Beautiful stars without plastic. Celebrities who age ugly and ugly. The main thing is love and good mood

Despite expensive procedures and consultations of the best beauty specialists, Hollywood stars inevitably age. Some apply for assistance to plastic surgeons, but there are celebrities who are lucky with genetics - over the years they hardly change. TrendSpace.Ru remembered the stars that look like 10 years ago.

Cindy Crawford

The 49-year-old model is still actively involved in photo shoots - Crawford is not even afraid to show his body without photoshop. Daughter Kaya, who has already tried herself as a model and actress, followed in the footsteps of the star mother.

The mother of three hasn't aged at all in the past 10 years. Gwen's unique style also contributes to this - the artist prefers bright makeup, voluminous hairstyles and unusual outfits. In addition, the singer is actively involved in sports.

Jennifer Lopez

Regular workouts and proper nutrition help Jennifer Lopez look great - this year the star's body was recognized the most attractive in the world, bypassing the attention of models and younger celebrities. But J. Lo has already celebrated the 45th anniversary.

Sandra Bullock

Another representative of the Hollywood Olympus is actress Sandra Bullock. Despite his 50 years, the star still looks amazing. No wonder People magazine named Bullock the sexiest woman on the planet.

The 46-year-old Friends star, whose hairstyle has been imitated by all of America, continues to be one of the most attractive women in Hollywood. Fans are all waiting for Justin Theroux to take the beauty to the altar.

Angelina Jolie is engaged charity, acting in films, directing his own films, raising children and looking great. The celebrity is regularly included in various ratings of the most beautiful women on the planet.

Not so long ago it became known that Charlize Theron broke off relations with Sean Penn and canceled the wedding. The 39-year-old actress can afford to scatter suitors - with such an appearance, she has plenty of fans.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is known for her love of healthy eating and all kinds of diets. The result, as they say, on the face. It is not surprising that soon after the divorce, Gwyneth appeared in public with a new gentleman.

Four children did not prevent Klum from building a successful modeling career and maintaining an excellent figure. At 42, Klum can easily compete with very young models: every year she is more fit and attractive.

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett hasn't changed much over the past few years. The charming and cheerful actress still demonstrates an excellent figure, well-groomed skin and hair. Small facial wrinkles do not spoil the appearance of the star at all and give it a special charm.

Christie Brinkley

The images of celebrities verified to the smallest detail speak not only about the careful work of stylists, but also about the help of a whole team of cosmetologists. Dermatologist-cosmetologist Victoria Goncharuk (Minsk) explained what procedures are hidden behind successful photos on the red carpet.

Victoria Goncharuk Dermatologist-cosmetologist

With age, facial features inevitably change: wrinkles appear, muscles lose their former tone, skull bones change. Therefore, almost all stellar persons resort to botulinum toxin injections in the forehead and between the eyebrows. With age, nasolabial folds and furrows appear under the eyes, the corners of the mouth drop. To eliminate these signs of age, a volumetric correction of the cheekbones and the medial part of the cheeks is carried out.

Diane Keaton

“Most likely, Diane Keaton often resorts to the services of cosmetologists: her face looks much younger than her neck. Either a permanent implant or a filler based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite is installed in the cheekbone area. Even the photo shows that the corners of the lips are now located higher than in youth, and this indicates their contour correction and, possibly, the correction of nasolabial folds. But, no doubt, as a result, the face looks very natural.

Demmy Moor

“In her youth, Demi’s face was rounded with smooth, soft features. But with age, the star has developed pronounced cheekbones - the result of volumetric modeling. Thanks to injections of botulinum toxin, her forehead and the area between the eyebrows do not have wrinkles. And the skin itself looks very well-groomed: most likely there is biorevitalization or mesotherapy.

Juliana Moore

“Juliana's forehead does not have a single wrinkle thanks to botulinum toxin injections in the forehead and between the eyebrows. Blepharoplasty was performed to correct the upper and lower eyelids. In my opinion, not very successful, since the right eye seems to be much smaller than the left and has a different shape. The increased size of the lips indicates a contour correction of the shape of the lips. Juliana also has a beautiful middle third of the face, as a result of volume correction.

Martha Stewart

“At 75, Marta really looks great. She had pronounced cheekbones, making her face more feminine. The forehead and brow area were also injected with botulinum toxin.”

Michelle Pfeiffer

“In this case, life-saving injections of botulinum toxin took place. Michelle's skin looks flawless. An implant or filler was also installed in the cheekbone area, after 50 years (and the actress is now 58), the skin loses its elasticity and the cheeks literally sag. In Michelle's case, we don't see that."

Meryl Streep

“Now Meryl Streep looks very well-groomed. Age gives out only the area around the eyes, which contrasts with the "fixed" ones due to injections of botulinum toxin on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Due to this, the face does not seem harmonious to me. Lips that survived the correction also attract attention.

Sandra Bullock

“Sandra has a very harmonious, fresh and well-groomed face. A real example of competent work on yourself. It is difficult to say whether plastic surgery was performed, since it is clear that the face has become older, but at the same time it has not fundamentally changed.

Cindy Crawford

“In my opinion, now the face of Cindy looks more harmonious than in his youth. Due to the volumetric increase in the cheekbones, the emphasis from the impressive chin moved to the middle third of the face, which gave it femininity and sophistication. There are practically no nasolabial folds: most likely, their contour correction was carried out. And the forehead and between the eyebrows are smooth and shiny thanks to botulinum toxin.”

Tilda Swinton

“Tilda's appearance is also an example of competent facial care. Over time, the actress only gets prettier. We can only assume that the forehead and between the eyebrows are corrected with botulinum toxin. But everything is very natural!

Susan Sarandon

“A true role model! This beautiful woman is absolutely not spoiled by small natural wrinkles on her face. It can be seen that Susan devotes a lot of time to facial care. Probably, the actress did the correction of the cheekbones, which lacked volume. As for the rest, we can only guess.”

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