How to be a great wife. Create harmony in relationships, and not just please your husband

An ideal wife is a biorobot who never has a headache, never has a bad mood, and whose basic functions are washing, cooking, cleaning.

Many women think so. They believe that it is impossible to become an ideal for a man, so they don’t even try.

But there are lucky women who are given flowers every day, carried in their arms and showered with gifts!

From the outside it seems that they sit on the priest evenly and do nothing for this.

But after all, they managed to pick up the key to the husband’s heart, to become an inspirer for him, a goddess, an ideal!

What is the ideal wife? What qualities does every man want to see in his life partner?

Source: IStock

Family psychologists assure that 90% of relationships in the family depend on the woman.

If neighbors (colleagues, girlfriends) managed to buzz your ears that all men are the same and there are no ideal marriages, feel free to throw this nonsense out of your head.

Every woman can build an ideal relationship with a partner, but for this you will have to work hard!

What should be the wife?

Great question to ask your husband. Each man has his own answer: someone will give three or four criteria, and someone will make a list on five pages.

However, it is vital for any representative of the stronger sex to feel needed, strong, loved.

A woman who creates such conditions for him will be the ideal!

How to be the perfect wife? 10 steps to perfection

Step 1. Outer beauty. Men love with their eyes and there is no getting away from it.

For some reason, a woman who has successfully ringed a guy often relaxes. Everything, a ring on the finger, we take out curlers from the closet, a terry dressing gown - the image of a typical wife is ready.

We wear a dress only on holidays and then - to make an effect on other men.

But your chosen one wants you to be beautiful only for him.

Source: IStock

Fun fact: Arab women almost never go out without makeup, although sometimes you can’t even see your eyes from under a burqa or hijab.

They carefully care for their skin, wear sexy lingerie, but they do it not to please the eyes of men passing by, but only for the sake of their husband!

To be proud of his wife! Maybe it's worth learning from them?

Because only a blind man can be proud of a lady in a washed-out dressing gown and worn-out slippers!

Source: GIPHY

You do not need to sit for days in SPA-salons or work out in the gym until you lose consciousness.

He already loves you just the way you are! Just keep in shape what nature has given you.

Replace the bathrobe with a comfortable and stylish home suit or a cute peignoir, get a new haircut, pick up face and body care products.

If you go to the cinema (a restaurant, even for a walk), your husband must understand that you are dressing up for him! And not to attract the views of sexually horny males.

Source: IStock

Step 2. Territory of intimacy. Good sex strengthens relationships. But instead of receiving and delivering pleasure, women begin to manipulate it.

“You didn’t buy me boots. That's it, two weeks without sex." But if you use your feminine charms correctly, you can ask for the moon from the sky - the husband will get it.

Sexual dissatisfaction is the main reason for cheating.

It's not a problem if a man wants sex. Much worse if the spouses live as neighbors and just sleep in the same bed!

Try diversifying relationships: sexy lingerie, toys, role-playing games... If you are not just a good wife, but also a passionate lover, this is 50% of success.

Source: IStock

Step 3: Inner Beauty. A person who stops in development and does not set new goals turns into a dull vegetable.

If earlier you could communicate on any topic, found common interests, but now you spend your evenings buried in smartphones, you need to sound the alarm.

Series, glamorous magazines, a new portion of "information" from gossip friends ...

If this is how you spend your free time, do not be surprised that your husband is not interested in discussing why Pedro left Juanita and what fur coats are in fashion now.

Read informative books and articles, learn foreign languages, sign up for interesting courses and trainings.

Be sure to tell your loved one about your achievements, be interested in his opinion. When necessary, be an attentive listener.

Yes, you are not interested in hearing that spare parts for a car have risen in price, and at work a new system administrator has arranged a computer Apocalypse!

But for a man it is important! If a spouse shares his experiences and problems, it means that he trusts you!

Source: GIPHY

Step 4. Create coziness. A man should know that he has a home in which they love and wait.

A woman has long been considered the keeper of the hearth, so your primary task is to be a reliable rear.

A man's "lair" differs from a cozy nest not in the number of scattered socks, but in the atmosphere.

In a real house it is cozy, it smells of goodies, you want to return there.

A woman should not be Hercules and the many-armed Shiva in one bottle. Responsibilities can and should be shared with a man.

Just do not give orders, as in the army, but simply ask. The stronger sex likes it when they recognize their supremacy.

And if you add a couple of compliments - a man can not resist.

Source: IStock

Step 5. Personal space. Men are freedom-loving creatures. They guard their personal space as zealously as a mythical dragon - treasures, and if you are already admitted to the "sanctum sanctum" - play by the rules.

Have you ever thought that behind the typical male entertainment (fishing, hunting, garage) there is something more than a desire to run away from home?

This is a way to restore strength, relax, understand yourself. Total control and overprotection on your part will only harm the relationship. Look for a reasonable compromise.

Source: IStock

Step 6: Leadership. Ask any man what should be the ideal wife? In 90 cases out of 100 you will be answered: tender, loving, understanding.

Relationships should be built not only on feelings, but also on mutual trust. A man should feel like the head of the family, and not a dumb appendage.

A wife, next to whom a man feels like a hero, is ideal! Turn off the "sawfish" and "supreme commander" modes and learn to trust your loved one.

A real family is if you put the interests of your partner no lower than your own.

This is not a game of ambition and not self-esteem at the expense of her husband.

Let him make decisions and dominate, and you can gently guide his actions in the direction you need. Believe me, the role of the "gray cardinal" is not so bad.

Source: IStock

Step 7. Compromises. Favorite phrases of women: "I'm always right" and "I told you so."

They want to subordinate a man to their will, and then they wonder: why is he so spineless?

Learn to compromise and not argue over trifles. Be interested in the point of view of a man, do not impose your opinion.

Yes, sometimes you have to make concessions, but this is not weakness, but female wisdom.

You will achieve more with gentleness, patience and tenderness than with threats and blackmail.

It is femininity that is your main weapon, do not forget about it.

Men want to see as their wife a charming and understanding girl who would take care of the comfort of the family hearth and surprise their imagination at night.

To such a lady, representatives of the stronger sex headlong rush home from work. They devote all their free time to her and constantly delight with surprises.

It seems the secret to success is very simple in theory. However, how to become a good wife in practice?

What mistakes should not be made?

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Many ladies confuse caring with annoying obsession. This behavior of the wife is sorted out from the mother-in-law. They are trying to become a worthy replacement and to properly surround their spouse with affection.

Some men, please note that they are a minority, will perceive such behavior of a wife as quite acceptable. They are really eager to find a woman with motherly habits.

Most men do not like the model of behavior of a caring mother hen. Using this model, you can only learn how to become a good bad wife.

Intrusiveness and perseverance will annoy the husband. Gradually, he will cease to perceive your care in positive tones.

To create and maintain a happy marriage, you must intuitively feel a sense of proportion. Attention deficit is just as deadly as oversaturation.

Rules of conduct in society

It is no less important for the representatives of the stronger sex to know what their friends think of them, whether their colleagues envy them and whether others like them.

Therefore, the behavior of the wife in society takes on a large scale! How to become a good wife for a husband? Follow these rules:

  1. Don't make a man look bad. Men love to feel the most intelligent and knowledgeable. If in a conversation with friends you know something better, then you should remain silent.
  2. No criticism in public. Each person is very vulnerable to dissatisfaction and condemnation of his actions. Even if the husband has made a mistake, speak softly, supporting him at the end. In public, even the slightest criticism is a strong blow to pride.
  3. Notice the successes of your loved one and praise him for it.. Men are like children. They need praise and attention. These actions are multiplied by two in the presence of guests.
  4. Be wise. A good wife does not pay attention to the little things, but notices more of the good.

What to be at home?

If you really want to be the very, very best and good wife for your husband, be like that at home too. Is he proud of you when you are together in public? Do everything to make him proud of you even when you are alone.

  • Beauty and grooming- he drew attention to you thanks to his beautiful appearance and wild charm. Naturally, he fell in love with you for spiritual qualities. However, this does not diminish the importance of beauty.
  • Self-development You shouldn't build your life around a man. He is a very important part of life, but only a part. Pay due attention to yourself, develop, improve. If you live exclusively as a husband, you will soon become completely uninteresting to him.
  • The Fine Line of Control- sometimes a man likes a little jealousy when you ask from whom the SMS came. However, paranoid habits and constant phone checks can ruin a marriage.
  • Right Perception- you can not vehemently react only to the negative, and take the positive for granted. The spouse perceives such behavior as ingratitude, and even impudence.
  • Surprise him at night- forget about embarrassment and stop blaming the reluctance of sex on a headache. Tell the faithful what you would like to receive in bed and be prepared to hear a counter offer.
  • virtuoso hostess- caring for the "nest" is always noticed by loved ones. Your efforts are never in vain, even if he does not talk about it. By the way, a good wife can also invite housekeepers, just organizing the order in the house.

Axioms of a happy marriage :

  1. Do not show pleasant attention on your part intrusively.
  2. A loving wife will not force her partner to choose between herself and his friends.
  3. Small and infrequent quarrels have a positive effect on relationships. Constant assent and agreement with a man in all matters and disputes leads to a relationship without emotions and passion. How to become a good wife? Sometimes spice things up in a relationship.
  4. Change your image at least slightly every six months.
  5. Be hospitable to his family.
  6. Provide support at the right time.
  7. No comparisons or references to former partners.
  8. Sincerely respect the opinion of your husband.
  9. Give him complete freedom, and then he will want to return to the captivity of your embrace.

A virtuoso hostess is the guarantor of harmonious relations

How to become a good wife and mistress? How do you manage to complete so many tasks? In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to take into account all sorts of facts and aspects of living together.

The fundamental factor is the comfort of the family hearth. It may seem to men that this is a simple matter, but it is very multifaceted. A woman, doing household chores, gets tired no less than at a full-time job.

In order for everyone in the house to be happy, you should use the tips:

  • Come up with a diet for a few days in advance, or better for a whole week.
  • Based on the planned dishes, make a list of products.
  • Put a to-do list on your agenda.
  • Don't forget to rest.

A good hostess should also take care of the family budget. Each family chooses the main columns of expenses.

However, the most generalized and logical are the following areas: nutrition, health, clothing, pastime, recreation, investment. By dividing the budget into similar parts, it will be much easier to manage it!

Being the perfect mom is just as important

A man determines the degree of ideality of his wife, looking at her methods of raising children and the time that she spends with offspring. However, there is also the other side of the coin, a man does not want to receive a smaller dose of attention and share your care.

In order for a man not to feel jealous of a child, it is necessary to engage in the upbringing of offspring together, to be one team.

Do not forget also about joint leisure, where you can spend time together, showing equal care for each other.

Hello dear reader!

Good wives, as they say, are not born, they are made. But not every girl who is about to get married knows the simple rules that will help her learn how to become a good wife for her husband. Consider the subtleties and secrets that will give answers to all questions.

In fact, there are no secrets, but there are tips from experts on how to become a truly good wife for your husband, and how to be happy in marriage.

A good wife - who is she? If you want to become a full-fledged keeper of the hearth, then the search for answers to this question is the best possible for you. There is no perfect relationship without conflict.

But a woman, being the “neck”, while the spouse is the “head”, can influence not only the situation as a whole, but also the behavior of her man. Consider the 10 commandments of a married woman, the observance of which will lead to family happiness and harmony.

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How to become a good wife, mistress, mistress and mother? Find out lots of tips. We reveal the typical mistakes of wives, from which husbands immediately leave.

Do you want to become a good wife and mistress for your husband? Actually, it's easy. The most important thing is to be ready to admit your mistakes and have an incentive to change.

First you need to pay attention to the shortcomings that imperfect women make every day:

  1. controversy. Do you prove you are right or do you make sure that your word is the last? So, you constantly humiliate the dignity of your man. Such wives are not good, whatever they have done there ...
  2. obstinacy. If you want to do as you wish, you can forget about a happy and peaceful family life.
  3. Self-care attitude. Do you only clean up when you leave the house? Congratulations! Your husband is already eyeing other women!
  4. Discontent. Is your husband something bad for you? There will be one who will rejoice in him, not paying attention to his shortcoming.
  5. little attention. Are you in a hurry to do all the things as soon as possible, and push your spouse away when he gets in your way? One kiss and a couple of gentle words at such moments would definitely eliminate 30% of all your scandals. And even more.
  6. Error indication. Your husband is wrong in many ways, and you are not embarrassed to talk about it? Do not think that this is sincerity and honesty. It is nonsense. Big.

Analyze your behavior: what else do you think is unpleasant for your husband? To make it easier - put yourself in his place. Be honest with yourself, because now no one hears your thoughts.

Only one who knows that she is imperfect can become an ideal wife. This is what gives her the opportunity to strive for the best.

How to be a good wife

Look after yourself

Many argue that you need to constantly do a beautiful hairstyle, draw makeup and walk exclusively in heels - on weekends, at home - always! No, not necessarily.

The main thing is that your appearance is completely well-groomed: your hair is combed, your teeth are brushed, your eyebrows are plucked, your nails are made up, etc. It's really easy to maintain.

And as for spectacular images (beautifully styled hair, bright and attractive outfit, etc.), all this does not have to be resorted to every day. This will not only save you time and energy, but will also make your husband admire from time to time when you use such techniques.

But, of course, it should not be once every six months, but much more often. Only at these moments, be sure to say that all this is only for him alone.


  • give preference not to serials, but to educational programs;
  • read interesting articles on topics that you could then discuss with your spouse;
  • spend your leisure time on a good book;
  • set goals for yourself and go to them;
  • change outwardly, find more suitable images for yourself - this is also a kind of development.

Be sure to tell your husband about your developmental achievements. Otherwise, there will be no point in your efforts. He simply will not see this, which means he will not appreciate it.

Create comfort

Nobody wants to live in a mess. There is a trend - the more comfortable the house, the better the mood. Even in people who seemingly do not pay attention to the mess.
“I didn’t have time”, “I’m tired” - these are excuses that husbands do not like.

Remember: it's better to do a little every day than to save up a mess to clean up over the weekend.

Well, or there is still a tricky way out: if you “dodge” things, then do it competently - so that your husband is pleased (lying with him, stroke him, do a massage, etc.).

be wise

Never argue with a man. Remember: he is never wrong! Just for you! He just has a point of view. And it will be better for you if you start thinking the same way.

And in order to come to this, in a conversation with your husband, ask more, and do not assert.

  • Now he is angry? Don't tell him he's always in a bad mood and you're sick of it! Better hug and tell him how much you love him.
  • Today he again did not do what he promised? Do not rush to "saw" it. Better with a smile and in the form of a joke, say something like: “I know who forgot to do something (what business) ...”


“Love me for who I am” - this phrase is common among ... single women or divorcees. If your man asks you to change - do not resist. So he makes you an ideal woman for himself, from whom there will be no point in leaving.

One girl wrote that her boyfriend constantly demanded something from her: “Change your hair color to such and such!”, “Don’t forget to clean up!”, “Don’t behave like that in public!” etc. It would seem that he is a bore, and there is no end to this. The girl almost dropped her hands, as the guy told her: “Now you are perfect, and I won’t let you go anywhere!”.

Changing for the sake of a loved one is not spineless, but a smart approach. It is he who will help to settle a calm atmosphere and love in the house. After all, if the wife meets all the basic requirements and is not annoying, how can you swear with her?

Respect and appreciate your spouse

This paragraph implies several rules:

  1. Don't insult. Unless, of course, you want a response.
  2. Don't say that his thoughts or ideas are funny/stupid/unreasonable. Here it is better to find out with questions why he decided to act this way, whether this or that fact will interfere with him, etc.
  3. Don't argue. Let your man remain right for you. Think about it, maybe there really is logic in his words?
  4. Always support his side. Especially in front of people. Keep silent if you do not agree with him, and then, at home, when you are alone, ask why he thinks this way - act cunningly.
  5. Pay attention not to the shortcomings of the husband but on its merits. The first kills love, and the second helps to strengthen it. Always look for the good in everything, justify it to yourself - this is how you learn to appreciate your man.

Praise success

Is your spouse good at something? Don't be indifferent! After all, he is waiting for your joy for his success! By receiving this, he will become attached to you even more.

Praise can also make a man a little better. For example, if you like the way he does something, focus on it. He will definitely want to listen to your kind words again, so he will do the same again.

But, if something suddenly went wrong with him, support him with kindness, say that he will definitely achieve everything (just don’t overplay, otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect from your efforts), offer options for getting out of this situation.

Dignified Behavior

A wife is the pride of a man. Agree, there will be no peace in the family if a woman behaves somehow inappropriately. This will lead not only to scandals, but also to the unwillingness of the husband to go somewhere together.

To prevent this from happening, adhere to the following rules:

  • do not flirt with other men;
  • don't make a fuss;
  • don't swear;
  • be humble;
  • smile;
  • do not try to show yourself smarter than the rest, especially your husband;
  • don't argue;
  • do not express your opinion until you are asked about it.

In general, stick to the principle: "I look from the side, blink my eyes, smile and think about how to hold the fork correctly." And habalk women who try to get into any male conversation always cause negativity on the part of others, and such behavior becomes the result of the husband’s bashfully lowered eyes.

Plan a family budget

It is very important to be an economical wife! Men don't like spenders. To become one, you need:

  • give up many of your desires (shopping);
  • affectionately and discreetly asking for permission to make any purchase intended only for you;
  • warn of upcoming large expenses;
  • together discuss the need for certain purchases;
  • do not buy too expensive products and everything that you can do without today.

If you take good care of money, your husband will definitely appreciate it!

But in those cases when a spouse buys something for himself without warning you (for example, accessories for a car), do not start “cutting” him, but calmly say that it would be better if he warned you in advance so that you were able to re-budget.

The Geisha Principle

One of the common mistakes a wife makes is to not give a damn about her appearance when she is at home. Remember, you tried to make up your eyes as evenly as possible and put on your best outfit to impress your husband? Don't let this go to waste!

Your goal is not to win other men, but to keep yours. After all, if he always sees you in an old bathrobe, he will have a desire to find a woman in a sexy dress. And as you know, it will not be you ...

bed territory

Sex between spouses is also very important. Often it is because of sexual dissatisfaction that a man gets annoyed with his wife during the day. How to fuel your love with sexual relationships? You need to be a good lover for him.

Here, remember the following rules:

  1. Don't deny your husband sex! Never! If you do not want this process (and “appetite” wakes up in women much less often), it is unacceptable to make it a hindrance. You must be available to your husband at all times. Even when you are tired or you have a fight. The frigidity of the wife will always be the result of the irritability of the spouse, his nit-picking and - obviously - cheating. In rare cases, there may still be refusals, but this must be said kindly and tenderly: do not “Leave me alone! I'm busy right now!", and "Honey, maybe not now? I'm just a little busy…". And yes, the fact that a man wants sex is not a problem. The problem is when you don't want to...
  2. Come up with something new. To do this, you can read relevant articles, watch tutorials, etc. Order sexy lingerie in an online store - surprise your husband. Offer sex in an unusual place.
  3. Follow his sexual fantasies. Pay attention to all his hints and "as if jokes" on the subject of bed. All this he wants to do with you. Become perfection for him, and then it will not make sense for him to look at the side.

How to be a good mom

It should be borne in mind that a good wife does not forget about children. To combine the roles of an ideal spouse and mother, you must:

  1. Make time for children. Do not brush them off by hurrying to do something as soon as possible. If you give your child 5 minutes of attention while doing housework, you will not suffer much from this. Do not forget to also play with them and walk. It is highly desirable to involve the husband in this (by persuasion and tenderness, but not by claims!). It will be great if you engage in the comprehensive development of the child: organize his classes in sections and circles. Only without fanaticism!
  2. Be an affectionate mother. To do this, it is enough to love your children and not raise your voice at them. In most cases, calmly explaining the whole situation to the child is a much more effective method than slapping the bottom and screaming. Also look for tricks (“If you spoil, Santa Claus will not bring gifts”, etc.).
  3. Show your children your love for your husband. This will be pleasant for both the spouse and will benefit the children - they will form a family model based on your couple.
  4. Don't say bad things to kids! There is no need to set them up against grandfathers, dad, your girlfriend, etc. Such gossip with a child will lead to his mental disorder or moral decay of the personality. It is also worth controlling yourself in terms of how you address children. Never call them names and do not say unpleasant things (“Why did I give birth to you at all?”, “I will change you for another boy!”, etc.). If you can't help it, go to another room and calm down.
  5. Find Common Parenting Solutions. When mom allows something, and dad is categorically against it, then scandals often happen between them. Yes, and the child himself suffers: he is lost, does not know whom to listen to.

The nuances of education are still very, very many. Most of these you can work out with your husband/grandparents, etc. to find the best and most effective ways to raise good individuals.

How to be the best hostess

An ideal wife is not only one that can morally and physically satisfy her man. She must be a good hostess as well.

What is needed for that:

  • keep the house clean;
  • prepare food for the arrival of the husband or in advance (so that it does not happen that he remains hungry);
  • wash clothes in a timely manner;
  • regularly do general cleaning, etc.

For all this, you need to plan your affairs. Moreover, you need to be prepared that sometimes you will have to sacrifice your personal time, which was allotted for rest or meetings with friends, etc. But it's definitely worth it!

However, keep in mind that there is no need to become an ardent fan of perfect purity. In many cases, you can only create an appearance - put all things in their places and vacuum. It only takes half an hour.

And you should not be angry with your spouse if he broke the idyll by scattering all the things in search of the right T-shirt. Your 15 minutes to put them together is better than a two-hour scandal and both spouses' low spirits.

little secrets

Little tricks will help you fix the result:

  • talk to your husband about love more often;
  • be kind;
  • never raise your tone at him (to be honest, such women look disgusting);
  • do not forget to make surprises (breakfast in bed, a gift for no reason, an erotic surprise, etc.);
  • be cheerful;
  • complain less;
  • pity your spouse like a child;
  • do not get unnecessary talk;
  • yield;
  • let's have more freedom;
  • do not be overly jealous;
  • keep his talking points.

  1. Push yourself into the background. The wife should always take second place, but not last. After all, she will first of all try not for herself, but for her husband. How not to love this? But you should not forget about yourself completely, so as not to feel hurt and lost.
  2. Don't be proud. There is no place for pride in a relationship. The ideal wife should understand this. How easy it is to avoid conflicts if you do not turn up your nose, but go forward! There is nothing humiliating about this!
  3. humble yourself. Even one of the commandments says: "Let the wife be afraid of her husband." That is, one must be afraid to upset him, to harm what is dear to him. Yes, a man should be the head of the family. That is his nature. Only by standing in his place, he will be happy.
  4. Don't be offended. If your husband talks about some of your shortcomings, do not take it as an insult, a desire to find fault with you. Unfortunately, many men do not know how to speak delicately. But, if something was said, then it is worth paying attention to. This is your shortcoming that needs to be worked on. Be reasonable.

It is clear that it is impossible to always be perfect: sometimes health does not allow it, sometimes - lack of time or banal fatigue. There can be many reasons.

But only the woman who wants to make her man happy will keep them to a minimum and will try and improve again and again.

And in the end, I would like to advise you to save this article or print it so that you can return to these tips from time to time. After all, now you focused only on the minimum. It takes more than one day to understand each point and implement it into your life. Good luck!

Video: How to become an ideal wife

Many girls have a question how to be a good wife? It is not easy to answer it, because there are a lot of different opinions, which are almost impossible to cover at the same time. Of course, some women prefer to choose their own path, but they often fail, so it's worth reading a few tips from professional psychologists. No one says that each of them guarantees a long happy life, but it helps to get to know men better.

How to become a good wife and forget about friends and acquaintances.

Perhaps the first problem in the life of spouses is always friends and acquaintances. They try to give some advice, suggest what to do in a given situation, and some are just downright jealous. Most often, the consequences are the most deplorable, that is, the relationship gradually heats up and, in the end, breaks.

Often girls believe that a man needs freedom. “It is better to let him go fishing with his friends than to look at a disgruntled face,” they say, and they are very mistaken. Yes, conditions cannot be set, because many people, without hesitation, act in defiance. However, in this situation, it is the wife who should be the reason that forced the husband to stay at home. To do this, it is enough to interest him in something. After that, it will be possible to spend extra time alone, reinforcing the warmth of the relationship with pleasant communication.

Diversity is the key to married life.

“No matter how tasty a dish is, it will eventually get boring.” These words of a great man should be remembered throughout your married life. Moreover, you should not attribute it only to cooking, it is better to apply it in practice in everything. Even the wife should change a little to get stronger and stronger.

In some cases, even the unexpected attracts much more than a long romantic dinner. Because of this, psychologists advise girls to remain unpredictable even 10 years after the wedding. Surely unpredictable actions and words will intrigue a man all the time. He will eagerly return home after work, not imagining what a surprise awaits him.

You can't tune in.

After the wedding celebration, some women begin to change. Many try to become an integral part of a man's life, so they prefer to fulfill all his desires. On the one hand, such a step can be understood, because the wives believe that after this they can look to the future with confidence. On the other hand, a husband does not need a “mother”. Psychologists are already tired of reminding the beautiful half of humanity that a man fell in love with a woman for who she is, which means that he does not need another.

So first of all, to the question, how to be a better wife, should answer, be yourself. If the husband realizes that the seal in the passport has not changed their relationship, he will remain a spouse for the rest of his life. Moreover, looking at his beloved, a person will plunge into memories, which will bring him even more joy and pleasure.

Spend time alone.

Warm marital relations are maintained by constancy. A girl should always be close to her man, attracting his gaze, making him tear himself away even from a football match of his favorite team. Let an active lifestyle and excessive employment often make you look for difficult paths, you should not stop and give up, it is better to overcome all obstacles and, at least, be alone for a couple of minutes.

The easiest way to combine breakfast and dinner, even if you really want to go to bed and relax. Sometimes it’s worth getting up early to please a man’s gaze with your splendor during breakfast than forgetting about married life after a few years. In this case, everything depends only on the woman, or rather, on her desire to remain a wife.

Money doesn't solve anything.

The woman is the keeper of the hearth. This principle is embedded in the genes of every man, and if suddenly he himself offers her to go to work under any pretext, it means that he is not satisfied with the way she runs the household. Most often, a man subconsciously wants to independently provide for his own family. Yes, situations often arise when it is not possible to earn the necessary funds alone, but you should not destroy the masculine spirit in your soul mate.

Psychologists remind that money should never be the main topic of conversation between spouses. Any reproach from the beautiful guardian of the hearth remains a terrible wound in the soul of a man. It is better to leave earnings on his shoulders, but at the same time never forget about support. It is the spouse who should become a real "second half", which prompts and reassures even in difficult situations. History shows many cases where families in poverty lived much happier than the rich, and this should be remembered.

The husband is king and god.

A husband appreciates his wife for everything if he feels that he remains for her all his life. He is a provider, he is a master, he is a protector. These are the words that every woman should remember, even if something does not work out. By extolling a man, a girl will be able to push him to new achievements. Yes, the spouse will still remain behind, so she will continue to support and even guide her husband, but he will not suspect anything. Such a situation in the family is always observed, and young people often automatically create it themselves. In this case, the expression "henpecked" does not suit the spouse in any way, because he continues to be the head of the family and, if necessary, reminds everyone of this. It's just that the other half provides him with invaluable help in everything.

Being the best wife is not easy. To do this, you need to learn how to maintain the integrity of the family. The strong half of humanity is capable of much, but banal home comfort or accuracy are unknown to them. Although it is impossible to talk about this and, moreover, point out the shortcomings. Nevertheless, psychologists say that it is enough just to love each other in order to maintain a warm relationship between spouses throughout life. Moreover, such married couples, indeed, remain happy and happily remember every minute of their lives, where everything was: both bad and good.