What dolls can not prick. What tattoos are better not to stuff? What you should not pump

"And not to fill a tattoo?" - Many are asked as a question. Well, I propose to briefly weigh all the "for" and "against" whether a person should make tattoos on his body, or or the desire to make a long-awaited and fashionable "tattoo" on his body can turn out completely undesirable consequences for health, psyche and even fate man.

Why do people make tattoos?

Back in ancient times, people decorated their bodies with tattoos. Then, of course, it was not just that - the tattoos were applied to the aim of finding the enemy, identifying social status and position in society.

There was an occult motivation of tattoo on its body - a certain sign on the body could give the carrier to the power of a certain deity or spirit. As a fee for new opportunities, of course, the soul could be in the end.

Also, various esoteric teachings often offered to apply different signs, numbers and symbols to protect against evil spirits or people, or to betray them to a person who are certain quality of character, before that there are no missing characters. Therefore, it is especially bad when the same signs are used today only for beauty, even without guessing what the effect of tattoos can play for further human fate.

In the Middle Ages, tattoos also branded criminals - thieves, murderers and rapists, of course, if they were not executed. It was done so that people see who may have to deal with. Well, either slaves to be seen what kind of owner they belong, from where they escaped, and to whom they will return them after catching. And in the east they wore exclusively geishes and girls of easy behavior, which causes and now such an attitude towards tattooed women.

But today the tattoo became a kind of fetish - stylish, fashionable, youth. Many are not even thinking about the possible value of one or another pattern on the skin. Of course, this is a personal matter of everyone, and no one to condemn is in the right - at least it is nontactically.

Possible harm for tattooing for health

But let's understand the aspect of the possible harm to health tattoos. Now the great many specialized tattoos of salons, with professional equipment and appropriate for the client.

In such establishments, tattoos are relatively safe, unless, of course, do not consider possible allergies to the components of the paint, and the pain too. But the price in such salons is good bite, so many turn to self-taught with self-made machines.

There is already a rather big risk. Absolutely taking a tattoo can earn a minimum of skin disease. As a maximum - blood infection, or, even worse, AIDS. Austrian dermatologists, by the way, revealed that a tattoo may even pour into an oncological disease. Not too nice, isn't it?

Therefore, the harm for tattooing for health is unequivocal, because the benefits of health and your skin they will definitely do not bring, but they may well with health.

Are the moral tattoos?

The public opinion in this matter also needs to be considered. From the evil granny, the entrance will not hide anything. I put a sleeve - write goodbye, from a cute boy turned into a ring - addict.

Our religion either also approves the drawings on the skin - according to believers, our body does not belong to us, this is the property of the Lord. Even a dejected atheist will have to take it into account - deeply religious people oh as much.

Danger of applying tattoos on their body

Psychologists and esoterics consider tattoo as something capable of changing fate in one direction or another. Applying one image - we start moving in one direction, causing another - in the other, so deciding whether it is possible to make a tattoo with one way or another, it is better to consult with a specialist and even better with two and independently read about it on the Internet.

A tattoo is serious, she can bring owner wealth, fame and success, and can deprive him of everything that has. For example, causing a dragon image on the body you risk exposing yourself with negative events, as the dragon is a fairly unpredictable mythical animal, tame that not for everyone. Therefore, an unprepared person who does not have the necessary features of character, some tattoos apply frankly dangerously on their body.

Another minus is an aesthetic type of tattoo in old age. Only imagine a fallen, dery skin, let's say, on the hand, on which the contours of Chinese characters are visible. Fu. Yes, and the master-novice can accomplish when applying a tattoo. The elimination of a fairly notes and painful procedure.

What tattoos exist?

Tattoos are permanent, temporary (these are those that cause henna, they disappear in a maximum of a month) and permanent makeup (tattoo).

Certain tattoo are designed for different parts of the body. They are for the back, hands, legs, chest, faces and even (imagine) genitals.

The most common tattoos can be called species having pronounced distinctive features: Celtic, Oriental and Tribal. A feature of Celtic, for example, the ancient Celtic ornaments are considered, the oriental uses Asian themes, and the trail is distinguished by images made from strips of different lengths.

Of course, this is not all kinds of tattoos, and to lify them left, probably several pages.

The role of tattoos for men

In our time, the male, brutal tattoo, no longer plays such a symbolic role as before. Much more often, men are decided to make a tattoo in order to emphasize their brutality, and the female attention will be reached by even more.

Classical male tattoos can be considered Gothic and Celtic. Images of predatory birds, dragons and wild animals are in great demand - the image of a predator becomes an external manifestation of his soul.

We should not forget that only people who leave punishment, Zekka did a tattoo for a very long time. So it is worth consulted by the master of the meaning of a symbol in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

Tattoos for girls

Women's tattoo is a great opportunity to emphasize her natural beauty. Psychologists confirm that even a small tattoo greatly raises the self-esteem of our beautiful girls.

Unlike male, female tattoos are more elegant and less voluminous. Tattoos have great popularity with a symbolic meaning. Signs of the zodiac, hieroglyphs, stylized images of plants and animals - what is just not.

Not less popular among girls enjoy angels, kittens and stars. Well, where without colors! In my opinion, the flowers are the most excellent option for cute girls, because according to the Vedas, the flowers are also created from the energy of love like a female body, so they are combined, they together are extremely harmoniously and also complement each other. No one, of course, will not make a sleeve, for example, is very and very extravagant, and can play a negative role in its fate.

Time to summarize. Of course, whether it is worth making a tattoo on how to choose only you, but before doing the tattoo be sure to find out what it means and think that it can bring in your life, and you will not regret it already the next day And deciding to make a tattoo - do it only from a professional, do not save money, relying on Avos and the ability of self-taught, it is better to think about your health. It is one of us.

In the following articles, we will also tell about what tattoos can be done, as well as about the role, meanings and the meaning of many tattoos, but for now, read other interesting articles on our portal of training and self-development.

You probably think about the tattoo. At first I wanted the fairy, then a kitty, then a bird ... then matured and thought about the fact that it should be a drawing with meaning. And the point, as a rule, is harder to find more than just a cute picture. And then another 300 times challenged and eventually forgot. But for the time being. While suddenly did not find the perfect master and a suitable symbol. But here you are disturbing something? I decided to answer my (and yours) questions and finally resolve all doubts. How? On your own experience - yes, I made a tattoo! Such an adventure will not compare anything!

On session k Yule Shpadieva In Tattoo Studio Faux Pas. (verbatim "False step" - How do you like such a barrier name?) I discharged how it usually happens, by chance. But change the time was a whole month. No preliminary consultation required. I had a simple tiny symbol and sea of \u200b\u200benthusiasm. I thought, if you start, then with a small one to check the pain threshold. Signed and forgotten. And only the day before I realized that I was waiting for me. I lie, it is impossible to realize this in advance, just shakes you as in childhood before taking a dentist. On the other hand, the excitement is very pleasant.

So I didn't feel the land under my feet when I came to the session to the appointed time. The first 10 minutes you just do not understand why everyone around is so calm, because you have fate here!
"Well, you want, we just spend the line on your hand", "Suggested Julia in response to my vague replica about the pain. Logic, I think. But not for the same I came here! First, the master suggests to make a bigger symbol, but then we converge that the tattoo will be small to fit on the side and was not climbed. The picture is pre-printed on special paper and is translated into hand, and only then on the contour, the drawing is stuck with a needle. Julia offers adding white paint, as any tattoo is stretched over time, and in a small figure it is always noticeable. White ink helps how to bind lines.

- And the needles will be somewhat? - I ask.

- No, the needle is one, but consists of seven tiny needles, - Julia is responsible, in parallel preparing the workplace.

Here, the impressionable young lady can definitely faint. From the couch, the master pulls out the tools: tattoo machine, needles, gloves, mortar, vaseline, paints ... Julia is all captured: a turquoise machine, and on the jars the stickers with Hello Kitty.. To somehow distract, I ask my miracle wizard, whether she stuck some absurd or strange tattoos.

"To be honest, I don't even know what you can call strange ..." Julia smiles.

Inside everything is compressed when I sit on the chair and stretch your hand. The master will not ceremony, starts to output lines straight as a felt-tip pen on paper. At first it scares me. The first three minutes pure and crying - unpleasant. The feeling that the skin burns on the handBut burned extremely gently. Then you get used to it and understand that you can still stand it. My drawing took Yulia 15 minutes. Final barcode - white paint in the intervals of the triangle and the month.

"I advise you to take a picture of the tattoo before I begin to drive white ink, and then there will be a bloody messenger," she said. My photographer with a photographer. It sounded frightening. But the Council followed.

It turns out that everything is more complicated with white paint than with black.

- white ink is harder, so it can be more painful, - Says Julia. Indeed, the skin began to pinch even more, and in the intervals of the drawing, the blood appeared, which the master immediately wet wipes.

I looked at this whole process with one eye, it turned away more often, although I do not fall from the type of blood. Thousands of thoughts rush in the head. Well, wow, it's for life! Immediately remember all the bright phrases of the grandmothers: "As if it came from the zone!" Or Mom, which will allow you only "through my corpse." But everything falls into place when you see the final result. Surprisingly, so far the picture on paper does not assume that it will look so great on his hand!

And immediately such a feeling that the new life began. Looking like a childhood before the New Year.
"On the track" I was provided with a set of care: a special healing and moisturizing cream, postoperative plasters (very comfortable thing), a reminder for care and napkins. Of course you can buy in a pharmacy "Panthenol", but I was not before, so for extra 500 rubles I acquired such a bonus package.

Usually such "art" heals over 10-14 days. The first three days you need to constantly hold a tattoo slightly moistened and desirable not to carry tight cuffs, watches, bracelets, and so on.
To keep in mind that the cost of the tattoo always depends on the level of the wizard and from the picture. And then it is not only in the size of a particular picture, but also in the presence of small parts that need to work.

In the photo on the right tattoo after three days

Do or not? You can only answer this question. If you have been keen on the idea for a long time and you have a good master on your mind, then you can consult not with friends and parents, namely with him. As a rule, such people will immediately see if you really want this. Make a tattoo that will not bear any difference - also not bad. Today, many are "clogged" just for the sake of aesthetic pleasure. But do not forget that you risk breaking out our tattooed peonies or devil after some time. Tattoo is like a talisman. You can wear a ring or suspension, put in a handbag of the champion, and you can draw it on the body. It already depends on the life position, desire and consent with himself.

Painfully? No, it is tolerant.

How will parents react? Mom, seeing my delight, said: "Well, at least you will not spare" (although it has always been categorically against).

Many fear that the tattoo with time stretches or blossoms. The main thing is to correctly care for her in the first month. In no case should not be sent to sunbathe and swim with a fresh tattoo. Otherwise, there should be no problems. The tattoo can deform a little, but it will be almost imperceptibly. But if you have not gave birth to children, it is better not to do the color dragon into the whole stomach.
But this is the choice of everyone. After all, you make a tattoo for yourself, not for others.

I feel absolutely happy! And I'm even thinking, do not knock anything else. But time will show.

Tattoos have long ceased to be a wonder and the prerogative of those people who live a contrary to the law. Today, the tattoo is a fashionable accessory, a way of self-expression in the picture, a trick that helps hide skin defects (scars, scars). And yet, and those who have long been familiar with the tattoo, and those who only decided to him, it is worth remembering that the process of tattoo packing is akin to the operation. The negligence attitude in this matter may end with serious consequences for appearance and health.

There are many tattoo techniques that differ in the character in the design of the image, one drawing can be fled in different ways and give it a completely different color. By choosing a picture and a technique in which you want to fill it, be sure to consult with the master, because it often happens that for packing the desired image you will need to use a much larger area of \u200b\u200bthe skin than you imagined.

Behind the choice of drawing, the choice of space for its application, and then the question arises: "In what places it does not hurt to make a tattoo?". Experienced masters would answer like this: "hurt everywhere." And in fact, in this process, everything is individually, some people can safely watch the film during the work of the master, the second - everybody is felt by each needle injection, which, for a minute, more than 1000 per minute.

Places where it does not hurt to make a tattoo can be counted on the fingers: shoulder (front and rear), the outdoor side of the forearm, with the exception (elbow), the outer side of the thigh and the legs. Where it does not hurt to make a tattoo guy (at least not as girls), it is on the chest. Well, where it does not hurt to make tattoo girls (relatively), so it is in the field of buttocks.

Men make a tattoo in the field of the sacrum more than women

The most sore places for the tattoo are those where the skin closely adjoins the joint or bone (elbow, the back of the palm, the blades, knee, hypochondrium, feet), iron fabric (armpit, female breast), as well as head and neck, and , of course, skin sites near intimate zones and, in fact, they are the most.

In addition, women should remember that a week before and during menstruation, the most sore places for tattooes on their skin are everywhere, as along with general sensitivity, painful and painful.

What can not be done before the tattoo?


First, it is impossible to go to the tattoo master an empty stomach or after a sleepless night. In order to reduce stress for the body, you will definitely sleep well and eat. Secondly, do not even think about taking the painful drugs before the procedure, they all have a thinning effect on the blood, as a result of which, during a session, blood will go richly and it will be more difficult to stop.

Alcoholic beverages before tattoo can not be used in any way

Thirdly, and think forget about drinking for courage. It will be better if you exclude alcohol before tattooed and a few days after it is applied. Why can not drink before the tattoo? All because alcohol, as well as painkillers, contributes to blood liquefaction and high bleeding.

This may prevent the work of the master and in the end, you will receive not only the result that you would like, but also the tattoo will heal much longer. Any sensible master to the question: "Is it possible to drink before the tattoo?", Answer to you the same.

What do you need to do before the tattoo?

First of all, find out if you have any contraindications to the tattoo (allergies to ink, skin disease, infection, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, tendency to keloid scar, etc.). Pregnant women before filling the tattoo, it is also better to consult with a doctor on this issue.

Secondly, prepare your wardrobe in advance for tattoo healing (1-2 week). Clothes should not rub or touch the tattoo, it will be better if it is from natural, well-driving fabrics.

Take care that in your first aid kit there is an ointment based on decantenol, absorbing film, as well as a hypoallergenic plaster or a mesh bandage. All this will be needed in the process of tattoo healing.

How to make sure that the tattoo salon is safe?

This question is in reality "worth the edge", since a large number of cases of infection with a virus and occurs just through the needles for the tattoo. Therefore, to convince in advance that in the tattoo salon:

  • used disposable needles, gloves and masks;
  • there is an autoclave (a device for sterilizing a toolkit that is not disposable);
  • the masters have a certificate for the right of work, a portfolio with the work performed;
  • in the Tattoo Salon, sanitary standards and labor safety rules are observed when working with biological fluids (in this case, with blood).

It will be less familiar with the right process of applying a tattoo:

  • the master must thoroughly wash his hands with antibacterial soap;
  • the tattoo seat is clean and disinfected (in case the skin in this place is covered with hairs, the master gently shaves them);
  • the master must wear new sterile gloves, in some cases - a surgical mask;
  • before starting work, the master clarifies the sterilization procedure and prints sterile consumables (for example, needles, etc.);
  • initially, the master subcutaneously inflicts the tattoo circuit using a machine with a one-time needle;
  • the contour is necessarily washed with antibacterial soap and water;
  • to apply the shade, a threshing needle takes, and with the color tattoo, the master with you must open new jars with ink;
  • blood during packing should be wrapped with sterile and disposable napkins;
  • after the procedure, the tattoo is washed and imposed a bandage.

How to anesthetize the skin in front of the tattoo?

So, if you are not able to endure pain when applying a tattoo, or tattoo is stuffed in an extremely painful place than to anesthetize the skin before tattoo? For this, outdoor local anesthetics are suitable in the form of a spray, cream or ointment.

Thus, many tattoo masters are used to anesthetically external sprays based on lidocaine or mixtures with adrenaline. Another popular tool is an email cream based on lidocaine and sublocaine. The only, substantial disadvantage of the cream is that it is not immediately starting after applying.

How to care for a tattoo in the first days?

After you came out of the salon, the responsibility for your tattoo lies only on you. You should not neglect the tips of the Master, following them, you will protect yourself from complications in the healing process and at the end of this process will get a beautiful, clear and durable tattoo.

Caring for the tattoo in the first days includes regular applying a softening cream based on decantenon, Vaseline-based creams are better not to use, as they contribute to the discoloration of the tattoo.

The bandage you left the master is better not to take off within 1-2 hours. Further, if your master did not tell you another, you should make a cream-based compress with decanteral, imposing the nutritional film and a mesh bandage or a film and a plaster on top of it. The procedure should be done 2 times a day for 4 days. After that, the tattoo is formed on the site, which in no case cannot be skiing.

Watering the skin before the tattoo healing is impossible, instead it must be moistened with children's cream

Is it possible to wet the tattoo on the first day? Determining "no", nor in the first, nor in the next days before the healing of the tattoo, it is impossible to wet it. After you have finished with compresses, the care for the tattoo in the first days should include its regular moistening not at the expense of water, but at the expense of a children's cream or lotion.

Due to the fact that it is impossible to water the tattoo, care for the tattoo in the first days also includes a complete refusal to sauna, a bath, pool and a hot tub. It is impossible to expose the tattoo and the action of direct sunlight.

We hope now you know where it does not hurt tattoo and how to care for the tattoo in the first days! And in the event that you notice signs of tattoo inflammation (redness, heavy itching, red stripes), contact the dermatovenerologist immediately.

Some people dream of a tattoo all their lives, hatching a conceptual idea in the head, but it happens that the idea to decorate their body arises quite spontaneously. If it seems to you that you once will be added to the number of the latter, just in case, remember the list of tattoos that cannot be done under any circumstances!

1. Swallows, asterisks and anchors

"What can be original than swallows?" - It seemed to us in the year of the 2005th year. But time passed, and swallows flew along with him. A similar situation turned out with star theme and anchors, which were just another fashion trend.

2. Butterflies and Tribal on the lower back

Tribal is generally extremely rarely attractive, and even more so he fell on the lower back, smoothly like butterflies with flowers. There are lots of more steep ideas!

3. Heroglyphs and Sancisrit

If you know why all sorts of inscriptions on incomprehensible languages \u200b\u200blove to fill their celebrities, urgently inform me. And because they make these tattoos with disgusting blue in the most prominent places. It looks pretty cheap, plus everything is not original and boring.

4. Name of the beloved girl or boyfriend

Wow, how much the hortuary suffered because of a supremely died "eternal love". Remember: Nothing forever, and love that today is there, tomorrow may not be. And then what to do?

5. Portraits

The probability that the portrait will be beautiful is beautiful, not too large, but the fact that it will look like a real person is almost equal to zero. Of course, a real artist, a master with a huge experience of work will make what you ask for, but only find this oh how easy.
But even if the portrait is successful - imagine the face of your girl or mom, when you are in 40. And here's the story: one of my friend dreamed of filling the huge portrait of the beloved, with which he lived together for a thousand years, but a couple of months before the wedding he fled and married another. Therefore ... Maybe it's not worth it?

6. Skull

My subjective opinion, which has the right to life: What is good in carrying an image of the corpse, albeit the fictional? Nothing. An even greater surprise causes all sorts of coffins and corpany topics.

7. Criminal tattoos

Did you know what ... and how then to explain? And this is not a joke - in places of detention for any tattoo, you need to answer, so if you, for example, will apply the authority tattoo, but you will not meet it, then you can only arise.

9. Tin and stupidity

Every tin in the form of twisted intestines and genitals on the body does not cause anything except in doubt about the mental health of its owner. Well, to man with all sorts of stupid inscriptions and jokes will never be a serious relationship.

The tattoo is made in 4 stages: sketch; work itself; healing; Answers to mentally retarded people.

Tattoos with an image of aggressive symbolism. Shoulders, chest, back ... rock painting on meat parts.
The muzzle of the tiger in the FAS and Leopard in the profile, the dragon in full growth, which is more involved ...

The more inner fear, the steeper the skin comics.
Imagine, lion in the savanna offer to make a lion tattoo?
Or on the wolf of a wolf in a wolf?
And man on the shoulder to fill your own portrait?

We do not suit themselves and want to get other people's properties ...
Is it worth doing a tattoo?

Is it worth doing a tattoo?

Who! and What for?

We remove the tattoo ancient tribes and criminal topics. Wikipedia will cope with this.

How tendencies are two hot reasons:

The first and basic- Insecurity and fears - for men.
Owners of such a tattoo are unconsciously believed that they will acquire the quality of the icons that will rock in his chest or shoulder.

Second- This is the skin phase of development and all sorts of manipulation of the skin vector, for the purpose of showing and consumption ... And it is more for women, but also men too.

When the tattoo makes the rank, skin-visual female, a low level of development or a skin-visual boy - a metrosexual, with this understanding of the direction of fashion.

Some modern women, even anal, were pursued to imitate, believing to get the quality of the fatal seducer. Tattoos borrowed, no properties, because it is not so arranged.

And what men?

For example,

Is it worth doing a tattoo?

Once went such a booze,
i offer options for fashionable tattoo denial or confirmation.

For some anal men with certain problems at first, it will be relevant: "Erection is!".

For others, with the skin vector, the most active on the left side of the maritalism, will be interesting. "No change!"

For weak: "There is a strength!",

For lazy people: "Lens is not!"

For unsure: "Confidence is!"

Special hit for some state officials and deputies will be: "No corruption!".
For those who are all the same enough to grab: "Corruption is not!"

The inscriptions can be replaced by any vensels carrying the semantic load of confidence and rescue.
If there are problems and difficulties, contact, I will help you free with the logo and the place of application.

You understood the idea of \u200b\u200bconfirmation or denial, that is, it is Zudit and requires publicity.
________________________________________ ________________________________________ __


The fear is not only a person with a urethral vector, because he is arranged for the outwards and its biochemistry produces tons of testosterone per day, where the adrenaline is default in registration. Such people are less than 5% and they do not make tattoos.

The rest has a normal, animal fear for the safety of the body. If the body assesss the situation as life-threatening, immediately resting the mandrage ... is nature.

Courage-Mandrazh and Tattoo!

In priority: "My life is nothing, the life of flocks is all!". When it comes to the preservation of the group, he does not understand the danger, does not value his own body and gives him without thinking.

In seven other vectors, the main body's own body, so fear for it and adrenaline, as a method of mobilization.

For fear, you can go and overcome.

Trainers are successful on this whole states. They do not work with the essence of the problem, preferring a consequence and monetary charges from customers during the time, while not solving the main thing.

Is it worth doing a tattoo?

But the reason for the person of the visual vector, whose root is the fear of the darkness, the fear of death, fear ... other horror stories are also beaten around the nerves, but significantly less.

If a person with an auditorium is developed and in its implementation comes out, it acquires opposite qualities: love, euphoria and crazy joy to infinity ... He does not know what fears are and does not have the need to port in the skin patterns?

The tone in the fashion of modern tattoo is set skin-eyed girls and boys in certain minus states. The rest, in matters of fashion and body design, always imitate viewers.

Imagine developed visual women: Chulpan Khamatov or;
skin visual: Dima Bilan and E. Plushenko;
of any visual actor: V. Mashkova, S. Bazrukova, E. Mironova, other ...
with tattoos?

Determining their state of absolute development and implementation, the issue of tattoo will fly away without approaching.

Confidence is the knowledge of precisely by its nature and its implementation BE!
And the combat coloring of tattoos- SEEM and eternal struggle or compromise with yourself ...

Sadness is the force of an eternal and infinite, reviving body and it always out ...

Torso, inside, temporary and finite, with the question: "Do I have a trembling or right?"

Choose, with what you connect and live life?!
This is us about fears.
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Now, on the main topic: Is it worth doing a tattoo?

Do on the skin of the porta or not, your choice.

If you are a member of Yakuza or Triads, then in obligatory.

If the member of the Federation Council is categorically not.

In short, if a member, then - yes, or not!

And if a person owns reasons?

Much easier is the path of recognition of their nature, innate properties, making them outward and receiving a total Pruhi and the Eternal Sun ... without any tattoo.
In this, the whole idea and the meaning!

Nature considers to two. Choose ...
Actually to one.

You will still come to this, with or without tattoos, most importantly, so that without loss and not to the pension, but the sooner, the earlier!

Nothing superfluous and personal and today everything!

Written on the training materials on