Passing on the road on the pillow. Wishes of a happy journey

My soul rolled into a fluffy glider and longing for you. Come back, otherwise I will release my claws!

You takes away from me the rapid flow of separation, I will wait for you on the shore of our love, days and nights until you come back with the passing wind.

In the distance do not forget me
Keep love and my image
I am very, really waiting for you,
As the shore is waiting for the sea surf!

My life without you is gray and dull. Saving a brush to the gold paint of love and paint my being with gold happiness.

I am waiting for you as grass waiting for the first summer rain, like chamomile in a meadow waiting for a sunny ray, like a bird waiting for a meeting with the sky!

In my heart my emptiness and anxiety,
You are not with me, you again on the road,
Let your soul warm love,
To rather return you again!

Glutter flew to us a tornado distances. Let's keep hands so that the wind will throw us on the shore of a quiet family happiness.

Meeting after separation, as a collector's wine, is expensive, drunk, with a delightful bouquet of caress and gentle kisses.

The blizzard swollen us in separation,
Did not hold, our hands broke out,
My dreams will be promised to meet
Cute, come back, I miss!

You took with you all the sparks that lived in my eyes, and my eyes look. Only you can return my sight of the spring happy breath.

I will write on the blue cloth of the sky rainbow paint of your feelings and fantasies: "I love you!" Remember, after the rain, the sun looks like the sun and the rainbow of hope will appear.

Without you, flowers started,
The sun was disappeared in the clouds,
Doodle days have come,
Tears again in front of the eyes,
Come back as soon as
Bring me a ray of happiness
I will warm you with soul
I will give an outbreak of passion.

The gentle petals of roses will fasten your way to me so that the return was gentle and enjoyable.

The strings of my soul anxiously ringing the separation melody. Return and play a tender song of devotional love on them.

Bright paints draw
Your amazing portrait
You can not imagine how long
When you are not with me!
I whisper with hope, falling asleep:
"Return, loved, dear,
I am so suffering alone without you
Return, please, my good!

I collect memories on the thread all our happy moments, gentle kisses, sincere recognition. Only this occupation helps me to wait alarming separation with you, my heart! Waiting for and miss

I was lost in the terrible dark forest separation and I can not find a path to peace of mind. Let me sleep with the flame of your love so I find the way to your heart!

Stars in the sky are singing about you,
Where did you find today the shelter?
Where without me you will perceive today?
Why don't you take me to yourself?
I miss you dreaming about your caress,
Returning more to your baby!

Snow white lilies on my window cough when you left. Just returning, you will again be able to fill my house with delicious flowers of pleasure.

I send you a morning fresh greeting, so that you even felt the crystal dew in my love!

Mentally kiss and caress,
About you in the morning I already dream,
The head is spinning from separation,
Come back, dear friend!

I send you an air kiss, let him overcome all distances and sweetened your gentle sponges in separation.

Over each minute spent without you, I impose a fine of one passionate caress. Binding-love is already knocking on your doors.

From time immemorial, there is a custom of talking to a person who is going on the road, the words of a fare. They served for the traveler's traveler, who took off the misfortune and bad people from him. This is due to the fact that in time immemorial people, people often disappeared without a trace. After all, they could attack robbers, wild animals. However, in our civilized age, this custom has not lost its relevance. Talk about what is usually spoken on the road.

Wishes to man on the road

As a rule, clear regulations of what can wish to man on the road, no. The main thing is that the words were sincere and walked from the heart. In this case, they will truly protect a person and nothing bad happens to him. A universal wish is the phrase of the "happy path!", So you can safely use it regardless of how far a person is going to.

What to say if a person goes looking for a job?

As in the past times, a person often goes to search for work, most often it is an interview with the future employer. In this case, a person should say the following words:

  • "Let everything succeed"
  • "Let your dreams be fulfilled, and you will easily get a job"
  • "Let luck lead you"

Words for leaving on a long road

If a long-distance man was to the man, he wanted not only a happy path. In the old days, the phrase "tablecloth" was told. This expression meant that the path would be light and a person will quickly get to the place of his destination. However, these days, this phrase is considered ironic and it is rarely used, as they are afraid to be incorrectly understood. Instead, you can use more modern expressions, for example, "happily (successful) to get."

There is also a custom sitting on the road. It was believed that then the path would be lightweight and without unpleasant adventure. Modern psychologists explain this rite the fact that a person is given time to think about his trip and decide whether it is worth going to her. Also, in these seconds, the brain defines the main goals of the travel and is looking for ways to implement them into practice, since it is in a kind of stressful situation, so all processes go faster.

Wishes on the road to motorists and travelers

For motorists it is very important for the road to be successful. In this case, they can be said to the following phrases:

  • "Green Road"
  • "Green Light"
  • "To the reserve is not useful"
  • "Not a nail or rod"

If a person goes on vacation or on a travel travelers, you can wish him "beautiful scenery outside the window." If a steamer, yacht or boat will act as a transport, then in this case it will appropriate to say: "In order not to ignore", "passing wind". As a universal phrase, you can advise "happily to get."

Those who go to the road in air transport, one can say "take care of yourself" or "with God!". It is not necessary to think about a bad person before leaving a person, because the thoughts are material and so you can stick trouble. Best of all in your imagination to draw joyful pictures of a person meeting with a trip. In this case, everything will be successfully. You can also read a cheerful cheerful poem:

  • I wish you before the expensive long
  • Wake up in the dawn of all forces.
  • So that the trip seemed Malina,
  • To pretty the whole world seemed.

These words will raise the mood, and the traveler will go on the road with a light heart. You can compose your poems, a person will be nice, and he will not forget this farewell. Now you know what they wish on the road, and you can apply your knowledge in practice.

Good luck! And good road!
Let the separation of speedy fly.
Let gray road gods
You will bless you from the soul.

And even the road let smooth and okay
Put in destination item.
Let everything be favorable
Like the use of you a quick horse.

I wish you a happy journey,
After all, it is waiting for a hard road ahead,
So that time flew unnoticed
And there was an adventure canceled!

Let you luck never leave,
And the journey only delivers joy,
Health, tonging cool, attention,
All the best, success and mutual understanding!

Good and happy way. I wish everything to do without difficulties and incidents so that all the time you were accompanied by a wonderful mood and cheerful well-being. Good luck, inner calm and indispensable well-being on the road.

We accite \u200b\u200byou to the far way!
Let the road seem mig.
Come back soon, because we all wait for you.
Do not forget to call us more often, cute.

We will certainly be bored
After all, you are very expensive to us.
And your arrival once for us
There will be a meeting with the desired and joyful!

Let the way be happy
Easy road.
Before do not forget
Sit a little.

With optimism in the distance, see
Waiting for you luck.
Evil will not meet ahead
Everyone will decide the tasks.

Let the road leads you
From the threshold to the threshold,
Let a good talk
Time flies soon
Side will pass bad weather
And they will join everything,
And you will find at the end of the way
Everything that has eager to find!

Happy way, luck,
Weather clear, peggy birds.
Green light, let them certainly
There will be a road without borders.

Backway wind to your mind
Landscapes bright on the way.
Pearl Russery Luck,
It will help the way to go through.

Let the road be good!
Cozy and warm.
And your way will not be difficult.
And so that you are lucky in everything.

Flying the souls to you find.
Happy way to you!
To air, freshness feel
In your enthusiastic chest.

I wish I am a happy way
In this wonderful day!
You are waiting for only joy ahead,
I wish you the Lord you shore!

Let the road always leads you
To your cherished goals and dreams!
Suppose to come to go away and anxiety will go away,
Good luck let walks on the heels!

I wish you a happy way
Let all goals will be achievable
Let you let go on the heels
Good luck, be loved!

Let you eat every turn
Waiting for joyful meetings and moments!
Let everything be in life, as notes,
I wish you a calm movement!

Happy way, let you carry you,
Let the luck pursues everywhere.
And let the road to happiness will lead
To easily solve all the tasks.

Hour of parting, alas, has already come.
You will miss, and that's for sure.
Believe me, I will really be bored,
Just call, I'm urgently accepted for you.

It was considered a risky business to go on the path of Exprove. Therefore, our ancestors wanted to the traveler only all the best. Wishes on the road is a charm who accompanied the ritual of farewell to Slavs.

Rituals before expensive

Modern wishes on the road are preserved by the echoes of Slavic pagan customs, which are steadily rooted in Russian culture. Until now, the ritual "Sit on the track", which has a practical meaning. A person has the opportunity to think about everything well, to remember if he did not forget any important thing. Also, our ancestors were spread the ritual to take the corner of the table before the journey. The angles of Russian huts and furniture were the concentrate of power and special energy. Traveler took with him a portion of the guarding energy at home. If at home forgot something, then it is necessary to return and look in the mirror. It brought good luck to the traveler and was removed from the dark forces.

Important farewell was considered to create an amulete for a traveler. God Veles was the main patron of travelers. Therefore, there were wanges from pine in the form of a person's figure. Such an overlap had a powerful action if a conspiracy was read over him. However, the most popular guard was considered a ticket - this is a figurine of fabric twisted with a cannabis rope. If the rope remained the whole, then the traveler did not threaten the dangers and trouble.

Today, chambers and rituals have become just wishes on the road. However, faith in the fact that they have a protective function remained so far.

Modern wishes on the road

The road at the modern person is associated not only with the journey on foot, but also with the car, aircraft, ship, train, etc. Therefore, wishes on the road have become more diverse, but they saved their proteating function. The most common facilities are a "happy (good) way", "in a good way", "Side on the track",
"Pleasant travel", "comfortable driving", "speedy return", "take care of yourself", "with God" and their options.

Motorist wish a "fast way", "smooth (smooth) road", "be attentive on the road", "interesting companions", "smaller steep turns", "Let it not be on the way either congestion, no traffic jams, no accidents" and others . If you are waiting for the airfare, then you wish you "to get and baggage will not be lost", "departure without delays", "pleasant flight." The expression "Tablecloth" initially meant the wish to smooth and smooth road. However, now this phrase is irony.

Wishes of a happy path - an old custom. It is believed that good words are protected from misfortunes and bad people. The wishes of the happy path will accompany and defend as guardian angels. So there are never a lot of traffic with a lot.

In verse

  • Dear, my beloved, good way!
  • In order to find interesting to you!
  • So that the road was bright and not at all
  • And that everywhere you were spacious,
  • And you so that it was cozy, comfortable,
  • The troubles so that everyone flew to hell!
  • Pleasant to you relaxing and rides cool,
  • To the mood was beautiful!
  • Conducting you, honey, on the far way,
  • I wish you, dear, relax!
  • To return you are healthy and beautiful,
  • So that you returned sparkling and happy.
  • Let your dreams come true in the way
  • Those who are good in the way!
  • Everything will be fine how you want,
  • Well, at home will wait for you flowers!
  • You are leaving on the far way,
  • Do not forget me on the road.
  • You remember that my love
  • Will always be near you!
  • Let them be blond dreams
  • Eyes let the flowers please
  • Beautiful let meet,
  • And let the trouble be dissolved!
  • Favorite, let God keep you in the way!
  • Fate let me favorably!
  • Let the sun smiles from the sky,
  • Sorrow and problems are not met at all!
  • I love you and I will really wait
  • To kiss and hug again!
  • You remember about my love on the way,
  • Another such a whole light is not found!
  • Cute, let in the long road
  • Your legs do not get tired
  • Enjoy the soul,
  • That the trip is good!
  • Let your path be not difficult
  • And not sad, and not tedious,
  • To smile you,
  • And sold her dreams!
  • Let you go on the road to keeps
  • Let the fate favors you!
  • Let them disappear
  • Know - At home they love you, waiting!
  • Let the legs do not hurt on the road
  • And it will be a light way in the end,
  • I love you my dear,
  • And I will my soul with you!
  • Good, affectionate road!
  • So that you did not hit the legs in the way!
  • So that I did not know fatigue!
  • Got emotions squall!
  • So that you are lucky on the way!
  • Friend Find!
  • Meetings are pleasant, interesting,
  • Each moment and everywhere!
  • Joy you huge
  • And fantasy immodest.
  • But do not be keen on anyone,
  • And you come back!
  • Conducting you on the far
  • I wish you relax
  • I wish you to dream
  • And the desire to sleep.
  • So that you do not be blossomed on the way,
  • So that the heat was able to find on the road,
  • But manil so that home the hearth,
  • I did not envy you to the enemy.
  • Everything will be fine with you
  • I say, I'm loved by all my heart!
  • Come back, I will wait for you,
  • My favorite, because you are my miracle!

In prose

From the Bible, everyone knows that the paths of the Lord are non-defined. Even knowing destination, you can't certain know where the long road will be heading. I wish you in order to be as far as possible in the way unpredictable and unforeseen circumstances. Let everything go on their own to the planned plan and the route. Happy way and fruitful trip!

What will the way be, does not always depend on us. After all, it is necessary that the transport does not turn into, and the weather was good. I wish that in your trip you do not care as surprise. Let flights do not cancel and do not delay, but follow exactly according to the schedule. Let the weather always be sunny, clear, in general, flight, most favorable for travel. I wish all the events scheduled for traveling successfully. Have a good trip!

The distant path has not only during the daytime day. The person follows to the destination and under the cover of the night, in the mysterious, pitch Mol. I wish your whole path to be lit by road lamps and night lights light. Let the moon radiate soft light in your trip. And from the night sky, let it light up your road a bright guiding star. Good way to you and a happy way!