Who and when in the USSR came up with Kizzy boots. KRAZ - What is it, what kind of fabric the story of Kizzy boots

Kizzy boots are known to each of us as truly Russian uniform shoes. Their form is unique, without them it is impossible to submit the Russian warrior. For several decades, our army soldiers are shoddowed to these rough, but, as practice shows, strong boots. Looking like an inexpensive wearing shoes and ordinary people: rural residents, fans of fishing and hunting.

She does not miss any water nor dirt, is surprisingly strong. And for many years, Kizzy boots have been in demand, although they have long considered the remnant of the past.

A bit of history

The word "KRAZ" is not as some people think, and the abbreviated name of the enterprise Kirov plant, where these boots produce. KRAZ is a leatherette and is a multilayer durable cotton fabric treated with a film-forming substance. To give the material of the type of coarse genuine leather, it is subjected to embossed.

It all started with the search for the material for the sewing of the soldiers' boots. The skin was too expensive, the state was unable to provide fighters with footwear from a natural material. Required an inexpensive durable substitute suitable for use in harsh army conditions.

The first began experiments with the development of Krise Russian scientist Mikhail Pesorstsev. Only then it was not yet called. The boots began to be called "Kirzachi" when they were launched into mass production during the Great Patriotic War. The first experiments M. Pomorzov spent with rubber, but they were unsuccessful.

Boots from such a material could not withstand the load entrusted to them and broke. Before the start of the material development of material for soldiers, the boots were continued by an engineer Ivan Plotnikov, and this time they were crowned with success. The work was performed in a short time, and in 1942 the release of soldier shoes was already established.

Thus, Russia has become the main manufacturer of kerz boots. The lower part and sock are made from YUFTI, and the top is from KRIZ, which makes the production process cheaper. More than 80% of the plant's products are intended for the army.

Kizzy boots. Our days

Soldiers and today are kerz boots today, although attempts are being made to translate the military on lacing shoes.

Kizzy boots reliably protect the feet of soldiers from any external influences, as well as from the heat and frost. They are adapted for long trips in the forests and swamps. The sole is made of durable rubber and is attached with nails. Sock and backdrop are made of Yufti, the tops are from KRIZ. Hard backdrop and granite trays provide stability to the leg. Kizzi boots have proven themselves in operation in extreme conditions.

As already mentioned, they are in demand and in a citizen. When buying, you need to know that the boots are sewn with the fact that they will wear them on the ports, so thin socks in them will immediately break, and the legs will be inconvenient. Today everyone can buy kizzy boots. The prices of them range from 800 to 1000 rubles, and they will not wear wear. They are sold both in the stores of overalls and on the trading platforms of the Internet.

Kizzy boots are popular since their invention by Ivan Plotnikov to this day. For the creation of these legendary boots, he received the Stalinist premium and is well deserved.

In the confrontation of boots and boots, the boots unequivocally won, by the times of World War II in the choice of the point was delivered to them. The feet of the soldier before and so constantly wound up, although shoes were worn. Naturally, it's more convenient to shove your legs into the boots so that these windings do not unwind at the most inopportune moment, and more convenient. In some parts, there was not enough material for the manufacture of windings and had to wipe the legs with rebuilding means. For example, the British army passed the entire war in the windings. But the Russian soldiers are the only ones who allowed in essential cases with their legs feel the warmth and convenience of high leather boots.

Those who believe that Kirzachi got their name because of the Kirov plant (Kir-for), where they were massively produced, these people are mistaken. Kizzy boots have gained their sonorous name, thanks to the gross woolen English material, which was called Kersey, he served as the basis for Krise. If the disputes with the title are solved quickly, then the name of the true inventor creates a whole epic of contradictions and rumors. Most believe that I invented them by Mikhail Pokorstsev, it was he managed to make it impossible and overcome a lot of difficulties, he came up with a material on the skin, patented it in 1904, it was a tarp tissue, but not simple, and soaked in all possible substances, such as rosin, Paraffin, even egg yolk entered the composition. The new material was almost an analogue of the natural leather, which was waterproof and did not "hit", it was just brilliant. For the first time, this new fabric began to be used in the Russian-Japanese war, it was used for a variety of purposes, however, it was still far from the protection of soldiers' legs, but various necessary things in wartime were already produced, for example, made lightweight bags for ammunition, also a variety of ammunition for Horses and more.

Material made by scientist Pomorcev deserved praise on all fronts of the Russian-Japanese war in the literal and figurative sense. The material was also presented at different exhibitions, where the forest reviews of experts, Pomorzevoy, were offered to make a small batch of boots, there was a lot of need at that time, but it did not reach the mass production. Obstacles reinforced leather masters (curators of this business) who were very worried that they would take work. A, in 1916, the inventor of Pomorstsev died and, together with him, mass production boots from this universal material was rounded by summer. Only 20 years later, Kris will recall again.

In 1934, two Soviet scientists took up the production of rebound, their name was Boris Czozov and Sergey Lebedev.

They came up with a new way to produce rubber, cheaper and soaked to them a fabric that became also like natural skin in terms of their qualities. Later, the Soviet chemist of carpenters began to work, he also collected all the laurels of the discoverer and even received the Stalinist Prize. In the Soviet-Finnish war, the Kizzy boots were the first tests, however, they did not show themselves as an excellent material, the boots were cracked from frost and tried, and even with time broke. The chemist was asked why his boots are garbage and cold, and he responded quite seriously: "Byk and the cow have not yet shared with us with all their" skin "secrets!". For such a tough response, the scientist was not punished, and even on the contrary, they loaded the work, which was the improvement of this material for boots. At that time there was a very strong deficit in shoes, the war has greatly affected on domestic developments. Under the sensitive observation of Kosyigina, carpenters perfectly coped with his work.

SCIENTIFIC CARENTERS VYUL IN CRIZE Boots 10 million people, for these merits in 1942 on April 10, it was noted by the Stalinist Prize.

On envy to everyone.

Throughout its existence, Kizzy boots are greatly popular, and in the war years they have particularly enhance their popularity. The boots were ready for off-road and long campaigns, the fact that Russian boots are the best can be judged by comparing them with American military shoes of the 40s, our boots are better in many indicators.

Even General Bradlli wrote in his notes, because, because of the incessant dampness and the cold, the American army lost 12 thousand excellent soldiers in just 1 month, many could not stand up. He also wrote that the diseases of the feet rheumatism were spread in his army faster than once the plague, his apogee this phenomenon reached in January. The US Army was not ready for dampness and frosts, when they began to instruct the soldiers in detail how to properly care for their legs, the general realized that it was already very late. At the front in the period of bad weather, the American army had to be very sweet, high boots and the ports were not. Activities apparently "Rostili" only in.

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Oh, these portions ...

It can be safely formed that simple portions were no less useful in the difficult service of the soldier than and so successful Kizzy boots. Also a very useful invention as socks, it does not get along with Kizzy boots at all, the one who wore them in these boots, they know exactly that socks turn into a duch. And if the boots wear with socks for a long time, the result will be also bloody legs and corns.

A universal way to use spheres, which could come up with only Russians, it's when the ports are wedged, they change them with the other side (from the top of the lower part) and the legs are dry again, and the wet part will dry out at that time. Another way that does not understand other countries is to wind up several ports, this method is actively used in winter, as well as to maintain heat inserted into the spare parts of the newspaper.

Kizzy boots were recognized by the folk brand, they could count on nationwide love and without a barrack. To date, more than 150 million pairs were released. When in the Russian army they say that it will be transferred to the berches, then our soldiers demonstratively again and again shine comfortable in Military life Kirzachi. Dembel makes "screws" on the occasion of the end of the service life, the elegant shoes are obtained by turning their harmonica.

The great path was kizzy boots from the moment of their creation, before the launch of them into the flow of labor and military people, and together with them and our soldiers came to victory in the war.

Kizzy boot unequivocally helped to reach our soldiers to Berlin in 1945!

Kizzy boots - more than shoes. Ivan Carpenters, who in front of the war established their production, received the Stalinist Prize. After the war, everything went to Kirzachi - from old people to schoolchildren. They are in the go today. Because reliable.

To the First World War in the debt army confrontation of the boot and boots was put a point. Boots unconsciously won. Even in those armies, where the boot was lacking for the manufacturer, the legs of the soldier still almost to the knees were shaking. It was a forced imitation of boots. In the windings of mustard colors passed war, for example, British soldiers. The soldiers of the Russian army, by the way, in the First World War were the only ones who could afford to suggest in real leather boots.

As well as about all the cult things, the mass of speculations and rumors go about the Kizz boots. So, one of the delusions is that Kirzachi received their name from the "Kirov plant", on which their production was established. In fact, the legendary boots received their name by the name of the Kersey woolen fabric, from which they were originally manufactured.

Also walks the mass of delusions about who the first created Kizzy boots. Let's lay down above i. The priority in this business belongs to the Russian inventor Mikhail Pomorzsev. Breasant fabric, impregnated with a mixture of paraffin, rosin and egg yolk, he received in 1904. The material possessed properties, almost identical to the skin. He did not let the water, but at the same time "breathed." For the first time Krza "sniffing gunpowders" in the Russian-Japanese war, where it was used for making ammunition for horses, bags and artillery covers.

Material Pomorzev deserved a high appreciation of both soldiers and experts of international exhibitions, it has already been decided to release the batch of boots, but their mass production has not been established. At first, the case was prevented by leather lobbyists, and in 1916 Mikhail Mikhailovich died. The boots for almost 20 years "put on the shelf."

The production of Krise was revived in 1934. Soviet scientists Boris Byzov and Sergey Lebedev developed a method for producing a cheap artificial-sodium rubber butadiene, which was soaked for the fabric, which would have acquired properties similar to genuine leather. Further development of the production of Kizzi boot, we are obliged to Chemist Ivan Puttrikov. It is thanks to his efforts in the country, the production of "kirzaci" was established.

The combat checks were still in the Soviet-Finnish war, but this experience ended unsuccessfully - in the cold the boots were cracked, became solid and brittle. The daughter of Plotnikova Lyudmila recalled how his father told her about the commission on which the "analysis of flights" was taken by the application of a new material.

Ivan Vasilyevich asked: "Why is your krza so cold and do not breathe?". He replied: "Byk and cow have not yet shared with us all their secrets."

Fortunately, for such audacity, the chemist was not punished. On the contrary - after the start of the Great Patriotic War, an acute shortage of shoes was obvious. This was useful to carpenter's experience. He was instructed in the shortest possible time to improve the technology of the production of Krise. Kosygin's question oversaw. Carpenters coped with the task. Moreover, the production of Kirz cells in Kirov has established. On April 10, 1942, he received the Stalin Prize. By the end of the war in Kizzy boots, 10 million Soviet soldiers went.

Kizzy boots discouraged well-deserved glory during the war. High, almost waterproof, but at the same time breathing, they allowed the soldiers to go multi-kilometer marches on any road and off-road. As far as Kizzy boots were good, you can judge if you compare them with American military boots.
General O. Bralli, author of the book "History of the Soldier", wrote that because of the constant dampness, the American army lost 12 thousand building soldiers for one month. Some of them did not have to recover and return to the front.

O. Bradlli wrote: "By the end of January, the disease rheumatism has reached such a large scale that the American command was in a dead end. We were completely unacceptable for this disaster in part as a result of our own negligence; by the time we started to instruct the soldiers as you need Care for legs and what you need to do so that the boots are not wetched, rheumatism has already spread the army with the speed of the plague. "

Without high boots and ports on the autumn and winter front accounted for disadvantage.

It can be recognized that the ports are no less brilliant invention than the Kizzy boots themselves. However, they are inseparable. Those who have tried to wear kerz boots with a sock knows that socks are definitely sooner or later rolled on the heel. Then, especially if you are on the march, and you can not stop, write disappeared ... feet in blood.

In addition, the ports are also comfortable in the fact that in case of wetting them, they are enough to wind the other side, then the leg will still remain dry, and the wet part of the port will be to dry in the time.
Spacious topping "Kirzchas" allows in the cold to get out of two ports, plus the newspapers in them in order to keep warm.

Kizzy boots after the war became the "folk brand."
To date, approximately 150 million steam has been released this shoe. Despite the conversations that soon the army will be transferred to the berches, the soldiers continue to wear "Kirzachi", to make "screws" (rolling with accordion) and dress up on the occasion of demob. Somewhere at the genetic level lives in us the memory of how our soldiers in the Kizzy boots were marching to the Great Victory.

KRAZ is a rough multi-layer material obtained by the impregnation of the cotton base with special compositions based on rubber. Used not only for the manufacture of well-known Kizzy boots, as well as for sewing workers gloves, bags, protective aprons, shoes.

Prehistory of the appearance of fabric

At the time of the Great Patriotic War, Kizzy boots wore all our soldiers.

The need for materials protecting rain, winds, has emerged long ago. In the countries of South America, Kauchonos juice was used to impregnate the canvases. Some Indians came easier. They pinched legs into the juice of rubber plants. After drying the juice on the leg, a coating that protects against water was formed.

European experience

The acquisition of the juice of such plants - latex - Could afford Scotland. To impregnate the Latex tissues in large quantities, it was necessary to dissolve in something. Scottish chemist C. Makintosh from waste of coal distillation created a solvent, with which the canvas were able to impregnate latex solutions. So the fabric appeared, and then the raincoats called in honor of the author of the invention Makintosh. In other places, the tissue was covered with wax, resins, butter. Especially acutely felt the need for strong protective tissues in the armies of all countries and peoples.

Russian experience

In Russia, at the end of the 19th century, leather shoes and ammunition costs were a quarter from the entire amount of money allocated to the army. It's a lot. In the early 20th century, Russian talent M. Pomorzov created a method of impregnation of tissues with domestic raw materials: rosin, yolk eggs, paraffin. As the basis, the English tissue of coarse wool with the name Kersey was used. The material began to call Kerz. Subsequently, the name was transformed into Kirm. The resulting fabric has passed successful tests in the 1904 war between Russia and Japan. As it often happens, the invention after the war has not received widespread. Perhaps the resistance of the skin suppliers affected. Yes, and the composition was expensive, some eggs were required.

In 1928, the team of Chemiks, led by S. Lebedev, B. Used to invented the method of obtaining a synthetic rubber from wine alcohol. There were no problems with raw materials in Russia. Alcohol (moonshine) Immediateness of the age of drunk from potatoes. In 1933, production supplying cheap synthetic rubber was launched. It is a pity that by random coincidence, both inventors died in the spring of 1934. They got sick at once both, unfortunately.

The work on the receipt of the fabric continued chemist I. Carpenters. The first batch of Kizzy boots was tested in the Soviet-Finnish war. There were a lot of complaints. In Claus, Krza became solid, fragile, easily broken. Released boots in those days only Kirov plant. There is a version that does not correspond to the truth that the name "KRAZ" is a reduction from the factory name.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War I. Plotnikov was instructed to urgently finalize technology. He coped with the task. By the end of the war, the Kizzy boots already wore all our soldiers. Since then, KRAZ is used constantly as durable, protective fabric, very similar to the skin.

Modern Kirm - Fabric Description

Protective aprons are made from KRIZ.

KRAZ fabric is currently produced on a multi-layered base of cotton fabric, which is impregnated with the compositions containing synthetic rubber. The manufacture of krza can be represented as several stages:

  • obtaining the fabric of the base;
  • applying the rubber solution (latex) with additives;
  • heat treatment;
  • calendering;
  • embossing.

The properties of the tissue depend on the characteristics of the yarn, the number of layers of the material. As raw materials use a cardic, ridden yarn. The number of layers in most tissues is 2 or 3. The impregnation methods differ.

Depending on the composition for the impregnation, Kirz is divided into 3 groups.

  • KRAZ A (acrylic) is a view of Krise obtained by impregnation of a cotton base with a latex mixture with various additives treated with additional polymethyl methacrylates.
  • KRAZ B is the material obtained by a fuel-water impregnating rubber dispersion with additional components.
  • Aworn-saddle KRAZ - a cloth made by the impregnation of the base of latex, with a reinforced face.

There are materials that do not belong to Kris, but, in fact, they are varieties of kizzy fabrics, if the main sign of the latter is considered the presence of a cotton base impregnated with rubber.

  • Kyrgyoline is a cotton velvetone covered with a rubber from the front side.
  • Fenalin is a fire-resistant material made by impregnating fabric with a latex mixture, liquid glass, casein. Fenaline sew shoes hot shop workers. It can withstand the action of the fire at least 45 seconds.
  • Elastoiskeza t porous - a cotton base material with a porous coating with a rubber layer.
  • Elastoisham T Moroz-resistant - Frame cotton fabric coated with a mixture of rubber.
  • Elastoiskite T Suede - Cotton-based material coated with a porous rubber layer, additionally incented and decomposed polymer composition.

Perhaps these fabrics do not belong to Kris due to the applied surface coating with rubber, and not deep impregnation. This is the suggestion of the author, based on logical reflection.

It is strange that the material of Shargoline, consisting of three layers of the cotton base covered with a polyvinyl chloride layer, many authors are attached to Kris. In fact, it is artificial leather. Make it by means, felting the composition on a moving tape with a special knife or roller.

The advantages of Krisa

Kizzy boots found such fame not by chance. Kirz demonstrates many advantages that provide her more than half a century popularity.

The main positive properties of Krise:

  • ease;
  • mechanical strength to punctures, abrasions, breaks;
  • flexibility;
  • good air permeability;
  • resistance to water action;
  • the ability of the inner surface to absorb moisture;
  • frost resistance (up to -40 ° C);
  • low cost.

The combination of the qualities of KRS is quite comparable to genuine leather. Now Kirm is used for the manufacture of many types of products:

  • footwear for farmers, builders, metallurgists, ordinary rural residents;
  • drive belts;
  • workers;
  • boxer bags;
  • gloves for rough work;
  • overalls;
  • packaging bags for bulk goods.

The technology of obtaining material is improved by delivering new types of products to the market.

How to care for Krise products

The material is unpretentious, but requires knowledge of special care methods. With everyday wearing, it is necessary to wipe the products from KRIZ 1-2 times a week to polishing compositions, creams made on the basis of organic solvents. It is possible for this to use the usual Gutalin. If water got into Kirms, the material must be dried at room temperature without additional warming up. Then Kirm needs to be lubricated with cream, seams - castor oil or animal fat.

Kirza is our nationwide fabric that helped and continues to rescue in the most difficult conditions. The material is reliable and durable.

Interesting about army shoes can be found from the video.

N E chrome, not leather, but not lapties. Kizzy boots fused half of Europe to the Great Patriotic War, but also after decades, this previously historical shoes are not written off into museum archives. The story of Kizzov, Sapogo studied Natalya Leadnikov.

Peter Zhigmont. Soldier song

1. The wicked tissue for its ships was used yet by Vikings; Aztec Indians seized capes and shoes from it; The invention of the XIX century is raincoats from a tissue impregnated with rubber, macintoshi. We looked at the technology and in Russia - in attempts to replace expensive skin: only three million rubles were made from the treasury annually from the treasury.

2. Barly fabric, impregnated with a mixture of paraffin, rosin and egg yolk. The invention of 1904, Mikhail Pomorzeva. The material is like the skin, he did not miss the water and "breathed." The combat baptism of the novelty passed to the Russian-Japanese War: bags and covers for artillery were sewn. And Pomorzov was awarded a gold medal at the exhibition in Milan.

3. After 30 years, Soviet scientists Boris Byzov and Sergey Lebedev received a cheap artificial rubber, the impregnation of which also made a fabric like natural skin. Iganized the production of shoes on an industrial scale Ivan Carmented. Just before the war, when it was necessary to urgently shore the army - at least in Napti. Here and helped chemists.

Marat Samsonov. Fighters of Stalingrad

4. The name "KRAZ" is associated with the manufacturer - Cyrusovsky perwater; then with the name of KERSEY tissue, from which the material initially was made; That with the English village, where sheep was found, from whose wool was tissue. But without a small century, the Association is one - with soldier's boots.

5. The history of the creation of shoes for the military is kept in the documentary Fund of the Polytechnic Museum. One of the nine KRIZ developers, a chemist scientist Alexander Khomutov, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War handed over to the Museum of his memoirs, photos and a document on the award of the Stalinist Prize.

6. High state reward for the development of material. In 1942, on a par with designers of the legendary Katyusha, Sylla and Yak aircraft, the Stalin Prize of 100 thousand rubles received both scientists-chemists, creators of Kizzy boots. The Soviet Union has become the world's largest producer of Kris. 85% of all production - for the needs of the army.

Leonid Golovanov. "Get to Berlin!"

7. "We do to Berlin!" In 1944, the Soviet artist Leonid Golovanov painted one of the most famous wartime posters. A smiling soldier straightens a kizzy boot. The artist depicted Sniur Vasily Votova, whose account was more than 400 Nazis. The fighter itself fell in battle, but the poster retained the image of the war hero and in the postwar years.

8. "Sturdy and convenient to work." The peaceful story of Kizzy boots has decades. About 150 million couples came up from the conveyor to shine builders, cheerbobobes and ... the most brave fashionistas. So, Vyacheslav Zaitsev drew on the Kizzy boots. Couturier painted coarse soldier shoes in an orange color in one of the first collections.

9. Kizzy boots in the XXI century become part of the exposition of museums. In one of the oldest museum in Russia, the Tula Weapon Museum is a whole collection dedicated to the history of soldiers' shoes. In the Kimra Museum of Museum, the Kizzy Boots are coerring with the filmorelics - boots, specially sewn in 1961 for filming the picture "War and Peace".

10. Soldier boots in bronze. Monument to the sculptor Dmitry Baykova installed in the military town of Starry Perm Territory. 40-kilogram Kirzachi unite the generation of artillery officers who served in these places, and the residents of the village, most of which also minted a step on the platform, as usual - in Kizzy boots.