Who is burgundy lipstick suitable for? Matte burgundy lipsticks: an overview. Burgundy lipstick texture

In autumn, makeup with burgundy lipstick ceases to be a “go out” option - even casual looks are complemented with it. In clothes, the advantage is on the side of calm, restrained shades - against such a background, the accent on the lips does not look flashy to the point of vulgarity. On the contrary, it makes the image more stylish. Further in the material - more about how to create makeup with burgundy lipstick, taking into account the type of appearance and specific circumstances.

Who is burgundy lipstick suitable for?

To few people, burgundy lipstick categorically does not go. Except for those who have very thin lips. A dark color will narrow them even more, turning them literally into a "thread."

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Otherwise, there are no strict restrictions. Burgundy lipstick will suit both platinum blondes and girls with dark skin and dark hair. It is not so much the external features that are important, but the relevance of such a color in one case or another - whether it argues with other accents, whether the lipstick emphasizes any imperfections.

In the makeup itself with burgundy lipstick, a high-quality study of skin tone plays an important role. If there is redness, inflammation, peeling, the wine color on the lips will accentuate them. It also enhances the whiteness of the teeth, but if there is a slight yellowness in their shade, it will only become more noticeable.

Shades and types of burgundy lipstick

Burgundy lipsticks can be divided into groups according to several criteria.

By shade

This is the same cherry shade, only slightly darker. The red pigment in it is very noticeable, and therefore the color seems warm, evoking associations with hot mulled wine.


By texture

With this texture, the coating will appear soft and velvety, and the color will be even darker and "deep".

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Burgundy gloss is appropriate, perhaps, only in a luxurious evening look with the effect of wet hair and a satin black dress.

If there is a reason for such a reincarnation, use a tool like Ecstasy Lacquer in shade # 201 by Giorgio Armani .

© armanibeauty.com.ru

With shimmer

The fine shimmery particles, as well as the high-gloss gloss, give the burgundy lipstick a more festive look.

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But if the texture is translucent, like the shade Seismic from the Vice collection by Urban Decay, then you can "wear" it on weekdays.

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Burgundy Lipstick Makeup Ideas

Let's take a look at the looks that can be created with burgundy lipstick, taking into account the hair color.

Business makeup with burgundy lipstick for brunettes

Heading to the office with burgundy lipstick on your lips? To allow for this accent in a business look, choose a product with a creamy texture. And give up bright eye makeup. An acceptable option is thin black arrows, but it is better to do without them by simply applying mascara to your eyelashes.

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Even more attention than the eyes should be given to the eyebrows. Comb gently, "fill" with color for a thicker effect, and then gel with the gel. Expressive eyebrows will "balance" the dark shade on the lips, and also relieve the feeling that the eyes are left without makeup.

By the way, burgundy lipstick will look beautiful on brunettes who wear spectacular glasses (we have collected other makeup tips for those who wear glasses).

Romantic look with burgundy lipstick for blondes and fair-haired

A burgundy lip accent usually adds theatricality to an image. And blondes and light-haired with such lipstick and completely become too fatal.

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To prevent this from happening, apply lipstick not in a dense layer, but in a translucent one, and only in the middle of the lips. Do this with your fingertips. You should end up with a subtle ombre effect like in our tutorial video.

Emphasize the cheekbones with pink blush, apply pink shadows with a light shimmer on the eyelids, and “comb” the eyelashes sideways with a brush with mascara - the look will become “feline”, and the image will acquire a romantic tone.

Evening makeup with burgundy lipstick for redheads

It is worth at least a little "overdoing" with color - and the makeup will become defiant. If your hair is red, adding more than one accent to the make-up is contraindicated - even in an evening look, burgundy lipstick alone will be enough.

Use a highlighter to add highlights to the Cupid's Arch. Place the same in the center of the eyelids, and then tint the eyelashes with mascara - and you are ready to go.

Wedding makeup with burgundy lipstick

Burgundy lipstick can expressively complement an image with a very restrained, closed and minimalist dress in design. If you have chosen such a color for wedding makeup, then it should be the only accent in it. How to properly paint your lips with bright lipstick, we talked about.

To make the make-up look "clean", even out the tone properly. Correct, but without fanaticism - dark shadows under the cheekbones will deprive the bridal makeup of lightness. Better to use strobing techniques and "lighten" the skin. You can learn how to achieve the desired effect of radiant and smooth skin in this case. And don't forget to wear blush, otherwise the burgundy lipstick will turn the look into a gothic look.

Do you often do makeup with burgundy lipstick? Write a comment.

A cosmetic product that can radically change a woman's appearance, adding luxury and elegance to her, is a burgundy lipstick. The classic red color is undergoing another crisis today. In the summer, it was replaced by orange shades, in the fall of which year, the trend is burgundy, which is able to create the most extravagant image.

But there are some rules that should be taken into account because different shades of burgundy lipstick are not suitable for every woman.

Who is burgundy lipstick for?

  • For women with flawless skin, which means the presence of an even tone, the absence of any rashes, redness, age spots on the skin, since such a lipstick will only emphasize such flaws.
  • Owners of perfectly white teeth they can safely use burgundy matte lipstick, but in the presence of the slightest yellowness, burgundy lipstick will emphasize it even more.
  • Dark burgundy lipstick will highlight medium and full lips... Owners of thin lips are better off avoiding such shades, as they visually make the lips even thinner and smaller.
  • Perfect burgundy lipstick for brunettes that have fair skin.
  • Burgundy lipstick is very suitable for blondes... Facial features become more expressive. But women with a different hair color do not need to be upset, since there are many shades of burgundy and each one can choose a suitable one for herself.
  • Burgundy lipstick in morning or afternoon makeup must be used very carefully: You can use an exceptionally transparent lipstick or a light gloss. A rich color is appropriate for evening makeup and on the occasion of any celebrations.

Perfect makeup with burgundy lipstick

Following these tips will help you get the most out of your use:
  1. Use of tone. It is imperative to even out the tone of the face and mask the defects, using a foundation for this.
  2. Lip care. The lips should be in perfect condition. To do this, using a scrub, you should remove peeling and moisturize your lips with a special balm.
  3. A contour pencil to help. The use of a contour pencil is recommended. It should match the natural color of the lips, you can also use a colorless wax pencil.
  4. Correct eye makeup. A strong accent on the eyes should be avoided - black thick eyeliner, arrows and rich shadows in dark shades. For burgundy matte lipstick, translucent beige, light brown or light terracotta shadows are best suited. If you are using a dark burgundy lipstick with shine, you can apply a light-textured pearlescent shadow to the eyelids.
  5. Making eyebrows. The fact that you should not do too much eye makeup does not mean that lips should be the only bright spot on the face. It is important to pay due attention to the eyebrows and eyelashes: with shadows or a pencil, you should emphasize the natural curve of the eyebrows, and paint over the eyelashes with mascara.

Shades of burgundy lipstick

There is a huge palette of burgundy lipsticks, the choice of shade depends on the woman's courage and willingness to experiment.

Adherents of a more conservative style should opt for a dark burgundy cherry lipstick. If we are talking about creating an extravagant look, a cherry shade is suitable, which gives the make-up nobility and "high cost". The most daring can easily transform into a vamp woman with the help of the darkest shades that are close to black.

Current application technique

Contour has always been a constant companion of dark lipsticks. This is due to its ability to make it easier to apply lipstick to the lips. In addition, with the contour, the lip makeup has a complete look, and the lipstick, in turn, looks neat. But new fashion trends allow you to deviate from previously defined rules.

Today you can give up the pencil. After applying lipstick to the lips, it is necessary to make patting movements along the contour of the lips, while it will have a fuzzy, blurred silhouette. A state of slight negligence will give the lips the look they have after a kiss, which is considered the most current trend and adds sexuality to the owner of such a makeup. But this effect will not work if the burgundy lipstick is too dark, you can get a dirty spot on the face, which will create the completely opposite effect.

There is a misconception that dark lipstick shades can add drama and even some gloom to an image. The correct choice of shade and the correct technique for applying the cosmetic will help to avoid this. Makeup using burgundy lipstick recalls the style popular in Hollywood at the beginning of the 20th century. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Burgundy lipstick is a bold decision in an extravagant make-up. A bright seductive shade will turn an ordinary girl into a gorgeous lady. Intense dramatic color is combined in tint contrasts of the make-up.

Dark lipstick has advantages and disadvantages to use.

Bordeaux will help create an evening look.

A dark palette would be inappropriate for a day walk or going to work, for a wedding style. It will accentuate the pale complexion. Everyday makeup with burgundy lipstick suggests a transparent shine in an unsaturated burgundy shade (Marsala).

How to find the perfect burgundy makeup

To find the right makeup for a girl, you need to find out the color type of her skin. There are four hair colors: blonde, brown-haired, brunette, red. Let's consider these tones in more detail.

  • Blondes.

A blonde or fair-haired girl with light blue and light green eyes. A bright cherry, red-brown shade is suitable for the summer color type. For the day, it is better to use a light burgundy color, the image will not be vulgar and catchy.

Spring color type includes light brown hair with a warm skin tone with blush on the cheeks. Turquoise or cornflower blue eyes look great if you apply light burgundy tones (coral, terracotta) to your lips. For owners of the "spring" type of appearance, exclude the dark burgundy color of lipstick in order to avoid a vulgar look.

  • Brown-haired women.

Brown-haired - hair of a dark tone, eyes are brown, cold blue. This is the type of oriental woman, implying a bright glossy burgundy tone. The main condition is a flawless smile, full lips and an even skin texture without flaws. The result is a luscious and rich makeup.

  • Brunettes.

The brunette has dark curls with a copper tint, a purple tone of a pale face. The eyes are of a pronounced cold gray color. A brunette can afford to wear a bold make-up. You can choose a dress in bright colors. A deep burgundy color will emphasize the expressiveness and extravagance of the image.

  • Redheads.

Red hair color implies the presence of freckles on the white skin. For this type of girl, it is inappropriate to choose shades that are radically different from the tone of the hair. Dark burgundy matte lipstick will become vulgar in the image of a red-haired girl. For daytime use a light matte finish, and leave the tart burgundy for the evening.

Application rules

Makeup artists offer several step-by-step rules:

  1. Emphasis on the lips. It is necessary to abandon the pronounced arrows, eyeliners, preferring transparent flesh-colored shadows and black mascara.
  2. For bright makeup, apply a small amount of mother-of-pearl to the upper eyelid. Add sheer lip gloss.
  3. Use a contour pencil - a tool that gives exciting curves and hides irregularities.
  4. Clean the surface of the lips with a scrub or homemade product. Sugar is applied to the lips, passed with light massage movements, the remains are washed off with warm water.
  5. After you need to moisturize the skin with a balm. That will make microcracks invisible.
  6. Foundation will help to quickly align the contour. Apply with patting movements the tone, then lipstick. Several layers of makeup will add richness to your makeup.

When creating a make-up, it is important to take into account the woman's age. A young lady with fresh skin will look awful with an intensely dark lipstick. A lady in years looks unprofitable with a frivolous tint on her lips, emphasizing wrinkles.

Review of the best manufacturers

The manufacturer of decorative cosmetics offers a variety of palettes that include bright colors. MAS cosmetics presented to the attention of lovers of the bright tone of Chile, the light one - Keprishaus.

According to reviews on the "Cosmetist" virtual portal, the best cosmetic brand is Loreal Paris. She released an exclusive collectible set of four decorative lipsticks in a bright red palette. Funds lie flat along the contour, moisturize, mask skin imperfections.

The cosmetics of the famous brands Maybeline, Lumenet, Yves Rocher, Coco Chanel have pure red shades in their arsenal. The price category varies within different limits. Any woman can find a color scheme, regardless of income. It is enough to define your color type and the reason for which you need to look perfect.

Bordeaux lipstick will add a touch of drama, sophistication, saturation, brightness to the image. A cosmetic attribute will make an ordinary girl into a real gorgeous woman who knows what she wants from life.

As you know, to create a harmonious makeup, you need to focus on either the eyes or the lips. And today we will discuss the second option - lip makeup. And we'll talk about such a lipstick color as burgundy.

A muted burgundy color is the trend of 2015. He makes a woman more seductive, attractive. As for what kind of appearance it suits, then a similar shade looks perfect on the lips of fair-skinned brunettes. But if you correctly place the accent and choose an excellent cosmetic product, then both blondes and red-haired beauties can use this color.

Features of using burgundy tone

As you can imagine, such a tone can give your image elegance and originality, and radically change your appearance.

But before adopting such a shade, you should pay attention to the following features of its use:

  1. Facial skin should have an even tone. The presence of deep pores, pimples and other signs of problem skin is also unacceptable. In this case, the fact is that such a color significantly sets off your skin. And all even the smallest flaws become more noticeable;
  2. The teeth should be healthy, beautiful and white. If your teeth are naturally yellowish, then you should pay attention to other shades of the cosmetic;
  3. If you have thin lips, then using such a shade is strictly prohibited. The fact is that thanks to him, the lips will visually become even narrower. And it looks rather strange and inharmonious;
  4. Such lipstick is preferable to fair-skinned girls, tanned women of fashion should refuse it.

It is also worth remembering that burgundy lipstick is absolutely not suitable for creating daytime makeup, since in this case your skin will look rather pale. But for going to evening events, such a make-up is quite successful.

Makeup with burgundy lipstick: rules for creating

First of all, it is worth remembering that this color is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, the best solution would be to contact a specialist in a cosmetic store. They will help you choose the right shade, using which you can choose the right makeup.

And if you have already determined that this color suits you, then you need to follow several rules for applying makeup:

  1. First of all, you should give up all kinds of eyeliners, arrows. Optimal
    an option is to choose a lighter shade of eyeshadow and apply a small amount of mascara to the lashes. This rule is due to the fact that in this case it is necessary to focus only on the lips;
  2. In makeup, matte burgundy lipstick goes well with translucent flesh or brown shades;
  3. If you want a more luminous look, you can apply a small amount of pearlescent shadows to the upper eyelid. But in this case, it is recommended to use a lipstick with gloss;
  4. It works great with the use of a similar cosmetic product and evening make-up. By the way, this is the only option in which you can focus on both the eyes and lips. But at the same time, it is still recommended to remember about the measure. Otherwise, the makeup may turn out to be too flashy and vulgar;
  5. Also, do not forget that when applying burgundy shades to the lips, the use of a pencil is mandatory. Here the fact is that dark shades emphasize all the irregularities of the contour. And to avoid this, we recommend that you use a pencil. With its help, you can not only make the contour smoother, but also correct the shape of the lips.

It is also worth saying a few words about who suits the burgundy lipstick the most. Girls with fair hair and skin should be careful with it. In this case, a soft pink or light red would be more appropriate. But for owners of a slightly darker complexion, burgundy lipstick will fit perfectly.

Now for the application itself. First of all, be sure to use a contour pencil. This is due to the fact that you need to apply several layers of lipstick to create the perfect lip shade. And if the contour is not drawn with a cosmetic pencil, then it may float a little. Which will definitely ruin your appearance.

As for the skin of the face, the dark burgundy shades of lipstick provide for the absence of any imperfections. So before applying it, be sure to use foundation or powder in order to make the complexion more even.

Attention! Make sure that the skin does not become oily and shiny. Indeed, in this case, your appearance will definitely be poor. If there is such a problem, then a few weeks before using this shade, you should start using special cosmetics that will gradually make your skin matte.

By the way, with regard to age restrictions, this color is not recommended for women over fifty. The problem in this case is the fact that such rich shades emphasize all wrinkles, and you will look several years older than you really are.

In order for this kind of makeup to look great, you should adhere to some rules. First of all, be sure to take care of your face skin. For example, it is imperative to make special masks for the skin. This will minimize the likelihood of the appearance of expression lines at a young age. And for leveling, as we already said, you should use powder and special foundations.

Do not forget about the skin of the lips. Before applying maroon tones, you should definitely clean your lips with a special scrub and moisturize them with balm. And only after carrying out such procedures can you apply lipstick to your lips.

Attention! If you do not have any special lip scrub at hand, then you can use folk methods for removing keratinized skin. And here's one: take some sugar and a regular toothbrush.

First, wash your lips with a regular oily balm and massage gently with a soft toothbrush. After that, we put a few sugar crystals on the lips and once again gently massage the skin, but not with a brush, but with your finger. Then rinse off the product with plain warm water.

By the way, if you are unhappy with the color saturation of your makeup, then you can correct this misunderstanding with the help of a regular foundation. All you have to do is apply it on your lips in a thin layer. And on top we apply lipstick.

Quite popular this season is burgundy lipstick, which is suitable for absolutely all girls. This is due to the fact that the burgundy color has a large number of shades that can embellish the image and even transform it beyond recognition. Today, let's look together at a photo of makeup options with burgundy lipstick, which is intended exclusively for fatal seducers and real beauties, which are our readers.

Stylists note that burgundy lipstick is a very convenient tool for creating, for example, evening make-up. This is because it is she who can add a special zest to the image, which rivals simply cannot repeat. So, for example, she simply perfectly shapes the shape of the lips, thereby giving the make-up some harmony. But, it is worth noting that two main types of burgundy lipstick are popular this season, which we will talk about further and see each of them in the photo presented below.

So, this season, matte burgundy lipstick, which is offered to us by many cosmetic companies, is simply very popular. But, let's see if she can suit everyone and how exactly to do the right makeup with such a tool. In order not to be unfounded, we suggest looking at the photo of a matte burgundy lipstick below.

In fact, matte lipstick, in almost any color, is not suitable for all girls. So, for example, she may not suit a lady with unkempt and problem skin. All because it perfectly emphasizes every pimple and blemish of the face. In addition, it is worth noting that the skin on the neck and open parts of the body must also be just perfect, otherwise the makeup will look just ridiculous.

Also, let's say right away that matte burgundy lipstick does not look particularly good on dark-skinned girls. That's because if you use a burgundy color with such a skin tone, then the lips will simply turn out to be blue, as if the girl had just come out of cold water. But, there is a way out: you can carefully think over your makeup and add lipstick in soft shades of red or burgundy to it. Be sure, this is how the face will acquire completely new colors. To be convinced of this, look at the photo below, where the correct makeup is presented with a matte burgundy lipstick in light shades.

By the way, burgundy lipstick looks great if you use it not as a means for everyday makeup, but to create an evening look. That's because dark colors are more in harmony with fine outfits, and with regular jeans, they can look ridiculous. In addition, we note that a dark shade of burgundy can give a special personality to young brunettes and blondes, and on redheads it will look just magical, as in the photo below.

In addition to maroon lipstick in fashion and bright glossy tones, they can help if a girl wants to visually correct the shape of her lips or add volume. So, for such cases, stylists recommend using a special eyeliner pencil, which should also be burgundy.

Quite often, in order to make lips plump and at the same time very attractive and sensual, girls pay attention to burgundy lipstick in dark shades. It is with this tool that you can create a very interesting makeup, for example, such as can be seen in the photo below.

In order for the makeup to be more balanced, harmonious and everyday, you should not refuse to use burgundy lipstick, because it can even help with this. One has only to remember that here you should know that if you decide to emphasize your lips, then you should not make your eyes too bright. This option is only appropriate if you decide to attend a party or club.

In the photos below you can see a wide variety of makeup options with burgundy lipstick from the darkest to lightest shades. Feel free to get acquainted with them, maybe you will find something of your own!