When to send a child to kindergarten? At what age is it better to send a child to a nursery and kindergarten: we determine the optimal age

Kindergarten is the place where the child acquires self-care and communication skills without parental supervision. Complete independence and the ability to negotiate are improved precisely in preschool institutions, unless, of course, the baby is ready enough for this, and the teacher supports the child.

To begin with, make sure that the kindergarten is convenient for you and meets the general requirements, this will help to avoid many problems. The most convenient option is considered close to home or work. However, before you go there, collect information about the kindergarten by visiting the city's Internet forum or interviewing friends. A preschool institution must inspire confidence, otherwise, a preschooler may suffer there. If, according to the reviews, the preschool institution suits you, visit it with your child. Check out the playrooms and bedrooms. Sometimes, kindergartens organize an open day, do not miss this chance to get to know the teachers and the rules better.

When to send your child to kindergarten

At what age is a child ready for kindergarten? Parents have different opinions on this matter, and different situations in families. Someone gives immediately after the second birthday due to urgent need, and someone at 3-4 years old. The most suitable age from the point of view of psychologists is from three to five years old, when a preschooler needs constant communication with peers. At the same time, he must possess certain skills, otherwise, adaptation will last long and painfully. A small person must be ready emotionally, be able to establish social connections and independently solve needs. Pay attention to the child's behavior on the playground - whether he shares (exchanges) toys, how he builds relationships. Is a preschooler able to enthusiastically play for 30 minutes without mother's attention.

A kindergarten-ready child has the following skills:

  • going to the toilet or potty
  • washes his hands
  • use utensils and cutlery correctly
  • dressing and undressing independently
  • resolves conflicts in a non-aggressive way
  • seeks to communicate.

Skills will allow you to feel confident, and the ability to communicate will help you start new friendships and avoid conflicts, and parents who sent their child to kindergarten will be calmer.

What is the best time of year to send your child to kindergarten?

Looking through the forums of parents, you can see the division of opinion. Each season has its own characteristics:

1. Give away in the summer

Advantages: few peers, fewer viral diseases.

Flaws: the kindergarten is closed for repairs or does not recruit newcomers at this time of the year, food poisoning and viral epidemics are possible.

2. Give in the fall

Advantages: the preschool institution opens its doors to everyone, there are many new children, which means it will be easier.

Flaws: frequent colds and SARS are possible, for some crumbs a large number of preschoolers becomes a source of stress.

3. Give away in winter

Advantages: preparing for the New Year holiday reduces stress. There are more peers in kindergarten than on the playground.

Flaws: frequent SARS, the need to take immunostimulants.

4. Give back in the spring

Advantages: the preschooler will be happy to communicate, as it was severely limited in the winter.

Flaws: the likelihood of colds, difficulties due to a sharp increase in peers.

In many cases, autumn is the most viable option. At this time, new groups are recruited, the kids are not lost in society, because in the summer there were a lot of children on the playgrounds. Immunity gets used to new conditions gradually.

How often a child will get sick in kindergarten does not depend on the season. There are cases when, during the summer epidemic, children fell ill in varying degrees of severity, and one baby received complications. The frequency of diseases depends on immunity, nutrition and the atmosphere in the family. Adaptation to kindergarten depends on the season, the attitude of parents to the baby, the general atmosphere within the family and the skills of the preschooler.

Almost all parents of toddlers sooner or later face the need to send their child to kindergarten. We have already talked about which kindergarten is better to send a child to on the pages of Popular Health www.site. But at the same time, only a few mothers and fathers approach this issue with maximum responsibility. Although kindergarten for the baby is the first experience of communicating with the vast world around, the first attempt to build some kind of relationship in the team and feel like a part of it. Therefore, before signing up for kindergarten, you should consider whether your baby is ripe for this. Let's clarify at what age to send a child to kindergarten?

There are several different points of view about when it is better to give the baby to kindergarten. At the same time, the opinions of psychologists and parents often differ.

When is the best time to send your child to kindergarten?

One to two years

Many mothers and fathers share their positive experience about placing the crumbs in kindergarten at an early age - literally from the age of one. Such small children, as practice shows, often get used to the garden much faster than, for example, three-year-olds. They are less likely to throw tantrums, and it is easier to make contact with the teacher. But at the same time, it is worth noting that such an early visit to kindergarten does not at all have a good effect on the psychological state of the baby. After all, for this age, it is natural to be with your mother, and not in the company of completely unfamiliar and unrelated children and adults.
At the same time, psychologists are often sure that an early visit to the garden can become a serious psychological trauma and permanently break the delicate bond between the child and parents.

On the other side of the barricade are educators who also argue that very young children should not visit the garden. Firstly, they are not at all interested in close communication with their peers, and secondly, most often they do not have any self-care and hygiene skills.
Yes, and parents need to remember that not one, even the best educator, will be able to keep one hundred percent behind the kids from the nursery group, comfort them like a mother, and take care of them like at home.

Therefore, at such an early age, giving the baby to the kindergarten is possible only as a last resort: when the mother cannot help but go to work, and there is simply no one to leave the child with.

Three to four years

Most children enter kindergarten at the age of three to four. Psychologists say that at this stage of life, the baby can already psychologically separate a little from the mother. A child who has received enough maternal attention and was not afraid of losing his mother will be able to adapt normally in the children's team.

From the point of view of parents, children from three years old are already much more active in manipulating mom and dad, and often try to reduce their stay in kindergarten, or even refuse to attend it. But, as practice shows, the correct moral preparation of the baby for kindergarten, and the right choice of a kindergarten and a teacher, helps to cope with this problem very quickly.

As for the opinion of educators, the age of three years is the ideal time to get acquainted with kindergarten. Indeed, at this stage of their lives, most children can already talk normally, explain their needs, in addition, they have the necessary self-service skills.

However, some children are psychologically unprepared to visit the garden even at the age of three or four. And the reason may lie in temperament.

Let's talk about baby's temperament

By knowing your child's temperament, you can figure out when is the best time to send him to kindergarten. In general, all children are conditionally divided into sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

Melancholics are distinguished by isolation, indecision and suspiciousness. They do not like to express pleasant emotions, and often look unhappy. These children tend to whine, whimper, and even scream. They demand attention to themselves, do not like changes in anything, they hardly learn new information and get tired quickly. Melancholics do not need a children's team, so it is best to send them to the garden at five or six years old, if possible.

Phlegmatic children sleep a lot, know how to play alone and rarely throw tantrums. They are distinguished by restraint and prudence, rarely show initiative and curiosity. These kids love quiet games and try to stay in the shadows. Phlegmatic people get used to the garden best in two or three years, when the team is still being formed.

Choleric babies are easily excited and cannot calm down for a long time. They love romps, often indulge and need spectators. Such children like to work for the public, they tend to provoke conflicts with peers and even with educators. They easily get used to new people, but they are aggressive in unforeseen situations. Cholerics easily grasp new information and forget it very quickly.

Such children perfectly join the children's team at the age of three or four. At the same time, at this stage of life, they can already be responsible for their actions, and have an idea of ​​certain norms of behavior.

As for sanguine people, they are the most suitable children for kindergartens. These kids are incredibly curious, they need new experiences and emotions. Sanguine people are interested in everything that surrounds them, perfectly converge with peers and instantly learn new information. At the same time, sanguine people are not vindictive, they quickly forget insults.
Such kids can be sent to kindergarten early enough, they will perfectly fit into the team.

Before sending a child to a kindergarten, it would not be superfluous to consult a psychologist regarding the readiness of a particular child for a team. Well, our conversation is almost over. Next time we will definitely talk about how to take a child to kindergarten for the first time without hysteria. See you on the pages of the site!

Socialization is an important process of becoming a person. For children, it starts in the family and continues among peers, first in kindergarten and then at school. Therefore, sooner or later, every parent faces the question: when to send their child to kindergarten. It should be said that there is no unambiguous opinion on this matter. However, there are a number of well-established principles that have been tested for decades, as well as advice from experienced pediatricians and teachers on this matter.

Rules for admission to kindergarten

Children should be able to play with peers

For new parents, especially if they have a first child, the issue of entering kindergarten causes a lot of talk and controversy. Starting from the optimal age for the first acquaintance with a preschool institution and ending with the necessary set of clothes for walking and sleeping.

The law on the admission of children to kindergartens stipulates that a baby can be sent to a nursery group from the age of nine months. The child does not require any skills and abilities. This rule has not changed since Soviet times, when the period of maternity leave was much shorter than at present. Therefore, now not many parents decide to give such crumbs to a nursery group. And in the nursery they start accepting babies from the age of two. At the same time, the child should already be able to ask for a potty.

For children who enter the younger group of kindergarten, the following requirements are imposed:

  • the ability to eat independently with a spoon;
  • fold the pyramid to reduce the volume of the rings;
  • collect elementary figures from cubes;
  • distinguish colors (desirable, but not a prerequisite).

For admission to a kindergarten (nursery), parents must write an application, submit a certificate of the child's health and collect the necessary set of things for the baby, a list of which can be found in the selected institution.

Readiness criteria

A child in kindergarten should have basic skills

Psychologists and teachers agree that in order for the beginning of education in kindergarten not to be stressful for the child, you need to carefully consider the criteria that determine the readiness of the baby to enter a preschool institution.

  1. The main recommendation for parents is the choice of the optimal age. It is better if it is before the crisis of three years or after it. However, as you know, the crisis manifests itself in all children individually: for someone at 2.5 years old, and for someone closer to 4 years old. Therefore, if possible, it is better to enter kindergarten from the age of 4. By this time, on the one hand, the baby will learn to be without a mother, and on the other hand, an important period of initial world knowledge will end, which occurs through close contact between mother and child.
  2. The kid should be able to speak and use his vocabulary to formulate thoughts or requests.
  3. In order for the adaptation in the peer group to be successful, the child must strive for contacts with other children.
  4. The child has developed basic everyday skills: he can dress himself with minimal help, eats with a spoon and uses the potty without any problems.

How to make adaptation easy and painless

A positive image of a kindergarten is the basis for successful adaptation

If you think that the child is ready for kindergarten, then it is important to take into account some factors that help to easily and quickly survive the adaptation period:

  • An important aspect of choosing the time of admission to kindergarten is the season. The best period is from July to August. At this time of the year, children's immunity is strengthened by the summer sun and vitamins, which means that many infections and viruses are not terrible. In addition, all training sessions begin in September, therefore, the child will have time to adapt to a new place, getting used to, which studies will only interfere with.
  • The kid needs to form a positive image of a preschool institution. To do this, show him pictures of children in kindergarten more often, talk with your child about how to have a good time with peers, how many new friends he will have.
  • Adjust the daily routine of the child to the kindergarten routine. So you will greatly facilitate the child getting used to the daily routine, discipline him.
  • Try to make the topic of kindergarten come up more often in your communication with neighbors and relatives - kids are very sensitive to adult conversations.
  • Teach your child to get ready for kindergarten in the evening, as you do by the next working day. Help the baby prepare clothes, choose a toy with which he will go to kindergarten. Put everything in a bag or bag. This habit will be useful in the subsequent school period.
  • Talk to the parents of those guys who your baby likes. This will help strengthen their friendship.
  • Be attentive to how the child perceives the teacher and teachers in kindergarten. If someone is frankly unsympathetic to the baby, it is better to change the group. Do not try to force a child to love someone - he does not have to do this.

A.S. Makarenko said: “The educator must behave in such a way that every movement educates him, and must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want. If the educator does not know this, whom can he educate?

One of the most exciting periods for young parents is when their baby has grown up and the moment has come for him to enter kindergarten. The baby will have to learn to find a language with peers and do without mom's help, become more independent. There is no universal answer to the question of when is the best time to go to the garden. All children are individual, each has its own “best” time to start visiting the garden. But at the first stage of preparation for the garden, you can determine whether the child is ready to adapt to new living conditions.

Early children: garden from 1.5 years

Preschool institutions accept pupils in nursery groups upon reaching the age of 1.5 years. A child can be admitted to a nursery and a year old, by agreement with the head.

A one and a half year old baby in a nursery will quickly learn self-care skills in a children's team. Children who go to nursery learn speech easily. Mothers who are worried that the child is in diapers and cannot live without a bottle / nipple will not recognize their baby in 1-2 months. At 1.5 years old, the child quickly gets used to discipline.

But when visiting a nursery, difficulties are not ruled out. A long separation from your mother can be the beginning of psychological problems. and a breakdown often arise not from the adaptation itself, but from the child's longing for his mother.

Important! Parting with your mother can turn into prolonged stress. If, after 3 months, when visiting the nursery, the child continuously breaks down into tears, parents should prioritize correctly, perhaps take a break and pick up the child from the garden.

Visiting the garden from 2-2.5 years

At this age, the child already has a need to communicate with children. It is already psychologically easier for a two-year-old baby to “say goodbye” to his mother. At the age of 2, it is easier for a child to accept the daily routine, and constant contact with peers will only be a joy.

At 2.5 years old, a child may have a problem if it is necessary to obey the teacher, i.e. a person previously unknown. The upcoming crisis of 3 years begins to gain momentum, the baby may oppose the established rules, “rebel” so that the parents stay with him.

On a note! To relieve the crumbs of the tension that has arisen when visiting the garden, the child must clearly know where you are going and why, be sure to tell the baby about your plans, so it will be easier for him to wait out the separation.

What is the best age to give?

To answer the question, from a psychological point of view, the most appropriate time is after 3 years. A three-year-old child will perceive less tragically the departure of a parent to work and stay in
garden; the ability to speak will help the baby to feel more freely in the team, he is disposed to communicate with children and the teacher.

But no matter how old the child is at the time of getting to know the preschool, this is a certain stress. The baby needs to be helped to adapt to a new status for him.

  • Develop your child's independence skills. The main recommendation is not to rush and encourage the child for every achievement. Required skills: hold a spoon, ask for a potty, be able to take off / put on shoes.
  • Autumn is the best time to enter the garden. Adaptation takes place simultaneously in the whole group, children quickly get used to each other. If you did not have time to get to the garden in autumn, then the best time to start visiting is spring. It is worth waiting out the winter period to avoid a wave of SARS.
  • Try organizing a routine at home, similar to what a child expects in the garden, a couple of months before the first visit. Getting used to and adapting will be much easier.

The age of the baby from one to one and a half years is the worst period in order to send the child to a nursery. Any, even short-term separation from mother is a tragedy for a little man. Even if a loving grandmother or a caring nanny stays with him, no one can replace his mother. Only the most extreme circumstances can explain going to nursery at this age.

Psychologists believe that sending a child to kindergarten at 1.5 years is too early. At this age, the bond between mother and baby is still very strong. The child painfully reacts both to the absence of the mother and to the approach of strangers to him.

At 2 years old, it is already a little easier for a child to get used to kindergarten. If he is active, he can eat on his own, go to the toilet, you can try to take him to the garden. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child. If the adaptation process is difficult, you should not insist on visiting the garden. Pressure on a child can negatively affect his ability to further establish contact with other people.

Children aged 3-4 years

By the age of three, the baby can already calmly endure the absence of his mother for some time. He has the necessary self-care skills, easily contacts with other children. It is this age that is most optimal for “going out”. At the age of three to four years, children begin to enjoy common games, learn to share toys, gradually move on to role-playing games, distributing roles among themselves. This is an invaluable communication experience.

At this age, a very small number of children can be called "non-kindergarten". With gradual accustoming to the kindergarten group, the child adapts well in an unfamiliar environment.

In a group of children, the child will quickly learn those skills that he has not yet learned. But the main "plus" in attending a kindergarten at this age is, as already noted, the acquisition of communication skills with peers and older people.

If for some reason the child did not attend kindergarten until the age of four, there is nothing to worry about. It's not too late to send a four-year-old baby to kindergarten. It is at this time that children get full pleasure from communicating and playing with their peers.

The child will not lag behind other children in anything without attending kindergarten. One thing is important - not to close the circle of his communication with mom, dad and relatives. You can expand the area of ​​communication with the help of various children's clubs, circles, schools of early development. It is not important at what age the child went to kindergarten. It is important how he reacts to this, how he knows how to build communication with peers and elders, how he adapts in society.