What words to touch a girl's heart. If she's your ex. How to behave to please a girl

As long as there are men, they will fall in love and invent their own ways to win the girl's heart. Many of them create their stories for the usual bragging, in order to attract female attention. Among them, it is believed that only a real man knows the secrets of conquering women's hearts. Nevertheless, the experience of generations claims that there are several unshakable rules that allow you to achieve what you want in dealing with a woman. We will talk about them in this article.

How to win the heart of a girl you like

The most successful period for starting a new relationship is, of course, holidays. Holidays are the most successful period for establishing new relationships or restoring old ones. The very word "holiday" already suggests: good mood, fun and the desire to find true love.

It is on the holidays that girls are most optimistic and ready to start new serious relationships. It should be borne in mind that to answer the question: "How to win the heart of your girlfriend?" the guy is not so difficult.

Women, in general, are very emotional and impressionable creatures. They fall in love much faster if they fall into the illusion of a fairy tale for a while. But often they are frightened by the quick determination of young people and all kinds of descriptions of your bright future.

The guy should have a sense of good, subtle humor, and apply it according to the circumstances, so as not to seem like a jester and joker - for this there is a circus.

Women love winners, so a man must be confident in himself, in his abilities. This does not mean that he should be arrogant. A sense of security and safety is what is valued in men of the opposite sex.

To win a girl's heart, a guy must share women's hobbies, treat them with interest or condescending, but be sure to show them attention and respect. If a girl loves pop music, you should not take her to a concert at the Philharmonic; she likes chrysanthemums more - don't give roses.

A woman makes an opinion about male stinginess once and for all. If on the first date she noticed a manifestation of male greed, you will not be able to change this opinion more.

It is impossible to win a girl by being unkempt, unwashed, unshaven, unkemptly dressed. Outwardly, a man should correspond to the setting of the environment and alongside his lady. Cleanliness is far from the last quality that is appreciated by the weaker sex, but this should also not reach the limit, turning into cleanliness.

The most important thing is to be sincere in your intentions without bothering you with intrusiveness, because this will backfire. Maintain your individuality without repeating hackneyed behavior patterns.

There are no exact recipes. But these simple rules should be remembered in a suitable situation, they will help you become more confident in your abilities, and your fan, perhaps, will be condescending to your attempts to win her favor and will reciprocate you.

If a man wants to try to conquer some girl, he needs to remember the following:

Women love with their ears, so do not skimp on compliments and constantly pay attention to the girl you are interested in. However, do not overdo it, as your obsession can ruin everything. And do not forget to confirm your feelings with concrete actions.

Try to be generous, kind, honest, and sincere. However, you should not present an unfamiliar girl with expensive gifts, she may consider this a bribery. Or she may perceive you only as a source of material gain.

Always give gifts that she will need and are interested in. It all depends on her lifestyle and interests. Then she will understand that you not only pay attention to her, but are also not indifferent to what she is doing. Great move to conquer!

Have a date at a restaurant? Arrange in advance with the service staff to play her favorite music more often. In a word, you should know all her tastes. What he loves, what he enjoys, etc.

Be decisive, or at least come across as a truly strong and confident person.

It is not necessary to always seem only good or just a freak. This will soon bore her. Change from case to case. She needs to see that you can be different. And stand up for her, and just be gentle, affectionate;

Know that from the first minute of communication, you will not be able to immediately win her heart. As with everything else, it takes time, your perseverance and patience;

Appearance is an important factor for every person. To win a girl's heart, always be neat, clean and try to keep up with the times. It's no secret that women like well-groomed men. It is your appearance that the girl will evaluate in the first seconds of her acquaintance and, on its basis, will make an impression of you as a whole.

Communication and a sense of humor are among the main qualities for achieving your goal. Learn not to interrupt the girl during a conversation, be a grateful listener. You can interest the girl you like by talking about something secret, mysterious, unknown and secret.

Since we live in the world of computer technology, we have long forgotten about the good old letter, in which you can tell not only about your feelings, but also how the day went, what happened unusual. To win the heart of your girlfriend, try to send her such a letter every day. Just do not write about negative cases in it. It will be boring and uninteresting. Share anything good and positive. Just write everything from the heart and sincerely;

As you can see, there are many ways to tempt women's hearts, but all of them require a great return from a man, great endurance and self-control, and only true romantics can truly understand: "How to win the heart of your beloved girl?"

If the above methods do not have a positive result, then in order to win the girl's heart, you can try to write her a handwritten letter, which would contain a touching declaration of love. And do not forget to call her more often, write love sms messages.

When you meet a special girl, at the sight of which your heart skips a couple of beats, it becomes very important that her heart belongs to you. But how to win the heart of a girl if in her presence you become speechless and generally suddenly become awkward and awkward? Well, the task is not easy, but that does not mean that it is impossible. All girls are different, and what will delight one will not make any impression on the other. But there are still some general rules that must be followed if you want to win the heart of your beloved.

  1. Be persistent. To win the heart of a loved one, most likely, it will take time, and the cherished "yes" may not sound soon. Therefore, arm yourself with both standard colors and trips to the cinema, to a concert of her favorite group and to the theater, as well as original inventions. Girls, in general, love when they are achieved. But persistent does not mean annoying. You can't overdo it.
  2. Perform feats. Take kittens from trees, save her from bullies or fix a computer. Let her admire. It works.
  3. Keep your word. Nothing spoils a man's reputation as completely and unconditionally as a broken promise. And be honest. Of course, I really want to embellish the real state of affairs, but this should not be done in any case. When the lies are revealed, the chances of reciprocity will be close to zero.
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. Haircut, clothes, shoes. Women pay special attention to clothing, you shouldn't forget about it. How to win a girl's heart by being unkempt? That's the same problematic. Your appearance should not only be neat - it is better that it matches her appearance, at least the style. The challenge is this: you have to look good together. Men cannot even imagine how important this can be. After everything is in line, give her friends the opportunity to see you together, let the "experts" say that you are a beautiful couple.
  5. And by the way, make friends with her friends. Their opinion about your candidacy will definitely be heard, so take this issue under control.
  6. Be fun. “Laughing Woman Already Half Conquered” is a classic. Wit and optimism are your best helpers and a great tip on how to win the heart of your girlfriend.
  7. Sympathize. Sometimes she has a disgusting mood, everything is wrong and she is sad or, even worse, crying. At this moment, you need to be near, completely ignoring the fact that women's tears are an unbearable sight for men. Just do not try to give advice, they are useless. Just listen and empathize.
  8. Be generous. To the best of my ability, of course. Girls hate greedy people.
In general, it is quite obvious that such an interesting, cheerful and understanding young man will definitely attract the attention of his beloved girl.

And yet - the girls are different. How to find a special approach to your chosen one? To do this, you just need to know her birthday, and therefore the sign of the zodiac. And now it is not so important whether you believe in horoscopes. Following the recommendations of the stars, you will advance much faster in conquering the lady of your heart.

To win the heart Aries girls, you need to show remarkable strength of character. This is one of the most independent ladies in the Zodiac, and as a rule, she chooses her boyfriend. In order for her to allow herself to be courted, you will have to prove that you are not a weakling. A real man - strong and self-confident - this is her ideal. Honesty is generally a good policy, but here it is the only possible one. Direct and open Aries will not tolerate lies. And if she already reciprocated you, God forbid to change her: absolutely not suspicious representatives of this sign, having learned about the dishonesty of their partner, become merciless. There can be no question of any second chances.

Trying to charm Taurus girl forget about serenades. This is an incredibly feminine, but very practical person. She is an excellent hostess and in the first place is her family and the creation of a cozy nest. She will indignantly reject the dreamer or the ladies' man. And she will determine the intentions of the applicant immediately. If they are serious, you will be thoroughly tested. If not, better not try: Taurus is not a joke. This girl loves attention signs, delicious food. Invite her to a nice restaurant or cook something yourself.

Heart Gemini girls it will tremble only under the pressure of real mind and discernment. She is unlikely to appreciate the relief of your muscles, and a pumped-up torso will not impress her (well, maybe just a little). But the power of her intellect will certainly amaze her. So think about where you could show off your wit. And another important point: do not show this lady that you lost your head from love. Some coldness doesn't hurt. The recipe here will be long witty conversations and a rich social life.

Heart Cancer girls very vulnerable. This gentle young lady is capable of real devotion to her loved ones and her dream is a big house with a loving husband and a bunch of kids. Cancer falls in love at first sight and without looking back rushes into the arms of a loved one. She is incredibly gullible. But if this did not happen - get ready for a long siege. Tenderness, kindness and understanding. And no pressure, jealousy, or God forbid - quarrels and scandals. The Cancer girl will hide in her shell, and the way to her heart will be ordered to you. However, love and tenderness work wonders - arm yourself with patience and, quite possibly, everything will work out.

The present Lioness used to shine and shine, and exclusively in male society. To get closer to this queen, leaving behind her retinue, will have to try. She, in principle, is ready for an affair, but only with someone who irrefutably proves that he is the best. Refined compliments and expensive (she will not tolerate others) gifts - this is what you need. If, of course, your status is high enough. She is very demanding of her chosen one, so get ready - you will always have to be at your best.

Virgin are usually quite good-looking. This neat and punctual girl organizes her life herself and knows exactly what kind of man she needs. She would rather be left alone than wasting time with someone who is not good enough for her. Being very practical in all other matters, she can wait for years for a prince. However, everything is not hopeless: it can be starved out. You just need to always be there and wait for her to get used to you. It is Virgos who most often marry colleagues. If you only have a light flirtation in your plans, stay away from this sign. Of all the zodiac signs, the chaste Virgo is the worst choice. For her, relationships are very serious.

Win the heart Libra girls many would like - she is so charming, and from childhood she got used to shine. This is where flowers, perfume, candy and social events will be appropriate. Let her shine and please her surroundings. But leave strong words, jealousy and interrogation with addiction away from this airy creature. Otherwise, before you can blink an eye, this fairy will dissolve in the air.

Mysterious scorpio girl- a mystical character. She is smart, uncompromising and courageous. Choosing a man for herself, she ignores anyone's opinion. Yes, yes, it is she who makes the choice, and the man can only agree with this choice. However, there is still a theoretical possibility to win her heart: you need to prove that you are stronger. Never complain and bear with courage. And in no case ask her for help - it will forever cross you out in her eyes.

Win the heart Sagittarius girls you can like her friends. Or sharing her love of extreme. Try inviting her to do a parachute jump together. If this feat is beyond your power, most likely this girl is not for you. Turn her life into a continuous adventure - and you will conquer this charming tomboy.

To conquer Capricorn girl you can by showing your business qualities. And by demonstrating the seriousness of intentions. This beauty is a real snob, so you will have to succeed and make a career. Everything else she considers insignificant self-indulgence. However, she will gladly accept flowers. But don't think that it will give you any advantages.

Charming Aquarius girls it seems that it is not difficult to conquer - they are so sociable, they will always come to the rescue, and public opinion attributes many novels to them (and more often than not, it is right). But this is seeming lightness. In fact, it is very difficult to tame Aquarius. After all, today she likes one thing, and tomorrow - another. Intelligence, flowers, poetry and a lot of luck - that's what you need. But there are still no guarantees.

Have Pisces girls heart of gold, they are vulnerable and trusting. They adore secrets and are full of mysticism. Almost any man can conquer this angel if he can touch her. Tell heartwarming stories, be moved by the sight of children and kittens, and do not forget to add that only she understands you. It is not difficult to make Rybka happy, and in return she will surround you with incredible care and affection.


If you really decided to win the heart of your beloved, then understand for yourself that nothing is impossible. To do this, just believe in yourself and in your strength. Then you will be able to achieve the location of any girl, regardless of your appearance and financial situation.

Do not try to achieve mutual love from the first day of communication, it is unlikely that something will work out of this. Instead, try to position yourself in such a way that you understand that you are a reliable person who can be counted on in any situation.

Watch your appearance. A man should always be neat, tastefully dressed and smell good.

Don't forget about humor. Do not be afraid to seem funny in something and learn to skillfully cheer her up when needed.

Be brave and confident in yourself, the girl should see in you only a strong person with whom she would feel protected and want to build her future life.

Become a romantic. Surround your beloved with attention and affection, repeat about your feelings. A romantic candlelit dinner, walks in the city at night, gifts - all this will benefit your relationship.

Consult with her on any occasion and question. Let her know that you are interested in her.

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Helpful advice

Even if you do not succeed as you intended - do not despair. Remember that it is not always possible to build a relationship the first time, but do not give up your attempts.

The Internet is replete with recipes, methods and even descriptions of technologies for conquering the hearts of modern beauties. Some of these tips are worth following, and some are best discarded. If you really want to conquer heart beloved, become indispensable and the best for her.


Think about the good old traditions of love correspondence. Buy a wrap of envelopes and send one message each day. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the letter contains only hot outpourings to her. It will be quite enough if you begin to share with her in a letter all the joys and difficulties of your life. When describing joyful events, complain that she was not there at that moment, do not complain about problems, but simply state the fact of their existence. If you are sincere enough in your messages, then the girl will definitely be interested in you and reciprocate. In any case, even if your relationship does not go beyond correspondence, it will be a wonderful memory for both of you.

Do not try to "buy" her favor with expensive, tasteless, or simply obscene gifts (sometimes they are the same thing). Here are just a few examples of such offerings: a golden rose in a crocodile skin case, a Chinese vase for a half-apartment with an engraving “I am you” around the circumference, a pink (and any other) color car, linen of any value and style.

However, if you want to achieve trust, which was once lost, then this can only be done by actions, that is, always keep promises and always do what you say.


It is very difficult to gain the trust of a girl who is suspicious of everything. In this case, whatever you do, she will look for a catch.

Helpful advice

It happens that people do not immediately find a common language, but do not get upset and give up - make new attempts.

A girl you like always seems more inaccessible than she really is. Men, especially young men, often lose self-confidence when dealing with the object of sighing. This is what repels girls. To conquer your beloved, you need to be more persistent, purposeful. Most of the fair sex appreciate these qualities in potential partners.


To gain the girl's attention, learn to speak beautifully. The old truth that women love with their ears still works. Be sure to compliment your girlfriend. But do it discreetly during the conversation. Then they will not be perceived as rude flattery, and will certainly find a response in the heart of the girl you like.

Do things. Give flowers, small gifts. Help the girl. Bring the bags, start the car, install the program on the laptop. Caring is what potential companions value. In the modern world, there are very few men who are able to take responsibility for a partner and solve her problems. And if on the way of the girl meets one of the representatives of the endangered species of male knights, she will not miss him. That is why always offer your help unobtrusively, and even better - do good deeds without asking permission. Believe me, the girl will definitely appreciate it.

Surprise your potential girlfriend. Small surprises - a sprig of lilacs accidentally found in a bag, a chocolate bar in a raincoat pocket - pleases more than expensive but planned gifts. And a date on the roof, under a starry sky, with a bottle of champagne, a girl will remember much better than a standard dinner in a restaurant, albeit the most luxurious one.

Watch your appearance. Girls love neat men. Timely wash clothes, use deodorant, trim your hair in time. Watch your posture. A straight back speaks of self-confidence. And for girls it is very important that the partner is a dominant person, a strong person who can hide her from the hardships of life.

Speak respectfully about her and your parents, show that you like children. This behavior will make the girl understand that family values ​​are important to you. This means that you are a reliable person and are ready to create your own unit of society. If the girl has the same goals, she will definitely be interested in you and try to build a long-term relationship.

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Do not be too intrusive, this will scare the girl away. Don't call her every half hour, don't ask for a report on why she was fifteen minutes late from work. Respect her desires, give her the right to privacy. This is the only way to build a truly strong and long-term relationship.

Helpful advice

Listen to what the girl is talking about, and don't just pretend to engage in dialogue. It is in a conversation that you can find out what a potential partner really wants. And having learned this, you can adjust the actions to conquer it. Fulfilling the secret desires of a girl, you can achieve your goal much faster and with less effort.

Tip 6: How to get a girl if she has a boyfriend

Falling in love with a girl is not easy. But it is even more difficult when she is already dating someone. You will have to make a lot of effort, turn on the imagination and truly enchant her. Only with full dedication will there be a chance to repulse the girl.

Think carefully before interfering with other people's relationships. If it's just a hobby, you better forget about it. But if you are really in love, you can try to beat off the girl. The complexity of this matter depends on the relationship in this couple: if they are on the verge of parting, you will only need to push them a little towards this decision. But if there are really strong feelings between them, you may not succeed.

Become her friend

First you need to enter the close circle of her acquaintances. If you study, work, or take courses together, you can easily make friends with her. Sometimes you need to make an effort - to find mutual acquaintances, to run into her more often, to go to the same circle as she. You can try to go from afar - start communicating on social networks, and then gradually translate communication into reality

Find out more information about her and her boyfriend. You should be interested in the merits and demerits of her beau, her hobbies, interests, preferences. What she likes about young men and what not. You need to understand your beloved and find the weaknesses of your opponent.

Spend more time together by showing your ideal. Find any hobbies that you can share. Suggest going to language classes, dancing school, or rollerblading in the evenings. You need to be alone more often, then you can gain confidence in her and win over to you. In meetings, show the sides she appreciates. You need to show yourself better than your opponent.

Make your relationship romantic

Don't go too far into the friendly zone. Give her subtle compliments, kiss her on the cheek, or hug her when you meet and say goodbye. Touch her as if by accident. For example, hold your hand in front of the car, shake a non-existent speck from your shoulder, accidentally collide with your hands while walking. You can offer to tell fortunes along the lines on your hand, and then slide your finger across your palm and prophesy a happy fate.

When you feel that the girl is used to you, you can disappear for a while. Notify that you are going on a business trip or visiting your grandmother in the village. When you disappear from her life, she will be bored and may reconsider her attitude towards you. If you hook her very hard, after your return she will be the first to offer to meet.

Wait for their quarrel to take the last step. Do not try to make them quarrel, so as not to lose the girl's trust, just wait, and a discord should occur in their relationship. When she comes to you to complain about her boyfriend, hug her tightly, kiss her in the place between the lips and cheek, and then whisper in your ear: "I would never make you cry and would carry it in my arms." After such a phrase, she, most likely, mentally compares you, and will be with the winner.

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Tip 7: How to get a girl to love if she's in another city

If you love a girl who is in another city and dream of winning her heart, for this you need to resort to the help of the Internet and courier service, as well as be smart and not be afraid of difficulties.

Positive communication

Communicate with her as much as possible. Just don't be persistent if the girl doesn't want to talk to you. It means that she is busy or does not want to communicate with you at the moment. A very simple, but at the same time effective way - "hot-cold". First call her every day, then disappear. This will help the girl get used to talking to you on the phone or the Internet every day, and she will miss you.

Talk only on positive topics, do not "burden" the lady with your problems. Take an interest in her life more often, show concern, worry about how she is feeling. But again, don't be too persistent. Just be interested, be polite. During conversations, show the girl your erudition. Women love smart men with whom it is interesting to communicate and discuss various topics.

Uplifting the mood

Flirt with the girl. Joke more, send her various emoticons by email or on social networks that can cheer you up. Give virtual gifts, send beautiful poems (preferably your own composition). Make her life at least a bit happier. Let her know that (although not nearby) there is a person who is ready to support her in everything, giving a sea of ​​positive and good mood.

A pleasant surprise

Surprise. For this, it is impossible to do with just one virtual web. Here the courier service will come to your aid. Using her services, you will definitely win a girl's heart. Find the courier service of the city in which the girl is located via the Internet. Pay for the goods in any way convenient for you (flowers, jewelry or soft toy). After that, after a short time, the courier will deliver the gift to the girl. She will be delighted. Only for her it should be a surprise: in order not to spoil the surprise, do not blabber.

Spending time together

Go to the city where the girl lives. As soon as you have the opportunity to leave for her, do not hesitate. Just come to her not empty-handed: be sure to buy flowers and other nice souvenirs. Be original and fun. Spend time together, and then the girl will definitely appreciate all your efforts and fall in love with you. The main thing is not to overdo it, be yourself, do not go out of your way to please her. Only in this case will you be guaranteed success.

To win a girl's heart you need a lot more than money and good looks. Remember this before proceeding! Make sure your efforts aren't wasted on the wrong person. This applies to both genders.

Guys tend to look for ways to impress a girl to get her to bed, and if you're looking for that kind of advice, you're in the wrong place. This page is for those men who really care about their loved ones, and in every possible way are trying to achieve reciprocity in feelings.

A wise man once said that you can be the most beautiful person in the world, but if your personality is not beautiful, you cannot count on true sympathy.

You shouldn't only think about intimate relationships when trying to win her heart.

It doesn't matter if you are still in the process of getting to know her, or you are already dating, but if you constantly talk about sex issues, trust me, you are not going to win her heart, but want something else.

Don't be mad at her if she doesn't want to get physical contact with you, even a few weeks after dating, it's not her fault! Remember what I said at the beginning, if you are trying to win her heart, then your attention should be focused on her heart, not her body.

She would rather you invite her to one of her favorite places.

Just because your friends take their girls to the park or to the movies doesn't mean you have to be like them.

Spend some time trying to find out her likes and dislikes. This is one of the most important things to do if you want to win her heart. This does not mean that you need to give her a questionnaire and ask her to fill it out. Just try to find out more about her preferences from day to day in your daily activities and conversations with you.

For example, if you were both planning for the day and learned through the conversation that she would rather visit a museum than go to the movies, why not visit a museum for her? You may not be too fond of such trips, but this act will impress her heart.

Tell her that she is beautiful!

The best compliment for a girl who has a 100 percent hit is to call her beautiful or lovely. All other compliments are just words. They don't have this effect.

Never compare her to your ex.

This can cause big problems in your relationship. You don't need to compare her to your previous friend, under any circumstances.

Just because your ex cheated on you, for example, doesn't mean your real girlfriend will do the same. Learn to trust her and accept her for who she is.

If she's really angry with you for some reason, don't yell at her by saying, "Oh, you're the same as my ex, that's why I broke up with her, etc." If you say things like that, she may end up saying goodbye to you forever.

Don't be overly jealous. She is not your slave!

A little jealousy is normal for a healthy relationship. But if you are jealous for any reason, you may end up losing her. Some men go to extremes and get angry because their girlfriend spends time with her cousin, about the same age as her. You will have to trust her, if she is cheating on you, then you should just move on.

Kiss her forehead.

This sweet touch will make her happy.

Some guys think forehead kissing is dry and boring, but trust me, girls love it.

Be kind and helpful to others.

Be helpful to others. If you see an old lady drop grocery bags in the middle of the street, do not look or laugh as others do, but go and help her.

In addition to making a great positive impression, it also makes others feel embarrassed.

Can you cook?

If you don't know how to cook, make her at least a simple sandwich.

Yes, dear men, cooking is not just for women. It shows her that you are different from all the other so-called bad guys who think that women are only made for kitchen and tidying ...

Don't break her trust

It's good to have female friends. But you don't need to blatantly flirt with other girls, in her presence or behind her back. Do you like it if she flirts with others? Girls will also be unpleasant if you do this.

Don't judge other girls

Before you say something really bad about a girl, think of her as a sister and ask yourself if you would say that about your sister. Judging other girls and spreading jokes about them with your friends may be fun for you, but all girls hate it. Your girlfriend will not see your personality from the best side with such behavior.

Do not cherish your ex.

Why are you going to waste another girl's time if you still haven't let go of your past love?

Even if your new girlfriend says she feels great seeing pictures or gifts from your ex, deep down she is sad, and she can certainly bring that up sooner or later as an argument.

You need to get rid of all memories of the past if you really want to win the heart of another girl.

Congratulate her on her birthday at 12 sharp

Whatever happens. ... ...

Even though she has 100 friends, she expects to hear from you. So make sure you do it! Girls love this moment of joy when their loved ones wonderfully wish them a happy birthday right at midnight. And if possible, you can even prepare a surprise for her. You could surprise her by buying something that she has wanted for a long time.

Allow her to spend time with her own friends.

You don't need to be an owner. Don't force her to spend time with you 24 hours a day, let her spend time with her friends and families. If she wants to spend this time with you, that is a different story, but otherwise, please do not forbid!

How can I win her heart if she already has a boyfriend?

Don't come up with excuses such as love is blind and so on. You can look for ways to win her heart, even if she already has a man, and if by chance you decide to make her your woman, how can you be sure that someone else is not looking for a way to win her when she is with you? It is even worse if she is already married and you are trying to win her heart. What do you think? Sorry if this upset you, but it's a fact.

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You will be confused a thousand times before you realize that she is the one. The choice is too great, but if you are the lucky one who could see his only one among the endless series of lips, hair and legs ... we advise you to act!

Playboy presents 6 simple tips to win over a woman.

1. The will to win

Shot from the movie "Transformers"

A girl, like you, can easily get lost in a whirlwind of faces and superficial acquaintances, not remember or simply not know about your existence. In such a situation, persistence will help you.

Wish her good morning and good night, after a hundred refusals, call her out on a date for the 101st time. It is important for women to know that it is she who is interesting to you: her smile, interests, manner of speaking. However, don't overuse: words and actions shouldn't look manic.

2. Instead of a thousand words

Women treat barren flowers with special contempt: those who promise mountains of gold, a million scarlet roses and other stars from the sky, but in reality will not pick up a cart of lilacs. I dare to quote observations from my own life.

One says, "I chose you." It means that it will disappear forever in a week. Second: "And we'll call our son Dima." Two weeks later, he doesn't answer calls and you lose interest. Third: "Shall we go to Europe?" After three weeks of dating, he blocks you on social networks.

Inevitably, you will remember the "bearded" anecdote about Cinderella: "He says that you are the love of his life, and forgets what you look like."

Love the action, not the conversation. We can chat with a friend, but the man wants to believe.

3. Scarlet flower

One of the hardest parts of dating is choosing gifts. The most important thing here is to remember some little thing from your conversations and then play it beautifully.

Is she talking about the cakes she loved as a child? Send her a confectionery treat straight to work. Says she's starting to forget English? Present Dickens in the original. There will be plenty of chances to please if you start to listen to her.

4. Feed-praise

So be it, I will reveal our main secret, for which I will most likely be expelled from the women's community forever. All women love to eat. They are very fond of. Moreover, absolutely everything, including reeds, phyto-babies and even beautiful princesses.

Invite her to take a gastronomic trip to restaurants in Moscow. It is not necessary to go to "Pushkin" or "Turandot". Fortunately, there are a lot of interesting places in the capital that will not cause much damage to your wallet. During dinner, topics for conversation will start by themselves, and there will be a chance to conquer her with your charm.

5. Praise-feed

A well-known axiom - women love with their ears, almost as much as they love to eat. But there are several nuances here. If you hear for the thousandth time that you have beautiful legs, you won't notice the next time.

Psychologists have proven that the more unusual the compliment, the better it will be remembered. Note her sense of style, accessories (these are all her jewelry), manicure (these are the polish on her hands), or her clutch (small envelope-shaped handbag). And on Friday night at the bar, you can compliment her ass, it will even be appropriate.

6. The effect of presence

Her car broke down, she was tired at work, her friend offended her - all these circumstances, oddly enough, will help you become closer. The ability to listen and hear is the trump card of all gentlemen. Personal support is more valuable, but if you are very busy, even a reassuring message will suffice. Everyone loves to be listened to, whatever one may say.