Day cream with natural hyaluronic acid. Rating of the best hyaluronic face creams. What to do to avoid wrinkles

Youth and beauty of the skin depends not only on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, but also on competent care for them. Cosmetologists are advised to look at creams based on collagen and hyaluronic acid, which restore and support the dermis from the inside.

The main component of the considered cosmetics is hyaluronic acid, which has the following properties:

In the photo - the result of using a face cream with hyaluronic acid and collagen

The benefits of the component in question are expanded through the use of other beneficial substances with which hyaluron does not conflict. It can be various oils, vitamins, minerals, thermal water.

Hyaluronic acid interacts especially well with collagen, together they are able to smooth even deep wrinkles.

Collagen, a naturally occurring protein found in the skin, is a compound of 19 amino acids. This element is responsible for the youthfulness and elasticity of the dermis, therefore its main characteristics are moisturizing and smoothing of the skin.

Collagen isolated from the skin of marine fish or synthesized from vegetable proteins (wheat proteins) is used in cosmetic products. Both types are safe, but the first type of the element in question is closest to the human dermis: its molecules are similar in structure to natural human collagen, so they are well embedded in the epidermis.

Effect depending on age

When choosing a cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid, age must be taken into account: a young girl will use a cosmetic product or a woman in adulthood.

In general, such a cream should not be used until the age of 25, very young skin itself produces both hyaluron and collagen in sufficient quantities.

The nuances of choosing a cream for different age categories:

Review of popular manufacturers

Global cosmetic brands usually produce creams that contain either hyaluronic acid or collagen. However, there are Russian, Japanese and Israeli manufacturers producing cosmetic products containing both components. Such creams are more effective, since hyaluron and collagen enhance each other's actions.


The line of creams from Eveline has the following main composition:

  • hyaluron - there are particles of three different sizes, which allows you to fill in mimic wrinkles, smooth deeper ones, increase skin elasticity;
  • collagen - creates additional layers - breathable and moisture-retaining, which smoothen the dermis, making it healthier;
  • apple stem cells - restore the deep layers of the skin, have antioxidant properties;
  • calcium - is a link for collagen and elastin fibers, strengthens capillaries, and provides lymphatic drainage.

Eveline produces the considered line of creams for all age categories: 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+.

Moreover, the composition of each product is balanced and meets the needs of the dermis:

Eveline products are affordable, the cost of a 50 ml jar will cost no more than 300 rubles.

Medical Collagene 3D

Medical Collagene 3D- professional cosmetics of Russian production - offers a cream with a regenerating complex "BIOREVITAL", designed specifically for mature and withering epidermis, providing an evening of its relief and rejuvenation.

The composition of the cosmetic product, in addition to collagen and hyaluronic acid, includes a vitamin complex (A, E, C), fruit acids, D-panthenol, peach oil. The cream is characterized by a delicate and airy texture, it is instantly absorbed without leaving the feeling of a mask on the skin.

Medical Collagene 3D Day Cream has the following properties:

  • moisturizes the dermis, prevents water loss;
  • activates metabolic processes, restores cells;
  • ensures the production of dermal collagen;
  • has a pronounced lifting effect, smoothes the first wrinkles, reduces deep ones;
  • the skin becomes radiant, smooth and soft.

The cost of the product in question is about 800 rubles. for 30 ml.

Another product of this brand is EXPRESS LIFTING Collagen Cream.

It contains: hyaluron, collagen and succinic acid. Succinic acid - an antioxidant - stimulates energy metabolism at the cellular level, promotes the absorption of oxygen, slows down the aging process.

This element improves the elasticity of the dermis, tightens turgor, removes toxins, relieves puffiness.

In addition, succinic acid brightens the skin, removes age spots. The cream fills the dermis with energy, healthy radiance and beauty. The use of this cosmetic product is not recommended for sensitive skin. 30 ml EXPRESS LIFTING costs about 1000 rubles.


ElastinCollagen Moisture Cream- a line of products from the Israeli brand Christina, designed for oily (combined), dry and normal epidermis. Each type of product in question is sold in tubes of 60, 100 and 250 ml.

"Elastin, collagen, placental enzyme" - specially designed for oily skin, characterized by a delicate and non-greasy texture. Its main component is placental enzymes that cleanse the skin and remove the stratum corneum.

Other components: collagen, hyaluronic acid, urea, vitamin complex (A, E) - are aimed at moisturizing and rejuvenating the dermis. With daily use, the face becomes clean, smooth, without oily sheen.

"Elastin, collagen, carrot oil" - for dry epidermis, restores dehydrated skin... It contains carrot oil, which protects the dermis from negative external manifestations, including atmospheric phenomena, contributes to the restoration of integuments, relieves their irritation.

With regular use, the face will be moisturized, smooth, and the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis will increase.

Moisturizing cream "Elastin, collagen, azulene" is designed for normal dermis. The product is easy to apply, has a cooling effect, does not leave an oily sheen, restores water balance.

The active component of the cream - azulene - is an anti-inflammatory substance, relieves the skin from peeling and irritation, in addition, it contains calendula oil and clove extract, which have a bactericidal effect. A 60 ml product costs about 900 rubles.

Aquanti from Novosvit

Cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid Aquanti from Novosvit - moisturizing the skin for 24 hours, since the components in question are the main components of this product.

Also in the cream:

  • vitamin E - moisturizing, filling the epidermis with moisture, protecting against dehydration and flaking;
  • complex of antioxidants - restoration of the epidermis;
  • green tea extract - removes toxins from integuments;
  • leaves of red grapes - protect against aggressive manifestations of the external environment;
  • grape seed oil - rejuvenates the dermis and maintains its beauty.

Aquanti, thanks to this composition, moisturizes the skin well, therefore it is suitable for the summer period, has a rejuvenating effect (smoothes small wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new ones), relieves inflammation, soothes the skin. Its cost is about 200-250 rubles.


COSMETEX ROLAND is a Japanese brand that has proven itself in the Russian market. The product with hyaluronic acid and collagen has a rich composition: soluble, hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluron, shea butter, glyceryl, dimethicone, polysorbate, etc.

The product in question is characterized by a light texture, is instantly absorbed, can be used as a cream, milk and serum. The hyaluron included in the composition forms a light film on the dermis, which actively permits air, but does not release water.

Collagen penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, restores elasticity, increases firmness. Together, these components rejuvenate the dermis, reduce the depth of wrinkles, and promote the growth of new cells.

Shiseido Aqualabel Special Gel Cream

Shiseido Aqualabel Special Gel Cream is a Japanese moisturizer for any type of dermis. The product contains two types of collagen: water-soluble and hydrolyzed, therefore, it not only remains on the surface, but is also able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. It also contains hyaluronic acid and apricot extract.

Together, all substances moisturize the dermis, ensure the strength and elasticity of tissues, and tighten the turgor of the face. Consequently, the skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is normalized, and a natural glow appears.

The cream has a light texture, combines the properties of a gel, is well absorbed, does not leave a greasy film. The product has a pleasant rose scent, which will give additional pleasure when used. A cosmetic product is produced in a 90 g can, its price is 1500 rubles


Japanese night cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid SANA HADANOMY COLLAGEN CREAM will restore firmness and elasticity to the epidermis, moisturize it. The product is used in the evening, so that in the morning the skin is beautiful, radiant and rested.

This effect is provided by the composition of the cream:

  • microcollagen- retains moisture, provides light lifting, fills shallow wrinkles and irregularities, restores elasticity;
  • hyaluron- retains water by creating a thin film on the epidermis, therefore, the skin becomes soft, smooth, tender;
  • honey- has a softening ability, eliminates dryness and irritation, restores tone, the dermis is velvety and fresh;
  • extract of Barbados cherry- rich in vitamin C, mineral salts, proteins, is considered a natural antioxidant, has a moisturizing effect;
  • fennel oil- antioxidant - stops the aging process at the cellular level, has a rejuvenating effect, improves the elasticity of the upper layers of the skin.

How to make hyaluronic acid cream at home: recipe

Rejuvenating cream can be made at home: hyaluronic acid is sold in powder form at pharmacies, while collagen can be obtained from gelatin. On the basis of hyaluron, you can make a rejuvenating, moisturizing or lifting cream.

To prepare any of them, you will need 10 mg of a powder of this substance, diluted with water to a creamy state:

  1. Maintaining youth- 1 drop of iodine, 15 ml of honey and castor oil, 10 ml of petroleum jelly, hyaluron, mix everything.
  2. Maintaining water balance- steam 50 ml of avocado oil, 50 ml of orange water, 2 g of beeswax, cool, stirring slowly. Combine hyaluron and 6 ml of liquid tocopherol, mix and drop 10 drops. ether of geranium.
  3. Facelift- 10 ml each of oils (olive, grape, sesame), steam it, + 10 ml borax, 35 ml water, cool. Drop 3 drops. esters of lavender and tea tree, hyaluron.

Collagen is used to make homemade masks:

  1. Nutrition- dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package, add 1 tbsp. l. kefir. Further ingredients depend on the type of skin: if oily, put in a little wheat flour, if dry - oatmeal or milk.
  2. Rejuvenation- take in a 2: 1: 1 ratio of gelatin, honey and almond oil, mix everything.

The masks are applied in a small layer to the clean epidermis of the face, neck and décolleté. Exposure time 30 minutes, then use the cream.

The cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid keeps the dermis youthful, moisturizes it both in the deep and in the upper layers. A cosmetic product can be bought ready-made, while you need to choose the manufacturer correctly, take into account the composition of the product, or prepare it yourself using natural ingredients.

Video about collagen and hyaluronic acid creams

How to make your own collagen and hyaluronic acid cream:

An effective collagen and hyaluronic acid cream:

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, an effective remedy for skin rejuvenation is a cream with hyaluronic acid. One of its main advantages, compared to other methods of facial skin rejuvenation, is the ability to use it yourself at home.

Hyaluronic acid molecules are found in human skin. They are responsible for making it smooth and elastic.

Hyaluronic acid cream promotes:

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, with hyaluronic acid it is necessary precisely at the time when the aging process of the body begins, and there is less hyaluronic acid in the skin. Its lack leads to the formation of wrinkles, general fading of the skin.

How to choose a cream?

There are 2 ways to get acid:

  • from organic material (combs of roosters and chickens, bird eyes, cartilage, umbilical cords);
  • through fermentation with bacteria.

Hyaluron obtained by the second method, even with a high degree of purification, contains peptides, proteins, because of this, an allergic reaction may occur during use. The use of the cream obtained in this way is limited. Creams with hyaluronic acid are distinguished by type, as evidenced by the reviews of cosmetologists.

The types of hyaluron depend on the mass and shape of the molecules:

  1. Low molecular weight promotes skin nutrition and microcirculation of useful substances in it.
  2. Medium molecular weight accelerates cell division and wound healing.
  3. High molecular weight, because of large molecules, it cannot penetrate into the cells of the epidermis, but a cream containing just such hyaluron has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Knowing what type of hyaluronic acid is included in the cream, you can choose exactly the drug that will best match the current condition of the skin.

When buying a cream with hyaluronic acid, according to the reviews of cosmetologists, you should pay attention to the following:

  • in the composition of the product, hyaluron must be indicated necessarily in the first lines (its Latin designation is hyaluronic acid), you must definitely pay attention to whether such a substance is in the composition or not;
  • for an effective effect on the skin, in addition to acid, the cream must contain vitamins and collagen, this combination will bring maximum benefit;
  • a day cream must necessarily contain a component that protects against UV radiation;
  • it is better not to buy a product that contains petroleum jelly or mineral oil;
  • not the best choice - a product with a pungent odor;
  • you should buy the cream from pharmacies or specialized cosmetics stores;
  • products based on hyaluron from Asian manufacturers (China, Japan, South Korea) should be bought only when there is confidence that the brand has established itself on the market as a conscientious and responsible manufacturer.

By observing the rules for choosing a cream, you can be sure that you have purchased a high-quality cream that will benefit the skin.

What cream to choose for the eyelids

Aging of the eyelids occurs faster than the rest of the skin of the face, as they are in constant motion during the daytime. When choosing an eyelid cream, you must take into account the type of skin, possible allergic reactions, and your own preferences.

Such a cream, in addition to hyaluronic acid, should contain:

Depending on what effect is expected to be achieved, all eye products containing hyaluronic acid are divided into:

  • anti-aging;
  • decongestants;
  • moisturizing;
  • whitening.

Choose a cream according to your care goals.

How to use the product correctly

It is necessary to use a cream with hyaluronic acid, according to the reviews of cosmetologists, every day before going to bed for 15 days. Then a two-week break is taken and the course can be repeated.

At what age to use?

From the age of 20, the skin on a person's face ages. This means that the body begins to produce less and less hyaluronic acid. This leads to the formation of wrinkles, flabbiness appears. Experts strongly recommend that in the period from 20 to 30 years not resort to the injection method of injecting hyaluron, replacing the injection procedures with acid creams, as well as gels and masks.

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, it is necessary to use a cream with hyaluronic acid from the age of 25.


Cosmetic products with this substance should not be used:

  • during the period of taking anticoagulants, antibiotics;
  • within a month after peeling, laser resurfacing;
  • if you are allergic to hyaluron.

Reviews of cosmetologists

Hyaluronic acid cream is not a panacea for the aging of facial skin cells, since the aging process cannot be completely stopped. But cosmetologists talk about a significant positive effect that hyaluron has on skin rejuvenation and wrinkle smoothing. The skin acquires a natural color and becomes smooth.

However, doctors warn that you should always remember about possible individual intolerance. At the slightest sign of a negative reaction, the use of products containing hyaluronic acid should be discontinued.

Libriderm Hyaluron moisturizing cream

The cream has a significant moisturizing effect due to the fact that it contains a large percentage of hyaluronic acid. It is intended for use on the face, décolleté and neck.

The properties of the cream are as follows:

  • increases the moisture content in the dermis;
  • increases the activity of collagen, and hence the elasticity of the skin;
  • due to the increased water content in the cells of the epidermis, the lower layers of the skin are also saturated with liquid, which has a beneficial effect on its condition.

Complex cream "Libriderm" is the tool that can completely replace the injection effect on the skin, provided it is used regularly.

Libriderm Activator Serum

In serum, the acid content is not more than 2%. The rest is water and also preservatives. If the manufacturers indicate 75% hyaluron in the serum, this is not true, because in this form the preparation will look like a brick.

"Libriderm" has created its own version of the serum, which is used to rejuvenate the skin of the face and, in particular, the eye area. Differs in a high content of amino acids, peptides.

Evelyn Ultra Moisturizing Cream

The cream contains innovative preparations:

  • aquareviporin improves the hydrolipidic balance in the epidermis, which ensures maximum skin hydration;
  • Bio collagen helps to restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin, wrinkles disappear, the surface of the face becomes smooth and silky.

The drug also has a good effect on the regeneration and recovery processes in the epidermis.

Laura cream from Evalar

This drug is positioned as a remedy for women over 50 years old, due to the high content of hyaluronic acid and peptides.

Its effect on the skin is manifested in the following:

  • the life cycle of cells is prolonged due to peptides;
  • the work of cells is activated;
  • the synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated.

Thanks to this, the skin is quickly smoothed. She is recovering, getting in good shape.

D'Oliva Hyaluronic Cream

Oliva has a triple effect:

This cream belongs to those that contain low molecular weight acid, which means that it can penetrate much deeper into the skin than most products, and have a significant anti-aging effect.

Cream mousse from the Merz company

The consistency of this cream is a mousse, it contains a fine molecular hyaluron that penetrates deep into the skin.

Its advantages over other similar means:

  • moisturizing the skin for a sufficiently long period of time;
  • fast action of the substance, the result is visible after 7-8 hours.

This cream mousse is suitable for all skin types.

Bark cream mask

In addition to acid, the mask contains amino acids, including glycine, proline, serine, lysine and others, as well as acids - succinic and lactic, and algae - kelp and fucus.

The presence of wheat germ and oat milk in the extract is also important.

All these ingredients, combined with hyaluron, make the mask an excellent moisturizer for the face. Due to its composition, the mask is suitable for any skin type and has a significant moisturizing effect.

A series of creams Lift Astiv Retinol from Vichy

Vichy creams are based on the waters of the thermal springs of this province of France. The composition of the water on the basis of which the creams are composed is as important as the main components that form the basis of the creams.

Lifeactive from Vichy from the reviews of cosmetologists and the available certificate is one of the most effective creams with hyaluronic acid

Thanks to the base, as well as the hyaluronic acid included in the composition, the action of the creams is aimed at:

  • affect all skin types, moisturizing and rejuvenating it;
  • fight the signs of aging.

The creams in this series have all quality certificates. And these certificates are confirmed by numerous reviews of those who have used this tool for more than one year. All of them indicate that the Vichy line cream has established itself in the best way and should be included in the cosmetics of women over 35.

Aquanti by Novosvit with hyaluronic acid and collagen

This product is based on hyaluronic acid.

But in addition to it, collagen and a powerful antioxidant are included, this is due to its effect:

  • deep hydration;
  • restoration of skin softness, smoothing of the smallest wrinkles.

Thanks to deep hydration, a long-lasting effect is ensured, as well as a powerful anti-aging protection. This is a Russian natural product that is in no way inferior in quality to its foreign counterparts.

Top rated acid products for 40-50 + years

The skin becomes especially problematic after 40 years. She begins to age rapidly and then hyaluronic creams become an irreplaceable means of rejuvenation. Here is a ranking of the most popular creams of this type.

These are the most affordable and quality creams containing hyaluronic acid. In them, its properties are revealed in their true quality.

How to make cream at home

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, cream with hyaluronic acid is most often bought ready-made. But then it contains little hyaluron. There is an option to make a gel with a high content of this substance at home. The acid is sold in the form of a powder or in ampoules, that is, in a liquid state.

  1. Combine 3 g of powder or 3 ml of a liquid substance with 30 ml of distilled water until a uniform consistency is obtained, the composition should look like a thick cream.
  2. The prepared mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 8 hours so that it thickens and turns into a gel.
  3. Take any cream (even a child's will do). 10 g of hyaluron is thoroughly mixed with 30 g of cream. Thus, the required composition is obtained.
  4. Store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator.

But not only experts confirm the effectiveness of creams, which include hyaluron. Many users who have used an acidic cream on the recommendation note that the effect of this cosmetic product has a positive effect on skin rejuvenation.

From the age of 20, facial skin needs care and attention as it ages. The main cause of aging and wrinkle formation is a lack of hyaluronic acid. Creams containing this substance in their composition make up for the lack of this substance and rejuvenate the skin.

Videos and creams with hyaluronic acid

The cosmetologist will tell you why some creams with hyaluronic acid do not work:

Physician review. Inexpensive cream with hyaluronic acid, action and effectiveness:

The last few years in cosmetology there has been a real boom associated with the use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetics. Initially, this substance is contained in the cells of the epidermis, however, under the influence of ultraviolet rays of type B, not only its production decreases, but also destruction.

Various forms of hyaluronic acid are used in cosmetics. Low-molecular-weight ones are used in anti-aging drugs, since the molecules, due to their small size, can reach the dermis and affect the formation of new wrinkles. Means, which include large-molecular compounds, have a calming and restorative effect. They have shown their effectiveness in restoring the skin after traumatic procedures.

Cosmetics containing both forms of hyaluronic acid are truly versatile products. They are able to slow down the appearance of wrinkles, moisturize the skin, soothe it and tone it up. It is thanks to this complex effect that hyaluronic acid-based creams are so popular.

We have compiled a list of the best hyaluronic face creams based on expert opinions and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make the best choice for your requirements and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend that you pay special attention to them:

  1. Librederm
  2. Secretkey
  3. Mizon

Dear / Premium

  1. La roche-posay
  2. Christina
Moisturizing the skin For sensitive skin For dry skin For oily skin For combination skin For normal skin Whitening Improving complexion

* Prices are valid at the time of publication and are subject to change without prior notice.

Hyaluronic face creams: Skin hydration

For oily skin / For combination skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / Moisturizing the skin / Improving complexion

The main advantages
  • The product with a weightless texture absorbs well. It is formulated for the daily care of all skin types that need intense hydration.
  • The cream is equipped with a special vacuum dispenser. This will help not only prevent air from entering the package and deterioration of the product, but also allow you to use the cream to the last drop.
  • Due to the content of highly concentrated pomegranate extract, the drug improves complexion, stimulates collagen synthesis. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and tighter.
  • Camelina oil in the composition of the product, due to its rich composition, has a complex effect on the skin. It helps to soften and moisturize the skin, relieve irritation, and also improves intercellular metabolism, thereby slowing down the aging process.
  • The product is specially designed for use not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Suitable for use on sensitive skin

Moisturizing the skin / Improving complexion

The main advantages
  • Created for intensive care at night, so that in the morning your skin looks more hydrated, smoother and more radiant.
  • Thanks to the combination of such components as argan oil, low molecular weight hyaluronic, and glutamic acids, the agent triggers metabolic processes in the skin, helps to maintain water balance, and has a prolonged effect.
  • Shea butter in the composition helps to maintain the necessary level of skin hydration, helps to reduce wrinkles
  • The synergy of allantoin and panthenol gives the cream excellent regenerating properties. The skin effectively regenerates at night after prolonged stress during the day
  • Vitamin E helps fight free radicals, moisturizes, thanks to which the skin retains its youthful appearance longer

Show all products in the category "Skin hydration"

Hyaluronic face creams: For sensitive skin

For oily skin / For combination skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / Moisturizing the skin

The main advantages
  • The product is designed to solve problems such as dryness and dehydration of the skin, the appearance of the first signs of aging.
  • It can be used to care for any type of skin, including problem skin, as it does not contain gum additives. It can be used as a base for makeup
  • Glucose and fructose in the composition of the product help not only effectively moisturize the skin, but also retain water in the cells
  • Vitamin A helps to rejuvenate the dermis, protect it from UV radiation, and initiates regeneration processes. Due to the content of this component, the cream should not be used by pregnant women.
  • Calendula officinalis extract helps to soothe and moisturize the skin, has an anti-couperose effect, relieves redness and strengthens the capillary walls

For oily skin / For combination skin / For normal skin/ For dry skin / For sensitive skin / Moisturizing the skin

The main advantages
  • The product is designed to care for all skin types. Helps Solve Problems such as Dryness and Sensitivity
  • Ceramides in the cream help to strengthen the stratum corneum and lipid mantle, retain moisture in cells
  • Cucumber extract protects against UV radiation, rejuvenates and brightens the skin. It has anti-allergenic and cooling properties, which is especially important for sensitive skin
  • St. John's wort has a tonic effect. Helps to make the skin more elastic, relieve inflammation and promote healing of the injured dermis
  • Panthenol not only moisturizes, but also has anti-inflammatory and anti-acne properties, so the cream can be safely used on problem skin

Show all products in the category "Sensitive Skin"

Hyaluronic face creams: For dry skin

For normal skin/ For dry skin / Moisturizing the skin

The main advantages
  • The cream with a light and quickly absorbing texture is specially designed for the care of normal to dry skin types, has a pleasant green apple scent
  • The product is versatile, suitable for use as a morning and evening skin care product
  • The combination of components such as vitamin E and urea helps nourish the skin and eliminate the first small wrinkles
  • Sea salt not only helps to better retain moisture in the skin, but also has an antiseptic effect.
  • Glutamic acid helps to soften the skin, fights well against free radicals

For dry skin / Moisturizing the skin

The main advantages
  • The product contains 30% low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, due to which instant hydration occurs. The effect of the application lasts all day, there is no discomfort after using the product
  • The combination of substances such as water, glycerin and dimethicone helps not only to make the skin soft and smooth, but also to retain moisture in the cells for a long time
  • The combination of several amino acids endows the product with anti-aging properties, improves skin elasticity and promotes collagen synthesis
  • Olive extract helps to soften the skin, has regenerating properties, restoring damaged skin
  • Biosaccharide resin prolongs the effect of hyaluronic acid, the skin remains more nourished for a long time
/ Moisturizing the skin / Improving complexion
The main advantages
  • The combination of licorice and blueberry extracts makes this cream an excellent anti-inflammatory. They help get rid of redness and blemishes
  • Tomato in the composition of the care product helps to fight free radicals and ultraviolet radiation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, delaying the onset of old age
  • Extracts of purslane, rice, lemon and ascorbic acid help not only maintain a certain level of skin hydration, but give it a healthy, even and radiant appearance
  • Collagen helps the skin to maintain firmness and elasticity, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and fights old age-related changes
  • Aloe vera helps to restore the skin after stress and traumatic procedures, the face begins to look healthier

Show all products in the category "Whitening"

Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by skin cells and is responsible for maintaining the required moisture levels as well as firmness and elasticity. With age, its synthesis decreases, which is accompanied by the manifestation of signs of skin aging. In addition, smoking, unhealthy diet and excessive sunbathing lead to a reduction in the amount of hyaluronic acid in the cells. That is why the skin needs to replenish this most valuable component with cosmetics, in particular creams.


The most beneficial property of hyaluronic acid is its ability to retain moisture in the deeper layers of the skin.

In addition, it performs a number of other useful functions:

  • Accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration;
  • Prevents the development of inflammation;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Promotes collagen synthesis;
  • Neutralizes free radicals.


Hyaluronic acid is safe for the skin. is of natural origin. The use of cosmetics with it in the composition provides:

  • Intense hydration;
  • Anti-aging effect;
  • Alignment of skin microrelief;
  • Elimination of inflammation;
  • Healing of microtraumas;
  • Removal of puffiness;
  • Eliminate dark circles under the eyes.


Hyaluronic acid is found in several types, depending on the molecular weight:


As a rule, up to 25 years of age, a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid is synthesized in the body. Upon reaching this age, natural production processes begin to gradually decline. Therefore, it is recommended to start using face creams with hyaluronic acid from the age of 25.

In principle, hyaluronic cream can be used for up to 25 years to moisturize and even out skin relief. But such products must contain high molecular weight acid compounds. Additional active ingredients are not needed or may be included in a minimal amount.

At the age of 25+, creams based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid have already been shown, which also contain other valuable moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

Pay attention to the percentage of hyaluronic acid in the face cream. It is important to control this when choosing a product for a particular type of skin. So, for oily, a concentration of 0.5% is recommended, for normal 0.5-1%, and for dry 1-1.5%.


A quality hyaluronic face cream cannot be too cheap. A low price may indicate:

  • Low acid concentration in the composition;
  • Acid production not by biosynthesis, but by chemical means;
  • The use is not of hyaluron, but of its derivatives, for example, sodium hyaluronate.

It is better that the cream is in an opaque jar or tube - this way the product will be protected from the destruction of compounds under the influence of light.


Hyaluronic acid-based products will have an even more pronounced effect if additional useful components are included in their composition. Look on the packaging to indicate the presence of the following ingredients:

  • Fruit acids are very valuable components that even out the tone and relief of the face, and fight hyperpigmentation. Mineral complexes - promote regeneration processes, eliminate inflammation, increase skin elasticity;
  • Vitamins A and E - have an antioxidant effect, slow down the aging process, remove inflammation, even out skin tone, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fight rosacea, increase elasticity;
  • Vitamin C - effective for bleaching age spots, strengthens blood vessels, promotes collagen synthesis, neutralizes free radicals;
  • Fatty acids - intensively moisturize, soften and nourish the skin, promote healing of wounds and cracks, enhance barrier functions;
  • Collagen - attracts moisture to cells, increases skin firmness and elasticity, fights against signs of skin aging;
  • UV filters - protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, are essential in day creams.


Even the best cream may not produce the expected results if it is not used correctly. In order for the selected tool to work effectively, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of implementation. Calls:

  • The skin must be prepared for applying the cream - thoroughly cleansed with a gel or foam for washing and rubbed with a toner;
  • Squeeze out or collect a little cream and hold it in your palms for a bit before applying - the warmth of your hands will slightly warm the product, which will allow it to better penetrate the skin;
  • Apply the cream strictly along the massage lines, so as not to stretch the delicate skin, make light patting movements, as if driving the product into the pores;
  • Avoid getting the face cream on the eyelid area - use separate products to care for this area;
  • Use creams at the appointed time - apply daytime in the morning, and nighttime before going to bed;
  • Wait until the cream is completely absorbed. In the morning, the agent must be applied no later than half an hour before going outside, otherwise, under the influence of the air, it can seize with a film. And in the evening, the cream should be applied no later than an hour before going to bed. Failure to comply with this rule threatens with swelling in the morning;
  • Do not skip and do not forget to regularly care for your skin - only regularity gives good results;
  • It is better to purchase a line of skin care products of the same brand - this way you will be sure that the product formulas do not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complement and strengthen.

Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right beauty product. The following list of the best hyaluronic creams will help you make the best choice.

safety, hypoallergenicity and benefits of the formulations;

price-quality ratio;

expert assessments;

customer reviews.

On the 1st place in the rating is an anti-aging cream with moisturizing micro-drops of water. A unique technology is introduced into the product - when it comes into contact with the skin, the cream forms many tiny droplets. They form the thinnest film that protects the face from moisture evaporation for a long time.

The product combines a whole set of beneficial ingredients: hyaluronic acid, adenosine, peptides, niacinamide, camellia and licorice root extracts. Therefore, the cream effectively moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, stimulates cell renewal, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The cream is suitable for both day and night care, serves as an excellent makeup base.

The large volume (100 ml) and the laconic classic design of the tube will also please.

The winner of the ranking is followed by a cream with New Zealand flax root extract. This plant is rich in many trace elements that have a powerful regenerating and moisturizing effect, as well as rescue from peeling and irritation.

The product is rich in hyaluronic acid, macadamia oil, black cumin oil, hemp oil, purslane extract, calendula flower water. Therefore, it moisturizes, nourishes, softens, improves elasticity and tone, has a regenerating, antioxidant, soothing and healing effect.

The cream is in a beautiful and convenient jar.

This moisturizing face cream rounds out the top three. The product instantly moisturizes, tones and refreshes the skin, and regular use smooths wrinkles and lightens age spots. It is ideal for dry skin types.

Among the valuable components of the cream are hyaluronic acid, marine collagen, niacinamide, allantoin, adenosine and a whole complex of plant extracts. They help the skin stay youthful, healthy, radiant, hydrated and supple. The beauty product is available in bright blue packaging in a choice of 50 and 100 ml.

It is a deeply moisturizing hyaluronic cream and number 4 on the list of the best. The manufacturer presents a special technology of triple humidification. Thanks to microscopic molecules, the acid penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and provides long-lasting hydration. The cream also includes shea butter and aloe extract, which soothe, protect and nourish the skin. With regular use, wrinkles are smoothed.

Among the advantages of the product, it should be noted a pleasant weightless texture and aroma, economical consumption and an original design of a 50 ml jar.

The cream, rich in hyaluronic acid, retains moisture well inside the cells and protects it from evaporation on the surface. The product improves skin elasticity, smoothes and reduces the number of wrinkles, performs regenerative and protective functions. The cream contains natural plant extracts of acacia, Chinese magnolia vine, hibiscus, lupine seeds, moringa, as well as proteins. The product is in a bright turquoise 50 ml jar.

This is not just a cream, it is a multifunctional hyaluronic cream-toner 2 in 1. Its peculiarity is that it combines two products at once in one bottle. The product contains as many as 7 types of hyaluronic acid of different molecular sizes. The formula is rich in lotus root, yam and okra fruit extracts. The beauty product tones, refreshes, deeply moisturizes, brightens the skin, and promotes cell regeneration. The toner cream is produced in a large-volume bottle (200 ml) and is economically consumed.

Steamy moisturizer for the face has a pleasant creamy consistency. It is made from glacial water from Canada, which is rich in trace elements. The product contains a special patented Aqua Up complex based on natural extracts of rose, cactus and lily, as well as hyaluronic acid, panthenol, olive oil, nicotinamide, betaine and other natural ingredients.

The cream has good caring properties: moisturizes, eliminates flaking, soothes, gives freshness, elasticity, restores protective functions, improves complexion and gives radiance. The form of release of the cream is a 60 ml tube of a simple concise look.

The moisturizer absorbs quickly due to its light gel texture. In addition to hyaluronic acid, its formula includes milk proteins, almond oil, extracts of ginseng root, aloe vera, green tea, lemon, soybeans, niacinamide and vitamin E. From the use of the cream you should expect: good hydration, brightening, softening, soothing and refreshing effect, elimination of flabbiness, reduction of puffiness, removal of irritation. The volume of the cream in the jar is 50 ml. It is also worth noting the bright and funny packaging.

Moisturizing hyaluronic cream has a unique memory effect. It is ideal for dry and mature skin. The cream has a moisturizing, emollient, regenerating, antioxidant, tonic and rejuvenating effect. The product contains an extremely high amount of hyaluronic acid - as much as 50%, as well as macadamia oil, allantoin, vitamin E and adenosine. And its texture is like a delicate pudding.

The cream is presented in a rather original and large 100 g jar.

The hyaluronic moisturizer and anti-aging cream is suitable for dry to normal skin with signs of aging. It moisturizes well, soothes the skin, promotes cell regeneration, fights pigmentation, has an antioxidant effect, eliminates irritation, dryness and flaking. The cream formula includes niacinamide, vitamins A, B, C, E, collagen, biotin and a whole range of natural plant extracts. Means in a tube of 70 grams will last for a long time.