Models of knitted women's hats. How fashion for hats is changing. Descriptions and diagrams of modern hat models

💡 . I present to you a selection: knitted hats 2017-2018. It contains the most interesting models to date, consider each hat with diagrams. You can find the most current models of women's hats knitted with a description and photo in my article!

Before starting work on the product, it is necessary to knit a sample about 10x10 cm in size. With its help, the number of loops and rows per centimeter of knitted fabric is determined, which makes it possible to achieve accuracy in the dimensions of the product. The knitting process begins with a set of the required number of loops on two folded knitting needles - creating the initial row. After dialing, one of the knitting needles (working) is removed, and the loops remain on the knitting needle, which is taken in the left hand. There are two ways of knitting: English, when the thread from the ball (working) is held by the right hand and, when a new loop is formed, it is picked up by the right knitting needle, and German (continental) - the working thread is in the left hand and pounces on the right knitting needle.

Women's knitted hats with knitting needles with patterns 2017-2018 with a description and photo

Knitting and crocheting hats and berets is a fashionable and interesting hobby, thanks to which you can knit beautiful and warm accessories for yourself and your loved ones. We bring to your attention the most modern models of knitted hats, berets, caps for women, made with knitting needles and crochet. All patterns for knitting hats and berets with knitting needles are presented with detailed descriptions and patterns of patterns.

Head circumference: 54-56 cm.
You will need: 50 g light gray / green gray / silver (col. 102) yarn Lana Grossa ROMA DEGRADE(100% cotton. 105 m / 50 g); 50 g silver gray (col. 14) yarn Lana Grossa ESTIVOLL(85% cotton. 15% polyamide, 150m/50g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 5.5 and No. 6.5.
Garter stitch:
Required: 50 g light gray / green gray / silver (col. 102) Lana Grossa ROMA DEGRADE (100% cotton. 105 m / 50 g); 50 g silver gray (col. 14) Lana Grossa ESTIVOLL (85% cotton, 15% polyamide, 150 m/50 g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 5.5 and No. 6.5.
Rubber: alternately knit 1 person., 1 out.
Garter stitch: in circular rows alternately knit 1 circular p. persons. n., 1 circular river. out. n. Sequence of stripes: * 8 circular p. thread ROMA DEGRADE, 8 circular p. ESTIVOLL, repeat from *. Knitting density: 16.5 p. and 31.5 circular p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Completing of the work:

On stocking needles No. 5.5, cast on 72 sts with ROMA DEGRADE thread. Loops evenly distributed on 4 knitting needles [= 18 sts on each knitting needle] and close in a circle. For the strap, tie 2 cm = 6 circular p. rubber bands. Then transfer the loops to the knitting needles No. 6.5 and carry out boards, knitting in a sequence of stripes.

After 18 cm = 56 circular p. from the end of the strap, knit only with ESTIVOLL thread, while in the 3rd circular p. start making reductions for the top of the cap. To do this, knit as follows. 3rd circular p.: * 2 persons., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 17 times = 54 p. 4th circular p.: knit without reduction 54 out. 5th circular p.: * 1 person., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 17 times = 36 p. 6th circular p.: knit without reduction 36 out. 7th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. \u003d 18 p. 8th circular p.: Knit without reduction 18 out. 9th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. = 9 p. Pull the remaining 9 p. together with a working thread. The threads are carefully fastened to the inside. side.

Head circumference: 54-56 cm.
You will need: 50 g yellow/mint/lilac (col. 340) yarn Lana Grossa SILKHAIR PRINT(70% superkid mohair, 30% silk, 400 m/50 g); 50 g light purple (color 4) yarn Lana Grossa GALINA(72% Egyptian cotton, 28% polyamide, 155m/50g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 6 and No. 7.
Attention! Knit in two threads, namely 1 thread of each type of yarn. Garter stitch: in circular rows, knit alternately 1 circular p. persons. n., 1 circular river. out. P.
Dropped stitch pattern. 1st circular row. * 1 yarn over. 1 person., repeat from *. 2nd circular row: knit all the loops out, while lowering the yarn overs of the previous circular row and pulling the loops in length. In height, repeat the 1st and 2nd circular p.
Gauge, drop stitch pattern, 2 strands, size 7 needles: 10.5 p. And 14 circular p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Completing of the work:

On stocking needles No. 6, dial 72 sts in two threads. Loops evenly distribute on 4 knitting needles (= 18 sts on each knitting needle) and close in a circle. For the strap, tie 3 cm = 7 circular p. boards, knitting. Then transfer the loops to the knitting needles No. 7. At the same time, in the 1st circular p. knit as follows: * 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * 23 times. In the 2nd circular river. knit out. p .. at the same time, lower the yarn over of the previous circular row and stretch the loops in length = 48 p.

Continue to work the pattern of dropped loops. After 17 cm = 24 circular p. from the end of the bar, start decreasing for the top of the cap. To do this, knit as follows. 25th circular loop: * 1 yarn over, 2 stitches knit together faces., repeat from * 23 times. 26th circular p: knit for 24 p. out., while lowering the yarn over of the previous circular row and pulling the loops evenly in length. 27th circular p.: * 1 yarn over. 2 p. knit together faces., repeat from ‘11 times. 28th circular o.: Knit for 12 p. Out., while lowering the yarn over of the previous circular row and pulling the loops in length. 29th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. = 6 p. Pull off the remaining 6 p. with a working thread. All threads carefully fasten to the inside. side.

Head circumference: 54-56 cm You will need: 50 g red-brown/pale pink (col. 7) yarn Lana Grossa GALINA(72% Egyptian cotton, 28% polyamide, 155m/50g); 50 g rosewood (col. 16) yarn Lana Grossa SECONDO(55% cotton, 25% polyamide, 20% silk, 125m/50g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 5.

Attention! Knit in two threads, 1 thread of each type of yarn.

Garter stitch: knit in circular rows, alternately 1 circular p. out. n., 1 circular river. persons. P.

Pullover stitch pattern with garter stitch: knit according to the pattern. The numbers on the right indicate circular rows. In width, repeat rapport = 5 sts between the arrows. For clarity, 2 rapports are indicated on the diagram. In height 1-18th circular river. tie 1 time, then repeat the 7-18th circular p. Knitting density, a pattern of elongated loops from boards, viscous, in two threads, knitting needles No. 5:16 p. And 21.5 circular p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Completing of the work:

On stocking needles, dial 70 sts in two threads. Distribute the loops evenly on 4 knitting needles (= alternately 1 x 20 sts and 1 x 15 sts on each knitting needle) and close in a circle. Perform a pattern of elongated loops from the boards, viscous = 14 rapports in a circular row.

After 19 cm = 41 circular p. from the beginning of work, start performing reductions for the top. To do this, knit as follows. 42nd circular p.: * 3 persons., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 13 times = 56 p. 43rd circular p.: knit 56 out. without dilutions. 44th circular p.: * 2 persons., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 13 times = 42 p. 45th circular p.: knit 42 out. without dilutions. 46th circular p.: * 1 person., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 13 times = 28 p. 47th circular p.: knit 28 out. without dilutions. 48th circular knit 2 sts together. \u003d 14 p. 49th circular p .: on 14 p. knit out. without reduction.50th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. = 7 p. Pull off the remaining 7 p. with a working thread. All threads carefully fasten to the inside. side.

Women's knitted hat "Owl" with a pompom

Women's knitted hat "Owl" with a pompom

Size: 55.

Materials: light green yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 200 m / 100 g) 100 g, knitting needles No. 3.5, two small buttons.

Elastic band 2 to 2: in the front rows knit alternately 2 persons. p., 2 out. p., in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern.

Main pattern: knit according to scheme 3. The number of loops is a multiple of 18 plus 10 p. for symmetry and 2 chrome. n. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the wrong rows according to the pattern. All rows of the hat are indicated in height.

hat "Owl" with pompom sizes

Pompon: wind yarn on special rings with a diameter of 8-10 cm and make a pompom.

Completing of the work: dial 84 sts on the needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. After 8 rows, knit with the main pattern - perform 4 rapports, then knit 10 sts after the rapport. After completing all the rows of the scheme, cut off the working thread, leave a piece 35-40 cm long, collect all the loops on a piece of thread, fasten it and sew a hat. Attach a pom-pom from the remaining yarn to the top of the hat. Sew buttons on one element "owl" as eyes.

Hat "Owl" with a pompom scheme No. 3

Size: 56.

Materials: dark green yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 300 m / 100 g) 400 g, knitting needles No. 2.

Facial surface: front rows - persons. p., purl rows - out. P.

Elastic band 1 on 1: in the front rows knit alternately 1 person. p., 1 out. p., in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern.


After knitting 4-6 rows of the front surface, in the purl row at the beginning of the row after the edge (or on any other part of the row), insert the right knitting needle into the bow of the loop, located 4 rows below under the first loop located on the left knitting needle. Hook on the bow and transfer it to the left knitting needle, then knit this hooked loop together with the next loop on the left knitting needle. Knit in this way 10-30 loops of the row, then continue to knit the row with purl loops. After a few rows of the front surface, make a roller on another group of loops. Then perform the rollers in random order on an arbitrary number of loops of the row. On an elastic band 1 on 1, to make a roller in the purl row, after the hem, under each purl loop, insert a knitting needle under the bow of the loop located 4 rows below, hook the bow and transfer it to the left knitting needle, then knit the hooked loop together with the wrong loop, knit the front loops facial. Knit in this way to the end of the row.

Cast on 135 sts on the needles and knit 6 rows with stockinette stitch, then knit 4 rows with rib 1 by 1. Then knit with stockinette stitch with rollers. At a height of 25 cm from the cast-on edge, to form the bottom, in the front row, knit the entire row of 2 sts together, in the back row, knit all the loops with the wrong ones, in the next front row, again knit all the loops of 2 sts together and break the working thread, leaving a piece 35-40 cm long.

Collect the remaining loops on a piece, pull it tight and fasten it, sew a hat with the remaining piece of thread.


Dial 43 sts on the needles and knit with an elastic band 1 by 1. Every 16 rows, perform a roller. At a height of 130 cm from the typesetting edge, after completing the next roller, close all the loops. Sew the resulting scarf into a ring.

Women's knitted hats do-it-yourself knitting needles

The dynamism and swiftness of our life requires comfortable and functional clothing, and knitted hats are quite consistent with this. Such a headdress can be worn in a bag or briefcase, tucked into a sleeve or pocket, while its appearance and functional properties will not be affected at all. Therefore, knitted hats are very popular among young people and children. And now, when manual work is becoming more popular and fashionable, each craftswoman seeks to show her talent and skill. Knitting hats allows you to implement your most daring ideas and knit modern and very high-quality things. The value of hand-knitted products lies in the skill of the knitter, a single copy of each hat, as well as in the special energy invested in the work. In this issue we have selected a collection of fashionable and comfortable hats. We hope that by following our instructions, knitting will be pleasant, and you will enjoy the process and the result of the work.

Women's knitted hats 2017-2018 for the winter from thick yarn

Knitting is a painstaking process that requires patience, attention, and counting. After all, it is also important for us that a knitted hat, for example, be of impeccable execution. We don't need short-haired, careless, sloppy ones, it's better not to start.

Bulky hat made of thick yarn

Women's knitted hats 2017-2018 winter fashion trends

Girls and women who follow fashion should remember that it is important not only to look good, but also to be healthy.

In winter, one of the most important elements of the outer wardrobe are winter hats. This year, hats for the winter, as always, are very relevant, because our winters are, as before, cold.

Modern girls and women will be interested in fashionable winter hats of 2017 - 2018, which are presented in abundance both in terms of the material of manufacture, and in shape and color.

Very fashionable hats for the winter in 2017 - 2018 - knitted hats. Warm knitted hats will protect you from the wind, snow and hard frost. Knitted winter hats will not only warm your head, but also keep your hair from brittleness.

Knitted hats can be of a wide variety of shapes. These can be knitted hats - berets, knitted hats with a visor, knitted hats with a pompom, as well as knitted hats that resemble a warm scarf.

Such winter hats will not only keep you warm, but will also be a great addition to the created image of a confident business woman or a sporty, purposeful coquette.

Winter hats made of fur will be no less trendy in 2017-2018.

Fur hats for the winter look very stylish, one might say - even chic.

Fur hats will suit self-confident women who watch their wardrobe and always keep their finger on the pulse of fashion.

Fur hats can be made from both artificial fur and natural. Winter hats made of mink, ermine, arctic fox, sable, silver fox, fox, raccoon in 2017-2018 will be the most relevant.

But if you are an animal rights activist, we will reassure you. Thanks to modern production technologies, faux fur winter hats look no less interesting and beautiful than natural fur hats. At the same time, the life of an artificial fur hat with proper care is quite large.

A bold and romantic solution for women will be fashionable winter hats - bowlers, which will become a universal headdress for any beauty, both for going to a business meeting, and for a date or a party.

In terms of colors, winter hats can be made in both bright and more muted shades.

When choosing a winter hat for yourself, consider the features of your face, and also match the hat you like with the things you already have.

Sufficiently large knitted hats and fur hats will be at the height of fashion in 2017-2018. They will not only play the role of a warm element of the wardrobe, but will also decorate your stylish winter look.

Both knitted hats and fur hats for the winter, fashionable hats can be decorated with decorative elements, such as beads, rhinestones, leather inserts, etc.

Winter knitted hats go well with a coat or down jacket, and fur hats are perfect for a short fur coat or coat in a classic style.

Women's crochet knitted hats

Crochet is one of the most popular types of needlework around the world, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently, only in the nineteenth century. With the help of crochet with your own hands, you can create amazing things, ranging from small amigurumi toys to outerwear. The crochet technique is perfect for beginner craftswomen, it will be possible to master this type of creativity from the age of four or five.

Size: 57.

Materials: cherry-colored yarn (70% wool, 30% acrylic, 300 m / 100 g) 100 g, for finishing yarn, the same quality, green 10 g, hook No. 2.

Main pattern: knit with single crochets, threading the hook under both slices of the loop of the previous row.

Finishing pattern: knit with half-columns with a crochet, threading a hook under both slices of the loop of the previous row.

Hat bottom: knit according to the principle indicated in diagram 1.

Strapping: knit one row alternately with a fluffy column, one air loop (Fig. 1).

Round element: knit according to scheme 2. The diagram shows all the rows and colors of the element.

Start knitting from the center of the bottom of the hat and knit in circular rows with the main pattern according to scheme 1. When the diameter of the bottom reaches 20 cm, knit in circular rows with the main pattern without additions. At a height of 18 cm, finish knitting the crown of the hat. On the front half of the cap, knit the lapel with half-columns, the size of the lapel is indicated on the pattern. On the back half of the cap, knit “ears” with half-columns, their size is indicated on the pattern. On the outer edges of the lapel and "ears" perform a strapping. Tie two round elements and sew them in the middle of the outer side of both "ears".

Knitted fur hat

Size: 57.

Materials: pale cherry yarn (70% wool, 30% acrylic, 400 m / 100 g) 300 g, knitting needles No. 2.5, hook 2.

Fur pattern: crochet. 1st row knit with single crochet. 2nd row - in the first loop of the row, knit one single crochet, then pull the loop on the hook 1-1.5 cm (Fig. 2). Remove the hook from the long loop, and lower the loop itself down and hold it with the thumb of the left hand, then again insert the hook under the loop over the long loop behind its front lobule (Fig. 3). Grab the thread with a hook and pull it through the loop, then insert the hook into the next loop, grab the thread and pull it through two loops at the same time (Fig. 4). Alternate 1st and 2nd rows. In order for the elongated loops to be the same size, you can stretch them out with a pencil, felt-tip pen or ruler, depending on the desired length of the loops.

Modern fashion has proven that everyone who is confident in the old-fashionedness of knitted hats was greatly mistaken. And now it is handmade hats in priority. Fashionable knitted hats for girls are distinguished by a variety of styles and styles. Bright colors, embossed texture, a combination of practicality and beauty will allow you to choose a cap that suits your face and age. The fashionable hat options offered in this article will help you make the right choice. A detailed description and diagrams will make the knitting process quick and easy.

Hat "Lilac"

Very nice hat for the off-season. Knitted in the round. The above calculations are for the average size of the female head.

We will need:

  • yarn with a wool content of at least 75% (50g per 140m) - 100g;
  • circular knitting needles No3.25 and No3.5;
  • a set of stocking knitting needles No3.5;
  • marker.


  • we knit hats for girls with knitting needles, using patterns.

Density: needles No3.5 25p. equal to 10cm.


We collect with knitting needles No3,25 130p. and go to knitting in the round, having previously marked the beginning of the row with a marker. We knit, using the instructions of the scheme. It shows all rows, including elastic. We should get 5 rapports in a circular p. When 10 stitches remain in the work, we break the thread, thread it through the loops, pull it together, bring it to the wrong side and fasten it.

Hat with braids, with a pompom: video master class

Hat with aran

The model is designed for a head size of 53 cm.

We will need:

  • yarn, wool content not less than 50% (50g per 143m) - 150g;
  • circular knitting needles No. 4.5;
  • a set of stocking knitting needles No. 4.5;
  • marker.


  • persons. smooth surface: when knitting in the round, all stitches are facial;
  • we knit using the schemes:

Density: faces. satin stitch 22p. for 30r. are equal to 10 cm by 10 cm.


We collect 110p with circular knitting needles, go to knitting in the round, having previously marked the beginning of the row with a marker.

From the 1st to the 7th p.: * 2l., 3i., 3l., 3i. * - from * to * repeat in a circle;

8r.: * 2l., 1i. from broach, 3i., 1i. from broach, 3l., 1i. from broach, 3i. * - from * to * repeat. Total 140p.:

9r.: *2l. 4i., 4l., 4i. * - from * to * repeat in a circle.

We continue knitting hats, using the instructions of scheme 1. Keep in mind that in 5p. and at 23 p. schemes need to rearrange the marker. We knit the top of the cap using scheme 2. After 21r. we break the thread, thread it through the remaining loops, tighten it, bring it to the wrong side and fix it.

Hat with an original pattern

Rib size 51cm.

We have to:

  • yarn, composition 50% wool, 50% alpaca (50g per 132m) - 100g;
  • knitting needles No. 3.25;
  • knitting needles No. 3.5;
  • extra needle.


  • elastic band twisted: even number of p.

1r .: * 1i. for the lower slice, 1l. * - repeat from * to *;

2p.: *1i., 1l. for the lower slice * - from * to * - repeat from * to *.

  • fantasy patterns: see diagrams

Density: on persons. stitch with knitting needles No3.5 24p. on the 21st are equal to 10 cm by 10 cm.


With knitting needles No. 3.25 we collect 104p. We knit a twisted elastic band, starting from the wrong side of the river. We knit 5 cm.

Following. R. (out.): * 3l., 1p. from broach, 2l., 1p. from broach * - from and to * repeat 19 times, 2l., ** 1p. from broach ** - ** repeat 4r., 1l. Total 146p.

We continue knitting hats with knitting needles No3.5.

Track. R. (persons.): 1i., * 1st p. scheme B2, 1st p. schemes A1, 1st p. schemes A2, 1st p. schemes B1 * - from * to * repeat three times, 1i .;

track. R. (out.): 1l., * 2nd p. schemes B1, 2nd p. schemes A2, 2nd p. schemes A1, 2nd p. schemes B2 * - from * to * repeat three times, 1l.

We knit according to this principle until we complete 34 p. schemes.

We continue to work:

track. R. (persons.): 1i., * 1st p. cx. С2, 1st r. cx. B1, 1st p. cx. B2, 1st p. cx. С1* - from * to * three times, 1i.;

track. R. (out.): 1l., 2nd p. cx. C1, 2nd p. cx. B2, 2nd p. cx. B1, 2nd p. cx. С2* - from * to * three times, 1l.

We knit according to this principle until we complete 34 p. schemes. Only 80p.

We continue:

track. R. (persons.): 1i., *pattern according to cx. C2, 1l. for the lower lobule, pattern according to cx. С1* - from * to * three times, 1i.;

track. R. (out.): 1l., * pattern according to cx. C1, 1i. for the lower lobule, pattern according to cx. С2* - from * to * three times, 1l.

We knit according to this principle until we complete 40 p. schemes. Total 32p.

Track. R. (persons.): 1i., 2p. in 1l. with an inclination to the left, * 2p. in 1l., remove 2p. as persons. together, 1l. and stretch it through the removed sts * - from * to * repeat 5 times, remove 3p. as persons. one at a time, enter the end of the left cn. for the upper lobules of these sts and knit them together persons., 1i. Only 14p.;

track. R. (out): 1l., 12i., 1l.;

track. R. (persons.): 1i., 1l. for the lower slice, * remove 2p. persons together., 1l. and stretch it through the removed sts * - from * to * repeat three times, 2p. in 1l. with an inclination to the left, 1i. Total 7p.

Assembling and finishing the hat

We break the thread, leaving a long end, stretch it through the remaining stitches. Pull it together, bring it to the wrong side and fasten it. We sew a longitudinal seam.

Hat with cat ears: video mk for beginners

openwork hat

For an average head size.

We will need:

  • yarn, in the composition - wool 15%, mohair 35%, acrylic 50%, (50g per 275m) - 100g;
  • knitting needles No5 and No6.5;


  • gum: 2l.x2 out.;
  • openwork: knit according to the scheme:

Density: on openwork with knitting needles No. 6.5 18p. for 24r. are equal to 10 cm by 10 cm.


We start knitting a hat with a set of knitting needles No5 82p. thread in two additions. We knit an elastic band for 2.5 cm. Let's go to sp. No6,5 and continue with an openwork pattern. We carry out decreases and increases according to the scheme. After 51r. we break the thread, thread it through the remaining 12 loops and tighten. Stitch the back seam.

Stylish hat for girls

For an average head size.

We will need:

  • yarn, in the composition of wool at least 80% (50g per 110m) - 150g;
  • knitting needles No6;
  • buttons Ø25mm - 4 pcs.


  • garter stitch: all loops are facial;
  • fantasy pattern: the number of items is even.

1p.: * 1l., 1i., 1l., 1i. * - from * to * repeat. Finish 1l.;

2p.: * 1i., 1l., 1i., 1l. * - from * to * repeat. Finish 1i.;

3r.: * 1 double person., 1i., 1 double person., 1i. * - from * to * repeat. Finish 1 double faces. How to knit double faces. loop - see the video

Stretching faces. n. from the lower river. in this case, it is called one double facial p.

4r.: * 1i., 1l., 1i., 1l. * - from * to * repeat. Finish 1i.;

13th p.: start from the 1st p.


We start knitting hats with a set of 71p. We knit with a garter pattern 2 p. Track. row: 3p. garter pattern, 65p. fantasy pattern, 3p. scarf pattern. We knit 25 cm (64 rows). Then - 4r. scarf pattern.


We cut off the edges of the cap along the width, leaving 3p free. garter knit. We grind butt strips of a scarf pattern. On the wrong side of the cap, we thread a double thread into the loops of the edge, tighten it, make a knot, hide the threads. Sew on two buttons.

Braided hat: video instruction

Iroquois hat

We will need:

  • yarn, composed of 80% wool, 20% acrylic (50g per 65m), white - 100g;
  • the same, beige - 50g;
  • the same, brown - 50g;
  • the same, black - 50g;
  • knitting needles No8;
  • hook No6;
  • spray to fix the brushes.


  • persons. ch.: with direct / reverse knitting in persons. R. - facial p., in out. R. - purl; when knitting in the round - all stitches are facial;
  • jacquard - knit according to the scheme. It shows only the right half, after the center. loops we knit the left side in a mirror. For decreases, we knit to the extreme 3p., Knit 2l. in 1l. Knit edging, taking all three threads of different colors.

Density: on persons. ch. 10p. at 14.5 p. equal to 10cm by 10cm; jacquard 28r. equal to 20 cm.


We start knitting hats with valves. Cast on 3p with white yarn. and knit faces. ch. (1st p. purl). We do in even p. increase 4 times in 1p., then in the 4th p. 1 time for 1p. We get 13p. Then we collect on both sides 11p. We get 35p. We turn to jacquard and perform it between chrome. n. In the 17th p. on both sides we subtract 1 time for 1 p., after 4 p. 1 time for 1p. Then in every 2nd p. 1 time for 1p., 1 time for 2p., 1 time for 3p. The remaining 19p. close. We knit the second part in the same way.

We collect 5p with white yarn. for center. parts. We knit faces. ch. (1st p. purl). 50cm closed p. Sew on the center. part to the sides.

We tie the bottom of the cap 1 with a row of columns without a crochet. Then we double it with brown yarn.

We weave two pigtails 20 cm long from a brown thread in two additions and a white single. We fix them at the ends of the valves - see photo.

For the mohawk tassels, we cut the yarn of all four colors 30 cm each, fold 10 threads in half, stretch through the central part of the cap. Then we stretch the free ends of the threads through the stitch and tighten them tightly.

We fix the bases of the brushes with brown yarn. We put on a hat on the form. We evenly cut the brushes to a length of 12cm. We process them with a spray-fixative and dry.

Beanie hat, seamless: video tutorial

Selection of schemes


Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Knitted hats have long and, obviously, been loved by fashionistas and fashionistas for a long time. They serve not only for warmth, but also for creating an image. By choosing the right headdress, you can complete the image creation or add a bright accent to your appearance. The article offers a variety of hats with knitting needles, knitting patterns and new items in 2019. We will try to figure out how to knit the most fashionable models, choose yarn for them, choose the style of the headdress to suit your face and style.

What hats are in fashion

For autumn and winter today, many choose a knitted hat. It may well be handmade and you can create it yourself. Knitting a hat is quite simple and fast, the main thing is to choose a model and know the basic simple tricks.

To begin with, let's figure out which hats are in trend, consider knitting patterns and new items in 2019. Of course, braids and plaits are in fashion. Hats and sets (hat and scarf, snood or mittens) with this pattern are very popular today. Caps with a collar are in demand, made of ordinary or fluffy yarn with a pattern of simple English gum.

The color of a knitted hat can be any. Relevant today are:

  • brown;
  • grey;
  • green;
  • shades of turquoise;
  • any pastel colors.

At the height of fashion, knitted hats with a color transition. All the hats described below with knitting needles, the novelties of 2019 according to the given schemes, can also be knitted using this method of color transition. The basis is a thread of any shade and another thread, the color of which is in harmony with the main one. In the process of knitting, one thread gradually replaces another (provided that the products are knitted in 3-4 thread additions) and a smooth color transition is obtained.

Hats with pom-poms are considered fashionable today. Pompoms can be made of natural or artificial fur or of threads from which the cap itself is knitted.

Regarding the beret, it is impossible to say unequivocally. It is not a trendy thing this season, but no one has ever canceled the classic options. If this particular type of headdress is suitable for the style and shape of the face of a lady, then you can safely knit it for yourself.

Now let's try to understand the variety of models of knitted hats, consider knitting patterns and new items in 2019.

Choosing yarn for a hat

For this wardrobe item, a woolen thread made of soft fiber, with the addition of acrylic, silk or in its pure form, is best suited. By thickness, you can choose absolutely any thread, depending on the pattern and idea. For autumn hats, you can take a thin thread and knit openwork; for a winter hat, a thread of medium thickness and a denser pattern will do.

Hats with knitting needles look quite impressive, new items for 2019 (knitting patterns are given below) from fluffy threads: angora and mohair. They can be used in their pure form or with the addition of woolen or acrylic thread for the density of the cap fabric.

Of the woolen threads, merino, alpaca, mink wool are considered the softest. But these are also the most expensive options. You can pick up budget yarn which includes wool and acrylic in half or in a different proportion. Such a thread can also be soft and not prickly at all, and this is very important for a hat, since the product is in close contact with the body.

Today, large knitting is popular. For models with this characteristic, there are specially thick threads. It is easy to knit from them, as the result in the form of a brand new hat will not keep you waiting. But here it is important to tie it quite tightly so that the cap is not blown.

The trend of recent seasons are knitted sets. Any hat knitted with knitting needles can be supplemented with a neck accessory, mittens or leggings, knitted from the same threads as the hat. Get a set, warm, cozy and stylish.

And now let's look at some women's hats with knitting needles, their knitting patterns and new items in 2019 for winter and autumn.

Descriptions and diagrams of modern hat models

beanie hat

One of the latest models and the most popular today can be safely called a hat - beanie. This easy-to-make and rather eye-catching hat is knitted across and in garter stitch. The following is a step-by-step description of the work.

For the hat you need:

  1. Yarn. You can take a fairly dense one, for example Nako Arctik, its footage is 100 meters per 100 grams. 1 skein is enough.
  2. Spokes. The number of knitting needles depends on how this or that craftswoman knits and is selected individually. Yarn manufacturers usually indicate on the packaging the number that is most often suitable for these threads. For Nako Arctik yarn, this is No. 5. Circular knitting needles are suitable for knitting this model, since we will knit in short rows and the product will be rounded during knitting.

Let's get to work:

  1. We collect 36 loops on the knitting needle and knit 2 rows of facial loops. The first and last loops in knitting will be edge.
  2. Then shortened rows begin, from we knit as follows:

3 row: 1 edge loop, 29 front loops and 6 left on the left knitting needle, without knitting them. We turn over the work.

4 row and all even knit facial.

5 row: 1 edge loop, 29 front loops and 5 left on the left knitting needle, without knitting them. We turn over the work.

7 row: 1 edge loop, 29 front loops and 4 left on the left knitting needle, without knitting them. We turn over the work.

9 row: 1 edge loop, 29 front loops and 3 left on the left knitting needle, without knitting them. We turn over the work.

11 row: 1 edge loop, 29 front loops and 2 left on the left knitting needle, without knitting them. We turn over the work.

13 row: 1 edge loop, 29 front loops and 1 left on the left knitting needle, without knitting them. We turn over the work.

15 row: knit all loops.

We have received the first wedge. We will need to knit 8 such wedges in total, that is, 7 more times we need to repeat knitting from 3 to 15 rows.

16 row all facial,

From the 17th row, we begin the repetition from the 3rd row.

  1. We knit 2 more rows of facial loops.
  2. The cap is ready, we sew the edges.

Hat with braids and a pom-pom made of threads

Braid patterns are very popular today. You can knit a hat with knitting needles using this simple but effective pattern. The main thing here is to understand the principle of knitting braids. It is done in the following way.

  1. She needs 9 loops. We divide them into 3 parts of 3 loops. Several rows knit facial all the loops of the braid.
  2. We cross the right 3 loops with the middle ones, leaving them on the auxiliary knitting needle before work.
  3. We knit several rows of facial without crossing.
  4. We cross the left 3 loops with the middle ones, leaving them on the auxiliary knitting needle at work.
  5. Again we knit several rows without crossing and repeat.

The braid can be replaced or supplemented with a tourniquet. It differs from a braid in that only 2 parts of the loops need to be crossed in one direction. For example, for a tourniquet, we take 6 loops (3 and 3) and first knit several rows without crossing, then we cross them with each other and continue knitting.

The hat can be knitted using braids and plaits alternately.

Between the loops of braids and plaits, you need to dial 4 loops and knit them purl. Due to their reduction closer to the edge of the cap, the knitted fabric will be narrowed. Then you will need to cut the loops of the braids and when no more than 10 loops remain on the knitting needle, pull them together with a thread and the cap is ready.

The hat can be decorated with a pom-pom made of threads. It can be made by winding the threads on a cardboard of the desired width and collecting it into a knot on one side, cut the other. The more threads you wind, the more magnificent the pompom will turn out.

A pompom made of natural fur will look very stylish on a knitted hat with braids. It can be chosen to match the hat or a contrasting color, and natural raccoon, light brown with darker tips, will suit any hat.

Hat with mohair ears

The easiest and most stylish option for knitting hats with ears. It can be made from mohair, adding a matching woolen thread to it for density.

For the hat you need:

  1. Mohair and wool thread.

It is better to knit hats more tightly so that they are not blown by the wind. If the knitting density is weak, then it makes sense for the cap to take a smaller number of knitting needles and knit tighter.

Let's get to work:

  1. The hat is knitted in the shape of a simple rectangle. We collect on the spokes the number of loops suitable for the volume of the head. The loops must be calculated in advance by tying a small piece of the threads from which the hat will be and measuring the volume of the head.
  2. First, we knit several rows with an elastic band 1 * 1 (1 front, 1 purl). Purl rows according to the pattern.
  3. Then we continue knitting with the front stitch, that is, in the front rows we knit all the front loops, in the wrong rows - the wrong ones.
  4. So we continue to the desired depth of the cap.
  5. Then we close the loops and make a back seam and a top seam to make a square hat.
  6. You can leave it like that, or you can pinch the ears with a pair of stitches (we lay the seams obliquely, leaving the corners of the ears).

Cap with collar

A knitted hat with a collar is suitable for a young lady and a respectable lady, for a girl and for a boy. A versatile and stylish option that any fashionista can afford to have. Such a hat, made of ordinary threads or mohair, angora will perfectly fit into any wardrobe style. It will be good with a jacket and with a coat and a fur coat. How to tie it? Yes, very simple, using the following description.

For the hat you need:

  1. Mohair and woolen thread of any desired shade. The cap usually takes no more than 100 gram hank.
  2. Knitting needles No. 3-5, depending on the individual knitting density.

Getting Started:

  1. We knit a hat completely with an elastic band 2 * 2. (Alternate 2 facial loops and 2 purl loops).
  2. We collect the required number of loops on the knitting needles, having previously calculated according to the density of knitting and the volume of the head.
  3. We start knitting with the main pattern. We knit 15 centimeters for a turn (this is not a mandatory measure, it depends on the desire of each craftswoman).
  4. When the collar is connected, we continue knitting to the entire depth of the cap.
  5. 1 row before the end of knitting, we reduce the width by knitting all paired purl loops in an elastic band into 1 loop.
  6. The remaining loops are pulled together with a thread.
  7. We make a seam in such a way that it would be from the inside at the collar, then we unfold and continue the seam on the other side.
  8. We turn the hat inside out, turn off the collar and the hat is ready.

Such a hat can also be knitted on circular needles, then there will be no need to make a seam.

Here are a few more options for hats with knitting needles and knitting patterns for new products in 2019.

Winter knitted hats for women

Consider a few new 2019 winter hats with knitting needles and their knitting patterns.

For winter, a hat with ears is a good option. Today, such options are quite relevant.

A hat with ears can be made using any pattern or simply pearl or garter stitch. We begin to knit such a hat from the ears. First, we knit one ear, then the second, then we knit a lapel for the forehead, if there is one according to the model. We distribute all the details obtained on the knitting needle and cast on the required number of loops as follows: first we cast on half the loops for the back of the cap, then the eyelet, then the lapel for the forehead (if it is not, then we cast on the loops of the front of the cap), then the eyelet and the second part loops on the back of the hat.

We place all this on one knitting needle and start knitting the main part of the cap according to the chosen pattern until the entire height of the cap is knitted. We tighten the loops and make the back seam. The lapel on the forehead is best secured with a couple of stitches.

The hat can be decorated with tassels at the ends of the ears.

For winter, you can use the cap with a collar described above or a beanie cap. In order to prevent winter winds from blowing through the knitted fabric, you can sew a fleece lining, for example, and sew it inside the hat. So it will be warm and cozy, suitable for the Russian winter cold.

The considered patterns for knitting hats with knitting needles and the novelties of 2019 will help you make a choice in a great variety of models and methods of implementation, and in order to better understand the principle of making a stylish and modern hat, you can watch the video.

Without a headdress in winter, well, you can’t do without it. A fashionable hat can become not only a thing that protects from the cold, but also a fashionable detail of your image. Fashionable women's hats for autumn-winter 2016-2017 combine different styles, are made of a variety of materials, and every lady is sure to find a style to her taste and style.

Children do not like to wear hats at all, but when they grow up, they cannot imagine life without this warm winter accessory. The best option for the cold season is a fashionable knitted hat. In the autumn-winter 2016-2017 season, knitted hats are distinguished by a very original design, which allows each woman to find a product that suits winter clothes and any style. Such a headdress can perfectly complement a stylish and unique image, or it can become the most important bright detail of your winter bow in this autumn-winter season 2016-2017.

The choice of fashion accessory autumn-winter 2016-2017

The choice of hats in the new season is as large and varied as ever. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather, not a single representative of the beautiful half of humanity will be left without a stylish and fashionable thing in the autumn wardrobe. Finding the right headdress for any type of appearance this fall will not be difficult. Every woman, regardless of her age, will be able to choose the model that will favorably emphasize her skin type, eye color and facial features.

This year, women's berets are the most versatile headwear: photos from the autumn fashion show well illustrate how great they look on women of all ages. For the off-season, when it’s still not so cold and not very hot, but at the same time it’s not entirely comfortable without a headdress, an openwork beret can be an ideal choice, the thickness of which can vary depending on weather conditions. In addition to the classic models in the collections, you can find other variations of them - beret caps and berets on a leg, crocheted or knitted. It is also worth noting that such stylish hats go to girls with any type of face.

Fashionable colors of knitted hats autumn-winter 2016-2017

The main distinguishing feature of the hats of the 2016-2017 season is natural colors that emphasize the connection between man and nature. Among the favorites are gray, black, blue, brown and khaki. For those who want to wear a light-colored hat, there are also options - pink, beige, cream and white hats are in fashion. Hats such as turbans are mostly knitted in black, brown, navy blue or gray yarn. On their dark background, metal brooches look great. For fashionable berets this season, designers have chosen pale pink shades, cream, peach and pale turquoise. These colors best emphasize the elegance of the product.

Fashionable berets and caps fall-winter 2016-2017

To keep up with the times, pay attention to voluminous berets and caps with visors. In addition to these trendy accessories, there are many other equally interesting models in the collections. As an additional accessory to the evening dress, many fashion designers offer elegant berets decorated with sequins, rhinestones, embroidery, pom-poms or a brooch.

Fashionable knitted hat-turban autumn-winter 2016-2017

A headdress made of yarn, made like a turban, is not too intricate, but it looks very impressive and unusual. The charm of the East requires an exquisite style of outerwear - you should not forget about this when thinking through your everyday bow using this model. This is the same beanie, only in front the canvas is pulled together with a kind of vertical drawstring and fixed. Turbans can also be worn with fur coats; a no less stylish outfit will come from a turban and a fitted coat. Women's knitted turban hat is suitable for both young beauties and older fashionistas. Hats for autumn and winter in dark shades are in fashion - trendy turbans are presented in black, dark blue, dark gray, brown colors. The front of the accessory can be decorated with a large brooch with a stone or a metal buckle.

Fashionable knitted berets autumn-winter 2016-2017

If recently berets were considered an accessory in a retro style, now eminent designers are again offering us fashionable knitted hats for women in a similar style. They reappeared on the fashion catwalks, in the seasonal shows of the collections of world fashion houses. Now for knitted berets for women, coarse knitting, original ornaments and numerous decorations are used - volumetric abstraction from yarn, knitted flowers, etc. Actual variations of berets are made in pastel colors - pale pink, cream, pale turquoise, peach, light gray. Such colors emphasize the elegance of the piece even more, even if the soft beret looks slightly shapeless.

Fashionable hats-scarves fall-winter 2016-2017

A snood scarf or the so-called pipe is knitted in an elementary way, while a snood is able to warm in the most severe frosts. This accessory will help you feel warm and cozy even in the most severe frost. This accessory looks elegant and luxurious, goes well with coats, sheepskin coats and fur coats. Caps-scarves of bright colors in 2016-2017 will also suit youth sports jackets. No less practical can be called a model that is a hybrid of a beanie and a regular scarf. At the same time, the scarf does not have to be tied - its ends can be left hanging down, you get a slightly bold, liberated image. It is incredibly easy to choose a fashionable knitted hat in 2016-2017 - any face shape, hair color, style can be supplemented with a yarn hat that will be in harmony with your appearance and perfectly protect from the cold.

Fashionable animal hats autumn-winter 2016-2017

Fashionable wide-brimmed hats fall-winter 2016-2017

These representatives of the 60s and 70s will confidently rise to the crest of popularity in the new season, eclipsing miniature “pills”. So, if you still have these attributes in your closet, feel free to brush off mothball powder from them and ventilate them from the plaque of bygone years. Today, wide-brimmed hats have literally filled the catwalks at the shows of the best couturiers, demonstrating their competitiveness compared to other hats. Elegant, sophisticated, refined - they will perfectly fit into the image of a modern woman. Preferred colors: traditional black and gray, as well as bright any shade.

You can decorate your head not only with the help of a beautiful hairstyle. A well-chosen hat will emphasize the dignity of appearance and hide flaws.
In the new season, knitted fashionable hats for autumn-winter 2017 will be popular. The photo shows the most interesting options. The trend is also products of unusual shape, as well as fur and leather models.

With the help of a beret, hat or cap, you can transform any outfit. Before you buy a certain model, you should find out how to choose the right hat and what products are in fashion today.

Fashion trends

There are different directions and designs of headwear for the upcoming season. New features include:

  • Flirty and airy pompoms.
  • Original decor beanie.
  • Berets with large viscous.
  • Stylish turbans.

By the way, designers presented many unexpected solutions for men. The new trends include large knitting from thick yarn.

Advice! When choosing a product, you need to consider the ratio of wool and synthetics. A thing made only from synthetics does not protect very well from the cold, electrifies curls and enhances the work of the sebaceous glands. Wool can cause skin irritation and itching.

knitted hats

An experimental option can be considered a hat with imitation of cat ears. It can be worn with a drape coat. A hat with two pom-poms on the sides looks unusual. It can be worn with a down jacket, trench coat or fur coat.

Advice!The cap should fit snugly to the head, but not squeeze the skin.

Sock hat

One of the most relevant models is the hat-sock. It is characterized by versatility and suits men and women who prefer a sporty or street style. Do not wear a hat with traditional style clothing. To a similar product, you can pick up a scarf and gloves in the same color scheme.

There are several options for how to wear hats:

  • Most often, it is worn shifted to the back of the head and slightly gathered up the edge.
  • Can be worn on the side like a beret.
  • If you shorten the free part, then you should try to wear upright.

Such a hat should be worn with a leather jacket or with a voluminous coat. In cold weather, it goes well with a parka or down jacket.

Advice!Similar models are in harmony with loose strands or with short haircuts.

trendy beanie style

A distinctive feature of the beanie headdress is the absence of ties and the fit of the head. These models have a large volume, a lowered crown, as well as a large knit. Men's hats are no smaller in size and also differ in brightness.

Advice!Tight-fitting hats are perfect for owners of a well-shaped face. They look great with oval outlines of the face and a high forehead line.

Exquisite berets

The traditional knitted beret has undergone numerous changes. Now these are stylish tablets, classic models and volumetric options. Such products are made of thick yarn and are distinguished by coarse knitting. Instead of a rim, a dense elastic band is used.

A variety of vintage accessories, bags with long straps and laces are suitable for the beret. Fashionable models go well with folk style or military.

The beret can be worn in different ways. Positioning on the side will create a flirty look. Wearing a headdress with open bangs is popular.
The trend is not only classic models of dark colors, but also designs with bright material, rhinestones or flowers.

Advice! For a knitted hat or beret, you definitely need to buy a scarf with a similar texture and color. At the same time, it can be several tones lighter or darker than the cap.

Eastern turban

Exquisite and spectacular turbans have become a stylish decoration for fashion shows. The oriental version of the hat can be worn with any type of outerwear. As a decor, you can use large brooches.

The turban should be knitted from soft natural yarn. Unusually looks option, decorated with laces that fall to one side.

The product decorated with beads or natural stone looks great.

Advice! When choosing outerwear for a turban, it is worth considering the material of the product. The denser the fabric, the more voluminous outerwear is selected.

Variety of fur models

In the new shows, designers use fur hats. They create snoods, scarves, caps and various types of hats.

Knitted fur and fur knitwear are popular this season.

For fashionable hats, fox, mink, astrakhan fur and raccoon fur are used. The trend is fur things in gray, beige and brown colors. As unusual solutions, pink, blue or pastel options are used. Fashion trends suggest multi-colored coloring and print on fur.

This season, such models as earflaps, boyars, fur hoods and cylindrical shapes are especially popular.

It is worth paying attention to the following models:

  • Hat with earflaps looks stylish and original. It perfectly protects from cold and windy weather. Models differ in the length of the ears and the presence of a visor.
  • For women who prefer classic options, helmets are suitable - berets or caps. They are created from muton or sheared fur.
  • Fur hoods will appeal to those who like to hide their neck and ears in cold weather. These hats are made from mink fur.
  • For young and athletic fit fur headphones. Such products can be of different colors. Also decorated with rhinestones or pebbles.
  • Knitted hats are in fashion.

Lush fur hats are considered a special chic. Similar things can be supplemented with a collar or clutch. They look in combination with down jackets or similar fur coats.

Sheared fur products should be worn with sheepskin coats without fur trim, leather jackets and coats.

Advice! Stylish drawings and applications are popular in the new season. Buboes on laces are recommended as decor. Hats look stylish in a combination of fur with textiles or leather.

Women's caps for the brave

Among the popular varieties it is worth highlighting:

  • Retro models with a high crown and a narrow visor.
  • Products with embroidery and rhinestones are in demand.
  • Jockey cap with a long and curved peak.
  • Fur models from sheared fur.
  • Knitted patterns will complement unusual looks.

Advice! A hat chosen for a sheepskin coat can consist of several materials. Any fur is suitable for down jackets.

Extraordinary hats

There are hats that are not often seen on the streets. They differ from conventional models in shape and cut.

  • A baseball cap for winter is considered a non-standard option. It goes well with a down jacket and sports jackets.
  • Hats in gavroche and retro style are called coppola or taxi driver's cap.
  • For an image in the style of folk, gavrosh or tomboy, an insulated cap is suitable.
  • Fashionable options include hats with rhinestones. With their help, you can create a sophisticated and elegant look.

  • Volumetric hats with Norwegian patterns look unusual.
  • Hats with hints of military style are military.
  • In the new season, products with large decor, hoods and voluminous berets of the original form are especially popular. Beads, fur, stones or rhinestones are used as decor.

Advice! Models consisting of 70% wool and 30% acrylic are considered an excellent option. Synthetic material increases the life of the product.

How to choose a hat?

When choosing a headdress, you should pay attention to two features. This is a choice based on the type of appearance and facial features, as well as with a suitable combination of outerwear.

It is important to determine the quality of the purchased product. A correctly chosen hat corrects and decorates the silhouette. During the fitting, you need to see yourself in full growth.

Fat women fit malachai-type hats - with small ears and a visor.

Owners of a narrow face should consider models with upturned fields and stylish earflaps. For women with a triangular face shape, berets of medium volume and hats are suitable. With a rectangular face, asymmetric hats are suitable. It can be insulated caps, berets or hats with earflaps.

Caps of a cylindrical shape are suitable for girls with pointed features, and with a large chin, you should choose knitted caps.

Any hat should be in harmony with other things. Fur coats are combined with fur hats, similar in tailoring and color palette. Fur or knitted options are suitable for sheepskin coats. With a coat look felt hats. Hoods are suitable for a leather coat. An ideal option for jackets and down jackets knitted hats.

The cost of the product is influenced by the brand, decorative elements, materials used.

Advice! Traditional options with a smooth knit that fit the head are always relevant. Similar options are combined with casual or sports style.

Features of the color palette when choosing hats

The color of the selected hat affects the appearance. Properly selected product can give freshness and highlight the makeup done. The color scheme should be considered in accordance with the shade of the hair:

  • Girls with light strands will be decorated with hats of gray, blue, black or pink shades. You should not choose black if your skin is too pale.
  • A natural look will help to complement the hats in beige and brown colors.
  • Girls with chocolate-colored curls should give preference to copper, blue and black colors.
  • Brunettes fit hats rich color palette: blue, red, purple or turquoise.

Funny headdress with ears
  • Red-haired women are recommended red, yellow and green colors. For a more relaxed look, you can choose coffee, golden or brown shades.

The most important feature of a winter hat is its ability to protect from the cold and warmth. Otherwise, you should rely on your taste, style and imagination. A hat will be an indispensable thing in the wardrobe if you choose it taking into account fashion trends and a sense of comfort.