The coming new year in what to celebrate. Laconic red dress. How to dress for New Year's Eve with air signs

How to celebrate the new 2017, what to wear and what to cook - these questions arise before every housewife. Although the Fire Rooster according to the Eastern calendar comes into force on January 28th. But according to tradition, we will celebrate his holiday from December 31 to January 1.

And our attitude on this night can seriously affect how we spend the entire upcoming 2017th. Indeed, in our subconsciousness lies "As you meet the New Year - so you will spend it!" Therefore, we appease the new owner of 2017 as much as possible and thereby attract good luck! We will use good old Feng Shui for this.

  • ? The fiery rooster loves home comfort and respects family traditions, therefore, it is advisable to celebrate this holiday with the family. If you are in a quarrel with someone from your family, then it would be good to make peace with them or just call and congratulate.
  • ? You need to clear your nest and your thoughts in order to make room for new, positive energy and attract happiness and good luck. Set yourself the installation that everything is fine with you, and you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, do not attract unhappiness along with black thoughts.

How to decorate a house

Use a triangle and bows, garlands, cockerels and bells. And remember, there shouldn't be too much tinsel and glitter. Petya doesn't like bad taste!

  • If you decide to please Petya-Petushka, then in your appearance, decoration of the room and on the table there should not be even a hint of feline animals. Since these are the eternal enemies of Petit-cockerel. For example, we put away household utensils with leopard and tiger prints and don't put on clothes with these motifs.
  • It is necessary to do a general cleaning a week before the holiday, that is, go through all the cabinets and mezzanines, remove all unnecessary things. And on the eve to freshen up the home - to do a mini cleaning. But nothing can be endured, according to Feng Shui, it is believed that you can endure the wealth that the Rooster will bring.
  • To attract financial flows, the house needs to be decorated with gold coins. And also make triangular envelopes of gold and red colors, put coins there and lay them out in the eastern part of the premises.
  • Put a coin in a glass of champagne that you will raise for the New 2017, especially if the desire is aimed at material well-being.

Festive table for the year of the rooster 2017

  • A feng shui table should be round or oval - this will help bring prosperity into your home. If you do not have such a table, then drape the corners with a tablecloth or pin some decoration to round the corners.
  • Use natural fabrics: linen, cotton and silk. The tablecloth must be taken in a single color. Plates contrasting with the tablecloth. For example: a red tablecloth and white plates, or vice versa. Crockery: expensive and elegant.
  • Be sure to put a figurine on the table (not edible!)? Petit-cockerel and a dish with any grains, put the same dish under the tree.

  • Make some meat and fish snacks.
  • More desserts, Fiery Petya loves sweets very much.
  • Fruits of red and yellow flowers, tangerines will certainly bring good luck!
  • The decoration of the dishes is of great importance, so use vegetable carving and beautiful fish and meat cuts.
  • There should be no chicken meat on the holiday menu. Eggs - only in a golden shell - they will attract money, or crumbled into a salad, it is believed that Petya will not notice them this way.
  • And remember, there is no need to create culinary masterpieces in the form of a rooster, chicken or chickens. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of the owner of 2017!

How to install a Christmas tree using Feng Shui

Unfortunately, most people in Russia live in not very large apartments, and the tree is usually installed in a prominent place and so that it is less bumped.

But it is not at all necessary to put a huge tree in the ceiling - it can be a small artificial tree or simply decorated branches from a coniferous tree.

And if you have a goal to attract certain benefits into your life, then read below where it is better to put a Christmas tree or its replacement.

  • Attracting Wealth - Southeast
  • The reign of peace and goodwill in the family - east
  • Fame and recognition - south
  • Want to improve your health - the center of the room
  • Do you want to get pregnant and give birth safely - west
  • Your goal for a successful career is north
  • Mind Enhancement - Northeast
  • Love to travel - northwest

In what clothes to celebrate the new 2017 year of the fiery rooster

  • The Fire Cockerel is elegant, bright, exquisitely refined, strict in style. Loves expensive and fashionable outfits and luxurious minimalism.
  • Your look should be bright but stylish. And rather modest, that is, too transparent fabrics, a deep neckline and too bare body parts for this night, it is better not to choose.
  • Men are better off not wearing all sorts of T-shirts and T-shirts. Everything should be carefully ironed and look 100%.
  • You need to change the outfit, spend the old 2016 in one outfit, and meet the 2017 in another. You can simply take off some accessory or jewelry, and replace it with another option before the chimes.

The most important color, of course, is red. Gold, pearl and pearl tones are held in high esteem. And also all shades of flame, such as: burgundy, orange and all shades of pink. Yellows, greens, purples and earthy tones to balance the vibrant colors.

Recommendations for each zodiac sign in what to meet the new 2017th.

Red or yellow in clothes (or underwear) - a must! If not in clothes, then in accessories.

Use colors such as crimson, hot pink, turquoise, or blue on your clothing. For jewelry, choose large gold earrings or bracelets.


You need to wear something paired, for example: earrings or 2 bracelets.

You need to put on a hairpin, ribbon or jewelry on your hair. You can choose any color from those suggested above.

Trouser suit, headdress such as a tiara or hat, feathers and rhinestones or diamonds.

Certainly, something golden, not necessarily decoration, it can be part of the toilet. Diadem will bring good luck as well as crayfish.

You need to wear very bright clothes or a toilet item.

Something very shiny, it can be diamonds, a shiny brooch, patent leather shoes, a shiny hairpin and so on ... Color of clothes (or linen): pink or red.


You need to bare your shoulders or wear something asymmetrical.

Clothes should look sexy and elegant.

Style your hair very nicely and (or) decorate your hands with some stunning manicure, mehendi or rings.

Open shoulders, asymmetrical clothing, unusual shoes.

It is imperative to wear something new, and even better everything.



Bright and eye-catching. If possible - gold. Try to balance the colors so that there is not too much red.

Remember - the symbol of the upcoming 2017 loves elegance. Therefore, you need to choose a more modest outfit for bright decorations.

What hairstyles will the fiery Rooster like?

The most current hairstyles are high and fleece.

Ponytail, with curled or straight hair.

A romantic bun with strands released. If there are feathers in the hair, it will be absolutely gorgeous.

What gifts to give ..

Since the symbol of the new 2017, the connoisseur of the family hearth and home comfort, give something useful for the household. It can be beautiful dishes, a vase and so on, there are a lot of options.

And you can also donate something made with your own hands. A win-win option for Christmas tree decoration - inexpensive and with a soul.

According to Feng Shui, it is believed that in the year of the Fire Rooster, each guest needs to be presented with 2 tangerines - this will bring monetary luck to both the owners of the house and guests.

If you do not have the opportunity to fulfill all the requirements of Feng Shui, then you should not be upset. Everything more than compensates for your good mood. Love, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head always! May the new 2017 bring you good luck and a lot of joy. Holiday greetings!

In what color to celebrate the New 2017? Many girls and women ask this question a couple of months before the upcoming celebration. And rightly so, because preparing for the most magical holiday takes time and effort. The appearance of a beautiful New Year's dress in a woman's wardrobe can happen in different ways. Perhaps someone will find time for shopping, someone will order an exclusive dress for themselves from an individual tailor, and someone will want to sew it with their own hands? The choice is always for the woman.
Let's first figure out who he is - the owner of 2017?

According to the Chinese calendar, each year of the 12-year cycle has its own patron - an animal (which should be greeted in a special way) that conveys part of its character to this year and protects those who try to appease it.

2017 will be held under the sign of a fiery or red Rooster. A rooster is a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage, it brings new life, cheerfulness, drives away darkness and evil spirits. The rooster always carries something new - he wakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the coming of a new day.

This totem of 2017 can be compared to the character of a person - it is distinguished by an iron willpower. Roosters of the elements of Fire have bright qualities of a leader, a strong-willed, stubborn character, therefore, everything they undertake - they bring it to the end, moreover, successful. They always achieve their goals. The rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, moreover, he does it quite loudly and openly. The element of Fire itself adds energy to the already active Rooster and, what is more valuable, determination. This Rooster knows where to apply his strength and what to strive for. An additional supply of energy makes him an inexhaustible source of activity, this Rooster can infect large crowds of people with his ideas and optimism, he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this has a very beneficial effect on his deeds and projects.

Fashion trends for the New Year 2017

New 2017 does not leave ladies with a choice, because this is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, which means that red is a priority. But, you must admit, it is difficult to imagine a New Year's celebration, which brought together women in red dresses, the color of which will make even dresses of different styles the same. Therefore, for the meeting of 2017, it is better to choose slightly different shades. The rooster is colorful, so he will not be offended if the main color of your outfit is not fiery red, but, for example, orange or even white. If you have chosen a red dress, then there is no need to additionally decorate yourself with accessories (bracelets, massive earrings, brooches, etc.), because the red dress itself is quite bright. Better to wear shiny, shiny, flowing fabrics. It can be satin crepe, silk, satin or brocade. Velvet will also look luxurious. As for the cut, romantic, airy dresses are preferable for the New Year 2017.

Fashion trends in manicure 2017

It is accepted that the meeting of the new year could appease his patron, bring good luck to the house. To do this, people dress in appropriate clothing and set the table, according to the recommendations of astrologers. The year 2017 of the Rooster must be greeted in bright outfits that evoke associations with the fire element. It is desirable to celebrate the new year in the following shades:

  • Ginger;
  • Brown;
  • Golden;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Red;
  • Scarlet;
  • Burgundy.

Fashionable little things 2017

Tips for choosing a dress in what to meet the new 2017

Designers, especially for the New 2017, have developed several models, especially relevant ones, that you can afford:

  • If you are a lover of originality and bold colors, then you should definitely wear a red cocktail dress combined with some golden accessory, such as a belt or clutch, that will highlight your femininity and personality.
  • For lovers of calm tones, we recommend a short chocolate-colored dress, which can be successfully combined with a beige clutch. Remember that if you choose this modest look, then you need to focus on the eyes or lips. Bright makeup will not hurt here.
  • For women with dark skin, a yellow dress can be advised, which will look great on them. Such an outfit is successfully combined with shoes of a golden or white hue, which will make your new look unforgettable.
  • You can also wear a long orange dress, but here it should be remembered that for the lips it is better to use gloss of calm shades and no bright lipstick, and the emphasis must be on the eyes.
  • If you decide to wear a gold-colored dress, then you can advise you to use an orange clutch or coral-colored shoes with it. A fur bolero will look great with such a bright and original outfit.
  • Red dresses will also be very relevant in the New 2017. But since such an outfit is bright in itself, you cannot wear any too bright accessories with it. Makeup should also be soft and not conspicuous.

What to wear for the new 2017 year of the rooster according to the signs of the zodiac

Well, we have decided on the Chinese horoscope. But 12 signs of the zodiac also have not been canceled. Therefore, let's take a look and try to figure out in what colors to celebrate the New Year 2017 from the point of our zodiacal affiliation.

  • Aries. Aries are representatives of the fire element, and therefore, like no one else, they need to celebrate the new year 2017 in red. If you want to choose a different color for the dress, be sure to match the red accessories. For fabrics, give preference to silk and satin. You should look luxurious and rich, in this case the Rooster will definitely notice you and will be supportive of you throughout the year. It is preferable for you that the dress is new.

  • The colors of Taurus in the year of the Rooster will be blue and gold. Massive accessories of yellow and gold colors are also relevant for this sign: earrings, belt, scarves. Gold and amber are suitable for jewelry. At the same time, Taurus outfits can be the most daring.

  • The Fire Rooster will enter the threshold of 2017 from the constellation Gemini, which means great luck for this sign, which can be even more attracted if you know what 2017 is the year of the Rooster according to the signs of the zodiac.

As for the gamut of the New Year's look, it is worth focusing on the shades of scarlet, red, gold, emerald and electro. For women, it is best to choose dresses in red shades, embroidered with sequins, rhinestones or any other shiny accessories. Gemini women can rightfully call themselves the queens of New Year's Eve.

  • Cancers. What to wear for crayfish for the New Year 2017? Cancers can fully turn on their fantasy. The brighter you dress, the better.

  • The preferred colors for New Year's Eve for Leo are orange, gold, yellow, ocher, brown. Women-lions can safely put their legitimate tiara on their heads, the Rooster not only allows you to take the rightful lion throne, but also favors it on the carnival night on the occasion of the New Year 2017.

  • Virgo. You do not need to change yourself and give up the tenderness and mystery inherent in this sign. Virgos are advised to choose dresses in delicate beige shades with gold accessories. Complete your toilet with a fancy hat and you will conquer the Rooster.

  • Libras are advised to choose blue, gold, silver and red as the main colors. Be sure to at least some part or accessory must be red.

  • Scorpios on New Year's Eve are simply obliged to emphasize their natural sexuality. This can be done both with the help of the color scheme, and with the help of the style of the selected clothing. For example, ladies-scorpions will look luxurious in a red dress with an open back or a deep neckline.

  • Sagittarius can wear purple tones, accented with tourmaline jewelry. The style of the femme fatale, this is their style on this night, only mini skirts are allowed for this sign.

  • Capricorns. Astrologers recommend Capricorn women to wear dresses with floral motifs for the new year 2017. A red dress with gold flowers might be an ideal option. Decorations should be modest.

  • Aquarians know how, discarding the bad, find positive sides in everything. Astrologers advise them to save their knees and energy, and wear a long dress or even trousers. Let the dress, skirt, blouse with trousers or suit be bright, smart, shiny. And feel free to add details to highlight your beauty and sophistication. Do everything to please the bright Rooster.

  • Pisces need to wear purple silk or satin outfits, this will bring them pleasant life changes. It's good if their outfit is new.

If you choose your festive outfit based on the recommendations on how to meet the new 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster according to the signs of the zodiac, then you can safely rely on the attention of the symbol of the year, as well as on his favor, which will bring success good luck and everything that was so lacking in 2016 year.

Have you already picked up a dress for the New Years celebration? If not, now is the time to tackle this important issue! Otherwise, you risk in a hurry to buy something that is not right for you. In addition, choosing an outfit only from the remnants of more agile girls will not lead to a good result.

So, according to the eastern calendar, the patron saint of the coming 2017 is the Fire Rooster. The symbol of the coming year loves bright and expensive things, which, moreover, should be fashionable.

Therefore, the main colors of outfits for celebrating the New Year 2017 are a red color palette, orange, yellow, sand shades, and, of course, gold. Shine is also very welcome, because the Rooster loves everything flashy! So, on the upcoming New Year's Eve, you can safely wear outfits with sequins, sequins, embroidery, and even feathers will be appropriate!

Advice! If you have chosen a red dress for the holiday, then you should not overload the image with bright accessories, because the red outfit itself is bright enough. Prefer delicate gold jewelry. This advice is especially relevant if the dress already has decorative elements. If the cut of the dress is simple, then you can complement the image with one active accessory, for example, interesting earrings, a bracelet or a belt.

Undoubtedly, red is a priority when choosing an outfit for celebrating the New Year 2017. But, you must admit, it will be strange if all the women gathered at the celebration are in red dresses, then even a different style of outfits will not save the situation. The rooster is colorful, so you can choose other shades for celebrating the New Year 2017. Below are some examples of dresses in gold color. You can be sure that the Fire Rooster will appreciate such an outfit!

When it comes to textures of fabrics, it is better to give preference to shiny, flowing fabrics. It can be silk, satin, fabric with sequins and beading. A velvet dress is also a great option! As for the cut, romantic and feminine dresses are preferable.

If you are a fan of dark colors, then you can choose a dress with interesting embroidery and lace decor.

And what to wear for girls and women with curvaceous forms, as well as future mothers with beautiful tummies to celebrate the New Year 2017? Below are examples of very beautiful outfits for these occasions!

And here are the options for New Year's dresses for pregnant women.

All the dresses presented in the examples are from the price category 3000 - 7000 rubles and are taken from the sites and By the way, this is not advertising sites, on these resources there is a good selection of dresses for special occasions at quite reasonable prices.

It is not a fact that you will immediately be able to find the very one, exactly your dress. So, it is no longer possible to postpone the campaign for the New Year's outfit!

If you still do not know which outfit to choose, then you can contact me for advice and get a complete image, compiled personally for you, taking into account your figure and color type of appearance. Plus, selected evening make-up, with visualization, supplemented by clear schemes for applying make-up. Moreover, now there is a 50% discount with which you can get advice for only 1300 rubles! This discount is valid only until December 25th. Full description and sample consultation

I wish you all a happy shopping!

Yours sincerely, Helen

On the eve of each new year, the same scenario is repeated, which not only does not get boring, but also becomes a source of pleasant troubles for everyone who is looking forward to the onset of the long-awaited and so beloved by everyone holiday. Among the many important things to do, such as approving the festive menu, decorating the interior, drawing up a guest list and preparing an entertainment program, the issue of festive attire stands apart.

New 2017 will be held under the sign of the Fiery Red Rooster - a bright and ambiguous figure. The owner of the year is impressed by bright splendor, luxury, gloss and shine. But with all this, you need to try so that the New Year's image becomes the embodiment of elegance, and does not turn into a rivalry with the New Year tree.

Color palette

As you can rightly notice, the red color and all its many shades will rule the ball on the coming New Year's Eve. Passion, strength, love, romance, struggle and the irrepressible energy of life - that's what red embodies - the king of New Year's Eve. You also can't go wrong by choosing a dress in the following colors:

  • scarlet,
  • purple,
  • Orange,
  • yellow,
  • gold,
  • sand,
  • Brown,
  • black,
  • White.

It is also quite acceptable to combine several of the listed shades at once. But it is better to try so that the colors are in harmony, and not "argue" with each other. A dress imitating the plumage of a burning phoenix on New Year's Eve will look more than organic.

But the attitude towards the blue-green range in 2017 is ambiguous. Some completely deny the possibility of using these flowers in a New Year's image, others do not see anything wrong with this.

Remember - the color red requires a masterful handling. It is bright and rich in itself, it is a win-win option for attracting attention. Therefore, you should not pile up an image with an outfit in this color with unnecessary details - here it is not far from a fashionable failure.

And further. Do not lose sight of the moment that on the night of the year of the Rooster, more than one woman wants to be in a red dress. Therefore, think carefully, maybe it is better to meet the owner of the year with an outfit of the color of terracotta or ripe cherry, or to give preference to orange or gold?

Style and fabrics

The rooster, in spite of all its arrogance, is a simple bird, but at the same time loving chic. Therefore, in order to please the ruler of the coming year, it would be ideal to choose expensive natural fabrics for a festive dress, such as velvet, organza, silk, brocade, satin, crepe satin. However, if the chosen dress is made of a different material - do not be discouraged, the king of the poultry yard is a democratic nature, and such a detail will not be considered a mistake.

A long dress to the floor, A-shaped silhouette or with a fluffy skirt on a frame, a mini cocktail dress, a trouser suit with a luxurious fur cape - go for it, Cockerel will like any of these looks. The most important thing is to use to the maximum all the power and charm of your femininity, not hesitating to use "heavy artillery" in the form of your indisputable merits.

The rooster does not tolerate dullness, routine and modesty. The dress should amaze, beckon, surprise, but ... within reason. Let's give up shocking and act boldly, but not contrary to fashionable rules and common sense.

Feathers and fur

Fur is also very relevant as a material for accessories. A fur cape, a small muff, a pom-pom, a cropped jacket, trim on the sleeves or hem will look great. This approach allows you to create a truly chic image with a touch of high-class elegance and gloss.

Also in the trend in the New Year of the Rooster are various rhinestones, sequins, beads, bows, lace inserts, beads, ribbons - everything that glitters and shimmers and causes female delight. Moreover, it is difficult to "overdo it" with such details - the more there are, the better.

What shouldn't be worn?

Listing the numerous attributes of a fashionable outfit on New Year's Eve, one cannot fail to mention the prohibitions on the use of certain elements in one's attire.

So, the Rooster will not understand an outfit made with the presence of leopard, tiger prints. After all, as you know, the rooster dislikes all felines. Therefore, let's not make him angry once again and start the new year with a conflict, we'd better save the "predatory" motives until future times.

Trying to make an indelible impression on the Rooster and guests, do not forget about the peculiarities of our figure, and choose an outfit in accordance with what we want to emphasize and what we want to hide. The same can be said about the choice of color - we focus on our color type, remembering that orange does not go too dark, and the owners of too light skin do not need to stop their choice on a radically dark shade.

Perfect color combination.

The owner of the coming year left no choice for fashionistas. Their outfits must be made in red. Various shades of red are also acceptable: burgundy, coral, scarlet, etc. If you don't want to wear a red dress, pick up some red accessories. All outfits, makeup and jewelry should exude luxury, sexuality, wildness, fury and passion. Acceptable colors are also yellow, gold, brown-gold, orange. It's just ideal - to combine all the colors that are in the "fiery harmony". In this case, you can amaze all the guests, because you will look like a bright, beautiful cockerel. So, let's take a closer look at what color you can choose for a New Year's outfit.

Red. It is a fairly popular color that many women will choose it for their outfit. This should be taken into account, because you do not want to get lost in the crowd. If this does not scare you, remember that red itself is distinctive, catchy, so accessories for it should be chosen very carefully.

It is very carefully necessary to select the details of the New Year's costume. It should be not only bright, but also fashionable. Don't skimp on shiny and gold jewelry.

Choosing a New Year's dress.

As already mentioned, next year's favorite will be red. It must be complemented with expensive gold jewelry. In this case, the owner of the next year will definitely be satisfied. It's no secret that the rooster is very fond of "show", so in honor of the holiday you can safely decorate yourself with all kinds of sparkles, sequins, rhinestones and even feathers. The cockerel does not like different animals very much, so animal prints should be avoided.

Of course, no one says that you can dress exclusively in red. Agree, women will not feel very comfortable if they all wear “fiery” outfits on New Year's Eve. The cockerel is a colorful bird, so you can afford to wear a yellow or even white dress. Dresses of a bright color must be complemented by not very noticeable accessories. When it comes to fabric, it is best to opt for flowing, shimmery and shiny fabrics. Velvet, brocade, satin, silk or satin will look luxurious. Dresses can be airy, flowing or made in a classic style.