Synopsis of the lesson on aesthetic education on the topic: "Culture and us". Extra-curricular aesthetic education event "What is beauty


classes on aesthetic education of children

educator GU TO SRTSN No. 4

Glazunkova M.Yu.

Theme: "Culture and us"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​a cultured person.


    Introduce children toculture of speech, appearance, culture of behavior person.

    To form in the child the need for a culture of behavior.

    Adjust communication skills and appearance.

    Develop speech, activate the vocabulary of children, pdevelop logical thinking.

    Correct fine motor skills.

Material : mirror.

Preliminary work: watching your emotions and expressions in the mirror

face, appearance.

The course of the lesson.

I ... Introductory conversation.

Educator. Children! Today we will talk about the culture of people. You have heard more than once how someone said: “This is a cultured person!”, Or regretted: “What a pity that this person is uncultured”.

Who do you think is called a cultured person?

(Answers of children).

Educator. Human culture manifests itself in all spheres of life: in communication, on the street, at home and at a party, in public transport, in public places, etc. A cultured person is distinguished by such traits as a culture of speech, appearance, culture of behavior, etc.

As the great Russian writer A.P. Chekhov: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts."

II ... Conversation about the traits of a cultured person.

1. Conversation about the culture of speech.

Educator. During communication, two forms of address are used: "you" and "you". The form of address "you" speaks of a closer relationship with a person. Those who, in the heat of a quarrel, switch from "you" to "you", trying thereby to humiliate the enemy, only demonstrate their lack of restraint and bad manners. Many quite rightly believe that acquaintance is not enough to switch to "you", special friendliness and cordiality are needed. The basic rule: the transition to "you" can be offered by the elder to the younger. Between a man and a woman, this rule is conditional. It is a woman's right to allow “you” to be said. A young man may ask close elders to say "you" to him, while he himself continues to say "you" to them.

There are many pupils and educators in our Center. How do you refer to caregivers and why?

(Answers of children).

Educator. A cultured person also manifests himself during conversations: no matter how bored he is, he must have enough patience to listen to the end of the thought or story of the interlocutor. If you have not heard any question, then you should not ask "what?" or "huh?"

You should not start an argument in defense of your opinion. Younger people should avoid arguing with their elders. In turn, the elders should let the younger ones speak and not interrupt them.

What will you do if you do not hear the request or question of the teacher?

(Answers of children).

2. Conversation about the appearance of a person.

Educator. A cultured person is also distinguished by his appearance (or appearance). And what is it?

(Answers of children).

Educator. Science dealt with these issues and found out that the concept of appearance includes 3 groups of elements.

The first group is the physical appearance (forms and features of the face, proportions of the figure, color of skin, hair, eyes) - everything that is given to a person by nature.

The second group - functional signs (movements, postures, gestures, facial expressions, voice intonation) - that is manifested in action.

The third group is the design of appearance (clothes, hairstyle, make-up) - i.e. the work of our hands and our taste.

A person gets a physical appearance from birth and most people have normal physical data. In nature, there are thin or fat, short or tall, etc. By doing physical education and sports, the physical appearance can be improved. And if a person is born with a physical disability or gets it due to illness, injury, then medicine helps. Man creates himself and his appearance by himself. As the French proverb says: "There are no ugly people, there are lazy people."

Suppose a person is naturally good in shape. But he does not stand like a mannequin, but moves all the time - changes positions. They are as important as physical appearance. It is pleasant to look at a person who has an even posture, does not gesticulate with his hands during a conversation, smiles, does not raise his voice unnecessarily.

It is also pleasant to look at a person dressed with taste. It is not for nothing that they say that "They meet by their clothes ...". A person's clothing should be comfortable: not impede movement, not interfere with work or play, be appropriate for age, be clean, tidy and beautiful. We must not forget about the cleanliness of the body and the neatness of the hairstyle.

3. Conversation about the culture of behavior.

Educator. Also, a cultured person is distinguished by his behavior in various places and in any situations. It must always be remembered that a person does not live in the world alone, he is surrounded by other people. We need to try to make it easy and pleasant for them to live nearby. When leaving your home, remember how to behave when crossing the street, in public transport and in public places. Remember to be friendly hosts and cultured guests.

III ... Game "Correct the flaws in appearance."

Educator. Look closely at each other and find flaws in your friend's appearance. What needs to be done to fix them?

Now take a close look at yourself in the mirror. Did you like how your appearance has changed?

(Answers of children).

IV ... Reflection

Educator. Now let's remember the rules of conduct. But first, guess the riddles.

Three eyes - three orders, red is the most dangerous ( traffic lights ).

This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels ( bike ).

Educator. What light do you need to cross the street to?

Where can you ride a bike?

(Answers of children).


From home it starts, near the house and ends ( road ).

What a miracle - the yellow house, there are many children in it.

Wears rubber shoes and feeds on gasoline ( bus ).
Educator. How should you cross the carriageway?

How to behave on the bus?

(Answers of children).


I don't eat myself, but I feed people ( spoon ).

I walk-wander not through the forests, but through my mustache and hair,

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears ( comb ).

Educator. What kind of spoons do you know and what are they for?

Can everyone use one comb? Why?

(Answers of children).


What is the difference between a cultured person and a non-cultured one?

What does the concept of "a person's appearance" include?

(Answers of children).

Synopsis of extracurricular activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction "Rainbow of Creativity".

Topic of the lesson. Winter's Tale. Folding of paper (origami) figures of animals.


perform collective work in the origami technique;

to consolidate the skills and abilities of working with paper;

learn to use the schemes;

teach to work independently in groups;

develop imagination, thinking, memory;

broaden the horizons of students;

to educate an economical, careful attitude to paper.



Continue acquaintance with drawings - diagrams;

Expand and deepen children's knowledge of the art of origami;

Enrich students' subjective experiences of the environment.


Develop cognitive activity, the ability to observe, compare, express your opinion;

On the basis of identifying the individual characteristics of students, develop individuality, individual abilities, and creative activity.


To foster a respect for nature;

Contribute to the education of the communicative orientation of the individual.

Aesthetic education.

The work is aimed at forming:

Personal UUD: expressions of interest when working with paper, to crafts from it.

Regulatory UUD: step-by-step execution of the task; making appropriate changes in the results of their activities under the guidance of a teacher.

Cognitive UUD: highlighting general principles; understanding the symbols of the models shown in the diagrams.

Communicative UUD: ideas about the rules of communication in groups; the ability to adequately perceive a different opinion and position.

The course of the lesson.

    Organizational moment.

    Safety precautions when working with scissors.

Remember! Scissors are a tool, not a toy.


a) From the history of origami.

Once upon a time, there was a sheet of paper. There were no special machines yet, and it was hand-made by Chinese craftsmen. The leaf was terribly expensive and very beautiful. Then he had many brothers and sisters. They began to write on paper, they made money from it. The craftsmen did not tell anyone how paper is made. Much time passed, and one of the masters nevertheless revealed the secret. So paper from China moved to Japan. And the Japanese masters began to make it even better, larger and more beautiful than the Chinese.

And now, finally, from small square pieces of paper, they began to fold a variety of figures: butterflies, cranes, flowers, boxes and much, much more. People competed with each other, coming up with new figures. This is how paper folding became an art and came to be called the Japanese word ORIGAMI.

Origami is the art of folding paper into intricate figures, literally translated from Japanese "origami" means "folded from paper." Origami is a magical land where everyone will find a model to their liking.

b) Folding schemes.

The figurines were brought to other countries, and their inhabitants were also happy to repeat the already known ones and made more and more new toys. It was difficult to remember the order in which many toys were folded, so they tried to write it down. But after all, people from different countries do not speak the same language, so everyone could not read the records. This is how a new language appeared - the LANGUAGE OF ICONS. It was invented by a Japanese man named Akira Yoshizawa. With the help of these icons, understandable to everyone, it was possible to write down the entire path of a piece of paper from a square to a figure on simple diagrammatic drawings. We are also learning to read origami diagrams in order to make interesting folding toys.

    Checking readiness for the lesson.

Check your workplace before work. You should have on your tables: colored paper, scissors, glue, a piece of double tape, square templates, a simple pencil.

5. Fairy tale.

- There lived Polyanka in a fairy forest. Quiet in the winter forest, sad, boring, everything is asleep.

The Snow Queen fell asleep with snow, the sisters: Blizzard and Blizzard puffed up the snowdrifts. Father Frost bound the rivers with ice. Mother Winter dressed all the trees in white fur coats and hats.

The meadow lay under a warm snow blanket and recalled the summer, when it was fun, noisy, all the animals loved to gather on this Polyanka to run, jump, play.

Polyanka wondered how to do it in order to collect the animals again, to have some fun? Where can you find them now? Polyanka was bored, sad.

- Come on guys, help her! Let's put up a Christmas tree and collect animals!

6. Preparation for practical work.

We will work in groups. Each group collects a certain figure, and which one, we learn from the riddles.

* You will always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

It is prickly like a hedgehog

In the winter in a summer dress. (spruce)

    Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dries mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

    He looks like a shepherd dog.

Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs with his jaws bared,

The sheep is ready to attack. (Wolf)

    Not a lamb and not a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare)

    Look at what -

Everything burns like gold.

He walks in a fur coat dear

The tail is fluffy and large.


    Who lives in a deaf forest

Clumsy, clubfoot?

In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw.


7. Practical work.

You have received the schemes according to which you will fold your figures. Remember to fold carefully and neatly. If you have any questions, raise your hand, I will help. Let's get to work.

8. Drawing up a picture.

9. Summing up.

Aesthetic education is one of the areas of pedagogy, the main goal of which is to teach a person to understand and appreciate beauty. Depending on the age of the child, various methods of moral and artistic development of the personality can be used.

Outstanding Russian playwright A.P. Chekhov said: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts." If you look at this statement from the point of view of pedagogy, then such a state of all-embracing beauty is the result of successful aesthetic education.


The word "aesthetics" in translation from ancient Greek means "sensory perception" and is a teaching about the external form and internal content of beauty in nature, social life, and the inner world of man.

Aesthetic education is the development in a person of the ability to perceive, appreciate, analyze and create beauty in everyday life and art.

It should be clarified here that the concept of “beautiful” in the context of the artistic formation of a personality does not coincide with the meaning of the words “beauty, beautiful”. The latter is rather a description of the external form, which depends on a specific historical era, and can change.

“Beauty” is independent of time and includes such concepts as harmony, humanism, perfection, sublimity, spirituality.

Targets and goals

The main goal of aesthetic education is to nurture an aesthetic culture in a person, which includes the following components:

  1. Perception Is the ability to see beauty in any of its manifestations: in nature, art, interpersonal relationships.
  2. The senses- an emotional assessment of beauty.
  3. Needs- the desire and need to receive aesthetic experiences through contemplation, analysis and the creation of beauty.
  4. Flavors- the ability to evaluate and analyze the manifestations of the surrounding world from the point of view of compliance with its aesthetic ideals.
  5. Ideals- personal ideas about beauty in nature, man, art.

The tasks are:

  • the formation of a harmonious personality;
  • development in a person of the ability to see and appreciate beauty;
  • laying down the ideals of beauty and developing aesthetic tastes;
  • stimulation to the development of creativity.


Means of familiarizing with beauty are:

  • fine arts (painting, sculpture);
  • drama (theater);
  • architecture;
  • literature;
  • television, media;
  • music of various genres;
  • nature.

The methods include:

  • personal example;
  • conversations;
  • school lessons and classes in kindergarten, circles, studios;
  • excursions;
  • visiting theaters, exhibitions, museums, festivals;
  • matinees and evenings at school and preschool educational institutions.

The most effective of all methods is the personal example of the teacher (parent). Through it, that ideal is formed, which then forms the basis of the entire artistic consciousness. Personal example includes: demeanor, communication, appearance and moral qualities.

Aesthetic education

Aesthetic education is not only a task for educators and teachers. It is an ongoing process that begins in the family and is continued by educators.

In family

  • personal example of parents;
  • singing songs and lullabies;
  • Painting;
  • reading books, telling fairy tales;
  • conversations;
  • aesthetics of everyday life.

As mentioned, the most important method here is the parent's example. Popular wisdom emphasized this with the proverb "An apple falls not far from an apple tree."

The first thing a child sees in a family is mom and dad. They are his first aesthetic ideals. There are no trifles in this matter, the appearance of the parents, and their manner of communication, conversation, and family criteria of the beautiful and ugly are important.

Family aesthetic education consists of many components:

  1. Neatly dressed family members, an atmosphere of mutual respect, sincere emotions, the ability to express one's feelings in words, the presence of discipline and rules of behavior - these are the foundations on which the correct aesthetic consciousness of a child is built.
  2. Developing musical taste begins with singing lullabies, nursery rhymes, children's songs, both separately by the mother and together with the child.
  3. Ability to appreciate works of art, drawing develops a craving for creation. The use of various techniques: pencil, gouache, watercolor, felt-tip pens, pencils, helps the child to get acquainted with colors, their combinations, develops the ability to see form and content.
  4. Reading of books, telling fairy tales helps the child to master all the richness of the native language, to learn to use the word as a tool for expressing emotions.
  5. Conversations are necessary for answering the questions of the child that arise during the cognition of the surrounding world. They help to learn to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly, harmony from chaos, the sublime from the base.
  6. Life aesthetics includes the design of the children's room, the general design of the living space: paintings on the walls, fresh flowers, order, cleanliness. All this from early childhood forms in the child an inner feeling of beauty, which will then find its expression in the aesthetic consciousness.

At school

Although the founder of the teachers K.D. Ushinsky wrote that every school subject contains aesthetic elements, nevertheless, the lessons have the greatest influence on the development of students' aesthetic tastes:

  • Russian language and literature... They acquaint children with the treasury of native speech, helping to master the word, learn to appreciate and analyze the works of world classics.
  • Music... Music and singing develop voice and hearing. In addition, the theoretical foundations of music studied in the classroom teach children to correctly evaluate any piece of music from an aesthetic point of view.
  • Drawing(lessons of fine arts). Drawing contributes to the development of artistic taste. Studying the works of the classics of world painting, sculpture in fine arts lessons forms in children the ability to see beauty in its most diverse expressions.

Library activities

The library has always been associated with a treasury of knowledge. This respect for books can be used for the aesthetic education of primary and secondary school students.

Among the events held in the library are:

  • introductory conversations about the value of books, respect for them;
  • thematic book exhibitions devoted, for example, to old books, literature about war, environmental protection;
  • bring a friend days to encourage children to sign up for the library;
  • literary and poetry evenings dedicated to the work of a particular writer or poet, with acquaintance with his biography, outstanding works, reading excerpts from them or reciting poetry by heart.

Public lesson

An open lesson differs from the usual one in that the teaching methodology of the teacher (teacher) in the classroom can be seen and adopted by his colleagues. Since only teachers with a high level of scientific and methodological training, using original teaching methods, have the right to give open lessons.

This type of educational process can be used as a means of transferring positive experience in the aesthetic education of students. Of particular value are open lessons in arts and crafts (drawing, labor), music, Russian language and literature.


As well as at the family level, the format of the conversation in the learning process at school is an integral part of the formation of the artistic consciousness of students.

They can be carried out in the form:

  • class hours;
  • free lessons.

The teacher can use the class hour not only for organizational work with children, but also as an instrument of aesthetic education. For example, timed to coincide with the birthday of the writer, poet, composer or the International Day of Music (museums).

Free lessons are lessons that are devoted to the discussion of a particular work (literature lesson), events (history lesson, social studies). At the same time, the teacher not only encourages the students to discussion, but also directs the thoughts of the children himself, gently forming the correct idea.

Recommendations for the moral and artistic development of personality

The methods differ depending on the age of the children.

Preschool children

Principles include:

  • creating aesthetics of the environment;
  • independent artistic activity;
  • classes with a teacher.

The aesthetics of the environment in the preschool educational institution includes:

  • color scheme for game rooms and classrooms;
  • the use of living plants;
  • decoration of furniture, visual aids;
  • maintaining order, cleanliness.

Independent artistic activity should be realized in the form of free creativity lessons. On them, the child has the opportunity to perform tasks, guided only by his own idea. This form of work develops imagination, stimulates visual memory, teaches to evaluate the final result.

Classes with a tutor are aimed at the formation of aesthetic taste, ideals and criteria for evaluating beauty under the guidance of a mentor.

Younger schoolchildren

Since the student already has to analyze and build logical-semantic chains, this must be used in the aesthetic education of children of this age group.

The main methods of work on aesthetic education with primary school students are:

  • school lessons;
  • cool hours;
  • themed matinees and evenings;
  • excursions to the park, local history museum;
  • drawing and singing contests;
  • creative homework.

High school teenagers

Aesthetic education at this age is the most difficult for any teacher, since the child has already formed the basic ideals and criteria by this moment.

Working with this group of children should include the following methods:

  • open lessons;
  • conversations, discussions;
  • class hour;
  • excursions to fine art museums;
  • visiting theaters (opera, drama), philharmonic society;
  • attracting children to sections and circles (painting, construction, performing arts, dancing);
  • literary contests for the best essay, recitation of a poem;
  • compositions on the theme of the beautiful, the sublime, the base.

Thus, aesthetic education is not a one-time event. It should start from the very birth of a child in the family, be picked up by kindergarten teachers, continue at school and university and accompany a person throughout his life already in the form of self-improvement.

Video: Is It That Important?

Task: The development of the moral and aesthetic qualities of the child's personality through theatrical activities.


  1. To foster a culture of verbal communication in children during dating
  2. To develop the artistic abilities of children by means of theatrical art
  3. Develop creative independence in creating an artistic image using game, song, dance improvisations
  4. To create a positive emotional microclimate for joint theatrical activities of children and adults.

Equipment: Screen, “bi-ba-bo” dolls Piggy and Stepashka, chest, manual for the game “Come on, guess?” (30x30 cards with images: watermelon, car, doll, bear, ball, fish, rope, telephone, iron, steam locomotive)

Course of the lesson

Children enter the music hall to the song "Let's Get to Know" A. Zakharova and A. Ryzhova. (NE Boguslavskaya, NA Kupina "Merry etiquette" (development of the child's communication skills). - Yekaterinburg: "ARD PTD", 1998)

Host: Hello guys!

What a wonderful word - hello! This polite word means a wish of health to the person you are greeting, and you guys often wish good health to your caregivers? Do you remember coming to kindergarten in the morning to say hello to everyone? In order for you not to forget to say hello when you meet, we will now teach you how to greet your fingers.

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Hello, free breeze!
Hello little oak tree!
We live in the same land -
I greet you all! (T. Sikacheva)

(The fingers of the right hand take turns “greeting” the fingers of the left hand, patting each other with their tips).

Host: Great! I think that now no one will forget the polite word - hello! Do you guys know that you should always say hello in a good mood? Look at me: "Hello, guys!" I wished you health, gave you a good mood, and now each of you share your smile with a friend.

Game “Pass a smile” music by V. Shainsky “Smile”. After the game, Stepashka appears on the screen.

Stepashka: Hello, girls and boys. (children's answer)

Host: Guys, did you find out who came to visit us? (children's answer). Good afternoon, Stepashechka! How wonderful that the guys immediately recognized you, it means that they love you and are happy to meet you.

Stepashka: I am also always very pleased to meet children and get to know each other. Guys, let's get acquainted? (children get to know the fairytale character by calling their names).

Host: Tell me, Stepashka, do you have friends?

Stepashka: I have many friends, but my best friend is Piggy! I so wanted to introduce you to him, but for some reason he is late, maybe something happened? (thoughtfully).

Crying is heard.

Host: Guys, can you hear someone crying? (Piggy appears on the screen)

Stepashka: Piggy, what happened? Who hurt you?

Piggy: Nobody offended me, I have a big grief! (crying)

Stepashka: Woe? What kind of grief?

Piggy sings the song “Broken vase” by A. Zakharova and A. Ryzhova.

Piggy: What should I do now?

Stepashka: First dry your eyes and say hello to the guys

Piggy: (sadly) Hello children!

Stepashka: Meet, guys, this is my best friend Piggy, he had an unpleasant story, and he does not know what to do, so he is crying. Could you advise how to act in this situation. (advice from children)

Piggy: Stepashechka, why didn't I immediately think to ask my mother for forgiveness for the broken vase? Thank you guys, you are good friends. Now I will go and apologize to my mom

Stepashka: I'll go with you Piggy so that you don't do any more stupid things

Piggy and Stepashka: Goodbye guys! Thanks for the help! (leave).

Host: How good it is that this story has a happy ending. Guys! Never forget to say hello when you meet and say goodbye when you leave, ask for forgiveness and apologize for your bad deeds, so that you don't have to be upset and cry later. Deal? (children's answer).

And now it's time for us kids to play!

The game is called "Theatrical warm-up" (Makhaneva M. D "Theatrical activities in kindergarten."

Children's answer: With the help of a costume, make-up, hairstyle, headdress.

Host: Can children be without a suit, will it turn, say, into the wind, into the rain, into the downpour, into a terrible thunderstorm, into a butterfly, a grasshopper or a wasp? (children's answers).

Host: For this we need gestures and facial expressions, what are facial expressions? This is the facial expression. But what about the gestures? These are movements. Each person has a different mood, I will call him, and you guys, try to show him with facial expressions.

(Children with facial expressions show sadness, joy, calmness, surprise, grief, fear, delight, horror.)

Host: Now let's talk with the help of gestures. (children show with gestures: come here, leave, hello, goodbye, be quiet, do not spoil, wait with me, you can’t, leave me alone, I think no, yes)

Host: How quiet it has become in our hall! (in a half-whisper). Guys, a good old man should come to visit us, and his name is Silence. When he appears, it becomes immediately quiet. Grandpa is very fond of telling children interesting fairy tales and playing games. Let's quietly, tiptoe, look for grandpa. (children search, but find a chest and a magic wand).

Host: Surely grandfather was in a hurry to go about his forestry and did not have time to meet with the guys, but he left for you a magic wand and a chest with riddles for a fun game.

Now I will wave this wand, and you will no longer be able to speak, but will only move.

As soon as we entered the forest, mosquitoes appeared. (3. TI Petrova, EL Sergeeva, ES Petrova "Theatrical games in kindergarten". Development of classes for all age groups with guidelines. Moscow "School press" 2000)

Suddenly we see that the chick has fallen out of the nest by the bush, we quietly take the chick and carry it back to the nest.

We go into the clearing, we find a lot of berries, the strawberries are so fragrant that it's not too lazy to bend over.

Ahead, from behind a bush, a red fox is looking, we will outwit the fox, we will run on tiptoes.

In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs washed themselves early in the morning, dried themselves with a towel. They spanked with their paws, clapped their paws. Paws here and paws there, what a noise and rattling.

Children perform a frog dance to the song “Ki-ko-ko”. Rhythmoplasty by A.I.Burenina.

Host: Tired, let's sit down, rest, see what's in the chest? How interesting, riddles are hidden here, but not simple ones, they are made up with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Guess what is in this picture? (the presenter shows a watermelon with facial expressions and gestures, the children guess).

Host: Now it's your turn.

Game "Come on, guess?"

Host: With the help of facial expressions and gestures, you can not only make riddles, but also show fairy tales. Now, guys, we and our audience will turn into actors of the Pantomime theater. (the presenter takes out 2 cards from the chest. The task for the children and the teacher is the fairy tale "Turnip". The task for the audience is the fairy tale "Kolobok").

After the show “Turnip” the adults guess the name of the fairy tale, and after the show by the adults the fairy tale “Kolobok” the children-spectators also guess its name, rewarding the artists of the “Pantomime” theater with applause.

The most beautiful fairy tales
Beautiful, simple,
Or maybe not simple
Showed us
You all tried very hard,
Thank you very much
I tell you all!

In conclusion, I would like to give you guys and you, dear adults, as a token of gratitude for your creativity, the warmth of my heart.

(The presenter puts both hands on her heart and hands it over to children and adults, everyone puts a gift in their heart). The presenter says goodbye to everyone. Children and adults leave the hall to the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky.

The work presents the author's program of the elementary course "Aesthetics" for junior schoolchildren in gymnasium classes. As an illustration, a summary of an introductory lesson on aesthetics with 1st grade students on the topic "What is beauty?" Is given. The program of the elementary course "Aesthetics" is designed for junior schoolchildren in gymnasium classes, designed for 4 years of study (one hour per week).

The purpose of the lessons aesthetics is the systematization of children's aesthetic knowledge about certain areas of life.

Tasks, which are solved in the lessons of aesthetics:

  • to consolidate and expand the aesthetic ideas of students, received in the family, in kindergarten about the beautiful and ugly in life, nature and art;
  • to acquaint children with various types and genres of art, with the work of famous figures of culture and art;
  • to arouse their need for communication with beauty;
  • arouse interest in younger students in creative activity;
  • develop in children the desire to bring beauty into everyday life;
  • to develop a general emotional culture and aesthetic sensitivity in primary school students.

Sources and means of aesthetic the upbringing of younger students is the life around them: the social environment with its aesthetics of work, behavior and life; art and nature. Therefore, during all four years of study in the primary grades, great attention is paid to these means in the lessons of aesthetics.

The proposed course "Aesthetics" contains five sections:

1. Etiquette (behavior in public places, guest etiquette, speech etiquette, appearance, etc.).

2. Art (visual arts, music, theater, cinema, etc.).

3. Nature (beauty of the seasons, their sounds, colors and smells; nature conservation, heavenly and underwater beauty, etc.).

4. Human activities and hobbies (labor, sports, play, artistic activity).

5. Culture and art of the Ukrainian people.

When compiling the program of lessons in aesthetics, the calendar dates were taken into account: International Days of Theater and Museums, World Day for Environmental Protection, Radio Day, birthdays of prominent figures of art and culture.

We recommend that a significant place in the lessons of aesthetics be given to tasks of a creative nature: come up with a rhyme, a short poem on a given rhyme or theme, compose or finish a fairy tale, use pantomime to depict an action, draw an autumn landscape to sad music, arrange a baby book with riddles about colors, etc.

Aesthetic criteria and tastes of students will develop if children have a constant, active assessment practice. In this regard, in the classroom on aesthetics, it is important to seek from students motivated aesthetic judgments, that is, answers to the questions: what feeling is caused by this or that event, image, deed, picture, artistic detail; why do they like or dislike, what explains this feeling?

Younger schoolchildren do not yet have generalized ideas about the beauty of a person; they are usually associated with the image of a particular person. Children are looking for ideals of perfection primarily among their loved ones and their peers, therefore, it is better to choose the life and activities of the children themselves and the people around them as the subject of analysis.

The age characteristics of younger schoolchildren require that classes be conducted in a fun form, be emotional, methodologically diversely constructed, saturated with games, problem situations from the lives of the children themselves, from popular fairy tales, children's cartoons. In the lessons, various visual aids (reproductions, photographs, illustrations, decorative and applied arts, etc.), as well as filmstrips, recordings with children's songs, musical tales, and literary works should be widely used.

When developing the subjects of the lessons of "Aesthetics", the possibilities of aesthetic education were taken into account, which are included in the curriculum of such educational courses as "Fine Arts and Artistic Labor", "Music", "Natural Science", "Development of Speech", "Theater" and others, moreover so that the content of the lessons does not duplicate each other.

Approximate topics of aesthetics lessons in primary school grades



1. Introductory lesson “What is beauty?”.

2. We see beauty in the world around us.

3. We hear beautiful sounds.

4. Is it possible to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly?

5. Remembering the red summer. Why do we love summer?

6. Ball of flowers (songs, poems, fairy tales, legends, riddles about flowers).

7. Golden autumn - the charm of the eyes!

8. What do our names tell us?


1. Light is my mirror, tell me ... (why do we need a mirror?).

2. Beauty of appearance (draw your portrait).

3. We know how to behave beautifully at school.

4. On the beauty of behavior in public transport, on the street.

5. Games: “We came to the theater”, “We are in the museum”.

6. Live kinder, you will be lovelier to everyone. Beauty and kindness.

7. The Sorceress is coming - Winter!


1. How do we speak? Speech etiquette.

2. Beautiful words are pleasant for us to hear and pronounce.

3. “My phone rang ...”.

4. Game “Talking on the phone”.

5. Travel to the wonderful country Poetry.

6. Is it easy to be a poet?

7. My first poems.

8. Favorite poets.

9. K.I. Chukovsky - for children (quiz).


1. Human health and beauty.

2. Lessons Moidodyr. What should we know about our health?

3. Visiting Moidodyr. What do we need to know how to be healthy?

4. Spring-Red. The awakening of nature in art.

5. Travel to the Multi-Multiu country.

6. Puppet Theater named after Sergei Obraztsov.

7. Game "In the puppet theater".



1. Introductory lesson. How did we spend the summer?

2. Repetition of material for 1 grade.

3. What kinds of bouquets are there? The art of making bouquets.

4. Who are collectors?

5. Tell us about your collection.

6. Guest etiquette. How do I invite guests?

7. What and how best to give? All about the gift.

8. If you are the master ...

9. If you are a guest ...


1. Table setting. Cutlery. How to use them?

2. Table setting. Dishes.

3. How to behave at the table?

4. Greeting card: how to design it?

5. Games and entertainment for guests.

6. What does my mood depend on? When I am happy or sad ...

7. Winter games and fun.


1. General idea of ​​the art of cinema.

2. My favorite movie.

3. The fairy tale lives in the movie. Tales of Alexander Rowe.

4. Artists and fans.

5. Song in the movie and cartoon.

6. Who is a bard? Bard festivals.

7. Composers for children.

8. Music by Vladimir Shainsky.

9. The history of the creation of children's songs.


1. The game “What are the musical instruments?”.

2. My favorite song. My favorite performer.

3. Our green friend. The forest is beauty and pleasure!

5. White beauty - birch.

6. Acquaintance with the invisible theater. Radio theater for children and its headings.

7. My favorite radio programs and their presenters.

8. Final lesson. Summer assignment.



1. Introductory lesson. Miracles of Summer.

2. Repetition of material for grade 2.

3. The general concept of the types of fine arts.

4. Painting and graphics.

5. Sculpture and architecture.

7. Genres of fine arts: landscape, portrait, still life.

8. Fairy tale genre. Storyteller Viktor Vasnetsov.

9. Where do the artists work? Work in creative workshops.


1. Book graphics.

2. Artists - illustrators: E. Charushin, V. Suteev, V. Chizhikov and others.

3. Historical genre in fine arts.

4. Household genre in the visual arts.

5. Painters - landscape painters: I. Shishkin, A. Savrasov, I. Levitan and others.

6. Artists - portraitists: I. Repin, V. Serov, I. Kramskoy and others.

7. Animal painters.


1. The main theaters of the world.

2. The main theaters of Russia. Correspondence trip to the Bolshoi Theater.

3. Who is a playwright? Contemporary drama for children.

4. Theatrical genres: drama, comedy, tragedy.

5. Theaters of Udmurtia.

6. Glazov is a theatrical city. Festival "Theater Ladies".

7. What are the museums? Museums of the world.

8. Correspondence trip to the Tretyakov Gallery.

9. Museums in Udmurtia and our city. Museum "Idnakar".


1. Heavenly beauty.

2. Starry sky.

3. Underwater beauty: the flora of the underwater kingdom.

4. The fauna of the underwater kingdom.

5. Military themes in art.

6. Television and its headings. TV shows for children.

7. Filmmakers for children. Rolan Bykov and his films.

8. Final lesson. Summer assignment.



1. Introductory lesson. The beauty of summer.

2. Repetition of material for grade 3.

3. The most beautiful place in my city. Happy birthday, beloved city!

4. Traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia.

5. Traditions of the Udmurt people (oral journal).

6. The architecture of my city.

7. Famous sculptors and architects of Udmurtia and the city of Glazov.

8. Artists of Udmurtia.

9. Excursion to the Exhibition Hall "Artists of the city of Glazov"


1. The sun paints the earth, and labor - labor. The beauty of work.

2. Dispute “What profession is the most beautiful?”.

3. Dispute "Sport or Art?" Rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming.

4. Dispute "Do you need knights today?"

5. I am writing you a letter ... Letter etiquette.

6. Writers and poets of Udmurtia.

7. Poetic Eyes. Poetic collections of poems by Glazov poets.

8. Tell us about your favorite book, writer.


1. Udmurt folk instruments.

2. Composers of Udmurtia and the city of Glazov.

3. Musical groups of Udmurtia.

4. Opera art.

5. Operetta.

6. Ballet art.

7. Contemporary musical.

8. Entertainment in the future. Children's fantasies.

9. Room design.


1. Fashion and beauty.

2. Famous fashion designers in the world and in Russia.

3. Humor in our lives.

4. Circus art.

5. Great clowns.

6. Dispute "How do strength, beauty and kindness get along?"

7. Dispute “Will Beauty Save the World?”

8. Final lesson. The composition "Aesthetics is ..."

Here is an example of one introductory lesson in aesthetics with 1st grade students.

Topic: "What is beauty?"


  • to find out the idea of ​​children about beauty in life, nature, art;
  • contribute to the formation of a new concept of "sense of beauty";
  • to give accessible information about people who create beauty.

Conversation progress

The teacher says that in aesthetics class they will talk about the beauty that surrounds them, and then asks what the guys would call beautiful.

- Remember that handsome you saw when you went to school.

Summarizing the answers of the students, the teacher says that the beautiful can be seen (flowers, a picture, the sea, the sky, a dance, etc.), heard (a song, music, the splash of a wave, the rustle of leaves, etc.), you can feel the beauty of a kind, noble , a courageous act. Thus, beauty is everything that surrounds us and gives us joy, pleasure, makes our life more interesting, richer.

Further, the teacher tells the children that one of the best, highest human abilities is to be able to be surprised. But, unfortunately, this gift is not given to everyone by nature, just as not everyone has an ear for music or a sense of humor from birth.

The teacher gives the children the opportunity to remember the Russian fairy tale about the princess Nesmeyana, whom nothing could make laugh. Let the guys try to imagine this princess at a fun children's party, where all the children laugh, rejoice, but poor Nesmeyana is not at all funny, she cannot understand what others are laughing at and what is fun? After all, an evil wizard has taken away the gift of wondering at everything funny and cheerful. Let the children imagine themselves in her place and feel mentally poorer than all the other ordinary guys.

After that, the children are informed that there are people who lack the sense of beauty. They may have good eyesight, good hearing, but they do not see or hear, they do not know how to be surprised at beauty. And it’s even more difficult for such people to live than Nesmeyane, because she didn’t understand only funny things, and these people don’t see beauty around them at all. This means that all the beauty of life is tightly closed for them ...

- Is it possible to help in such a trouble and how? What advice would children give to such people?

Children answer that it is imperative to help people in such trouble, and for this it is necessary to read as much as possible, learn new, unknown, learn to listen and understand people, nature and art, learn to observe.

The teacher, summarizing the children's answers, says that we are all very sorry for those people who are indifferent to the beauty of their city, forest, river bank, to the sunset, to gentle music, to flowers, to the voice of a nightingale, etc., and if they cannot be helped, then such people can bring a lot of troubles. For example, a person who loves and appreciates beauty will never break a birch branch, never pick a flower from a flower bed, or throw a stone at a bird, but, on the contrary, will strive to do something beautiful himself, to please others. And here the teacher tells the children about people who create beauty. Students also name people who work to make everything beautiful in our country, everything would please the human eye, create a good mood. These are the janitors who make the streets clean, these are gardeners, builders, architects who create beautiful cities, these are hairdressers, tailors who care about the beauty of a person, these are musicians, artists, poets, writers, these are all people who work and love their homeland. ...

At the end of the conversation, the teacher encourages the children to be active creators of beauty, to be true friends of it, and discusses with the students what beautiful things they can do in school, class, at home, on the street. For example, decorate a classroom beautifully and always maintain cleanliness and order in it, plant flowers, trees and take care of them, and most importantly, do not spoil the beauty created by people and nature and do not allow others to do it.