Beautiful crochet trim in Google. The neck of the neck with nodules. Variation Tenth: with baker and Italian edge

With the problem of processing open sections of products, all needlewomen are facing. Consider, for example, how to bind the neck with a crochet in several ways. Also in gradually we will analyze the proposed schemes of patterns and ornaments to finish the edge.

Options for the neckline

The unprocessed edge can be finished in one of several ways. We list the main options, how to tie the neck with a crochet and decorate the product:

  • Narrow border (no more than 0.5-1.5 cm). Unintelligible Cint or Rubber is ideal for lungs, openwork and children's things.
  • Kima, turning into the collar (from 5-8 to 15-20 cm). Can be combined with any kind of products.
  • Wide finishing ornament (from 1.5 to 4-5 cm). Most often used when placing the neck and edge of the sleeves of pullovers and jumpers from the medium thickness yarn.

Sometimes novice needlewomen do not know how to tie the neck with a crochet beautifully. In this case, you can use by the way, they are used not only to decorate braided products. Conventional fabric dress can be easily turned into a festive outfit, decoring a small accessory. Particularly stylishly looking contrasting details (photo 1). It does not need a neck. The schemes of such removable products suggest acting from top to bottom. That is, at first several rows fit, the first of which will be the edge, and then, following the instructions, a small uniform expansion is performed.

Processing Product Niza, Processing of the armored or sleeves and processing the neck of the crochet in a single style

The same harmoniously looks like the same finish of open sections. Agree that cutting and damping fabric beeke is a rather laborious process. And the use of other technologies (embroidery, macrame) is also quite problematic. Therefore, one of the most common types of needlework is used very often for the design of products that are stitched from the fabric or made by the knitting needles - crochet. The neckline of the neck, especially on Tops, tops, dresses and other lungs (including openwork and nursing) products with an open prugoam or short sleeves, is usually carried out equally. The first row is usually performed by columns without Nakid. And then you can fantasize your taste using different techniques. Then the product will look stylistically finished, neat and beautiful. Let's start with the simplest pattern of "raff", with the help of which the neck crochet is most often carried out. Schemes in this case will not be required, as it will be very simple to perform the text description.

Performing a "Radi Step" pattern

How to knit the neck with a crochet, so that the edge gets smooth and not stretched? Use no simple columns to do this, but an unusual pattern on your technology. Work in this case will be carried out in the opposite direction - from left to right, therefore the name of the mating is associated with cancer, heated back. So, having reached the edge of the canvas and after performing the last loop of a number of columns without a Nakid, do not turn the product to the opposite direction. Enter the hook to the last element of the base, directing it from the front (groaning clockwise 90 °), and the working work, pre-stretched to the left thread through the hole. Two loops were formed on the tool, check them. Then, moving back, perform the "raff" step "to the end of the row. The edge of the product will be in the form of a logging, obtained from the threads lying on the mustache. This finish of the neck can be carried out both the main threads in the tone of the product and finishing.

Description of the schemes for finishing the neck

Consider a few simple, but fairly elegant ornaments, which are performed on top of the pre-row from the columns without a Nakid (in the schemes - a chain of air loops).

Designation ** - Rapport, that is, the repetition of the same elements to the end of the row.

Pattern first:

1 r. - * 2 post. from 1 NA., 1 remote. P.*;

2 r. - * Arch from 4 places. p. On top of the pillar., 1 post. without NAK. In the Wards P.*;

3 r. - * Fune from alternating 5 pole. With 1 nakid. and 4 remuneration. p. in one arch of the past row, then 1 post. without nakid. to another arch *.

Pattern two:

1 r. - * Pole. with 1 nakid. *;

2 r. - * Fan from 4 pole. With Nakid., 3 Wait. P.*;

3 r. - * In the post. last row 2 pole. With 1 nakid, 3 remuneration. P., Pico from 3 Waards. P., 3 Wards. p. 2 post. With 1 nakid. *

Pattern third:

1 r. - * Pole. WITHOUT NAK., 3 Pico from 3 Rev.. p., Pole. WITHOUT NAK., 5 WIT. n. over 3 loops of the past row *;

2 r. - * Pole. without NAK. In the arches from the Wards. p., 9 remuneration. p. above the Pico group *;

3 r. - * 9 post. without NAK. On top of the Wards p. 1 post. without NAK. in a pillar. last row *.

The simplest and at the same time elegant way of finishing the product "Veter" pattern

Any land will look carefully when using this pretty simple in the design of the ornament. It is not necessary to be a super craftswoman and know all the techniques, how to tie the neck with a crochet. It is enough to learn how to perform only a chain of air loops, and without it. The ornament consists of three rows, but if desired, you can repeat them several times. The result is a wider openwork kaym.

1 r. - On the edge of the canvas, perform the arches out of 5 remuneration. loops (based on 3 loops) and a pillar. without nakid;

2 r. - Repeat the previous row, tieting the pillar. in air arches;

3 r. - Alternate a pillar. Without a nakid (with a similar post. Previous row) and fan in the arch, made of 5 posts: 1 Without Nakida, 3 with 1 Nakud, 1 without Nakid.

Two ways to confuse corners

What is the features of the edge processing in the pattern above? In the performance of rotary lines and corners. Binding can be performed in two ways:

1. In the case when only the main ornament is executed without repetitions, you can rely on the photo above. Then one of the logs will be in the corner.

2. If you want to make an openwork Kaima wider, it is worth a slightly change technology. To do this, when performing 1 row in the corner, make an arch from the War. Loops and columns without Nakid (preceding it and ending it), lie in one loop of the base (in the corner). Then, as a result of the toothed lore, there will be no corner. It will appear after the repetition of 1-3 rows.

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately decide how to tie the neck with a crochet - to make it in the form of a narrow embossed edge or wide border. And only after that plan their further work. Otherwise, the neck will be pulled out with a concave corner connecting it with a plank of the product.

"Second life" neck. Repair of old things

Very often knitted products in the process of socks lose the initial look and shape. In this case, the neck can be treated with the appearance will be fresh and attractive. Spend the assignment as follows:

Sharp scissors cut edging, strapping or collar;

If necessary, disclaim the edge of wide stitches, having turned the tissue into 0.5 cm.

If the fabric has a fine mating, you can not do the flashot with wunting;

Check the first row by columns without a nakid, a little tightened by the Book of Book, they can also alternate with 1-2 air loops (especially when using contrast yarn), retreating from each other by 3-5 mm;

Repeat the work in a circle until the desired width of the knitted beaks (usually 2-2.5 cm).

Execution of openwork Kaima

We will analyze one of the options for tosing the neck, relying on the proposed scheme:

1 r. - chain of air ordinary loops;

2 r. - Alternation of the pillar. without NAK. And the arches out of 3 remuneration. loops;

3, 4, 5 r. - Arch in the arch: 2 post. With NA., 2 Waits loops (3 row), 3 remuneration. Loops (4 row), 4 remuneration. loops (5 row), and in a pillar. Basins - 1 post. with NAC.;

6 r. - Speed \u200b\u200bin the arch 9 pole. C 2, alternating them with 1 post. from 1 NAC. in the base;

7 r. - Singing in the first pillar. Basis 9 pole. With 2 Na., Alternating them with 1 remuneration. The loop, in the intervals between them - the execution of 2 arches out of 4 places. loops;

8 r. - On top of the arches from 9 pole. with NAC. Performing 4 arches out of 3 places. loops, and on top of the arches from the remuneration. Loops - spinning post. With 2 NAC.

You can slightly interpret the proposed pattern, finishing the work after the execution of the 5th row. Another, more compact openwork variant - pecking 5-8 rows with a mandatory arched edge.

How to tie the neck with a crochet in the shape of an openwork coquetki?

In some cases, work on the open edge finish is performed in the reverse order. This means that the openwork coquette fit first, and then all the product. This option is most often used in the manufacture of models with round finishing parts. If the coquette must be square for a simpler connection with the main web, lead in four places. As a result, it turns out angle adjacent on one side to the armor, and on the other - to the top horizontal lines of the shelf and the back. At the same time, many products differ not only on the technology of performing various parts - openwork coquette and the main canvas made by a dense conventional viscous - often use various materials. Now it is very fashionable, for example, at the Silk Blouses to make openwork coquetk. Or knitted Cardigan knitted with a lattice collar.

Registration of the neck of the fabric products with the hook

Such knitted edging looks very fashionable. But, unlike knitwear, the fabric is quite problematic to handle crocheted. What recommendations should be adhere to to get a beautiful neck?

Use the knitting tool with a pointed tip for easier piercing the web.

It is desirable that the structure of the thread and tissue coincide (for example, wool yarn will suit the drape and the same canvase).

Preliminary treatment of the edge with an inner bending is required.

Of course, not all needlewomen gets, and do not everyone know how to toss the neck with a crochet beautifully. But for sure the advice and descriptions of the schemes and patterns given in this article will help make the finishing of products stylishly, originally and neatly.

Beautiful neckline of a crochet: Schemes and practical recommendations

In order to beautifully process a V-shaped or any other throat (collar) of a knitted product, there are many processing schemes. A beautiful kaima can be made in different ways. The spectacular thing looks like such a type of design, like a crochet neck. Take the neck to get a beautiful border quite simple, even a beginner knitter will easily cope with this task. The main thing is to carry out the binding strictly according to the scheme, then the finishing of the product knitted border will be smooth and beautiful.

Numerous collar strapping schemes with crochet can be found in abundance on the Internet and in specialized literature. Beginner craftsmen are encouraged to choose a low level of complexity knitting schemes that are accompanied by a detailed description of the work.

How to tie the neck with a crochet beautifully: where to start

Crochet the edges of the finished knitted product is one of the most responsible stages of knitting. Processing the collar of a beautiful border product - a simple task, but in order to correctly perform the strapping, the knitter must be well oriented in the decoration schemes (know all the conventions) and have an artistic taste in order to choose the most appropriate version of the processing of finished knitting from a variety of schemes.

Decorate knitting decorative border can be different ways, the main thing is that the selected way emphasized the texture of the product. Before starting the strapping, it is recommended to study several schemes for designing ready-made knitting, read descriptions of work and choose the scheme of the strapping, which is harmoniously combined with the shadow and color of the finished product.

To perform a decorative border crossing, you will need:

Hook Hook Processing: General Description of the Process

Before starting the decorative processing of the collar of the knitted product using the hook, it is necessary calculate the required number of loops In accordance with the size of the finished product. Next, you should decide on the color.

The color of the kayma can coincide with the color of the finished product, can have a different shade, but you can also perform a car from the yarn of contrasting color. It all depends on who is intended for clothing (man, woman, child), as well as from Leson. The main condition: the color of the kayma should harmonize with the color of the finished product and emphasize its texture.

The decorative kaima can be born in crocheted in the following ways:

  • With the help of the "Watch Steps".

  • Using the combination of columns without Nakid and Pico.

  • With the help of the so-called "shells".

Of these methods, the simplest option suitable for beginner needlewomen is "Radi Step". Despite the ease of execution, the neck, linked with the help of the "Watch Step", looks very elegant. More experienced craftswomen can choose the original combination of the elements of the "Column without Nakid" and "Pico", the main thing is to strictly follow the scheme and be attentive during knitting.

Gate finish technology using "Shells" quite simple, but requires accuracy. In the first row, the columns without Caida alternate with air loops, and in the second row in free loops, columns with nakidami are introduced, and peculiar decorative elements are obtained, in shape resembling sea shells.

Beautiful neckline of a crochet: Schemes and practical recommendations

In order for the kyim knitted items to look beautiful and emphasized the texture of a knitted canvase, it is necessary to accommodately approach the choice of the throat of the neck.

Choosing a way of registration, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

Also, the master should adequately evaluate its hook level. Beginner knitters are recommended to choose the simplest schemes of the neck. Experienced masters can choose the option more comprehensive, and can also improvise based on ready-made schemes.

Attention. The neck and the faces of the product must be decorated in a single style. If the neck and the armies are decorated in different ways, it will immediately rush into the eye, and the finished product will look short.

If a beginner needlewoman does not speak very well, it is possible to separate the neck and armor decorative braid. This option will look good in children's clothing. In any case, before starting to finish the neck of the knitted product, it is necessary to practice in different ways of strapping and choose the most convenient.

The knitted product with a crochet is designed immediately acquired a finished and very spectacular look. The more ways to finish the neck will try the starting master, the greater the likelihood that it will find their brand method of registration of a ready-made garment. The design of the neck with a crochet requires a creative approach to knitting and developed artistic taste. The main thing is to successfully combine the design of the neck with the general appearance of the product.

Registration of the neck of the knitted product with crochet (schemes)

Processing the neck of products is necessary in order for the finished product to have an impeccable and finished look. It is very important to pick up high-quality threads of a suitable shade, make unmistakable calculations of the number of necessary materials and loops. In our article, we will tell about such a very simple and neat way as the processing of Gorlovin with a hook.

Things that were associated with their own hands on their own, always full of original, nothing inclusive features. Two different needleworks one and the same product will have their own distinctive features. The neck of the neck with the help of the hook can also be performed completely differently. Knitted scarves and hats, scarves, children's booties, dresses, cardigans and other things may look unfinished if you do not process open parts parts. To strengthen the edges and final decoration of products, hooks or needles can be used.

We will analyze the treatment of the neck of the crochet: Popular design options

Your unprocessed edge of the finished product can be processed by one of several ways. There are several major neck strapping options using a conventional hook, and decorate the finished product:

  • Narrow border (no more than one and a half centimeters width). Unbroken Cant or Rubber will be an ideal option for lungs, openwork and children's things.
  • Kima, turning into a collar (from five to eight to fifteen-twenty centimeters). This option will be perfectly looked with any kinds of products.
  • Wide finishing ornament (from 1.5 to four or five centimeters). The most commonly used in the design of the neck and the edge of the sleeves of pullovers and jumpers from the medium thickness yarn.

The usual tissue dress can be very easy to turn into a solemn outfit, decoring it with a small accessory. Incredibly stylishly combined contrasting color details. In such cases, the neck is absolutely not required. Schemes of the strapping of such products suggest knitting from top to bottom.

The choice of method of strapping depends on the skills of the needlewoman and the style of the finished product. Topics, thin capes, skirts and dresses look beautifully with a lace trim.

How to process the neck of the finished product using a hook?

Take a knitting hook and type fifteen or twenty air loops. The first row tie in the direction to the right left. Start the countdown from that loop that remains on the knitting hook, select the third. Through it, stretch the hook, capture the main thread. Then pull between the threads of the third loop. In this case, on the hook, the entire captured thread and the first looper obtained after a set of an air chain will remain.

It turns out that two columns are already executed. Next, knitting continue in the same way to the very end of the row. However, now the hook should slide already into each loop. Next, the resulting associated strip turn over and knit the subsequent row. In each next row, the first loop simply remove, no thread should not pass through it. As a result of these actions, you should get a solid canvas, even without gaps.

As soon as the working fabric of the knitted baker is smooth and neat, proceed to the processing of the product. Procedure for processing products:

  1. Work Start from the left shoulder of the product. In order to secure the strapping on the neck, through the extreme loop of the product with the front side with the help of the hook, stretch the finishing thread. You will get the so-called "ear".
  2. Through the adjacent loop of your neck of the product and then the eye, which has just been received, stretch the thread. The following looting was formed. By the same scheme, treat the entire edge of the neck.
  3. As soon as the row approaches the end, knitting must continue to the row above the same way as described above.

We will analyze the execution of the strapping by nodules: a detailed description

After you learn to perform a simple strapping, you can proceed to a complicated task. The solid mating of the panel can be completed with nodules. Make it quite easy. The initial stages of the strapping will be the same as with a conventional strapping using a hook. Check the edge of the neck and perform several columns.

The lower row of the pattern of the canvas is air hinges, the following three rows - columns. In the last row every four five columns, check the chain of three air loops. After the third loop, the hook must be carried out through the bottom column, from where the knitting of the air loops began. In this place, stretch the thread simultaneously through the column and the last loop in the chain.

Video on the topic

We offer a few videos on the topic.

Beginner lovers of knitted things creating them on their own, dedicated. 🙂 Today I want to show you how the cutting of the edge of the crochet is made, and the love of Titova will help me, who has repeatedly acquainted us with their works. With it, we knit, takes and.

Crochet edge strapping on a simple example

Your attention is presented four schemes and describes that will allow you to understand how to bind the product and get the original pattern for finishing. Especially selected simple schemes, so that the starting master was able to figure it out in detail in detail.

The edge of the edge will give any object of clothing originality and some mysteriousness. Sometimes it happens that the favorite knitted thing still looks beautiful and stylish, but still the impression remains that something is missing in it. It is in this case that it is possible to use this way of improving clothes as a decor of the edge of the crochet, the schemes for which we will consider in detail in this article. You can only choose to fit and embody it.

Immediately it is worth noting that the first, third and fourth schemes, the above, simpler and suitable rather for the strapping of dresses, sweaters, napkins, tablecloths, possibly - porter. The second scheme is more complicated. This kind of lifting can be used for stylish cardigan.

Beautiful openwork crochet

So, arrow the information provided in this article, and you will know everything about how to tie the product with a crochet simply and fast enough. Having learned to make such items you can easily decorate the hatcher of the hats and scarves, tablecloths and towels, shawl, blouses, skirts, etc. You will see how changing the appearance of the product and how it becomes attractive with such a knitted decor.

Take a look at the example on this hat. True, unusual?

Or here on such options for the pattern, each of which can be decorated with the edge of the knitted object of clothing or cutlery (clickable).

Let's consider in more detail the mechanism for creating a beautiful strapping on the example of the first of the above schemes.

Condition of the edge of the product

You need to start with the first row. To begin, it is necessary to dial a number of air loops (rapport in this case will be 22 loops). In the fifth, the air loop of the created chain is needed to check the column without a Nakid, repeating the specified algorithm to the end of this row.

To prick.

Now go to the fulfillment of the second row. To do this, turn the knitting. The first element that will need to be done in a new row is one column without a Nakid.

After that, recruit four air loops, tieting in the third column (without a Nakida), which is located in the previous closed row elements. Further, the sequence of actions is as follows: two columns with one nakid are pronounced, then two air loops, again two columns with Nakud. Next, it is necessary to create four air loops, and in the third looping of the previous row to tie one column without a nakid. As a result, such arches should turn out.

Then everything is repeated in the same way until the element is completed. You will get such a knitted finish for your product - napkins, tablecloths or something like that.

But this is what the strapping looks in scheme number 2.

In general, everything is simple enough, you only need to give a little time to discern the scheme itself. It is quite a bit of the effort and edges of clothing or any other knitted element will gain with your help a beautiful decor.

The cutting of the edge of the crochet, the schemes with the description of which we led in the example is simple in the execution process. Starting with the embodiment of simpler schemes, you will continue to handle even more difficult. In the meantime, you can take care of taking the edge of this, or summer, or, having previously done a knitted basis for, to tie it. Good luck!

Thanks to the knitter for her story and detailed description of the entire process of creating the strapping. I think that novice craftsmen will help to take another step in the development of knitting skills. That's all, see you!

Often, to complete the knitting item, it is necessary to carry out the edge of the edge by any decorative way. The strapping is needed that the thing looks complete, with a neat edge, which will not be very stretched and deformed.

The most popular is the way of strapping the edge "Rachi Step". This strapping looks beautiful, fixes the edge, but many do not like to knit the "raff" step "due to the complexity of its execution. "Radiy step" knit not as usual to right left, but on the contrary left to right, it is unusual and requires skill. To perform the "Watch Step", enter the hook in the loop behind it, capturing the working thread, pull the loop on the hook, again hook a working thread again and check the column without a nakid, which goes in the opposite direction, and a lush winding is formed around the edge.

There is more simple waying the edge of the edge of crochet bars without a nakid with winding. Make a starting loop on the hook, attach the thread to the edge of the knitting by the connecting column and perform one air loop for the lifting. In the next loop, enter the hook, capture the working thread, pull the loop on the hook, then take the thread from the tangle and wrap it around the hook. Returning the thread to the former place - the index finger of the left hand, continue to knit the column without a nakid, capture the working thread and check the hinge loops.

So repeat: Enter the hook to the next loop along a row, pull the new loop on the hook, wrap the working thread around the hook, capturing a crochet thread, check the column without a nakid. So in the knitting of ordinary columns without an attachment, an additional action is introduced - the hook around the hook around the hook, while the decorative rutter is formed.

Another easy way of strapping edge "Crawler", Which consists of connecting columns and air loops. It knits such a land is very simple - in each loop, knit the connecting column and after it, perform one air loop. On the edge of the knitting, a winding pigtail like a caterpillar is formed. With such a strapping, the edge looks neatly, beautiful and not stretched. In this way, small decorative elements are often tied up - flowers, straps, belts, shoelaces.

Lovely replacement "Rachi Step" the edge of the edge of the twisted columns with Nakud. This strapping in appearance is very similar to the usual "raffle step", perhaps many will use this method of knitting, as it is easier and faster.

* To perform a twisted column without a Caider, enter the hook in the loop on a row, pull the new loop on the hook. Then make a crochet turnover by 360 degrees. Grab the working thread and check the two twisted loops from the hook. Repeat all actions from *. Knit twisted columns are free to easier to lies with hook loops.