Folk customs and signs for the Ascension. Ascension of the Lord - signs, folk traditions and ancient customs

In 2018, we will be able to celebrate the great feast of the Ascension of the Lord on May 17. To avoid troubles and spend this day with benefit, every Orthodox believer should learn in advance about the traditions, customs and signs associated with this amazing event.

The Ascension of the Lord is one of the most important church holidays. It is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter. Until that day, Jesus Christ stayed on earth and instructed his disciples about the continuation of his preaching and consecration to Christianity of other people. Then the Son of God went to the Heavenly Abode, but left a message that one day he would definitely return.

Since ancient times, the holiday has had an important meaning. That is why, to this day, many traditions, customs and signs are associated with it, which every believer should know about ..

Traditions and customs of the holiday

On this day, it is customary to commemorate the dead and visit the cemetery. It is believed that during this period the gates of hell and heaven are open, which means that the departed can hear your requests, and sinners can meet with the righteous.

In the Ascension of the Lord, one should not do household chores and agricultural work. According to the Orthodox Church, this time is the most favorable for visiting the church and raising prayers to the Lord God. On this day, you can ask the Saints for anything, and your prayer appeals will certainly be heard.

To avoid financial problems, on May 17 it is not recommended to borrow and lend money. It is believed that together with your funds, you risk giving away your own happiness, and taking away the problems of those from whom you borrow with strangers.

On this day, harmony and tranquility should reign in every home, but quarrels and conflicts should be avoided. Anyone who will swear or scold others on this day will attract troubles throughout the year.

Despite the fact that many religious holidays imply strict observance of fasting, this does not apply to Ascension. From time immemorial, on this day, the hostesses baked pancakes, pies, and also prepared meat dishes. As a rule, after that, guests were invited to the house to please them with festive treats. After finishing their meal, the guests went outside and staged noisy walks with songs and dances.

The most important dish on the table was considered to be ladders made from rye or wheat flour and consisting of seven rungs. Their shape symbolized the seven heavenly levels of the Apocalypse.

In Russia, believe that on the Ascension Jesus Christ takes on a human form and descends to earth. In this regard, the hostesses prepared special pancakes, called "Christ's little shoes", which were relied on to the Son of God "on the path."

On the Ascension of the Lord, it is customary to visit relatives. If your loved ones live far away, be sure to call them. If you neglect this tradition, then soon there will be discord in the family.

In ancient times, young boys and girls gathered on the streets for Ascension and saw off the spring. It was believed that from that day on, spring finally hands over the reins to summer, and in this regard, the season of agricultural work began.

On this day, it is forbidden to refuse help to loved ones and those in need. When you see a homeless person on the street, be sure to help him with money or food. Despite the fact that it is forbidden to lend on this day, someone close to you may ask you for this. In this case, you should give money free of charge.

Signs of the Ascension of the Lord

Our ancestors on this day tried not to commit sins and to engage in godly deeds. It was believed that a person who has committed a sinful deed risks facing Jesus Christ, who will surely punish him.

According to one of the signs, a girl who wants to get married soon on this day must cook several different dishes with her own hands and treat the men. If young people don't like at least one of the prepared dishes, then the girl shouldn't wait for a wedding this year.

On Ascension, the guys in love collected bouquets of dandelions and brought them under the door of their beloved. If a girl sniffs the flowers, then soon she will fall in love with her secret adorer.

If it rains on Ascension, the girl should go outside and wait until her hair gets wet. In this case, her hair will always be thick.

If a girl dreamed of getting married, on Ascension she weaved birch branches into her braids. If the branches do not wither before the onset of Trinity, it means that this year the girl will become married.

To keep money in the house, they took coins for Ascension and buried them next to a young tree. It was believed that the faster it grows, the more wealth there will be.

If on this day a crow croaks under the window, expect misfortune. A dove sitting on the window promises joy and new love.

In order for the cherished desire to be fulfilled, at Ascension it is necessary to bake bread, and put a piece of paper in the dough, on which the desire will be written. After that, the freshly baked bread must be taken to the temple.

In order to provide yourself with health for the whole year, on this day you need to collect water and wash yourself with it. It is believed that on Ascension, water is endowed with healing properties and is even able to heal any wounds and scratches.

Spouses, who for a long time cannot have a child, on the Ascension of the Lord must defend the morning service to the end. After that, you need to go home, and not talk to anyone on the way. According to the omen, a woman will soon be able to become pregnant.

Mothers wishing to marry their daughters, baked bread that day, went out into the street and scattered crumbs in different directions. It was believed that after this, grooms would come to the girl from all sides.

According to the omen, a child born on Ascension will always be healthy and happy.

The Ascension of the Lord is an important, but not the only religious holiday in May. This month we have to celebrate many wonderful Orthodox events, which you can learn about from the monthly church calendar. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Ascension Day is the last spring holiday in Russia. "Spring-Red has reached the Ascension Day, listened for the last time to how" Christ is Risen "is sung - and then the end came to her!" - they say among the people. "Spring from Ascension to heaven ascends - the blessed one asks for rest in paradise!" - can be heard in the Volga villages. “It’s not a girl’s age to be bride: why is spring red, but she’s getting married on the Ascension of Christ for the summer!” will clean up! "," Spring bloom - until Ascension! " - Russian proverbs are chasing one after another. And spring, indeed, from the day of the Ascension of the Lord, is giving way to a hot summer with his works on the ground poured by the laboring sweat of the Russian plowman.

According to an old tradition, on the eve of the Ascension of the Lord, nightingales sing louder than during the rest of the time. As if they also know that this is the last night of the resurrected Christ's stay on earth. Therefore, on this day, a nightingale, a songbird, cannot be trapped and caught. Whoever catches - there will be no dispute in anything for a whole year, until the new Ascension Day.

According to popular legend, the Savior walks on earth for forty days, from Sunday to Ascension: "On the day of Ascension, all spring flowers bloom - Christ the Father is escorted to the heavenly gardens with a secret prayer."

"The heavens are merry,
And the earth rejoices
Coupled with humans
Always and forever
All angels, archangels
Heavenly forces
Apostles, prophets
With martyrs saints,
With the reverends, with all,
Pleased with the Lord! " -

The poor people of God who sit at the church porches on the day of the Ascension of the Lord with cups in their hands are singing.

“Ascend to heaven, God!
Who can heap thy mercy?
The mouth of Thy faithful
About the immortals
Can't broadcast.
About miracles, in heaven and in the sea!
Your glory is full of land, mountains,
The hills are triumphant
See the Lord's glory.
The Mount of Olives is rejoicing
When the Lord ascends to heaven "...

On the feast of the Ascension, pies with green onions were baked in the villages, and, most importantly, a special meal - bread ladders. Such ladders were made necessarily with seven rungs, as it were, steps, according to the number of seven heavens of the apocalypse. Previously, these pies and ladders were consecrated in the church, taken to the bell tower and thrown down to the ground. At the same time, of course, they wondered about which of the seven heavens the fortuneteller was destined to get to. When all seven steps remained intact, this showed the fortuneteller the direct path to heaven, and vice versa: if the ladder broke into small pieces, then thereby revealed a terrible sinner who is not suitable for any of heaven.

In many places there was a custom to visit relatives and friends on Ascension. In the old days this was called "walking at a crossroads", and the guests brought the hosts as a gift ladders baked from wheat dough with honey and sugar pattern. On this day in old Moscow there was a merry spring festivities - in squares, around churches.

Temples in the name of the Ascension of the Lord

The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord has long been venerated in Russia. In his name, churches were consecrated and monasteries were built. So, in 1407, Princess Evdokia Dmitrievna, the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, founded in memory of her husband in the Moscow Kremlin Ascension nunnery, in which she cut her hair herself under the name of nun Euphrosyne. After her death, she was buried in the main cathedral of the monastery - Voznesensky. The temple became the burial vault of princely wives and daughters. Among them are the wife of Vasily I Sofia Vitovtovna, the wife of Ivan III Sofia Paleologue, the mother of Ivan the Terrible Elena Glinskaya, the first wife of the formidable Tsar Anastasia Romanovna, Irina Godunova - the wife of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and the sister of Boris Godunov. Martha Ivanovna, the mother of the first sovereign of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, and the mother of Peter I, Natalya Kirillovna, were also buried there. After 1917 the monastery was closed, in 1929 it was destroyed. The administrative building of the Kremlin now stands in its place. With the destruction of the Ascension Monastery, the burials of princesses and queens were transferred to the cellars of the Archangel Cathedral.

Other Ascension monasteries and temples have survived to this day. In Pskov, two monasteries at once were dedicated to this holiday: Starovoznesensky, mentioned in chronicles since 1420, and Novovoznesensky, whose main temple was built in 1467.

Another famous Church of the Ascension of the Lord was built in 1532 in the village of Kolomenskoye on the Moscow River. This is the first stone tent-roofed temple in Russia. It does not seem very tall, and only from afar it becomes clear how huge this temple is, built at the behest of Vasily III in honor of the appearance of the long-awaited son and heir to the throne. It was built presumably by Italian craftsmen.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye

The Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye is one of the few surviving monuments of the era of Ivan the Terrible in the capital. It is located in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, in the former village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow.

The temple was built in 1532 by order of Vasily III. According to legend, the reason was the birth of the long-awaited heir to the tsar - Ivan IV, the future Terrible.

This is the first tent-roofed church in Russia. Its construction marked the beginning of a unique temple style that lasted until the reform of Patriarch Nikon in the middle of the 17th century. There is a version that the Ascension Church was built by Italian architects, possibly Peter Franciszk Hannibal, or, as he was called in Russia, Petrok Maly, who arrived in Moscow in 1528.

In Soviet times, the temple, along with the rest of the monuments of Kolomenskoye, was transferred to the jurisdiction of the museum-reserve, organized in 1928. The temple was re-consecrated on December 8, 2000. Since 1994, it has been given the status of a temple of the Patriarchal Compound. In 2007, a lengthy restoration of the church was completed.

Old Believer churches in the name of the Ascension of the Lord

Old Believers continued the old Russian tradition of building the Ascension temples. Today the patronal holiday is celebrated by the community of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church in the village. Baranchinsky, Sverdlovsk region and Belkrynitsky parishes in the cities of Tulcha, Tirgu Frumos and the village of Novenkoye. In the USA - Pokrovo-Voznesensky Belokrinitsky parish of Woodburn.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord ROC village. Baranchinsky, Sverdlovsk region

In honor of the Ascension, a temple of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church in the town of Zlynka, Bryansk region, was consecrated.

The temple holiday today is also in the communities of the Old Orthodox Pomeranian Church in Lithuania - Ladziai (Nekrun) and Turmantas.

Ascension: Do's and Don'ts

The Ascension of the Lord (Greek Ἁνάληψις τοῦ Κυρίου; Latin ascensio) is a twelve feast that is celebrated on Thursday, the 40th day after Easter. On this day, the Church commemorates the ascent of the risen Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh to heaven.

In connection with this holiday, they often ask questions related to the so-called everyday piety, but in fact, in most cases, they are empty superstition. "Thomas" tried to answer the most common of them.

Can I get my hair cut before Ascension?

You can cut your hair before Ascension, and after Ascension, and on any day of the church year, when you need it. Another thing is that you should not sacrifice a visit to the temple, preferring an appointment with a hairdresser to a festive service.

The church day begins in the evening, and on Wednesday evening at Ascension, the festive All-night vigil is served, and on Thursday morning the Liturgy is served. In addition, on the eve of the Ascension, the Easter period ends and on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning the last time this year is sounded.

Hairdressers are open daily, and it is possible to find time at the wrong time when most believers are trying to get into church.

Is it possible to read the Psalter from Easter to Ascension?

The Psalter from Easter to Ascension can be read starting with Antipascha, that is, the Sunday following Easter.

The Psalter is an Old Testament book consisting of 150 songs (psalms) addressed to God. Throughout the year, it is sung every day in churches at all divine services, and many believers also read one or more kathisma (parts) at home. Only for ten days - from Maundy Thursday to Fomin for a week (Antipasch) the Psalter is not read. From Fomin Sunday, the reading of the Psalter is resumed.

Can you work for the Ascension of the Lord?

You can work for the Ascension of the Lord. This church holiday always falls on Thursday, and not all believers have the opportunity to take a day off in the middle of the week.

The notion that you cannot work on church holidays, including Ascension, is based on the establishment that certain days of the week and year should be dedicated to God. But dedicating a day to God doesn't mean doing nothing. Among the work and household chores, you can almost always find a little time on the holiday itself or in the coming days to attend the service in the temple, and even while doing the work you can find a few minutes for prayer.

What can you do in the Ascension of the Lord?

On the Ascension of the Lord, you can and should attend the festive service. On the eve of the Ascension, which is always celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, the All-Night Vigil is served in the churches, and the Liturgy is served in the morning on the holiday itself. In large churches, where there are many parishioners, on holidays in the morning, two services are held - early and later, so that everyone who wanted to pray and take communion on that day could do it.

Since this holiday is always celebrated on Thursday, during the Ascension of the Lord you can do your usual things, but do not forget about the meaning of this day in Church history. Even if on the holiday itself it is impossible to visit the temple, then you need to find at least a little time to pray and read the Gospel.

There is no fasting on this day, therefore, on the Ascension of the Lord, you can eat meat and dairy foods, as well as drink wine at the festive table.

Ascension - What Can't Be Done?

On Ascension, one cannot follow the signs with which not only church holidays grow, but the whole church life. You cannot act guided by even such seemingly "harmless" superstitions as, for example, that everything you ask God for in Ascension will certainly come true. Christians believe the words of Christ: “Ask and it will be given to you,” but they do not believe that you need to ask at any special time or performing any special rituals. They ask the Lord for help and protection in daily prayers. One cannot address God as a magician, but by participating in church life, starting the Sacraments of Confession and Communion, a Christian certainly receives support from Him.

Ascension is the twelfth (one of the twelve main ones after Easter) holiday, which always falls on Thursday, and therefore there is no fasting in food on Ascension. At the same time, on Ascension and even on the eve of a wedding, it is impossible to perform a wedding, since weddings do not happen on major holidays.

The Ascension of the Lord - What Can't Be Done?

The Church does not have any special instructions about what cannot be done in the Ascension of the Lord. The Lord's Ascension always falls on Thursday, and there are no food restrictions on this day. Church tradition recommends abstinence to spouses on the eve of Friday, however, this is a question that the husband and wife must decide on their own by mutual agreement, in consultation with the confessor.

There is an erroneous popular belief that in Ascension it is imperative to remember the deceased ancestors. In fact, a Christian can remember the departed loved ones and pray for them on any day of the year, but there is no memorial service in churches on the Twelve Great Feasts, and there are special days in the church calendar for special commemoration. The closest of them to Ascension is Trinity parental Saturday.

What cannot be done from Easter to Ascension?

From Easter to Ascension, one cannot, after a long period of abstinence, dissolve oneself, relax, lose everything that was acquired during Great Lent. It is impossible, with relief, to decide: “now I will rest until the next post” - and allow myself to live, forgetting about God. In the period from Easter to Ascension, you cannot completely shift the focus of your attention from the spiritual to the everyday, as if there were no Resurrection or the events that followed.

Forty days from Easter to the Ascension, the Church calls us to rejoice, and earthly obeisances are not performed until the Trinity. In the very holiday of the Ascension, light sadness, joy, and expectation are combined.

The Ascension ended the period of the Risen Christ's stay on earth, and by Ascension the Lord opened the way to heaven for all people, and ten days later the descent of the Holy Spirit - the Comforter - happened. The Easter period is ending, but the joy of the Resurrection of Christ remains with us, and in just ten days the Church will celebrate Trinity, the birthday of the Church. During this period - from Easter to the Ascension and from the Ascension to the Trinity - the connection of the modern church calendar with the events that took place two thousand years ago is very clear. And living this period together with the Church, being in the church, participating in divine services, the Christian does not lose, but strengthens that connecting thread that through the centuries stretches from the disciples of Christ to each of us.

Today the Orthodox world celebrates one of the most revered holidays - the Ascension of the Lord, or Ascension Day. It comes on the 40th day after Easter.

Today the Orthodox world celebrates one of the most revered holidays - the Ascension of the Lord, or Ascension Day. It comes on the 40th day after Easter. And since this holiday is a passing one, it is celebrated on different days every year.

According to legend, on this day Christ ascended to heaven in the flesh, completing his mission on earth, but giving everyone hope and knowledge. On this day, Jesus Christ appeared to the disciples in the form of a spirit and asked to follow him in order to leave the city.

When they left him, the apostles witnessed a real miracle (this miracle is described on numerous icons): before their eyes, Jesus raised his hands to heaven and moved away from the earth, rising up and disappearing there. The disciples, who watched the ascension of the teacher to the Kingdom of God, bowed to the earth, and upon returning to the city told about what they had seen.

Then people understood that death is not sorrow, but the transition of the soul to another world, where the Lord expects it, and that the Lord will deliver from vices and temptations. It is the open heavens that give believers the hope of atonement for sins and finding at the end of the path a home in the Kingdom of God.

How the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated

On Wednesday, on the eve of the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, in all churches the sacred rite of "giving away" the Bright Resurrection of Christ (giving up Easter) is performed. Directly on the holiday itself, which always falls on Thursday, the clergy, dressed in white church robes, celebrate a solemn liturgy in churches: bells sound, Holy Scripture is read, which is dedicated to the Ascension of the Son of God Jesus Christ. On Friday, the holiday ends with a service and reading prayers in honor of the Ascension of the Lord.

For the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, believers bake pies stuffed with green onions and oblong bread, which is also called "ladder". The bread got this name due to the fact that it is baked in seven steps, forming strips from the dough and laying them out on top of the bread. This is a symbol of the seven heavens of the apocalypse - "ladders" bake Christ on the road. They take pies and bread with them to the temple, where they are consecrated. Part of the consecrated bread is left in the temple.

Upon their return from the church, the Orthodox treated each other with pies and breads, went to visit each other, brought their own treats and tasted what the owners had treated. And they also gave food to the poor - it was believed that the forty days spent by the soul of Christ on earth before the Ascension, she was in the form of a beggar, therefore, the poor were treated with respect these days. People believed that under the guise of a poor man, Jesus could go into any house and ask for help, so they could not be denied. These days, believers carefully monitored cleanliness and order - they did not litter or spit, because at any moment Christ could pass next to them. It was believed that after the onset of Easter, for the next 40 days, where Jesus passed, nature revived - everything blossomed, turned green and bloomed.

The feast of the Ascension of the Lord in the Orthodox world is given special importance. On this day, it is important to forgive all insults and radiate only love for all that exists.

And on this day, the deceased ancestors were commemorated: they prepared memorial dishes - pancakes and scrambled eggs.

At the Ascension of the Lord, everyone rejoiced at the spikelets released by winter rye

You cannot work in the field and around the house on this holiday, just have fun, rejoicing in the blossoming of spring and the imminent arrival of summer. It was believed that from the day of the Ascension of the Lord, the weather becomes consistently warm and sunny.

And in the evening, on the outskirts of the villages, large fires were made, which were a symbol of the imminent onset of summer. Round dances or "spikelets" were played around the fire, rejoicing at the spikelets released by winter rye.

Signs of the Ascension of the Lord

On this day, in Russia, if the weather permitted, the swimming season was opened. People believed that if they bathed in a river or lake that day, no sickness would take them.

Those who wanted to be beautiful and healthy collected the morning dew on this day, drank it and washed themselves. According to legend, dew is the tears of the earth about Jesus Christ, who leaves it that day.

It was on the feast of the Ascension that the healers went to harvest medicinal herbs, since it was believed that all medicinal plants collected on this day had unusual properties, that their strength increased.

On the night before the Ascension, the nightingale songs sound louder, announcing the impending miracle. By the way, catching nightingales on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord was strictly forbidden, and those who neglected the prohibition were considered a great sinner.

Ascension rain is a harbinger of a modest harvest and ailments in domestic animals. But if the rains continued for several days, then this gave hope that the troubles would pass by.

On Ascension, healers harvested medicinal herbs,since it was believed that on this day they have unusual properties

In Russia, it was noted that even chickens do not work and do not lay eggs on Ascension. But if suddenly this happened, then it promised the owners great joy. The egg was spoken of for good luck, protection from harm, the evil eye and disease.

10 days after the Ascension of the Lord, the Orthodox world will celebrate another twelve feast day - Trinity or the Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost, Descent of the Holy Spirit). It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and it marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles of Christ. Believers will celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity on June 19, 2016. published by

On the 40th day after Easter, the Orthodox celebrate the great religious holiday - the Ascension of the Lord. It always falls on Thursday.

Many signs of popular superstitions are associated with the holiday of the Ascension. It is believed that it is after Ascension that one can no longer be afraid of cold snaps, since a full-fledged hot summer begins.

After that day, people boldly went to swim in reservoirs, not afraid to get sick. Moreover, people believed that if you bathe in the river for Ascension, your health will be strong.

Signs for the weather for Ascension:

If the day is rainy, there will be many diseases in livestock and crop failure.

Hearing the croaking of a crow on this day is just a good sign, and the chirping of a magpie is a sign of money, but you need to pronounce a special conspiracy so that it brings good to the house (“A magpie hovered over the forests and fields, collected jewelry and goodness, but did not take it to its nest But she brought it to me. The barns are full of grain, the barns are full of goodness. May it be so! ").

This is a day of reconciliation: it is worth asking for forgiveness from everyone with whom a person is in a quarrel. At the same time, at the Ascension of the Lord, each believer can turn with prayer words to the Lord, repent of his unseemly actions and ask for help from the Higher Forces.

According to popular beliefs, on this day they washed themselves with dew: it was believed that on Ascension it becomes healing. The healing properties of herbs on this day also increased, remaining until Ivan Kupala (night from 6 to 7 July).

In the evening on Ascension, they lit a fire as a symbol of the onset of flight and the flowering of nature. Round dances or "spikelets" were performed at the festivities.

On Ascension there is a custom “to go to the crossroads”, that is, to visit relatives and friends. At the same time, it is customary for the owners to give "ladders" baked from wheat dough with honey and sugar patterns.

These "ladders" symbolize the path to heaven. In some regions, housewives treat this day with homemade cakes with curd filling, the edges of which are bent in the form of steps.

And in the old days, special pancakes were baked for Ascension. They were called "God's envelope", "granddaughters".

The commemoration of deceased relatives is held with the family.

There are a number of prohibitions for this day:

  • you cannot greet people with the words “Christ is risen!”, since the Easter period ends the day before, and on this day the Shroud is already being taken out of the church;
  • it is not recommended to do housework, since physical work during the day distracts from spiritual thoughts about God;
  • on this day, funeral services for the dead are not performed, and funeral services are not served in churches and temples;
  • you can not quarrel and scandal;
  • excessive gluttony and gaiety are discouraged;
  • you can not drink alcohol;
  • it is forbidden to throw rubbish and spit on the street, because "you can get into Christ, who comes to homes under the guise of beggars."

Fortune telling

To find out the fate of a sick person, birch branches were woven at Ascension. Several of them were plaited into a braid, and if the branches did not wither 10 days before Trinity, then the envisioned person will recover, if not, it is worth preparing for the worst.

The Ascension of the Lord is a great Christian holiday, with which the people are associated with some rituals for good luck and wealth. On this day, you can make interesting conspiracies to advance the career ladder.

The Ascension of the Lord takes place on the fortieth day after Holy Easter, therefore it always falls on Thursday.

After His Resurrection for forty days, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the apostles more than once, teaching them the basics of building up the Church and spreading the true faith. On the fortieth day, when the last such phenomenon took place, the Lord, having given the disciples a promise about the imminent transmission of the Holy Spirit to the world - the third Person of the Holy Trinity - led the disciples from Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives on the way to Bethany and, blessing them, began to ascend to heaven, “and the cloud took Him out of their sight. "

The ascension completed the earthly ministry of the incarnate God the Son. Having conquered death, giving that each person the opportunity to rise up in glory, He did even more - in His Person he lifted up human nature to the Throne of God the Father, to mountain abodes, thus preparing human nature to receive the Holy Spirit, which He promised to send to His people from the Father.


The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is one of the 12 most important church holidays for Christians. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. Forty days - from Easter to Ascension - were considered by the Slavs a time of "open gates of heaven and hell," a time when sinners do not suffer in Hell, and the righteous can walk on earth. That is why during this period, and especially on this holiday, the customs demanded that much attention be paid to the beggars and "kaliks passing by": according to legend, Christ himself wandered on this holiday along dusty roads in the form of a homeless, watching how ordinary people live, punishing sinners - greedy rich people, and welcoming the righteous - people who are pure in heart and soul.

  • On this holiday, in some districts, it was customary to put a bowl of food for the poor in the evening at the doorstep, in others - to put a coin at the window on the frame from the street side. It was obligatory to give alms to the poor and to contribute money for the needs of churches and temples,
  • It was forbidden to throw dirty linen out of the hut on the street and spit, except in your own yard. It was believed that one could accidentally fall into Christ, bypassing the earth,
  • Baking was considered obligatory - bread-ladders. Strips-sticks of rye, unleavened or yeast dough were laid out on a baking sheet in the form of simple ladders. Then baking had to be treated to a "pure soul" - a child, wretched, holy fool. Such bread helped the righteous ascend to heaven - pastries - "ladder" served as steps on the way to paradise.
  • On these days, special pancakes were baked - "lapotki", "lapotochki". It was believed that the Lord walks along dusty roads in ordinary onuchi, and fresh "little shoes" were supposed to make it easier for him. They treated all the household with pads, generously shared them with the "wandering people" - travelers, pilgrims.


  • If the weather was good on the Ascension of the Lord, then this will last until the day of St. Michael (November 21).
  • The rain foreshadowed disease and crop failure.
  • Fortune-telling was also organized on this day. The girls braided several branches of birch in braids. And, if the twigs did not wither ten days before Trinity, then a wedding was expected this year.
  • Dew on this day is considered curative, and herbs enhance and retain their medicinal properties until the onset of Ivan Kupala (July 7).


  • To attract wealth on the day of the holiday, you must try to hear the crackling of a magpie. Having heard this bird chatting, I must say, a conspiracy and ask her to collect goods and jewelry, but carry them not to her nest, but to your house.
  • In order for good luck to accompany you throughout the year, you need to hear the song of the crow. And to this song, ask not to be called in trouble, but good luck, so that during the year you and your family do not hear a sorrowful song, but under each crow's croak, so that a good event happens in life.
  • There is no better time for a conspiracy to move up the career ladder than the Ascension Day. The fact is that traditionally on this day, peasants baked cookies in the form of a ladder with steps. These are ceremonial cookies and will help build your career. It is necessary to bake such ladders on your own according to any recipe and eat before sunset. In this case, it is imperative to wash down the pastries with water consecrated in the church. It is believed that when such a conspiracy is committed, the career will definitely go up.
  • The egg that the chicken laid in Ascension has always had magical powers as well. It was considered a talisman, and he was credited with magical ability to ward off trouble from home. The egg must be hidden in the attic or in a secluded place.


Ascension plots contain requests to the Lord. Saying the cherished words, you can ask for the harvest, love, happiness. There is a conspiracy on the bread "ladder" for those who dream of a promotion.

Protecting the earth from damage

“Lord, bless my land, Lord, protect it from the wiles of the devil and people, from the attacks of pests and animals, protect it from witchcraft, from theft, from witchcraft, from the evil eye, from damage, from lessons, from ghosts, from reproaches, from envy , from praise. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on the bread ladder

True Christ, King of Heaven,

Ascended in His glory.

Lord, I praise You,

Stepped on the ladder of glory

That brought you

On the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven.

God bless this bread.

Who will eat this bread, Who will drink it down with holy water,

The one is your patronage

Find it everywhere.

Fate will not offend that person,

The judge will not judge

The cunning will not outwit

The quick one will not run

Every door will open for him,

Every head will bow to him.

King David himself helps me,

He blesses my ladder,

Michael the Archangel confirms my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

When the charmed "ladder" is ready, eat it.

For crops

“As a birch tree grows, so you, my crops, grow, fill up with juice, know life-giving water and the sun. Exactly!"

Conspiracy from bad to the Ascension of the Lord

A conspiracy to get rid of a bad past, unnecessary; from the obstacles that slow down your life.

At the Ascension, visit the church and light a candle to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, in a whisper, or you can just with your heart, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Jesus, our Savior, how you got rid of the bustle of the world, ascended to heaven, so help me, a sinner (oh) in the past, to leave all troubles and problems in order to come to you with a pure heart and bright thoughts!

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Bell ringing has magical power in Ascension.

If you accidentally hear the ringing of a church bell, then cross yourself three times and say a conspiracy to yourself:

“I heard the ringing, I became happy, I drove away my failures, I took my luck.

The Lord is witness to this!


What can you do

  • To honor the memory of ancestors. Pray, praising Jesus and his Father (you can send your prayers to Heaven not only in the temple, but also at home).
  • Be with your family. Think good.
    Help all suffering people (holy fools, beggars, crippled, flawed).
  • Make optimistic forecasts for the future.
  • Please your relatives with gifts.
  • To ask Christ for the fulfillment of cherished desires through sincere prayers. It is believed that on this day Jesus is available to absolutely all people.

What not to do

For Jesus to be merciful, always and help in everything, protecting your family, you need to properly spend the holiday:

  • Do not slander;
  • Do not ignore the opportunity to do charity work, helping the disadvantaged and poor;
  • Do not swear or sort things out with anyone;
    not doing certain housework. This refers to the washing and ironing of linen, sweeping and mopping, collecting dust, erecting outbuildings and wells, mending and sewing clothes;
  • Don't gossip;
  • Do not pronounce the phrases "Christ is Risen" and "Truly Risen", since on the day of the Ascension the Shroud is taken out of the temples;
  • Do not blaspheme;
  • Avoid negative thoughts and despair.

GIF Cards


Congratulations to all believers on the Ascension of the Lord! May light and joy illuminate us on this day, may faith in future salvation hide us from adversity and help us not to lose hope even in the darkest hour. Happy Holidays! And let the soul always be light and sunny from faith and love for God.
So the calendar counted 40 days from Easter and the Holy Feast of the Ascension of the Lord came. Today I would like to wish all Christians the strengthening of their faith, humility, and remission of sins. Let your every step be directed only for good, and God protect you from wrong decisions.
On the day of the Ascension of the Lord, I sincerely wish to sincerely repent of all committed atrocities and sins, to start a bright and good path to the good and happiness of the soul, to cover with my love those close and dear to people, to perform a great feat every day, never to lose faith in the Lord and hope for better.
Today is an important religious holiday - the Ascension of the Lord. This event - the ascension of Christ to heaven - shows us how a person, in accordance with his nature and essence, overcomes death and gains the immortality of the soul. The Earth is our temporary refuge, and Heaven is the eternal home, where truth, goodness and beauty reign. Happy Holidays, Orthodox!
On the big holiday - the Ascension of the Lord, I wish you faith, inextinguishable hope in the best and pure spirituality. Let Jesus' example illuminate your path, make it truly righteous, and reward you with love. Strive to be better, whatever the cost!
Dear friend! Be happy on this holiday of the Ascension of the Lord, may your thoughts become even more pure, and your soul brighter. On this day, turn your gaze to him and remember Jesus Christ, our Father Lord, who protects and guides us. Fold your hands in prayer and ask for the health of your loved ones, and I will pray with you.
We congratulate you on a bright holiday, we wish you peace and harmony in your soul, health to you and your household, strength of spirit and God's blessing for all good deeds.
Ascension of the Lord
She carries a wonderful message.
May joyfully today
The sky will give you everything:

May happiness be with you
Increasing grace
To all kinds of bad weather
Ever bypass you!
Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord,
Let your soul soar with happiness.
I wish you deliverance
From illness, grief and resentment.

May a miracle happen to you
And the eyes shine with health.
Everything bad will completely evaporate
And the heavens listen to prayers.
The Ascension of the Lord is on the doorstep -
Day of unfading hope and miracles.
May your sorrows and worries disappear
And prayers will reach heaven.

Let life flow blissfully and brightly
No trouble without knowing, no offense.
May fate conceal gifts
And let happiness shine in your eyes.
On the great day of the holy Ascension
Heaven rejoices, people celebrate.
May the truth of the divine Genius
Pure bliss will bring you.

May your joy be endless
And life is without sin and without evil.
On the day of the triumph of great eternal life
Let there be a lot of happiness and warmth!
Happy sunny day of Ascension
Let him bring you good news.
May your heart find salvation
Fate will become bright and comely.

May always, as your heart desires,
Good happiness is fulfilled a hundred times over.
And he does not yearn, and does not grieve,
Only the good things in life come true.
The holiday is so great today
Giving love to souls -
Ascension of the Lord
Has brought us joy again.

May happiness give you
A celebration for many years
And health and participation,
And light of great hope!
Ascension by your light
Let it warm you up, strengthen you.
Be in harmony with your God,
He alone will protect you!

I also want to wish
You wisdom and kindness,
Fill your soul with peace,
Live without sorrows and fuss!
Today is the Ascension
May happiness come to you!
Anxiety and doubt
Let it go forever.

May our Lord be true
Will help you in everything
Live only with thoughts
You are clean about it!
He ascended to heaven,
To protect people!
I wish in Ascension -
Loyal friends to you,

So that lies from your life
Disappeared forever
And so that faith in the heart
Stayed for years!
Congratulations on your Ascension,
Today I praise the Lord,
I am always ready to do this -
After all, He is the only one in the world.