Feeding a child with demand or hours. Principles of free feeding. Difficulties of feeding by the hour

The child's day mode is a certain routine of actions, compiled, taking into account age characteristics and needs and aimed at healthy physical and intellectual development. Some mothers think that the regime is needed only weakened, often sick children, but it is not. Tearn the baby to the routine of the day is necessary from the first months of life. You should not count that the newborn child from the first days will fall asleep and wake up by the clock, but certain skills that will make the basis of the children's regime at the old major age, can be developed in the first month of the life of the baby.

Feeding mode: on the clock or on demand?

If a child is on breastfeeding, pediatricians advise it to feed it on demand. If the child is healthy, it gains well in weight and develops according to the established standards, such a mode can be adhere to a three-month age. If Mom continues to give the chest to the child when he asks, there may be complications in the work of the digestive system associated with the stubble. It can be intestinal, painful spasms, chairs frustration, abdominal pain.

Feeding on demand has its pros and cons, so each mother itself must decide how to organize a child's feeding to ensure its needs and not suffer from the interests of the other family members.

Dr. Komarovsky on feeding mode

Among the advantages of feeding at the request, experts identify:

  • more harmonious child development due to frequent and long-term contact with mom;
  • stable (with this mode of feeding milk in the mammary glands is produced in the amount required to ensure the needs of a particular infant);
  • reducing the risk of purulent mastitis, developing against the background of milk stagnation.

If the mother decides to feed the baby on demand, it should understand that such a newborn day in the first month has significant cons. One of them is the inability to remove from the house in the first weeks of the child's life. The organization of feeding is of great importance: if the child takes the chest incorrectly (it does not capture not the Area, but only the nipple), too frequent feeding can lead to the formation of long healing cracks, which can be infected with insufficient personal hygiene.

Feeding on artificial or mixed feeding

If a newborn, the milk mixture receives a milk mixture as the main or additional nutrition, to feed the infant to the routine. Unlike maternal milk, composition, their fat content - indicators constant and do not change depending on external factors. The main differences between the dairy mixture from is the presence of complex proteins (lactoglobulins), for splitting and digesting, which requires more time. If the child gets a new portion of the mixture earlier than its body digest previous nutrition, disorders may arise from the gastrointestinal tract, for example:

  • and vomiting;
  • (the child cries, refuses the bottle, the stomach is tense, may occur with palpation);
  • constipation (can be saved up to 3 days).

Approximate chart of feeding by the hour

Parents of newborns who are on artificial or mixed feeding, when equipping nutrition, can adhere to the graph given in the table.

At night, the child can wake up at any time, as night feeding mode is usually installed only by 2-3 months. The volume of one portion of the mixture for newborns in the first month is 90 ml (from the third week of life this volume can be increased to 120 ml). The rate for breastfeeding children is a volume of 50 to 90 ml per feeding.

Important! The interval between feeding mixtures should be about 3 hours, that is, the child must receive power up to 8 times a day. Children on breastfeeding on demand may receive maternal milk to 8-10 times a day (intervals between feeding - at least 2-2.5 hours).

Night feedings

The children of the first month of life can wake up to 3-4 times per night. If the kid gets the chest on demand, such a number of feedings are allowed at night, but it is important to ensure that the child does not have signs of the overgrown (abundant swelling after eating, discarded belly, etc.). It is not worth limiting the sucking of the chest at night, since it is at this time in the body of a woman a increased amount of hormones needed to produce milk are produced.

Important! Newborn children receiving dairy mixes cannot be fed more than 1 time per night.

If the child wakes up more often, it is important to find out the reason. It may be uncomfortable clothes, cold (or, on the contrary, too high indoor temperature), dry and dusty air. Usually begin at the beginning of the third week of life and can last up to 3-4 months (less often - until six months).

To help the baby, you can use the following ways to combat increased gas formation:

  • dry heat on the belly (folded in several layers flannel diaper, stroking iron,);
  • (running clockwise with stroking movements);
  • special gymnastics (summing up his legs bent to the stomach).

If alternative methods do not help, you can use (,).

Do I need to give water with breastfeeding newborn

Maternal milk at 87-88% consists of water, so children with a good appetite do not need additional digging. Kids on artificial feeding can be squeezed by a bath with a spoon or from a bottle. Its norm depends on the weight of the child, the pace of general development and other factors and can be from 30 to 70 ml per day. Give better bottled water designed specifically for baby food. It is not necessary to add sugar to it, since then the child may refuse fresh foods feeding, such as vegetable puree. Some children are more sweepy drinking a heated driver, but it is important to ensure that its temperatures do not exceed 28 ° -30 °.

There are situations where water should be given even to newborn, eating only breast milk:

  • diseases accompanied by abundant vomiting and diarrhea (to prevent dehydration);
  • too dry air in the children's room.

Important! Dangerous signs of dehydration is dry lips and rare urinals (a newborn must urinate at least 8 times a day).

How much should the child eat for one feed in the first months of life

How to teach to a newborn regime?

Start the teaching a newborn baby to a specific routine is necessary from a two-week age. In 2-3 weeks, a child already establishes certain biological rhythms that need to be considered when drafting the mode. The easiest way to organize a daytime dream during this period, since newborn children are usually combined with a walk.

Important! To start teaching the child to the day of the day is the easiest way from organizing the sleep mode.

Walking with a newborn can be started by 3-5 days after discharge from the maternity hospital (after the crumb will examine the patronage nurse and give the necessary recommendations). It is best to go outside at the same time: during the morning and evening sleep. Evening walks are especially important for teaching the regime: oxygen saturation will help the child quickly fall asleep during nightlings and will provide a healthier and long sleep at night.

Stop the newborn sleep is also better at one time. Even if the kid is capricious, you should not get it out of the bed and scold a long time. The earlier the child will understand that the bed is associated with sleep, the easier it will be in the future to establish the right mode.

Pediatricians advise before going to bed to follow a certain ritual, which can be something like this:

  • and evening massage (stroking, rubbing);
  • dressing up in pajamas or sleeping jumpsuit (an important action that helps to quickly work out the habit in the crib);
  • feeding and quiet communication with the child;
  • laying in bed.

Mom can be with a child until he falls out, but it is not recommended to take a child in his hands after it was laid in bed.

How to teach to the regime - the opinion of the pediatrician doctor

Some time ago, I wrote an article on the rules of successful breastfeeding on regime. The material for it was the personal experience of women from several generations of my family and my acquaintances, as well as the recommendations of our pediatrician, which almost all moms feed on the site, and almost everyone feed on the regime - she taught. The magazine, for which the article was written, unexpectedly closed, so I had to offer it to another publication, in which it was severely cut, without even putting me knowing. Now I post it in the "kids" in the full version - suddenly someone will come in handy.

"Feeding on demand, which is now the main approach to breastfeeding, has proven very well and suits most moms and children. But you do not need to think that this is the only possible option. If you feel that you are uncomfortable to you, if breastfeeding delivers. You have a lot of inconvenience and negative emotions, if you plan to go to work in the very near future - do not rush to go to artificial feeding. Try first to change the approach.
Let's immediately determine the terms. First, it will be solely on feeding on the regime of maternal milk - artificials are always fed by regime. Secondly, we will call the regime, first of all, feeding feeds, invented for a child with his mother or doctor, and not a child himself. In general, we will keep in mind the classic scheme "every three hours during the day and six hours at night break." At the same time, we will not make tough binding to time - the first feeding can be both at six and at nine o'clock in the morning, and it will still be a regime if the same gaps between feeding are complied with day after day.

First of all, the regime feeding is fraught with a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother. As you know, milk generation is regulated by breast stimulation: a lot and often stimulate - more milk, stimulate less often and less - and less milk. You need to know about it, this does not need to be afraid. Milk extremely rarely disappears in one day, and it happens, as a rule, not from the input of the regime, but from stress, illness or any other troubles. If milk becomes smaller, you will notice it, and no one will prevent you from returning everything back. There is another good way (I especially recommend moms, soon go to work): The first three months, while the lactation is installed, follow. Thus, the breast will receive additional stimulation, and you are a stock of frozen milk, which will be useful for you soon.
The second nuisance from which you may encounter is a sharp rejection of the regime by your child. And this trouble is more than the first. Most of the children are neutral, they can be accustomed to any regime or its complete absence. Newborns in many hospitals are still fed by the clock, and one or two cry out of all the children. But it is likely that this one is just yours, and to teach such a child to the regime will, firstly, very hard, and secondly, very harmful to the baby. Therefore, if you see that your healthy child is crying from feeding to feeding, sleeps intermittently and restless, looking for the chest and calms down only with her - do not torfer him.
The third trouble is the inability of your child to eat a large portion immediately. If the newborn baby eats every hour of twenty grams - this is normal. If he eats twenty grams every three hours - it is not good anywhere. So be sure to consider wet diapers: if the child urins less than six times a day, if the watering is yellow or dark, sharply smelling (normally - colorless and having a smell), reduce the gaps between feeding, because your child is hungry and wants to drink. Another option of control over the number of eaten - the weighing of the child before and after feeding. It can be used, but I would not recommend it to use for the following reason: a young mother - creature is often very restless. It is quite possible to such a situation when the child eats enough milk, but it is not enough (from a mother's point of view) in weight. Weighing it six times daily, my mother begins to panic: Today, the baby again did not add a gram again, despite the fact that it seems to be enough. And the children, by the way, can add weight jumps like, maybe at all in some month everything will put "in growth" - in length the child will increase, and in weight - there is almost no, but next month will double the rate of increase. Mom, however, about it forgets and nervous, and from stress, as we have already found out, the milk disappears much more often than from any regime. So if the child is healthy, then from my point of view, quite a monthly weighing from the pediatrician.

When it is worth thinking about the mode
There are situations where the mode is the only possible option. Only on the regime, for example, feed weakened children. Such a child sleeps a lot, he has practically no requirement. The more he sleeps, the less often wakes up to eat, the more weaken, the worse sucks. If you do not pay attention to this on time, then mom risks losing not only milk, but also a child - one day he can simply not wake up. Therefore, such children are fed only according to the regime, as a rule, according to the scheme "Every two hours in the afternoon, a night break for six hours with one feed."

Another case when the mode is necessary for medical reasons regarding the health of the mother. There are women whose body is deprived of "brakes" on the production of milk (I encountered this on my own experience). The excess level of prolactin arising in the body of a woman after childbirth, usually to the three-four months of the child begins to decline, but there are women from which it remains almost at the same height of the year and even to one and a half years of the child. Moreover, as a rule, such women and the initial, postpartum level of prolactin exceeds the average indicators for this period. Figuratively speaking, their organism believes that at least triples were born, and they all need to be contacted. Imagine what happens with such a mom when feeding on demand: "hearing" almost constant breast stimulation, the body decides that, despite all the efforts, the milk is missing, and it begins to produce it more and more, launching not only those Nutrients that mom gets with daily food, but also a few reserves, preserved after pregnancy. (I, trying after the hospital to feed on demand, lost in two weeks the weight scored during pregnancy, and continued to lose weight in a kilogram per week, while my weight did not reach 38 kilograms with a height of 164 centimeters - despite the fact that Ela 9-10 Once a day, adhering to a special diet).
The best thing that my mother is waiting in this case is a very ambulance of milk loss, because the body is still equipped with an instinct of self-preservation, and he will not be able to "eat" themselves entirely, he will simply stop the production of milk at all. Heavier consequences are hungry fainting, anemia, all sorts of bleeding.

When should I think about the mode? When the child does not mind, and the mother will be more convenient: if mom soon goes to work or simply often leaves the house without a child, if for mom for some reason, feeding in public places is unacceptable (because the regime gives sufficiently long intervals, The time of which you can and go to the store, and in the clinic), if my mother can not sleep with the child (after all, when feeding on demand, she will have to run from bed to bed several times during the night). And of course, you need to feed on the regime if the child wants it.

"Regime" children
There are children who, from birth, distinguish the concepts of "eat" and "suck." Such children suck prefer fingers, and when trying to calm their breasts, they begin to be angry and cry more stronger, because milk flows from the chest, which they don't want at all. Such a child got me - my daughter asked to eat from the very beginning, withsting almost until the minute three-hour intervals between meals. I was very frustrated - after reading a lot of modern literature during pregnancy, I was confident in the benefits and convenience of feeding on demand, but what turned out to be with my daughter was absolutely not like feeding on demand. I read that with him in the first month of the child's life of the child, the number of applies per day can reach forty, and we barely gained six feedings per day and one night. I tried to teach my daughter more often and smaller portions, and we had a crazy house: she had eaten forty-fifty grams, he walked around for some time, then he began to rip off, but did not have time to fall asleep, because she wanted to eat again. All day, she has a honeycomb, unreceived and constantly semi-wild, and I have developed hyperlactation due to excessive stimulation. All this disgrace continued until Mom advised me to return to the traditional regime for us. Now my daughter is eight months old, we still feed the regime - by now it has five feedings per day, about 200 grams each, two or three (by mood) of dairy, other lures. Despite the regime, I easily feed it with milk five times a day, when there is a need for this, and even restored lactation after the apochy of the ovary when my milk completely gone. The only thing that does not suit me now - the daughter still does not drink water, but we work in this direction.

Chest and ... Communication.Some technical moments: water, nipple, doctor technique, feeding and sleep.
The first question that occurs at a working mother: how to feed the child in her absence? From a syringe or spoon, not to spoil the grip? Or is it from the bottle - easier and faster?
The first recommendation is the same: look at your child. If he did not take his chest from the very beginning or he took it wrong if you spent a lot of strength to establish the right capture and treatment of cracks - it is better not to risk at least in the first months. You can also teach a bottle and later when the correct capture is fully established, and you can take months from four to five to the kid directly to the rophist.
But at all, to an alternative power source (whether it is a bottle, a syringe or a spoon) of the child to teach. Everything can happen in life. My daughter and I got to the hospital when she was half a year, she lay on stretching in a small lattice bed, I could not even take her on my hands, and a few days passed, while I adapted to give her chest. By the way, it turned out we just because I am very small and easy - I climbed into her bed. A woman of a larger addition, there would simply not fit there, and if in such a situation the child does not know how to eat anything other than the chest is very hard.
I repent and in the fact that I did not teach it to the water. The hospital was very hot and stuffy, my daughter cried all the time and asked to drink, and he could not drink anything but milk, did not know how to drink. Before dehydration, fortunately, it did not come, but she was bad.
Give your child a nipple? Try not to give from the very beginning - in the end, you will always have time to give. In our family, examples of both children who loved the nipples of children and children who spoiled it with indignation were known.
Another naturally arising question: How is feeding regimen with sleep? Installing the mode helps the child's child, so it can gently and gradually move feeding as it seems to her most convenient - naturally, taking into account the needs of the child. Most children involved in the regime from birth tend to wake up and fall asleep with the sun: they get up early in the morning, seven or eight watches, fall asleep at eight or nine evenings (with amendment at the time of year). Feed the child for the last time better directly in front of the night bed; Well, if daytime dreams begin immediately after the nearest feeding. At all, it is not necessary to stick to the strict chart "6-9-12-15-18-21". A few days of observation - and mom itself will understand how it will be more convenient for the child: if he has one of the peaks of daylight, let's say, it falls for an hour of the day, then at two o'clock it will be ready for sleep, it will be possible to feed and put it, and not pull to "prescribed" three hours.

Something you can never do
1. Enter the mode when mom's milk has little from the very beginning. Wait until the situation is normalized. It is never too late to start, but if you hurry - like big problems.
2. Enter the mode sharply. Yesterday there were still ate every half hour, and today every three hours, and night. Do not forget - your child, if only he has not been prone from the very beginning to long interruption, I have not yet understood that he needs to eat more than yesterday. Increase breaks gradually.
3. Lose control over the number of wet diapers. So far, do not make sure a monthly visit to the pediatrician that the child is developing normally, consider and consider diapers.
4. Enter the mode of fanatically and "no matter what". Despite the explicit reduction of milk at Mom and the desperate hysterical children.
5. Do not believe in your strength and good luck. "

Sometimes it is very difficult to decide with the way of feeding the child with breasts. After all, information coming from different sources is quite contrary to. The first group of advisers, consisting of mothers, grandmothers and other adult relatives and acquaintances who have already passed the stage of raising newborns, in one voice, claim that feeding according to the regime schedule will more favorably affect the health and behavior of the baby. This point of view is inclined to adhere to some pediatricians. But how then refer to articles from the Internet, recommending breastfeeding in his first requirement?

On the first and the second method of feeding and will be discussed in our article. We will try to explain to young mothers, what is the essence of each of them, and which one is suitable.

Feeding by the clock

To feed the newborn baby every 3 hours invented relatively recently. More precisely, such a regime was introduced into a difficult post-war time, when a woman had to rush to a labor watch. The child in the daytime was in the manger, where he came several times a day his mother to feed. In connection with the production necessity, all the kids were to adapt under the schedule of their parents, and not vice versa. Time for feeding was left for 20 minutes, at night the break between meals was stretched to 6 hours.

Pluses of hourly feeding:

  • The child adjusts to the mode and gives mom to sleep peacefully at night.
  • Mom can plan his day literally by the hour. She knows when her baby is hungry and will try to be close by this time, wherever she was before.

The shortcomings of hourly feeding are more, and they are reflected on the crumb, and on his mom:

  • The child risks not to add in weight, because for laid 20 minutes he will squilt a different amount of milk. The nuance is that in each of the applies to the chest, the intensity of sucking may be different, and therefore the portions will differ from each other in volume.
  • Long breaks are not explained for the kid. In anticipation of food, he will be capricious and cry, and parents will have to be patient and exposure to distract the child, switch his attention and take something else.
  • The likelihood that a woman has problems with breasts, rises several times. This risk is explained by the fact that it may occur with the hourly feeding of milk, leading to an increase in temperature and diseases of the mammary glands. It is very difficult to cope with them, many turn to a specialist who "flourished" the chest, applying special techniques.
  • Psychologists disagree with feeding according to the regime, as they consider it to ignore the needs of the child. Failure to get breasts in the first scream will develop in the future in not quite useful habits: sucking your fingers or cam.
  • The most dangerous consequence of the method is to reduce lactation. From the content in the blood of the hormone prolactin produced in response to sucking, the production of milk directly depends. It turns out that the duration of breastfeeding increases in response to frequent applying to the chest, because the stimulation of the mammary glands is regularly. When the lactation is established only at the initial stage, the lack of prolactin may affect especially negative. The result of such experiments is a short breastfeeding (about six months), which was distributed in Soviet times. As you know, it was then that children were taught to a hard regime in food.

A more natural way to breastfeeding, which is eating on the first crime of the child, it is difficult to imagine. After all, they were guided by ancient people who lived on the planet several thousand years ago. Women of that period did not need to reflect on the question for a long time, which is asked by modern mothers. The child has always been in their hands and at any convenient moment could be satisfied.

So, the conversations that prove the super-modernity of breastfeeding at the request of the child are groundless. After all, it is quite obvious that this method came to us from deep antiquity. It is especially useful in terms of night feedings, because at night prolactin is typically produced in reinforced mode.

You don't need to stick any rules here, everything is simple: the child gets the chest immediately as she asks. There are no restrictions on the duration of sucking, he eats exactly as much as he wishes himself.

Despite the fact that the natural method of feeding is more useful, some modern women saw a number of shortcomings in it, entailing the creation of unpleasant situations.

Cons Natural Feeding:

  • Many mothers do not attract prospects to feed the baby in a public place. And although in some countries such a picture is quite familiar to those around us, we have not yet perceived 100% adequately. But the baby may ask to eat in transport, in the store, on the street. Manufacturers of underwear went to meet women, and came up with bras, allowing unnoticed for prying eyes to feed the baby. The inconvenience causes the fact that at home mom should urgently quit everything and on the first shout of a child to give him what he demands.
  • Finding Mom in the power of the child for more than half an hour does not always lead it to delight. Rather, on the contrary, being at the chest as much as it is pleased with him, the baby will get used to fall asleep from her and become to prevent her free challenge. And this is minus.
  • Natural feeding can be caused by the frequent wakeback of the child at night. Out of this situation two: you need to either take the baby to myself in bed, which will affect his reluctance to sleep separately in the near future, or the mother is forced to constantly get up and approach the bed to calm the crumb.
  • When to proceed to the excavation from the chest, in most cases the child decides. If the lactation is stopped when feeding, the lactation ceases itself, then with a natural method, it can delay up to two years. The thing is that the baby is painfully tolerates the oscillation procedure, and Mom from the best motives constantly derete this moment for him.

The disadvantages of natural feeding are most likely there are only in mom's heads than they have an objective base. So, if desired, they are easy to eliminate.

We will talk about the benefits of the method in more detail, since their significance for a small body can not be underestimated.

Pluses of natural feeding:

  • Natural breastfeeding is positively reflected in the physical and psychological development of the kid. It adds well in weight because it gets all the nutrients in the right amount.
  • Problems with the digestive tract in such children are much less common in such children, since the mother's milk is adapted for a while still an imperfect toddler gastrointestinal system. Getting breasts on the first requirement, the child does not need additional supplies and water. Its digestive system is not an object for constant conversations in the house, because it works without interruptions.
  • The risk of lactation development in mom is striving for zero, since there is no compassion of milk. Resorting to natural feeding, a woman will protect himself from problems with milk glands.
  • You can not worry because of the shortage of milk, this method helps to establish lactation and feed the baby as much as it is necessary.
  • The sucking reflex in the child is completely satisfied, so there is no need to acquire a pacifier. This alien item is not the best way to reflect the kid's speech apparatus, and the process of teaching can delay in long months.
  • It is impossible not to note the psychological condition of the child who receives the chest on the first requirement. In the future, self-confident personality grows out of it, which can count on supporting a loved one.

Strict feeding regime is far from a modern way of life. Today a woman does not go to work almost immediately after the birth of the baby, but has the opportunity to be with him at home.

Natural feeding is one of the components of happy motherhood, it is laid out by nature itself and is the key to the harmonious development of the child.

Feeding a child on a schedule or by a clock is a feeding recommended by many Russian pediatricians who adhere to traditional Soviet standards. The same norms were promoted earlier and abroad. The same doctor Spock, for example. We will talk about feeding on the clock "for" and "against".

So, traditionally pediatricians say that a healthy child with a sufficient amount of milk at mom must suck the chest 1 time at 3 o'clock. At the same time, night sleep is expected for at least six hours.

But in fact it often happens differently. Women complain that they are forced to feed children very often, we can say that the baby hangs on the chest all day with small breaks.

Doctors answer this that feeding every hour is a sign of a child's hunger. Mom has little milk, the baby does not eat, that's the result ... they advise you to enter the doctors in the form of an artificial mixture. That is, first give one and other breasts. And then sinking a mixture. The amount of the mixture for the proceed is determined by the experimental way. It is believed that the child is superfluous. Indeed, this practice often helps to normalize feeding after 3 hours, because the mixture is digested longer. The kids on mixed and artificial feeding usually and sleep more deeply and for a long time. But the problem is that the discoclas provokes a decrease in breast milk production. And the use of the bottle can lead at all to the failure of the child suck the chest.

The practice of transition to mixed, and then with artificial nutrition was very frequent 20-30 years ago, until there were breastfeeding consultants. And in general, the issue of GW was given very little attention. Children were given not even a mixture, but more often a whole cow's milk. What resulted in strong allergic reactions and intestinal disorders.

And yet, is it possible to move to the feeding mode in the clock, and at the same time stay completely on breastfeeding? This is possible. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the first 2-3 months in the child is very developed by a sucking reflex and will have to give him a pacifier instead of a chest. Yes, and putting sleeping baby will be problematic. If there is enough breastfeeding at demand so that the baby fell asleep, give him the chest, then observing a chart of feedings will have to scold it, take out to the street, etc. Not many children calmly fall asleep on their own in their crib.

But if you have already decided for yourself for yourself - feed newborns on demand or by hours, which is better for you and chose a second option, then start with an understanding of whether the child has enough power. To do this, you need to look at the dynamics of the growth of its weight and the amount of urination. If everything is in order, then go to feeding the baby in 2 hours, and then through 3. At the same time, if it is hot, in the breaks between feeding it is desirable to give a water if the breast is scheduled. Well, and without a pacifier is unlikely to do. At the time between feeding 4 hours it will be possible to switch when the introduction of repeated dust (porridge, vegetable and fruit puree, cottage cheese). Closer to the year of breastfeeding, only night and morning can remain.

What are the cons of strict feeding mode? They are before the introduction of dust. As we have already written, breastfeeding is reduced, the child is restless and with a pushem in the mouth. And also, such kids are usually gaining less in weight. If a

Breastfeeding puts many tasks for the newly minted parents, one of which implies the choice of the method of "Milk Transfer" a child. Many grandmothers and some doctors convince that the feeding by the clock will help a woman to preserve some independence from the infant and from the very first day to establish regime.

In the 20th century, a radical fracture occurred in the role of a woman in the social structure of the state. The beautiful floor is now active, fighting, is not inferior in many of the parameters of men and not to the extent is the custodian of the hearth.

So that the new mother, feeding the breast, as soon as possible returned to the team, pediatricians offered feeding in time. That is, the parents did not need to constantly control the infants, it is enough to simply provide the chest in three hours.

Breastfeeding on a clearly established schedule was carried out according to some rules and requirements of pediatricians:

However, in the current century, the views on breast feeding changed a little.

Modern experts on GW provide new freedom of action with new-minced mothers, but still recommend to adhere to feeding on the "request" of the kid.

Today, young moms are increasingly killed a child, only he wishes the chest. And absolutely does not matter how many times he wants to eat and when it gets hungry. Scientists are convinced that the mother's body adapts to the needs of the infant and the volume of milk also corresponds to its need.

The feeding in the regime is an adjustment of the needs and wishes of the breast child under a special schedule, which is developed by the mother or neonatologist.

Despite the rather rigid criticism of breast feeding according to the schedule, there is this regime and some advantages that should be described in more detail:

  1. Breastfeeding on the exact schedule allows you to build a clear mode of the day. A woman more or less represents when the child needs to be applied to the chest and give milk, and when she has a free moment. That is, the mother will be able to plan the day and even to remove from the house.
  2. Because in this feeding mode there is a break at night, a woman can count on a calm night. Of course, such a "luck" is waiting for it after a certain time, and if only it is possible to adjust the infant to the selected schedule.

However, experts on GW of Nesolima - breastfeeding on a schedule in no way satisfy their physiological and psychological needs. The disadvantages of this feeding mode are obvious.

  1. Doctors assure that, due to the imperfection of the gastrointestinal tract, the newborn guys the stomach practically does not participate in digestion. Breast milk with ease is able to digest and in the intestinal tube, the stomach is connected when the baby begins to get the lure. Thus, the absorption of breast milk occurs extremely quickly, significantly faster than three hours - the interval recommended during the "regime" nutrition.
  2. Feeding of infants by the clock, as scientists consider, can catch lactation. Breast milk stands out in response to baby digestive quantities. That is, the volume of dairy secrets is directly proportional to the fact that the child sucked. If the chest remains "untouched", special hormones in the brain are not distinguished, and, it means that the next time the milk will be allocated much less. As a result, it leads to early recking and stopping lactation.
  3. With breastfeeding, the regime occurs more often with milk and mastitis. Reducing the number of feedings - "Milk corks", if you run it, it is able to turn into mastitis in three days, for example, when connecting the infection. Despite the fact that the chest can be partially empty, the number of mastitis in mothers who complies with breastfeeding, substantially more than women, nursing babies on the first "pisk".
  4. It is impossible not to mention possible psychological problems. According to psychologists, breastfeeding on regime is harmful to infant. A nursing woman, in fact, is forced to ignore children's need, thereby refusing the child to satisfy his natural sucking reflex. As a result of lack of maternal heat and enjoy maternal breasted, a habit of sucking a finger or cam is formed.

WHO is against the feeding on a schedule. Experts on GW advise nursing mommies to offer the child the breast at its first request. Thus, the establishment of any time frame in the question of breast feeding is considered inappropriate and even dangerous for the child.

Feeding on demand Some mothers consider the invention of modern pediatricians, but a similar power mode, on the contrary, is traditional. Another common name of this regime is natural feeding, because this approach was developing during the development of mankind.

Nursing mothers in antiquity, of course, did not even think about feeding the child by the clock. The newborn was constantly kept in their arms, so the breasts were obtained in the literal sense for the first requirement.

Once again we repeat that today WHO recommend mothers on breast feeding to take into account the needs of kids and apply to the chest at any time of the day.

Consultants on GV allocate the following features of feeding on "PISC" for breast kids:

  • Newborn children who give breast milk on the first requirement are capable of overcome the so-called generic stress and get used to new living conditions.
  • Close bodily interaction helps the child and the mother to establish an emotional connection, which contributes to the emergence of a feeling of security in infants.
  • Satisfying needs help the harmonious psychological development of newborns, since the baby, asking the chest and being on the handles, forms basic confidence in the world around.
  • With breastfeeding, at the request of the child, a good gain is marked in weight, since children get so much milk as they need. Being near Mamina Breast, the baby receives both front (liquid) and rear (thick, fat) milk secret.
  • The probability of joining in breast kids decreases. The volume of the gastric bag in the newborn baby is extremely small, since it is designed for frequent arrival of small dairy "doses". With an increase in the pause between eating, the child absorbs the larger amount of breast milk, as a result of which there is tights or the intestinal problem.

Freshing the baby on demand is favorably affecting the organism of a new mother. Experts on GW allocate the following benefits for nursing women:

  • When the child sucks the chest, a hydraulic oxytocin hormone is distinguished, contributing to the contractile activity of the uterus. The more often with breast feeding, the baby interacts with the mother's breast, the sooner the uterus returns to natural sizes and the less the threat of bleeding after childbirth.
  • When feeding the child at the first scream occurs the optimal production of the prolactin hormone, which stimulates the lactation. Moreover, milk flows into the chest in the desired volume: how many dairy secrets are suused, so much is produced again.
  • It is believed that with frequent attachment of the child, the breast empties much more efficiently. And this significantly reduces the likelihood of stagnant phenomena and inflammatory processes in lactic glands.
  • The prolactin hormone not only stimulates breastfeeding, but is a natural contraceptive, since it suppresses the ovulation process. So when feeding the infants for the first requirement, the risk of unplanned pregnancy is reduced, although, of course, this method is not considered one hundred percent protection against possible conception.

Thus, the advantages when feeding the breast kids on demand is quite a lot. These positive parties and allow specialists to talk about the need to transfer infants precisely to this feeding mode.

Are there any minuses?

Despite all the arguments of experts and benefit for all feeding participants, some women consider applying infant to dairy glands on the first "Pisk" not very convenient.

Modern newly minted moms allocate several drawbacks of this approach:

That is, there are still flaws, however, the benefits of this method are more. Similar negative nuances female can either be understood, or eliminate. Therefore, minuses are easily leveled through a reasonable and weighted approach.

What does Komarovsky say?

The well-known Children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky does not oppose, but is not a supporter of feeding on demand, however, as feeding infants on a schedule. What is his opinion about the main types of breast nutrition of the child?

  1. Feeding of chest ducts with intervals by time, at first glance, allows mom to feel more free. However, Komarovsky is confident that it is extremely difficult to withstand such a schedule, and the night turns into a period of continuous tears.
  2. If breastfeeding in the first requirement, it will not be possible to enter the optimal mode. Also, Komarovsky is convinced that it turns out to give a breast milk for 25-30 times during the day.

Komarovsky is confident that the best way out for a woman and a breast baby will be the so-called free feeding. Komarovsky's pediatrician proposes to feed the baby on his request, but not more often than three hours. This mode is preserved at night.

A similar type of feeding is ideal for infants and active women. So he believes Dr. Komarovsky, and whether to listen to his opinion, to solve a specific nursing mother.

Feeding rules on demand

WHO recommends feeding breast kids on demand to satisfy their physiological and emotional needs. Consultants are in a hurry to calm mothers who believe that this method is too complicated. The thing is in habit.

Completely establishing feeding on demand will help the implementation of the following recommendations:

  • Try to apply the child to the chest after each "pisch", without bringing the first gentle sounds to pronounced and loud screams. It can be understood that the baby wants to eat, it is possible by his anxiety, sucking movements of the lips, cloths, moving the head.
  • Refuse "Breast Surrogates". Smooths are intended for children who are otherwise not able to satisfy the natural desire to suck. Nutrition Breeding on demand involves the rejection of the nipple, bottles and other devices that disturb the sucking skill.
  • Refuse to dope with a driver. The child of the first half of the day of life is not needed at all, since breast milk is both food and a drink. Natural feeding satisfies all the needs of kids.
  • Try to sleep with the newborn. In this case, the woman can feed the child with milk at the right moment when he starts to hurt in search of her mother's chest. If the mother will lose a favorable time, the probability of calm crumbs will decline much.

If a woman is properly applied to breasts to lactic glands, they will be completely released from milk. And this significantly reduces the threat to the occurrence of lactostasis.

Most nursing mothers seeking to go to the natural feeding of newborn children, do not always understand some points of this approach. For example, women confuse the frequency and duration of feeding.

How often feed?

Major needs Newborn Karapuz satisfy, sucking maternal chest. Mom is a source of food, warmth, protection.

Many babies begin to depart gases, there is an act of defecation, since the operation of the gastrointestinal tract in breast feeding is activated.

Since the newborn from a loved place with his mother receives exceptionally positive sensations, experts recommend attaching a baby to his chest as often as possible.

During the first month of life of the child, the number of daily feedings can exceed 25! In three-month-old age, children produces their own routine of the day when the crumbs are eating usually after either to fall asleep. Tabs older begin to suck the chest when frustrated or unhappy.

How long does feeding last?

The duration of sucking depends on the main need. If Kroch wants to drink, he sucks the dairy glands a few minutes to saturate the front milk. If he was hungry, then mommy "free" only after 45 minutes.

Usually the duration of applying increases in the following situations:

  • after morning awakening;
  • in the so-called stages of "growth racks", when the crumb grows the most quickly;
  • while making the baby (the teeth are cut, the stomach hurts, other disorders), as the milk reduces the soreness of sensations.

For natural breasts, it is characteristic of allowing the baby to apply to the chest to the time required by it. It is believed that Karapuz himself will let go of mom when it falls alive either.

When to complete the lactation?

The World Health Organization advises to feed the children maternal milk to two years. If up to 12 months of life it is necessary to provide indispensable components, then closer to 2 years, the product becomes a source of more successful development of intelligence and the immune system.

The moment of the cessation of feeding is the solution taken individually to each mother and depends on the set of nuances. There are no certain temporary frameworks, which is why "right" behave - it looks at your child.

So, many modern specialists in GW oppose the attachment of children in time. There is a point of view that only feeding on the "scream" can provide children to the optimal volume of milk and maternal heat.

However, it is necessary to decide what is needed for infants - feed on the clock or on demand - to solve only nursing mothers. It is possible to use the advice of Dr. Komarovsky and combine these two approaches to maximize the convenience of all participants in the process.

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.