What are the psychotypes of women. What girls are: types of female character

There are certain psychotypes of women with whom, no matter how hard you try, you won't have a long-term relationship, you won't create a strong and loving family, you won't get warmth and comfort. You need to know such "heroines" by sight, so as not to make mistakes and not get burned. And it is quite simple to recognize such women - by their behavior, conversations, actions.

How to recognize a woman

Woman psycho: collector

She collects men like ordinary stamps to show off her "victories" in front of her friends. It's pretty easy to recognize her. If a woman looks irresistible, but at the same time has never maintained a stable relationship until her 30s, then she most likely belongs to the aforementioned category. At the first meeting, she usually warns a man not to dare to fall in love with her, since she is already tired of annoying fans. But then she herself begins to watch for him at almost every corner and at the same time complain to her acquaintances that the man is following her.

Psychotype of a woman: a liar

She takes lies for granted and therefore does not notice at all that she is deceiving a man, even in small things. However, at the same time, he always demands from him the truth and only the truth, suspecting of a hopeless lie and instinctively equating him in himself. It is easy to recognize a liar: if a girl asks her boyfriend to pick up the ringing phone and say that she is not at home now, then it is possible that she does the same with the calls of her “beloved” when he is not around. Such a woman can say that tomorrow she urgently needs to visit a sick aunt, and at this time she will have fun with her friends or with another young man.

Psychotype of a woman: crybaby

She cries to everyone and always. Even over trifles. Then she bursts into tears and sticks out her lower lip coquettishly just because she cannot find her favorite handbag. She whimpers over the corn rubbed in her new shoes. Then she twists her face because of the "wrong" colors presented to her. It is difficult for any man to stand next to such a woman for a long time, so she is always surrounded by her friends, who are always "crying into her vest." It is not easy for this type to overcome life's difficulties and hardships, she will always need to be reassured and persuaded, pushing herself into the background, since the front is already occupied with her.

Woman's psychotype: debater

Disputes are her lifestyle and her element. She is able to kindle them between anyone and in any situation, as if deliberately selecting sore topics. At the time of disputes, she can accuse a man of all conceivable and inconceivable sins, including those that have absolutely nothing to do with him. This type of woman can easily manipulate men, making them feel guilty - even for something they have never done in their life. In this way, the debater always keeps the man on the hook, which allows her to easily control him.

Woman psycho: princess

She requires not only increased attention to her own person, but also a lot of money for maintenance. Moreover, not because of self-interest, but only because she has an innate refined taste. This is an eternal socialite who is used to shining and being surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex. Although she never complains about anything, her lover will always have to give up all her affairs just in order to urgently take the princess to a beauty salon to fix a stray nail on her little finger. She recognizes only social events, expensive restaurants and luxury cars.

Woman's psychotype: selfish

This includes selfish people in the extreme manifestations of their absurd nature. Usually, such people sue the airline because of the slightest delay in the flight - even due to the examination of the cabin for the presence of explosives. When she is informed that in the UK all cars move on the left side of the road, she immediately retorts that she is extremely uncomfortable with this one and that she will not leave it that way. While watching a movie in the cinema, she can discuss it loudly, but at the same time shout loudly at neighbors with a claim that they prevent her from watching a movie. For her, there is only her own "I", which suppresses any male desire.

Psychotype of a woman: talker

She "sings" about everything she sees. The chatterbox never closes his own mouth, preventing the man from inserting a single word. Moreover, for her it is absolutely not important what to talk about - the main thing is the process itself. She listens to a man only half-heartedly, not taking into account either his arguments, or requests, or a word, because she actually does not hear him. Chatterboxes usually have a lot of girlfriends who "chirp" no worse than she does, so it is difficult for a man to resist such a stream of empty chatter and he wants to hide, go into himself or even leave the house.

Woman's psychotype: milf

Detailed women are immediately recognized by their "courtship" of men: they now and then straighten their tie, pull on their jacket, publicly ask if they took a handkerchief with them, etc. Their behavior is typical of "hens", full of exaggerated care ... You can endure such women if their "mother" complex does not appear so sharply. However, if a friend, despite the resistance from the man, cannot but annoy him with her courtship for a minute, then nothing good will come of his relationship with her - she will crush him with her authoritarianism.

Psychotype of a woman: hunter

They don't even hunt for men, but for their wealth. The easiest way to recognize them is by the compliments that such women do not even to men, but to their things - a watch, a tie, expensive perfume, a car, and the atmosphere in an apartment. For them, first of all, the attributes of wealth are important and only then the person behind them. When they meet, the first thing they ask about is who works where and in what position, whether the man has his own car and apartment. If so, then she immediately opens her hunt.

Woman's psychotype: leech

She wants a man to spend all his time exclusively with her. Such a woman is usually jealous of work, friends, relatives, acquaintances and constantly demands proof of love from her chosen one. "Do you love me?" thirty times a day - this is what you can definitely expect from her. Men run away from such women themselves, as she “sucks out” not materially, but emotionally, starting two-hour boring arguments.

Beggar friend

I have a friend, a problem in communication with whom I would like to solve. She came to Moscow from the district town of N several years ago. At first she was modest, squeezed, she was afraid of people, the rhythms of the city, ...

Every woman is undoubtedly exceptional, with her own special "zest".

However, psychologists managed to identify several general types of female behavior and character. Depending on this, the man is able to choose the most suitable type of woman with a reduced risk of further disappointment.

The main psychological types of women include:
1. "Mother Woman"
It is not difficult for such a woman to get married. She will always be warm and comfortable with her. Her main goal in the family is caring for her husband and children. Their interests come first. In case of problems, it finds a solution on its own.
Such a woman is an ideal spiritual companion and mentor. A man feels important and irreplaceable next to her. This often leads to a brilliant career. A woman-mother creates a home climate for a man in which he can gain strength to climb to the top.
In practice, in such a family, the leader is always a man, while the woman herself gives him such an opportunity, since an important component of relations for her is respect for the manifestations of personality.

2. "Woman Predator"
This type of woman is only interested in the material component. She does not care about external and physical data, education, mental qualities, etc. Social status is the main criterion when choosing a partner.
The Predator Woman in every way pushes and even drags her man up the social ladder, interfering in all matters and trying to help. Her man is always well-groomed, because, in her opinion, this increases the chances of finding a high place in society.
A man feels in such a relationship like a fly in the paws of a spider. It is very difficult for him to get out of there. The Predator Woman always knows what she wants, has a strong-willed character and the ability to put forward tough decisions. She is always the leader in the relationship.

3. "Woman-Caprice"
For this type of woman, the main thing in a relationship is attention, because she feels and behaves like a child. Usually her partner is a man who is several years older. He becomes a strong patron for her.
The whimsical woman is very spoiled and selfish. Everything should revolve around her. She does not want to look after her husband or children. For her man, she will not become a support and support when making any career advancements. She is only interested in her own personality.

4. "Woman-Career"
For such a woman, official position and growth are always in the first place. Family is in the background. Housework can be a burden for her, but this does not prevent her from becoming a good housewife.
This woman is often tense, because she always and everywhere wants to prove that she deserves this or that role: a good housewife and an ideal employee at work. Usually, such a woman does not have enough time to raise a child, since her career is of paramount importance.
Next to a woman-career, only a man who is equally strong and self-confident can be next to him, who knows what he wants and is successful in all matters. However, such an alliance can be quite difficult, since neither partner wants to become a follower.

5. "Woman friend"
Such a woman can always replace her partner with a friend. She is always ready to listen, understand, regret, caress, give advice, etc.
The main slogan of relations with such a passion is "man - head, woman - neck." She allows the man to rule, while keeping everything under her hidden control.
Such a woman has the features of several people at once: an excellent friend, a loving mother and a good lover. Her children are always under her supervision, her husband is successful at work, the house is cozy and clean.

When choosing your wife, remember that this classification is generalized. A woman can either fully correspond to one type, or combine the features of several. Let love reign in your world.


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It often happens that a woman still combines several qualities. And how can a man immediately figure out who is who? We, women, are so able to present ourselves at the beginning of our acquaintance that he can only then understand who is next to him. Usually, only capricious girls are immediately visible.

I don't think that in real life there are so often women who have one of the above types in an absolutely pure form - most often a woman has a little of each characteristic, and all these traits are successfully combined and represent a complete personality.

I do not agree with the characteristics of the "Woman-mother" type. Such women, as a rule, are overprotective. For a normal person, even an adult, even a child, it is like a prison, albeit with all the material comforts. This type of relationship is usually liked only by people who perceive in some way to be completely subordinate to some other person, his plans, goals, orders. Since in this case we are talking about the subordination of a man to a woman (!!!) - then such an idyll somehow does not cause delight. Although there are more and more families where the wife is a "mother" and the husband is a "child". What I agree with is that it is quite easy for such a woman to marry. More than one generation of sons had already grown up, who were raised by lonely or excessively emancipated mothers, who shook over them like over a written sack. From them have grown up infantile, passive men who will remain "puppies until old age." For them, of course, it is the "Woman-mother" type that is most in demand as a wife, so that you can sit on your neck and go further with your legs dangling. The question is: and what will we (the whole society as a whole) finally sink to? ... For me, the answer to this question, in principle, is not really relevant, because it is obvious. Interested in something else: "What to do?"))).

1. Bohemian intellectual writers
They have a unique style in everything: hairstyle, clothes, accessories, etc. Refined and graceful nature with a little overestimated self-esteem. Around HER many people constantly revolve, but SHE does not let anyone close to her. Such a "snow queen", with a certain idiot and incomprehensible charm. It constantly hangs up on social networks and is very popular there. Refined and independent, and, therefore, the question always arises from others "where does she get the funds for all this, if SHE seems to be doing nothing except social networks?"
The conversation with her is direct, but has the character of incompleteness. She is very smart and has logical thinking. It is always incomprehensible what is in HER head, how sincerely SHE treats YOU, whether she is honest in her statements. SHE is a kind of rebus that is not tough for everyone, therefore, more and more often SHE is lonely, mysterious and thoughtful. The consequences of loneliness are addiction to alcohol or tobacco. Aggressiveness and stinginess. Distrust of everyone and everyone.

2. Sexy kitty
Arrogant sexy thing. Appears in society brightly and beautifully, does not go unnoticed. She always knows how to emphasize her dignity and primary sexual characteristics with a deep neckline, high heels and tight miniskirts. Men are shy at the sight of such persons and dream of meeting HER. From HER guys throws in cold sweat and nervous tremors. Women - hate, envy, resent. She often appears accompanied by wealthy men.
HER cannot be described as a lady obsessed with science; rather, on the contrary, her interests are reduced to fashion and the Fashion industry. The concept of "loneliness" is incomprehensible to her. SHE is always in the spotlight.
ITS main problem: "the one who likes is not of that level, and who does not like is at my feet."

3. Correct and simple
Celebrity and sexy lady are something superfluous and excessive for HER. SHE has an average, even a little low self-esteem: she knows more about her minuses than about her pluses. This type of girl always tries to shield and justify everyone around in their misdeeds and oversights.

In clothes, he prefers not flashy and not bright things that are close to the classics. There is no excessive evening make-up, large and voluminous jewelry, etc. Prefers comfortable things, pastel, soft or light shades.
I would like to say about HER with the newfangled word "cute", kind, her own for everyone. But this is where ITS main danger lies: SHE remains unnoticed for men, underestimated for all. ITS energy potential is not disclosed and unknown to others due to weak character and forgiveness. The one who can caress HER - will stay with HER for a long time. But, it is worth considering: do you need to be always and for everyone so sweet and kind, or is it better to leave the best emotions for dear people? Doesn't your gentleness and good nature turn sideways to you?

4. Star
As everyone knows: the stars shine, but they don't warm ... also about our type of girls. She is always well-groomed and looks beautiful, SHE is constantly busy with something, everyone is on the run and always. SHE will be the first to come and offer help. Rather, not because of complicity in your destiny, but because of the need to feel busy and needed by everyone. Her difficulties attract and beckon. When everything becomes simple, then HER becomes sad ... but SHE does not despair, because, if necessary, she herself can create problems in order to solve them later. But behind all this fuss and tinsel hides a very vulnerable and lonely soul. Behind the hard work and efficiency of this magnificent performer lies the inability to help not others, but himself ...
In clothes, she thinks over everything to the smallest detail and it is the details that fill and complete HER style into a single composition of excellence.

For HER to live 30 minutes and not take a selfie, not post your lunch on Twitter or Instagram - something beyond reality. SHE knows all fashion trends, follows all blogs and is up to date with the latest events. Public madama and everything that happens in HER life immediately falls into the feed of her social network. Perhaps all this is due to the lack of live communication and attention or because of the desire to escape into the virtual reality of rose-colored glasses and the absence of problems?

6. Activist, sportswoman and Komsomol member
An active girl who prefers sports bags to clutches, sneakers to heels. SHE adheres to herself and actively promotes a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, is subscribed to thousands of public sports activities, HER ideal is a flat stomach and a pumped ass. HER always has music on her phone for workouts, and after work SHE does not run on a date, but to the gym.
HER clothing style is sporty, unpretentious. Flat shoes and cute sports things prevail.
But, looking at HER ideal body, you always ask the question: "Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but isn't the reason for avoiding any contacts much deeper than it seems? And isn't it a sign of a complex in such an intoxicating exercise ?. . "

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Perhaps imposed stereotypes and idiotic tips from women's glossy magazines are to blame for everything? Perhaps feminism is taking on new heights of its emancipated march? Or perhaps - these are specially thought out and deep-reaching plans of government organizations to reduce the population.

Why are there such questions in the first lines of the article? The answer is the rapid degradation of society! There are many supposed reasons for the horrific corruption and ignorance of society. The revitalization and strengthening is taking place against the backdrop of the economic crisis. The substitution and absence of concepts in society is complete! Claims to the female sex! The main questions to the increasing tendencies of betrayal of women in relation to men. Ruthless, cruel, monstrous betrayal!

Do you think women want equality ?! No! Women believe that a man is not busy with anything and does nothing in family life, and in general, real men have died! However, what is “realness” for modern women is only the bottom - the obligatory slavish service of a man. They want, just like a man is lazy, not to do anything and not to answer for anything, but to "bend" the man for the child or for the fact that she is his wife ... shame !!

They proclaim feminism and the right to occupy positions, ride cars and alpine skis, thereby completely immersing themselves in the difficult life of a man pulling a family and earning money.

So, let's consider the description of the types of women, the principles of female search for men and the types of Women that we meet as Men on their way. Each of us can unmistakably see that there are at least six types that men hate!

Men often have to listen to women's reproaches - what can you do, ladies are more emotional and talkative creatures. But sometimes it's worth biting your tongue and accepting criticism. I studied male claims on forums and social networks and identified several types of women who piss off the stronger sex. Manipulation is the main goal! Take "Bull" by the balls and hold!

First type: "I am a rare treasure"

Any woman from time to time wants to be a queen, this is quite normal and understandable. But when she constantly behaves as if the light has converged on her like a wedge, a man will remain there only in one case - if he is an idiot, devoid of self-esteem.

“We know all these“ try to win me ”passed. Then she will assert herself every day at your expense. She will need to constantly prove that you are "worthy" of her. And then it turns out that she, the poor, so believed in your feelings, but you ruined everything. "

“I hate it when they want to be bowed to them, begged, persuaded, loaded with gifts. Do you want to show that there are many people around? To fill my worth so that I start calling you, humiliating myself? Well, then I went away! I showed you my interest, the reciprocal step should be behind you. And so in turn, and not a game with only one goal. "

The second type: "Because of a woman"

Many women have formed the opinion that since they are women, the weaker sex, men should give in to them. That is, it is not enough that they have achieved equality with men, they still need to give them an advantage.

They very often take a pose, demanding that men try for them, always take care of them and be patient and enduring. On the one hand, I understand that it's just that they were brought up this way, they were taught this way from childhood. But men should not always indulge in this, thereby reinforcing their belief that this is the way it should be.

They are far from stupid. So skillfully brainwashing, bewildering with their pretty face, only they can. Women feel permissiveness and argue this only with their "weaker" sex.

There are undeniable situations where women are given a head start. But any man will be enraged if all delusional whims and ambiguous actions are justified by this "iron argument."

The third type: "I am friends only with guys"

The ideal of many men is a sexy beauty with whom it is as fun and relaxed as with your best friend. But as soon as you remove the first part from the equation, everything collapses. Even scientists, based on the behavior of men in real life, came to the conclusion that straight people are not able to simply be friends with women: they either want them and then they are ready to pretend to be friends “for now”, or they don’t want to - and then they don’t need any “friendship” interesting.

However, there is a category of women who consider themselves full participants in men's companies and contemptuously avoid women's ones. They have no idea what the "friends" really think about them. Most girls who basically only hang out with guys are vulgar, loud creatures who go out of their way to be the center of attention. Can women be our friends? Which ones are friends?

A man needs male communication more than female communication; he needs a male team. And the ladies just start to be capricious and say that friends are more important to us than girls ... Male friendship is fundamentally different from female friendship!

At first, she plays football with the boys, shoots with a slingshot, climbs trees and generally prefers to spend time with the guys, rather than playing with dolls with her peers. And having matured, it will blossom and become a "bad girl", begins to drink, smoke and swear like a shoemaker. If this is rewinding and deliberate rudeness, then these are sick. Over time, they turn into peasant aunts.

The fourth type: with the installation in my head - "If a man has money, then I can love him"

In general, a woman's desire to find a wealthy partner is quite natural, since money is one of the main attributes of the modern "alpha male". But for some ladies, commercialism is reborn into a perverse pathology, replacing all other human feelings. Some time ago I met a freak who said an interesting thing: If a man has money, then I can love him. True plans are two-faced to take root in trust, through deeply thought-out plans to get married in order to take possession of only the material part of a man.

Here I, a man, will not be able to love a woman because of money, and I will not be able to be next to an unloved one because of money either. It is hard to imagine that a normal man would agree to have sex with an ugly non-sexual woman, no matter how rich she is. But a woman is easily bought for clothes and does not disdain it and is even proud of her friends, as she robbed a sugar daddy. At the same time, he does not consider himself a prostitute! Most of them! This is terrifying!

According to women of this type themselves, selfish girls are not liked not only by losers who have nothing, but also by all other men. Believe me, it is very felt when a girl is around just because we have "achieved" a good car or apartment, and this is disgusting!

Honestly, if you judge by the car, then you better live in a cool car dealership, every day there you will be taken for a free test drive. They are used to taking and giving nothing in return.

As one friend of mine used to say: "A woman is a decoration of the house and that's enough." This is the whole female psychology. Throughout my life I have met only 2, capable of great feelings. But the list of greedy, soulless, scary inside, selfish and just ignorance would take 10 screens.

Fifth type: "We have to be serious."

For men, there is nothing more deadly in a relationship with a woman than boredom. But it is she who is imposed on them by languid drama queens with a perverse idea of ​​"true love".

They are very dull creatures. The one that she likes, she will torment with her Love, sighs, make demands, some kind of serious relationship. But when she needs “just sex”, she will grab the first whoever is in trouble, with whom she crossed paths somewhere, and will give him what a man needs. And the one who likes, she will repulse.

These women have no sense of humor at all! It is worth making even a light joke at them, so they begin to whine, sulk and take everything seriously at their own expense. Women do not know how to joke themselves and do not give to others. Boring with them.

Sixth type: "It is written on her forehead that she is in search and the last chance"

Men make it clear that they clearly see the difference between a free woman who is not averse to trying a new relationship, and one who is ready for anything, just not to be alone. The last attempt evokes pity and contempt. Stupidity and lack of understanding of their need for a woman only repels men. Moreover, it is usually written on her forehead that she is in a stupid search.

Seventh type: "Obstinacy and Ignorance"

Obstinacy and ignorance are not the best qualities in life. Agree that you have gained junk knowledge on the Internet. Instead of normal, correct answers to emerging questions, are you looking for knowledge in the trash heap and forums (very often sick people) on the Internet? Moreover, having perceived this knowledge, you became covered with a thick impenetrable crust with your personal faith and obstinacy that this knowledge is CORRECT!

Therefore - open your brains, let new attitudes and professional knowledge freely penetrate into your head. It will save you as a person. You will acquire open and decent friends who are similar to you. You will speak together and smile at life Love must be taught! It is a trainable personality trait. You have to learn this yourself. This can and should be taught to children! The strength of love depends on how often we communicate with the object and how valuable it is, how much time and effort we have invested in it. Love, kindness, the ability to share and give are one and the same. Love for a loved one, by definition, is higher than for a stranger.

Eighth type: "Feminists at heart"

Feminism is contrary to nature, the customary social structure that has evolved over the centuries. It destroys the age-old order, introduces chaos and discord in society, stimulates crime and leads to the extinction of society and man. Examples of laws of European dying states - show a decrease in population, a decrease in the number of marriages and the birth of children. An example is the family order in Muslim countries, where there is no such number of divorces and no abandoned children at all, and order reigns in families!

Matriarchy is the end of the development of society. All mutations and evolution of a species occurs through males and their Y - chromosome, as well as through the hormonal testosterone system. It is men who take risks, introduce new inventions, try new ones, participate in natural selection, struggle, are capable of progress and are designed for chaos in conditions of hostilities and exterminating wars. The absence of war is a fact of the degradation of society or a whole species in greenhouse conditions.

Selfishness is the opposite of Love! To give, to share, disinterestedness, desire to help, faith in justice, truthfulness of a person, faith in people, sincerity - these are the real values ​​in life!

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