Methods of teaching letters to children 5 years old. How to learn the alphabet with a child - advice to parents. Maria Montessori Method

How to learn letters with a child

Greetings, friends! Today I'll tell you! After all, everyone knows that children remember information much easier, faster and more willingly if it is provided in the form of a game. So let's use this and teach the kids letters!

Read on and find out how the child (Lenya) and I easily and quickly learned letters by playing, now our daughter learns letters in this way. Do not forget that while teaching a child to letters, it is necessary to name sounds (b, c, d), and not the name of the letters (be, ve, ge).

How easy it is to learn letters with a child (games)

  1. We write letters. In order to learn letters, you can write them in a variety of ways:
    pencils, crayons, pens and markers on a piece of paper
    you can write letters with ordinary paints, gouache, and also use finger paints
    chalk on the street while walking
    chalk or special markers on an easel
    draw letters with a stick on the sand
    we arm ourselves with a water pistol and write wet letters on the sidewalk
    draw letters with your fingers in semolina or on flour sprinkled on a tray
    write on the wall while bathing with toothpaste or daddy's shaving foam
    The kid will appreciate this method of writing a letter and will gladly take an active part in writing, because it is so interesting and fun.

  2. We make letters. In order for the baby to remember the letters, they can be sculpted - from clay, plasticine, salt dough. By the way, modeling games have a positive effect on the fine motor skills of the baby's hands and speech.
  3. Coloring the letters. For older children, you can print the letters on an A4 sheet and offer to color. It will be difficult for younger children to decorate the letters without going beyond the line. So for kids, you can cut out letters from a sheet of paper or cardboard and offer to decorate them in the color that he likes best. Learning letters turns into an exciting game. So imperceptibly for himself, the child quickly and easily learns all the letters of the alphabet.

  4. Application. Many children love this type of creativity, mine always squeak with pleasure when I propose to make an application. When studying letters, we, of course, included the application in our classes. For a change, you can make an application not only from colored paper, but also from pasta, cereals, shells, sand pebbles, laying out letters with them.
  5. Magazines. If you have a stack of old magazines in your apartment for a long time and you don’t know what to do with them - they don’t seem to be needed, but it’s a pity to throw them away, use them when studying letters. Flip through magazines with your child, find the most beautiful letters, name them and cut them out. From the cut out letters, you can try to add simple words "dad", "mother", "cat", "kitty", the name of the child. How much joy it will bring to the child - after all, he himself was able to compose a word from letters.
  6. Speaking alphabet. In the assortment of shops there are many speaking alphabets, both books and posters. We opted for a poster that was hung on the door at the height of the child, so that the daughter could press the buttons at any time. When choosing the Speaking alphabet, be sure to pay attention that it does not pronounce the names of the letters (be, ve, ge), but the sounds (b, c, d). Otherwise, later you will have to retrain the child when the time comes to teach him to read. When teaching letters to a child using the alphabet, you can play such a game - mom or dad calls the letters, and the child looks for it on the poster. In addition to letters, our speaking alphabet also has two functions: it tells tongue twisters, which Lena really likes and he has already learned many tongue twisters. The second function - voices the names of objects that are depicted near a certain letter. My daughter likes this function, and she learned some of the words that the alphabet says. For example, when I put a hat on my daughter, I always voice my actions, saying that I put on a hat. Previously, Nastyushka called her “cap”, after listening to the ABC, she began to call her hat “hat” and you won’t convince her)))
  7. Computer. To be honest, at such a young age, I don’t particularly welcome the sitting of a child at a computer / tablet / phone / TV, because this spoils the eyes, and it’s much more useful and interesting for a child to learn with his mother! So we rarely use this method. In order to teach a child letters using a computer, you can, of course, use a variety of educational games. And you can do it easier - open the Word program, which is on every computer. Set font to 60 and some bright color like blue or red. Click on the letters and pronounce it. Then the baby can press the keys himself, and you voice what kind of sound it is.
  8. Associations. For older children (4-5 years old) it is interesting to learn letters with the help of associations. The letter D looks like a house, O is round like a ring, C looks like a crescent moon, E looks like a ladder, Y has bumps on its head, etc. By connecting fantasy for each letter, you can find an association.
  9. Letter outlines. You can invite the baby to trace the contours of the letters with his finger. For these purposes, you can purchase a special alphabet, which has a different surface of the letters. Or you can try to make such an alphabet yourself. If you decide to go with the second method, then draw letters and make different textures: one rough (for example, using semolina), another soft (use a soft cloth), a third convex, a fourth smooth, prickly, velvet, porous, foam, and etc. You can repeat textures. But the more variety, the better. After all the letters are ready, glue them onto the cardboard. When the alphabet is ready - call the baby, take his finger, circle the letters with it and name them.

I hope you enjoy our letter learning games for kids and enjoy learning letters through fun, interesting games!

Modern parents have different attitudes towards the early development of the child. Many people think that it is not necessary to “stick” to the baby too early with reading, learning English and other tricks. It is better to create conditions for a full-fledged carefree childhood, surround him with love and care. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with starting to introduce the alphabet to the baby long before school, gradually learning the letters of the native language and their correct sequence with it. At what age do you start training? What methods and techniques to choose?

At what age can you start learning

Educators and psychologists do not have strict guidelines regarding the specific age at which a preschooler can be introduced to letters. However, experts still consider five years to be the most favorable time for this. This recommendation is based on the fact that in very young children the visual-effective type of thinking prevails. But by the age of 5, the brain is already able to perceive abstract information, symbolic images, which are letters.

According to psychologists, it is at this age that the child shows special curiosity and can memorize a large amount of information without much effort.

In addition, up to 5 years, the speech apparatus is still being formed, so the baby often cannot pronounce the names of some letters correctly. There is a chance that he will remember their wrong sound, which in the future will create problems when learning to read.

According to psychologists and educators, the optimal age for learning the alphabet is 5 years.

Another important point. Parents should understand that learning letters and the alphabet is closely related to learning to read. If you start getting acquainted with the alphabet too early, the baby may simply forget the letters by the time it is time to master reading (to prevent this from happening, you need to repeat them almost daily).

Correct acquaintance with Russian letters at the age of 3

By the age of three, many children already have favorite fairy tales and books. At this age, you can learn only individual letters with your baby, and certainly not get hung up on their sequence (do not touch the alphabet).

Best of all, three-year-olds remember the letters A, B and C, as well as the first letter of their name, M and P (“mother” and “dad”).

A three-year-old kid should make or purchase toy letters - voluminous, colorful, interesting to look at. Various cubes (preferably voluminous, soft) with painted letters and pictures will come to the aid of parents. The image can be selected with a specific theme (for example, only animals).

For a three-year-old baby, letters are best associated with toys, for example, voluminous soft cubes

For example, in my childhood I had a big inflatable ball, on which all the letters of the alphabet were depicted with black and red pictures. I remember that I loved playing with him very much, I looked at the images for a long time. My first acquaintance with letters was connected with this toy.

Mom can also lay out small letters from counting sticks, matches, buttons, draw them on paper, chalk on asphalt. Then you need to stimulate the baby to repeat these actions.

4 years: play and remember

For example, you can play the game “Find the pictures”. Mom lays out a certain letter and 3-4 pictures. Among them, the child must choose an item that begins with a given letter.

In addition, you can purchase an interactive alphabet in the form of a poster or book. Toddlers usually really like to press the buttons on it. The form of the letter will be deposited in the memory of the child, he will associate the graphic symbol with the sound.

Interactive alphabet will associate a graphic symbol with a picture and sound

The child can already be shown various educational cartoons, videos where the alphabet, for example, appears as a funny song.

Video: the whole alphabet in the form of a fun song

5-6 years old: school methods of learning in the comfort of home

At 5 years old, you can already learn the alphabet directly, that is, the letters in their correct sequence. We need to tell the child that the alphabet is the basis of our language. His knowledge helps in life, for example, it is much easier to navigate in the library when you need to find a book that begins with a certain letter.

At this time, games, more complex productive activities (for example, plasticineography, making unconventional applications from seeds, cereals, napkins, etc., modeling) will again be of help to parents. Various manuals (printed alphabets), special workbooks, copybooks will come to the rescue (after all, you can not just study letters, but immediately learn to write them).

At 5-6 years old, the child can already be offered special workbooks, prescriptions

In addition, there are many useful applications for smartphones and tablets. These are educational games that help you learn the alphabet.

Together with the child, you can make a unique author's primer. An ordinary album is taken (applications from postcards, magazines can be glued to the cover), a letter and a picture are drawn on each page - an object whose name begins with this letter. This activity will bring family members together and will undoubtedly captivate the preschooler.

How to interest a child (and not force!)

Of course, for the successful development of the alphabet, adults need to interest the baby, motivate him. There are many ways to do this:

  1. On a walk, the mother shows the child that the letters surround us everywhere - on store "enticing" signs, advertising banners. Pay attention to colorful options, where the letters are large, colored.

    You need to pay attention to the child that the letters surround us everywhere

  2. Associate letters with specific images (“Look, O looks like a ring or a donut, F is like a beetle, P is like a horizontal bar, G is like a crane, D is like a house, etc.”).
  3. Arrange a tea party with letters. In the store, you can try to find cookies in the shape of letters or bake them at home. In addition, pasta of a similar shape is on sale.

    Delicious homemade cookies in the shape of letters, no doubt, will delight the baby

  4. You can offer a preschooler a stack of colorful glossy magazines and let him cut out letters from there.
  5. Acquire various games related to letters: lotto, dominoes, paired pictures (where you need to connect a letter with an image according to the puzzle principle).

    It is necessary to offer the preschooler various games related to letters, for example, loto with bright cards

  6. Allow the child to type in the World program - click on various letters and look at their image on the screen. In this case, you need to set a beautiful large font in a bright color (you can make a color fill for each letter).
  7. Introduce learning elements into the interior of the nursery and other rooms. It can be pillows in the form of letters, puzzle mats, curtains with such a pattern.

    It will be great to include letters in your home interior.

Naturally, based on these games and activities, parents will need to prepare the necessary didactic material (after all, the alphabet cannot be learned “on the fingers”). These are cubes with the image of letters (soft, wooden, plastic, etc.), posters, cards, alphabet (including interactive). For classes, you will also need paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, counting sticks, natural material, etc.

You can even sew large letters from fabric and stuff them with something soft, such as foam rubber. Everything here depends only on the scope of parental imagination and the availability of free time.

There can be a lot of didactic material for studying letters, the main thing is the desire of parents

Video: what can come in handy when learning letters

How to learn letters

The basic way to learn the alphabet is to use cards with letters (they can be supplemented with pictures). The algorithm can be chosen as follows:

  1. At first, it is better to master all the vowels, it is convenient to do it in pairs: A - I, O - E, U - Yu, S - I, E - E).
  2. Then consonants are introduced, first paired in voicing-deafness (B - P, V - F, Z - C, etc.), then unpaired.
  3. At the end, introduce the child to b and b.
  4. Only after studying all the letters you need to move on to the alphabet - their correct sequence.

At the same time, when studying letters, it is better to name the sounds that they represent, and not how the letters are pronounced in the alphabet. This will make reading easier later on.

Secrets of fast and easy memorization

  1. The lesson should not be too long so as not to tire the child. For a baby of 3-4 years old, 7-8 minutes is enough, for a 5-6-year-old - 10-15 minutes.
  2. It is best to enter a new letter once every two days.
  3. You need to do it regularly, do not take long breaks. However, if on some day the baby is not in the mood, it is better to reschedule the lesson, otherwise the negative emotions that have arisen may discourage the child's interest.
  4. For each letter, it is desirable to find or come up with a quatrain, tell a tongue twister, sing a song, etc.
  5. Each studied letter must be consolidated: in exercises, productive activities (drawing, modeling, designing from improvised materials).
  6. Each lesson should begin with a repetition of the material covered so that the child does not forget the letters already learned.

Each letter studied must be well consolidated, including in productive activities.

Letter consolidation exercises

If you connect fantasy, an adult can come up with a lot of exercises to consolidate the studied letters. For example, you can use the following:

  1. Show the child a card with several letters and offer to find a specific letter.

    On the proposed card, the preschooler must find and show the given letter

  2. Similarly, pictures are offered (for example, animals or toys). The preschooler must name the one that begins with a given letter.
  3. The kid must “fix” the letters - an adult draws them on paper without drawing a specific element for each.
  4. On the street, you can lay out the given letters on the ground from leaves, pebbles, at home - from cereals, pasta, etc.

    On the instructions of the mother, the child can lay out letters on the ground from pebbles or leaves

  5. Letters can be drawn on the surface of porridge, pancakes, using, for example, jam or condensed milk.
  6. An adult with the help of pantomime depicts various letters (of course, this will not work with all of them, but, for example, with G, O, S, F, F, K, L, etc.). Then it is proposed to do the same to the baby.
  7. Mom asks the child to find objects in the room with a certain letter.
  8. The preschooler is invited to "revive" the letter: to give it human features (face, arms, legs, etc.).

    Mom offers the child to revive the given letters - to give them human features

Author's methods

When familiarizing a preschooler with letters, parents can use the author's methods:

  1. M. Montessori, when getting acquainted with the alphabet, suggests using several analyzers at the same time: visual and auditory, tactile and motor. An adult shows the child a new letter, pronounces the sound that it stands for. The kid must certainly touch it with his hands, crush, twist. In the course of classes, the teacher recommends using letters of different textures, for example, rough ones (made of velvet paper). Also, the preschooler must draw them (for example, in the sand), circle, shade.

    The Montessori method, when introducing a child to letters, involves several analyzers at once - visual, auditory, tactile and motor

  2. Elena Bakhtina, the author of educational cards, suggests memorizing a letter with the help of associations. For this, drawings, short stories, sound analogies are used. For example, a baby screams: “Aaaaa”, Yo and Yo are two sisters, the first of them has their eyes closed, and the other is open.
  3. The methodology of Olga Soboleva is also based on associations. For each letter, an image (story) is created that will help to remember it. For example, the letter U loves to tease, says "Whoo!" everyone: snake, snail, duck, coal. In addition, games with lettering are also used.

    Each letter has its own mini-story to help you remember it.

  4. The technique of Sergey Polyakov is clearly divided into lessons. First of all, the teacher suggests learning 10 vowels well. At the same time, they are offered in rhyming pairs: A - Z, O - E, U - Yu, Y - I, E - E (respectively, 5 lessons). You can prepare 10 cards: the first letter of each pair is indicated in red, the second in blue. After that comes the study of consonants. In just 18 lessons, the kid masters the entire alphabet, as well as reading warehouses.

The computer will help you learn letters

Of course, parents have heard a lot about the harmful effects of computers on the emerging child's psyche. However, using it correctly can help a preschooler learn the alphabet. After all, there are a number of developmental programs designed taking into account the age characteristics of children. Here are just some examples:

  1. Azbuka Pro. Letters are hidden under the squares. When pressed, they open for a while, announce their name, and then disappear. The child must open pairs.

    The task of the child is to open pairs of identical letters

  2. "Smeshariki: primer". The goal of the game is to collect letters from sticks located above the playing field. You can choose different difficulty levels.
  3. "Primer-Smesharik". Together with the characters of the animated series Smeshariki, children travel across a magical land to find the lost letters.

    Together with the heroes of the animated series, the child must find the lost letters

  4. "Luntik: the alphabet". The study of letters takes place in 4 stages. 1. The child clicks on the letters in the alphabet - Luntik calls the word that begins with a given letter. 2. Kuzya names letters - they need to be found in the alphabet. 3. Luntik shows pictures - you need to choose the letter with which the word begins. 4. There is a sequence of letters on the screen, the first and last ones are open - you need to place the missing letters.

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - presumptuous. Perhaps you think that the author used such a title in order to attract the attention of readers.

Yes it is. The purpose of this title is to draw your attention to the really most effective way to teach your child the letters of the Russian alphabet in the shortest possible time and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child letters with its help. After five lessons, your child will know all 10 vowels well and begin to memorize consonants, even if before that he did not know a single letter. And, most importantly, he will learn letters in the process of games and will remember them firmly.

But first, a little digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide what he needs it for. Some parents are proud that they managed to teach letters to a two-year-old or even a one-and-a-half-year-old child. But this is worth doing only if at the same time you begin to teach your child to read. Any knowledge should immediately find its practical application. And teaching letters in itself, without simultaneous learning to read, does not make sense. There are many other, equally effective, ways to develop a child's memory and stimulate the brain during the formation period. It’s good if, by the beginning of learning to read, the child forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not pronounce them the way he was once taught: Bae, Ve, Ge ... or By, You, Gee ..., otherwise when reading it it will bother him a lot. You ask: "Well, if you teach a child letters and reading at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, is it already possible from two years old?" I believe that at home, in the family, a mother with a child of this age can already do; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes during the day. As a result of such “lessons”, built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on a particular lesson, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Just do not forget that learning to read, and especially early, should take place without coercion, in the game, against the backdrop of positive emotions.

Conversations in the sandbox or in the "parent chat" of the kindergarten often make us panic. “Ah, mine is already reading!”, “We already know all the letters.” If the child is only interested in the world around him and the sandbox in the sandbox, young parents often start to panic. How to learn the alphabet with a child, and, most importantly, is it worth it if the child actively resists - in our material.

When to start learning the alphabet

The development of a child is divided into several stages. At a certain age, only closeness with the mother is important for the baby, then he learns new tactile sensations, then he tastes the world and parents have to make sure that he doesn’t eat anything forbidden, but the closer the school, the more excitement - isn’t it time to learn the alphabet ?

The first thing to do is find out if the child is ready for this? Does he show interest? Does he look into your book or run away as soon as you call him: "let's go, I'll show you how to spell the letter A"? For some, this interest wakes up by the age of 3-4, and someone will be ready only for school age. After all, they used to learn to read at school.

One of the main obstacles to reading, oddly enough, is too early development. Our time is a time of ambition, a time of competition. The sooner you start, the more time you will have - this is what many parents think. And they put a lot of effort, from birth, working with the child according to developmental methods, showing them cards, cubes, developing individual abilities of the child, which often comes to the detriment of others, forgotten, "non-prestigious" and ultimately leads to uneven development, to very unstable foundation of his knowledge and skills.

By the age of two, some children already know the entire alphabet, which parents are very proud of, and are quite disappointed when it turns out later that the child has forgotten everything. At 3-4 years old, parents are trying to teach some little ones to read, because there are children who read at 4 years old, which means ours can too ... I really want the child to stand out among his peers with intelligence and skills.

In this race, we often forget that all children are different. Physiologically, most of them are not ready to learn to read before the age of 5-6, the brain mechanisms that allow letters to form words do not yet mature. And often the child here finds himself in a situation of failure, when he simply cannot fulfill what his parents require of him. In addition, at this point, pressure on the child often begins. He is scolded for not wanting to read or his efforts are being bought (“read a paragraph, I’ll give you candy”). It happens that for reading a child has to "pay" with a detailed report - whether he understood what he read, whether he remembered it.

Do not insist if the child is not yet ready to start learning the alphabet. Offer him a new activity gradually with respect and patience.

How to learn letters: where to start

Our tips are some simple solutions to learn the alphabet with your child.

  1. Get your child interested.
  2. Play with letters.
  3. Develop fine motor skills.
  4. Get creative.

How to learn the alphabet with a child? Get him interested! You read your favorite fairy tale to the kid, he is surprised - how will you do it? In passing, you can show him letters and words. The first letter of the child's name, A, B, and C, are the letters that come best. You can slowly begin to highlight them in the text, draw the child’s attention to them, at first without requiring “strict reports” - did you remember?

Playing with letters is great. Letters drawn on blocks or a magnetic board, cards with letters and pictures, plush letters ... there are many options. Let the letters become the heroes of your games and fairy tales. Stories are something that both children and adults like. It is easier for kids to memorize information in the game.

Fold letters from buttons, pebbles, beads and other small items. This will help not only develop motor skills, but also memorize new information.

Draw letters with finger paints, draw a letter with a child's finger, sculpt from plasticine. This will strengthen your bond with your child and introduce him to letters.

How to learn the alphabet

The alphabet with the child is taught one letter at a time

  • Do not overload the child with new information, otherwise in the future he will have an aversion to learning, to the amazing process of cognition. When the child is already familiar with the letters, you can try to start laying them out in alphabetical order, try to add words. All this is again served in the form of a game.
  • Psychologists advise the game in the "bag", when the child takes out the letters from the bag, calls them and tries to put them in alphabetical order.
  • It is easier to memorize the alphabet with music. You can listen to children's songs about the alphabet together.

  • Many phone programs help children learn the alphabet. It’s still not worth spending a lot of time with a smartphone, but half an hour a day with a tutorial won’t hurt.

Each of the parents tries to provide the maximum of all knowledge to their child.

One of the most important points is learning the alphabet.

Young mothers are faced with a problem: when is it worth starting to learn letters, is there an optimal age for such classes.

How to teach your baby the alphabet and at what age is it better to do it.

The baby immediately after the birth begins to learn the world, this process takes place continuously. In the case when there is an overabundance of information, the student becomes capricious and irritable. Therefore, psychologists advise to dose knowledge.

By the age of 3, all children learn compulsory things: walk, sit, crawl, talk, etc. If we add to this the study of the alphabet, then the baby’s brain can simply “boil”.

Some early development methods advise starting to introduce children to the alphabet as early as 6 months. But this turns out to be a useless undertaking, since at this age the baby remembers what he is told all the time. If you pause for a while, then he will simply forget everything.

Teachers consider the optimal age for learning the alphabet 6-7 years old. It is during this period that children begin to actively read, count and write and will be able to rationally apply all knowledge.

Basic rules for how to easily teach a child

Each kid is individual, so parents should first of all pay attention to his readiness to learn letters. In this process, there are several basic rules:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide the right to choose a book, this will improve the result of classes.
  2. Slowly read the contents and ask the baby to retell everything.
  3. The study should start with simple letters that are used most often. You need to move into more complex ones gradually.
  4. Do not learn more than 1 letter in a few days. In order to consolidate the material covered, it is recommended to use special pictures, objects, puzzles, etc.
  5. It is necessary to develop associative memory. Each of the letters must be described to make it easier to remember it.

These are universal requirements, deviations from them are possible.

Talking alphabet from 3 years

There are many different ways to learn the alphabet for different ages. For a 3-year-old baby, the form of the speaking alphabet is most often used. These can be educational cartoons, among which the ABC for Children is especially popular.

In each series of the cartoon, only one letter is described, so he can absorb and remember all the information. Watching takes only a few minutes, it is recommended that the video is accompanied by a fun song.

Many mothers prefer to use the Blue Tractor. This speaking alphabet takes place in a playful way, after viewing it is necessary to ask to repeat the material covered. This teaching method is the most effective for young children.

Educational games from 3-6 years old

ABC in cubes

This technique is suitable for children from 3 years old. The rules set the most diverse ones, for example: find an example that starts with a certain letter, find the same letter, etc. In this way, the game is played using cards or dice.

Today there are special interactive games that are installed on any gadget. You should not get carried away with the latter option, since a tablet or computer does not bring much benefit.

Games with semolina

This teaching method is suitable for children 2-3 years old. It's no secret that all kids love to draw. So why not use it for learning the alphabet?

It is allowed to use any cereal that is at hand (semolina, flour, wheat, etc.):

  • it must be scattered on a flat surface and each letter must be written with a finger;
  • Let the child repeat all the movements on their own. This is the only way to get the result of learning. Today, an alternative to semolina is special kinetic sand.

letter association

This method is suitable for both the smallest and older children. Such a process is much more efficient, the student easily remembers the letters according to the associations caused:

  • for each letter you need to come up with your own object (vegetable, fruit, animal, etc.). If the baby cannot remember some association, then you need to postpone this position for a while and return to learning after a while;
  • to simplify, it is recommended to use ready-made cards or pictures.

We sculpt letters

To strengthen knowledge, the student should be asked to blind the learned alphabet. This method is suitable for children from 4 years old. For modeling, use plasticine or dough prepared independently. Having blinded the entire alphabet, you can paint over it with your favorite color or decorate it with multi-colored beads.

Other Ways to Learn

In addition to all those listed for children 5-6 years old, you can purchase a special alphabet in which you need to color or circle the letters. In addition, it is necessary for the student to name what they are associated with.

Another great method is:

  1. Electronic alphabet. It is purchased in children's stores, attached to the wall, or simply used where the baby spends the most time. It runs on ordinary finger batteries, when you click on a certain letter, a rhyme or song is read. Thus, it will be interesting for him to study on his own, and his mother will have some free time.
  2. Teachers very often use a variant of the magnetic alphabet. To do this, it is recommended to use a special board or refrigerator, for example. Thus, the baby will not only memorize the alphabet, but also learn to compose individual words over time. Also, such an alphabet is very bright, it is performed in various variations (paper, plastic, etc.). Another indisputable advantage of this technique is that magnets are available in different shapes and colors. So the student learns not only the alphabet itself, but also other useful material.

We write letters

For children over 4 years old, it is recommended to strengthen the acquired knowledge by writing each letter. This is done in different ways. For students 5-6 years old, a special drawing board with multi-colored crayons is used. So they study with children not only the alphabet, but also the basics of drawing.

Outlining the contours

Today on the Internet there are many pictures where each letter is indicated by a dotted line. This is intended for the baby to independently circle it with a felt-tip pen or pen. Thus, not only the study of the alphabet takes place, but also the teaching of spelling.

Coloring letters

This is another variation on the theme of prescribing learned material. Most often used for children 5-6 years old. In addition to decorating the alphabet, the child will also need to complete several tasks on logic. It is better to use ready-made books or coloring books that can be purchased at children's stores.

edible alphabet

This technique is most liked by girls over the age of 4 years. They are happy to help their mother in the kitchen and will be happy to study the material with the help of a portion of sweets. How to apply this method?

  1. You can make ginger, shortbread, almond or other types of cookies according to your favorite recipe.
  2. On top of each letter, it is recommended to decorate with multi-colored icing, this develops fine motor skills.

Books and magazines to study

This option is more suitable for consolidating the material covered than for learning new things. There are a lot of pictures in the books, so it will be difficult for the student to concentrate on something specific.

For this form of learning, it is better to use interrogative tactics:

  1. For example, ask to show a certain letter or describe animals that begin with it.
  2. For children from 5 years old, books and magazines will be useful material for the development of reading. It is very important that the font is large enough, then the likelihood of severe eye strain is reduced.

Studying on the computer

Many mothers, due to lack of time (or desire), sit their child at the computer, turn on a video or game and want him to learn everything in this way. This is not very correct. Educational cartoons or games are best used in a playful way, and not all the time. In addition to them, it is necessary to include other teaching methods in development.

How to Praise Your Child for Success

Any knowledge for children of different ages is given very hard. Therefore, for any victory or defeat, praise must be expressed. In no case should you be angry or punish the child if something does not work out for him. Remember that the right motivation is the main key to success.

It must be remembered that for each age there is an optimal lesson duration (for children from 2-3 years old, no more than 10 minutes, for older ones - no more than 30 minutes). All classes must be carried out regularly and in no case should the student be forced to do this.

Every parent wants their baby to be the best and unique. Very often they begin to conduct the educational process at an early age, this does not always bring positive results. For each age there are methods of teaching the alphabet.

It is necessary to adhere to them, and also be sure to monitor the behavior of your baby. In the absence of desire, you should not impose lessons, you need to postpone them a little and start again after a while. Every child sooner or later learns to read and write. The task of parents is to properly motivate and develop this process.