An unexpected gift for your beloved. Certificate for the fulfillment of a wish. present just because I love

We will share with you some ideas:

Oil burner:

  1. Buy an aroma lamp.
  2. Study (carefully) the instructions for it.
  3. Choose your favorite place in your loved one’s room or apartment.
  4. Wait for your loved one from work.
  5. Turn on this lamp when your loved one is with her.
  6. Give him a sincere smile.

Warm scarf:

  1. Buy good (quality) threads.
  2. Buy knitting needles.
  3. Remember if you know how to knit (if you don't know how, learn).
  4. Start knitting a scarf for your beloved.
  5. When you finish knitting, sew three buttons on the scarf.

Leaves on which the words are written:

  1. Buy a lot of colored leaves (better - leaflets - stickers).
  2. Write on each of them some beautiful phrase (“I adore you”, “I missed you to madness”, “I adore you”, “you are the best man”, “it’s impossible for me without you”, “you are very pretty "," Thank you for being with me now ").
  3. Place these pieces of paper all over the apartment.

Air balloons:

  1. Buy a sea of ​​snow-white balls.
  2. Inflate all these balloons (be careful not to burst).
  3. Carry the balls to his car little by little.
  4. Decorate it (with balls) as you like.

Matrix (screen) for laptop:

  1. Collect enough money.
  2. Get the matrix.
  3. Take time to go and change it.
  4. Enjoy the result and the joy of your loved one.

Beloved photo session:

  1. Present the guy with the flag of his favorite football team.
  2. Wait until the day when the match of this team will be broadcast on TV.
  3. Invite your loved one to take a picture with a flag.
  4. Tell him to put a photo (the best one) with a flag on the VKontakte avatar.


  1. Get the guy to go out with you.
  2. Take him to some ski center.
  3. Rent some tubing.
  4. Admit to the guy that it was all invented for him.
  5. Have fun every minute of your extreme time.

Shopping for clothes for yourself:

  1. Go to a clothing store.
  2. Buy something cute and seductive from the store (for yourself, but for his sake).
  3. Do a general cleaning at home.
  4. Wait for your beloved from work.
  5. Feed him a delicious but ordinary dinner.
  6. Change into the outfit you bought while he splashes around in the bathroom.


  1. Find some unusual key at your grandmother or in the attic.
  2. Sew a pillow (in the shape of a heart).
  3. Give the guy a pillow and a key.
  4. Tell him that you are giving him your heart and a "master key" from him.


  1. Collect a lot of money.
  2. Buy twenty - thirty (maybe more) bottles of champagne.
  3. Wait for the guy to return from work (or school).
  4. Fill the tub with champagne (instead of water).
  5. Take him to the bath.


  1. Take a large piece of paper (landscape).
  2. Take lots of paints, markers and pencils.
  3. Draw a large and vivid drawing.
  4. Present it when you are sure that it is more than ready.

What gifts can be a real surprise for a loved one:

  1. Plasticine figurine. How to make a figurine? Any. You just need to choose expressive colors so that it is not boring to look at it.
  2. Training apparatus. It can be any (for anything) simulator! But take into account the dimensions so that there is where to put it.
  3. A set of handkerchiefs. Modestly? But he will not think that you can give such a gift! The right thing and never superfluous.
  4. Bike. You can ride it together. This is a wonderful surprise on wheels! The guy will be delighted with him despite the fact that he already has an expensive and beloved car!
  5. Ashtray. It will be relevant if your loved one belongs to smokers. If not, then it's not worth giving it.
  6. Tetris. It will remind you of a distant childhood. The guy will be delighted, even if he is already over thirty in age.
  7. Wristwatch. Don't chase the price! If you see an unusual watch - buy it! True, you still need to take into account the attitude of your loved one to the watch.
  8. Huge pie or cake. Don't have time to stand in the kitchen yourself? Order a similar "charm" in a store or online store!
  9. Notebook. One (which he already has) he will use for work, and the second for everything else. Many guys dream of such surprises!
  10. Anything collectible. Remember (ask) what he likes to collect. Replenishing his collection with at least something small, you will make your loved one very happy!
  11. Constructor. Probably, the guy didn't play enough with them when he was little! And if he played enough, then in his "childhood time" there were definitely no such toys! See how happy and surprised he is with the surprise! The designer will have a pretty constructive influence on him.
  12. Soft toy. There are wonderful toys (oversized) that can be used as pillows, armchairs or a sofa.
  13. Alarm clock (flying). He will be immensely grateful to you for such a gift - a surprise. After all, it is quite difficult for men to get up (wake up) in the morning. And you will make his life easier with your surprise.
  14. Wall mounted TV. Put it in place of the old one that stands and gathers dust in the corner.
  15. Mini - bar or mini - refrigerator. Many men dream about this. After all, they want to relax sometimes.
  16. Board game. Choose any! The main thing is that you present it in an unusual, unexpected way.
  17. Clothes hanger. Let it have at least ten hooks. And it's okay if it is a little "glamorous" (decorated). And men love pretty little things.
  18. What worthy surprise can you make for your loved one? - Ring (gold). Give this to your beloved if he likes gold. You can also give a silver one, if it is more supportive of silver. Feel free to donate a chain too!

Switch over. ... ...

Good day!

Tell me what pleasant and romantic surprise can you make for your beloved one?

If you don't have any ideas - write what surprises you have arranged for your halves! Thank you all girls!

Button (Vika):

Enough for a romantic dinner (breakfast, lunch)! Not all men are positive about surprises. I want to say that you still need to know who can make surprises, and who is undesirable!

Affectionate Maya (Tonya):

Does he like tea? Buy a box of tea bags. Attach the hearts that you cut to each bag. The same can be done with coffee bags.

Vampire (Lily):

It's trite, but cool if you've never done this! Buy something your boyfriend needs, hide it somewhere. Make a bunch of different notes with hints that will lead him to a surprise.

Bunny - Mistress of Her Destiny (Katya):

I got a tattoo on my palm (with the name of my beloved). Ratmir was awesome! It's so nice that he did the same. He didn’t pin his name on his palms, but mine!

Not Your Role (Karina):

Give him a mug with a photo of your joint. Well, or any other subject. An important feature is your photo.

A Cup of Strong Coffee (Lucy):

Tell me you're pregnant! At the same time, you can check how he treats you and the kids. But she would get mad at him if the reaction was “strange”. A man is often in some kind of shocking state (even if the news is happy).

Milling cutter (Tanya):

Well, in order to talk about pregnancy, you need to do everything to make it true. Give him an unforgettable night of romance full of surprises. Well, and after nine months please with a second surprise (about your position).

MorkOFFochka (Tanya):

Do you have a car? Decorate it with tons of balloons! Don't forget about any car part. All details should be decorated without exception. Finally, place the balls on each of the car seats. You can wash the car, but so that the efforts are noticed.

Daughter of Die Hard (Galya):

If you have never brought a guy breakfast in bed or even a cup of coffee is empty - do it! You cannot imagine how he will be glad of such a surprise. And don't grumble if he answers you with the same surprise! He is not a "repeater". He just loves you!

Hope for the Best (Nadia):

How about a ticket to a concert? Well, or some kind of sports match…. Go with him if you see fit. Or you can let him go with your friends to show that you trust him like yourself. Men value a woman's trust very much. Trust is a huge rarity these days.

Light In A Dark Coat (Nastya):

Bake (bake yourself, don't buy!) A huge cake or pie! Such that he could barely crawl through the door. In general, it is better to time such a surprise on a special day, but you can present such a surprise to him on an ordinary day! Only if he loves sweets very much….

Autumn Leaf (Milena):

My surprise is something romantic about sex. Men love inconstancy in postures, caresses, improvisation. Try something like that too!

I Don't Love You No More (Olya):

Give him a notebook with your own poems! If you don’t know how to write poetry, donate an album with your drawings, or with photographs (if you love and know how to photograph). I give my lyrics to Sana, and he "applies" them to the guitar strings. And we get collective creativity.

Internet Addiction (Anita):

Notebook, netbook or laptop! Here's what the surprise will be. Especially in this case, if you have to use the same laptop, because there is no other.

Magic and Wonderful All Over Head (Zoya):

And take him - what are you to a pizzeria or a cafe! But not so, not purposefully! Stop by for something in a hypermarket that has either a cafe or a pizzeria. Then tell him to look for what you came for, that you will wait for him on the sofa (on the chair) in the pizzeria and because you are tired. Take the menu yourself and order all the most delicious. And then pay for everything yourself!

Mila I (Sasha):

Give him what he dreamed of for a very long time. And it's easy to find out about his dreams: ask what he dreams of. Or start with your wishes and then ask what he would like. I hope his dreams "lend themselves" to fulfillment? I gave a “two-SIM” smartphone to a guy! I love to give such gifts that people use every day!

Olshevskaya Veronica (Veronica):

Break into television and perform there! Or say hello to him on the radio. This will definitely be a surprise of unthinkable proportions! I didn't check it myself, but my friend did it.

Tank Girl (Dina):

Shower for two. This idea will please him very much. But don't be alarmed if she shocks him too much. The amazing takes some getting used to.

Rose of July (Julia):

Make a compliment tree with your own hands. How to do it? Anything and from anything! The main thing is that there is something to attach the leaflets with compliments. It is better to make notes on colored paper so that his eyes will also please with a gamut of colors.

A Vulnerable And Strong Woman (Katya):

Heaped him with sweets! Buy waffles, cookies, cakes, sweets, juices…. Buy a lot - a lot of everything so that your eyes run up from the amount of this multitude. Lay it out the way you like it. Wait for the guy to come to your house (or to you, if you live together). Play a cool comedy, chew on sweets, and continue the evening with romantic sex or petting!

Insidious Miss (Ira):

As old as the world, but very happy men! Buy a new robe for yourself, erotic lingerie and wait for the guy to come home from work. When he comes - put on all this "happiness" after a shower, use a delicious perfume and give him something at night that he will never forget!

Lily Fluffy (Lilya):

Ha - ha! Give him a bouquet of flowers! This is more of a cool surprise than anything else. But the idea itself is extraordinarily incredible. I will decide on this on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I will definitely make up my mind! And I personally came up with the idea, because I love to destroy all sorts of stereotypes. I do it with pleasure. Friends in me respect this "addiction". And I, inspired by their respect, continue to develop my destruction further!

We hope you understand what a surprise you can give your boyfriend!


Let's continue. ... ...

A good relationship is not always complete understanding and predictability. Sometimes it is necessary to add sharp notes to them and do something unusual, which will allow you to look at each other in a new way. A great option for such a "shake-up" would be a surprise to your loved one. But it is very important to think over everything thoroughly and organize it correctly so that your gift will bring joy, and not unnecessary problems.

Which surprise to choose?

Choosing the right surprise is half the battle. You need to find out what can please your young man, so as not to get into a mess. In successful couples, such a problem usually does not arise, since the preferences of loved ones have long been no secret. But if you are dating relatively recently, it will be difficult to predict the reaction.

Most Lucky Surprises

The first thing to remember: a surprise is not a demonstration of your wealth or imagination, it is what you do for your loved one. In relationships with men, it is better to adhere to the rule that everything ingenious is simple. There is no need to come up with incredible gifts and complex delivery scenarios, such a surprise will get boring even in the process of receiving it.

A romantic dinner is a great surprise

The easiest way is to prepare a romantic dinner for him. Show your culinary talents, and if you don't have them, order food in a restaurant, but don't advertise it. Spend half an hour creating a suitable environment, but do not overdo it, it will be enough to order in the room and neat table setting with a minimum of decor, for example, a candle or a small bouquet. Balls, petals and "romantic lighting" as in an inexpensive brothel is unlikely to be appreciated by a man. The main thing is to look stunning and hint that this is all for his beloved.

Do not be afraid to seem banal, the simplest cup of coffee, brewed with your beloved hands and served in bed in the morning, can bring more joy than an expensive and original, but unnecessary gift.

Nice surprise - handmade. Even if you are far from being a craftswoman, he will appreciate the diligence and the fact that for his sake you sacrificed your free time. It is desirable that the gift is practical. By the way, the general cleaning in his house is also a good surprise.

Invite your loved one to football is one of the best surprises

Another good surprise is to be willing to share his passion. Invite him to go fishing, football, billiards, offer to do what he likes together. If he is a football fan, you can buy tickets to the stadium or organize a TV screening with beer and other items. Even if his infatuation annoys you, be patient for a day. And, of course, we must not forget about intimate surprises. Usually, any suggestions to diversify the sex life of men are well received.

And it is imperative that when preparing a surprise, it is necessary to take into account the age, character of a man and his occupation. If a husband comes home in the evening after working a shift at the machine at the factory, hungry and tired, and his wife invites him to play in search of a surprise, this is unlikely to please him.

What surprises are better not to do?

If you search on the Internet, what is the best surprise for your loved one, you can see thousands of options. But, unfortunately, most of them are not very suitable for real life, or they turn out to be very "amateur". Agree, not every man will like it if he is presented with a parachute jump, a pet or congratulations on a big board. Therefore, if you are not sure that the surprise will be appreciated, it is better not to do it.

When making a surprise, think about how to eliminate its consequences.

Often, girls are advised to organize a search for a gift using notes hidden in the house. The idea is interesting, but only suitable for entertaining young children. An adult man is unlikely to like to spend his free time walking around the house in search of something unknown. The situation is the same with fireworks and air lanterns, especially if you have lived together for a long time and you have a common budget. It is unlikely that a man will feel a surge of love for you, watching his money float into the sky, no matter how romantic it looks.

Most men would definitely like it if their beloved woman danced a striptease for them. But the girls are complex, embarrassed by the imperfect figure and movements. But you should not be afraid, for your man you are the best, even if you differ from the glossy picture in the magazine.

Often, girls are advised to give their beloved his portrait or their common one. This option is not bad, but not all men like to decorate their homes with their own images. But a portrait printed on a mug is another matter, it certainly will not gather dust somewhere behind the closet.

When lighting candles at home, do not forget about fire safety rules

And the last piece of advice is to observe the measure in everything. If you decide to clean up his house, then you do not need to throw away everything that seemed unnecessary to you, and change his curtains to pink with ruffles. And if you got the idea to diversify your intimate life, you should not immediately do hymenoplasty, invite strippers or jump out of the cake.

How to prepare and present a surprise

First you need to make sure that your surprise is what the man wants. If you don't know his hobbies very well, try to explore them. The second thing to consider is whether your man likes surprises at all. There are people who are confused and upset by any deviations from the usual rhythm. It is better to warn them in advance that you are preparing something so that they have time to tune in to the right wave.

To make the surprise really unexpected, it is advisable not to plan it for the holiday, but to do it on the most ordinary day, if, of course, the schedule allows. Try to prepare for it without disrupting the normal rhythm of a man's life. Believe me, if you forbid him to move around the apartment for a couple of days, so that he doesn't see something superfluous, or you disappear somewhere, preparing a gift, this will bring more problems than joy.

Mishandling a gift can ruin the whole experience

As for the presentation of the surprise itself, it is important to do it correctly, without overly escalating the situation. At one time it was fashionable to pack a small but expensive gift in a large number of boxes, so that the first box was at least a meter in length and width. At first glance, this is interesting, but patiently picking open the packages in search of a gift is more typical for girls. In addition, immediately after receiving the gift, you will have to collect all the waste paper in a heap and take it out of the house, which can ruin the whole solemnity of the situation. Therefore, the delivery of a surprise should not take too long and create additional problems.

A pleasant surprise is a great way to renew and strengthen relationships. But when preparing him, you need to take into account the interests and wishes of the man and try to please him first of all. In addition, do not forget about the sense of proportion, your surprise should bring joy, and not frighten the man and put him in an uncomfortable position.

Maya Taturevich September 29, 2018 11:36 pm

The birthday of a beloved man is a special holiday in which you want to give him what he dreams of more than anything else. Vivid emotions, a festive table, a lot of friends will create a festive mood, but without a carefully thought-out presentation, the celebration will be a little incomplete.

Do you want to make this day truly unforgettable? In this article, we will show you how to surprise your loved one for his birthday: we have collected the best ideas especially for you.

How to choose a gift for your beloved man?

Before you go to the store for a present, it's worth making a list of what your lover is fond of. You can fit anything into it: from reading books on electronic media to comics or Marvel toys. Do you think that such surprises are not serious, and it is worth giving something global? Nothing of the kind: it is not the value of the gift that is important, but the emotions that you put into it.

Remember: adult men are the same boys who will enjoy a radio-controlled car or quadcopter more than a cool watch from a global manufacturer.

It is in your power to make a little surprise for a guy - the main thing is to know his preferences. Let's think about what you can give to the most beloved man in the world?


Here are some great ideas for what to present to your significant other: based on his interests:

  1. The sportsman will be delighted with a mountain bike, a cool snowboard, carabiners and equipment for mountaineering, goods for fishing or hunting.
  2. A traveler who dreams of walking a hundred roads will be delighted with cool trekking shoes, a map of the world, a globe - bar, a tent or a cool backpack.
  3. The gamer will be delighted with a cool video card, a powerful gaming laptop, headphones or a special computer mouse.
  4. The motorist will like massage cape or covers for seats, video recorder, speaker system or sippy cup.
  5. A musician should present a musical instrument, a waterproof speaker for a shower, tickets to a concert of his favorite artist.

But lovers of modern technologies will like the latest smartphone model, smart watch, game console, camera. Just remember what he has long dreamed of.

Men's watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price by link)

In addition to gifts of interest, there are a number of gifts that will not leave indifferent any man:

  1. Impressions. Present a flight in a hot air balloon or paragliding, an ATV race, a trip to a climbing wall, a trip to another city, a mysterious quest - this will be an unforgettable holiday.
  2. Books. As you know, this is the best gift. Check out his favorite authors in advance and donate their latest masterpiece.
  3. Sweets. All men are big children who eat candy and cakes at night. You can buy ready-made cake, but even better, bake it yourself. As for chocolate, there are now many sites on the Internet where you can order handmade chocolate wrapped in personalized covers.
  4. Decorations. Cufflinks, a beautiful watch, a stylish gold pendant will be a great surprise for those men who are accustomed to dressing up fashionably.

Gold pendant with diamonds, SL(price by link)

Remember: perfume, money, stationery and tools are not a gift! Show imagination and creativity - your loved one will appreciate it and will love you even more. However, if you want to give something intangible, you can arrange a day of surprises - no one has ever given him such a gift before you.

Unusual surprises

Want to impress your lover and create a festive mood right after you wake up? Then you should arrange an unusual surprise for your beloved husband in the morning for his birthday: it is very simple to do this:

  1. Bring breakfast in bed. To do this, you can put on a maid's costume: believe me, no man will refuse such a romantic start to the holiday. And you breakfast then eat together.
  2. Record a congratulations clip. Choose your best collaborative photos, add cool captions and melodies, and edit videos with Windows Movie Maker. You can ask your friends to say a few words about the birthday boy, or you can ask strangers to help them wave their hand and say the phrase: "Happy Birthday!"
  3. Present a jar labeled "100 Reasons I Love You." It's very easy to make them, and your man will love the fact that he is so cool.
  4. Party with friends. While one of your friends distracts your lover, decorate the room with balloons and streamers with congratulations, organize a festive table, arrange decorations, carefully think over the scenario. If the birthday person is a fan of a movie or computer game, try to recreate it in reality. Believe me, he can never forget such a surprise!
  5. Certificate for the fulfillment of desires. You can buy ready-made, but it's even better to do it yourself. To do this, we need a notebook or album, on the cover of which the name of the hero of the occasion and the date of the event are written. Inside, you can write any wishes: "Going to the bathhouse with friends", "Evening of fabulous passion", "New machine on the control panel", etc. If reluctance to make a book myself, you can buy it on websites that specialize in unusual gifts.
  6. Romantic dinner. Have you decided to celebrate the holiday together? Prepare or order his favorite dishes at the restaurant, buy delicious wine or champagne, put on a seductive dress and lace underwear. But remember: this is only one part of the iceberg - it should be supplemented with some cute little surprise.

We hope that the ideas for a birthday surprise for your beloved man, collected in this article, inspired you, and you are already preparing unforgettable for your soulmate surprise.

Photo of a surprise for a loved one on his birthday - a romantic candlelight dinner

The main rule when giving a gift is to give it from the bottom of your heart. And then even a burnt cake or a homemade postcard will become the best and most desirable gift for your beloved man.

Married young ladies know perfectly well that marriage is constant, painstaking work on relationships. Work, everyday life, children, common household leave no room for former romance, lofty feelings. And what kind of sex with a loved one can be if you fall from your feet from fatigue, dreaming of rest?

What is the basis for a successful union of two loving people? Warmth, attention, support and compassion are indispensable "components" of family life. Only without laughter, joy, unexpected surprises and the ability to surprise, harmony develops into boredom, and love and passion are overboard in the boat called "family".

Find a fraction of the time, surprise your loved one with an unexpected present, a romantic walk or a football ticket. Excuses about the lack of money, forces are not taken into account. How to raise the degree of passion in marriage and how to please your spouse? Top 7 pleasant, surprising surprises (budget and not so) to make your beloved husband jump with delight:

  1. Write a love note.

    Do you think this is trite, boring and ... simple? Nothing like this! Paper, a pen (or rather a pen) will help you. Love words or secret desires found in the middle of the working day in a pocket of your trousers or wallet will be an incentive to quickly finish office tasks and go home.

  2. Show how much you value their care and attention.

    Fulfilling a request for help with purchases, to go to visit your sister, mother after a grueling day at work, a loving husband does not pretend to be rewarded. Show how valuable his care and attention are to you by presenting tickets for the game of your favorite team, booking a table for the male company of your spouse and his friends in the pub.

  3. Have a King's Day.

    Offer to play an unusual game. Free this day from the hassle, take the kids to their mother, grandmother, friend. Today you are a servant of His Majesty (literally, but who knows ...). Ask your husband to make a preliminary "List of dreams", making them come true. Yes, one should not expect a return gift: men are not quick-witted creatures. Therefore, appoint the "Queen's Day", notifying of the "significant" date of the spouse.

  4. Share his hobby.

    Online tanks, fishing, hockey or volleyball - take part in your husband's favorite hobby. And who knows, suddenly this kind of leisure will become your hobby?

  5. Vacation for two.

    A weekend or a whole week on a paradise island where the sun is shining, you have nowhere to rush to be an unexpected gift for your loved one. Even if this “island” is in your country house, spend time with your spouse in a pleasant “doing nothing”, arrange a romantic dinner with potatoes baked on coals, a can of sprat and a tomato from the garden.

  6. Find a surprise (arrange a quest).

    Notes, lipstick inscriptions on mirrors, an unusual pointer held by an elastic band of his swimming trunks and searches, searches, searches will captivate your loved one more than the surprise itself. Do you want an explosion of feelings? Choose an unusual box for a gift, which, when opened, produces the effect of a clapperboard.

  7. Ask for an unusual date.

    Order dinner on the roof of a high-rise building, fly in a hot air balloon, jump with a parachute or dive into the depths of the sea: having financial freedom, a little time and the help of a special agency selling impressions, an unusual date with your husband is guaranteed. Can't quarrel with money? Ask the locksmith for the key to the attic on the roof: organize a "student" buffet table, reminding your loved one about the carefree time of your dates.