Towards a glossy shine, or How to add shine to your hair? How to give your hair a healthy shine at home

Hair shine. What makes hair shine

Beautiful, silky, shiny hair is every woman's dream. However, many do not know how to make their dream come true. Dear women, here are all the secrets of healthy and sexy hair! Add some shine to your hair! After all, the main condition for beauty is well-groomed, healthy, shiny hair. And if the curls are faded? It is necessary to give them back their radiance!

It is generally accepted that lively shine is a true indicator of the condition of not only the hair, but the whole organism. Noticing that the curls do not look the way you would like, pay attention to your diet, smoke less (or better, give up this habit altogether) and, of course, provide gentle care for your hair and properly organize the styling process.

Folk (home) recipes and remedies for hair shine

  • To shine and care for light hair at home - apply 1 cup of chilled strong chamomile broth to clean hair and leave for half an hour, warming your head with cellophane and a scarf. Wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.
  • To shine dark hair at home, use the following remedy: apply warm, natural, unsweetened coffee (2 tablespoons of natural coffee, a glass of boiling water, strain) to clean, damp hair for 30 minutes, use a hat for warmth. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
  • Less concentrated coffee (3 tsp. Natural coffee, 1/2 liter boiling water) can be used as a rinse for dark hair.
  • To give gorgeous shine to red hair at home, they do this: mix equal amounts of beetroot and carrot juice, apply a cup of this mixture to the hair. They put on a shower cap and warm up their head with a hairdryer for several minutes, then keep the product on their hair for another 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Folk (home) remedies and recipes for rinsing hair, giving it shine

  • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped birch leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, drain. Rinse hair with infusion after shampooing. The course is 2-3 times a week for a month. Rinsing strengthens the hair and gives it shine.
  • Pour the peel of 3-4 apples into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, then cool, strain and rinse the hair. This will restore shine, softness and volume to your hair.
  • To maintain shine to your hair, run cold water after shampooing. After such rinsing, the hair shaft "closes", which makes it look smoother and shinier.
  • To make the hair soft and shiny, lemon juice is added to the boiled water for rinsing at the rate of 1 tablespoon of juice per 1 liter of water.
  • To shine the hair, after washing, rinse with a decoction of parsley: 50 g of parsley is poured into 0.5 liters of water, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled, then filtered.
  • For rapid growth, shine and hair strengthening, burdock is used, moreover, as a whole plant. The leaves and roots of burdock are crushed, boiled and infused for 30 minutes. Wash or rinse hair with hot broth for 5-10 minutes.
  • For shine, dark hair is rinsed with tea broth (boil 2 tablespoons of tea for 5 minutes in a liter of water).
  • For shine, strengthening and anti-dandruff hair use nettle rinsing: 1. Add fresh nettle juice to the water to rinse the hair; 2. You can prepare a decoction or infusion of fresh nettle to rinse your hair.
  • Hair shine masks

  • Take 4 tablespoons of rum or cognac and 1 egg, beat until smooth, rub it thoroughly into your hair, wrap your head with a warm towel. After 20-25 minutes, rinse the hair with warm water. They will acquire a natural shine.
  • To improve the appearance of hair, recipe for a sauna: mix 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Whisking continuously, rub into the scalp. Cover the head with a cap and a warm towel, hold it for an hour, then wash it off. With this mask, the main thing is to keep the head warm. Hair after this procedure becomes thick, shiny, silky and better styled.
  • To restore the hair structure, mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of shampoo, juice of 1 small onion and apply to the hair roots for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse well with boiled water and shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar. The compress fights hair loss, strengthens depleted hair, prevents early graying, and gives a healthy shine to the hair. Use this recipe once every 1-1.5 months.
  • To shine your hair, rub aloe juice into the hair roots once a week - it contributes not only to shine, but also to hair growth.
  • Hair shine mask. Mix three tablespoons of mayonnaise with a crushed clove of garlic and apply to clean hair while in the steam room, then rinse with shampoo. This mask requires warmth.
  • An effective recipe, the wrap is great for hair loss, for strengthening and for giving it a shine of life.
  • Vitamin D2 in oil 10 ml, a pharmacy bottle of castor oil, a tablespoon each: lemon juice, brandy, honey, onion juice and egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients, except brandy, heat in a water bath. Add cognac just before application. If the hair falls out, then it is recommended to keep this mask as long as possible, even up to 12 hours, you can do it at night.
  • Brushing your hair correctly for shine

    To enhance the natural shine of your hair, you need to buy a professional hairbrush with natural bristles. Natural bristles distribute natural oils along the entire hair shaft to the very tip, giving hair a natural shine.

    How to restore shine to hair: masks, sprays and shampoos

    Dry, dull hair with an expressionless shade can hardly be called beautiful. Often, such a situation with hair is simply called "straw", and they are actively fighting with it, because living, shiny and soft hair looks much better. You don't want to hide your beautiful hair in modest hairstyles or under headdresses. I want to demonstrate them, I want to be proud of them. You can breathe strength into dull hair, but for this you have to try, eliminating the cause of dryness and taking a number of restorative measures. One of the most important aspects is to give a healthy shine, which can be used for a variety of products.

    Ways to add shine to your hair at home

    There are two options for making your hair shine. The first is a cosmetic effect that disappears during the day or until the next shampooing, and the second is the restoration of the natural shine, which is achieved by eliminating the cause of dullness. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with effective home methods of dealing with the problem.

    Vitamin intake

    Of great importance in normalizing the appearance of hair is an internal effect on the provision of the body with all the elements necessary for normal development and functioning. There are individual vitamins that directly help to cope with hair dullness:

  • ascorbic acid - helps to regulate the work of the circulatory system, which, along with other effects, explains the improvement in the blood supply to the scalp;
  • B5 - is responsible for the smoothness and silkiness of hair, and also has a beneficial effect on their growth.
  • The key to healthy head of hair is proper nutrition. These elements are found in seeds, seafood, nuts and grains in the most comfortable concentration.

    How to restore natural hair shine with masks

    To return an irresistible appearance to your hair, you can use formulations prepared by yourself:

  • the easiest way is to add vitamins in liquid form to the shampoo, leaving the applied composition on the head for a few minutes before rinsing;
  • mask with serum - the product is applied to the hair half an hour before washing and wrapped up to create a thermal effect;
  • egg mask. To prepare it, you need to beat an egg with a fork and add a tablespoon of brandy to it. After applying the composition, the head is wrapped up and everything is left for a quarter of an hour.
  • How to rinse your hair if it has lost its shine

    Rinsing is one of the most popular methods of restoring shine to hair. The procedure is usually carried out after shampooing, without the subsequent application of shampoo. Consider a few effective recipes:

    • apple cider vinegar rinse... To prepare it, dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of water. Recommended to apply 1-2 times a week;
    • broth of parsley... A couple of tablespoons of chopped greens are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The cooled broth is filtered and it is ready for use;
    • apple rinse... The composition is prepared on the basis of the peel of two large apples, which is poured with 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After that, the juice of one apple is added to the strained broth.
    • Essential oils for shine and softness

      Hair shine is achieved by restoring its structure, and for this purpose the following oils can be used:

    • ylang-ylang;
    • lavender oil (most beneficial for oily hair due to its ability to normalize the functioning of the glands);
    • rosemary oil (for dry hair);
    • oils of almost all citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange, etc.).
    • Video: how to achieve shine hair with folk remedies

      A simple recipe for creating "living water" to give your hair shine is covered in detail in this video. You will be able not only to see all the stages of preparation of the composition, but also the application process and, of course, the result of use itself.

      Best Store Products for Shine & Smoothness

      In an effort to find shiny and smooth hair, you can trust the manufacturers of hair cosmetics and use special care formulations. Their assortment is very large today, they are presented not only by different manufacturers, but also in completely different forms. To facilitate the choice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most demanded store products.

      Spray Estel Brilliant shine / Estelle

      Estelle's product is presented in an attractive blue spray bottle (volume 300 ml). The aroma of the product is not causing, the composition is easily applied to the hair due to its good dispersion. After use, the hair acquires a shimmery shine, while it does not stick together and does not weigh down, which is very important when creating volume. In addition, the spray protects the hair from the negative effects of aggressive environmental factors. The most important thing is not to overdo it when applying, otherwise it may be necessary to wash your head.

      Shampoo Yves Rocher / Yves Rocher Ecolabel

      This product is designed in full accordance with the principle of respect for nature, which the company adheres to. The product is suitable for all hair types and has an excellent cleansing ability. The composition contains a large number of nutrients, including vitamin E and lemon extract. Parabens, colorants and silicones are free from ingredients. Thanks to its unique composition, this shampoo not only cleans hair well from impurities, but also gives it a beautiful, uniform shine and natural shine.

      Matrix Color Sync Clear

      The use of this paint gives the effect of glazing hair - enveloping the hairs with a thin protective film, which gives them greater density, shine and shine. The product is transparent, and, therefore, despite its name, "paint" does not change the color of the hair, but emphasizes and makes the existing one richer. It can be used both on hair of natural color and on dyed hair. To use the composition, you need the transparent shade itself and the activator, mixed in equal amounts. If it is necessary to change the color of the hair, the desired shade of dye is added to the mixture.

      Shiseido Tsubaki Conditioner

      The conditioner is primarily intended for those with dull, thin and dry hair. It contains vitamins to restore structure and give a natural healthy shine. In addition, the product replenishes the moisture balance, increases the elasticity of hairs and their strength, and is an effective product for the prevention of split ends. Due to its antistatic effect, the conditioner provides pleasant lightness while brushing. Hair becomes silky and manageable, fits beautifully in hairstyles and looks great.

      Effective Kallos Cream for Shiny Hair

      The product is produced in a small tube of 50 ml, made in Hungary. The cream works best when used on dull, lifeless hair. The product has a creamy texture, it is easy to apply and distribute through the hair. The manufacturer recommends applying it to clean, damp hair, massaging at the roots, followed by distribution along the length and rinsing. The result of using is a beautiful shine, softness, obedience, without sticking hairs and making them heavier.

      Beauty salons offer a lot of techniques, the result of which gives a beautiful shine to the hair. Again, they can be either purely cosmetic or curative. Consider the most popular procedures today:

    • lamination and glazing to improve the appearance;
    • shielding - for deep nourishment of hairs;
    • ozone therapy (suitable for weak hair, prone to loss and oily scalp);
    • mesotherapy, etc.
    • You should not exclude various professional formulations that are applied in the form of masks and also help fight the problem of dullness. Some salons may offer their own unique masks based on natural ingredients that must be applied in the course.

      Anna: I have struggled for years with dry hair after using peroxide, but I couldn't find a normal moisturizer and shine. Light formulations did not give a result, and oily ones made the hair very oily. Today I stopped at the Yves Rocher shampoo - as for a cleanser, it copes well with my problems. But this is not the end of my search.

      Lisa: The hairdresser advised me to use Matrix colorless paint - everything turned out to be simple and easy. The result pleases with brilliance, the price is quite reasonable, so I'm happy with everything.

      Yana: Whatever one may say, I trust natural remedies more. Whether you want it or not, you don't want to buy it, but all kinds of chemistry will always be in the composition. And so - he cooked it himself and you know from what, without worrying about the possible harm of the ingredients.

      How to add shine to your hair at home

      Gloss is known to represent reflection from a smooth surface. Dark, straight hair will look shinier than blonde and curly hair. However, if your curls are of the second type, don't be upset. Tips designed specifically to add shine to your hair will help everyone, without exception.

    1. Temporarily stop using hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons, and hot curlers. The devices are absolutely useless. They help create a hairstyle, but they dry the hair a lot.

    There are 7 enemies of glitter that need to be eliminated:

  • poor rinsing with water after shampooing;
  • perm, dyeing, bleaching, washing off;
  • UV rays (excessive exposure to the scorching sun);
  • poor hair care, rare shampooing;
  • heating devices;
  • frequent combing;
  • regular use of thermo-devices.
  • Decoctions to add shine to hair

    Nettle decoction

  • fresh or dried nettles - 120 gr.
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • rosemary essential oil - 10 drops
  • Boil nettles and place in a dark place for 12 hours. After the time has elapsed, add juice and drip oil, strain well. Rinse hair with broth daily, preferably in the evenings. After the procedure, stop using a hairdryer and styling products.

    Cut the lemon into slices and pour boiling water over, let stand for 6 hours. Place chamomile flowers in another container, pour over with hot water and leave for 2 days. Mix the ingredients together, strain through cheesecloth, pour into a dark container and apply after each use of homemade masks.

    Burdock root decoction

  • burdock root - 45 gr.
  • hop cones - 45 gr.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.
  • pharmacy calendula (solution) - 30 ml.
  • Grind burdock root and hop cones in a convenient way, pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 hours. Add calendula solution and olive oil, strain. Apply the mixture to the entire length of your hair after shampooing, hold for 3 minutes and rinse off. Then you can use a silk protein conditioner.

  • medium roast coffee - 60 gr.
  • burdock oil - 20 ml.
  • Pour boiling water over coffee, wait 2 hours. Add lemon juice (it won't darken your hair) and oil. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and rinse the curls.

    Decoction based on coltsfoot

    Place the plants in hot water and wait at least 7 hours. Strain and apply the composition after each shampooing, if possible, leave it on for 7-10 minutes to be more effective.

    A decoction of burdock and St. John's wort

    Boil the burdock and St. John's wort, wait 6 hours. Cut the persimmon into small pieces and add to the mixture. Wait 20 minutes, strain and rinse hair at least 5 times a week.

    Aloe Vera Decoction

  • aloe vera juice - 100 ml.
  • burdock oil - 30 ml.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • For 1 liter of water there are 100 ml. aloe juice. Add lemon juice and oil there, the composition is designed for one rinse. Apply the broth fresh daily and do not leave it on next time.

  • fresh or dry chamomile - 80 gr.
  • mint - 60 gr.
  • essential oil of apricot - 7 drops
  • ylang-ylang essential oil - 7 drops
  • Steep mint and chamomile for 3 hours, add essential oils and use 3 times a week after applying masks.

    Yarrow decoction

  • common yarrow - 75 gr.
  • birch leaves - 30 gr.
  • fresh parsley - 10 gr.
  • Chop fresh birch leaves, mix with yarrow and parsley, then pour over with boiling water. Wait 40 minutes and rinse your hair. The recipe is considered the most effective of all available folk remedies.

    Boil flax seeds and pour in oil, leave for 3 hours. Add honey, rinse hair with mixture before using shampoo. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.

  • tea with lemon balm - 25 gr.
  • jasmine tea - 25 gr.
  • long tea - 20 gr.
  • cumin - 5 gr.
  • Make a strong brew, dilute it with water 30%, then rinse your hair.

    Shine Masks

    Use masks at least 5 times a week for 2 months, always end the procedure with rinsing with a decoction of medicinal herbs. When you achieve the desired result, do not give up the use of folk remedies, continue to prepare the composition at least once every 5 days.

    Walnut mask

  • walnuts - 10 pcs.
  • ground cinnamon - 20 gr.
  • rye bran - 30 gr.
  • oat flour - 30 gr.
  • sour cream - 40 gr.
  • Chop the nuts in a convenient way, mix them with cinnamon, bran, flour and add sour cream to the mixture. Cover your hair with the composition, wrap your head in a plastic bag or cling film, wait 1 hour.

  • banana - 1.5 pcs.
  • sour cream - 50 gr.
  • natural yogurt with a fat content of at least 5% - 100 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • Grind the banana in a blender or fork and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mass first to the roots, hold for 30 minutes, then spread over the entire length, wrap your head with cling film or put on a shower cap. Lie down to rest for another 1 hour.

    • fresh watermelon - 400 gr.
    • olive oil - 30 ml.
    • egg yolk - 1 pc.
    • nettle - 20 gr.
    • Boil 30 ml of nettle. hot water, wait 30 minutes. Mash the watermelon to make a porridge, and the juice comes out. Whisk the yolk with a whisk or fork, add oil and combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. Cover your hair with the mixture, wrap with cling film and keep for 1.5 hours. Please note that watermelon juice can drain onto the neck, back, décolleté, so cover these areas with a cloth in advance.

      Would you like to add shine to your hair without resorting to lamination and keratin restoration? Visit a professional every month to have your split hair cut to its full length. Rinse your curls regularly with a decoction of medicinal herbs, do not be lazy to make masks and reduce the use of thermo-devices. Replace your regular brush with a natural bristle comb, it does not damage the hair structure. Watch your hair and be irresistible!

      Video: mask for super shine hair

      How to add shine to your hair?

      Beautiful, strong, and most importantly shiny hair is a constant trend that has not gone out of fashion for a long time. At the same time, not many can achieve the desired result. And if you want to constantly surprise others with the shine of your hair, it is best to use the advice of professionals.

      Glitter - in more detail - is the reflection of light off the surface of the hair. It must be remembered that straight hair always looks more shiny than curly hair, because a flat surface reflects light well. And it must also be said that on dark hair shine is seen much better, weeks on light ones. But, do not be upset if you are a curly owner of blonde hair, various hair care products will enable you to achieve the desired result.

      If you want to give your hair an irresistible shine, you should even out its structure. To begin with, various masks and conditioners will be your assistants in this. Some will work on the surface of the hair - they will cover the keratin scales, at the same time softening and making combing easy. And the latter will penetrate deeply and heal damaged areas.

      1. It is necessary to wash your hair with warm, but not hot water. After all, if the water is hot, it will damage the surface of the hair, and they will be dull. Rinse them with cooler water.

      2. Always use conditioner after shampoo. Conditioner should be applied to hair while taking a bath. Steam makes it possible for medicinal substances to penetrate the hair.

      3. If you wash your hair every day, it is better to dilute the shampoo either or at least one brand remain faithful.

      4. It is worth carrying out deep recovery using masks at least once a week.

      5. It is best to use high temperature hair styling tools as little as possible, they can make your hair very dry.

      6. When you dry your hair with a hairdryer, you should take care that the air is not very hot, so that your hair is not damaged.

      7. Use during styling lotions or mousses, they will give the opportunity to protect the hair.

      8. It is important to visit the stylist in a timely manner and trim split ends.

      9. And constantly rinse your hair with clean water after bathing in chlorinated or salt water.

      In a ceramic bowl, you must put one coffee spoon (without a slide) of cinnamon and nutmeg. Next, grind the oatmeal into flour in a coffee grinder and mix with cinnamon and nuts. Next, add boiled warm water there, and knead until a creamy mixture is obtained. Mix everything well again. Rub the mixture into the scalp and cover the hair with it along the entire length, cover the head with a towel and leave it there for half an hour with a mask. We wash off the mask from the hair with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

      Using this mask, you will notice that your hair becomes silky, shiny and healthy-looking.

      If you still have tea leaves from strongly brewed tea, it must be placed in a ceramic dish, pour 3 tablespoons of boiled fat milk there, one yolk, which we beat, as well as a small spoonful of liquid honey and move everything thoroughly. It is necessary to grease the heads with this mixture, put on a plastic bag and cover it with a warm scarf. After 50 minutes, wash your hair with any shampoo.

      Using a shine mask that contains banana and oil will help your hair shine. Here you need to knead the banana well, add butter and yogurt to it and mix thoroughly. Next, apply the mask to slightly damp hair for the entire length. Comb your hair using a wide-toothed comb. After 25 minutes under plastic and towel, rinse hair with water.

      There is also such a mask in which a couple of slices of watermelon need to be crushed to a state of porridge and strain half a glass of juice. With this gruel, you will lubricate the scalp, as well as the entire length of the hair, and put on a small plastic kerchief on top. When half an hour has passed, you need to wash off the gruel and rinse your head with shampoo. You need to add juice to the rinse water, and then dry your hair only naturally. After this procedure, your hair will be silky and shiny.

      Mask for dark hair

      To do this, brew two tablespoons of finely ground natural coffee with one glass of hot water and let it brew until the water cools down. After that, strain the entire mixture and rinse your hair with such coffee water.

      Hair mask

      You need to brew two tablespoons of chamomile for one glass of boiling water. When the broth becomes cold, it is necessary to apply it to clean, dry hair and cover it with a film. When half an hour has passed, wash off and rinse them with water.

      What should the red-haired beasts do?

      To give the desired shine to red hair, you need to do the following. There will be the same technique as for dark hair, only you need to make a mixture of beetroot and carrot juice.

      Remember that to look good, you need to take care of your hair all the time, not once a month or when you remember. You will not be able to achieve shine in one minute, of course, if you do not use a spray to give hair shine, which will act superficially, and at the same time will not affect the condition of the hair. Most sprays usually contain surfactants that will create a protective film that will smooth out imperfections in the structure of the hair and fill the voids between keratin scales. It must be remembered that hair spray will not heal, while its use makes it possible to protect hair from the negative effects of the environment and possible destruction. If you want an instant effect, this is what the spray will give, and it will remain on the hair for a while.

      When you decide to apply the spray, remember that it should be applied to the already done hairstyle, from a distance of 30 centimeters and no droplets should remain during application. When using professional sprays, you will immediately notice their anti-static effect, moreover, they do not weigh hair down or make it look greasy.

      It is worth saying that hair spray is an excellent tool thanks to which you can create beauty and well-groomed, but when using them, one should not forget about their real care, which will provide not only an illusion, but real shine on the hair.

      Stinging nettle is a good remedy.

      It is necessary to pour boiling water over the nettle leaves. Next, make a dark green juice out of them. Add this solution to the water during shampooing. Nettle juice makes it possible to remove dandruff, saturate hair with vitamins and give it shine.

      Lemon is a great option.

      Lemon juice should be added to the water while shampooing. Thanks to him, the hair will have a healthy look and strength.

      If you want to have strong and fast growing hair, then rinse it with a decoction of burdock or burdock.

      White birch makes it possible to strengthen your hair

      It is worth taking 2-3 grams of young leaves, which are covered with resin. Chop them finely and pour boiling water over them. Let them brew for 20 minutes, then rinse your head with them. This broth has a good aroma.

      After you have washed your hair, you need to rinse it with a decoction of parsley. Then they will acquire shine and silkiness.

      Fill the crushed flax seeds with boiling water. Next, you need to wrap it up well, and hold it for two hours. Apply the existing mass to well-moisturized hair. And we leave it for at least half an hour. Then we rinse the head with shampoo. This procedure should be done once a week before washing your hair. Hair will have a healthy shine and elasticity.

      Honey is known to everyone for its positive properties.

      For the mask, you need to mix a teaspoon of honey and 1 tsp. olive oil, and apply the mixture to damp hair, distribute along the entire length, insulate on top for a greenhouse effect. We wash off hair with shampoo.

      Using such folk methods helps to keep your hair in good condition at home, it will be healthy and shiny.

    • Very strong drying and use of various styling products.
    • Brushing too often can damage the ends of the hair.
    • Lack of rinsing after shampooing.
    • Perming and fading is strongly affected.
    • Influenced by sunlight.
    • A huge number of uses for styling products.
    • Do not use dirty hairbrushes.
    • We wish you to always remain beautiful and unique!

      How to achieve shine at home?

      Shine-reflecting healthy strands are always in vogue, regardless of length or smoothness. Therefore, many women spend huge sums of money on the purchase of products to make their hair shine, or visit beauty salons to give their curls a beautiful look with the help of special procedures. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving the desired effect, so follow the advice on how to achieve shine at home.

      In order to return a beautiful and healthy look to your hair, it is not at all necessary to spend exorbitant amounts. You can also take care of your hair at home, which is sometimes much more effective than salon procedures.

      Glitter and shimmer is the reflection of light from a smooth surface. And since a flat surface reflects light rays better, straight strands look shinier than wavy curls or curls. Therefore, for more shine, hair needs to be made smooth.

      Fact! On dark hair, shine is noticeable much better than on light curls.

      5 tips on how to make your hair shiny at home:

    • Comb correctly. You need to comb your strands with a brush with thick but short natural bristles, slowly brushing over each strand 25-30 times, starting from the ends. Professionals call this combing polishing, because during this procedure the scales of the hair cuticle are smoothed, and the hairs begin to shine.
    • Apply a special line of cosmetics. Each well-known brand has special products for hair shine with vitamins, collagen, betaine, herbal extracts, natural oils, etc. High-quality professional products will help restore shine to your hair and give it a natural shimmer.
    • Do a henna stain. Treatment of strands with colored or colorless henna guarantees shine, strengthening and growth of hairs, getting rid of dandruff. In addition, henna does not spoil the structure of the hair shaft, unlike chemical dyes.
    • Add acidity. If you change the neutral environment to acidic, then the cuticle will be smoothed and, accordingly, the hair will shine. Therefore, fruit acids, essential oils or citrus extracts are added to balms and conditioners. At home, you can also add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to the rinse water.
    • Apply natural masks. The most expensive industrial masks are much less effective than fresh homemade masks prepared a few minutes before use. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare a mixture that is good for your hair and always go for natural products for shine.
    • Let's take a look at the best masks for shine and smoothness that are easy to make at home.

      Homemade masks will help restore shine to hair

      Hair beauty, shine, smoothness and health can be achieved by using available inexpensive ingredients for making homemade masks. They differ in the way they are used and the main components. Each mask is aimed at achieving a specific result and positive effect:

    1. For shine and smoothness. Gelatin will help to straighten curls and return shimmer to dull strands. Dilute 1 tbsp. edible gelatin in 20 ml of warm boiled water, add 10 ml of balm. Spread the mixture along the length of the hair and leave for 50-60 minutes, putting a plastic cap and a towel over your head. Wash off with warm water. Apply 1-2 times a week.
    2. For shimmer and growth. Cognac is a great way to give curls a natural shimmer and speed up their growth. Mix 2 tbsp. cognac and 2 tbsp. olive oil, heat to 35-40 degrees, add 1 yolk, mix thoroughly. Apply a warm mask to the roots, and then distribute along the length, wrap your head with plastic and a towel, leave for 45-50 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
    3. For gloss and strengthening. An egg is a versatile hair remedy. Mix 1 egg with 1 tbsp. glycerin (sold in the pharmacy), add 1 tsp. natural honey, beat until smooth. Apply to hair for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure weekly.
    4. For shine and softness. Dairy products will give your curls a special shine and softness. Mix 3 tbsp. natural yoghurt without additives or 3 tbsp. 10% sour cream, add 1 tbsp. coconut oil. Apply the mask to the strands and leave for 30-35 minutes. Rinse with shampoo and balm.
    5. For sparkle and volume. Mask for fair-haired: 2 tbsp. natural honey + 1 tbsp. castor oil. Mask for dark hair: 2 tbsp. cocoa + 50 ml of milk, heat until the cocoa is dissolved. Masks are applied to the roots, then distributed along the length. The holding time of the mixture on the head is 40-60 minutes. Washed off with the usual shampoo.
    6. For gloss and silkiness. Mix 2 tbsp. balsam, 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice and 1 ampoule of B vitamins (B1-B3, B6, B12). After washing, apply the mask to clean, damp hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat this procedure 1-3 times a week.
    7. For shine and hydration. This mask is loved to be used in Mediterranean countries. Grate the cucumber, squeeze the juice, add 1 tbsp. fine salt, mix with the protein of a chicken egg. Apply the mixture to slightly damp hair, let stand for 30-40 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
    8. Homemade masks that restore shine to dull curls are versatile and suitable for all hair types.

      In addition to masks, there are other recipes using folk remedies to make hair shine, firm and smooth:

    9. If the hair is light, then a decoction of chamomile will help bring back the radiance. Apply one cup of strong chamomile broth to wet, clean curls, stand for 30 minutes, warming the head with polyethylene and a towel. Then wash off with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.
    10. If the hairstyle is dark, then coffee will help to add gloss. Brew 2 tablespoons. natural ground coffee, strain and apply a warm drink on wet strands for half an hour. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
    11. If the shovel is red, then vegetables will help to make it shiny. Mix half a cup of carrot juice and half a cup of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. Apply the mixture to the strands, put on a plastic cap and warm up your head with a hairdryer in cold air mode for several minutes, stand for another 20 minutes and rinse.
    12. Infusion of birch leaves. To rinse the hair, pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons. crushed birch leaves, leave for 20-25 minutes. Use for rinsing after shampooing.
    13. Apples for gargling. Pour the peel of 3-4 medium-sized apples with 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool the broth, strain and use for rinsing after taking a bath.
    14. Herbal decoction. Pour 1 tbsp each into 0.5 liters of boiling water. nasturtium, dried marigold and rosemary. Cook for 25 minutes. Use as a rinse after shampooing to make hair shiny and smooth.
    15. After finishing the water treatment, keep clean hair under running cool water. From such a procedure, the pores of the hair shaft are closed, which makes the hair look smoother and more shiny.
    16. Loss of shine and firmness to hair is an indicator of a malfunction in the body. Noticing that the hair has begun to fade, you need to pay attention to the diet and bad habits.

      Home Hair

      Shiny hair is a timeless trend that will never go out of style. However, not many people succeed in achieving the desired result.

      To constantly amaze those around you with glossy shine, follow the advice of professionals.

      How to add dazzling shine to your hair?

      With today's abundance of cosmetics for hair, not many manage to achieve a glossy shine.

      In order for your hairstyle to shine like on the cover of a fashion magazine, you need to know some secrets.

      Hair lamination at home

      The lamination procedure is usually performed in beauty salons, since in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to test the condition of the hair and select the right products, determine the exposure time, etc. However, due to the fact that lamination is not a cheap procedure, from 40 to 100 dollars, some women are trying to save money: they master the lamination technology on their own and carry it out at home.

      Folk remedies for hair shine

      1. Coffee will help to add shine to dark hair. Brew 3 teaspoons of ground coffee in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool slightly. Rinse hair after washing with warm, unsweetened broth.

      Gelatin shine masks

      Gelatin hair masks have an amazing result that can be compared to hair lamination.

      Gelatin coats the hair with a thin nourishing film that saturates the hair with protein and restores its structure. The hairstyle becomes more voluminous, the hair is easy to style, looks healthy and shiny. Try it!

      Hair lamination - before and after

      With today's abundance of cosmetics, keeping your hair healthy and beautiful is not difficult - you just need to regularly and properly care for them. But no matter how good the cosmetics are, sometimes hair needs something special to look like it is on the cover of a glossy magazine.

      Natural hair shine. Care rules

      Glitter is essentially the reflection of light from a smooth surface. Straight hair always appears to be shinier than curly hair because a flat surface reflects light better. Shine is more noticeable on dark hair than on blond hair.

      Shine spray for hair

      Aerosol spray-shine for hair give hair a healthy shiny look. After applying the spray, the hair looks especially well-groomed, and the dyed hair acquires a rich color.

      It should be noted that, unlike hairspray, the spray does not fix the hair, so it is not suitable for fixing the hairstyle.

      Quite a few of the fair sex often cannot understand how to start to like men, because, in spite of good external data, mind and other spiritual qualities, for some reason they remain lonely.

      The psychology of men is very different from the psychology of women. Therefore, if a man does not call after intimacy, a woman, as a rule, does not find a place for herself. There can be a lot of reasons for this behavior, you don't need to panic right away.

      It is often difficult for the fair sex to understand what a man feels after betrayal, but a considerable part of women are sure: peace, joy and euphoria from the novelty of relations with his mistress reign in his soul.

      Breaking up a relationship is always painful - especially if a man has left for another woman. To prevent such a situation from becoming difficult, every woman should know how to forget her beloved man and painlessly survive parting.

      Dreaming of a new relationship with the person they like, women try to intuitively adjust to the character of the chosen one in order to please him 100%. It is recommended to find out in advance how to behave with a Virgo man.

      Every woman wants to give her chosen one maximum pleasure in bed. To make him happy, you should find out what poses men like and more often choose them during lovemaking, then life will become bright.

      What could be better than the tender kiss of a loved one? Probably nothing! If a man kisses on the lips, it will tell you about relationship and love better than any words. How to best communicate your feelings through kissing can be found in this post.

      Stretch marks can appear for various reasons, for example, during pregnancy, with sudden weight loss, hormonal changes in the body. They make girls feel complex, and this article is about how to remove stretch marks on the hips.

    This time we decided to tell you what kind of folk remedies for hair shine... On your choice of rinsing and homemade masks.

    Rinse your hair after each wash:

    • soft non-carbonated mineral water
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of black tea per 1 liter of water (cook for 5 minutes, then cool), add mint well to the broth
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar in 1 liter of water
    • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice in 1 liter of water
    • chamomile decoction for light hair, decoction of hops for dark hair and decoction of onion peel for redheads
    • decoction of nettle (3 tablespoons for 2 glasses of water, brew for 15 minutes in a water bath, rinse chilled; gives not only shine, but also helps)
    • decoction of linden (3 tablespoons for 2 glasses of water, brew for 15 minutes in a water bath, rinse chilled)
    • broth of sage (3 tablespoons for 2 glasses of water, brew for 15 minutes in a water bath, rinse chilled)
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of birch leaves in a glass of water (leave in boiling water for 20 minutes, strain, cool)
    • chilled broth of parsley (boil for 10 minutes 50 grams of herbs in 0.5 liters of water)

    There are more extreme rinsing recipes to add shine to your hair:

    • light beer
    • exhausted champagne (no bubbles)
    • in one liter of white wine, insist a tablespoon of chamomile, rosemary and horsetail. For rinsing, add 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of boiled water.

    How to add shine to your hair with homemade masks

    Recipe number 1 - vitamin mask for hair shine

    Mix 2 egg yolks with about 5 tsp. olive oil, about 5 tsp an oil solution of vitamin E and 10 drops of vitamin A. Apply to damp hair, massage the head for 5 minutes, distribute the mask along the entire length of the hair, cover with a cellophane cap and a towel. Keep for at least 1 hour, then rinse with warm water and wash with shampoo.

    Recipe # 2 - cognac homemade mask for hair shine

    Thoroughly mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tbsp. cognac and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply to hair under a cap and towel for 20 minutes and rinse with water without shampoo.

    Recipe # 3 - almond oil mask for shiny hair

    All ingenious is simple - rub almond oil into the scalp and hold for as long as your free time allows, and then thoroughly wash off the oil with shampoo.

    Recipe number 4 - fruit mask to add shine to hair

    Mash 1 slightly ripe banana to a mushy state and distribute over the entire length of the hair. Hold for 1o minutes and wash off. The delicious aroma of your hair will be a great addition to the shine. To heighten the effect, you can add plain natural yogurt to the banana.

    Recipe number 5 - henna and kefir mask

    Mix colorless henna with slightly warmed kefir or yogurt until creamy. Apply to hair and leave under film and towel for 30 minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.

    Recipe number 6 - homemade mayonnaise mask recipe

    Spread regular mayonnaise through your hair and keep this mask for about 30 minutes. You can experiment with adding various oils to mayonnaise: jojoba, coconut, castor, peach, burdock.

    Recipe number 7 - home remedy for shine from black bread

    Soak the pulp of rye bread in hot water for 30 minutes, then rub into the hair roots and distribute along the entire length. We wrap our head in warmth and hold for 30 minutes.

    Recipe number 8 - mask for shine dark hair

    2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of finely ground natural coffee with 1 cup boiling water and let it brew until the water cools down. Then strain and rinse your hair with the resulting coffee water. Leave it on for half an hour under a plastic cap and then wash off with water.

    Recipe number 9 - mask for shine blond hair

    Brew 2 tbsp. chamomile for 1 tbsp. boiling water. When the broth has cooled, apply it to clean, dry hair under a film. After half an hour, rinse and rinse with cold water and lemon juice at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. juice per 1 liter of water.

    Recipe number 10 - mask for shine red hair

    The same mechanism as with the mask for dark hair, only instead of coffee, a mixture of freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice in equal proportions is applied to the hair for half an hour.

    Choose from the proposed folk recipes how to add shine to your hair the ones that suit you and use them regularly so that your hair is always beautiful and shiny.

    Text: folk remedies for hair shine were collected and courageously tested by Daria Kolitsina for the magazine. All hair is in place and even shiny.

    Perhaps even the thickest and longest hair does not look beautiful if it loses its luster. Shining hair is one of the signs of hair health. Your hair can get its shine back, but you need to figure out why it has lost it.

    Why does hair lose shine?

    There can be two options - either improper care, or a malfunction in the body.

    How do you care for your hair? If you use the right products for washing and styling, if you don't tyrannize your hair with frequent color changes, if you don't hot dry your hair, it will shine. Think - do you blow dry your hair too often? Is your hair dye aggressive? Or have you just chosen the wrong care products?

    If you are absolutely sure that your hair lives in bliss and love, but meanwhile, it does not have shine, look for the reasons inside. Sometimes dull hair is a consequence of hungry diets or a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for hair in the body, and sometimes it is a sign of a serious illness. Eliminate health problems, eat right, do not starve - and your hair will become shiny.

    How to care for your hair to make it shine?

    Finding a good hair wash is very important. What is your shampoo? Does it suit your hair type? For dry and oily hair, the products are very different, because different types of hair need different care. Are you applying shampoo correctly? Is the care you give your hair enough? These are all very important questions, because improper hair washing, and even inappropriate means, can make hair ugly.

    If you use hair dye, choose the least aggressive color - however, these colors are usually more expensive. If you are sure that your hair looks bad from the dye - do not save, change it. And if you are not with the money, switch to natural paints - henna and basma. They do not spoil the hair - on the contrary.

    If you like to blow-dry your hair, then know that hot air not only speeds up the drying process, but also spoils your hair. If you have an expensive hair dryer with many settings, then select the lowest temperature for drying. In general, if you have time, let your hair dry naturally.

    What do you need to eat to make your hair shine?

    A diet for any ailment and even for problems with appearance is the norm. Diet is not fasting, but a special diet. If your hair has stopped shining, you will need to include more foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Replace butter with vegetable oil and some of the meat with oily sea fish. Salmon contains the most fatty acids you need.

    But from diets that are supposedly designed to remove excess fat, refuse. Diets, as strange as it may sound, do not contribute to harmony at all. Most often, you lose slimness from an imbalance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, or hormonal disruption.

    And conjure?

    Proper nutrition and proper care is, in general, all you need. But how can our woman sit idle? Well, you can also improve the appearance of your hair by using homemade rinses and hair masks. Their effect is not very strong, not too persistent, but as aids they are not bad. Here are some recipes for those looking to make their hair beautiful.

    1. Henna. There is nothing better than henna - from it the hair really shines like the sun! Henna masks, applied for only 5 minutes, will hardly dye the hair, and will add shine to the hair. Natural Iranian or Indian henna is not suitable for blondes - it gives a noticeable shade on blond hair. For you - the so-called colorless henna, senna herb.

    2. Herbs also give a good effect: burdock leaves, nettles, birch leaves, sage and ordinary green tea. Brew a tablespoon of the herb with half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and then strain. Rinse your hair with herbal decoction after washing - the effect is wonderful. Blondes: nettle, birch and very dark tea are not suitable for you. Beautiful gives a green tint, birch - gray, and tea - yellowish.

    3. Egg masks help a lot. Beat a raw egg, mix with onion juice, or tea tree oil, or do not mix with anything at all, and soak on your hair for about 10 minutes. Hair will not only shine, you will also get rid of dandruff. Subtleties: If you are allergic to an egg, you don't need to use it; in addition, egg masks have a specific smell, after which it is better to use herbal rinsing to repel the smell.

    4. A mashed banana can be applied to short hair. The hair from him really shines great, but from long hair it is difficult to wash it.

    5. Dry massage with coarse salt restores shine to the hair. Do it once a week.

    6. Oil is a good shine. But not burdock, but ethereal. For shiny hair, rub two to three drops of lavender or tea tree oil into your palms after drying. In winter, this remedy will also remove static from the hair.

    I want it right away!

    If the long paths don't suit you, choose the short one. Hair shine can be restored instantly at the beauty salon.

    1. In any salon, even just a hairdresser, you can take a course of keratin masks. The mask instantly fills the hair with essential protein compounds.

    2. Hair lamination will restore shine with amino acids - one of the important components of any tissue in our body.

    3. Mesotherapy is the most effective method, but it should be carried out by a trichologist. The scalp is injected with a mixture of substances necessary for shine and hair growth. Of course, salon procedures are more expensive than egg masks and nettle rinses - but they also give an instant effect.

    Once again, it is worth recalling that one cannot be limited only to home and salon methods. Proper care and proper nutrition are a must, while masks and saturation of dull hair are just aids. Treat your body with love and attention, and your hair will always delight you with a pearl shine.

    Greetings to all!

    Today we will talk about such a fairly common topic - hair shine. Everyone, without exception, loves when their hair shines and literally sparkles. This gives a more well-groomed look to absolutely any hair, but not all hair delights with shine.

    Why does my hair shine badly?

    I will not drive you into an incomprehensible theory about hair, with its structure, features and physiology, so I will try to explain it briefly. I think everyone knows that our top layer consists of scales, so the better and tighter they adhere to each other, the more shiny the hair and the less tangled. Healthy hair is doing well in this regard, with damaged hair, these very scales bristle and because of this, the hair looks dull, dry and always tangled.

    The scaly layer can be damaged in three ways: mechanical (combing hair when wet, carelessness to hair, friction), thermal (iron, hairdryer, curling iron) and chemical (hair dye, washes, chemistry, carving, boot-up). From all this, the hair begins to shine badly and if you do not take care of them properly and generally "hammer" on them, then a dry washcloth is provided to us.

    Therefore, the first step is to pay attention to all these things that are described above. How do you use thermal devices? Maybe you don't even know what thermal protection is? Or do you dye your hair blonde at aunt Sveta's neighbor, who under the Soviet Union graduated from hairdresser courses and knows everything perfectly? Only by eliminating all these detrimental factors or doing everything as correctly as possible, we can already talk about how to give your hair a healthy shine.

    Products that enhance hair shine.

    In principle, my hair shines well by itself. They are naturally straight, smooth and let's just say it's a sin not to shine. But the means that I recommend will be quite useful for girls whose hair seems to be intact, but it does not shine well in itself, possibly from the peculiarities of the structure.

    Sante mask with emu oil + HEC ampoule from Estel.

    Yes, yes ... I know that all my ears were buzzing with this couple, but I cannot remain silent. If you make a course, then you can not only enhance the shine of the hair, but also heal the hair specifically. I don’t remember how I thought of mixing these two miracles, but after the first mask I had such euphoria, as if I were a scientist who deduced the absolute formula of happiness. Hair after this mixture is insanely smooth, and therefore the shine is unreal! It is a pity that the mask with the ostrich emu is difficult to find and in general now it has been re-released and it is called KeraVit. The new version is practically no different, so feel free to use it.
    * How to use: mix a small amount of the mask together with the ampoule in a separate bowl, apply to wet, washed hair, warm and leave for at least half an hour.

    Thermomask from Avon "Comprehensive care".

    This mini-ampoule came to me by accident, but I fell in love with it after the very first use! Although this is Avon and many will say "fi", but the product is really worthy. Gives very cool shine to hair. Contains the famous argan oil, which also regenerates hair.
    * Method of application: place the ampoule package in a container with warm water, leave to warm up and apply to clean, damp hair.

    Elixir of beauty from Estel.

    I love this product very much. True, it has long been completed, but its full analogue is the third stage from the screening from Estel, which I have. And sometimes I pull out the coveted bottle from the set and style my hair. The shine turns out to be unreal! It can be applied both before styling and after the finishing touch.

    Hyaluronic hair filler from DNC.

    I have a new product and I recently tested it. Very interesting consistency, I do not wash it off. I apply it straight after washing on damp hair after the balm and wrap it in a bun, put on a towel again so that my hair “rests”, after 15 minutes I simply dissolve it and let it dry. Shine gives excellent, as well as good density!

    Balm from Belita with argan oil.

    I noticed that if you take balms with a thinner consistency, then the hair shines from them much better than from thick ones. I don’t know how long it’s true, but according to my observations, it’s so. So this cheap balm gives the hair a very cool smoothness, as a result, a great shine.

    In general, ampoule hair care gives good shine. Even elementary ampoules from Concept give the cherished sparkle in the hair. Leave-in care in the form of oils will also be good, but you need to choose a light consistency! The fluids for shine are the best. Also, do not forget that good cleansing of hair length is the key to good shine. Do not forget to use deep cleansing shampoo once a month so that nothing unnecessary accumulates on your hair and will delight you with its sleek look.

    Hair dye is the easiest and fastest way to achieve salon-like shine on your hair.

    Yes it is. Probably, those who dye their hair will now agree with me how shiny hair is after dyeing. But what about those who, in principle, do not want to dye their hair and are not going to? Or you do not want to dye the length, but only dye the roots (especially for brunettes), but the length is shining worse and worse?

    Colorless toning.

    You need to take an ammonia-free concealer in any professional paint. But it is better to choose more expensive ones with caring components. To him, purchase a minimum oxide, mix and soak according to the instructions on the hair. (why am I not saying exact numbers, because different manufacturers have their own). This is not coloring, it is toning. It helps enhance the shine of your natural color and it may even seem like the color has changed, but in fact it just freshened up and played with different colors.


    An excellent alternative to coloring. I had it from Concept. But now almost all manufacturers have released their lines by lamination. As a rule, there are several formulations in a set, which must be applied alternately. There is absolutely nothing complicated in this and everyone can do this procedure at home, but the result is amazing. Insane hair smoothness and shine!

    Silk glazing of hair from Kaaral.

    The procedure is not cheap and if you want to try it, then it is better to go with your friends and buy a set. It contains 2 liter bottles: composition and oxide. Everything is mixed in equal proportions, it turns out like a gel. Convenient to apply even. I tried on wet hair for 20 minutes. The effect surprised me! The hair was very moisturized, it looked great, shone and the result lasted long enough.

    Hair shielding from Estel.

    I've been with him for almost a year now. Until I decided whether I could recommend buying it or not. Yes, the hair after it is cool, it gives excellent shine, it is very convenient to carry out the procedure ... But the effect lasts exactly until the first shampooing. Every time I do it, I really like my hair, but after washing it feels like I didn’t do anything. I jokingly refer to this set as simply three quality indelible washes. If you want to look like a glamorous diva with hair after a salon for one evening, then it's worth a try.

    My hair doesn't always shine. I will give an example with a photo. The consequences of improper care in the first photo and in the second, competent care without excessive weighting and with suitable products.

    Remember, healthy hair shines best! Take care of them, love them and then you will not have to resort to additional procedures. Thank you all for your attention, I wish you all gorgeous and shiny hair!

    The shine of our hair primarily depends on our health and nutrition. Since all the nutrients that our hair needs every day come to the hair roots with blood, and if there are problems with the body, then it directs vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients to more important organs, and they go to the hair last. It is important to eat at least some daily and be sure to drink about two liters of water daily.

    Do not forget to nourish your hair with complex hair vitamins, preferably twice a year (early fall and early spring).

    Wash your hair with warm water, not hot water, this is one of the reasons for dull hair. At the end, you can rinse with cool water. Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just soap the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo from your head, it will flow through your hair and rinse the length of your hair.

    Use only clean combs, curlers, iron, stylers. Otherwise, residues of conditioners, modeling agents and sebum will drip onto the hair. It is advisable to wash the combs once a week with a mild shampoo, and wipe the iron and stylers with alcohol.

    When choosing hair care products, look in the composition for such components as lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, herbal extracts, aloe extract, oils, there are even special series for hair shine, which include shampoo, conditioner, mask, leave-in. The main thing to remember is that we select shampoo according to the type of scalp, and masks and conditioners according to the type (condition) of hair length.

    What Causes Dull Hair?

    Sometimes we ourselves, without knowing it, destroy the shine of our hair with various manipulations and styling agents:

    • perm;
    • frequent use of an iron and curling iron;
    • aggressive exposure to sunlight;
    • shampooing with hard water
    • using excessive amounts of styling products;
    • using dirty combs and rough handling of hair (combing wet hair, washing the head with hot water, using metal hairpins and rubber bands).

    Folk home remedies for shining hair

    Rinsing hair lemon juice or vinegar... This is the easiest way to smooth your cuticles and add shine to your hair. To do this, add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of boiled water and rinse your hair at the very end after shampoo, mask or conditioner. Gently pat the washed hair dry with a towel, do not rub or curl it.

    Natural base and essential oils for hair. Each oil has a unique complex of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on hair. For hair shine, such oils are best suited: argan, cocoa, coconut, jojoba, avocado, sesame, linseed, olive, macadamia. Essential: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, myrrh, patchouli, chamomile. You can read about how to use essential oils for hair.

    The oils that are used for hair must be cold pressed and of good quality, otherwise it makes no sense to use them for hair, even if they do not harm, then there will be no benefit from them.

    Hair shine masks. Homemade hair shine masks help not only to restore shine to the hair, but also to strengthen it, give it softness, elasticity and restore healthy-looking hair.

    Mask with vitamins A and E

    • 1 tsp avocado oil;
    • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil;
    • 1 tsp honey;
    • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice;
    • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
    • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
    • 1 yolk.

    Mix all the ingredients and you can warm up to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots (make a light massage) and spread over the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash off with shampoo, such a mask can be done once a week.

    Hair shine mask

    • 1 tablespoon brandy;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil (cold pressed)
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1 egg yolk.

    Mix all the ingredients in a glass container (you can warm it up). The mask can be applied not only to the length of the hair, but also to the scalp, it is advisable to warm it and keep it for 40 to 60 minutes.

    Natural henna mask

    • henna spoons (preferably colorless);
    • 1 teaspoon honey
    • 1 teaspoon of brandy;
    • 1 yolk.

    Add cognac, henna to honey and mix well, then add yolk, heat in a water bath. We apply the mixture to the length of the hair, for about one hour, it can be insulated. We wash off the mask with shampoo using a balm or mask.

    Rinse your hair with herbs after each shampooing, natural herbs restore the balance of the hair, transform the appearance, add softness and shine to the hair and have a cumulative effect, read more.

    To maintain the length of the hair in good condition, you can make a cream for the ends of the hair at home, the recipe and reviews can be read.

    Purchased hair shine products

    Purchased hair sprays or fluids give the hair a shiny and well-groomed look, after such products, the hair instantly gains shine, and dyed hair acquires a rich color.

    Today, manufacturers in the field of hair care products offer a huge variety of different sprays - a spray with a brilliant shine, a spray with a healing effect for dry and damaged hair, a spray with protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

    The shine and shine of the hair after using this light texture is achieved by using the three main natural oils that are found in all Orofluido hair care products - argan, cyperius and flax.

    After application, the spray is instantly absorbed into the hair without weighing it down or tangling. Thanks to the natural ingredients that make up the product, the spray is suitable for girls with any type of hair.

    Moisturizing spray-shine, heals and moisturizes damaged dry hair. Moroccanoil has created a unique, ultra lightweight, non-greasy formula that preserves and enhances the shine of hair for incredible silky shine and healthy looking hair. Moroccanoil combines traditional techniques with modern needs.

    Spey gives hair a glossy shine, and the light spray formula coats hair with a thin protective veil, providing long-lasting flexible hold. Makes hair bouncy and more elastic, and also has powerful thermal protection. Protecting from the negative influences of the external environment, the spray prevents unwanted hair frizz.

    The formula contains the component Ceramide A2, which is a building material, an intracellular "cementing" substance. It is able to penetrate deep into the structure of the hairs, giving the strands silkiness, splendor and shine, maintaining beauty and health.

    The formula has also been enriched with lemon extract, which is known for its cleansing, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and tonic properties. This component promotes radiance, activates cell regeneration, normalizes water balance, stimulates local blood circulation, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

    Gel-fluid serum for shine L'Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast Nutriceride Serum Gloss

    This serum is intended for colored, highlighted hair. The gel-fluid is based on the Nutriceride technology, developed on the basis of active polymers. The fluid gel is very easy to use and does not require rinsing. The active formula of the serum works favorably on colored hair, emphasizing the contrast of highlighted strands.

    This keratin-enriched serum is formulated with an innovative formula. The product gently restores damaged hair structure, nourishes, moisturizes and protects curls from negative environmental influences.

    The anti-frizzy components that are part of the serum gently smoothen the hair, make it smooth and shiny, and are not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. After using the serum, the hair is easy to comb, as it has an antistatic effect on them.

    Two-phase conditioner "Nutrition-shine" Acme Professional Fortesse Sprey Gloss

    This cosmetic contains wheat proteins, which contribute to the rapid restoration of split ends and the preservation of the natural structure of the strands. Thanks to its unique composition, the Fortesse two-phase conditioner-spray returns vitality and delightful shine to depleted strands. Also, the components that make up this care product make it easier to dry and comb the hair and give the curls elasticity.

    Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.