. You’ll be the loser of the year if you miss the opportunity to learn more about your new acquaintance and to please her at the same time. The ideal way to win over a girl to you is to make her smile. A good joke is the best way to attract attention, and when we laugh, the easiest way is to make eye contact. If you are not alone, it will only play into your hands. The girl will see that you are popular with other employees, and this will add points to you. Besides, you can treat the girl with cookies for tea, which is romantic.

3. Meeting room.
In the matter of seduction, use every opportunity, and not just a break from work. Even the work process itself will play into your hands if you are a professional.
Girls love tough guys, so prove yourself as a valuable employee in front of your sweetheart. Give a report, a creative proposal, an innovation, and after the meeting, ask the girl personally if she approves of your ideas.

4. Workplace.
Don't get lost if your tables are next to each other. You always have a reason to strike up a conversation at work. You can also brighten up a long day of your colleague with a funny story, a chocolate bar from a vending machine, or a video of a cat playing the ukulele. But don't get carried away. Overdo it, and from a nice guy you will turn into an obsessive idiot who disrupts the work process.

How to get a girl's attention at work
Dress properly
Even if you don't have a dress code, go to work in a shirt and trousers. Not in a formal suit with a snow-white shirt and tie, of course. But still fit the image of a valuable specialist, not the guy next door. You're lucky if you wear glasses: they make your face smarter. Just go for a stylish frame like David Gandhi's Dolce & Gabbana ad. The guy with the brains from the guy with the cockroaches is separated by one unfashionable bow. Place items on the table to attract attention - nuts, marmalade and chocolates, which you can always treat yourself to; a couple of strange and bright gadgets (but not steel balls "Newton's Cradle"); a volume of classics with a bookmark towards the end. Photos of younger relatives (strictly preschool age) and pets will lead her to think that you are cute and kind.

Have all kinds of stationery close at hand
This is especially important when you are sitting nearby. Arm yourself with everything a colleague might need: a stapler and paper clips, stickers, pins, tape, glue stick, file folders, headphones, flash drives ... You never know exactly what a woman wants, but you always need to be ready. Don't question her ability, knowledge and professionalism Yes, she really may not be able to use Photoshop or confuse a scanner with a copier. But since you are planning to seduce this particular fool, do not laugh at her, even if she does it herself. And of course, no condescending tone when it comes to serious work issues. Discuss current problems with her, ask for advice at meetings. The girl is unlikely to take you seriously if you don't do the same.

Do you still think that a well-mannered girl should not take the initiative and wait for the first steps from a man? Unfortunately, the time of the brave knights is long gone. Men are tired of being in the first roles, and women’s initiative only pleases them. There is nothing wrong with achieving the desired man by yourself. Can you do it? Of course, if you take into account the following 8 tips for seducing men.


Play intense sexuality. Highlighted eyes or bright lips will certainly attract the attention of a partner. And the unbuttoned top buttons on the blouse will stir his imagination. Remember that men are afraid of sexual provocations, you will arouse interest in him, but not everyone will dare to approach. So do it yourself.

Eye contact

Do not take your eyes off the man you like. "Shoot" them. Play peeking. Show with your eyes that you are not opposed to retirement, as if accidentally shifting your gaze to the door of the room and back.

Flirting has not been canceled


Unfortunately, seduction does not require complete sincerity. Something to embellish, flatter, praise you will only benefit. If the desired object is a man busy, then you will have to use all your strength. To look like the most profitable candidate for him is your goal.

Cat and mouse

Be simultaneously interested and slightly inaccessible, then let the man near you, then slightly push him away. A woman who plays a double game inflames a man's interest more and more, the instinct of a conqueror awakens in him. This is a game of passion and cold. A man, as a winner and a predator by nature, will not rest until the fairer sex surrenders to his mercy.

Watch your body

Impeccable posture, gait "from the hip" and the man at least guides you with his gaze, perhaps he will follow you. The ability to control your own body, to dance beautifully will kindle the fire of passion faster than anything else.


Men are subconsciously drawn to those women with whom they feel happier. Smiling coquettes are much more attractive than dull young ladies. Just don’t overdo it, too fake a smile is not difficult to recognize.

Create awkwardness

Reach for something over his shoulder, squeeze into a crowded elevator with him, and "accidentally" tap. If you hug him, try to let him feel the spicy parts of your body. Create pleasant awkward situations.

We have a lot of power over men, but more and more often forget about it. The ability to be a woman is a real talent that any woman can develop in herself if she wants. Seduction skills are useful both for choosing a partner and for building self-esteem. And even a married woman should use the techniques for.

Tested on bosses, subordinates and colleagues. Confirmed by the classics

How to seduce a colleague (from trainee to director) has already been spoken not even thousands, but tens of thousands of times. Films have been shot, books written, even master classes are being held. But studying the numerous Talmuds is sad and long. So we have collected the most effective ways for you - learn!

Purpose: chief

The easiest way to attract the attention of a male boss is to publicly disagree with him on some work issue. Of course, you shouldn't yell at your boss, assuring him that your salary is too low, but a reasonable counter-proposal on the company's strategy can be quite effective. Of course, there are two accompanying rules here, the implementation of which must be strictly observed. First, your proposal must be sensible. The second is the appearance at a height. So something, but men love with their eyes.

Example: the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful", where the main character Katya Pushkareva first crushed her intellect, and then she also began to look 100% (if possible).

Target: boss

If there is an opportunity to save her from a flock of wild Banderlog, use this method better. Even more effective has not yet been invented. Well, if all the Banderlog in your steppes were exterminated by the more agile Don Juans, save her from something else. From a broken car, the threat of twos in a quarter from her son, crush on work, in the end. You will listen carefully and think quickly - the lady herself will tell you how you can help her. Accompany the "rescue" with impeccable work and a willingness to sit in the workplace until she turns blue and she will give up.

Example: the movie "The Proposal". In order not to fly out of work because of an expired visa, the publisher has to persuade her subordinate to marry her. The subordinate manages to help the boss so that in the end the couple goes to the altar for real.

Target: subordinate

In cases with girls, this method works pretty easily. Embrace the image of an experienced boss who is ready to teach everything to a young intern. In addition, the presence of power acts on the female sex magnetically. Basically, nothing special is needed: just be yourself and show unobtrusive signs of attention. The main thing is not to overdo it.

ANTI example from life: one of my acquaintances, the general director, hired only beautiful girls. I must say right away that he built himself a lot, but represented little. Although there were connections and money. Every evening, this CEO spent in the company of one of his employees - for example, invited to dinner. Periodically, his courtship bore fruit: the girls fell in love, and the boss threw them for money - delayed wages, did not pay bonuses ...

ANTI example-2: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

Target: subordinate

With male subordinates, there is the same problem as with female subordinates: well, how are they only interested in a promotion or wallet, and not your boss personality? If this question does not bother you, then here are two fail-safe methods. First: give him a raise in his salary and, at the same time, add the amount of work. And when he starts staying in the evenings, just flirt, but just a little! The lack of coquetry is more than compensated for by your, excuse me, power. In a skilful ratio, it is a powerful weapon.

Example: the film "Office Romance", both parts. It does not need retelling.

Target: colleague

Considering that everything is in one team here, there is not much difference between seducing a neighbor, classmate or colleague. Well, except that be careful: if your attempt at hooking fails, you still have to meet every day at work! And so - a demonstration of good human qualities, a share of good humor and a well-groomed appearance will do all the work for you. There is another way: help with work, but here you need to be careful, otherwise it will turn out, as in our ANTI example.

ANTI example: “My colleague was in love with one employee. He expressed his feelings through, in fact, work: if she left in the middle of the day, he covered her up in front of her superiors, if he made mistakes, he corrected them. Each time the girl refused him, and then the most interesting thing began: the young man began to “lay her down.” Thus, he tried to create the impression that the status and image of his beloved completely depends on his whims. ended with the girl leaving the company, finding a husband and now living happily ever after. In general, she is good, but he, the boyfriend, probably not very much. "

And a positive example: " I worked in a women's team, with only three young men being an exception. One of them really liked our employee. For six months he was head over heels in love, but did not show his feelings in any way. And so, a week-long business trip happened. Later we realized that it was rigged - especially since the guys went together. In general, "on the road" the young man arranged a very concentrated "candy-bouquet" period: there were flowers, restaurants, some romantic events that this Romeo organized long before the trip. But nothing "foreshadowed"! Before the business trip, while working, the guy was strict with his beloved, did not let go, ran into (on business, really). In general, I was dumbfounded and got my way. "