The Ministry of Health allowed visiting mothers in the maternity hospital immediately after childbirth. The doctors are shocked. The Ministry of Health approved the rules for visiting maternity hospitals by fathers and close relatives Visiting a maternity hospital at 3-4 months why

Perhaps, of all the myths associated with pregnancy or childbirth, it is precisely such “terrible” stories about the maternity hospital that are the most harmful. They negatively set expectant mothers in relation to medical staff, often causing distrust in the actions of doctors, and in the very stay in the maternity hospital. Let's talk about the most common myths on this topic.

Myth number 1. Terrible living conditions in the hospital

In fact, stories about wards for ten people, a non-working shower and one toilet for the entire floor have only historical value. Over the past decades, not only the level of medical services, but also the level of medical comfort has changed significantly. Most modern maternity hospitals meet European standards of medical comfort: small wards for two or three people with a shower and toilet, the opportunity to stay with children, cozy lounges with TV and video equipment, individual delivery boxes. In addition, future parents have the opportunity to conclude contracts for the conduct of childbirth, which provide for particularly comfortable conditions for mother and baby in the maternity hospital.

Myth number 2. There are endless queues for medical procedures in the maternity hospital.

This is also not true. Modern maternity hospitals are well provided with medical equipment, which practically eliminates the queues in front of the offices. For example, there is a device for ultrasound diagnostics in every department of a modern maternity hospital (including the emergency room), a cardiotocograph (a device that records uterine contractions and fetal heartbeat) - one for each woman in labor in the maternity ward, and several devices in the department of pathology of pregnant women. In many maternity hospitals, medical procedures such as a medical examination, CTG (fetal heart rate) recording, blood pressure measurement, administration of medications and stitches after childbirth are performed directly in the ward.

Myth number 3. You can’t take personal items to the hospital

A woman arriving for childbirth is given a nightgown and gown or disposable blue sterile non-woven gowns in the admissions department. Bathrobe and washable slippers can be brought from home. In addition, you can take sterile anti-varicose stockings, a mobile phone, hygienic lipstick, facial spray, wet wipes, toilet paper, a bottle of water for rinsing your mouth into the rodblok. In some maternity hospitals, it is allowed to take a fitball (gymnastic ball) and an audio player for childbirth.

In the antenatal department, you can take clean home clothes: a bathrobe, pajamas or a nightgown, underwear, a bandage; if walks are provided - comfortable clothes and shoes for the street. In addition, it is allowed to take the necessary items of care and personal hygiene: toothbrush and paste, comb, hair dryer, towel, shower products, cosmetics. In the department of pathology of pregnant women, the sanitary regime is not as strict as in the maternity unit, and there is a lot of time free from medical procedures, so you can take a laptop, books, magazines, embroidery, knitting or board games with you.

For the postpartum department, you can take nursing and sleeping bras, bra pads, a breast pump, anti-cracked nipples cream, intimate pads for women in labor and a postpartum bandage. Walks in the postpartum ward are not provided due to a decrease in immunity in the first days after childbirth, so outerwear will be needed only for discharge. A young mother certainly has less free time than a pregnant woman - a laptop and needlework can be left at home. Requirements for other things do not differ from the requirements of the department of pathology of pregnant women. For a newborn, you can bring disposable diapers and wet wipes, and if the maternity hospital allows you to use “your” clothes, things will come in handy: bodysuits, overalls, hats and socks. Bed linen for mother and baby is provided by the maternity hospital.

Myth #4: You can only eat hospital food in the hospital.

This is completely wrong: in any modern maternity hospital, they accept transfers with products. At the same time, the employees of the maternity hospital do not control the content of “grocery orders”! Although, of course, there is a list of products that are not recommended for use during breastfeeding, as well as medical dietary restrictions for some complications of pregnancy.

Myth No. 5. Visitors are not allowed into the departments of the maternity hospital

This is not so: visitors are allowed to see the expectant mother, and in some maternity hospitals, in the absence of health contraindications, pregnant women are allowed daily walks with their relatives. In almost all modern maternity hospitals, partner births are allowed - which means that even in the most “strict” department of the maternity hospital, the patient can enlist the presence of a loved one. It is possible that in order to be present at the birth, the partner will need to take tests and provide a certificate of completion of courses for future parents.

After giving birth, visitors are allowed to visit the mother and baby, however, there are restrictions on the number of guests and the time of their stay in the maternity hospital. The restrictions are due to the protective regime necessary for the puerperal and the newborn to recover after childbirth. In the first days after childbirth, mother and baby are most vulnerable to infections, they quickly get tired; they need to rest and recharge. Based on this, the administration of the maternity hospital controls the duration and number of visits to their patients. Another reason for restricting visits may be quarantine associated with the SARS or flu epidemic. Finally, the possibility of visits depends on the living conditions of the maternity hospital: if there are many patients in the ward, visits from relatives may cause dissatisfaction with the neighbors in the ward (for religious, national reasons, out of superstition or fear of infection).

Myth #6

This myth has no real basis. In order to hospitalize a pregnant woman in the pathology department, the doctor must make a sufficiently serious diagnosis (not all pregnancy complications require inpatient treatment). For example, severe preeclampsia (late toxicosis), fetoplacental insufficiency or the threat of premature birth. For the treatment of each pathology of pregnancy on the terms of compulsory medical insurance (mandatory medical insurance), the law defines a fixed time in a day, longer than which the patient cannot stay in the hospital. So, even if we assume that the doctor for some reason specifically wants to detain the expectant mother in the hospital until the birth, he will not be able to fulfill this intention! When treating on the terms of VHI (contractual form), the patient pays for each additional day of stay in the hospital, therefore, the discharge time is as clearly regulated as with compulsory medical insurance, and the extension of hospitalization is possible only with the personal consent of the pregnant woman.

Myth number 7. If you go to the hospital in advance, they will artificially induce contractions.

Special measures for induction of labor (“causing” contractions) are taken only in case of overbearing of the fetus. Moreover, prolongation is not just a pregnancy lasting more than 40 weeks, as is commonly believed at the level of the same myths. Recall that pregnancy is considered full-term (and the baby is ready for birth) from 38 to 42 weeks. 40 weeks is the most likely, but not the exact date of birth. The term "prematurity" refers to the failure of the auxiliary organs of pregnancy - the placenta and fetal membranes, their "aging" and deterioration of functions. Aging of the placenta and membranes gradually leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus, reduced nutrition and metabolism. The intrauterine "habitat" of the baby is also undergoing changes - the amount of water decreases, they become viscous. The fetal membranes thicken and lose their elasticity, as a result, the walls of the uterus begin to put pressure on the fetus. These changes worsen the prognosis for childbirth and pose a danger to the health of the fetus.

For accurate diagnosis of postmaturity, ultrasound, doppler (placental blood flow control), CTG (fetal heart rate monitoring) and amnioscopy (transvaginal optical examination of the fetal bladder and waters) are used. If the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, but there are no signs of overgestation, they only monitor the condition of the mother and baby without taking any additional interventions.

Myth number 8. If you go to the hospital on the eve of childbirth, they will inject drugs to open the cervix

In fact, this is not so: doctors simply observe the condition of the mother and baby, preparing for childbirth, but do not interfere in this natural process. Special measures to prepare the cervix are taken only in case of biological immaturity of the birth canal. This term refers to the inconsistency of the state of the cervix and the walls of the vagina with the gestational age. Normally, before childbirth, the cervix gradually shortens and begins to open slightly, the tissues of the vagina and cervix become soft and elastic. Changes in the birth canal usually occur between 37 and 39 weeks of gestation. If, during a full-term pregnancy and a mature fetus (these data are confirmed by ultrasound), the cervix remains dense and long, as in the middle of pregnancy, and the cervical canal is closed, it is necessary to prescribe medication for the birth canal. None of the drugs that are used for these purposes has labor-stimulating properties, that is, does not lead directly to the onset of contractions. Medical preparation of tissues of the birth canal is never carried out without indications, and, of course, is not an obligatory element of planned prenatal hospitalization.

Myth #9. To keep labor short, they are always stimulated at the maternity hospital

Rhodostimulation is called measures to enhance labor activity, that is, contractions. The only indication for stimulating contractions is the weakness of labor forces - a complication of childbirth, in which the strength of contractions is not enough to open the cervix and move the fetus along the birth canal. You can judge the strength of contractions using cardiotocography, as well as the dynamics of labor activity: an increase in contractions, an increasing opening in the neck and the advancement of the fetus. The duration of labor is individual and is not a direct indicator of weak labor activity. In addition, measures to intensify contractions are never applied in advance, in the form of prevention of protracted labor - after all, as a result, another, no less dangerous complication may develop - rapid labor.

Myth No. 10. A woman is alone in the maternity block, and it may happen that she has no one to turn to for help

In fact, the staff of the maternity hospital constantly monitors all women in labor. The antenatal midwife is in the ward all the time or comes into the ward every 15–20 minutes, depending on the “general” or “box” structure of the maternity ward. Her task is to monitor the general condition of the woman in labor, control the frequency and strength of contractions, call a doctor and perform medical appointments (an injection, pressure measurement). The doctor should appear in the ward every 40–60 minutes, listen to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope, a portable ultrasound sensor or CTG readings, assess the strength and dynamics of contractions, the location of the fetal head, and, if necessary, perform a vaginal examination. During attempts, the birth of the fetus and the discharge of the placenta, the doctor and midwife are constantly next to the woman in labor. If complications arise at any stage of childbirth, the doctor always stays with the patient, monitoring her condition. At the same time, the rest of the patients of the maternity unit are not left without medical supervision: the team on duty consists of several doctors and midwives.

Many modern delivery rooms are equipped with an effective means of communication - a staff call button!

Myth number 11. In the hospital, they can mix up the baby

This myth is probably the most persistent of all. It is impossible to confuse a child: even if a woman is in a common prenatal ward during contractions, the process of giving birth to a baby takes place in an individual delivery room. Immediately after birth, the baby is examined, weighed, height is measured and individual identification bracelets are put on the handles. On the bracelets, the last name, first name, patronymic and number of the mother's medical record, sex, weight and height of the child, date and time of birth are recorded. These bracelets are not removed from the newborn until discharge from the hospital under any circumstances, regardless of the joint or separate mode of stay of the mother and baby in the postpartum department.

In order not to be afraid of the maternity hospital, to navigate the requirements of the staff and trust the actions of doctors, it is worth knowing more about the structure and work of this medical institution in advance. You can find information in magazines and courses for future parents, on the website and in the insurance company of the maternity hospital. You can also call the help desk or drive to the emergency department of the maternity hospital and talk with the staff. Finally, you can go on an excursion to the maternity hospital - such an opportunity is available in many modern maternity hospitals. But you should not believe the myths - that's why they are myths!

Republican congress "Mom Pro", which was held in Brest over the weekend, became a sensation.

- The Ministry of Health has made a decision in all maternity hospitals, maternity wards, obstetric and gynecological departments to allow visiting women after childbirth. So that they would not go downstairs, as before, but dad or other family members could visit mom and child in the ward. In our opinion, this will contribute to a positive atmosphere in the family, increase trust between parents and the doctor, - said the chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the Ministry of Health of Belarus Yulia Savochkina, BelTA quotes her.

The news literally blew up the Internet, causing a flurry of reactions "for" and "against".

Of course, the women immediately imagined the perfect picture, almost like in American films: “She gave birth to a child, he, on the wings of love, immediately ended up in her ward, and now they are both kissing a beautiful baby on fluffy ruddy cheeks.”

What do doctors think about this?

“Not all maternity hospitals are ready for such a decision”

“At the moment, there has been no order from the Ministry of Health on this matter,” says Natalya Odintsova, deputy head physician for obstetric and gynecological care at the 6th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk. The chief obstetrician-gynecologist of the country made an oral statement. I think that not all maternity hospitals in our country are ready for such a decision. After all, most often a woman with a baby is in the ward with several more of the same puerperas. Each has its own emotional and physical state. Now imagine a situation when relatives of one of the women enter the ward. Firstly, it will interfere with the rest of the puerperas. And if relatives of several women come at the same time? Do not leave the same the rest of the corridor. But that's not all. It must be understood that such visits will disrupt the work of the medical institution, and, what is there to hide, there may be problems associated with the theft of personal property. After all, as far as I understand, we are talking about the free access of strangers to the wards, in which several women lie at once.

We understand perfectly well that a maternity hospital is not a prison. All women go out for a while to their husbands, communicate. If one of the relatives certainly wants to get into the ward to the puerperal, we let them into the ward, accompanied by our health worker.

- It is believed that thanks to such visits, paternal instinct wakes up faster in dads.

“We already have the conditions for the awakening of the paternal instinct. If desired, men can attend partner births, because no one forbids. Dad can cut the umbilical cord and stay with mom and baby after giving birth for several hours.

Yes, but it's a nice idea.

- Of course, but in our realities, in order to implement such a decision, it is necessary to resolve technical issues, including logistics issues, and without fail coordinate the decision with the sanitary supervision authorities.

- In what conditions, in your opinion, can this idea be promoted without prejudice to all parties?

- Ideally, these should be family-type wards. Such wards for providing a complex of obstetric services were opened in our maternity hospital in September 2016. The chambers are located in a separate block, have a separate entrance from the street. In this department, the logistics are built perfectly, - says Natalya Alexandrovna. “Visitors that a woman wants to see change clothes and shoes in special lockers and can spend as much time in the ward as they want. Perhaps something similar is real in other maternity hospitals, including maternity hospitals in regional centers, where there are few births and women in labor.


We got through to one of the maternity hospitals in the capital to find out if the newly-made fathers were already trying to visit their mothers and babies in the ward?

“There haven’t been such people yet, and we imagine this picture with horror: crowds of strangers in the maternity hospital ... Perhaps drunk, possibly unhealthy,” admitted the staff of one metropolitan maternity hospital. But if there is a decree, it will have to be carried out.


“The sooner dad sees the baby, the sooner the necessary connections will arise”

“I support the initiative of the Ministry of Health,” says family psychologist Natalya Olifirovich. - But the words "maternal and paternal instincts" I would not use. The word "instinct" to people in general is very weakly applicable. We have neither maternal nor paternal instincts. Psychologists tend to use the word attachment. It is formed during the interaction of the child and the one who cares for him. It doesn't matter if it's mom, grandma or dad. Healthy quality attachment does not occur overnight, but over time. Often a woman, having given birth to a child, feels horror, confusion and falls into depression. So is the man. The sooner dad sees the baby and can contact him, the sooner the necessary connections will arise between them.

There are other benefits to this solution as well. When a man sees his woman in bed - vulnerable, to some extent helpless, he feels how she needs him - strong, responsible, able to support. Previously, people gave birth right at home, the newborn was swaddled and taken out to the father. The proud father almost immediately felt involved in the process. Even if during childbirth he was kicked out of the house, he could hear the moans of the woman in labor, see the fuss, feel anxiety ... In our country, men are practically alienated from childbirth. And after giving birth, a woman needs to restore the spent resources, she needs emotional support. The presence of a husband who will regret, kiss and say: “What a fine fellow you are,” “What a beautiful baby” is an ideal option for this moment.

Remember the times when no one was allowed into the hospital? It was the kingdom of mother and child, and happy fathers stood with flowers under the windows and vigorously expressed their joy.

Now visits to women in labor are allowed. And all the "fans" immediately after the birth can visit a new family member. Abroad, this has been accepted for a long time and does not surprise anyone. There, all friends carry gifts directly to the ward to a happy mother. But I often wonder if this is right.

When I gave birth to my daughter, she seemed to me tiny, fragile and defenseless. So it really was. After all, the immunity of the child is formed gradually, in the process of life. It comes with mother's milk. Therefore, it is so important to breastfeed for the first six months, when the baby does not yet have immunity, and you pass yours on to him.

First encounter with microbes

For the first hours of life, the baby is quite enough for acquaintance and mother's microbes. Imagine how stressful it is for a small organism to move from a sterile womb to our imperfect world. The body of the child is immediately populated by a huge number of bacteria.

These are the thoughts that visited me when visitors came to my hospital. These were close and beloved people whom I am always glad to see, but this time their arrival caused me anxiety. At that time, I only cared about my baby and her health.

I gave birth to my daughter in 2007. In my paid ward, visitors were allowed two at a time. And there was a second bed for a visitor staying overnight. Everyone was given clean coats. Purchases of disposable capes and shoe covers were not required then. And very in vain! I have two hands for such security measures.

New trends

But there are maternity hospitals where the visiting regime is even less strict. We have one of these, recently restored and filled with sponsored purchases. They apply new approaches to women in labor, they give birth sitting, standing and in the bath.

But all the relatives who came from the region walk in crowds along the corridors and celebrate in the wards. And some of them are designed for two women in labor.

For me, this is overkill. I understand that there are women who simply need the help of relatives, I myself was one of them. Don't count on the hospital staff. After all, there are many more young mothers than nurses and doctors. Therefore, visits cannot be prohibited.

But before turning them into a source of income, it is worth creating conditions for everyone to be comfortable. Separate rooms with a toilet and a washbasin, so that the woman in labor does not have to stand in line with other people's coughing aunts.

One of my friends works in a sanitary and epidemiological station, she scared me with a terrible story. They were working on a case where one of the guests infected a toddler. The adult had only a runny nose, and the child developed meningitis (inflammation of the brain). The baby could not be saved.

This, of course, is an isolated case, but no one is immune from such irresponsible relatives.

So it turns out that it is dangerous to let visitors in, and not to let them in is bad. Here every mother chooses herself. What do you think about the guests in the hospital?

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Moms-to-be are looking forward to X-day when their baby is born. And it’s understandable why - because you really want to see the one who lived for nine months and gently kicked in your tummy. - a great joy, and not only for his parents, but also for other relatives who certainly want to look at the baby in the hospital. However, this is not so simple. Most maternity hospitals in Ukraine have rather strict requirements for visitors.

To begin with, it is worth saying that visiting mother and baby is possible only at certain times. As a rule, the maternity hospital opens for visitors at 7 am and closes at 7 pm. In some cases, exceptions are possible - for example, if a pregnant woman and her spouse have paid for a joint stay ward, in which parents and the baby can be all together at any time of the day. That is, the baby's father can spend the night in this ward with his wife, a newly-made mother, and a recently born child. True, for this, the baby's father must be dressed in a change of clothes and shoes. A T-shirt, pants and slippers are best suited for this. In addition, the newly-born daddy should have the results of fluorography on his hands, as well as a certificate from the pediatrician, which will indicate that the man is healthy and can be in the maternity hospital.

However, all these rules apply not only to the father of a newly born baby. Absolutely all visitors to the maternity hospital, without exception, must take off their outdoor outerwear and change into changeable shoes even before they enter the department where the mother and her child lie. Already in the ward, relatives should change into clean home clothes, or simply put on a sterile medical gown. Before approaching the baby and even more so taking him in his arms, dad and other visitors need to wash their hands. Therefore, the future mother should make sure that she has soap and towels in the ward.

Some maternity hospitals also have other rules for visitors. For example, it is considered that there should not be more than three adults in a ward in the neonatal unit. In addition, in many maternity hospitals, children under the age of 14 cannot visit their mother and child, as they may be carriers of some kind of infection that is so dangerous for the baby in the first days after its birth. In general, relatives of a newly-made mother and a newborn baby should not run to the hospital at any opportunity. It is better to pay a visit after discharge, when mom and baby have a rest and gain strength.

Often, future parents begin to prepare for the appearance of the long-awaited offspring long before his birth. At this point, the question arises: what can I bring to the hospital? Often, a mother takes with her things for a newborn, which may not be useful at all, or even interfere. Let's see what items first of all need to be put in a bag in advance, and what to bring after the baby is born.

In fact, there is no specific list of what can be transferred to the maternity hospital after childbirth, since each institution sets its own requirements and permissions. That is why choose in advance where you will give birth, after which do not forget to ask there what is needed for the newborn in the first days of life. When packing your bag, first put the essentials in it. Secondary luggage can be purchased a little later.

It is best to prepare two bags at once. In the first place, add good for the child, and in the second, what you need for discharge.

They need to be collected at the 7th month of pregnancy and be sure to notify all family members about the location of the bags. In case of premature birth, loved ones should know what to bring to the hospital.

In addition, here's what a mom will definitely need:

  • Passport and photocopy.
  • Medical insurance document and a copy.
  • Birth certificate and exchange card.
  • Mobile phone to keep in touch and charge to it.
  • An agreement concluded with a doctor or the hospital itself.
  • Phone number of the birth specialist.
  • Phone number of the institution where the woman is going to give birth, as well as the address.

You should always have this entire set of essentials with you, even if you just want to go out for a short while to the store. If necessary, you will not waste precious time returning home for him and you can immediately call a taxi or an ambulance. The rest of the things that you can go to the hospital, but that are left at home, will then be handed over to your trusted people.

First bag set

Be sure to read the rules of the maternity hospital, as each institution has its own characteristics. Doctors can accept a patient who has only documents and a phone with her, and, for example, give out disposable clothes for her and a child. In such a situation, the luggage is transferred the next day after permission and only after the approval of the doctors, who must make sure that everything is in order with the woman in labor.

The set for the first bag that you can bring to the hospital includes:

  • Shampoo, toothbrush and paste, towels and other personal hygiene products. However, it is not scary if they suddenly do not appear there, because if the hospital itself does not provide them, then at least they can be purchased at the hospital pharmacy.
  • Loose clothing that does not restrict movement, with the ability to easily reach the breast for feeding. From shoes, rubber slippers and other shoes that do not collect dirt are ideal. Seasonal items may be required, such as tights or warm sweaters.
  • Cutlery: spoon, fork, plate.
  • Ordinary non-carbonated water.
  • If possible diapers. For starters, the smallest package with the smallest size of diapers is suitable. After trying them in practice, you can understand what size is right for your child.
  • Wet wipes for children, which are necessary when changing a diaper.
  • 5 cotton diapers and 5 flannelette diapers, as well as hats, socks and overalls depending on the season.

From what can be transferred to the maternity hospital, one can single out a bag for dirty linen, secondary clothes, baby hygiene products (soap, cream, powder), and other items. They need to be folded into a second bag. In order not to guess whether the funds will come in handy or not, ask the doctor about it in advance.

What do you need for checkout

It is not necessary to take all the necessary items with you at once. Especially for discharge, you can collect a separate package, especially since depending on the weather, health status and other factors, its contents change. The transfer of such baggage is needed immediately before discharge.

As for the outfit for the baby, pay attention to the fact that the selected items do not contain substances that cause allergies. How to choose the right children's clothing:

  • The composition of things should include exclusively hypoallergenic materials.
  • The composition of the paint in which the thing is painted should not include toxic materials.
  • The outfit itself should be free, from natural ingredients.
  • Avoid a lot of buttons and ties on things. Whatever you put on the baby, it should be removed and dressed without problems. ​

New clothes should be washed after you bring them home from the store.

For all the time that they lay on the shelves of the store, a lot of dust and dirt accumulated on them. In addition, it is not known who packed them, and in what conditions the outfit was transported. Therefore, after buying, be sure to wash the outfits with baby soap, dry them and iron them. Such treatment will exclude the possibility of any infection getting into a fragile organism.

Depending on the season, the baby needs different types of clothes. Consider what you need to purchase separately for each season.


In winter, the child will need:

  • Cotton and wool cap.
  • Winter hat.
  • Woolen top and changing overalls.
  • Swaddling bodysuit.
  • Diapers.
  • Wool pants.
  • Cotton and flannelette diapers.
  • A warm blanket.

Autumn and spring

Spring and autumn are famous for their unpredictable weather. In autumn it can still be very hot, while in spring it can get very cold and even snowy. Therefore, make sure that your crumbs have the following things in their wardrobe:

  • Warm flannelette, knitted or cotton vest.
  • Slip overalls.
  • Mike.
  • Flannelette thin and dense diapers.
  • A thin cotton hat is required, choose the rest of the hats according to the weather.
  • Outerwear, such as overalls, an envelope or a baby bag.
  • Socks.
  • A blanket or envelope in which the child will go home.


In summer, there is a danger of dressing your child either too lightly or too warmly. Keep the following guidelines in mind when choosing an outfit:

  • Give preference to slip-on overalls, which, if necessary, can be completely unbuttoned.
  • A blouse and sliders would be a good choice.
  • Be sure to have a cotton hat, because even in extreme heat, the ears must be protected. It will be enough just one such hat.
  • Simple and flannelette diapers will be a good addition.
  • Blanket or lace envelope for the little one. Please note that it should not be very thin and hover strongly.
  • Other summer things for newborns, such as undershirts, booties, socks.


In most cases, a visit to the maternity hospital after the birth of a woman in labor is possible only at a specific time, but there are exceptions, for example, if the parents have chosen a shared ward for themselves. Then the father of the child will be able to be with his family around the clock. He can bring his own change of shoes and things to the hospital. A good option would be a T-shirt, pants and rubber slippers. In addition, a certificate is required that the father of the family is absolutely healthy and can be in the maternity ward.

And this applies not only to the head of the family. Everyone who wants to visit a mother with a baby is required to take off their outer clothing before entering the ward, as well as change shoes or put on shoe covers over shoes. It will be good if relatives take home vestments with them. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a disposable medical gown.

Certainly, visitors will want to hold the child in their arms. Remember: you can take a child in your arms after thoroughly washing them with soap and water. Therefore, it will be great if mom has soap and a clean towel in the room.

There may be other rules for visiting. In some hospitals, for example, it is forbidden to have more than three visitors in one room. And in others, people who are not yet 14 years old are not allowed in, since it is believed that teenagers can bring some kind of infection, which is extremely unsafe for a weakened mother’s body and a baby who has not yet grown stronger.

It is better to visit a woman in labor after discharge, when the mother’s body and her child have a rest from stress and are already a little stronger. If, for health reasons, the mother had to stay in the ward, it is better to postpone the visit to the maternity hospital for a few days until the woman recovers a little.

Be careful when choosing an outfit. You should not drag luggage into the ward with you, which may not be useful there. Take care of yourself and your little one.