Designing in the senior group of the kindergarten file cabinet. Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova Classes in designing from building materials in the senior group of the kindergarten. Lesson notes

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Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova

Classes on designing from building materials in the senior group of the kindergarten. Lesson notes

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova -highly qualified teacher-methodologist, senior teacher of the institute, excellent student of education, laureate of the international competition "School 2000", author of more than 20 methodological manuals devoted to the problems of artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and moral education of children.


Designing from building materials and constructors fully meets the interests of children, their abilities and capabilities, since it is exclusively a child's activity. Consequently, thanks to her, the child especially quickly improves in skills and abilities, in mental and aesthetic development. It is known that fine motor skills of the hands are connected with the centers of speech, which means that a child who is advanced in construction develops speech faster. Dexterous, precise hand movements enable him to master the writing technique faster and better.

A child is a born designer, inventor and explorer. These inclinations inherent in nature are especially quickly realized and improved in design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent and create his own buildings, structures, while showing curiosity, ingenuity, ingenuity and creativity.

The child learns from experience the constructive properties of parts, the possibilities of their fastening, combination, design. At the same time, as a designer, he creates, knowing the laws of harmony and beauty. Children who are fond of design are distinguished by rich imagination and imagination, an active desire for creative activity, a desire to experiment, invent; they have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, which is the basis of intellectual development and an indicator of a child's readiness for school.

Currently, specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology pay special attention to child construction. It is no coincidence that in modern preschool education programs this activity is considered one of the leading ones.

The proposed methodological guide will help teachers and parents in organizing work with preschoolers using new technologies. It organically includes a variety of cognitive and developmental material (for the development of spatial orientation, for teaching the construction of diagrams, plans, drawings; the formation of elementary geographical, astronomical and other representations, as well as entertaining games and exercises aimed at the development and correction of children's skills).

When developing this material, research was used by N.N. Poddyakov, L.I. Paramonova, A.L. Venger, A.N.Davidchuk, O.M.Dyachenko, V.V. Kholmovskaya, and others.

The material was tested in preschool educational institutions No. 32, 1415, 1039, 1268 and other preschool educational institutions in Moscow and is a technology for the "Design and manual labor" program recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation (1998)

When organizing work with children, consider their abilities and capabilities. The proposed system of classes is designed for an academic year. Each topic can be implemented within a month in specially organized classes and in their free time. Tasks can be varied, include tasks from game tasks in classes; to reduce, transferring to free activity; spend in parts during the day or several days or use for the lesson all the time allotted for all activities on a certain day of the week, transferring, for example, manual labor, drawing, application to another day.

The assignments are built taking into account the constant change of activity, are saturated with game techniques and other entertaining moments, therefore, they exclude overfatigue of children. One lesson per month is conducted frontally. Game tasks usually have a subgroup form of organization.

Lesson notes

Topic 1. Home

Target. Clarify children's ideas about construction details, details of designers; on the methods of connection, properties of parts and structures (tall structures must have stable bases); exercise in plane modeling, in joint design; develop creativity, independence, initiative, design skills; the ability to reason, make independent conclusions, find your own solutions; to acquaint with the concepts of "balance", "gravity", "map", "plan", "compass", with the idea of ​​relativity of spatial directions; develop skills in spatial orientation.

Material. Scissors, felt-tip pens, envelopes, building material, basic set "Lego-Dakta" (or any other appropriate for the age of children).


Working with the illustration "Map of Formandia". Introduce the children into a playful situation: “This is a card. We are sailing to the island of Formador, where the country of Formandia is located. The capital of the country is the city of Formadonia. " Invite the children to tell what is shown on the map (fig. 1); how many cities, rivers, lakes, railways in the country. Let the children name them. Draw their attention to the compass, explain how it works (how do not turn the compass, always the blue arrow points to the north, and the red to the south).

Have the children find the North, South, West, and East sides of the island, and then determine the directions between them: Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Northwest. Ask what they see in the North of the island, in the Southwest, etc. Suggest that they take any of the paths to get to the capital of Formadonia (by river, by boat, by train, by hiking trail, by plane). Have the children mark their path on the map with a felt-tip pen.

Rice. 1

Working with the illustration "Inhabitants of Formadonia". Introduce the children to the residents of the capital - Formadonians, tell us what they do (Fig. 2, 3, 4).

Educator. Who and what is carrying in front of him? Who is carrying what and what? Who is holding the ring with which hand? Who fell and which side did it get dirty? On which side does it lie? Who is calling the phone and in which hand is he holding the receiver? Who descends from where and over whom? How is the Cube depicted in relation to us? Who carries what and how? At whom and where does the stream of water hit? Where is someone sitting? Which hand is the washcloth in? Where is he jumping? What are the jumps called? Who sits on the bench and how? What are the jumps called? Which ear hurts? Which side of the Pyramid has a heart? Which cheek and whom did they kiss? Who is beyond the river? Who is near the river? Who is going which way? What does he see to his right, to his left?

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

Invite the children to help the residents of Formadonia design and build beautiful, comfortable homes.

Working with illustration. Find illustrations of different houses. Consider them different with children; analyze what parts the foundation, walls, roofs, superstructures are built from; number of storeys, number of windows, porches, decoration of houses, etc.

Working with the illustration "Geometric Shapes". Invite the children to cut out geometric shapes (Figure 5) and model the facades of houses from them, and then build houses from building material. Draw the attention of the children to the fact that the houses must be voluminous, that three more walls must be attached to the facades and roofs must be built.

At the end of the construction, analyze the children's buildings, compare them with plane models; draw the guys' attention to how beautiful the town is; offer to decorate buildings with additional materials (trees, flowers, etc.) and play. Remember to invite the children to put the geometric shapes in their envelopes for later use.

Organize the construction of various houses from the constructors of "L his-D act". Encourage the children to build according to the conditions: "Build a three-story house with an entrance on the right, with balconies, with a turret on the roof." If necessary, explain, show how to design, give advice on improving designs. Encourage experimentation.

Rice. 5

Game tasks

Exercise children in construction from building materials and constructors according to independently created plane models, according to ready-made drawings, diagrams, drawings.

Exercise children in self-analysis of buildings and their images; in establishing the dependence of buildings on the functional purpose, the stability of structures on their shape and the ratio of heavy and light parts. Form an idea that the spatial relationships of parts of buildings do not depend on their position on the plane, for example: "Build the same house (a drawing is proposed), but turn it with a facade towards this fountain."

Construction of buildings of ancient and modern architecture. Acquaintance with the concept of "plan" (plan is a top view). Making plans and constructing buildings according to them ("Territory of a kindergarten", "Sports complex", "Park", etc.).

Interior design ("Theater", "Circus", "Supermarket", "Apartment", "Office", etc.).

Tips for the caregiver

Practice making plans. Give the idea that the plan is an image from above (as if from an airplane); that it is usually customary to make plans with dashed lines (do not paint), do not depict small details (pipes on roofs), but show only those parts that structures occupy on the surface. The easiest way to lead children to building plans is through modeling with geometric shapes (children lay them out, combining them on the surface of the sheet and designating: this is a pool, this is a flower bed, etc.; then they circle them with felt-tip pens and remove them). Children will quickly learn to do without shapes and draw by eye. Making plans exercises in planning your activities, the ability to organize space for it.

Game "Take the details". Invite the children to look at the illustration (Fig. 6) with diagrams of structures. The upper part of the figure shows the building parts that are used to construct them (each in one copy). Invite the children to select the necessary parts according to the drawing (4-5 pieces of each type) and model, laying out images from the parts, starting with the simplest diagrams shown in the first row.

Game "Towers". Construction of high towers from Lego-Dakta constructors, etc. Ask the children: “Why do the towers fall? How can we make them more sustainable? "


Superstructure, overlap, balance, map, plan, diagram, compass, direction.

Rice. 6

Topic 2. Machines

Target. Form children's ideas about various machines, their functional purpose, structure; exercise in plane modeling, in the ability to independently build elementary circuits from simple building samples and use them in design; to form an idea about wheels and axles, about the ways of their fastening.

Material. Felt-tip pens, scissors, geometric shapes, pencils, erasers, boxes, building materials, a set of "Lego-Duplo Tools" or other constructors.


Working with illustration. Find illustrations showing different machines. Consider them with children, determine their purpose, highlight the dependence of their structure on the method of use.

Encourage the children to design and build the various cars they need for the people of Formandia.

The game "From the magic stripes". Invite the children to cut out the proposed strips (Fig. 7), cut them according to the markings and lay out various cars from the resulting figures (first according to the proposed dissected ones, then according to the contour schemes, and then come up with their own models) (Fig. 8, 9, 10). At the end of the game, invite the children to put the pieces into boxes.

Rice. 7

Rice. eight

Rice. nine

Rice. ten

Invite the children to create car diagrams from building samples. Build 3-4 variants of simple machines and invite the children to lay out their images (side view) from geometric shapes, and then circle the shapes to get an undivided (contour) diagram of the car.

Invite the children to think of and draw on the computer screen (Fig. 11), cell-by-cell, dismembered diagrams of machines, and then construct modeled machines from building material. Analyze the buildings from the point of view of their similarity to the schemes.

Rice. eleven

Offer children constructors to design cars and give the opportunity to apply existing knowledge and ideas about vehicles in their work. Let the kids design their own cars.

Organize construction on the topics "Sports cars", "For the game of racing." Give the children the opportunity to demonstrate their designs in action, tell about them.

Game tasks

Exercise children in the construction of various machines from building materials and constructors; in the transformation of buildings according to the conditions ("Rebuild the car into a panel truck (a fuel truck, a car for transporting timber, pipes, etc.)", "Build a car for transporting furniture (containers, blocks, etc. cargo", "Build the same car as this drawing, but so that it goes in the opposite direction (to the corner of the table, from you, to you, etc.) ") Exercise the children in preliminary sketching of cars before constructing them.

Game "What has changed?" Invite the children to look closely at the machine that is being built, then close their eyes or turn away. Make a minor transformation in the building and have the guys guess what has changed in it.

Game "What happened?" Each child builds any model from the constructor. Then all the children guess who has succeeded and where it can be applied.

Game "Finish the construction". One child begins to assemble the model, hands it over to another child, who continues assembling, etc. Then the children discuss what happened. Children can play in pairs and groups.


Modeling, contour diagram, exploded diagram.

Topic 3. Airplanes, helicopters, rockets, space stations

Target. Expand children's ideas about various aircraft, their purpose (passenger, military, sports, research, cargo, etc.); form generalized ideas about these types of equipment; develop design skills; exercise in creating schemes for future buildings; develop spatial thinking, the ability to make inferences; to form a critical attitude to their actions, the desire to correct their mistakes.

Material. Geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, pencils, erasers, building materials, Lego-Duplo and Lego-Dakta constructors.


Working with illustration. Find illustrations that depict various aircraft. Review and analyze them with children. Invite them to design different planes, helicopters, rockets, space stations for the Formanders.

Working with the illustration "Aircraft". Give the children an assignment in plane modeling from geometric shapes. First, children model flying vehicles according to the proposed schemes (Fig. 12), then they come up with their own models.

Working with the illustration "Spaceships and stations". Consider with the children the images of spaceships and stations (Fig. 13), ask: “How many spaceships and stations are shown in the picture? Find the same ones. Show stations that have the same noses. "

Rice. 12

Invite the children to design and model various spaceships and stations from geometric shapes.

Game "Let's play with the computer". Ask the children to draw a diagram of the future designs of flying equipment (cell by cell) according to the presentation (Fig. 11). (Training in building graphic models can be organized on real computers.) Invite them to select any building materials and constructors for implementation in the design of their ideas.

Rice. 13

At the end of the work, analyze the buildings from the point of view of similarity with the "design projects". Have the children demonstrate their buildings and talk about how they built them; come up with stories about them.

Game tasks

Develop children's modeling and construction abilities; exercise in building plans, diagrams, drawings for construction;

foster the development of experimentation and invention; train children in building aircraft according to drawings, drawings, diagrams, photographs, toys; in joint design ("Aerodrome", "Cosmodrome"), in the ability to build according to the conditions ("Build a rocket on which you can put a load into orbit of a space station, and load the load onto it").

Game "Let's play with the computer". Invite the children to build with the help of a "computer" (Fig. 11) (or a real computer) a drawing of the fence for the spaceport (children should erase the previous image and split the screen in half - horizontally - with a line).

Build some railings on the table (fig. 14). Have the children choose any fence and draw on the computer screen (cell by cell) a front view of the building (on the bottom) and a top view (on the top).

Fold the figure game. Invite the children to cut out any geometric shape and cut it into several pieces of different size and shape. Then the children again assemble the original figure from the parts, disassemble it again and start creating various images from the figures. Give the children the opportunity to establish patterns on their own: the more parts, the more difficult it is to fold the original figure, but you can come up with more images. Complicate the task by inviting the children to swap shapes.

The game "Build the same". One child builds an airplane model from a construction set, demonstrates it, and then hides it. The rest of the children reproduce the model.


Drawing, front view, top view.

Rice. fourteen

Topic 4. Robots

Target. Exercise children in creating diagrams and drawings (in three projections); in modeling and design from building materials and details of constructors; develop imagination, attention, ingenuity, desire for experimentation, intelligence; the ability to build conclusions based on their experience and common sense, attention, concentration; to form ideas about volumetric bodies, their shape, size, quantity.

Material. Geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, pencils, erasers, building materials, constructors.


Working with illustration. Find illustrations of different robots. Consider them with children, analyze the structure of robots. Offer to make robots for the Formanders (to help them mentally and physically).

Working with the illustration "Robots". Consider with the children the picture of robots (Fig. 15) and analyze it.

Rice. 15

Educator... What building parts do robot parts look like? How many robots are shown in the picture? Find robots made from the same number of parts. Find two identical robots. Show robots that can (cannot) be built from these parts, and explain why.

Invite the children to model different robots from geometric shapes by laying them out on paper; circle the figures with felt-tip pens and get the contour diagrams of robots, then dismember them, concretize them. Suggest to children with difficulties to build such a robot out of building material and make a drawing from this sample of the building.

Tips for the caregiver

Collect children's artwork and design them into the Plane Modeling Manual "Robots." Offer it to children to play with.

Game "Let's play with the computer". Invite the children to make a drawing of a robot from an axonometric drawing (Fig. 16): “Look at the image, analyze it. Draw its front view in the lower left square of the screen, side view in the upper left, top view in the upper right. " Invite them to choose a building material or constructors and construct robots according to their design.

Rice. 16

Rice. 17

When analyzing children's works, pay attention to the originality of the solutions and to what functions the depicted robots can perform.

Game tasks

Develop the design skills of children and the qualities necessary for practical activity, which is the basis of intellectual development (satisfaction from mental activity, the desire to complete tasks of a cognitive nature, creative activity). Exercise children in constructing from building kits, Lego constructors, etc. by design, by conditions, by themes ("Space station", "Planet Venus"), by ready-made plans, drawings, drawings, diagrams; in self-construction of objects, construction according to the conditions ("Build a robot that looks like a man (like a dog, a spider, Miracle Yudo, etc.)"), assembly of structures based on images of volumetric models. Exercise in building analysis; clarify children's ideas about geometric shapes and bodies.

Working with illustration. Consider the models with the children (Fig. 17), analyze, offer to build buildings on them, advise you to start with the simplest models shown in the first row.

Working with the illustration "Building details". Children paint the details with pencils in different colors (fig. 18).

Educator... Consider the building parts shown in the picture, find and name parts of the same shape. Find parts that are the same in shape, color, size. Show details that are the same shape but differently located. Find parts that are the same in shape and size. Show the parts that are depicted in a position that they cannot stand on the table.

Rice. eighteen

Game "Let's play with the computer". The illustration (fig. 19) shows different polygons.

Educator. Examine and count the shapes. Why are these shapes called polygons? How many angles does this polygon have? Show a shape with more corners than other shapes. Find a polygon with an inward angle. Draw a shape that has three corners (four corners, no corners).

Draw the children’s attention to the three shapes in which the corners are highlighted with thick lines. Ask: "Same angles or different?" Offer to draw such angles and remember which angle is called right (acute, obtuse). Draw a diamond shape. Pay attention to the children that this geometric shape has two obtuse and two sharp corners.

Game "Think of a robot". Invite the children to think of and draw robots using all the geometric shapes they are familiar with.

Game "Build a robot from memory". One child constructs a robot from a construction set, offers to examine it for 1 minute, then hides it. The rest of the children must assemble the same robot.


Side view, 3D model, polygon, rhombus; straight, acute, obtuse angle.

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Topic: By design (from building material)

Software content:

To cultivate the ability to build in pairs, to discuss their actions. Teach children to distribute work, select material in accordance with the planned construction. To continue to teach children to kindly and objectively evaluate the buildings of other children, to jointly find the reasons for failure.

Topic: Basket for vegetables and fruits. (from paper)

Software content:

Continue teaching paper handling. Under the guidance of a teacher, create a basket on your own. Learn to create objects from strips of colored paper, select colors and their shades.

Form manual skill, develop creativity, the ability to transform materials.

Topic: Microdistrict of the city. (from building material)

Software content:

Foster interest in teamwork, experience the joy of working together. Learn to build houses, a school, a kindergarten from various parts of the constructor, decorating with architectural details. Develop the ability to plan the process of building a building.

Theme: Trolley - wheelbarrow (made of paper)

Software content:

Strengthen the ability to independently make a pattern, cut off unnecessary parts, make cuts, glue, decorate a craft. Strengthen the ability to properly use materials and equipment for work, prepare your workplace and clean up after work.


Theme: Ship. (from lego parts)

Software content:

Foster an interest in design, a desire to see the work through to the end. Learn to use the drawing when working, make your own changes to the design. Strengthen the ability to analyze the work of children objectively, kindly.

Topic: Table and chairs. (from paper)

Software content:

To cultivate the ability to independently select material for work. Exercise children in folding a square sheet into 16 small squares, carefully glue the boxes, cut off the excess. Learn to discuss your actions so that it is clear to all children.

Topic: Various buildings. (desktop designer)

Program content: To teach children to draw up a structure according to a planar scheme, taking into account the fact that various volumetric parts can be depicted on the diagram by the same flat figures; learn to change the building in accordance with the given conditions (attach a balcony, make the same house, but with two entrances, make the first floor higher in order to arrange a store in it, etc.)

Topic: Figures of animals and men. (from natural material).

Software content:

Raise interest in making crafts from natural materials (cones, chestnuts, acorns). Develop imagination, imaginative thinking. Teach a variety of ways to attach parts. (plasticine, matches). Strengthen the ability to convey movements, endow crafts with a certain character.


Theme: "Ladder" (Lego)

Software content:

To educate the ability to make crafts from small parts of the designer. Consolidate knowledge about plastic and its properties. Learn to build according to the model, monitor the strength of the connection. To consolidate the ability to independently determine the methods of fastening.

Topic: "Road signs"

Software content:

Learn to think through the stages of work, find ways of manufacturing, select material. To consolidate the ability to fasten parts with PVA glue. Clarify ideas about the properties of materials.

Topic: "Streets of the city" (building material)

Software content:

Continue to teach children to construct buildings from a large constructor-builder, to combine buildings with a common idea. To teach to work collectively, to agree on what part of the work everyone will do. To teach independently, according to a verbal description or drawing, to create buildings, to find constructive solutions.

Topic: "Bird" (origami technique)

Software content:

Develop paper design skills according to the scheme. Learn to read the diagram, understand the conventions. To teach to adhere to the sequence of execution of crafts suggested in the scheme. To develop the skills of performing and modifying the basic model "Simple Triangle", to teach how to make neat, clear folds. To learn how to decorate a craft, “to revive it with the help of drawing or applique work. Develop an interest in the art of origami.


Topic: "Urban transport" (from building material)

Software content:

Foster interest in collective design, the ability to negotiate their actions with others. Teach children to build freight and passenger transport. To consolidate with children during the lesson knowledge of the rules of the road.

Topic: "The old man-forest man"

Software content:

Teach children to make funny crafts using cones, fruits and seeds of various plants, plasticine. To develop the creative imagination of children, the ability to see various figures and shapes in natural material. Develop skills in working with paints, scissors, glue, plasticine.

Topic: "Christmas tree" (craft in the "origami" technique).

Software content:

Develop skills to accurately perform folds; teach children to fold a new basic shape - a double triangle; learn to decorate the craft in accordance with the plan.

Topic: By design.

Software content:

Foster interest in constructive activity, the desire to see the finished work. Teach children to choose the topic of their work, to clarify what details and how much they need to build. To consolidate the ability to talk about your construction, to clarify whether everything has been done, what was conceived at the beginning of work


Topic: Ships according to drawings. (from the builder)

Software content:

Raise interest in various ships, the desire to make them yourself. Teach children to build ships according to drawings, observing an oval-shaped base, length and width parameters. Strengthen the ability to work independently, bring the work started to the end.

Topic: Story mosaic from eggshell "Chicken hatched from an egg."

Software content:

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent, educate accuracy.

Topic: Bridge (from the builder).

Software content:

To bring up accuracy in construction, to monitor the strength of the connection of parts. Teach children to build according to the conditions: bridges across the river, pedestrian bridges, bridges for pedestrians and cars. Generate interest in a variety of structures, develop creativity

Topic: Jar for bulk items. (from paper)

Software content:

Learn to make objects on the basis of a cylinder, carefully glue the bottom, make a lid. Decorate the craft with cut out small parts. Self-glue. To cultivate accuracy in working with glue.


№ 1-2

Topic: By design (from the builder).

Software content:

Encourage children to respect the results of their work and the work of other children. Form the ability to come up with a plot of your building, decorate it with additional details. Learn to combine your crafts with a common idea, play with them.

Topic: Making a souvenir (surprise card) as a present for dad.

Software content:

To form the ability to come up with a plot for a postcard, to embody your idea. Strengthen the ability to cut small details by eye, choose beautiful color combinations. To cultivate diligence, accuracy.

Topic: "Fairy Tale House".

Software content:

To evoke in children an emotional attitude to the building, to develop an artistic taste, to satisfy the need of children in the decorative design of structures.

Topic: "Soldier" (making toys from cones and cylinders).

Software content:

Improve the ability to cut out details by eye and glue them to a made cone (from a circle) or a cylinder (from a rectangle), give the craft a certain image, decorating it with cut out small details.


Topic: "Constructing by Models"

Software content:

Teach children to design from building material according to contour diagrams, axonometric drawings (volumetric image). To consolidate the ability to highlight the stages in the creation of a structure. Develop practical skills, form spatial representations.

Topic: Animals. (from used material).

Software content:

To cultivate friendliness, a desire to help each other. Teach children to make crafts from used material: spools, bobbins, boxes, etc. Reinforce accuracy when cutting along the contour, when gluing parts.

Topic: By design.

Software content:

Foster interest in constructive activity, the desire to see the finished work. Teach children to choose the topic of their work, to clarify what details and how much they need to build. Strengthen the ability to talk about your construction, clarify whether everything has been done, what was conceived at the beginning of work.

Topic: "Toys - fun" (made of paper and cardboard).

Software content:

To foster a caring attitude towards children of the younger group, the desire to give them gifts. Teach children to understand ready-made patterns, glue toys on their own. Strengthen the ability to cut small details by eye, choose beautiful color combinations.


Topic: "Our spaceship".

Software content:

Develop the creative imagination of children, their imaginative thinking (the spaceship itself is constructed from a large cardboard box; nozzles are made from cut plastic bottles, fire from nozzles is colored paper, the bow of the ship is also a fragment of a plastic bottle; the ship is decorated with inscriptions and drawings on its sides). Learn to create crafts from junk material. Learn to work collectively, distribute different areas of work among themselves, get pleasure, joy from successful joint work. Improve skills in working with scissors, glue, brush.

Topic: Origami "Kolobok".

Software content:

To consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, to develop an eye, to accustom to precise finger movements under the control of self-awareness, to educate accuracy and perseverance.

Topic: "Aircraft".

Software content:

To consolidate the idea of ​​various types of aircraft, that their structure depends on the functional purpose (passenger, military, sports). Introduce a new building kit (small plastic). Teach to combine details. To consolidate the idea of ​​building details.

Topic: "Ship". (travel for wild animals).

Software content:

Help children to highlight the dependence of the shape of the ship on its practical purpose, to form a generalized idea of ​​the ship.


Topic: "Farm"

Exercise children in construction according to conditions. Learn to construct buildings according to different parameters, transform them according to verbal instructions. Foster responsiveness, compassion.

Theme: "Flowers in a vase" Constructor

To continue teaching children to consolidate the skills of a durable connection of parts. Introduction of the rule of alternation of parts. Teach children to correlate their actions with the rule and pattern of construction.

Designed by design from various materials.

To teach the independent selection of parts, the development of an idea-image for the construction of an object, drawing up diagrams, creating buildings.

Develop an interest in architectural construction. To teach the analysis of illustrations and the definition of an architectural style.

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova

Lyudmila Viktorovna Kutsakova -highly qualified teacher-methodologist, senior teacher of the institute, excellent student of education, laureate of the international competition "School 2000", author of more than 20 methodological manuals devoted to the problems of artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and moral education of children.


Designing from building materials and constructors fully meets the interests of children, their abilities and capabilities, since it is exclusively a child's activity. Consequently, thanks to her, the child especially quickly improves in skills and abilities, in mental and aesthetic development. It is known that fine motor skills of the hands are connected with the centers of speech, which means that a child who is advanced in construction develops speech faster. Dexterous, precise hand movements enable him to master the writing technique faster and better.
A child is a born designer, inventor and explorer. These inclinations inherent in nature are especially quickly realized and improved in design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent and create his own buildings, structures, while showing curiosity, ingenuity, ingenuity and creativity.
The child learns from experience the constructive properties of parts, the possibilities of their fastening, combination, design. At the same time, as a designer, he creates, knowing the laws of harmony and beauty. Children who are fond of design are distinguished by rich imagination and imagination, an active desire for creative activity, a desire to experiment, invent; they have developed spatial, logical, mathematical, associative thinking, memory, which is the basis of intellectual development and an indicator of a child's readiness for school.
Currently, specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology pay special attention to child construction. It is no coincidence that in modern preschool education programs this activity is considered one of the leading ones.
The proposed methodological guide will help teachers and parents in organizing work with preschoolers using new technologies. It organically includes a variety of cognitive and developmental material (for the development of spatial orientation, for teaching the construction of diagrams, plans, drawings; the formation of elementary geographical, astronomical and other representations, as well as entertaining games and exercises aimed at the development and correction of children's skills).
When developing this material, research was used by N.N. Poddyakov, L.I. Paramonova, A.L. Venger, A.N.Davidchuk, O.M.Dyachenko, V.V. Kholmovskaya, and others.
The material was tested in preschool educational institutions No. 32, 1415, 1039, 1268 and other preschool educational institutions in Moscow and is a technology for the "Design and manual labor" program recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation (1998)
When organizing work with children, consider their abilities and capabilities. The proposed system of classes is designed for an academic year. Each topic can be implemented within a month in specially organized classes and in their free time. Tasks can be varied, include tasks from game tasks in classes; to reduce, transferring to free activity; spend in parts during the day or several days or use for the lesson all the time allotted for all activities on a certain day of the week, transferring, for example, manual labor, drawing, application to another day.
The assignments are built taking into account the constant change of activity, are saturated with game techniques and other entertaining moments, therefore, they exclude overfatigue of children. One lesson per month is conducted frontally. Game tasks usually have a subgroup form of organization.

Lesson notes

Topic 1. Home

Target. Clarify children's ideas about construction details, details of designers; on the methods of connection, properties of parts and structures (tall structures must have stable bases); exercise in plane modeling, in joint design; develop creativity, independence, initiative, design skills; the ability to reason, make independent conclusions, find your own solutions; to acquaint with the concepts of "balance", "gravity", "map", "plan", "compass", with the idea of ​​relativity of spatial directions; develop skills in spatial orientation.
Material. Scissors, felt-tip pens, envelopes, building material, basic set "Lego-Dakta" (or any other appropriate for the age of children).

Working with the illustration "Map of Formandia". Introduce the children into a playful situation: “This is a card. We are sailing to the island of Formador, where the country of Formandia is located. The capital of the country is the city of Formadonia. " Invite the children to tell what is shown on the map (fig. 1); how many cities, rivers, lakes, railways in the country. Let the children name them. Draw their attention to the compass, explain how it works (how do not turn the compass, always the blue arrow points to the north, and the red to the south).
Have the children find the North, South, West, and East sides of the island, and then determine the directions between them: Southwest, Southeast, Northeast, Northwest. Ask what they see in the North of the island, in the Southwest, etc. Suggest that they take any of the paths to get to the capital of Formadonia (by river, by boat, by train, by hiking trail, by plane). Have the children mark their path on the map with a felt-tip pen.
Rice. 1

Working with the illustration "Inhabitants of Formadonia". Introduce the children to the residents of the capital - Formadonians, tell us what they do (Fig. 2, 3, 4).
Educator. Who and what is carrying in front of him? Who is carrying what and what? Who is holding the ring with which hand? Who fell and which side did it get dirty? On which side does it lie? Who is calling the phone and in which hand is he holding the receiver? Who descends from where and over whom? How is the Cube depicted in relation to us? Who carries what and how? At whom and where does the stream of water hit? Where is someone sitting? Which hand is the washcloth in? Where is he jumping? What are the jumps called? Who sits on the bench and how? What are the jumps called? Which ear hurts? Which side of the Pyramid has a heart? Which cheek and whom did they kiss? Who is beyond the river? Who is near the river? Who is going which way? What does he see to his right, to his left?

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

Invite the children to help the residents of Formadonia design and build beautiful, comfortable homes.
Working with illustration. Find illustrations of different houses. Consider them different with children; analyze what parts the foundation, walls, roofs, superstructures are built from; number of storeys, number of windows, porches, decoration of houses, etc.
Working with the illustration "Geometric Shapes". Invite the children to cut out geometric shapes (Figure 5) and model the facades of houses from them, and then build houses from building material. Draw the attention of the children to the fact that the houses must be voluminous, that three more walls must be attached to the facades and roofs must be built.
At the end of the construction, analyze the children's buildings, compare them with plane models; draw the guys' attention to how beautiful the town is; offer to decorate buildings with additional materials (trees, flowers, etc.) and play. Remember to invite the children to put the geometric shapes in their envelopes for later use.
Organize the construction of various houses from the constructors of "L his-D act". Encourage the children to build according to the conditions: "Build a three-story house with an entrance on the right, with balconies, with a turret on the roof." If necessary, explain, show how to design, give advice on improving designs. Encourage experimentation.

Rice. 5

Game tasks
Exercise children in construction from building materials and constructors according to independently created plane models, according to ready-made drawings, diagrams, drawings.
Exercise children in self-analysis of buildings and their images; in establishing the dependence of buildings on the functional purpose, the stability of structures on their shape and the ratio of heavy and light parts. Form an idea that the spatial relationships of parts of buildings do not depend on their position on the plane, for example: "Build the same house (a drawing is proposed), but turn it with a facade towards this fountain."
Construction of buildings of ancient and modern architecture. Acquaintance with the concept of "plan" (plan is a top view). Making plans and constructing buildings according to them ("Territory of a kindergarten", "Sports complex", "Park", etc.).
Interior design ("Theater", "Circus", "Supermarket", "Apartment", "Office", etc.).

Tips for the caregiver
Practice making plans. Give the idea that the plan is an image from above (as if from an airplane); that it is usually customary to make plans with dashed lines (do not paint), do not depict small details (pipes on roofs), but show only those parts that structures occupy on the surface. The easiest way to lead children to building plans is through modeling with geometric shapes (children lay them out, combining them on the surface of the sheet and designating: this is a pool, this is a flower bed, etc.; then they circle them with felt-tip pens and remove them). Children will quickly learn to do without shapes and draw by eye. Making plans exercises in planning your activities, the ability to organize space for it.
Game "Take the details". Invite the children to look at the illustration (Fig. 6) with diagrams of structures. The upper part of the figure shows the building parts that are used to construct them (each in one copy). Invite the children to select the necessary parts according to the drawing (4-5 pieces of each type) and model, laying out images from the parts, starting with the simplest diagrams shown in the first row.
Game "Towers". Construction of high towers from Lego-Dakta constructors, etc. Ask the children: “Why do the towers fall? How can we make them more sustainable? "

Superstructure, overlap, balance, map, plan, diagram, compass, direction.

DIY theater theme


  • To acquaint with the method of origami technique - bending the lower corners of the triangle to the corresponding sides, to the opposite sides.
  • To fix the method of the paper sculpture technique - obtaining a cylinder by winding a rectangle on a pencil.
  • Fix the color scheme.
  • Teach the "objectification" of finished works.
  • Learn to understand ready-made patterns, glue toys on their own.
  • To develop artistic taste, invention, creativity.


  • For each child: rectangles of writing paper in different colors and sizes.
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Folding trowels

Demo: Figurines from previous lessons.

Screen for theatrical performances.

Buratino doll.


Characters for theatrical performances.

Preliminary work

Children hike to the puppet theater.

Methodical techniques

Examination of the exhibition of children's works.

Conversation about the crafts you like.

Partial repetition of basic techniques: origami, paper sculpture.

Surprise moment: "Buratino proposes to create his own theater."

Completing of the work.

Placing hand-made articles on the theater screen.

Theme "Trucks"(from building material, according to the sample).


  • Teach children to design trucks according to the model.


  • Sample construction.


Trucks for the truck fleet.

Preliminary work

Traffic monitoring.

Consideration of machine models with their analysis.

D / and "Cargo - passenger".

Methodical techniques

Д / и "Air, water, ground".

Examination of samples: analysis of the building (the object as a whole, for practical purposes, the main parts, their functional purpose, details of the main parts, the spatial arrangement of parts and parts).

Completing of the work.

Outplaying: "Freight Park".

Autumn Gifts theme(paper construction).


  • To acquaint children with the new technique of working with paper ("corrugation" tape, "serpentine" tape).
  • Secure techniques (folding, overlaying).


  • For each child "corrugation" ribbon (different colors, lengths), serpentine ribbon (different colors, lengths)
  • Demonstration material: a set of dummies (vegetables, fruits), a dish.


Drawing up a still life.

Preliminary work

Labor in the garden (harvesting).

Cooking salads.

Methodical techniques

Examination of the still life "Fruit on a platter".

Description game.

Experimenting with the suggested tape.

Problem situation: "Creation of fruits and vegetables from the proposed material."

Drawing up a still life "Give a name to your still life".

Theme "Fairy Men"(construction from natural material)


  • Learn to design according to your own design.
  • To consolidate the technique of "objectification" (the technique of spatial arrangement, completion, removal of excess).
  • Develop creative imagination.


  • Roots.
  • Branches.
  • Knots.
  • Fine natural material.


For a natural corner.

Preliminary work

Excursion to the forest (collection of natural material).

Description game "Tell me about the craft".

Experimenting with natural material.

Methodical techniques

Examination of crafts made from natural materials.

Meeting with the Old Man-Lesovic.

Consideration of the natural material brought by him.

Discussion of the concept and choice of material.

Outplaying: "Pick up definitions for the craft (kind, gentle, fragile ...)".


Animal Farm Theme (Papercraft Design)


  • To acquaint children with the technique of making figures from a strip
  • Reinforce the techniques of folding, aligning sides and corners
  • Exercise children in "objectifying" crafts
  • Fix color gamut


  • For each child there are strips of writing paper of different colors and lengths.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectifying" handicrafts; scissors, glue, markers
  • Demonstration material: variation samples of figurines of animals and people.
  • Children's works performed in previous lessons.
  • Model "Animal Farm".


Preliminary work

Examining illustrations about pets.

Compilation of descriptive stories about the work of rural residents.

D / and "Gather a family"

Methodical techniques

Examination of the painting "Animal Farm".

Lotto "Pets".

Demonstration of the strip folding technique.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

Check-in of the previously made model "Autumn".

Playing on the plot: "Animal Farm".

Autumn Landscape theme(paper construction, kirigami)


  • To acquaint children with the technique of working kirigami - multiple folding of the square, cutting along the perimeter contour.
  • Fasten the contour cutting technique.
  • Clarify children's knowledge of warm and cold colors.
  • Exercise children in the ability to compose.


  • For each child, paper blanks of different shapes (colors and sizes).
  • Stencils, scissors, glue.
  • Tablet "Warm and cold scale".


Exhibition for interior decoration.

Preliminary work

Excursion to the park.

Examination of artists' reproductions.

Listening to music.

Methodical techniques

Reading poems about autumn.

Word game "Selection of definitions".

D / and "Warm and cold".

Demonstration of folding, gluing and cutting techniques.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

Placement of works on an exhibition board.

Theme "Trucks"


  • Learn to construct conditional trucks.
  • Develop a planned function.
  • To form the ability to correlate the sizes of parts with an object.
  • Develop memory, thinking.


  • Building material set.
  • Paper boxes (cargo of different sizes, shapes).


For the carriage of goods.

Preliminary work

Traffic monitoring.

Examination of illustrations of machines, their analysis.

D / and "Make up the car."

Methodical techniques

Д / и "Name the freight transport".

Demonstration of the construction of the machine (confirmation of children's answers).

Consideration of the proposed loads and selection of the form of the truck structure.

Independent work of children.

Outplaying: "Transportation of goods".

Theme "Aquatic inhabitants"


  • Learn to create a craft based on material as part of something whole.
  • Learn to use the same material multifunctionally.
  • Develop imagination.


  • Shells.
  • Plasticine.
  • Aquarium layout.


For a group aquarium.

Preliminary work

Examining illustrations depicting aquatic life.

D / and "River - sea".

Conversation about aquatic inhabitants.

Methodical techniques

Consideration of aquarium inhabitants.

Problematic situation: "Filling the layout".

Consideration of the material and selection of definitions for it.

Planning and executing the craft.

Playing with: "Filling the layout".


Theme "Trucks"


  • Teach children to design vehicles by design.
  • Consolidation of technical skills of work (horizontal, vertical arrangement of building material).


  • Building material set.
  • Furniture items (models: sofa, table, chairs).
  • Truck diagrams (side view).


For transportation of furniture.

Preliminary work

Traffic monitoring.

Conversations about the modes of transport, their purpose.

Excursion to a furniture store.

Methodical techniques

Conversation about the last excursion.

Consideration and analysis of circuits.

Problematic situation: "The choice of schemes of trucks for the transportation of furniture."

Examination of furniture, choice of model.

Discussion of the concept.

Completing of the work.

Outplaying: "Furniture transportation".

Toy Store theme(construction from paper, origami).


  • To fix the origami technique - the technique of folding a square diagonally.
  • Learn to plan activities.
  • Develop artistic taste.


  • For each child, squares of writing paper in different colors and sizes.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectifying" finished "toys".
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Demonstration material: "Shop window" panel.


Attributes for the role-playing game "Shop".

Preliminary work

Drawing up stories about your favorite toy.

Photo vernissage "My toy".

Methodical techniques

Conversation about toys.

D / and "What is the toy made of?"

Demonstration of the technique of folding a square diagonally.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

Placement of finished toys in the "Shop window".

C / r game "Shop".

Magic Transformation theme(construction from natural material into subgroups).


  • To teach children, on the basis of identical blanks (2 sticks, fastened in the middle), to complete the figure.
  • To consolidate the techniques of "objectification" and "inclusion".
  • Develop creative imagination.


  • Sticks-twigs of the same size, fastened in the middle.
  • Straw.
  • Herbarium.
  • Threads.


Creation of a forest fairy tale.

Preliminary work

Consideration of the designs of human and animal figures.

D / and "Make a figure".


ready-made crafts.

Methodical techniques

An invitation to the Old Man-Lesovichka in a forest fairy tale.

A conversation about good and evil heroes.

Consideration of the material and planning the craft.

Discussion of the concept.

Completing of the work.

Combining crafts and making up a fairy tale.

The theme "Magic transformation of the circle"


  • To acquaint with the methods of paper sculpture technique - twisting a circle into a low cone.
  • Learn to use the method in the manufacture of various crafts.
  • Develop imagination.
  • Develop the ability to analyze finished crafts.


  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Display material: 5 cm high cone.


Making handicrafts - "gifts" for the birthday person.

Preliminary work

Experimenting with paper circles.

Lotto "Color Circle".

Р / и "Find the image".

Methodical techniques

Game situation: "Meeting a circle and a cone."

Turning a circle into a cone is the process of making the base of a craft.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

Analysis of finished crafts: identification of features (common and different); telling stories that happened with toys.


Theme "Bridges"


  • Teaching children to design bridges by reference.
  • Develop analytical skills.
  • To form the ability to correlate the sizes of parts with an object.
  • Develop attention, perception.


  • Sample construction.
  • Building material set.
  • Machine toys.


Bridges for cars.

Preliminary work

Observation of bridges.

Consideration of bridge models with their analysis.

Д / and "Pedestrian - transport".

Methodical techniques

D / and "Make up the bridge".

Problematic situation "Crossing".

Examining samples.

Completing of the work.

Analysis of the building.

A story about your work.

Animal Farm theme(paper construction, paper sculpture).


  • Continue to acquaint with the methods of paper sculpture technique - twisting a circle into a low cone.
  • Learn to work with a pattern.
  • Develop imagination, creativity of the child.


  • For each child, circles of paper of different sizes and colors.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectifying" cones.
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Demonstration material: painting "Poultry yard".
  • Layout for placing finished works.


Settlement of the layout "Poultry yard".

Preliminary work

Examining illustrations of poultry.

Compilation of descriptive stories about birds.

D / and "Know the birds" (by overlay).

Methodical techniques

Examination of the painting "Poultry yard".

Conversation about poultry.

Demonstration of the technique of making a low cone from a circle.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

Placement of ready-made crafts on the layout.

Playing with handicrafts in the "Poultry yard" plot.

Zoo theme(construction from natural material).


  • Teach the "inclusion" technique.
  • To consolidate the "objectification" technique.
  • Develop the creativity of the child.


  • 2 connected acorns (blanks).
  • Twigs.
  • Acorn caps.
  • Plasticine.
  • Bird feathers.
  • Lionfish.
  • Model "Zoo".


Animals for the zoo.

Preliminary work

Excursion to the zoo.

Riddle game "Learn by description".

Conversations about wild animals.

Methodical techniques

Conversation about the last excursion.

Selection of definitions for animals.

Consideration of the workpiece, work planning.

Discussion of the concept.

Completing of the work.

Playing with: "Pick a definition for your craft."

Theme "Gifts for the New Year"(paper construction, by design).


  • Fix the origami techniques (basic shape - square, rectangle).
  • Learn to plan your activities.
  • Develop artistic taste, creative imagination.


  • For each child, squares of writing paper of different sizes and colors.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectification".
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Demonstration material: variation crafts.


Gift for the New Year.

Preliminary work

Tour of the festively decorated city.

Group Christmas tree decoration.

Reading New Year's poems.

Methodical techniques

Conversation "New Year's Expectations".

D / and "Warm - cold".

Fastening the reception of folding a square, rectangle.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

S / r game "Present a gift to a friend".


Theme "Funny Birds"(from natural material).


  • Teach the "inclusion" technique.
  • Practice technical skills (gluing).
  • Develop creativity.


  • Alder cones on a branch (finished piece).
  • Bird feather.
  • Lionfish.
  • Acorns.
  • Plasticine.


Birds for a corner of nature.

Preliminary work

Examining illustrations of birds.

Listening to birds in audio recording.

Selection of definitions.

Methodical techniques

Listening to birds in audio recording.

Consideration of the proposed material.

Work planning.

Discussion of the concept.

Play-around: "Tell me about your bird."

The topic "Turning a semicircle into a cone"(from paper).


  • Introduce the technique of paper sculpture - twisting a semicircle into a high cone.
  • Learn to use the shown method in the manufacture of various crafts.


  • Circles of writing paper of different sizes and colors with the designation of the diameter in the outline.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectification" of crafts.
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Display material: 10 cm high cone.


For decorating an artistic corner.

Preliminary work

Experimenting with a paper semicircle.

Lotto "Colored figures".

Р / и "Find the image".

Methodical techniques

Game situation: "Meeting of a low cone and a high one."

"Turning a semicircle into a cone" is the process of making crafts.

Work planning.

The choice of material.

Sounding the idea.

Placement of finished works in the art corner.

Theme "Bridges"(by condition, from building material).


  • Learn to construct conditionally bridges.
  • Develop a planned function.
  • To form the ability to correlate the sizes of parts with an object.
  • Develop memory, thinking.


  • Building material set.
  • Freight and passenger transport.


Crossing bridges

Preliminary work

Observation of bridges.

Consideration of illustrations of bridges with their analysis.

D / and "Make up the bridge".

Methodical techniques

D / and "Constructor".

A conversation about the main parts of the machine built in the previous lesson.

Demonstration of the construction of the bridge (confirmation of children's answers).

Consideration of transport (determination of the required width of the bridge).

Independent work.

Discussion of the finished building (according to the specified conditions).

The theme "Journey to the winter forest"(from paper).


  • To fix the method of the paper sculpture technique - twisting a semicircle into a high cone.
  • Exercise children in the ability to twist a semicircle into a cone.
  • Develop imagination, creativity, fantasy.


  • Circles of writing paper of various sizes and colors with a drawn radius (cut line).
  • Scissors, glue.
  • Incomplete layout of the winter forest.


For theatrical activities.

Preliminary work

Examining a series of pictures about the inhabitants of the forest.

Drawing up stories-descriptions.

Drawing a winter fairy tale.

Methodical techniques

Riddles about animals.

Problematic situation: "What can be added to the layout?"

Repetition of the twisting method (cone from a semicircle).

Filling out the layout with crafts and drawing up a story.


Animal World theme(from paper, work in subgroups).


  • To consolidate the ability to work in the kirigami technique (folding and cutting along the drawn contour).
  • Learn to read and work with a pattern (solid line - cutting, dotted line - folding).
  • Learn to speculate and make additions to the work.


  • Squares of writing paper of different sizes and colors with the designation of the diameter in the outline.
  • Additional details for the "objectification" of crafts (into three subgroups).
  • Scissors, glue.
  • Models by animal habitat (three zones).


For the design of the layout in the environmental center "Environment".

Preliminary work

Homework: watching TV programs from the series "Animal Dialogues".

Conversation about views.

Drawing up stories-descriptions.

Methodical techniques

D / and "Habitat".

D / and "Overlay images".

Consideration of the material and the choice of a place of work.

Discussion of the idea (in groups).

Settlement of models and compilation of stories based on them.

Golden Straw theme(from natural material).


  • Teach the "inclusion" technique.
  • To consolidate the techniques of "objectification".
  • Practice technical skills (thread pulling).
  • Develop creativity, imagination.


  • A bundle of straw tied in one place (finished piece).
  • Maple lionfish.
  • Bird feather.
  • Pine cones.
  • Herbarium.


Fabulous transformation.

Preliminary work

Collection and preparation of straws.

Selection of definitions for straws.

Examining straw crafts.

Methodical techniques

Surprise moment: "The Coming of Straw."

Examining the golden tufts of straw she brought.

Experimenting with bundles of straw.

Thinking over the idea and doing the work.

Outplaying: "Mini-tale" Golden straw ".

Theme "Bridges"(by design, from building material).


  • Teach children to design bridges by design
  • Strengthen the ability to determine spatial characteristics (shape, position, length, arrangement of parts).
  • Learn to identify dependencies (purpose - structure).
  • Consolidation of technical skills of work (horizontal-vertical arrangement of building material).


  • Building material set.
  • Bridge schemes (road, pedestrian, for transport and pedestrians).
  • Sets of cars.
  • Figures of people.


Bridges for vehicles, pedestrians, vehicles and pedestrians.

Preliminary work

Consideration of bridge models.

Consideration of bridge schemes.

Consideration of the architecture of bridges.

Conversations about the styles of bridge architecture.


Methodical techniques

Conversation about the last excursion.

Consideration and analysis of circuits.

Selection of material for work.

Completing of the work.

The Wonderful Cube Theme(from paper).


  • Introduce the technique of paper sculpture - folding a cube from a square.
  • Boost your imagination.
  • Learn to analyze finished crafts.


  • Additional details for "objectifying" the workpiece.
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Craft options with a basic cube shape.
  • Demo material: cube.


For arranging a building corner.

Preliminary work

Experimenting with a paper square.

D / and "Find the same."

Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Methodical techniques

Game situation: "Meeting of a square and a cube."

Turning a square into a cube is the process of making a base for a craft.

Association game "What object is hidden?"

Thinking over and sounding the idea.

Compilation of the story "The Miraculous Transformation of the Cube".


The theme "Water travel(from natural material).


  • Teach the "inclusion" technique.
  • To consolidate the techniques of "objectification".
  • Practice technical skills (plasticine connection).
  • Develop creativity.


  • A piece of bark with a stick fixed in the center (finished piece).
  • Knots, roots.
  • Fine natural material.
  • Herbarium.


Help Pik the mouse.

Preliminary work

Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Mouse Peak".

Conversation about mutual assistance.

Д / и "Water transport".

Methodical techniques

Surprise moment: "The arrival of the mouse Peak."

Problematic situation: "How can I help him?"

Consideration of the workpiece and thinking through the craft.

Discussion of the concept.

Outplaying: "Let's go to the rescue."

"Gift for Mom" ​​theme(from paper).


  • Continue to acquaint with the method of paper sculpture technique - folding a square into a cube.
  • Learn to speculate and make additions to the work.


  • Squares of writing paper of different sizes and colors.
  • Additional details for "objectifying" the workpiece.
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Options for crafts with a basic cube shape (box, basket, flowerpot).


Gifts for mothers.

Preliminary work

Photo vernissage "My mother".

Drawing up stories "How I congratulate my mother."

Design of the newspaper "For Our Mothers".

Methodical techniques

Examining the newspaper "For Our Moms".

Conversation "What will we give mom?"

Demonstration of the technique of folding a square into a cube.

Thinking over and sounding the idea.

Consideration of finished works.

Presenting gifts at a spring matinee.

Residential building theme(according to the sample, from a building material).


  • Learn to design buildings by reference.
  • Develop analytical skills.
  • To form the ability to correlate the sizes of parts with an object.
  • Develop attention, perception.


  • Sample construction.
  • Building material set.
  • Figures of people.


Home for a family.

Preliminary work

Overseeing the construction of a house.

Examination of house models, their analysis.

D / and "Architect".

Methodical techniques

D / and "Residential - non-residential".

Examining the sample.

Analysis of the building.

Work planning and material selection.

Completing of the work.

Discussion of the finished building (similar to the sample).

Outplaying: "Settling in the family."

The theme "Unusual bar"(from paper).


  • Introduce the technique of paper sculpture - folding a bar from a square.
  • Strengthen the ability to read and work on a pattern (solid line - cut, dotted line - fold).
  • Boost your imagination.
  • Strengthen the ability to independently analyze finished crafts.


  • Squares of writing paper of different sizes and colors.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectification".
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Demo material: large bar.
  • Several varied crafts based on the basic shape of the bar.


For the exhibition "Skillful Hands".

Preliminary work

Experimenting with a square.

Lotto "Color, shape, size".

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Methodical techniques

Game situation: "Meeting a square with a bar."

Turning a square into a bar is the process of making a base for a craft.

Association game: "What is it like?"

Thinking over and sounding the idea.

Presentation of your craft.


Theme "Forest Tale"(by design, from natural material).


  • Develop imagination.


  • Branches.
  • Knots.
  • Bark.
  • Acorns.
  • Chestnuts.
  • Fruit seeds.
  • Fine natural material.
  • Herbarium.


A fairy tale for a theater corner.

Preliminary work

Excursion to the forest, park.

Collection of natural material.

Registration of herbariums.

Methodical techniques

Surprise moment: "Parish of the Old Man with a box."

Examination of natural material from the box.

Problematic situation: "Creating a forest fairy tale."

Discussion of the concept.

Material selection and work planning.

Telling a forest tale for the Old Man-Lesovichka.

Theme "Station"(from paper).


  • Continue to acquaint with the method of paper sculpture technique - folding a bar from a square.
  • Learn to read and work on a pattern.
  • Learn to speculate and make additions to the work.
  • Develop imagination, creativity.


  • Squares of writing paper of different sizes and colors.
  • Several types of blanks of parts for "objectification".
  • Scissors, glue, markers.
  • Demo: craft options based on the basic shape of the bar.


For a corner of traffic rules.

Preliminary work

Excursion to the station.

Consideration of the album with architectural monuments.

D / and "Architects".

Methodical techniques

Planning a layout scheme: "Building a station".

Repetition of the method of turning a square into a bar.

Introduction of additional elements into the layout.

Securing traffic rules on the manufactured model.

The theme "The city in which we live"(by design, made of paper, joint work).


  • To consolidate the passed techniques - origami, kirigami, paper sculpture.
  • Teach children to combine a variety of techniques in one project.
  • Learn to speculate and make additions to the work.
  • Boost your imagination.


  • Paper of different texture, color, size, shape.
  • Several types of blanks for "objectification".
  • Scissors, glue.
  • Demonstration material: crafts from previous lessons.
  • Tablet "Our city".


Creation of a layout of the city for beating.

Preliminary work

Excursion along the streets of the city.

Examination of postcards with views of the hometown.

Consideration of the albums "My city", "Monuments of architecture".

Methodical techniques

Conversation about the city.

Planning a layout scheme "Building a city".

Examining crafts from previous lessons.

Repetition of the method of folding the base for work.

Discussion of the concept and distribution of the amount of work.

Placement of finished works on the layout.

Selection of definitions for the word "city".

Theme "Kindergarten"(by condition, from building material).


  • Learn to construct buildings conditionally.
  • Develop the ability to draw up a plan.
  • To form the ability to correlate sizes with an object.
  • Develop memory, thinking.


  • Building material set.
  • Figures of people.
  • Model "Kindergarten".


Kindergarten for children.

Preliminary work

Viewing a variety of houses for a walk.


Examining an album of illustrations of houses and analyzing them.

D / and "Young architects".

Methodical techniques

Conversation about kindergarten.

Consideration of the layout "Kindergarten".

Discussion of conditions: "Build the same, but longer and higher."

Planning and selection of material.

Completing of the work.

Discussion of the finished building (fulfillment of the specified conditions).

Outplaying: "Kindergarten for Children".


Theme "Spring motives"(from paper).


  • Introduce the weaving technique.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
  • Consolidate knowledge of warm and cold colors.


  • Demo material: variable samples (blue, light green).
  • Scissors, glue.


For the decoration of the spring exhibition

Preliminary work

Observation of spring natural phenomena.

D / and "Contrast".

Game description "Riddle".

Methodical techniques

Examination of reproductions of artists on the theme "Spring".

Conversation on the use of colors in paintings.

Selection of material for work.

Organization of the vernissage "We are artists".

Interesting story theme(by design, from natural material, by subgroups).


  • Expand the basic methods and techniques of building an image.
  • To form the ability to embody an idea (create an image), taking into account the general plot, the specifics of natural material.
  • Develop imagination.


  • Branches.
  • Knots.
  • Bark.
  • Acorns.
  • Chestnuts.
  • Fruit seeds.
  • Fine natural material.
  • Herbarium.


The story "How we play."

Preliminary work

Excursion to the forest, park.

Collection of natural material.

Registration of herbariums.

Experimenting with the material.

Methodical techniques

Drawing up a story about our games.

Imagination game: "What's it like?" ("Objectification" of natural material).

Work planning and material selection.

Discussion of the concept.

Combining crafts and composing a story.


Colored carpet theme(from paper).


  • Continue to develop skills in the weaving technique.
  • Consolidate knowledge about rhythm, symmetry.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
  • Reinforce knowledge of warm and cold colors.


  • Demo material: variable samples.
  • Handout: Rectangular base.
  • Colored paper stripes (variety of colors).
  • Scissors, glue.


For a doll's corner.

Preliminary work

Examining flower beds.

Drawing up spring bouquets.

D / and "Warm - cold".

Methodical techniques

"Travel" through the group room.

Problematic situation: "How to decorate a doll's corner?"

Consideration of variable samples.

Demonstration of the weaving method.

Selection of material for work.

Organization of an exhibition of carpets: bright, cheerful ...

Palaces theme(by design, from building material).


  • Learn to design buildings by design.
  • Strengthen the ability to determine spatial characteristics (shape, position, length, arrangement of parts).
  • Learn to identify dependencies (purpose - structure).
  • Strengthen technical skills of work (horizontal-vertical arrangement of building material).


  • Building material set.
  • Crafts (trees, shrubs, flowers).
  • Schemes of palaces.


Theater palaces

Preliminary work

Examination of the buildings of the city.

Consideration of illustrations for fairy tales.

Д / и "Fairy castles".

Methodical techniques

Conversation about architectural styles.

Consideration and analysis of circuits.

Problematic situation: the choice of palace schemes.

Planning of work and discussion of the idea.

Selection of material for work.

Completing of the work.

Discussion of the finished building (compliance with the concept).

Design scheduling in the senior group was developed by T. Kruglenia

1 part.
Educator: Guys, a letter came to our kindergarten, from the land of fairy tales. Kolobok writes to us. Do you want to know what is in the letter? The teacher reads the letter:
In one fairy tale, a misfortune happened!
The animals disappeared, scattered in all directions.
Help! Return the animals to the fairy tale, I, Kolobok, have sent you a hint "
Educator: Do you want to help the animals? Do you know in which fairy tale the trouble happened?
Children: No!
Educator: We need to find out. Today we will, like detectives, conduct an investigation: solve riddles, think, search. Let's remember Russian folk tales, where the main characters are animals.
Exercise "Name a fairy tale"
Children: Three Bears, Masha and the Bear, Teremok, Kolobok, Winter Animals.
Educator: You named many fairy tales, but it is not clear in which of them the trouble happened? We need to get to the land of fairy tales, and a hint, a magic card sent by Kolobok will help us in this.
We take out the map from the envelope, examine it on the table.
Educator: What do you see on the map? Children: Figures, pictures, road. Children call numbers. Educator: What number will we start the search with?
They look around, looking for the first character in the group.
"Magic stone" and the inscription "Land of fairy tales". Nearby there is an inscription and arrows indicating "to the right", "to the left".
Educator: This is a magic stone that opens the way to the land of fairy tales. If we make the right choice, we will find ourselves in the land of fairy tales. Listen carefully to what is written here.
“If you go to the left, you will lose everything and you will be lost.
You will go to the right what you are looking for, you will find! "
Part 2.
Go right, find the second character. A chest with the number 2 on it.
Educator: This is a fabulous chest with riddles. Let's open it. The one who guesses the riddle will take a picture of his hero.
1. Small stature,
Long tail.
Collects the crumbs
Hiding from the cat. (Mouse)
2. White in winter,
Summer gray.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone. (Hare)
3. Day and night prowling through the woods.
Day and night looking for prey.
He walks and wanders in silence.
The ears are gray upright. (Wolf)
4. Sly cheat,
Red head.
Fluffy tail-beauty,
Who is this? (Fox)
5. Who lives in a deaf forest,
Clumsy, clubfoot.
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)
Educator: Now, guys, put the pictures on the table. What do you think these animals are from?
Children answer. "Kolobok". "Teremok". (If "Teremok", why is there no frog)
Educator: It is not clear in which fairy tale the trouble is? What is the next number on the card? They go further, find the number three and an envelope with an assignment from "Kolobok".
Game "What is superfluous"
Four pictures with the plot of the fairy tale "Kolobok" and one "Teremok".
The teacher lays out the pictures on the table, we look at them with the children.
Educator: Find an extra picture. Why is it superfluous? And now, you say, in which fairy tale the trouble happened? You speak somehow uncertainly. Listen to the hint:
Once in a thick forest
A house grew up under a bush.
What is this miracle house?
Animals settled in it.
The mouse and the bunny are happy,
And the chanterelle, the top is glad.
This is a fairy tale (Teremok).
We have identified the fairy tale in which the trouble happened. There is only one problem left, how to return the animals to the fairy tale? Let's look at Kolobok's map. Number 4 - hint-symbol "Forest workshop". Children look around, find the "Forest workshop".
Part 3.
Educator: This is the "Forest workshop". But there is no master. Look, there are blanks for the "animal heads", but there is no torso. We will be tinkering with the torso. Sit down at the tables. Let's get our fingers ready for work.
Finger game
I have ten fingers (showing fingers)
How much can I do!
If you want, I will show you (fingers open, turn the brushes, towards ourselves, away from ourselves)
And I'll tell you about it.
I can clench my fists (we clench and unclench my fists)
And then open them,
I can twist, (we twist our fingers, we squeeze our hands together)
And I can hide them, (we start behind the back)
I can fly, (raise up, bend and unbend the hands)
And then fall (down and shake the brushes)
And then I fold it quietly (we fold our hands on our knees like a boat, putting one into the other) On my knees, like a kitten.
Educator: What is on the table? (paper - according to the color of animals, glue)
We will fold the torso figurine according to the master's model.